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Chapter 522: Water leak

[522] Water leakage accident

Chu Xiang was inexperienced when he first arrived, but he has strength, so he is no worse than others. Henderson stared at him for dozens of minutes, and saw that Chu Xiang cleaned up the garbage quickly and ruthlessly, and he was firm and stable when welding the corrosion points. So, rest assured to go outside the valve, the "tide" inside is heavy and smelly, and the off-duty cadre Henderson will not stay for a long time.

The skinny monkey stayed close to Chu Xiang. When no corrosion point was found, Chu Xiang also helped him clean the shellfish on the retaining wall. When Chu Xiang was welding, the skinny monkey fought on one side. People fall behind.

The entire d10 area is very large. Everyone is working separately. Chu Xiang's progress is fast. In the afternoon, he noticed that he was deserted. Then he used the electric storage lamp to take a picture. There was a partition wall. It turned out to be over. It seems that this so-called danger is just that, just climbing up and down, Chu Xiang thought to himself.

"Take a break, Boss," the thin monkey was tired and climbed fast. His body was soaked. How could his physical strength be better than that of Chu Xiang. Although he had two meals in the morning, he did n’t have to eat at noon. My stomach was cooing, but I had to bear it, and I had to put up with it until tomorrow morning. Although there would be porridge to drink when I was off work, the pictured gruel was not a problem at all! Even if you drink ten bowls and sprinkle a few bubbles of "urine", it's all right.

Chu Xiang bent over and crawled to his head. He looked around. The thin monkey saw that Chu Xiang could only follow if he didn't rest. He said, "Boss, what are you looking at? I drill in and out here every day, what's so nice about it. "

Chu Xiang grinned and said, "I don't think this stuff is strong, just in case it leaks."

Monkey said: "How can water leak? Our two classes are constantly maintained daily. I haven't seen any danger in the past two years, but some people often fall down. I have followed a boss before and he went up the escalator. He planted a head and penetrated the shutter directly to the ground and died. It was called miserable.

Chu Xiang said: "You curse me, don't call me boss anymore."

The monkey said awkwardly: "How dare I curse the boss. He was an accident, but there was an accident earlier this year. All the people in a maintenance class died. I heard that the sensor of the valve was broken. There was no emptying but it showed that it could be turned on, so the gushing seawater broke all the forty maintenance workers down the escalator and broke it into meat sauce. "

Chu Xiang has been looking for a device that can destroy the entire base, but there is nothing on the cold metal walls. When the monkey talked here, Chu Xiang patted his head, and he still looked for secrets everywhere. The sea water and forty valves outside Isn't it a big bomb? If the seawater is not poured for dozens of minutes, the base can be completely submerged!

Chu Xiang asked: "Monkeys, are these valves completely manually operated? If they are operated by a computer, wouldn't it be safer?" To prove that forty valves are the big bombs that destroy the base, we must first To figure out one thing, these valves must be able to open quickly at the same time. If you only open the irrigation by manual "operation", then this bomb is too easy to remove.

Monkey said: "This is not clear. Anyway, after I entered the maintenance department, the valve has been manually opened. However, I have observed that the complexity of the valve is not weak. Maybe it has some automatic control capabilities. It may be the lack of a control computer in the base. Plus wiring is extremely difficult, so this feature is not enabled. "

Chu Xiang nodded, but it did not mean that he agreed with the monkey's statement, just to let the monkey know that he understood. In fact, Chu Xiang had determined that these forty valves were big bombs, and the senior officials of the base wanted to destroy here in minutes. That's it, but the self-destructive thing may be extremely low in sex. Unless the senior management thinks that it is necessary to belong together, otherwise no one will be stupid enough to commit suicide.

After speaking for a while, the monkey ’s physical strength recovered, and he picked up the steel brush again and said, “Boss, let ’s finish the work this time. Today ’s progress is less

After twice as many others, they are still far from the buttocks, we can go down early, and we will never be solid in this place where the world cannot reach the ground. "

Chu Xiang also felt that it was "tide" and wet, and said, "Okay, take a rest and let me brush it."

The monkey rushed and said, "How can this work? You are the boss. I should serve you as a younger brother, but I know myself and I have less strength, but I can do more if I can do more. If I go aside, What happened to me when I rested? "

Chu Xiang laughed and said, "Just casually, I can let you drink the bowl of porridge at night, to make up for your thin, small plastic body, so as not to let a gust of wind blow away, then I would not have become a light pole commander. "

The monkey said excitedly: "Really? Boss, you are so nice to me! But ... Boss, you did n’t eat in the morning. If you do n’t drink porridge in the evening, how can you boil in the evening? Can you still not eat like a fairy?"

Chu Xiang said while cleaning the shellfish attached to the wall: "Yeah, I usually get up in the morning and take two breaths to get full. Right, can our repairman go out to play? I mean, after work, I wo n’t even be free. Don't give time? "

Monkey said: "There must be a fake note to go out. This fake note requires three people to sign it to take effect, because it is too troublesome, and everyone does not have a penny in hand, and they are afraid to go out and waste their physical strength, so I have not heard of anyone asking for Too much vacation, so prohibiting going out becomes a hidden rule. "

Chu Xiang asked: "Which three people need signatures to take effect?"

Monkey said: "Boss, don't you really plan to go out and play, one of these three is the captain, and the other two are the chief and deputy director of the duty room. Let's not talk about whether the duty room will be released. I'm afraid Henderson won't give it to you at all. Write a note, because you will waste your energy when you go out to play, and the captain seems to affect the work of the next shift, so they will not sign a note at all. "

Chu Xiang must go out. Otherwise, the long time he spends here won't help him. He has to find a way to "touch" the management of the Antarctic base. What attitude do they have regarding the involvement of outsiders, and Americans? If you do n’t find it here, what is the attitude of the base management towards the Americans, and whether they will regard it as another base for the Americans, these issues must be clarified.

"Well, what are the people over there? Why are all the lights off?" Monkey saw Chu Xiang silent, thinking that he had been scared to dispel the idea of ​​leaving for work after work. He bent down and started to work, lowering his head from The slit under His Majesty saw the "chaos" coming from behind, the lights "chaos" flashing, and a rumbling voice came over.

Chu Xiang was thinking about what kind of reason to persuade Henderson to sign a note for himself, and was pulled back by the monkey's voice, "Not good!" Chu Xiang exclaimed: "The outer wall is open! The sea water is poured!"

The monkey came to his senses too. The rumbling sound was that the sea water was poured from the gap that opened, because the outer retaining wall is facing away from both sides, and Chu Xiang and the monkey are moving fast. Now they have reached the height of Zone 10, so the sea water Although it has been poured in, it has not affected their position, but the maintenance workers who were thrown behind by them are unlucky, and they are poured out of the heart. They are not stable due to strong pressure. Many people even stand Directly plunged into the water in the lower part of the accumulation zone 10, and as the seawater at the base leaked from the valve strengthened, several people had been pulled out of the valve and dropped into the high dome.

The monkey's face was "white". The maintenance worker opened the outer wall without removing the valve and the valve was not closed. This was the first time he encountered it. Whoever **** his head and asked the donkey to press the switch, and the outer opening It ’s getting bigger and bigger. At this time, the monkey and Chu Xiang are isolated above the 10th area. If they want to escape from the sole valve, they must pass through the sea water that has been poured down, and they must overcome the strong water generated by the seawater at the valve. suction!

"We're done!" The monkey's voice trembled and feared. "The valve has a small drainage volume and a large amount of seawater at the inlet. It will soon be flooded unless someone closes the outer parapet wall! God, if you come, Guanyin is big.

Judges, whoever saves us can help us. "

Chu Xiang didn't look at this danger. At first, he would control the water. At the second time, he would be able to breathe underwater for dozens of minutes. However, seeing the flood of seawater, Chu Xiang's head flashed. Is the water going out to the base of the base? I haven't seen where the base is now. This is an opportunity.

Chu Xiang threw the gas welding equipment in his hand and said to the monkey: "Hold it, I'll find a way to close the outer retaining wall. The terrain here is high, and it won't be flooded within a few minutes. Don't despair so early. Be confident in yourself. . "

The monkey was somewhat at a loss, mechanically took over Chu Xiang's gas welding equipment, and he did not react until Chu Xiang entered the turbulent current, "Boss is back! Oops, you are here to die! ... Ooh!" See Chu When Xiang's electricity storage lights disappeared, the monkey sighed. "I killed another boss again. This is good for me. It's unfair to God."

Chu Xiang controlled the passage of water from the sea. At this time, the parapet above the head had been opened to a width of more than two meters. The seawater was moving too fast. I was afraid that the monkey's position would be drowned after a while. Chu Xiang stretched out his hands. Grab two alloy plates with a thickness of one meter and pull them together, the rattling noises, and then the sound of mechanical breaks. The two alloy plate walls that continued to separate left and right stopped, and Chu Xiang pulled the alloy forcefully. The board restricted the water inlet to within one meter, and then he drilled a crack to the outside. Chu Xiang didn't dare to move too quickly because he was afraid that there would be monitoring facilities outside the base.

Sure enough, Chu Xiang found several underwater probes, and he just pulled the garbage on the alloy plate and threw it in front of the camera to block it. At this time, Chu Xiang dared to look around. This was a chaotic sea with poor visibility. Chu Xiang can only see the spherical structure extending to the surroundings, but he can't see the top, but he can't see the bottom. Chu Xiang decided to go up and observe the situation first.

A stream of water is controlled to wrap up and rush forward. The surrounding seawater is as warm as spring. There are a lot of microbes growing in the water. There are even huge fishes from time to time. They chase after Chu Xiang, but with the distance that floats up As the temperature increased and the temperature became lower and lower, those fish gave up tracking.

Chu Xiang estimated his speed. At this time, he had floated for more than 200 meters. The cooling of the seawater caused a decrease in plankton, so his eyes became clearer. If he looked down at this time, it would be yellow and faint. In the shadow of a giant object can be discerned, but looking upward is more and more thorough, and the light is getting stronger and stronger. Later, on the thick ice cube on the top of Chu Xiang's head, it seems that floating ice is upward, but Chu Xiang It is not clear whether he is in the sea or in a large lake, because the road he came from was all white and blank, and he could not distinguish between land and sea.

Chu Xiang used his skills to drill ground quickly and drill holes in the ice layer. This layer of ice can have a thickness of more than 50 meters. A **** of **** splashed on the back and Chu Xiang jumped to the ground. The cold wind came. Chu Xiang I couldn't help fighting a cold war, and looking out, the brighter light than the No. 0 base shone on the ice field, and there was still a vast white snow around it. Not far away was the entrance to the large glacier down to the underwater base. In the air, he can only determine the location of the place from a high place.

However, when Chu Xiang flew up to the sky, he realized that Antarctica did not have the obvious “sexual” area. Chu Xiang still did n’t know where he was. When it comes to mountains, there are no rivers, no valleys and no basins. Who can recognize them unless they are experts?

Chu Xiang could not find a way to transmit back to Base Zero in an instant. At least he had to tell everyone what he knew so far, and he did n’t know where he was, but there was an electronic map, as long as the area was pointed out on the map. It is believed that the ability of Wang Bin and others will definitely determine the specific coordinates of the Antarctic base.

Sure enough, this move was feasible. Chu Xiang hurriedly explained his own underwater base's encounter. Looking at the satellite map given by Wang Bin, he pointed out the glacier site he had drilled out. Wang Bin said: "According to the past, Satellite mapping, the location pointed out by Brother Chu is an ancient river channel, but the ancient river channel has been covered by glaciers. Judging from Brother Chu's description, this ancient river channel still has

The waterway is connected to the sea outside, and there are probably underground hot springs in the ancient river channel. In order to save heating costs, Antarctic people chose this base. "

Chu Xiang said: "Since I can determine the position, I must go back immediately, otherwise I do n’t know how to deal with it. If the base is destroyed, it will be troublesome. . "

Zhou Muqing also happened to say, "I really want to go and see with you, maybe there are a lot of friends there. If the virus broke out, it wasn't because I was performing on the mainland, maybe it will be the Antarctic base now."

Xie Shanshan was also present, and she said to Zhou Muqing: "You can be content. Fortunately, you didn't go. Otherwise, I don't know where it has fallen. Your friends, you are all rich and okay. If you are in a crisis, you do n’t know. How many times have you been betrayed? I think they are either "traitors" or second-generation ancestors, and none of them can really be called friends. "

Zhou Muqing did not refute Xie Shanshan's words. Instead, she held Chu Xiang's arm happily and said, "Yeah, I am very content and very happy. Even if I let me go to Antarctic base as the queen, I do n’t want to do it. I just thought of some possible knowledge. With my friends, this kind of eschatology still has a feeling of wanting to meet them, huh, actually, I want to tell them my man, let them or they envy me. "

Xie Shanshan laughed: "You, still the vanity of that star!"

Chu Xiang said: "Can't talk anymore, I must go right away, you can rest assured to wait for my news. If I get the Antarctic base, I will come to pick you up for sightseeing, goodbye."

Chu Xiang did not forget to bring some food when he was leaving. The Antarctic base was not used to eating. It was not that Chu Xiang could not take that bitterness, but why did he go to sin if he could eat well? Teleport to the drilled ice cave. Chu Xiang I pierced my head and did not forget to start the quick-freeze to freeze the drilled ice hole. When returning to the chaotic world, Chu Xiang reached out his finger and dipped some water from the water film under his control and put it in his mouth. The salty taste, that is to say, Wang Bin's words make sense. If it is the water washed down from the upper reaches of the river, it should be light. If there is no salt water hot spring here, it is really connected to the outside.

Chu Xiang didn't dare to delay time and plunged himself into the crack when he came out. He originally planned to look at the lower part of the base, but there were too many monitoring heads around. I walked for more than five minutes, and the maintenance staff didn't climb to the top even if they found out at the beginning of the incident. When they came up, they didn't know if they could get it, so they couldn't pin their hopes on them.

Chu Xiang followed the current to drill back to the mezzanine in Zone 10, and then reached out to pull the two alloy plates against each other. Although the gap cannot be as reliable as the motor is closed, the amount of water has not affected the safety of Zone 10.

Although Chu Xiang was reluctant, he still drenched his body with water. In fact, his clothes were almost wet when he was working early. He just had to wet his hair. Chu Xiang was depressed, but in order to prevent the monkey from seeing the flaws, he had to do this. do.

"Boss!" The monkey saw that the water flow had disappeared, and then Chu Xiang's figure appeared. He happily pounced and kissed two people. Chu Xiang hurriedly pushed people away. He had no special hobby. The monkey said: "Success Really successful! Boss, you are good. I thought you were sacrificed just now, and I was scared to be careful.

Chu Xiang said: "Do n’t talk nonsense, we hurried out, it would be miserable for us to close the valve in case of a small flow of water here." The monkey was shocked when he thought about it. Then, the two slid down the slope. Someone closed the valve. Fortunately, the monkey dug out in time, then pushed the closed person aside with one palm, and then Chu Xiang came out along the water. Then the two Heli closed the valve, and the repair work was not managed by their maintenance department.

lost heavily! Although the cause of the accident is unknown for the time being, the loss result came out immediately. Captain Henderson rushed down the escalator first. Although he did not break the third-level shutter, he followed the shutter.

Directly sliding down the dome, both legs have been used up, and he vomited blood on the spot.

In addition to Henderson, sixteen people fell off the escalator. These sixteen lives were bad, and they directly broke the third layer of guards and fell into the base. A few miserable people were strung by grasshoppers on street lights, just like barbecue skewers. Yes, terrible!

The loss of personnel was these, and the water around the Antarctica collapsed several buildings around Antarctica. It is said to be several important manufacturing departments and the material loss was very large.

The site has been taken over by professional maintenance staff in the Antarctic Building. Only they understand the circuit and machinery. A repairman like Chu Xiang can only be regarded as a cleaner.

The survivors returned to the ground tremblingly, and for a while they forgot their hunger, panting in the corner of the squatting panic, and no one responded until the meal maker arrived and knocked on the dining car a second time.

The monkey came back with three large bowls of gruel, but because of the death, there was a surplus of this meal, but Chu Xiang didn't even smell it. The three bowls of gruel were all given to the monkey. The staff who sent meals after such a big accident sympathized with these guys. They jumped "chaotic" alive in the morning, but now they are cold bodies, so they did not pull the remaining porridge back, but all sent them. Light is also a good thing.

After drinking porridge, the situation continued to pass down. It is said to be very complicated. The maintenance of the first-layer protective wall machinery in d10 area was completely destroyed. At present, the first-layer protective wall can neither be opened nor closed, but Chu Xiang knew well. This fault was due to the forceful closing of the wall itself, and the former parapet wall was absolutely working normally.

Chu Xiang analyzed that if the first layer of the parapet wall was not automatically opened due to an electronic fault, then someone would have deliberately done it. If the person came for himself, then the person must not know his strength, and if he was for revenge Others, then the poison of this person's heart is by no means ordinary. He bets on the safety of the entire base. He can be regarded as a traitor.

At that time, there were not many people who could access the switch, and this person must be a maintenance person. Others wanted to climb so high, and then calmly climbed down after the incident. It was basically impossible. Chu Xiang crouched on the ground to drink porridge. The people looked at each other, and then looked at the black dogs. The black dogs had resentment against himself, and he was also the one designated by Henderson to open the first wall and drainage. He had great convenience and motivation.

Chu Xiang didn't speak up, nor did he plan to go to the black dog at this time. Things have happened ~ ~ No matter how "force" the black dog to confess his guilt, he can't save the loss, and at this time Chu Xiang's words were slight Even if he forces the black dog to admit it, no one will believe it. Anyway, it is impossible for the people inside to escape. The black dog stays for a few days.

Chu Xiang's team returned to the maintenance department. The news of the accident has come back. In fact, people with eyes that can see such a large water column above their heads. The next maintenance workers are all upset, like pigs and sheep to be slaughtered. Face "exposed" worried "color", I do not know if their class will be so unlucky.

The successor team left, but Chu Xiang did not dissolve. The original maintenance department couldn't stop working for one day, so the team leader and supplementary staff should be assigned, and the former team leader was selected. The supplementary staff was responsible by the base and then on duty. With the support of the fat men and women in the room, the maintenance group 2 was headed by the black dog. He was responsible for managing the cleaning group and the gas welding group of the second group.

The monkey was extremely dissatisfied with this result, but he was not bold enough to be right with the pair of fat men and women, so he could only utter "Sao" with Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang said: "He is the captain, I'll ask him to go out and do Something personal. "

Monkey said: "Open a note? The black dog just became captain will certainly not set this precedent."

Chu Xiang shook his fist and said, "Can this be done for him?"

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