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Chapter 539: Assassinate

In fact, it is simple to transfer the population of the Antarctic base. As long as Pete is larger than the population and power, he will agree. Now Chu Xiang has proved this. Thousands of people are idle in the pigeon cage of the Antarctic base. The base changed back to the production necessities Pete thought it was worth, and he would agree even if the cost was higher.

"Did the house improve today? Didn't Captain Chu go to eat?" A member of the team walked into the duty room with a full stomach.

Chu Xiang patted his stomach and said, "I ’ve eaten at home. Does n’t it come out to digest my food? Today ’s evening shift must be strengthened on duty. Do n’t be negligent for celebration. Did n’t Captain Carl come? Today ’s evening shift is He is on duty. "

The team member said, "No, I was still eating in the restaurant. When I came out, everyone was still drinking him."

Chu Xiang said with some annoyance: "The general asked the two captains not to leave, and the general is resting upstairs now. How did he do it, don't he know the rules? What if there is something not present?"

The English player said: "No, the security of the base has always been very good. Besides, who else dares to break the ground on the old age? Just those civilians? They can't even enter the building."

Many people still do n’t understand the conflict of interest between Pete and Wilson. Taro Fujikawa and Conns alone will never treat Pete, but Wilson is added in the middle, and the old guy has lost several battles in a row. Who dares to guarantee that the dog will not jump over the wall? This is why Chu Xiang has to take a turn after eating. He doesn't want anyone to move at this time.

Chu Xiang did not argue with the team member and said, "How many people are on duty tonight. Call them over."

The English team left the duty room, and only six people dangled after five minutes. After swinging back, they smelled a lot of wine all the time, their tongues were big. Pete was happy today, and the first was the normal operation of the underground coal line. The second is to get the teleportation device, so it rewards the "subjects", and the wine and rice are enough. These bodyguards don't blame if they take the opportunity to eat and drink.

Chu Xiang, the deputy captain, is usually unconcerned. He devotes all his energy to the coal mining line and the selection of the population. Even the plans to train Pete ’s evolutionaries have not been implemented before, so except Chu Xiang who originally brought Apart from the nine team members, others did not catch Chu Xiang, the deputy captain.

"Can you still watch on duty like this? Security regulations are in place. You cannot drink during the duty period. In the event of an accident, how much combat power do you still have." Chu Xiang's tone of reprimand, now He wasn't really worried about Pete's safety, but was disappointed with the qualities of this group of evolvers. To Chu Xiang, these people would sooner or later become their own troops, but their scattered discipline was worrying.

"Slightly ..." The lead was fat. The guy took a drink and raised his eyelid casually: "Vice Captain Chu, Captain Carl, we don't care what you care about, let alone you are on duty tonight. Just let go of your affairs, do n’t pretend to be in front of us. We know that the general looks at you differently, but the thing we look down on most is that you are such a flattering person. Be respectful to us, what kind of spring onions are you, and where are you cool? "

How could Chu Xiang be reprimanded by this little concubine? He raised his hand to incite this guy. Now, Li Weiwei is afraid that he will have trouble after receiving Pete's troops, and now he doesn't have to worry about carrying the tyrant charge. It will be different when they become their own team members and kill another hundred.

There was a squeaking noise, and the Fat Evolver was snoring. He covered his face and snorted for a while, then exclaimed, "Fuck, dare you hit me? No one except us Captain Carl dare to speak loudly to me You are a bullshit, others are afraid of you, but our brother didn't look at you and hit me. Let ’s go together! "

Hum, Chu Xiang sent a wave of ultrasound. The five people who rushed over rolled several times in the air with a shock, and then crashed against the wall. The wall that hit was recessed, and one person was hit by the impact. Severely injured and vomited blood on the spot.

"You, you know ultrasonic skills?" The fat evolutionaries were a little timid, and a wave of ultrasound repelled them to join forces to attack. This is by no means what the **** is supposed to be. Although these people are the guards who protect Pete, but for Chu Xiang's I really do n’t understand the details. Even they considered the Warlock trio to win that match as a fluke. If they knew that Chu Xiang had advanced evolutionary skills, they would never find it boring.

Chu Xiang sneered at the fat man: "How about, do you want to try again? Today I just want to be at ease, I won't leave without putting you in order, so let me know what I can do."

The fat man suddenly turned into a smiley face, but his face was swollen like a pig's head, and that smile seemed fake. "Captain Chu, aren't we flooding the Dragon King Temple? What did you do to yourself? I was wrong just now, I Apologize to you ...

The fat man punched Chu Xiang and arched his hand. The word "apology" just saw his wrist tremble and he shot a row of cold light under his sleeve. It was fed with a poisonous hidden weapon. This fat man is also considered a medium-powered evolver. , Has the same hobby as Song Jun, likes to use the hidden weapon, but he uses the wrong object.

Chu Xiang noticed that the hidden weapon had been shot when the fat man wanted it. He could have blocked the row of hidden weapons with the same skill, but Chu Xiang did not do so. Instead, he let those dozen hidden weapons shoot into his body, even Chu Xiang also helped the fat man increase his strength on the hidden weapon, otherwise he could not conflict with the self-defense of Chu Xiang's body.

"Hahaha ..." The fat man's apology suddenly turned, and his original waist immediately stood straight. "Chu, you hit my poison dart. Without my antidote, you can't live for five minutes, kneel Come down and ask me, what can I do if I have ultrasound, and I still have to play with my hands? Call me grandpa three times, otherwise I won't give you medicine. "

Chu Xiang sneered: "Do you really consider yourself a character? What poison dart, tickle it," said Chu Xiang, pulling out a hidden weapon from the chest, there was no blood on the wound, and with the dark The dart pulled out and the wound healed instantly.

The fat evolver stayed, and the brothers behind him were not as happy as they were. They knew the fat was so powerful. The poison on the poison dart was definitely a blood-throat, even if the dart in the evolver could stand for five minutes. However, in fact, there is almost no rescue even after taking the antidote after two minutes. Even if they are rescued, their bodies will be greatly damaged. They have tried it with real people, but like Chu Xiang, they have pulled out the poison dart. And they saw it for the first time as the wounds of the darts healed themselves.

Alas, alas, Chu Xiang tossed a few poison darts on the ground. It looks a bit like poisoning, and the fat evolutionary turned around and ran outside on duty! He is a good friend, knowing that he must be unlucky to stay, but the fat man still underestimated the fierceness of Chu Xiang. The poison dart on the ground suddenly flew up before he stopped, alas, all pierced into the fat man's back. The screaming face fell to the ground, his jaw and cheeks were slammed on the ground, the blood immediately came out, the fat man didn't care about the injury on his face, and immediately took out a small bottle from his arms, and then madly took the bottle The powder in the middle poured into his mouth, it seemed that it was the antidote for poison darts.

Chu Xiang didn't bother with the obese taking the antidote, but grabbed the phone in the duty room and greeted the three Warlocks first, letting them take other evolutionists to replace the guys immediately. The night shift tonight cannot be taken lightly. It doesn't matter if Pete is dead, but it cannot affect the safety of the entire Antarctic base!

Putting down the phone and looking at the fat man, I saw that he could not stand on the ground, the back wound was bleeding with black blood, his face was bleeding, and his mouth was foaming. Even if he could save his life, it would be a waste. The rest of the evolutionaries shrank in the corner with fear, no one dared to come forward to rescue the fat man, let alone a person leave. Even if Chu Xiang ’s ultrasound did not shock them, it was just enough to be stabbed by a poison dart just now. Make them scared.

Chu Xiang waved his hand to the intact people: "Lift the people away, clean up the duty room, wash your face sober and awake immediately and go out to patrol! Whoever went to call Captain Carl back, said I would find him."

The other evolutionaries who got the pardon order dared to move. They were afraid of being contaminated by the fat man's blood. They could only find a few iron rods to take the person away, and then someone brought water to flush the duty room. A short while Warlock Arrived with eight other evolutionaries, Chu Xiang told them to patrol them in shifts.

Everything was settled. Carl was late to see it, and he was so pleased to see Chu Xiang: "Captain Chu, what happened, did you see that I was drinking? The general never gave us such a good opportunity to enjoy, This time you really disturbed my Yaxing. "Chu Xiang said:" Captain Carl, you are on duty today, you should not drink a bar. "

Carl was half drunk, and he sneered: "Captain Chu, I know you are the red man in front of the general, but don't forget your identity, you are just a vice captain, you want to listen to me! You hit me just now Is this the right person? You still have to give orders to me now? Or you will let the general withdraw me and you will be the captain. Depending on your ambitions, maybe you want to seize the power of the general. "

Chu Xiang said: "Captain Carl, I don't care what you think, anyway, nothing can happen to the Antarctic base. Once something happens, you must be the first person to die!"

Carl cocked his neck and said, "Okay, come and kill me. I know you are better than me. Kill me. Let the general leave the Antarctic base to you. The captain I will not do it. You come Good job ... "

Unexpectedly, Carl still had a grievance, Chu Xiang gritted his teeth and ignored him, and turned out of the duty room. It seems that it is necessary to hurry up and rectify Pete's evolutionary army. After mastering the evolutionary army, he won the ordinary army. The power is relatively simple. By then, Pete will be completely reduced to shackles, and he will not have to hold hands.

Wow, Carl swept everything on the table in the duty room to the ground, and several evolvers who came with him advised: "Captain, don't look at that guy in general, a foreigner wants to compare with you, it's just asking for humiliation. . "

Karl angered: "What do you know, this guy is up too fast. If we let him control the evolutionary forces, we are finished. The general relies on him, and he is a powerful evolutionary. We take now He can't help it. "

I ca n’t beat others, and I heard someone just said that the guy is not afraid of even poisonous wounds, and the wounds healed super fast. In the face of such a perverted evolutionary, Carl could n’t think of it, but he knew that if Chu Xiang were to be stable From now on, sooner or later, if he wants to give way to the post of captain, he must find a way to keep his position.

"Captain, what should I do?" Someone asked Carl.

Carl calmed down and thought, "Everyone is more cautious these two days. Don't let that guy find a reason and trouble. In order to prevent him from saying bad things about us in front of the general, I decided to sue him in front of the general."

Chu Xiang turned around to see if it was too late and wanted to go back to sleep. At this time, a close-fitting bodyguard from Pete came to him, "Captain Chu, the general asked you to go to his bedroom."

Chu Xiang had seen the time just now, it was almost midnight. What was Pete looking for at this time? He knocked on the door of Pete's room with doubts, and at first glance he saw Carl sitting on the sofa beside the bed. Chu Xiang was a little stunned, Carl, this is the wicked first to sue, I do not know how Pete would look at this matter.

Pete lay on the bed half-padded with pillows, which made him look very easy-going. When Chu Xiang came in, he first said: "Captain Chu sits, there are a few things to talk to you so late, everyone is not outsiders. You ’re in bed, and you have all talked about how to reform the Guards, that is, the Evolutionary Forces, and also the Marines. Do you also need reforms? "

Carl hurriedly said, "General, I think the Guards have perfected their system in the past two years. Our organization is impeccable and there is no need for reform. This is proven by facts. Some people start with our guards and they will chill the brothers. "

Pete did not express his opinion. He told Chu Xiang: "What do you mean?"

Chu Xiang said: "I don't know the situation of the troops for the time being, so I can't draw conclusions, but just talking about the Guards. Reform is already an urgent matter. If we don't reorganize, we will be afraid of major problems!"

Carl immediately jumped up and pointed at Chu Xiang: "This is alarmist! You are purely promoting the alienation, general, don't believe what he said. He just started to fight against my people, and now Harris is still alive and dead. The general will decide for us. what."

Pete frowned, and said, "Captain Carl, don't get excited. Let ’s talk slowly, Captain Chu, you talk about what happened just now. I heard that Harris was shot by a hidden weapon? And the injury is life threatening. Safety."

Chu Xiang sneered: "General, didn't Captain Carl tell you that it was Harris's first move? I was also shot by him. It was purely self-defense to hurt him with his hidden weapon, and then I taught them It ’s also for your general ’s sake. Do you know how many people were protecting you just now? ”

Pete's face changed. Although he was angry that Chu Xiang had hurt his people, he was more concerned about his safety. "Captain Chu, you told me what happened just now. I'm afraid Captain Carl just missed it."

Karl's tone changed when he heard Peter speak, and he immediately stopped clamoring and justified himself: "General, brothers have worked hard these two days, so I asked them to shift to the restaurant for dinner, but we absolutely did not relax your safety ! "

Pete ignored Carl's excuse, and he told Chu Xiang: "Go on."

Chu Xiang recounted what happened just now, and learned that he was only protected by one person outside, and Pete's face was flushed. How could Karl plead guilty? He stood up again and said loudly, "General, don't listen to this guy Sorry, at least five people were protecting you just now. They are just patrolling the periphery. You ca n’t protect one general because there is only one person in the duty room. What if the staff are concentrated in the duty room?

Pete was right when Carl thought about it, plus he was still partial to Carl. After all, this man is his own confidant, and Chu Xiang is just an outsider. Consider Peter a little: "Okay two, I know you All are dedicated to protecting my safety. Today's things have passed. Let's just look at the future? "

Chu Xiang said politely: "General, if you really want to ensure your safety, you only have to hand over the guard to me. Otherwise, I'm afraid Wilson won't let you go easily. After all, your recent actions have already proven to him that you don't intend to The determination to move the base and loyal to the US government with Wilson's death will never let you continue to develop. "

Peter jumped up again before Pete said, "Fuck your shit! Give the Guards to you? Why don't you say that you gave the entire base to you, General, this man has too much ambition to keep!"

Pete didn't hesitate at all. He had already planned on this, so he said, "Captain Chu, I will give you a part of the evolutionaries and two hundred soldiers to form the left guard. As for the old guard, I think Captain Carl is still more Due diligence, don't you insist on your own ideas, and take more than two hundred people to reform? After seeing the effect, I don't think the rest will oppose your reform. "

Chu Xiang said: "Just follow your generals, I have said what I should say. Carl and his people have no ability to protect you at all. Wilson has become a jumping wall dog, you know yourself!"

Karl was speechless with excitement. He pointed at Chu Xiang 'you' for more than ten sentences. Until Chu Xiang got up and left the room straight, he calmed down and said, "General, it's incredible. This guy didn't look at you at all. In the eyes, raising tigers is a problem. "

Pete sighed: "Carr, would I stop you if you can fight him, he is a real man, don't mess with him, and I will use his strength to deal with Wilson, so don't add me Trouble, and I warn you, if something goes wrong, you should know your end! "

Carl didn't want to admit his failure, and said, "General General, rest assured that your security work has never been relaxed. We will certainly patrol 24 hours a day. Someone dares to be against the General. I am the first to spare!"

When Carl's words fell, the wall vibrated suddenly, and then there was a loud noise. A large hole appeared on a metal wall up to one meter thick. The metal block that burst out was as thin as a machine gun bullet.

Although something happened suddenly, Carl was not stigmatized. He flew to the bed to protect Pete for the first time. Although the metal fragments wounded his body, but it did not endanger his life.

Pete pushed Carl away: "You ...!" Although Pete had only one word to say, his expression was full of disappointment with Carl, and he just patted his chest to ensure that there was no problem in working safely. Carl slapped, but Pete didn't have time to talk to him. He reached out and pressed on the side of the bed. There was a hidden door under the bed. Pete disappeared from the bed. At this time, three blind holes were drilled from the broken metal wall. The face-to-face person, four bodyguards who had been protecting him behind Pete, rushed up to stop.

Carl saw Pete safely escape, and he met the enemy with four bodyguards, but these five were not opponents of three masked men at all. One of the three masked men was a fire skill, one was a speed skill, and one was a strength skill. The three cooperated closely. The speed-type evolver quickly attacked Carl. The fire skill evolver attacked on the side. Once the defeated power-evolver took a punch, the two bodyguards were destroyed in less than a minute. After his head, Carl panicked and threw the last two bodyguards into the big bed where Pete had just lay. The agency was triggered again and Karl fell into it, and the two bodyguards behind him were immediately dropped and the body was thrown into Karl. Escape the secret road.

This dark lane is clear, because the dark lane is directly connected to the duty room. There should be no less than four people in the normal duty room. These four people can play a temporary protection role when Pete escapes, but the duty room is now empty. No one! Pete crawled out of the underpass, and his heart was cold and cold. Just now he didn't believe Chu Xiang upstairs. He was lucky for Carl's defense work, thinking he would not relax his protection. Now he knows Carl. Killed himself.

Alas, Carl slipped down the secret road, and the two dead bodies hit him. He was dizzy and turned and was slapped by angry Pete as soon as he stepped out of the secret road. "Bastard! Who on duty? This time you killed me "Pet didn't dare to stay open the door of the duty room and ran out.

Carl was very depressed. Nothing happened early, but nothing happened late. He had an accident tonight. Originally, he had enough manpower, but was divided into two batches to drink in the restaurant. Someone was injured by Chu Xiang in this batch. He was anxious to arrange for someone to arrive. After patrolling outside, he didn't expect the duty room to become empty. Now Pete wouldn't listen to any explanation. Besides, he didn't have any time to explain. He immediately fled the duty room behind Peter.

A sharp alarm sounded in the building when Pete escaped from the secret passage. Unfortunately, it was muted in less than five seconds. Someone had to cut off the line. Pete did not dare to go upstairs, so he had to go down. Because the Marines with a thousand people separated by two floors, even ordinary people can't deal with the evolutionaries, but they can always block for a few minutes.

Fortunately, Pete and Carl met five patrolling evolvers in the corridor, which made Carl's face a little glorious. He exclaimed: "Protect the generals and go to the barracks!"

Five evolvers plus Karl ran towards Pete in the middle of the elevator. Alas, a sniper bomb struck Pitt's forward aggressor's head. Spilled blood stained Pitt and thrashed. The evolver fell. It was followed by another sniper bomb. Pete blinked in front of him, and he closed his eyes in horror, and suddenly Carl grabbed him, "Run quickly! Let's go up the stairs!"

Pete touched his head while running ~ ~ It's okay. I looked back and found out that another evolver just became a dead ghost for himself. When the bullet was about to hit Pete, he rushed to save Pete.

There were panic footsteps in the stairwell, and they were stopped just before half of the floor, shouting, a violent flame rushed forward, Pete bowed his head and let Carl rush in front of him. Carl was a weather-controlling evolutionary man, but he The level is too shallow, and it can't even attract enough thunder and lightning, so he just uses his extraordinary physical strength as a combat tool. Now he can't do anything other than avoid him when encountering flames.

Carl rolled his head, he avoided the fire's head-on blow, but his back was burned, Pete was not so lucky, he was not an evolutionary, and as he got older, Carl rolled him on the spot Exposed to the fire attack, wow, high-temperature flames burned quickly on his body. The pajamas were originally made of cotton. When they met the high temperature, Pitt felt the skin moxibustion pain instantly, and soon he would be burned into fire. !!

At this moment Pete didn't have much time to think about it, just scolded a misrepresentation of Carl with hate and waited for the scene of the burning of the dead. Suddenly, the flames in front of Pete's eyes darkened, and then the whole body quickly felt a coolness. The pajamas that had begun to melt also Leaving away, but the eyebrows and hair were not as fortunate as the skin. They had been burned out under the high temperature just now.

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