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Chapter 541: Outward development

Wilson's biggest failure was no backup. Even if he wanted to report the situation of the Antarctic base to the US government, he couldn't find a way. Unless it was the next contact time, the purchase of a transmission device from China through normal channels by the US government has been put on hold. The apparent reason is that China needs time to make it, but the actual reason is that China is delaying the time for the United States to travel to the Antarctic base again. When Chu Xiang completely controls the power of the Antarctic base, it is no problem to sell the transmission device to Americans at that time. Otherwise, Chu Xiang's situation will be very difficult if American reinforcements arrive at the Antarctic base.

The Young and Dangerous Bar now has a great reputation in the Antarctic base. Even the rose bar opened by Amanda is sighing. Although they want to come and smash the Young and Dangerous Bar, Chu Xiang is gradually gaining popularity in the guard and the army. Increase, now let alone Amanda, even Wilson would not dare to engage in any conspiracy, even if he wanted to engage in Wilson, someone would have to help, Tarogawa has become a tooth extraction tiger, Conns and his son have no real power, Wilson ’s own evolutionary The ministry suffered heavy losses, and it was difficult for the remaining staff to protect himself. Chu Xiang arranged He Yaohui and Wang Shaohui into the army and the Guards. In addition to greatly increasing the combat effectiveness, he kept his power firmly in his hands.

In Pete's office that day, Chu Xiang put a printed document on his desk, and Pete glanced: "Does Captain Chu think we are developing ground hunting security? We also collect some food from China, and then Persistence for more than ten days is not a problem, and coal can be exchanged for food soon. I don't think it is necessary to pass this plan. "

Chu Xiang said: "No, General Pete. Antarctic bases must diversify their food sources if they want to grow. You don't want to be controlled by China. Any success is full of adventures, depending on whether you have the determination to do it."

Pete frowned, and Chu Xiang's words touched him. In fact, he had concerns about trading with China. Although coal production has gradually increased and great development has been made in mushroom cultivation, the marine life under the nearby sea has been almost hunted. In the end, there is no other way than using coal to exchange food with China. In the long run, the Antarctic base will be curbed by China, and the change of employment will no longer work. After several transactions, one third of the population of the Antarctic base has gone down.

"Captain Chu is thinking about it, but there are not many surface creatures in Antarctica and the weather is bad. I wonder if you thought about it?"

Chu Xiang said: "I have sent people to study outside. Ever, as long as there is no wind or snow, hunting is absolutely no problem. As for the source of the food, we have been hunting for a year, and after one year we may have found more food. source."

Pete thought about it again, and finally said, "Okay, you have to deal with this matter. Captain Chu has worked a lot for the Antarctic base, so he must pay attention to rest. Do n’t bother yourself, come, treat people Bring it here. "

Chu Xiang didn't know what Pete wanted to do. At this time, the side door of the office opened. I saw a bodyguard walking out with three exotic girls. Pete saw the awkward look on Chu Xiang's face, and he laughed: " Captain Chu, men are half-hearted, these three women will give you, enjoy their coquettishness, work and rest must be combined to make the work better, don't quit, this is my heart. "

The three girls are very beautiful, and their bodies are hot, if Chu Xiang is. Ordinary men are naturally overwhelming, but there are already a lot of women around him, and none is worse than these three women, so he must refuse. However, Pete insisted on his own way. If Chu Xiang did not accept it, he would turn his face. In the end, Chu Xiang had no choice but to take the three girls back to the Regal Club.

When Guan Shan saw Ren Hou, he commented and praised: "Yes, this look is by no means. It is the personnel department that can train it out. They will go out and let the three of them introduce themselves. It looks familiar. Is it where I met before? Too. "

Chu Xiang took off his military uniform. He said, "You settle the three of them first, and find a job for them to do. In addition, don't tell Xie Shanshan about them today. You know women are careful. "

Guan Shan laughed: "Old classmate, you can do it. If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, I still don't believe it. Now that she is so feminine, I still secretly get my university lover secretly, but don't say Fang Su is really good. Sexy, huh, I understand why you are not interested in these three girls. They are overshadowed by Fang Suyi. "

Chu Xiang said: "It's good if you know, so I won't do the thing of losing watermelon and picking sesame seeds."

Guan Shan grinned, "Since you don't look at sesame, then I will do good deeds, don't let sesame be wasted."

Chu Xiang laughed: "Do you dare? As far as I know Shumei doesn't allow you to play tricks."

Guan Shan's face was dark, and just before he complained that the door of the room suddenly opened, Xie Shanshan looked at the probe and walked in. "You brought back three girls?" Xie Shanshan asked Chu Xiang while helping Chu Xiang organize her new Put on your casual clothes.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Chu Xiang could only tell the truth: "Pitt gave it, let me enjoy it. Where do I use them if I already have you? This does not allow Guan Shan to arrange a job for them, and Guan Shan is interested in her. It's a pity that there is a sense of color but no courage. "

Xie Shanshan said solemnly: "They can't."

Guan Shan said with some guilty conscience: "Yes, no, there is no fragrance of wildflowers. I just want to satisfy the man. You must not sue in front of Shumei."

Xie Shanshan stomped and said, "I mean these three women have problems, and I don't care about you and Sister Shumei."

Chu Xiang immediately responded: "They were sent by Peter to monitor me?"

Xie Shanshan said: "Yes, I have checked their brain signals. These three were originally little stars in the former world and also starred in some blockbusters. They have been picked by Pete and are very loyal to Pete. . "

Guan Shan suddenly realized: "I said, I saw them in the movie before, but I was not impressed. The old guy was suspicious of Chu Xiang."

Xie Shanshan said: "It is normal for Pete to be suspicious of Chu Xiang, but now he does not want to take back power, except for Chu Xiang, he has no soldiers available, even if he can send someone to receive Chu Xiang's power, we have not given him After all, no one is our opponent at the Antarctic base, these three women can only act as his eyes and ears. "

Chu Xiang said: "The self-destruct controller is in our hands, but Pete knows nothing about it. He must still consider the self-destruct controller as a killer, so the role of these three women is not so important to Pete. Don't embarrass them, give them an unimportant position to do first, and wait until you have thoroughly mastered the Antarctic base before processing. "

Xie Shanshan said, "Well, anyway, you are the one who loves the fragrant and the precious." Chu Xiang smiled and didn't refute, these three girls are also involuntary. If they are punished by spies, they really don't make sense, let alone they have not Xie Shanshan was aware of the crime. Even if they were given a chance to reform, it is too difficult to be a woman in this world, and it is even more difficult to be a woman who does not obey the man, so they have excuses.

Xie Shanshan said, "Hai Peng has passed a few documents, and you can take a look at them." As Xie Shanshan handed over a few papers, Chu Xiang had replaced the sultry US military uniform. He sat on the sofa and began reading Li Haipeng from The documents brought by Base Zero, these documents are all things that Chu Xiang needs to decide immediately, including satellite launch confirmation and the transmission device sold to the United States.

The satellite launch preparations have been completed, but considering that once the satellite launch is successful, according to the agreement reached with the US before, the United States has the right to use one of the satellites, then they will soon get in touch with the Antarctic base. What the base does will be exposed, which is undoubtedly inappropriate for cooperation between the two countries.

Chu Xiang handed over the confirmation of the satellite launch to Xie Shanshan: "I'll delay it for a few more days and find a way to make Wilson unable to speak. Otherwise, what happened some time ago will make the Americans very unhappy. We must make the Americans think we are I have never been involved in Antarctic bases at all. "

Xie Shanshan said: "It would be difficult if the United States wanted to see that we had intervened in Antarctic bases."

Chu Xiang said: "It is difficult to do, or it will affect our cooperation with the United States."

In another document, the United States once again raised the price of purchasing transmission equipment. They exchanged ten f22 for five transmission equipment. Chu Xiang handed the file to Xie Shanshan and said, "The two transmission equipment exchanged ten f22, and the United States agreed to do it. , But don't rush to deliver the conveyor, wait until the Antarctic base has done a good job. "

Xie Shanshan went to Li Haipeng with Chu Xiang's reply. Chu Xiang said to Guan Shan: "Do you want to go hunting?"

Guan Shan was a little excited: "Hunting? Still going out? What happened?"

Chu Xiang said: "I work in Tumpet and I can send hunting teams to hunt outside. How about we go exploring today?"

Guan Shan jumped up and said, "Go, this is really good news."

At this moment, it was an afternoon day. The surface of the Antarctic base was quiet, and the light sun shone on the white ice. Xu Huai, who came along, sighed, "The sun here is really good, at least it is more than half before the Terminator spacecraft exploded. . "

There were a total of five sleigh rides. Two of them were from Chu Xiang, and the other three were from hunting teams. After Chu Xiang's reorganization, half of the hunters have been replaced by evolutionists. The sharp decline in the number of marine life has led to Later they had to place their hunting targets on land.

These people are all Chu Xiang's confidants, so Chu Xiang does not need to be too taboo about them. He released a remote-controlled aircraft to investigate the surroundings. Soon a group of sea beasts fell into sight in the southwest direction. Chu Xiang waved five sled cars In the past, this hunt was not a simple weapon like a harpoon, but a sonic gun and a laser gun. Each sled was also equipped with a high-power sonic cannon. This was a weapon against large sea beasts, but it was not easy to use. General The mutant creature can't stand the shelling, and it will lose its edible value if it explodes into a meat sauce.

It glides very fast on the ice and snow, and reached the periphery of the group of sea beasts in less than ten minutes. The total number of sea beasts is about a hundred heads. From the appearance, they are more like penguins, but everyone knows that the penguins are absolutely Not so big, and these sea beasts are not covered with a layer of feathers, but a thick layer of fat.

"Can these be eaten?" An evolutionary from the Hunting Department questioned that they had reached the ground for the first time in more than two years. It took them more than ten minutes to adapt to the harsh sunlight. The fresh air made them mental. Dazhen, they sincerely thank Chu Xiang for giving them a chance to see the sun again, coupled with the powerful strength of Chu Xiang Watch, these evolutionaries who have transferred from the Guards have regarded him as a true leader.

Chu Xiang said: "I think it should be almost the same. Most mutant organisms can already be absorbed by the human body, unless the humans who eat them have never encountered the t virus, but this is certainly not the case at the Antarctic base. Your old two years ago Didn't the base perish under the t virus? The existing human body has changed. "

Guan Shan wore an extremely heavy cold suit and waved the sonic gun in his hand, "What are you waiting for, let's catch it."

Chu Xiang pressed his sonic gun and said, "With a laser gun, I don't understand the anti-strike ability of these sea beasts now. What if they shake into a meat sauce?"

Originally, some people planned to use a sonic gun to switch to a laser gun immediately after hearing Chu Xiang's words. Xu Huai took the lead and screamed five sled cars and rushed into the herd. The incandescent laser shot out, and the sea beasts were alarmed. They were quite Standing on the road with a huge body and two hind limbs, two sledgers were almost knocked over by them. Chu Xiang ’s laser gun opened the bow to the left and right, and each shot hit the small head of a sea beast. These sea beasts do not have strong combat capabilities. They They rely on a powerful body, but their large bodies make them slow to move. They are helpless in front of the speeding sled vehicle. In addition, the evolutionary skills brought by Chu Xiang are extraordinary. Forty minutes will be forty minutes. Many sea beasts fell on the ice, and the remaining sea beasts no longer went to sleigh chasing in vain, but chose to retreat. If they want to defeat these evolutionaries, their number is obviously not enough, at least tens of thousands are required.

The body of each sea beast weighs thousands of pounds, and even weighs a ton. It is difficult for these people to transport them back to the base, and the entrance to the original base is too complicated. Chu Xiang has already begun to construct a new entrance. This entrance It only takes a few hundred meters to reach the ground. The engineer responsible for the construction is Misley. Originally Pete strongly opposed this plan, but Chu Xiang told Pete that the Antarctic base could not be hidden. Since both China and the United States have found it In the end, why bother yourself? It's pure self-deception. Whether it's the United States or China, they want to attack the Antarctic base easily. They will never increase the chance of winning because of the complexity and length of the entrance and exit.

"Bring a few back first to determine their food value, and the remaining new entrances will be successfully constructed after a few days." Chu Xiang began to order. Although the sun was shining outside, the temperature was still -40 to 50 degrees below zero. If other sea beasts eat them, these corpses will not rot for a long time. Even if they are eaten by other sea beasts, it is also a normal food chain. Chu Xiang doesn't care at all, and other sea beasts that have been fattened can also be killed.

People in the hunting department got off the sled to pick up the giant sea beasts. Most of the laser guns shot on the sea beasts' heads. That is their weakness. If they attack their bodies with a laser pistol, they may not be able to burn for a while. The oil layer has more than 30 centimeters, and the output of boiled oil must be extremely high, and the residue left by the boiled oil is also a good quality for cooking.

Guan Shan stunned his laser gun. He couldn't figure out how to create such an advanced weapon. Isn't this a weapon only in Star Wars? At this time Xu Huai suddenly came over, "Chu team, come and see what is this?"

Chu Xiang took the controller in the hand of Xu Huai, and saw a black spot on the screen returned by the remote control aircraft. They were very fast, but the shape could be seen vaguely in half a minute. Chu Xiang yelled : "Abandon hunting and return immediately!"

While talking about Chu Xiang controlling two large ice layers, wow, the ice layer will cover all the 40 or so sea beasts that have been hunted. Although the others do not know what happened, Chu Xiang ordered them without hesitation. The execution, jumped on a sled car and rushed towards the glacier entrance, Chu Xiang started the water control skills while walking to eliminate traces of hunting and ruts along the way.

As Chu Xiang and others entered the cracks in the glacier, a team appeared on the ice in the distance. This team was composed of robots, and the number was about one hundred. Obviously, they were sent by the Terminator. These robots Moving slowly across the endless ice sheet, from time to time, robots stopped to drill down the ice, and then released micro-robots. It was clear what they were looking for.

Chu Xiang led the hunting team to the secret road and immediately organized Xu Huai and Wang Shaohui to return to the ice sheet ~ ~ This endless ice sheet covers almost the entire Antarctica. Hundred meters, shallow ones are also a dozen meters. Obviously, these robots are not looking for mines, so the reason is obvious. They are also looking for Antarctic bases.

"Kill people? Don't let them reveal the secrets of the Antarctic base." Wang Shaohui asked.

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "I'm afraid they are not stupid, they will definitely not act alone, and what happened here will be passed on to other Terminator forces as soon as possible."

Xu Huai said: "It seems that the Antarctic base cannot be maintained."

Chu Xiangdao: "From the perspective of their actions, we don't know the exact location of the Antarctic base. Let's kill them together, but the next day will not be stable. Other Terminator troops will soon come out and the battle will be fought Still burned the last piece of pure land on earth. "

Chu Xiang drilled a secret path from the ground. The evolutionists walked behind the robot. Chu Xiang launched the ability to control the metal, and dozens of robots melted instantly, while other evolutionists launched their skills at the same time. Covered with whistling loudly, explosions continued.

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