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Chapter 540: Promotion

The flames in front of Pete's eyes immediately saw the situation, and saw Chu Xiang, who had just been sent away, standing in front of him. It seemed that Pete had caught a life-saving straw, "Mr. Chu save me!"

Wallock, who has been patrolling behind Chu Xiang, couldn't help but said, "General, you're so embarrassed to say! Who didn't believe Mr. Chu just now, now you know how to regret it!" Wallock and others have already understood Pete in the bedroom. I met Chu Xiang and Carl, so it ’s only now that Pete was counted so much. In the past, Warlock never dared to say such a thing to Pete, but now Warlock has turned to Chu Xiang with all his heart. Before Pete was long gone, Awe.

Chu Xiang didn't say anything. In fact, he was also thinking about the gains and losses of keeping Pete and not keeping Pete, but the people who came to assassinate Pete didn't give him time to consider. A group of flames rushed to Chu Xiang violently because Chu Xiang blocked it. After he attacked Pete, this guy hasn't figured out how the flame attack on Pete just disappeared suddenly. Otherwise, he immediately turned to escape, but now he has no way back. As the flames shot at Chu Xiang, he To be more violently back bitten!

Pete's remorse, looking at Carr, who was hiding in the corner, now he understood that Chu Xiang was right that Carr could not protect himself at all, but just now he rejected Chu Xiang's goodwill to save himself, instead using two hundred names Ordinary soldiers sent him away. Now facing the assassinated evolutionist, he has no resistance at all. I hope Chu Xiang will come forward to save him.

Chu Xiang swung backwards with one hand, the temperature of the surrounding air instantly increased, and a ball of fire that was fiercer than the attacking flames came back. By the way, the attacking flames scattered everywhere and no longer had half damage, and the flame evolved. Wrapped in a fireball, the man moaned in pain and slammed open a metal window, slamming, and fell into the Antarctic Building.

There is also a speed and a power-evolving evolutionary. The two chose to start with Chu Xiang, especially the speed-evolving evolutionary. They were so fast that ordinary evolutionaries could not see it, but he He was still touching the stone with his chicken head. By the time he made twenty moves, his body had already received forty punches from Chu Xiang, and his whole body had been smashed and collapsed on the ground like a soft worm.

The strength-type evolutionist saw both his companions. Failure, he was a little crazy, gritted his teeth to gather the strength of the whole body, shouted, boxing to Chu Xiang's face, if this fist made him solid, even the rock is also It has to be broken into powder! But Chu Xiang just raised his arm and blocked it. The power-evolving fist actually hit Chu Xiang's arm. He only heard a crisp sound. At the same moment, he thought it was Chu Xiang's arm bone. Suddenly the blow broke, but then the power-type evolutionist found himself wrong, because at the same time the fist sounded, his fist tingled, as if the bones were broken into dregs!

The power-evolving evolutionary turned around and ran away, but Warlock and others would let him escape, and a few people went up to fight in groups. The power-evolving evolutionary who had already abolished one hand was an enemy of the pack of wolves, and was soon lived. Grabbed, but he closed his mouth tightly. It was estimated that he couldn't ask anything for a while. At this time, Pete finally passed through the horror from the panic. He first asked someone to get a suit, although the following stuff was better than the Chinese. It seems to be a big deal, but it's really a drop in front of so many men.

"Mr. Chu, I was wrong before, and now I apologize to you." Pete was very sincere, and Carr, who was hiding in the corner, wanted to say something, but Pete glared at him and shut up with interest. Well, today's things are not over yet. He has failed in his duties. As long as Pete is not finished, he will not have a good life.

Since the assassin was not harmed by Pete just now, Chu Xiang is also inconvenient. He said: "It is my duty to protect the general, but I still say that, the general's guard to Carl will only hurt you, he did not Law to protect you. "

Pete is now a monk than a monk. Although the instantaneous high temperature is not. What about other people, but the hair on the skin is full, which makes him look very funny. "Mr. Chu, rest assured, I will never hesitate after this. From today on, the Guards will be in charge of you. You can reform as you want! "

Carl saw that the situation was over. He still shouted unwillingly: "General, be careful of your surname and take away your rights. You will lose your freedom when he controls the Guards. You are drawing a prison for yourself!"

Pete is a cautious person. He just said that he had regretted handing over the guard to Chu Xiang. It was a bit embarrassing for Carl to be so provocative. Although he didn't say it, his eyes had betrayed him. The gun rang, and the sniper fired again, hiding in the dark. A bodyguard beside Pete fell to the ground with blood splashing. The direction of the bullet was behind the bodyguard. The position of the bodyguard blocked the sniper's sight. He would clear the obstacle first, and then another bullet shot out, this time hitting Pete.

Hearing gunshots and seeing the bodyguards around him fall to the ground, Pete immediately threw thousands of ideas behind him, and he pulled his legs and hurled behind Chu Xiang: "Mr. Chu save me!" The young ladies collected were also unable to enjoy it. Just now they were really fascinated and they would be separated by Karl. Trust and reuse of Chu Xiang was his only way out.

Chu Xiang grabbed the bullet that was shot, the sniper was obviously afraid, and the next shot was almost random. Chu Xiang grabbed his hands in front of him like a vixen, and those attacking warheads were actually caught by him. Warlock Waiting for others, of course, is not a meal. At this moment, Kung Fu has determined the position of the sniper. The muzzles of everyone were facing an office. Later, they even used a low-power grenade dedicated to the Guard. The office was bombed and the bullets could no longer be fired, and someone was sent in to clean up and find a body that was almost rotting, and couldn't even see it.

Pete was finally safe. He walked in front of Karl and kicked him severely: "Dog, I do n’t want to kill him, but I dare to challenge my relationship with Mr. Chu. This time, I will not kill you, give I'll go! If you ever let me see you at the Antarctic Mansion, don't blame me for peeling you alive! "

Carl's back was burned, and now 10% of his strength went to 70%. He didn't dare to resist Pete's humiliation, and struggled to walk out of the stairwell. Chu Xiang asked Peter to protect him to go to the barracks. This barracks was actually Antarctica. Inside the building, there are only three separate areas dedicated to the Marine Corps. They heard the sound of gunfire and sirens and they quickly gathered, but they were calmed down again, saying that the above was just an exercise, because it was released Pete's son Amanda, so the brigadier commander wrote, ordering the troops to disband but not disarming in case they were on standby.

When Pete arrived at the barracks, his face was very bad. The brigade chief reported to him that he was even more bleak when his son was not allowed to go upstairs to rescue people. At this time Amanda went into the command room, "Dad, how do you get down?" Anymore? "

Pete looked at this biological son, he said intently: "If I don't come down, I'm afraid you will become an orphan. Then, shouldn't your Lao Tzu's property be inherited by you? I'm afraid you can't afford it at a young age, so I will come down. "

At this time, an officer on duty walked into the command room and said, "Mr. Wilson, the representative of the United States, is here."

Amanda's face changed, but Pete sneered: "There must be an urgent matter for the late night visit, let him in."

After a while Wilson entered the command room, he laughed twice: "Amanda, my dear friend ... Well, it's a surprise that the general is here." Why would Wilson have thought that Pete would appear intact in the barracks? The news of the failure of the assassination had not yet reached his ears. In his opinion, it should be a surefire thing, so he couldn't wait to find Amanda, because it was his most important thing to control the troops. That's a leak.

Pete now knows that Wilson wants to kill him with his feet. It is estimated that his own son is also involved. As soon as he dies, Amanda will reasonably accept the army as heir. This year his own son ca n’t believe it. Pete could n’t help but be sad. However, seeing Chu Xiang still standing behind him, Pete could not help but be full of anger, what is the pro-son, as long as he is still alive and enjoying life!

"Yes, Mr. Wilson, it's really an accident. Did you just think that I should be in the morgue? Why is this here? That's why you're really surprised." Pete no longer held back Wilson like he used to, Since Wilson dared to assassinate him to show that the matter had reached the point of irreconcilability, the stitches must not be soft when they were relatively opposed, otherwise it would only fuel Wilson's conspiracy.

Wilson saw that Peter was embarrassed, but he is still alive standing in front of his eyes to prove that the assassination has failed. Wilson can only be confused at this time. "The general is really joking, I wish you too long to be able to curse you Into the morgue, can't Antarctic base preside over you? "

Pete said: "I am old, and I ca n’t afford to host this situation for how long. You happen to be tonight, so I plan to announce several appointment and removal decisions. The Antarctic base has stabilized for more than two years, but the strength has also declined a little in two years. I think it's time to move, or the young people are energetic and courageous. If this continues, I am afraid that the base will become moldy. "

Amanda's eyes flashed, did his father 'conscience find' that he would give the army command to himself? This is really no effort to find nowhere to break through the iron shoes. I knew that I wouldn't have to be so anxious and almost hurt my father and son.

"Captain Carl of the Guard was injured a little while performing the mission, so Captain Chu Xiang will take over the Guard from now on. At the same time, I will also authorize Captain Chu Xiang to be the chief of staff of the unit. He will be responsible for me. Supervise and supervise the work of the army, and everyone will cooperate with him in the future. "Pete said without hesitation.

Amanda seemed to pour cold water, and he said loudly, "Father, I am your son!"

Peter raised his eyelids and said, "Yes, I'm your father. I'm afraid you might have missed something in the army. After all, here you dance with swords, so you follow me later. It's safer. I have only your son. , Baby. "

Wilson's face turned into a pig's liver color, Pete even gave power to an outsider at this time, and in the presence of his own son, what did he mean, was he fainted by himself, or was he pierced? In my own intention, this is to warn me not to get involved in the Antarctic base.

Chu Xiang did not expect Pete to increase his trust again after this incident. Although a chief of staff could not be of much use, but this allowed him to find a reasonable reason to enter the army, and at the same time the guard was already his own, so as long as he was given time, It won't be long before the Antarctic base is in the bag.

Amanda also wants to argue again that he cannot accept his father's arrangement, which is equivalent to depriving himself of his power, and he will be monitored by his father in the future, but Pete does not give his son a chance to speak. He beckons his son and Wallock and others left, but before Pete walked out of the barracks, someone came in urgently outside, "General, it's not good!" Pete calmly came to him and said, "Slowly, panic. The captain should not be afraid of anyone. "

"There are thousands of police around the Antarctic Building, all of them carrying heavy weapons!"

Although Pete said he didn't need to panic, he actually shook his heart and glanced at Wilson. He didn't know that Tarogawa was assaulted by Wilson. He was assassinated tonight, and his son showed signs of seizing power. Now that the police dare to besiege the Antarctic Building, this is enough to show that there is a big conspiracy behind it.

Chu Xiang felt that it was necessary to solve the problem at this time, and he said to Pete: "General, you are tired, leave the rest to me to solve it. I think it is enough to have military protection at the Antarctic base. The police force is purely Unnecessary. "

Pete understands Chu Xiang's meaning. Actually, he wants to get rid of Tarogawa than Chuxiang. If there is no Tarogawa Taro who is an accomplice in front of Wilson, why would Wilson dare to attack him, now someone is willing to take the initiative to clean up the situation for himself Of course, Pitt was happy and relaxed, so he nodded: "Yes, Captain Chu will do as he pleases. Now you are my chief of staff and you have the power to mobilize the army, but we must still focus on stability and unity."

Chu Xiang said, "General, please rest assured, I know how to do it, Warlock, first take the general to the barracks duty room to rest."

In fact, Pete didn't want to go upstairs. He was afraid that other assassins had not been cleared, so Chu Xiang's arrangement was very satisfactory. Although Amanda didn't want to follow Peter, in fact, his power came from his father, as long as his father did not die. You have to be obedient. Otherwise, what pitt has is a way to fix him, after all, Amanda has no power of his own.

Wilson couldn't say anything right now. If the plan failed, he could only think he was unlucky. Otherwise, what else would be Taro Fujiwara's command to besiege. Since Pete was fine, let them be scattered. Otherwise, he would be hurt. With the bones and bones, their footsteps in the Antarctic base will be unstable.

Wilson lifted his feet to go out, Chu Xiang stopped him: "Mr. Wilson stayed!"

Wilson turned back and pretended to be dismissive: "Why, does Mr. Chu want to use me as a new officer?"

Chu Xiang said: "I'm thinking about Mr. Wilson's safety. After all, you are the representative from the United States. The base is responsible for your safety. Now the outside is chaotic. Come, please Mr. Wilson go to the guest room and say hello. Outside If his situation is not quiet one day, he should not be surprised. "

This unit is still loyal to Pete. Since Pete confirmed the identity of the chief of staff of Chu Xiang on the spot, they will obey Chu Xiang's orders, so they came up to take Wilson away, and Wilson was taken aback: "Dare you You surnamed Chu, you are going to imprison me openly, don't think you are an evolutionary, you can do whatever you want! Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid! "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Mr. Wilson, don't say it so bad, I'm thinking about your safety, what if the mob outside broke in to make trouble, you can rest assured, as long as things calm down, you will be free, I think Even if the US government does this, it wo n’t say anything to me, otherwise how can you afford me if something goes wrong? "

It was said that Chu Xiang could not allow Wilson to resist any more. He waved his hand to let the soldiers take Wilson down. The two bodyguards brought by Wilson were going to take action. Chu Xiang just shot the two on their shoulders and dispelled the idea, but Chu Xiang will not rest assured that Wilson will stay in the barracks, as long as he is not capable of opposing his two bodyguards, so Chu Xiang opened the communicator to notify He Yaohui to bring someone over, it is time to seize the power of the Antarctic base.

He Yaohui stood outside Wilson's door, and the two bodyguards stood at the door. The three of you glared at me and I glared at you, as long as one Mars would break out. Chu Xiang took Zhou Muqing, Wang Shaohui and others out of the Antarctic Mansion. They also brought 500 soldiers with them, but this number was obviously weaker than the thousands of policemen outside.

Soon Chu Xiang met with Tarogawa Taro, and both men and women were commotion. Chuxiang said, "Tarogawa Taro, are you planning to rebel? The guys of all ages are brought along. I do n’t think your police force is so fierce. Is it right? I plan to replace the Marines. "

Fujikawa didn't see Pete and thought the assassination was successful, but he did n’t receive Wilson ’s offensive signal, so he would not attack, but Taro Fujikawa would n’t tell the truth until the last step, which is also his old trickery "Vice Captain Chu, you bring a lot of people, I think I want to rebel is probably you, we are all indigenous people of the Antarctic base, our feelings for the base are by no means comparable to you, but you Migrants, the plot is very deep. I just don't trust you, so when I heard the sound of guns and alarms, I brought people to escape! "

Chu Xiang snorted: "Speaking sounding, now the Antarctic building is okay, you can dissolve your police force, and you have to keep these heavy weapons. This is the rule of the base. The police are only allowed to admire pistols. "

Fujikawa Taro was a little anxious. He was actually quite jealous of Chu Xiang ’s power. Besides, Chu Xiang had 500 soldiers behind him, but Wilson did n’t give him an offensive signal. He did n’t know if he should turn his face with Chu Xiang. What if the soldier comes to forcibly confiscate the weapon?

Chu Xiang won't give Tarogawa too much time to think about it. He waved behind him: "Forfeit the police's weapons, lock them up first, and let them go after the review."

Taro Fujikawa yelled: "Dare you!" As Taro Fujikawa's roar immediately raised the muzzle of the police, these Marine soldiers brought by Chu Xiang were not vegetarian, and the muzzle immediately confronted the police. Both sides yelled and shouted. You let me put down the gun, I let you put down the gun, but there are so many languages ​​that very few people can understand what is said at a time.

Tarogawa was sweating on his anxious face. He knew that Chu Xiang was a weak evolutionary. If he couldn't surprise and win the first chance, he would be afraid of rebellion. Wilson would n’t send a signal, so there would be no first chance in this stalemate. Already.

Chu Xiang yelled loudly and suppressed the voice on the court: "Countdown to ten seconds, let alone kill without putting down the weapon!"

Behind Wang Shaohui started timing the time out loud. All the policemen's eyes were looking at Tarogawa. Their hands were shaking. Some people had already started to pull the trigger. Tarogawa fought his teeth. Regardless, this was an arrow that had to be fired on the string. At this time, Chu Xiang The countdown has reached the last three seconds, and Dairo Fujikawa yelled, "Fire!"

Just listening to the loud sound of fried beans, the personnel at the front of the two sides closed their eyes, waiting for them will be countless bullets. The so-called one will be done, this is the same truth, for one person to succeed To sacrifice countless people. It seems that there are some exceptions today. These people shot the bullets in the magazine almost at the same time, but no one fell down! Not even the sound of the shouting of the warhead was heard. When we opened our eyes and looked at the battlefield, everyone was stunned. I saw countless warheads stiffly stagnating in midair, as if time had been frozen.

Tarogawa's face turned grey. He envisioned dozens of situations, but none of them matched the situation at this time. Although he knew that Chu Xiang was powerful, he never expected that someone would be so powerful that he would bring nearly two thousand people. Rush is in your hands, let alone bullets at this time, it is probably useless to throw a grenade.

Chu Xiang screamed angrily, and the bullets blocked by him in the middle of the ground quickly squeezed together, and then formed a large mass of metal. If this is the outside world, Chu Xiang will definitely throw the metal far away ~ www. ~ But now he can only be placed on the ground gently, in case he damages the base, he himself.

Fujiwara shouted angrily, "Change bullets!"

Chu Xiang yelled again. The policemen were too late when they came to their senses. The weapons in their hands were leaving their hands, squeezing together like the warheads before, and then formed a larger ball of metal, and grumbled and rolled on the ground. When he got up, Tarogawa's chin was a little crooked, and at this time he couldn't shout out, but he lost all the weapons in an instant. Could it be that these thousand horns and five hundred marines were desperately desperate?

Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie waved at the soldiers behind them, motioned them to catch people, under the pressure of the black hole muzzle, Tarogawa had no resistance at all, seeing Chu Xiang ’s bravery, his evolutionary bodyguard did not even need to pull, obediently Surrendered, the energy that can control thousands of weapons is by no means what they can mess with, this is also a commendation, otherwise it will be miserable

Soon, Wilson, who was walking around in the guest room, received the information. All of Tarogawa's people were arrested. The army took over the internal security of the base. Pete also stopped resting and held a meeting overnight to formally establish a police agency with duplicate functions. Later, the army took over the internal and external security of the base, which made the power of the Antarctic base more concentrated. As for the more than 1,000 policemen, Pete had already planned to give the Resistance Army as the next batch of trading population.

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