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Chapter 531: Negotiable income

[531] Negotiations with their own benefits

Given Guanshan's familiarity with the Antarctic base, he can't recognize these three people, so Chu Xiang can't recognize him. He guessed a few characters in his mind, such as Conns and "Miri" Sray, and thought that these people might come. Go to Guanshan to explore the truth, or to attract or attack, but who is behind the scenes can only know after the meeting.

The two evolvers took Guan Shan and Chu Xiang into the Antarctic Building. The last time they entered this place was through the back door. They did n’t know much about the functional structure of the building. Today, it is time to get off work. The building is silent. An opportunity to learn how the building works.

"Please, Mr. Guan is waiting in our boss." He took the elevator to the eighteenth floor, an evolutionist knocked on the door, and made a gesture to Guan Shan.

Guan Shan was a little hesitant. At this time, Chu Xiang followed the two steps closely. He knew that Guan Shan didn't want to go in alone. On the surface, Guan Shan was calm and calm, but in fact he was sweating cold. Since the other person lives in the Antarctic Building, he is naturally a powerful figure in the Antarctic base. These power figures have the power to kill and kill civilians in the base. Although Guan Shan is a mixed society, he and the senior members of the base are not familiar with it. He can't figure out how the other party will treat him. Without self-protection strength, he will The performance at the moment must be hesitant, but if Chu Xiang accompanies him in, it's two words.

The evolutionist stopped Chu Xiang and said, "Sorry, please wait outside. All our boss wants to see is Mr. Guan."

Guan Shan snorted deliberately and imposingly, "My bodyguard must keep me safe, or I will leave."

The evolver was embarrassed. At this time, the door of the room opened by himself. "Let them all come in. We are not Longtan Tiger's" hole "here, are we afraid that people will not succeed?"

The evolutionist heard the voices of the people inside. Then the evolutionist let go. After Chu Xiang before Guan Shan, the two entered the room with a luxurious decoration. If it is not clear that this is the surface of the Antarctic Ocean, it may be regarded as the leader of the former world somewhere. In the office, a cup of coffee on the table is hot, a bitter aroma permeates the air.

"Mr. Guan, please sit down." Behind the table was a large leather chair. There was a man in his fifties lying lazily. His hair was a little gray, but his face was rosy. He Behind them were two expressionless men.

"General Pete?" Guan Shan shouted helplessly, and Chu Xiang was also a little surprised. He couldn't think of the base leader looking for Guan Shan! Before, he just thought of which department wanted to use Guanshan's power to do things, but he did not expect that Pete would go out in person. This is not in line with common sense, and he disdains to deal with Guanshan with his distinguished status.

The old man General Pete raised his hand, "Mr. Guan need not be polite, just call me Old Pete, sit and drink coffee"

Guan Shan has n’t remembered how long he has n’t drank coffee, but at this moment the seductive coffee smell ca n’t attract him. Some of them are sitting opposite Pete, and touched the coffee cup with his hand, and then shrink back, Guan Shan said: “Pete What's wrong with the general looking for me? I'm just a small business owner, and it's not worth the general's personal interview. "

In the final analysis, Guan Shan's psychological quality is still not enough. He has never been as calm and calm as Chu Xiang. One is that he has not experienced enough things. The other is that he does not have the same strength as Chu Xiang, so it is normal to feel guilty.

Pete smiled lightly. He had a leadership temperament for a long time. This is something that Guanshan can't compare. "Mr. Guan, I have heard of your courage recently, but I am very confused and confused. By my expert It's estimated in your bar that even if you don't eat or drink for two years, you won't be able to save so much Antarctica, and today you took out 10,000 handymen and bought a child. "

Guan Shanlian's "color" is not good-looking. It seems that everything in the base can't hide Pete. Guan Shan is clear about himself. Those Antarctic coins are fake. Did Pete ask him for this?

Guan Shan carefully chose silence

Mo, Pete continued: "But I also sent someone to verify carefully that the Antarctic currency circulating from your hands is genuine. What is the reason why Mr. Guan can give me an explanation, let alone you stole it back and grab it? Back, I have let people investigate the amount of Antarctic currency in circulation, which exceeds our original circulation! "

Guan Shan leaned on Chu Xiang's back, which gave him a little more courage, so he smiled in the face of a smiling tiger-like Pete: "General Pete, you can understand that I can make Antarctica by myself."

Pete wasn't angry, and he was still so indifferent. This was a far cry from his son Amanda. Although Amanda looked stable, he was far worse than his father.

"I do think so, but I have sent people to investigate where you live, there is no equipment that can cast Antarctica, so I was surprised about it, but what surprised me was your bodyguard, if my information That's right, he's just arrived at the Antarctic base, and he's still a little fisherman. "

Guan Shan was shocked. It would not be a good thing for Pete, the old "treasonable" cunning guy, to come by himself. It turned out that his spear, Chu Xiang, did not expect his behavior to attract the attention of the senior officials of the base so quickly. However, since the other party knows that he has a certain strength and still dares to let himself in, is he not malicious?

Guan Shan and Chu Xiang both chose silence for a while. Pete didn't reveal his hole cards, but it would be bad to say too much at this time, and Pete was not surprised by the silence shown by the two, as if everything was expected by him, Pete suddenly turned away from Standing up on the chair, he stretched his waist and said, "I am old and my son is not fighting. The Antarctic base is not as good as the day. I often want to make this base bigger and bigger, instead of dying day by day. People dismantle. "

Hearing Chu Xiang's heart here, it turned out to be this way! Pete must have been threatened by the American representative. Perhaps the Americans asked Pete to dissolve the Antarctic base, but how can Pete agree to be the emperor who has been here for more than two years, but will not continue to work hard for the base on his behalf, and will With the decline of the population, the base will eventually die. Pete is seeking a way to keep the base and develop for a long time!

Chu Xiang's heart was bright, but Guan Shan didn't know what was behind it, and he was afraid that speaking the wrong words would cause unnecessary trouble, but Guan Shan was a man who had mixed society after all, and there were also upper-faced characters in the former world. He was very relaxed Find a reason to push the ball to Chu Xiang, "General Pete, I want to make my bodyguard talk to you, he knows what to kill and kill, and I am only suitable for business."

Pete looked up and down at Chu Xiang: "Oh, it seems that you still pay great attention to him. On the day of the leak accident in the maintenance department, many people died, but he went to work on the first day but was fine. I still have some here. Sources said that he had killed dozens of giant fishes alone, "Pete counted Chu Xiang's achievements while carefully grabbing a handful of Antarctic coins from the table, and rattled back to the table from his fingers.

Chu Xiang saw Pete constantly tinkering with the pile of Antarctic coins, and the posture was obvious. He wanted an answer. Suddenly there were more Antarctic coin answers! Chu Xiang is happy to see the base leader so soon. As long as he controls Pete, things are easy to say. This is a big step for his own plan. He has strengthened the ancient "confused" bar. Isn't it just to get their attention?

Chu Xiang didn't speak. He raised the pile of Antarctic coins on the table to his palm suddenly, but the pile of Antarctic coins disappeared when the palm was flipped, and a bright pistol appeared in his hand. The muzzle was facing Pete. Pete's face had been calm and "color" changed. He was like a whirlwind against Chu Xiang!

Chu Xiang held the gun in his right hand and quickly made two punches in his left hand. The two bodyguards were hit by the bridge of the nose one after the other, and the blood sprayed out. Compared to his injuries, the two bodyguards were surprised by Chu Xiang ’s punches speed! This is by no means comparable to them. Things that they thought were easy to reverse suddenly turned out to be too indifferent to the enemy.

Alas, Chu

Xiang threw the right-handed gun on the table, and he smiled: "General Pete is too careful, but just fake guns. As for such a big scene? It seems you are very wary of me."

Pete quickly recovered after his face changed. He waved at two bodyguards whose nose was broken. The two bodyguards retreated with interest. Then Pete picked up the gun on the table. The real gun is really the same. Even Pete popped up the magazine, but the inside was empty. Chu Xiang could make a gun but couldn't make a bullet. That's different from the metal's "sex" quality.

Faced with this kind of ability, Pete's face showed a little tiredness. He sat back in the chair and said, "Good skill, I have seen your speed fast. I never imagined that Antarctica was made this way. I am afraid your ability to control metal is not me The evolutionists here can be compared. They mostly make a few knives. For complex or large things, they have never been manufactured. Such a good skill, I think you should serve the base, and it is Qu Cai who follows Guan Shan. Now, what I lack is talent like you. As long as you are willing to help me, I can leave the evolutionary army to you in the future! "

Chu Xiang smiled and said, "Since General Pete has checked everything I have done, don't you know that I and Guan Shan are classmates? Besides, do you think that this dead base has a place worthy of my service?"

Pete heard that the relationship between the two was "disorganized". Obviously, his men did not investigate this point clearly, which made him a little passive. Now he has to pay attention to the attention and balance between the two in front of him, but Pete His mouth was still very unpleasantly: "Do you also think that the Antarctic base should be disbanded? All my hard work over the years has gone to waste?"

Chu Xiang said: "No, since it has spent such manpower and material resources to create this base, then it has a reason to continue to exist, but the population pressure here is too great, and the food is not simple enough. In the long run, the base will itself decline, so Reform has to be done, and this is a matter of burning eyebrows, and it can't be delayed for a day. "

Pete listened to Chu Xiang's words, and his face was "colored" with a joy: "Reform? I think so too! I didn't think that Mr. Chu had even thought of me, and I don't care what you are here for, now I just want to hear Mr. Chu Views on Antarctic bases. "

Chu Xiang said: "What do I think? I'm afraid you may not listen."

Pete said: "How can you know that I can't listen to it without telling you, tell you the truth, the Antarctic base is now facing a life or death choice, otherwise you would talk to me here?"

Chu Xiang knew that Pete still looked down on himself, thinking that he was just a powerful evolutionary, but Chu Xiang is not in a hurry to reverse Pete's views on himself, he must master the right to speak a little bit, as the saying goes, how can there be Stuttering into a fat person, that will not be strangled to death!

Chu Xiang said: "I wonder if General Pete has studied our Chinese history?"

Pei Dian nodded: "It was a compulsory course before I became a general. Our country has always regarded Russia and China as imaginary enemies, so I have studied your historical system."

Chu Xiang said: "Then the general knows the 'resolute state' mistakes made in the history of our country?"

Pete paused for a moment, and soon he came to his senses: "You mean to let the Antarctic base strengthen the connection with the outside world?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, if you have really studied Chinese history, you will know how terrible the closed country is."

Pete said: "But the situation is different now, the outside world has been infected with t virus, and there are terrible alien creatures, so hiding here is our only way out!"

Chu Xiang said: "General Pete, you are too ignorant, don't you know that the virus infection has been controlled, the surviving humans have been able to avoid indirect infections, and we have made remarkable achievements in fighting the Terminator aggression in China, and even Planting and industrial manufacturing have resumed, Antarctica

There is a huge population, but there is a lack of land for planting, but the production lines outside can be brought in and the industrial products produced in it can be used in exchange for food grown in the outside world. "

Pete sneered: "Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Such a long distance, let alone exchange products, it is very difficult to transport people! I just want to hear you talk about practical ideas, I did not expect You're whimsical here, who wouldn't dream. "

Chu Xiang said: "For me, distance is not a problem!"

Pete said, "Oh, I'll see how far you are is not a problem!"

Chu Xiang said: "It's too early to say these things. I wouldn't do this easily until I saw General Pete's sincere performance, otherwise the proof would be a white proof."

Peter thought for a moment and thought, "Then what do you think I'm doing sincerely?"

Chu Xiang said: "Evolutionists are all dispatched to hunt food, and all the surplus population is moved back to the mainland."

Pete's face rose in anger, and he stood up and said, "I didn't think you were so sinister attentive, believe it or not, I can kill you now!"

Chu Xiang's face calmed and said, "Do you have this ability, General Pete? Besides, kill me, you have no way to choose from."

The two injured bodyguards just now are Pete's strong characters. They ca n’t make a peace. Pete is really not sure to kill Chu Xiang. Besides, Chu Xiang talked about his pain. He wanted to use Guanshan The mysterious power of the United States against the American representative is another option. If you offend both sides, the good days of his general will come to an end.

"Farewell!" Pete ordered a guest order, and now he needed to calm down, but Chu Xiang could not calm down before standing.

When he came out of Guanshan, the Antarctic Mansion, he said, "Brother, why were you so tough just now, it's not bad to offend Pete. He is the big boss here after all."

Chu Xiang said: "Relax Guanshan, I see that Pete is really nowhere to go. The American representative probably" forced "him to submit, and I think he will come to us again soon, and conditions will be left to us then opened."

Guan Shan thought for a while and thought, "He wants to use us as guns?"

Chu Xiang said: "I am willing to be a gun. This is an opportunity to gather up those evolutionaries and soldiers. Why did Pete and others rely on them for the power in the base? If they lose their support, the base will still operate according to their wishes. ? "

Guan Shan laughed: "You are really an old man. Pete is in a dilemma. Either dissolve the base and return to the United States with the US representative, or think about change, and base the construction of the base with the American representative. Otherwise, he really has no other way. . "

Going back to the ancient "Confident" Aberdeen Bar, Chu Xiang summoned Xu Shumei and Chen Xiuying, sent each of them a piece of armor, and taught them how to use it, so that even if Chu Xiang was not ancient, the "Confident" Aberdeen Bar was not afraid of people coming to trouble With the strength of these Antarctic base evolutionaries, it may not be easy to break this armor in a short time.

The next day Chu Xiang got up early to hunt three more, but saw the crowds in the preparation room, there were few hundred people, most of them were faces, and Chu Xiang thought he had recruited workers again, who? The captain of the three tribes came over and said, "Chu Xiang, a few other people from the hunting department are here. Would you like to say a few words to everyone?"

Chu Xiang said for a moment: "What are they doing here?"

Captain Chu Xiang said to his ears: "I told yesterday what happened, all three captains showed willingness to cooperate."

Chu Xiang nodded, and the captain of the tribe was deliberate. The hundredth person was under the leadership of his team. Of course, the captain of the three troops would not be stupid enough to directly tell others to rebel. At present, these people are just preparing to eat themselves.


Chu Xiangshi is not good at speaking. He told the captain: "Please bring in the three captains, let's discuss them."

The four of them sat together, and the other three captains said, "Chu Ye, we know you are great, so we want to mingle with you. As long as we can ensure that we complete the task safely, our team honors you ten Antarctic coins every day."

Chu Xiang said: "Since they are all hunting departments, you don't need to be so polite. Ten Antarctic coins are not necessary for me. You should keep it for yourself. It's my responsibility to help my friends."

The three captains were almost happy to scratch their heads. "Chu Ye, you are so interesting, but please let us know where we can help, we have nothing else, a lot of strength!"

Chu Xiang said: "Don't you think that everything is ready with me, everyone still has to contribute, I can't complete so many tasks at all."

The three captains said, "Understand, understand. Lord Chu gives us orders."

Chu Xiang divided the four teams into two classes. Today he will launch with three or four groups of people. Because the three groups have already cooperated with him, tomorrow's shift will also be launched by three and one or two groups. The three groups of men and women adapted to cooperate with him and then enter the normal rotation.

The tasks of these ordinary players are very simple. They are still trying to attract giant fishes and fat beasts, and then they are killed by Chu Xiang. Then they are dragged back to the base. As long as their hands and feet are sharp and they do n’t lead the prey, there is almost no accident occur.

With the cooperation of the third group of people, it is still very easy to complete the tasks of the four groups today, not to mention that the three hunting groups of Chu Xiang exceeded their tasks yesterday, because their production was assessed on a weekly basis, the office leaders did not agree with today. Yield, and today changed the work area, went to the waters of the four groups, where there are many giant fish, and even caught two greased beasts, no one was injured after returning to the base. Hold your mouth.

Taking off his diving suit, Chu Xiang refused the invitation of the four captains to invite him to dinner. He was afraid that Pete would find himself. For Chu Xiang, it was more important for Pete to win over these players, because Pete had evolvers.

Back to the ancient "Confused" Aberdeen Bar, Guanshan Road really turned out: "Brother, Pete sent someone to come to you again, can't you go?"

Chu Xiang said: "Of course, this time I think there will be results."

Guan Shandao: "Do you still use me to accompany me? Actually, I am not interested in your plans at all."

Chu Xiang laughed: "Then I will go to the meeting with one hand."

Guan Shandao: "It happened that Shumei and I trained the girls who had just been hired back yesterday."

When Chu Xiang Pitt's office saw him, the old man was much older all night, and the flushing on his face had disappeared. It seems that he did not fall asleep at all that night, probably weighing the team to choose will be in his favor, but Pitt It seems that no matter which team is bad for him, the conditions of the American representative are very tough. The base is built mainly by the strength of the United States. Now the United States already has the power to fight against Terminator and T virus, so this base Must move back to the United States, including those foreigners at the base.

Pete enjoyed the emperor for two years. Although he said that his life was a bit worse, the high feeling was a great enjoyment. He didn't want to return to the United States to let all power be released. In that case, it would be more uncomfortable than killing him. However, it is not a good idea to choose Chu Xiang. After all, he doesn't know much about the strength of Chu Xiang, but it is too unwise to compete with the "government" of the United States by his own strength. Besides, there is another old saying in China, called 'Let the tiger suffer', this person is very strong, in case he develops and weakens his strength, isn't it boring for himself?

Pete didn't make up his mind after repeating this for a night, and then he decided to talk with Chu Xiang. The US representative is not expecting any negotiability. He is only a representative. He only knows to act according to the wishes of the president.

, There is no possibility to change, and the other 20 evolutionaries come, the strength is not weaker than the evolutionaries here, even if you want to secretly account for them, and Chu Xiang in this regard can be completely controlled by Chu Xiang, if he throws himself Point of interest to confuse, maybe the other party will give way, no matter how to try first.

"Sit," Pete pointed to the sofa opposite, and he was alone in the room today.

Chu Xiang sat down politely and said, "General Pete, I think you should think about it."

Pete smiled miserably: "Do you really think it would be a wise reform to distribute evolutionaries to hunt food? I can tell you that those evolutionaries are not fools, and they will follow me once they provoke them. Desperately. "

Chu Xiang said: "Really? That's because the people who lead them are too bad, otherwise who dare to resist!"

Pete said: "You have such confidence, it seems that only you can do this thing."

Chu Xiang said: "I'm happy to help the general."

Hide nodded, and then said, "I don't agree with what you said last night about moving the population back to the ground. This is actually dissolving the Antarctic base, which is something I cannot tolerate."

Chu Xiang saw Pete making a concession. At this time, he also had to show sincerity, so he said: "It is not urgent to relocate the population. It may be necessary to develop a few more production lines. The population here is completely useable. There is no need to move out of Antarctica . "

A smile on Peter's face "showed", and his first negotiation was a success. "Mr. Chu, it's not that I don't believe in your strength, but that I can't easily put the evolutionary in your hands without good evidence. I want to enrich ten of you to the hunting department first. How can we observe the effect after a few days? "

Chu Xiang knew that Pete would have to take his grades to believe in himself. Otherwise, he would only choose to return to the United States with his representative. So Chu Xiang agreed to Pete's test requirements, but he still had to clarify some things first to avoid It happened again and again, "General Pete, since you agree with my approach, then I must have full command of the ten evolutionists, including their lives!"

Peter didn't even think about it, "No problem! As long as you have this ability!"

Pete patted his palm, the door of the room opened, and ten evolutionists entered in a neat line. They were all members of the Marine Corps and evolved when the t virus infected the old base in Antarctica, but the level was high. This is the grade, which is a huge gap with Chu Xiang.

Pete said to these ten people: "From today you will follow Mr. Chu to the hunting department. In the future, you will listen to his orders. Whoever dares to violate will be punished by Mr. Chu!"

The ten of them were upright when facing Pete, saying in unison: "yir!"

Chu Xiang said: "First dissolve today, tomorrow you will go hunting three reports ~ ~ I am waiting on time at seven in the morning, whoever is late don't blame me for punishment!"

The ten people looked away from Pete, and then Chu Xiang made a circle, his voice said lazily: "yir."

Chu Xiang didn't mind the attitude of these people towards himself. He and Pete said they would leave first, before returning to the bar before lunch time. It stands to reason that there are no guests in the bar at this time, but sitting at the table at the moment With a person, Guan Shan greeted Chu Xiang and whispered, "Missley is here, and I have some questions, but I dare not take the decision."

Chu Xiang nodded, and Guan Shan shouted at Misley: "My bodyguard is back, and what you said is more appropriate to discuss with him, because I only want to do my own business."

Misley is an engineer at the Antarctic base. He is responsible for the design and construction of the entire base. The Antarctic base is a strong man in the grassroots class. He said to Chu Xiang: "Are you qualified to talk to me?"

& nb

p; Chu Xiang grabbed the metal wine glass on the table, rubbed his palms and turned into metal powder, and then flowed down, "What do you say?"

"Mystery" Slay's face changed, "color," and said, "Okay, let's talk to the second floor."

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