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Chapter 521: Report from the maintenance department

[521] Maintenance Department reports

"Old classmate, please," Guan Shan made a gesture, Chu Xiang entered the bar with no luxury decoration, only some hand-made rudimentary crafts, some abstract paint paintings were painted on the metal walls, none of the tables and chairs were leather, The sturdy iron skin would not be comfortable to sit on.

However, such a humble bar is overcrowded, and it is easy to find a person who looks very temperament. Chu Xiang guesses that the low-level is also a gold collar, especially some women wear a "sex" sense. Of course, what I am talking about here is only "sex" It's not that they are glorious, but on the contrary, their clothes are old, and some are even patched, but this hinders the elegant temperament on them, if the word elegance can also be used here.

Chu Xiang said to Guanshan: "You are also considered a high-level entertainment venue in the Antarctic base."

Guan Shan Haha laughed: "It's not my wife who sells melon, except for the Antarctic Building, I'm a survivor's paradise here!"

Chu Xiang saw someone leaving the checkout, and the waiter picked up a coin, a very crude coin. The material should be cast using discarded building materials. The Antarctic base was extremely poor in material life after it could not be replenished by the outside world. It's not easy to have a simple currency, and even when someone leaves, they pay in kind.

Guan Shan took Chu Xiang to find an empty table. Someone greeted him from time to time on the road. Guan Shan responded one by one. The waiter saw the boss coming back and greeted him diligently. Guan Shan said: "Ready to order wine, David and Chaco. They came here and brought them here. By the way, what is the income tonight? "

The waiter said, "It's past the intended goal, and people can come out and dance."

Guan Shan nodded and said, "Okay, let's start now. Just let my old classmates watch it. He has been out for so long. I think it should be vented."

Soon after the waiter returned to the bar, some people came to deliver the dishes. Chu Xiang observed that the wine should be blended with alcohol. When he smelled it, he knew that the degree was very low. It seemed that there was not much alcohol here, and almost all the dishes were fish. Mainly, there are still some dried meat that Chu Xiang can't recognize, but it smells fishy, ​​and it is estimated that it is also seafood.

Guan Shan grunted and poured a large glass of alcohol and water for Chu Xiang, saying, "Old classmate, drink more. This wine is very low and not intoxicating. Drinking dimly and watching the fiery show is energetic. It is not that my brother does not want to entertain you grandly. In fact, the only one who can get a drink among the civilians is my ancient "confused" bar. It is impossible to drink elsewhere. "

Guan Xiang's words Chu Xiang believed that he was trying to ask what the fiery performance was. At this time, two women came out on a high platform in the center of the disco. They were about 30 years old. In simple conditions, there is no need to think about cosmetics, so these two women use substitutes, which is strange to look good.

咚, 咚, 咚, the violent sound of the music suddenly strengthened, the two women on the stage twisted frantically, and suddenly the two of them were smaller than the jacket and flew out. The upper body only had a piece of milk that covered the two bulges. The hood continued to twist, and the short skirt flew away. There was only a thong left in the lower body. Chu Xiang could understand it. This is a striptease. It turned out that the people at the Antarctic base are all good. Look at the group under the platform. Excited men will know.

To be honest, Chu Xiang is really not interested in this stuff, mainly because there are too many women around, and these vulgar powders can't make him excited, but he is afraid to sweep Guan Shan's interest, Chu Xiang still pretends to look at it with interest, Before the two women on the stage stripped themselves, Chakos and David arrived.

"Ha ha, just in time to catch up, it seems we still have eyes." David said haha.

Guan Shan greeted the four to take a seat: "Hurry up and punish yourself for a drink. Tonight, I have my old classmates, so let them stage in advance. The four of them are in a hurry. I will take them to your room and let them leave you alone. Look!"

> David and other faces "exposed" and "colored": "Really? Thank you, Brother Guan, your boss, our Antarctic base, has nothing to say."

Guan Shandao: "There is a fart for fighting justice. Even your old classmates can't take care of it. The four of you give me a way to think about it. Don't let him go to the maintenance department and be punished. It's not worth losing a young life there. Now. "

Chacos and David sham pretended to drink to cover up Guan Shan's request. This was not their decision at all. They ate others' soft hands. Guan Shan made them a little embarrassed, not to mention that Chu Xiang still caught them. Chu Xiang was afraid that Guan Shan would offend the four for himself, so he came out and rounded off. Then no one will gossip. "

"Fart!" Guan Shan said dismissively: "Who dares to talk about my old classmates."

David said: "Yes, yes, Guan Ge's prestige in this area naturally does not have to say, but ..." Speaking of David pointing to the direction of the Antarctic Building, Guan Shan immediately stunned, as a bar owner, poor middle peasants The mixed wind and water rise up, but if compared with those powerful people, he is just an ant.

Wow, the crowd surged. It turned out that the two women had torn off the "milk" sticker on "milk" f, and the r-heads stiffly stood upright. They squeezed their hands toward the middle, exaggerated r-grooves. Suddenly, Chu Xiang stood up and said, "I went to the toilet."

Guan Shan laughed: "Old classmate, can't help it, don't let it go, there are other shows in the evening, this time will definitely make you cool, let you try the girl I trained, that taste is definitely not the world before Can enjoy it. "

Where did Chu Xiang set fire? He just felt that the inferior wine from the alcohol was too bad to drink, and Chakos and others strongly advised him to spit it out on the spot. Since Guanshan takes care of himself, he might as well He tasted the taste of the "liquid" of Maotai and Wuliang. It was a happy thing to meet old friends in his hometown, not to mention Guanshan's morality.

After a while, Chu Xiang came back from the stinking toilet, and he put a bottle of Moutai and a bottle of Wuliang "liquid" on the table. Both Chakos and Guan Shan glanced back at the stage. I did n’t see anything unusual. Chu Xiang thought that these people had already done so well. Who knows Guan Shandao: "Which wine bottle can be exchanged for some money, but you don't have to get it from me." Are you afraid I can't afford you, brother? "

Only then did Chu Xiang know that Guan Shan had misunderstood them. It is estimated that they would not know that this was real wine if they wanted to break their heads. Chu Xiang did not explain it, unscrewed the bottle cap, and then poured out the inferior wine in Guan Shan's glass, grunted and filled it. With a cup, Guan Shan's nose twitched a few times, and he had already smelled the extraordinary scent of wine.

"Chu, Chu Xiang, you, did you pour me the wine?" It seems that Guanshan did not treat alcoholic products with water as real wine.

Chu Xiang held up his cup and handed it to Guan Shandao: "Drink and drink, this is also considered old Moutai, and the taste should not be worse."

Although Guan Shan had smelled the wine, he still couldn't believe it. He took the glass and licked it carefully, "Wine ... real wine ... Isn't he dreaming? Why don't I know there is real wine in the bar, God, Chacos, David, you have a taste of it. Old Moutai, the taste is just right. "

The four of David, who were staring at the live performance on stage, heard their voices turn back. At this time, they smelled a strong scent of wine. Although they saw the bottle just now, they all thought it was fake wine in a real bottle. So I didn't take it for granted, and now it was obvious that Guan Shan's expression was calmed down.

The four Chacos held up the wine glass in front of them, filled with wine there, the four did not dare to sip it, and learned Guanshan's way to "lick" and "lick", "" shoot "special! This is not alcohol against Water! God, the best you can't find in the Antarctic Mansion, we are so lucky, Guanshan, you have made us very pleasantly surprised. "

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p; Guan Shan ignored the praises of the four Chacos at this time, and he took Chu Xiang to the corner. "Old classmate, what's the matter? Don't tell me what you found in the toilet, don't you know my own site?" What's up? I know all the ants! "

Chu Xiang said: "I forgot to tell you that I am an evolutionary."

The evolutionist is no stranger to Guanshan, but the Antarctic base lacks an evolutionary environment, so the evolutionary here is just something that is so ordinary that it can no longer be ordinary, even without decent skills, Guanshan asked: "Are you a winemaking evolutionist? "

Chu Xianghu promised "disorderly": "Okay, I can turn ordinary wine into famous wine, so I always carry a few wine bottles to fool people, but you don't expect me to make you a few tons. It took them a month to change before they succeeded. "

Guan Xiang was not convinced by Chu Xiang's words, but he knew that Chu Xiang could not hide anything when he entered the base. Now he only had to acquiesce. In short, this is not a bad thing. The value of these two bottles of Antarctic base can be considered as a city. But Guan Shan doesn't intend to dedicate it to anyone. Drinking them all tonight is a celebration of the old classmates' encounter.

The four Chacos did not expect such luck. Each of them lost three or two wines. Although they are not the kind of spirits they like, they have already made them addicted to inferior alcohol. The relationship with Chu Xiang was drawn closer. Of course, Guan Shan would not betray Chu Xiang. David asked about the origin of the wine. He only said it was his own collection. He planned to drink it secretly. Who knew Chu Xiang was a dog nose, He even dug out the wine, and now he can only destroy them.

Actually Guan Shan ’s four people did n’t believe this bad reason, because Guan Shan just showed something different when they first tasted the wine, but Chu Xiang was brought back by the four Cha Kes, what was on them? Therefore, although Guan Shan's reason was unreasonable, everyone did not reveal it, but instead called his brother and enthusiast's enthusiasm.

After the meal was full, Chu Xiang declined Guan Shan's offer to find a woman. Chacos led the four men and went down to the maintenance department. On the way, Chacos expressed his apology to Chu Xiang because they captured Chu Xiang back. Chu On the contrary, Xiang encouraged the four people: "Four people, in fact, I should be grateful to you. Otherwise, I might freeze to death outside."

David smiled heartily: "Brother Chu is really quick, and you are happy to think of it this way. The maintenance department is very dangerous, but we can't help at this time. We have to wait for Guan to clear the relationship before making plans."

Chu Xiang didn't know why the maintenance department was in danger. He guessed that it might not be easy to climb up and down to maintain the dome-shaped ceiling every day, but this is a good opportunity for Chu Xiang to learn about the Antarctic base, and also to check whether the Antarctic base has self-destructing devices. At the right time, Chu Xiang didn't want Guanshan to open up the relationship at all, fortunately, it delayed a few more days.

The maintenance department has a large yard, probably because there are too many maintenance materials in it, so there are two gates. The first gate of the four Chacos was stopped, and they hurried back to Guanshan to play with women, so They left, and Chu Xiang went to the office to report after checking his identity.

There is no day or night in the base, especially the maintenance department is on duty 24 hours a day. There are two people in the office, a fat bear-like man and a fat like woman. The man looked up at Chu Xiang's eyes. "What do you know? I don't want you to tell lies, because it's a matter of life."

Chu Xiang slightly considered the road: "Electric welding." If he wants to climb the dome, he must be described as a front-line worker.

Man said: "Then you go to the second group of electric welding and go to Miss Qianhui to get the number plate and labor insurance."

It turns out that elephant-like women are Japanese, but this figure is far from the Japanese actresses that Chu Xiang has seen before. The Japanese are extinct, and I do n’t know that the Qianhui elephant is not clear.

Hey, Qianhui took a bunch of things out of the cabinet and fell in front of Chu Xiang. Among them was a work card and a key. The opposite man printed a photo from the computer at this time.

The film and the card, Qian Hui plugged into the mold in the work card and press it a bit, even if the report work is done, Chu Xiang holding things to find the dormitory, the dormitory number key is written on it.

See the pigeon cage again, and it is an exaggerated four-story. Chu Xiang finds a small grid on the bottom according to the number on the key. There is only a broken bed in it, and there is nothing else. Chu Xiang will hold the rotten in his arms. A full set of mattresses and sheets were thrown on the bed, and then walked out of the room dormitory area.

This is the corner of the maintenance department compound. There are cluttered materials on both sides of the road. From here, you can clearly see the Antarctic Building, where the lights are bright. The surrounding area is also where the neon lights are concentrated. The farther you are from the Antarctic Building, The more deserted, there was not even a shimmer of light at the corner.

The sound of jingle bells suddenly sounded, and there were sleepy men walking out of the dovecote. They did not wash their faces or brush their teeth. They greeted each other and went to the corner toilet. After they came out, they stood in a team consciously. Within a few minutes, a group of men Teams carrying toolkits lined up with a messy and messy team and entered the maintenance yard. They threw the toolkits on their backs to the waiting team, then went to the toilet to clean up. After coming out, they went straight into the pigeon cage. People fall asleep when they fall down

"What to see!" Someone shouted suddenly behind Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang looked back and looked like a very sturdy man. He said, "You are Chu Xiang, right? I am your captain Henderson. Now I order you to go to bed right away and we will go to work again in twelve hours. "

It turned out that this class of Chu Xiangsuo just got off work, and just happened to be drunk, so go back to sleep, but the taste in the pigeon cage is really bad. The Antarctic base, let alone a pigeon cage, does not care about Chu Xiang, a large dung pond.

However, Chu Xiang went back to his room and was dumbfounded. He thought there was no valuable in the broken cage, so he didn't lock it when he went out, but he just put the mattress and sheets on the bed missing! Chu Xiang is angry. He does not want to conflict with the upper level of the Antarctic base, which does not mean that he is willing to be bullied by humans of the same level.

Popping, Chu Xiang kicked the pigeon cage fiercely, the whole dormitory building shook, many people leaned out of their cages, "d, what's wrong, what the **** do you want to keep people from sleeping? Now. "

Chu Xiang stood in front of the room and said loudly: "Who stole my mattresses and sheets will be sent back immediately, or I will find out that he has suffered!"

Henderson has already walked a few hundred meters, and did not return when he heard Chu Xiang shout. As long as he didn't run away, these people would kill him. Anyway, some people want to enter the maintenance department. For others, it is daily. There is a full meal, of course, the people who come in must have the capital left. If he is found to be nothing, then he will throw people out politely. Losing work means that he is not far from starvation. .

After Chu Xiang shouted several tall foreigners came down the second floor, one and a half heads higher than Chu Xiang, surrounded by them, Chu Xiangxian was extremely weak, the other person was led by a black man, and spoke English. You're crazy, kid, tell you the truth, what do you get from me? What's wrong with you?

The black man kept weighing a small metal rod with a child's arm in his hand. As long as Chu Xiang moved something abnormally, he would hit it. With his size and strength, everyone believed that Chu Xiang could not bear a blow, but They underestimated Chu Xiang so much that they didn't even see what happened. Suddenly the black man screamed, and then everyone stayed. I saw the metal rod in the hand of the black man was twisted into a dog collar, and the black man's neck was Because the metal rod is too short, the collar is very tight. The black man stuck his tongue straight out, and his mouth and nose worked hard to keep his breath.

The other three of the black group immediately attacked Chu Xiang when they saw this. Chu Xiang flew out with a punch, and the remaining two were knocked down by the body. At this time, the black man desperately groaned, meaning He asked his men to save him quickly, so the three of them ignored Chu Xiang, and one person grabbed one end of the metal rod and tried to screw it back together.


This metal rod is a very common support column of the old Antarctic base. Its hardness is by no means ordinary humans can twist it. Even if the evolutionist does not have metal control skills, it just breaks it, let alone these people have evolved. Neither of them counted. Their blushing blush and ears did not take off the collar around the black man's neck, but instead rolled the black man's eyes.

Henderson came back, he silently glanced at Chu Xiang, then kicked a few people around the black one, then grabbed the ends of the metal bar, "Hi!" Henderson sighed, slammed, metal The stick was disconnected from the middle, and the black man was finally rescued. At this time, he was lying on the ground like a dead dog. Not to mention that Chu Xiang was here, and whether he could go to work next time was a question.

Henderson came to Chu Xiang, he said: "Boy, it was hidden from the ground, but you remember to me that this is the Antarctic base! Honestly, otherwise you will not be able to bear the consequences!"

Chu Xiang didn't rebuke Henderson. What does this guy say is his captain? It's not the time to confront him, and Henderson saw Chu Xiang bow his head and didn't think he was working. Antarctic base is a sealed world. Do n’t be afraid that Chu Xiang made a mistake and escaped, so Henderson stopped paying attention. He was anxious to go back and hug the woman to sleep. It was not worth wasting time on these workers. Just now I was just curious about the power that Chu Xiang burst out. .

Henderson turned and left, and Chu Xiang also got into his cage. Before he lay down, a thin figure slipped in. He was holding a mattress and sheets in his arms. "Boss, boss, I put your things Take it back, those guys didn't dare to put one on it, it was really td. "

Chu Xiang didn't look up, saying: "Who is your boss, is this the same thing, is there any thing? I'm just angry that someone gave me power, and you go out, I'm going to rest."

Xiao Shouzi diligently laid a bed for Chu Xiang and said, "Yes, yes, the boss's energy is naturally not comparable to those hybrids outside, you see, we are all Chinese, we should help each other in the future, to defeat our great nation. All imperialism, I decided to follow you in the future. "

Chu Xiang didn't plan to accept his younger brother, so he didn't take it easy: "I said I was going to rest, you go out."

Xiaoshouzi cried wow suddenly, "Boss, if you do n’t take me in, maybe I wo n’t have a meal. I just offended those foreigners just to help you get the mattress. You watched with patience. Have your compatriots been bullied to death by foreigners, have you forgotten the Chinese nation's tradition of respecting the old and loving the young? "

Chu Xiang couldn't laugh or cry, but this guy was kind enough to help himself to get the mattress. He did n’t know anything about the situation here. Besides, he is also a Chinese. Antarctica is a foreigner. “Okay, you will follow me later, But you have a good job. Do n’t ask me anything, otherwise I wo n’t cover you. By the way, what ’s your name? ”

Xiaoshouzi said happily: "Great, I finally found the backing. With the boss's method of treating black dogs just now, I believe no one would dare to" touch "your old **** again, so I won't give you anything. By the way, I'm happy. My name is monkey. Oh, the boss shouldn't investigate my real name. I'm afraid to lose my ancestor's face. Anyone who can come to the Antarctic base is not rich but expensive. Planting, are you sorry to come up with the old name? "

As soon as Chu Xiang thought about it, those who were able to come to Antarctica were all influential wealthy people. Over time, many of these wealthy people have become inferiors to civilians, and the family they brought even For the dust lady, at this time, are you embarrassed to show people the original name? If blindly questioning will make the other party unacceptable.

Chu Xiang didn't want to inquire about the Antarctic base. He wanted to take a look at the scene next work, and then asked the monkey if he didn't understand, so Chu Xiang fell down and slept because he had a big metal ball. The top cover, there may be seawater and ice outside, so Chu Xiang can not use the teleportation skills, even if you want to go home and carry your wife to sleep.


squeak, the door was pushed open, the other party was very careful, but the metal material can still make a sound no matter how careful, the monkey crept to close the door again, Chu Xiang suddenly said: "I woke up early, hurry up come in."

Then the monkey took the nerve to close the door and said, "Boss, I thought you were still asleep. It's time to go to work. We should prepare."

Chu Xiang got up from the bed and asked, "What are you going to prepare?"

Monkey said: "Go to the toilet. You are not allowed to **** and urinate in the next 12 hours."

Chu Xiang thought about it, probably because it was inconvenient to climb up the dome, so the maintenance worker was not allowed to urinate, and it was normal to bleed urinate after sleeping for one night, so the two went to the toilet together. Inside It ’s already three or two people have had a bowel movement. After seeing the monkey toe behind Chu Xiang, everyone's eyes are envious. They greet Chu Xiang in half-familiar Chinese: "Chu brother is early, Chu brother is good, monkey brother is early, Hello monkey. "

Several people came face to face and saw Chu Xiang lowered their heads, then hurriedly passed by Chu Xiang. One of them could not help but "touched" and "touched" the neck. That was exactly what the monkey called the black dog. Chu Xiang almost strangled the guy, these people are bullying and afraid of hard, Chu Xiang instantly twisted the metal rod into a dog collar has scared them.

The monkey was very proud of being complimented and took a sip in the direction of the black dog. It is estimated that he had not been bullied by these people before. Now he can raise his eyebrows and exhale, even when he urinates, he feels particularly powerful.

The bell rang, the bell rang, and people who had not yet got out of the cages rushed to the toilet to handle personal hygiene. Everyone stood in front of the pigeon cage. It did n’t take long for Captain Henderson to come. The people returned and everyone exchanged tools. Among them, Chu Xiang was appointed by Henderson as a portable gas welding bag. It was a jar on the back. The monkey was a hammer and a steel brush. What are you doing?

Henderson finished counting the number of people, a total of 46 people, he waved and said, "Go."

The team came out of the maintenance department and went all the way to the edge of the hemisphere. Later, at the root of the sphere, there was a large metal house. There was an open space in front of the house. Everyone went to the window of the house and brought two things. One was a portable charging lamp. The same is a dinner plate. There is also a gas tank with a gas welding window. Chu Xiangchu thought that regardless of the meal here, when he got the dinner plate, he knew that these people were not immortals.

咣 Dangdang, a hand-drawn dining car came from afar, and the people who received the dinner plate were excited. Henderson gave an order, and everyone voluntarily lined up again. The dining car finally came to a halt and stopped. The lid was lifted, and a rush of heat came up. Dangdang, the person sending the meal knocked on the dining car with a spoon, and everyone rushed forward with the dinner plate. Chu Xiang felt that this scene was similar to feeding pigs in the countryside.

It's Chu Xiang's turn, and the monkey sends food to the human back: "This is our boss, give me an extra spoon."

Who knows that the person who sent the meal just snorted, spoon Chu Xiang's dinner plate slumped, and the paste inside fell on the dinner plate, and then he looked up without saying: "Next."

The monkey is very angry, but the next one is him. If you do n’t eat this meal, do n’t refer to any other food within 24 hours, so he still passes the dinner plate. I do n’t know if the meal was deliberately given to the monkey. The spoon is obviously less than the previous ones, and the monkey is not willing. "Hey, are you deliberately arranging people? If you do n’t give more spoons, you will be short of two."

The person who served the meal was very bullish, and dug the spoon over the monkey's plate: "Don't eat and pull down!"

The monkey was anxious, and flashed the dinner plate away, "Eat, eat, isn't it okay for me to eat?"

Chu Xiang sniffed the dish in front of his nose. There was a heavy stench. It was impossible for the Antarctic base to produce food on its own, and the food brought by it had already been used up, so this may be the corpse of marine life. Chu Xiang handed the plate

Passed it to the monkey and said, "I'm not hungry, you eat it all."

The monkey snapped: "Boss, you won't, if you don't eat this meal, you will be hungry all day!"

Chu Xiang said: "You eat or not, I do n’t eat it for others."

The monkey smiled and rushed over and said, "Eat, this is the boss's love for me, how can I not eat it."

Breakfast was over quickly, Henderson said: "Today we clean up d10, black dog, you take someone to open the outer retaining wall, and then clear the seawater of the air capsule. The rest perform their duties and do not clean up d10. No one is allowed to come down! "

In the corner, a door has been opened. Inside is an escalator that extends to the top of the wall. The monkey introduced to Chu Xiang as he walked. The original hemisphere has three layers. In fact, the inner layer has little effect. The type of rust and dust on the second floor falls into the living area below ~ ~ and the first-layer retaining wall is a spare type, which is usually retracted and not affected by seawater. Once the main body of the second floor needs to be maintained When the parapet is opened, the seawater between the first and second floors is drained, so that the second floor can be fully maintained.

It is not that the entire hemisphere building is integrated, but it is divided into four parts a, b, and d according to the southeast and northwest, and each part is divided into ten districts. The first and second-floor retaining walls of each district are independent. The 10 areas that Chu Xiang is cleaning up today are located at the top of the hemisphere-shaped building. It took almost an hour just to walk up the escalator, and many people were exhausted.

There is a sealed door in each area. At this moment, the red light flashes on the door. After waiting for a while, the black dog led someone to open the first layer of the retaining wall. The light on the door changed to yellow. After emptying, the light changed to green "color". Henderson climbed up and unscrewed the valve. He urged loudly, "Go in! Go in! The actions are all for me, whoever delays the process is responsible!"

The valve was salty and salty. It was wet with one touch, and the interlayer between the two retaining walls was less than one and a half meters. The person went in and bent over. There would be a foot every one meter from the front to the left. Metal protrusions, otherwise people can slip easily, and a lot of shellfish are parasitic on the metal siding. The job of these maintenance workers is to use a hammer and a steel brush to clean up the **** above, and then find out the corroded location and be welded by the welder. .

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