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Chapter 533: Killer

Chu Xiang sighed and didn't say anything. He naturally understood that he usually ignored a lot of girls and said very plainly. How could the National Calamity have the heart to talk about his children's private affairs? After waking up, he ran away and stayed at home Time does not add up for a few days, let alone these girls, even their parents can hardly meet a few times. 79 free

When we followed the secret road, everyone went back to the Gudouzai bar. Except for Xie Shanshan's weak physical strength, everyone was very relaxed about it, and when Guan Shan saw Chu Xiang bringing a group of people back, he was scared. Jump, "Why so much!"

Chu Xiang hehe smiled: "No way, there are still people who are not satisfied. They want to follow along. Maybe they use this place as a tourist destination. Don't say that, find some clothes specific to the Antarctic base and change them. In addition, I Bring more fruits of life, and in a while you find a place, let's set up a restaurant. "

Guan Shanbian went to his own cabinet and flipped his clothes and said, "A restaurant? What restaurant? Do we need a restaurant?"

Chu Xiang said: "Of course, don't put everyone in the Guchaozi bar. We have food now and we need to plug the mouth of the Antarctic base as an official! Let them be inseparable from our restaurant."

Guan Shan weighed against He Yaohui and others. He looked at the clothes in his hand, "Okay, let us do whatever you say."

In the afternoon, Guanshan changed a few pieces of dried fish to the side. A shop that was going to close was empty except for the junk that was useless. The owner took the dried fish and went to the pigeon cage. In two hours, a restaurant was established. He Yaohui hosted the restaurant. The people from base zero were divided into two batches, one stayed at the Gujiaozi bar, and the other helped at the restaurant because the two stores were not far away. Chu Xiang made a passage underground, so that if there is a matter of importance, you don't have to walk on the ground, and you can quickly retreat if something goes wrong.

"How are you going to run the restaurant?" Xie Shanshan. Asked Chu Xiang, there is an extremely lack of material resources at the Antarctic base. There are almost no restaurants here, and places like bars cannot provide dried fish unlimitedly.

Chu Xiang said: "Nothing else, grind the fruit of life into a powder to make steamed buns, uh ... mushrooms. There should be mushrooms in the king, make some mushrooms to boil mushroom soup, and that's it. I'd like to eat them. Do not want to eat and pull down. "

Guan Shandao: "If there is a steamed bun to eat, I'm afraid Pete will come to eat it in person. I'm afraid you will not have enough flour."

Chu Xiang said: "My purpose is to serve the upper-level characters, so we must set the fees as high as a gimmick, one hundred Antarctic coins, and a pot of mushroom soup, one hundred Antarctic coins. This way you are not afraid of food shortages. "

Guan Shandao: "Yes, use it. In a few days, the Antarctic Building will treat us here as a restaurant."

Xie Shanshan actually thought about one more layer than Guan Shan. As long as those high-level characters come to eat here, can they escape their brainwave reconnaissance? This is really a safe and fast way.

The next day Tiantian opened in Xinxintou. The name was Fang Yuxuan. Chu Xiang originally did not intend to take the name. In any case, the exclusive sale was not afraid that the rich would not come. A lot of women had to insist that he could only follow their wishes.

In the morning, Chu Xiang had to go to the hunting department to work. Today, due to the large number of people entering the water, so many marine creatures were brought back. Chu Xiang killed nearly a hundred giant fishes in one breath, almost emptying the nearby waters, and finally hunted. With nearly ten fat beasts, Chu Xiang opened his mouth and asked the hunting department for three. Those people were jealous of Chu Xiang ’s magical powers. After all, Chu Xiang ’s appearance caused them to exceed their plan this month, and the Antarctic Mansion has already awarded a reward.

Regarding the ten evolvers, Chu Xiang organized them into two batches and hunted every other day. Their task was to use all their skills to fight with marine life. After victory, they returned to the base alive and failed. Just sink to the bottom and feed the fish. This is a necessary condition to stimulate the evolution of the evolutionaries. At the Antarctic base, these evolutionaries are carefree and the evolution has almost stopped, so they ca n’t beat the evolutionaries sent by the United States, and now Chu Xiang wants Hunting turned their stopped evolution back on and used the power of evolution to serve Antarctic bases.

After leaving the class, Chu Xiang went directly to the sweet steamed buns, and the aroma was coming out of the steamed buns at noon. This is the first batch of steamed buns at the Antarctic base. The life fruit is ground into powder by metal grinding, and then fermented to make steamed buns. The mushrooms bought by the king had also boiled into a soup, and a large pot had a pleasant aroma. Chu Xiang could not help but swallowed.

"Xiaoyu, go to the bar and call everyone there. We won't entertain outsiders today. We will have our own meals."

Fang Yuxuan went to the bar with a bang, and soon Guan Shan brought the men and women over there, including the two sisters Chen Xiuying who had not appeared in the past few days. Chen Duo had injuries Chen Xiuying was not allowed to go out, in fact, the injury was not considered at all What, but as a sister who cares for his brother and treats him like a baby, this is what Chu Xiang is most accustomed to.

Guan Shan rubbed his hands and said, "It's really fragrant. I haven't smelled steamed buns for a long time. I have to eat something special at noon today."

"Come on! Zhou Muqing shouted a loud horn and came out of the kitchen with a large pan of hoe. She wore a plain white gown, she really looked like a cook, and her raised chest and straight buttocks were perfect. The s-curve of Guan Shan's eyes were straight, and Xu Shumei narrowed his eyes before retracting his eyes. He recognized Zhou Muqing as a big star, and he was full of how Chu Xiang took the big star and brought him to the Antarctic base. Doubt, there are too many questions Guan Guanshan wants to figure out, so there is no shortage of a big star. When the time comes, Chu Xiang will naturally explain to him.

There are people who keep coming in outside. They are the bunny girls in the Guchaozi bar. The last one is the sister Chen Xiuying. The two days Chen Duo was forced by the sister to stay on the second floor to heal. In fact, that injury was not a problem anymore, but When I was a sister, I was afraid that my brother had something wrong, but today I met someone from Base Zero.

"Mu Qing?" Chen Xiuying just saw Zhou Muqing coming out of the kitchen with a hoe, she was a little unbelievable, so there was a slight doubt in the shout, and the voice was very low, lest the wrong person make a joke.

Zhou Muqing looked up, "You ... Are you Chen Xiuying?"

Chen Xiuying nodded: "Yeah, it's me, you really are Mu Qing, my God, I'm not dreaming, I thought I would never see my old friends again in this life! Where are you from?"

Zhou Muqing lowered her **** and quickly stepped forward to seize Chen Xiuying's hand: "I came with Chu Xiang yesterday. Why didn't I see you? Where did you come from? He is your brother? It ’s so thin. This I must have suffered a lot in some time. "

Chen Xiuying regretfully said, "Oh, I didn't go downstairs yesterday. It turned out that you came at that time. It's a long story. Let's not disturb everyone's meals. Let's talk about it in the afternoon. Brother, call Mu Qing."

Chen Duo also knew Zhou Muqing and shouted his sister. Zhou Muqing touched Chen Duo's head and said, "Sit down and eat."

Originally Fang Su and Xu Shumei were unfamiliar, and it was impossible to know even when they met, but under the introduction of Chu Xiang, they got along well with their former alumni, but Xu Shumei was more confused than Guan Shan. Where did Fang Su come from? ? What does it seem to be intimate with Chu Xiang? But Guan Shan refused to ask her, so she could only pinch her belly.

The steamed buns are fragrant and soft. Drinking the mushroom soup has suppressed the strange smell in the fruit of life. In fact, I do n’t think the smell is so common. Everyone eats with relish. With this delicious steamed buns, they are the officials. It ’s impossible if people do n’t come!

After eating, Chu Xiang carried the three fat beasts to the back kitchen of Mantou Pavilion. For how to deal with the workers in the hunting department, he used the spear of judgment to create a sharp knife to cut off the fat from the fat beasts. Set up an electric pot to boil the oil, and the animal heads and hoof viscera are boiled into the water. It is also a good dish in the steamed buns with the seasonings.

The fat residue left over from cooking is also a good food. Stir it back with sugar and send it to the Gudouzai bar as dried fruit, but do n’t expect to buy this food with Antarctic currency. As suggested by He Birou, as long as it is not ordinary food When collecting Antarctic coins, as long as the gold and silver hand ornaments are antiques, calligraphy and paintings, of course, the extra value can be changed with Antarctic coins.

Although He Birou suggested that Chu Xiang Bun House should also adopt this method, Chu Xiang refused after considering. This Bun House was only for attracting senior officials in the building, especially General Pete. If they let them use precious calligraphy and painting to exchange buns, I'm afraid not Well, at least you have to wait until you have stolen the self-destructing controller before doing so.

Chu Xiang is busy boiling water in the kitchen, not to mention that the fat beast tastes good, catching up with the wild boar in the world, Guan Shan hurriedly came to him from the bar: "Chu Xiang, there are three people in the bar who are looking for you, and they are your subordinates. "

Chu Xiang lowered the spoon that stirred the pot of water from the beast and said, "My subordinate? Who are you waiting for, I will pass right away."

Guan Shan didn't leave, but instead reached out to take over the spoon that Chu Xiang had put down. He took a spoonful of soup and blew the hot air slowly, "It's so delicious, I can't think of an old classmate you still have such a hand. This soup got me at night. Selling there, let Miss He be in charge of exchanging antique bracelets in the past. I promise it's hot! "

Chu Xiang didn't care about antiques and so on. He wiped his hands and came to the bar. The three were really his subordinates, but they were also Pete's subordinates. It was three of the ten evolvers. I didn't know that they came to find themselves alone. Why, Chu Xiang came forward and said, "Three, are there anything for me? Why didn't you tell me in the morning?"

The three looked at each other, and then said to Chu Xiang: "Mr. Chu, can we find a place to talk, it is inconvenient to have too many people." Chu Xiang said happily: "Okay, let's go up to the second floor, as long as we don't There are no outsiders there. "

It was still the room where Misley had stayed last time. There were no chairs. The four stood like this. Seeing the three were somewhat restrained, Chu Xiang took out the smoke. After receiving the smoke, the three evolvers revealed that it was scarier than Misley. As for the expression, Chu Xiang was familiar with it. He took out a lighter and lighted the three of them, and then he took a sip. The smell of the smoke attracted the three. They squatted to the corner and sucked madly regardless of the image. , Put Chu Xiang aside and no longer care.

The cigarette was completely smoked in less than two minutes, and the three of them drank their noses in an effort to **** the smoke of the air into the body. Chu Xiang couldn't stand it anymore, so he gave his own cigarettes again. The three of them were flattered, "Mr. Chu, how can this, this, this work? It's so precious, we can't accept it."

Chu Xiang said: "Hold it up, tell your purpose quickly, you should know my temper a bit, don't like to turn corners, don't like to go around, you definitely didn't ask me for cigarette smoking."

One of the three came forward more sturdily: "Mr. Chu, my name is Warlock, and I was once a key guard's bodyguard. These two are my companions. They are called David and Green. We have fully seen these two days. To Mr. Chu's strength, the three of us decided to run under your door, hoping that Mr. Chu would keep it. "

Chu Xiang thought that these three people wanted to ask, but he didn't expect to come to himself. Although he didn't dismiss the ten evolutionaries, his powerful hunting ability has surprised them, and through two days of observation These three evolutionaries were quite excluded from the ten, which is probably the real reason for the three to rely on Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang was silent, and Warlock said: "Mr. Chu must have doubted our sincerity. In fact, you also saw that we were not valued under General Pete, and even lived a day of insufficiency and warmth. Compared with General Pete's confidante, we are a group of unseen characters. We are consuming the resources of General Pete in vain, and it is better to follow Mr. Chu to do a career than to follow General Pete.

Chu Xiang laughed: "How do you know I want to do something?"

Wallock said: "Don't Mr. Chu agree with General Pete to reform the Antarctic base? With your strength, you will definitely be able to gain a foothold in the Antarctic base in the future, and we will be your first group of supporters. Mr. Wang Wangchu should not abandon us . "

Chu Xiang said: "Since you are so persistent, so okay, I do n’t dare to guarantee anything to you, but it ’s okay to have a full meal. After that, I ’ll go to the sweetheart bun restaurant to eat, but you still have to stay in Antarctica for the time being. In the building, after all, General Pete has not been released. I don't want him to misunderstand anything. "

Wallock said: "Please be assured that Mr. Chu, even if General Pete does not let us, the three of us will follow you. We will inform you as soon as there is any news in the Antarctic Building, and we will do our best to help Mr. Chu Stand firm at the Antarctic base. Of course, Mr. Chu doesn't have to believe us so quickly. We will prove to Mr. Chu with sincerity! "

Chu Xiang nodded: "Okay, let ’s do this in advance. Do n’t preach to outsiders. You ’ll be fine at the Gujiaozi Bar at night. All consumption is free. I will tell the boss Guan. Go back first. I've taken it to heart. "

The three of Warlock left with gratitude, Chu Xiang was temporarily afraid to trust the three, but it was a good thing for someone to come to him. It was necessary to give them some sweets, and then no one would come to continue to come and take refuge, and Looking at the attitude of the remaining seven people, it seems that they are not cold or afraid of themselves, and it seems that they must be given some pressure.

After arriving at the hunting department the next day, Chu Xiang did not rush into the water, but gathered ten evolvers. This is the first time Chu Xiang has held a meeting with them. Except for the three of Warlock, the other seven are all hip-hop. Chu Xiang took it seriously, and even Shawn and Mo Baozhen were inconspicuous on one side. Shawn yelled, "Quiet! Mr. Chu wants to speak to us!"

Haha, an evolutionist wearing a U.S. military uniform, laughed, "Speak? We didn't say that we shouldn't let him talk, so let's go into the water as I see it. We will be dismissed after the task is arrested today. Such a leisurely job is real. Not bad. "

Mo Baozhen said angrily: "How can you make Brother Chu speak loudly! You don't talk about order at all, or is it human?"

Suddenly the face of the U.S. military uniform changed, and his figure came to Mo Baozhen in a flash, and a loud slap, Mo Baozhen fell and fell. Even if this evolutionary is low-level, it is not comparable to ordinary people. With his slap in the face, Mo Baozhen couldn't resist at all. If he wasn't afraid that something would happen to make things bigger, he'd be afraid that Mo Baozhen's head would be instigated by him.

Hahaha, the evolutionaries watching next made a big laugh. They said that they have different identities and never looked at ordinary people. Chu Xiang snorted coldly: "What a bravery, to incite yourself to slap at Mo Baozhen apologize!"

The U.S. military uniform also sneered: "What? Apologize? In your Chinese, I don't even have the word apology in my dictionary! Really treat yourself as a dish? If it wasn't for General Pete's order, you can point here Paddling? Don't take yourself as a character, just go back and meet General Pete. "

Chu Xiang said: "Aren't you going to incite yourself and not apologize? If you let me do it, it will be a slap in the face."

The U.S. military uniform disdainfully said: "Okay, you come to hit me ..."

The arrogant attitude of the U.S. military in the uniform made the hunting department angry, and his voice had not fallen yet, and there was a sudden wave of fluctuation in the surrounding air, followed by a crisp sound, and it was not clear until everyone could see it. Crying: "Oh ... it hurts me ..., who hit me ..."

I saw the American evolutionary lying on the ground, his face could not recognize himself, and his flesh was blurred. This was because he was just injured, so the American evolutionary only felt pain. When his nerves reacted, it was not just pain. It's simple, it's blunt and irritated, and the pain can be imagined.

"You hit him?" One of the remaining six came out and asked Chu Xiang, in fact none of them could see clearly. Chu Xiang was too fast. If it was Song Jun and He Yaohui, they could still observe the whole process. But these people just noticed a flower in front of them, and even the one hundred slaps in their ears sounded a crisp sound in less than a second.

Chu Xiang said: "I don't know if he has the word" apology "in his dictionary?"

By saying this, Chu Xiang acknowledged that the people on the ground were his hands. The six evolvers called out and surrounded Chu Xiang. They didn't see the world. They thought that Chu Xiang was just a fast-skilled evolver. As long as they were surrounded by groups, Chu Xiang could not escape.

Chu Xiang waved his hands upwards, and suddenly a monster with green leaves emerged from his pocket. These things were so fast that they entangled the six people who surrounded Chu Xiang. Each of them applied their skills, but interrupted After growing one and two, I quickly tried to let these monsters tie myself tightly, and finally I was lifted high and then fell down heavily, all lying on the ground screaming at the sky, let alone revenge at this time Can you get up in a short while?

Mo Baozhen, Sean and others were startled: "What a monster!"

Someone picked up a cut monster from the ground and said, "It's rattan."

It turns out that after Chu Xiang ’s energy is enhanced, plants can grow without having to be planted in the soil. It is completely dominated by his energy, which is like adding millions of hands to Chu Xiang, and it can be moved and used at any time.

"Report General Pete to go, this guy wants to rebel!" A lost evolutionary lay on the ground.

Chu Xiang stared at him fiercely, and then the plant on his body attacked him. The man could not escape but was entangled. Chu Xiang rolled the person into the air and suddenly exerted force. Alas, an evolutionist was torn alive. Into pieces! Blood splattered on many people around them. Those who were scared by the evolutionaries didn't dare to wipe, and no one spoke for a while.

The plants of Chu Xiang began to reach the US military for uniforms. The guy's frightened body trembled, or the pain on his face started to tremble. "Don't, don't, don't kill me, I, I apologize, I apologize ..." As he struggled and climbed to Mo Baozhen's feet, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I **** me, asshole, please let him let me go."

The face of the evolved man wearing a U.S. military uniform could no longer see the human form, but he was afraid that Chu Xiang would blame him for his insincerity and tore him apart. Now he actually incites a completely deformed face, with both hands full It was blood-stained and scared Mo Baozhen's legs almost fell. "You, don't do this, I forgive you." Mo Baozhen was an ordinary person after all.

Chu Xiang didn't want to make things any more. Today, he has killed hundreds of people. I ’m afraid there are no more people who dare to resist. He said: "Go back to recover, and report three days later. The remaining people will immediately prepare diving suits and complete today's task first. Starting tomorrow, you will work in groups of two to cooperate with the hunting divisions. Remember, you are the main force of hunting. If you let me know who lazily bullies ordinary workers, then the person who died just now will end! "

Chu Xiang's strength is not what these people can catch up with. Now they can understand it completely. Who dares to have the spirit of hip-hop, immediately change clothes and go into the water, and the fishing task can be completed in less than half an hour ~ ~ People dare to leave. Although they were suffering from falling, they all stood respectfully in front of Chu Xiang and waited for instructions.

Chu Xiang said: "Go back to rest, don't say I didn't warn you, you're not worthy of doing with me!"

The crowd did not dare to breathe, and they left honestly. Chu Xiang comforted Mo Baozhen and others to leave. He was not afraid that Pete would hold him accountable for killing an evolutionary. If necessary, Chu Xiang might Will kill more evolutionaries to persuade others, and presumably Pete will not fall out with himself because of this, after all, Chu Xiang had the words first, he had the power to command these people, even their lives.

Returning to the Gudouzai bar, I saw the sweet people in front of the Xinzhuotou restaurant, and I went to the Gulouzai bar to ask Guan Shan. It turned out that Guan Shan gave Fang Yuxuan and others a trick. On the first day of opening, everyone ate a bun for free , But the free **** is the size of a child's fist, first come first served.

Not to mention that the promotion of Guan Shan's trick from the free glass of wine was successful. Before the afternoon of the entire Antarctic base, I knew that the sweet bun was sweet. Although it can't be compared to the bun made from real flour, it has almost no flavor. Hundreds of people came out for dinner at the time, but unfortunately Pete didn't come out. Xie Shanshan searched at the counter while checking out, but could not find any information about the self-destructing controller.

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