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Chapter 532: 1 more partner

The strength is the best proof in the troubled times. Chu Xiang's exposed hand calmed Misley. Even if Chu Xiang is not an evolutionary, he can rub the metal into powder. Since Guan Shan arranged for Chu Xiang to talk to himself, it should not be fake.

In the private room on the second floor, the pink walls and humble floorboards have a faint yin smell. This is the place for men and women to revel in the bar. It is normal to leave some traces, but Misley didn't mind, Chu Xiang didn't Will care.

"In addition to the management of the young and confused bar, I am responsible for everything else," Chu Xiang explained.

Misley nodded and said, "Guan Shan is a magical figure. He can rise in just a few days. I don't think it has anything to do with you, right? It should be said that you are the force supporting his rise!" Misley See the blood.

Chu Xiang did not deny it. He just smiled, and then took out a cigarette from his arms and threw a branch to Misley. Misley took it with a little surprise, then carefully put it on his nose and smelled, "Really smoke? "Missley's face was surprised.

Chu Xiang said: "Don't you dare take out the fakes to show your ugliness? I know you are more used to smoking cigars, and your cigarette strength is weaker."

Misley's expression was a little excited: "No, no, I'm old. It's almost a year that I haven't smelled the cigarettes, even the stalls are treasures. Thank you, thank you, you are a magical Chinese. It seems to be working with you. Right. "

Popping, Chu Xiang lighted the lighter and helped Misley light up. When he smoked, the two took a hard breath before they started the conversation. Misley's original look of relief relaxed and it seemed that a cigarette had drawn closer to the two. The distance, "Your name is Chu Xiang, is it the Chu-Han wind, the nine-day soaring Xiang, the name is good."

Chu Xiang laughed: "It seems that Mr. Misley is still a Chinese savvy."

Misley bombarded the ashes: "I have studied in China and am very interested in China Construction. It is a real art treasure. Unfortunately, this disaster has caused ten losses to human civilization. Alas, catastrophe."

Chu Xiang drank his cigarette and bounced off the ashes, "Everything is new and old, so-called. The old cannot be new, but the new one cannot be built. With Mr. Misley's architectural knowledge, the heavy human reconstruction task will fall on your shoulders. . "

Misley smiled bitterly: "Human reconstruction? Can the Antarctic base be alive. Survival is still a big problem. This is why I asked the boss today because his strong appearance in the past two days has given me a glimmer of light."

Chu Xiang threw away the cigarette butt. Throw the rest of the cigarettes to Misley, Misley nodded gratefully, and then continued, "The Antarctic base is complex, of which General Pete is the largest, and he is also the top leader of the base. Not long ago, the humans on the ground sent the representative from the United States. They sent information about the end of the world. Humans have found a cure for the t virus. They have also defeated the invading Terminator. . "

Chu Xiang did not know, so he said, "This is a good thing, so that you can show your strengths."

Misley said: "How can it be as simple as you think, Pete has heavy soldiers in his hands, but also controls the survival of the entire base. With his temperament in these two years, it is impossible to return to the ground and obey American command."

Chu Xiang nodded coherently: "People do not want to give up once they have power in their hands."

Misley said: "Yeah, but the U.S. representative is very strong, and given the final time, limiting the relocation of the Antarctic base within three months, otherwise they will replace General Pete to command the Antarctic base because the U.S. representative brought Strong evolutionaries, no one in the entire Antarctic base is their opponent. "

Chu Xiang said casually: "Then move it. Isn't your building knowledge just right on the ground?"

Misley smiled bitterly: "There is one thing you do n’t know at all. When the Antarctic base was built, it took into account the critical moment in the future, so there is a self-destruct device. As long as the self-destruct device is turned on, everything here will be destroyed in less than two minutes. The water is submerged, and the power to control this self-destructing device is in the hands of Pete. If he can't compete with the representative of the United States, he will probably use self-destruction to threaten him in the end. If we really open it, we will be all over. Antarctic base The import and export of the country is extremely complicated. Once the seawater is flooded at any time, the pressure will even destroy the outer glaciers and cause larger ice layers to break. No one can survive under this series of reactions. "

Misley was the builder of the Antarctic base, plus Chu Xiang had concerns in this regard, so Misley said that Chu Xiang was not surprised, and Misley talked about what he had just known to Pete Basically, Pete is doing everything possible to deal with the US representative and even throw out an olive branch to cooperate with himself. However, if the US representative desperately forces him to submit, I am afraid that Peter will really destroy the Antarctic base if he has no choice.

Chu Xiang said: "Mr. Misley, what is the purpose of telling me this?"

Misley said: "I want Mr. Guan to help me get back the controller in Pete's hands and force Pete to agree to the conditions of the American representative. As long as we promise the American representative, they will send an aircraft to the South Pole to meet, so we don't have to hide in the darkness The underground life has continued to live like a mouse. I don't think about it for myself. This is something that the survivors of each base should do. Otherwise, we can only be led by Pete! It's not worth his power alone! "

Chu Xiang ’s understanding of the Antarctic base is just superficial. If Misley did n’t tell him, he really did n’t know that there was such a starter to control the destruction device. It seems that the previous caution is not redundant at all, although Misley ’s purpose is It is back to the United States, but for the time being he is in the same camp as Chu Xiang. Everyone is working hard to be able to return to the ground. As for where to go, it depends on who ’s fist is hard.

Chu Xiang said: "Mr. Misley, let me tell you the truth. I just met General Pete just now."

Misley's face changed, and the cigarette in his hand fell to the ground. "What? Is it possible that you have become a coward with him!"

Chu Xiang said: "Mr. Misere, although you are a Chinese, please do not abuse idioms. General Pete only values ​​the strength of Boss Guan. He intends to implement some reforms inside the base and will temporarily add ten evolutionaries to me. Go to the hunting department to help, but to be honest I'm very interested in what you just said. Although the sun outside is not bright, living in such a small metal ball will drive people crazy someday.

Misley bent a little blankly and picked up the cigarette on the ground. He took a hard breath and allowed the cigarette to ignite spontaneously. He thought about it for five minutes, when the cigarette burned to his finger, he woke up, "Mr. Chu said It means boss Guan, right? "

Chu Xiang nodded, Misley said again: "Then I want to know how boss Guan intends to deal with this matter, to help him, or to prepare for the happiness of the survivors of the entire base. If boss Guan wants to help him, Are you confident that you can deal with the twenty evolutionaries brought by the American representative? "

Chu Xiang said: "I haven't seen the American evolutionist, so I'm not sure, but I'm very interested in the controller you just said, no matter who wins between you and Pete, I don't want to be Drowning in the sea, so I plan to help you steal this controller back and destroy it. "

Misley did not expect Chu Xiang to say this. He considered the gains and losses. After all, Chu Xiang is now working with Pete. He cannot be too risky, but there is no risk of success. Misley said: "This controller is really very It ’s important, so even if you work with Pete, you ca n’t be stabbed by someone behind you. It ’s the smartest option to take your life in your own hands. ”

Chu Xiang smiled and said: "Then you don't plan to tell me about the control things carefully? Otherwise, how can I find it?"

"This controller is just a switch, it can detonate the outer protective layer in an instant, because explosives are buried in those shields during construction, so they cannot be removed at all, if they are forcibly removed, they will only destroy Drop those shields, and you still can't avoid being flooded. The only way is to get the controller and turn it off completely. Only when it turns off the annunciator on your wrist will it fail, otherwise let alone escape. Once you leave The signal range can kill you just by a time bomb on your wrist. The controller is like a box, about 50 centimeters square. I do n’t know where Pete hides it. This requires you to explore it yourself. I think I should not It's out of the Antarctic building. "

Chu Xiang said: "Then I choose to cooperate with Pete, otherwise how can I approach him?"

Misley was also a little awakened: "Yeah, Pete is very cautious, and the evolutionist in his hand is the largest number of Antarctic bases, so you must be careful, not to be noticed by him, otherwise he If we jump over the wall, we will become passive. In short, this matter can be completed before the US representative deadline. "

Chu Xiang said: "I see. This is not just your personal problem, but something that everyone who wants to live should do. Rest assured, even if I can't steal the controller, I won't be out of control."

Misley said: "I can rest assured. After all, I don't know you well. It's too risky, but I can't think of other ways besides that. The evolutionist at hand is not strong enough. Pete is very special to me. Be wary, if I did n’t have my own protection, I might have been assassinated by him. Of course, I wo n’t let you do anything for nothing. I will take care of the young and confused bar as far as I can, and I need money to just talk. , I forgot, it seems that Mr. Guan himself will make money. "

Suddenly Guan Shan suddenly became rich. Anyone with a brain knew that there was a problem, not to mention the engineer Misley. His brainpower was not stupid, but those Antarctic coins were no problem, so these people can only talk about it and want to find out. Guanshan's flaws are almost impossible, even if found out? Chu Xiang is now sewn back and forth, Pete will not fight against him, Misley also has to use his power to steal the controller, Fujikawa suffered a loss, Conns and Amanda have been ignorant, and now look at the confusing bar Still smooth sailing.

Chu Xiang smiled and ignored Misley's so-called 'change money' and said to Misley: "You are the architect of the Antarctic base, then you must know the secret entrance of the base, don't tell me that there is no stay At the entrance, anyone will keep one hand. "

The smile on Misley's face was a bit unnatural. "Well, since you say that, I can't hide it. There is indeed an entrance on the bottom floor of the Antarctic Building. From there, you can enter another crack in the glacier and open the secret. The code is escape, but I remind you that the annunciator on your wrist will be detonated once it is out of the base range. Do not try it. "

Chu Xiang took off the annunciator on his wrist, that is, the time bomb, Misley said in surprise: "You, you, how did you do that? I didn't even see clearly just now, what is going on, it is It's intact. "

Chu Xiang said: "If I don't even have this strength, would you choose to cooperate with us?"

Misley was relieved when he thought. Since they dare to fight against Fujikawa, they must be capable. This is the most magical thing. It seems that they are right to cooperate with them. I just hope that this guy is not confused by Pete. Otherwise, it will be full. All lose, maybe Pete will bite back, but currently it is the only option to rely on the power of Guan Shan. Misley's heart is contradictory. Finally, he threw away his second cigarette **** and left. I thought it was useless and simple. See what happens in the future.

Chu Xiang went downstairs to take away Misley. Many people were already sitting in the hall, including sister Chen Xiuying. Although Chen Duo had injuries, he was only injured in the flesh, and he was fine after recovery. Chu Xiang shouted gratefully: "Brother Chu, thank you for saving me and my sister again."

At this moment, Chen Duo no longer blame Chu Xiang for eating his mount and chasing snow, Chu Xiang smiled and nodded to him, Guan Shan pulled Chu Xiang to another table, "You promised?" Expressed the intention of Guanshan.

Chu Xiang nodded: "Yeah, it's not a thing in Pete's hands to master everyone's life and death. It must be stolen and destroyed, or he will be destroyed in his sleep one day. The initiative must be in his own hands. Row."

Guan Shandao: "I think so too, but can the key stuff be easily stolen? Moreover, we don't even know where to put it. I look at it too much. Isn't there three months left? We think of a way Just leave the base. "

Chu Xiang said: "Guan Shan, tell you the truth, I need the population here. They are important to me, so I must not give up. I think the US representative thinks the same way. This is when our Chinese people are exulting. Are you leaving? "

Guan Shandao: "It turned out that, I knew you wouldn't be aimless. You're right, we can't let American devils succeed. What do you say next?"

Chu Xiang said: "I must not be busy alone. In case of any loophole, it is easy to be seen, so now we need to increase manpower."

Guan Shan said embarrassingly: "If the ordinary man is okay to say, we can buy it, but the manpower that is available is not easy to find. Who knows what they are comfortable with, and the base has added a signal to us. It is necessary They will blow us to death. Will those people listen to us in this situation? "

Chu Xiang said: "I don't plan to use the people here, leave it to me. As long as people come, don't be surprised, help me cover it. As for this signal bomb, rest assured, since I can control the metal Still afraid of what it does. "

Guan Shan patted his head: "Stupid, but old classmate, you first talk about where you plan to find someone, there is an ice and snow world outside, even if you can come here, it does not mean that others can come."

Chu Xiang said: "You will understand right away. Let me take the guy on your wrist first, and get a fake one for you, but it ’s best to take that guy with you when you go out. Otherwise people can scan for vulnerabilities. "

Guan Shandao: "Great, you can replace the one on Shumei with a fake one, otherwise I'll be nervous all day."

After completing the signal on several people, Chu Xiang began to consider escaping from the Antarctic base. He could have returned to base zero while fishing, but the key is how to bring the people back into the base and still hunt the decompression chamber of the hunting department. It's easy to be seen by others. Even if the people in the three departments can be trusted, there are still a few supervisors there. They are sent from the Antarctic Building, so the secret way Misley said is very important.

Chu Xiang first entered the underground part of the Antarctic base from the secret room of the Guchaozi Bar, and walked along the coiled pipe to the building. He controlled the metal molecules to integrate the body into the building. The entry point chosen by Chu Xiang was the lowest floor of the building, where It is a power room. There are two low-power nuclear reactors. Chu Xiang has not walked on the ground and has been walking through metal walls. He quickly found the secret passage mentioned by Misley. It is indeed very hidden, if not Misley in advance. It was said that Chu Xiang would control the metal again, but I was afraid that it could not be found. People hidden outside could not even detect it.

The secret door is indifferent to Chu Xiang. Even the password is passed without passing. There is a very rough metal pipeline behind. Chu Xiang walks along the pipeline and enters the mountain within 50 meters. Continue to walk along the excavated cave, about a distance of more than 600 meters, and then the rocks turned into ice cubes. After a while, the artificial road disappeared. In front of me there was a large crack in the glacier. When he went out, he observed the location of this exit in the air. It turned out to be exactly opposite the road that normally entered the Antarctic base, one on the south side of the glacier and one on the north side of the glacier.

Chu Xiang teleported back to base zero. This time he had plenty of time. The hunting department was done. If it was not for the safety of Guan Shan and others, he could wait to return to the Antarctic base tomorrow morning, but Chu Xiang did not plan to spend more time outside. Stay, find the controller in Pete's hand as soon as possible, and then drive the American representative out of Antarctic base.

Chu Xiang returned to base zero and immediately convened an emergency meeting. Of course, it was to discuss who to take to Antarctica. This time Xie Shanshan was the first to be selected because the controller of General Pete had to rely on her to find the whereabouts of the controller. Players, Xu Huai, Li Xiaoming, Wang Shaohui, and Li Yingjie were also selected. They used to run outside bases, but the new players have been trained recently, so they have a lot of leisure. In the end, He Yaohui also made some time to decide to go with him. He can save half of his heart in Chu Xiang.

"This is very bad!" Just after the list was finalized, some people raised objections.

Chu Xiang glared at the man who said the words: "Why not, we people can almost control the Antarctic base in our hands. If we don't take into account the US government's face, we don't have to be so careful and directly find the self-destructing controller. Just tie Pete. "

The objector was Fang Yuxuan. Her sentence "Very Bad" immediately aroused the approval of Xiao Si and Lin Bo | Bo and others, on the grounds that Chu Xiang was biased, and only Xie Shanshan was a woman with her. Embodying the principle of fairness, Chu Xiang was frightened. "No, you are looking for such a bad reason. I took Shanshan because she would pry into the brain information of others, otherwise how to find the controller in Pete's hand."

Fang Yuxuan said: "In short, it is not good for Sister Shanshan to go alone. In case you bully her, she will not have any combat skills. By then, it will not be eaten by you."

Chu Xiang stopped talking. He knew that Fang Yuxuan was looking for such a reason to follow, but after Fang Yuxuan, Fang Su, who had not been involved in killing and killing, even said, "Yeah, Chu Xiang, Shanshan went alone. Boring, aren't you saying that Zhang Zhixin is at the Antarctic base, it would be nice if our alumni go to gather together, take me with you. "

Chu Xiang said: "You think this is going to travel."

At this time, He Birou, who was attending such a conference for the first time, even said: "Chu Xiang, there are a lot of rare treasures in the Antarctic base. I should go along to try to avoid those things being damaged at critical moments."

When the rich people of the Antarctic base withdrew from various countries, they brought a lot of treasures of wealth. Although they said that they had experienced some chaos in the old base, most of the wealth had not yet spread, so it was normal for He Birou to have such an idea. Chu Xiang After thinking about it, he looked up and said, "Who else wants to go and say it together."

Little Silk opened her mouth and didn't say anything. After all, she didn't want to make her brother embarrassed. Too many people could easily be seen. At that time, her brother would be angry again. Chu Xiang saw no one squeaked and decided: "He Bi gentle Light rain accompanies Shanshan, and others don't need it. "

Fang Su's eyes were disappointed, Chu Xiang softened and said: "Fang Su also went out and turned around, you always stay at the base must be bored, this time I should give you benefits."

Fang Su almost jumped up. Fortunately, her sister is not here today, otherwise Fang Ya must follow suit. If that is the case, Chu Xiang may not be able to agree. After finishing the list, Chu Xiang got up to make preparations. At this time, someone said, "Chu Xiang, this is not good ~ ~ I went to so many non-combatant women, and it was not enough for Xiaoyu to protect him alone. . "

Chu Xiang chuckled and laughed, "Mu Qing, you needn't say anything, as well as the protection of our men, stay at home with peace of mind."

Zhou Muqing snorted, and Chu Xiang no longer hesitated. He urged He Yaohui and others to bring all the equipment. As for the annunciator on the wrist, Chu Xiang himself made a few and let Wang Bin make a signal simulation chip on it, as long as it was not disassembled. Open or detonate no one can see through.

I brought some more weapons and supplies, and of course I didn't forget to make everyone thicken their clothes, and then Chu Xiang took everyone to the glacier, waiting to lead them into the cracks of the glacier. Suddenly the light on the open space was distorted a few times. Zhou Muqing appeared in front of her. She wore a thick down jacket and only revealed a pair of eyes and smiled at Chu Xiang: "If you don't let me come, I will come by myself, unless you take me away, otherwise I will stay here Frozen popsicles. "

Chu Xiang had a pain in his head and waved his hand: "Since it's here, keep up with it. It really convinced you. I will punish you if there is no organization or discipline in the future!"

Zhou Muqing followed Chu Xiang's footsteps: "Punish it, I'm willing to accept it, I haven't been with you for a long time, I miss you, if you don't follow this time, I'm really afraid you won't remember me . "

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