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Chapter 520: Meet the old underground

【520】 Meet the old

The strength of the United States as a world superpower is unquestionable, including those who retreated to the Antarctic base. They were originally an echelon of the "government" organization. They prepared for the Americans to save the tinder when the domestic power was completely lost, and when the T virus Antarctic base spread At that time, the Americans adopted measures such as killing, burning and freezing to completely isolate the infected people, but with the peak of the virus infection, some high-level zombies appeared, and the US forces soon could not control them. They were established within a few months. The huge base that rose up completely collapsed.

In fact, in the early days of the early emergence of the virus, Americans joined several other countries to build a safe base. After all, the abandoned base of Chu Xiang was temporarily set up, and there was no guarantee of security. When the virus could not be controlled, the US forces began to organize. Withdrawing the base personnel, the abandoned base could be completely abandoned. As the infection peak period passed, the personnel transferred to the base got rid of the virus threat.

However, these survivors who have emerged from the shadow of the t virus have not been happy for a long time, because the base is established underground, and the fear of the last days and the long depressed life have completely stripped the coat of civilization of the former world, and eventually the Antarctic underground base has become thousands. One member of the ordinary base, the regime holds the hands of a small number of people. In order to satisfy the spirit of emptiness, they have come up with countless ways to "sex". At the same time, with the coming of the food crisis, the civilians in the underground bases are not as good as pigs and dogs. Life, in exchange for food, they have to think of everything and do things that they dared not imagine in the former world.

Chu Xiang did not specifically ask Chen Xiuying what crimes she had suffered. Looking at her face "color", she knew that it must be a painful memory. Think about how she would rather escape from the risk of being frozen to death and know how hot the life inside is It seems that Chu Xiang is going to be the God of saving the world this time, but the current problem is where is the Antarctic base?

"The base is definitely in the seawater, and it is a special seawater layer. The temperature of the seawater is used to heat the room, and the indoor temperature can usually reach about 10 degrees. Therefore, I guess that the underground base is located near the hot spring, but the current Antarctic topography is very complicated and caused by continuous low temperatures. Glacier formation, the snow layer increased by one to two meters less in two years, and then lost the satellite navigation, so even if we know that there is a hot spring near the base, we can't find it. "Chen Xiuying said his own inference.

Chu Xiang said: "It's all right, aren't there four people who know the road outside? We just follow them."

Chen Xiuying was startled: "What? I thought you were just curious about it. Do you really want to go to the base? You do n’t want to die, you ca n’t get in and out of that place. When you regret, you wo n’t have any place to cry."

Chu Xiang realized that his thoughts had frightened Chen Xiuying. Now he is just a small prisoner. According to the truth, he should think about how to escape, how can he go to the base and die to death, "Hehe, you misunderstand me, Isn't it possible that we can't escape now, so if we only learn the spirit of Ah Q, let it be a paradise there. "

Chen Xiuying's face was hazy: "You haven't been there, so you said so easily. Anyway, I will never return if I die. We must find a way to escape, even if I die, it is better to be humiliated than to go back, and I see your skill Yes, don't you have a way to escape? "

Chen Xiuying said that Chu Xiang ’s strength was entirely inferred from his fear of coldness. She knew nothing about Chu Xiang ’s true strength, otherwise she did n’t have to worry about it, but at this moment, even if Chu Xiang tells the truth, Chen Xiuying is not I will believe that, therefore, Chu Xiang did not say how powerful he is, and that this kind of bragging approach Chu Xiang disdain to do.

"I thought about escaping, but do you think it is possible? Even if they don't guard us, where do we go to avoid such a heavy snowstorm?" Chu Xiang naturally will not leave, and can only use this reason to perfuse Chen Xiuying.

Chen Xiuying got up and looked outside the house for a while, then came back with a blue face. The temperature outside was scary. Her body couldn't bear the effort at this moment. Needless to say, the building was blocked by the strong wind that could easily blow away. Looks like you do n’t have to find it tonight

Thinking of running away. What's more, the younger brother had to use tools if he didn't wake up and wanted to escape. Those snowmobiles had been taken away by Chakos, and Chen Duo's mount was roasted and eaten. As for Rosff's red-skinned monster, the owner After death, it lost control. Who knows where the wind was blowing at the moment, and it would be harder to escape here on foot than to climb to the sky. Otherwise, the Chacos would not let them stay here.

Chen Duo, who was lying on the floor, suddenly moved, and Chen Xiuying hurriedly took care of him: "Brother, how are you? You must wake up, your sister is your loved one. As long as you are safe, change your sister's life. can."

I do n’t know if Chen Xiuying ’s concern touched God, Chen Duo turned over and even woke up. Although his temperature was still a little high, he could wake up to indicate that the situation was better. “Sister, where are we? What about those baddies?”

Chen Xiuying hugged her brother and said, "Great, you're finally fine. We are in an abandoned old base. There was a big storm outside, and we couldn't go anywhere. There were four camps in the building next to the bad guys, etc. As soon as the wind and snow slow down, we will find a way to escape. In short, my sister will not let you go back to the base to suffer. "

Chen Duo shook his head hard. In fact, he woke up once after arriving at the old base, but was kicked out before one minute, so he was still confused about the surrounding environment, but when he saw a pile of snow-white leather in the corner "With a pot of broth cooked on the fire, Chen Duo's mind woke up soberly.

"Follow the wind! My herd! What did they do with my herd?" Chen Duo eagerly asked his sister, although he had just woke up, but his strength was not small. The pinched Chen Xiuying exclaimed, Chu Xiang Looking down, Chen Duo stepped forward and said, "Hey, my life is almost out of my mind and I still remember your pursuit, is it more important than your sister?"

Chen Duo almost shouted, "What do you know, we can't live outside the world without chasing the wind. I am willing to take the life of me and my sister to protect it! Sister, don't tell me you didn't save the chasing the wind. "

Chen Xiuying apologized to Chen Duo: "Brother, you will be dead when you are chased after chasing the wind ..."

Chen Duo said to Chen Xiuying loudly: "Nonsense, it just fainted. I understand chasing the wind. Didn't you save it, don't you just watch someone peel the skin and then you put the meat in Is it cooked in a pan? "

Chen Duo became more and more excited. He saw a pile of visceral garbage in the corner, and then saw the meat in the pot to associate things with similar things. Chen Xiuying couldn't be heard by his younger brother, and his face was "red" and flushed. Chu Xiang was angry. This kid's brain is sick, so he has to teach his sister.

The thought of Chu Xiang mentioning Chen Duo here and slap him in the face, which also made him sober and sober. Who knows that Chen Duo hasn't said anything yet, Chen Xiuying actually refused to let it go, and he jumped and hurled to Chu Xiang, like an enemy, how could Chu Xiang be hit by her, and toss Chen Duo aside, and said, "Forget it, I did nothing wrong between you and your sister. You sister is too fond of your brother. And your little brother does n’t know it. If your sister has the ability to save the wind, will she still not save it? Just how much aggrieved she was just to save you, you just ignored it and woke up with the broken wind and that thing No matter how important it will be over your sister? "

After all, Chu Xiang went straight out, leaving Chen Duo and his sister with a stern face. Chu Xiang slaped him soberly. Who is good in this world? Of course it was my sister, but what I did just now, I blame my sister for not protecting her, and what can she do if she does not have her. Besides, she may be humiliated by bad people to save herself.

Chu Xiang ignored the sisters and brothers who were crying together in the house. The snowstorm outside was heavy, and it was not a problem to stay frozen in the snow. Chu Xiang teleported back to base zero. Everyone did not expect him to return so soon. I thought things were about to happen. When Chu Xiang said that even the gates of the base had not been "touched", he realized that the Antarctic base was not easy.

"Will we go with you?" Zhang Jingyao

Xie Shanshan usually stays at base zero. Today happens to be the sisters Fang Su and Fang Ya. Since these two women have not evolved, they always want to prove that they are not weaker than Zhang Jingyao and other women. They guide construction in bases almost every day. I came back to visit my parents this day and heard Chu Xiang talk about Antarctica. They unanimously proposed that they seemed to go to Antarctica or East and West Pole, as long as there was Chuxiang.

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "Forget it, you forgot about the" lost "thing of losing the city. If it was not for us being cautious, maybe that computer would have started the destruction device. I do n’t believe that the Americans would not leave it alone. They can't hold Antarctic bases and they will certainly do damage. "

Xie Shanshan said: "You think about it. Besides, it is speculated that the base may still be in the seawater. In that case, the damage cannot be sustained. It seems that you have to bear the burden on your own, and we can't help in anxiety."

Chu Xiang shrugged and said, "Who makes me your man? This burden is taken for granted."

Zhang Jingyao looked at his wrist watch and said, "Hurry up and pack up the equipment you may use. I'm afraid the sister and brother will not find you and you will doubt it. Don't be surprised before you understand the Antarctic issue."

Chu Xiang was naturally more cautious than Zhang Jingyao. He went to the warehouse and loaded some cold protection supplies, and then teleported back to the old base in Antarctica. The two sisters who stood by the open metal door of the blocked door stood up alertly. People sat down again.

"Where did you go? I just went to the door and didn't see you." Chen Xiuying asked.

Chu Xiang said: "I just turned around."

Chen Duo said angrily: "It's dangerous here, do you know? Don't go out blindly if you're fine."

Chu Xiang thought, if it ’s not for your sister and brother to make a place for the ghosts to go outside to be frozen. Besides, it ’s dangerous for them both. If they fail to protect themselves, they care about others, but they are enthusiastic. If they are not afraid of another house, The four had long been suspicious of the sisters and brothers.

Seeing that Chu Xiang was silent, Chen Xiuying said apologetically: "Don't be angry, my brother speaks straight, but it's really dangerous here. I'm not talking about the zombies or the four bad guys outside. There are holes and ice cracks everywhere. , In case it falls into trouble. "

Chu Xiang nodded and thanked Chen Xiuying for reminding him. Then he closed his eyes while lying down by the fire. Although Chen Duo was awake, his body was still weak, and he fell asleep after a while. Chen Xiuying remembered running away from time to time to observe the hole. The wind did not turn out until dawn, and the four people who had been hiding for a while outside saw that nothing had happened and moved back, so that Chen Xiuying's escape plan did not work.

Two days later, Chen Duo ’s injury stabilized, and the snowstorm stopped. Chacos directed everyone to go on the road. Chen Xiuying and Chen Duo planned no fewer than ten escape plans. As a result, none of them worked, and then they went to the snow helplessly. Car, Chu Xiang is currently unable to perform satellite positioning, so he only desperately remembers the glaciers that he walked on the road, but as the depth of the interior of the ice field becomes more complicated, the later Chu Xiangji's mess, he can only follow his eyes and follow Kos go.

A magnificent glacier disappeared on the road today. Chacos and others jumped off the snowmobile. It seemed that the destination had arrived. However, Chu Xiang looked at the surrounding terrain more than ten times and found no entrance. As you enter a large glacier crack, and then turn east to west to an ice slope, there is a small square here, as well as several large ice banks dug out from thick glaciers, with several cars parked inside Snowmobiles, and some cold protection equipment, Chakos and others parked the snowmobiles inside, and then threw their backpacks down the ice slope.

"Finally, we have completed the task anyway, three of us, so let's know ourselves." Chakos is not really a bad guy, and no one will stop at Chen Xiuying because of his blocking along the way, otherwise I do n’t know How many accidents have occurred, so Chu Xiang has not included him in the scope of humane destruction. If he is as anxious as several other men, it is estimated that he will find him after the situation stabilizes.

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bsp; someone Chu Xiang and Chen Xiuying pushed behind them, and the three slipped down the ice slope. The ice **** was extremely smooth, and there was no one knowing where to go. According to the sound of the wind coming, according to the **** and descent speed and time, Chu Xiang estimated that it had passed sea level.

Wow, the eyes suddenly lighted up, and then everyone got into a pile of crushed scum. The habituality was successfully blocked, but everyone was covered with ice debris. Chacos crawled from the scum with a smile. When he got up, he even pulled Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang looked up and looked around. There were already rocks on the top of the head. Several bright lights were installed. There was a wide, small space outside the slag, and a door was directly in front of it. There were several American soldiers standing at the door.

Chu Xiang asked Chen Xiuying in a low voice: "Is this the entrance to the base? I didn't expect it to be in the glacier, but also skating. If you can't find that ice crack, you can't find it."

Chen Xiuying said: "Although we couldn't look at things when we escaped, we definitely didn't go this way. At least the ice **** couldn't be a sports car, but my brother and I were hiding in a garbage truck."

Chu Xiang said: "Maybe the entrance and the exit are separated. Now that we understand it, we will find an opportunity to escape."

Chen Xiuying's eyes brightened and she saw that the four escorts cleaned the scum on her body. She said with a little surprise: "It turns out that you are not willing to come here. I thought you were desperate to come back with them. We cooperated to escape again how about it?"

Chu Xiang responded casually: "Okay, but now they are wary of" sexuality "and still wait for another opportunity after entering the base."

In fact, Chen Puying didn't know. The four people on the road watched very closely. Otherwise, her and her brother's plans will not be realized. Although it is difficult to enter the base and then come out, there is no choice. The United States The soldier had opened the door and watched the deep martyr pass, her heart began to tremble.

Chu Xiang looked as he walked. It looked like it was still in the rock from the wall. The alloy door appeared after the second door. From the perspective of the seal of the second door, it might be already underwater, because the temperature in the air had increased significantly. Now, the surrounding seawater is probably warm, which leads to the rise of room temperature.

The more vigilant the inside, Chu Xiang also understood that Chen Xiuying said that it is easy to get in and get out, and passed several posts and checked several times. Among them, several posts apparently have forks. It seems that there is more than one entrance. Afterwards, everyone came to a door larger than the air-raid shelter that Chu Xiang had seen, and completed the formalities. Cha Kesi smiled and said to Chu Xiang: "We are going to enter the base. Be prepared mentally. This is A miracle in the history of human architecture! "

The rumbling, the door motor opened, showing a glorious world in front of Chu Xiang, a neon light in the distance, like a city that never sleeps, just looking at the lights will give people an illusion, thinking that back to the virus The prosperous world looks up to the sky, and it turns out to be a giant dome, which is larger than the base zero crater, but the base zero crater is a transparent bulletproof glass cover, but here it is a black alloy material.

With the light in the distance, Chu Xiang can roughly understand the Antarctic base. This is a hemispherical structure. I don't know what technology is used to support the huge wall just through the four large pillars in the center. The four large pillars are yet another tall and luxurious steel building foundation pillar. Since this steel building is located in the center of the hemisphere-type base, it must be the hub there, which is the core of the entire base.

Someone pushed Chu Xiang back and said, "Don't watch, when you have enough to watch, stare at the dark sky every day, even the living must become dead." Listening to this statement seems to come out to arrest someone The four are also tired of the base.

After walking a few steps along the road, rows of iron buildings appeared, of course not the real iron plates, but the same alloy material as the old Antarctic base, maybe a simple house made of waste there, Chacos took people Entered a room with a registration room, Chen Xiuying

The fingerprints of Chen Duo and Chen Duo popped out the data of the two people. It seems that when they moved into this base, everyone had already registered.

A black bracelet was attached to the wrists of Chen Xiuying and Chen Duo. When Chu Xiang was puzzled, Chen Duo said, "This is a tracker. As long as you leave the gate 50 meters and lose contact, Will explode. "

At this time, it was Chu Xiang's turn to scan. The staff inside snorted and said, "This person's computer has no data!"

Chacos said in surprise: "No, we are the one he found in the old base. Is it possible that he survived the old base left before?"

Humane in the registration room: "You asked me who I asked? You brought it back. For strangers, you must have the signature of the director of the Security Bureau before you can put it in. Hurry and go through the formalities."

Chakosi smiled bitterly at Chu Xiang: "You hurt me terribly. It turns out that you are not a base member at all. You thought you grabbed one more to get a reward. Thank you for being able to get scolded."

Chu Xiang hehe laughed: "How do I know these rules, and it wouldn't be hard for me to stay outside if I don't follow you"

I know I got it wrong, but it ’s obviously not wise to send people out at this time. It ’s easy for someone to lead into the base, but it ’s hundreds of times harder to bring people out. Bringing strangers into the base is a big crime!

Finally, two hours later, the identity was registered in the Chuxiang Computer Department. The name is still Chuxiang. The experience box is filled with technicians. If nothing will be difficult to survive, this is what Chen Xiuying told Chuxiang. After registration, Chuxiang Also directly assigned to work, maintenance, maintenance of this hemisphere-type base, immediately went to the base maintenance department to report.

Before breaking up, Chen Xiuying told Chu Xiang: "Remember to find us, my entertainment department, my younger brother is in the handyman's office, don't forget your promise, we believe in you."

Chu Xiang said, I didn't promise you anything, but he nodded, "Okay, I'll find you after I settle down."

David, who was in charge of sending Chu Xiang to the maintenance department, said, "Whatever you do, it is strictly forbidden to post now. Please be honest with me."

Chen Xiuying's face was "stiff", it seems that after they fled, the rules of the Antarctic base changed a lot. At least the bracelets on her wrists were tight. Unlike the previous one, it was easy to pry open, and this gap could not be found.

The three turned around to prepare for a breakup. A group of people came by in the distance, and the head of them shouted, "David, Chacos, you are back. Are there any good things coming back? These days, if you are not brothers, you want to die. Now. "

David was going to send Chu Xiang to the maintenance department, Chacos was going to send Chen Xiuying to the entertainment department, and the other two were going to send Chen Duo to the handyman's office. I heard someone shouting that they all stood still and turned around, and then came forward and shook hands. "Hello, it's Mr. Guan. We miss you, too. Good things haven't come back, and I'm lucky to be able to pick up my life this time."

It is said that Mr. Guan is a fat man, and he is also a Chinese. He saw Chen Xiuying at first glance and said to Chacos in surprise: "You caught her back? This is a skill we have at the Antarctic base."

Chacos said: "Yeah, I can live a few days with the bonus and vacation."

Mr. Guan pointed over his head and said, "Six people when you go out, so Rosff and Jack stay up?"

Chakos nodded. "Yeah, my body is broken into thousands."

Mr. Guan no longer mentions this matter, but said: "Several went to pay the difference, and then I invited you to drink. Let's get together, it was a shock to the four brothers."

Chakos and David were grateful: "Thank you Mr. Guan, we will go to your club in a while."

Guan holds a pipe in his hand, but

It did n’t ignite. It was just a look. How difficult was it to find tobacco leaves in the Antarctic underground, but it was so cool that people didn't dare to look down on him. He pointed at Chu Xiang with a pipe, and Mr. Guan asked suddenly: Has anyone run away before? I haven't heard of it. "

Chakosi smiled bitterly: "This was inexplicably appearing by myself. I thought it was a deserter who brought it back. Who knew that it almost caused trouble and was scolded by the director of the Security Bureau, and he was punished for leaking."

Mr. Guan chuckled and said, "The bunnies of the Security Bureau just don't have any trouble finding things. Usually when they show their might, when they don't get stuck, we are idiots. What's this guy's name?"

Chacos said casually: "Chu Xiang, a former mechanic, was assigned to the maintenance department."

"Chu Xiang?" Mr. Guan frowned, "turned his face."

Chu Xiang looked back at them and looked at each other. This fat Mr. Guan looked familiar, but Chu Xiang couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while and not many people could be forgotten by his super strong memory. Or Mr. Guan said first, "You are the one who always likes Liu Qingqing silently, silently?"

As soon as Chu Xiang was reminded, Chu Xiang recalled: "You are Xu Shumei's at the same table, Guanshan? By the way, hemp rods become fat pigs, and their voices have changed. You do n’t even remember Liu Qingqing, I ca n’t remember it now. Just one of you is closed, otherwise you won't be able to call your name. "

Guan Shan threw his pipe and walked two steps to hug Chu Xiang: "I also rely on it, I don't think I will meet with my classmates in my life. I didn't expect to meet you. It's not easy, it's not easy."

Chakosi said: "It turned out that you know Mr. Chu, then it will be better to send Mr. Chu to report later, otherwise it will be difficult to get in the maintenance department and want to come out again. Mr. Guan will talk about the old with his old classmates. "

When Chen Xiuying saw Chu Xiang encounter an acquaintance, she thought that things would turn around, but she heard that Cox said that even Chu Xiang had only extended the reporting time, so she could only follow David and others to report.

Chu Xiang said to Guanshan: "Your kid seems to be a good mix at the Antarctic base."

Guan Shandao: "What, open a small club, no one patronizes, barely eat and wait for the dead to live, yes, how did you spend these years, how did you come to the Antarctic base, remember that you were not in the initial base what."

Chu Xiang said: "I came from the mainland. I heard that Antarctica is a haven for disaster avoidance, so I set out towards this goal. I didn't expect it to come, yes, why are you here?"

Guan Shan did not expect that Chu Xiang came from the outside world. He said: "You are really iron rods that have been ground into needles. With perseverance, my affairs are complicated. I did not go to college after graduation and I did some business myself. Later, when the business became larger, I engaged in business with Americans. Before the virus outbreak, I was in Washington. At that time, there were a number of places transferred to Antarctica. I spent all the funds on my bank account to buy two indicators, so I came by military aircraft. . "

The Americans initially thought that the virus would be eliminated in a short time, so they strongly supported the use of money to buy an Antarctic evasion place, but later developments proved that the dollar gold was just a pile of waste, but it was too late. Those who bought the tickets It has been an Antarctic day.

Chu Xiang laughed: "How lucky are you? We don't have many people who can escape to Antarctica in China. How is it? How is life here? I will rely on you to cover it in the future. Don't let my brother down."

Guan Shan re-picked the pipe on the ground and said, "Tell me the truth, you have lived a long time and walked like a walking dead. Maybe you have just arrived and you are still very energetic. After a few days, you will know that my brother is not false. If I had n’t given up your seat to me then, how could I be at the same table with Xu Shumei, so I'll cover you, brother, but the rules here are a bit troublesome, you should wait for a few days in the maintenance department, wait for me to find someone to move you out Then go to the club to help my brother. "

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p; Chu Xiang is not polite, saying: "Okay, I'll wait for your good news, huh, when I gave you a seat, wasn't it that you were tempted to corrode, or it was not my mind to think of you Don't even think about having a table with Xu Shumei, but you are more inferior to me. Xu Shumei is probably not disturbed by you.

Guan Shan laughed: "It seems that the power of my adult novel is huge. Even people like you can't resist temptation. As for Xu Shumei, she," Sao ", the adult novel I collected at that time She was confiscated, and later she knew she was hiding at home. "

Chu Xiang smiled in kind, and felt a little desolate. This kind of desolation made him think he was seventy and eighty. How many classmates and friends were there now? Man, what does it take to live a lifetime? Don't just have a happy picture ~ ~ I haven't heard that anyone can have fun on their own, so loved ones are essential, and looking around the world, how many people can now be with their loved ones? Abominable virus, abominable terminator, it destroys human dreams and hopes!

Chu Xiang shook his head and shook off the complicated thoughts. "Guanshan, the Antarctic base is so spectacular. Right, do you have any other friends here? I want to know the market when I first arrived."

Guan Shan has taken Chu Xiang to the depths of the base, walking along the road: "Spectacular fart, look at the pigeon cages on the side of the road, where people live, don't look at the large base shelf, in fact, it is full of holes, So the maintenance department is a tired and dangerous department. In short, my brother, I will do everything to transfer you out. I ca n’t find Zhang Zhi. I heard that he and you and Xu Shumei used to be an alumnus of a university. The kid is now in the Antarctic Building. Doing things is prestigious, but there are people who don't want to care about us. I went to him to think about the need to give some face. As for other friends, those are not considered, only partners in the interests. "

The Antarctic Building that Guan Shan said is probably the steel building in the center of the base. As for Zhang Zhichuxiang, there are many people in the university. If you do n’t mention it, everyone will remember it. A shabby sign is shrouded by several light-emitting tubes, which says "Ancient" Confused "Aberdeen Bar", this name is really powerful, but there are really many people in the house, the music is booming, a bit of the former world Disco feeling.

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