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Chapter 542: Enemy Strikes

The battle was over quickly, and the results were brilliant. All the robots coming off were annihilated. Among them, more than thirty robots were just destroyed the main control system, and the other parts were intact. Chu Xiang had notified Wang Bin and Dong Lao to come over. These robots may be able to make use of them, at least the machines and equipment inside can be recycled. After all, the resources are not abundant, and the ones that can be used must be used.

The battlefield was quickly cleaned up, and the robots were also removed from the Antarctic base. News has already returned to the base. Pete, Wilson, Misley, and Conns all waited at the entrance of the base, which is related to the safety of the entire base. They It's rare to use your heart in one place. At this moment, it's meaningless to fight again.

"How is it? Was it destroyed?" Everyone asked like this, and was surprised to see the advanced and sophisticated robot corpses.

Chu Xiang said: "It's gone, but this is only the vanguard. I don't think it will take long for Terminator's large army to come.

Pete and others are actually very strange to Terminator, so the look on their faces is far less horrified than Wilson. Wilson told Chu Xiang: "Aren't you Chinese people very experienced in dealing with Terminators, this time you can defeat them? Are they right? The Antarctic belongs to the low temperature zone. The terminator's body is not adapted. They will not attack themselves. "

Chu Xiang said: "Terminators have been improving. Their adaptability to the earth has even created new mutant organisms to replace themselves. Since they have come to Antarctica, I think there must be no fear. We China People are not afraid of the Terminator, but this does not mean that we will win every battle. Low temperature is a difficult problem for the Terminator, and it is also true for us. "

Wilson snorted: "If you are afraid, lend me the transmission device. I will return to China to rescue the soldiers. The Antarctic base was created by us Americans. We have the confidence and ability to protect it!"

Chu Xiang sneered: "Mr. Wilson, have I said that I was afraid? I was fighting without you just now. Now that you have such confidence, how about letting us fight the Terminator aggression together?"

There were few evolutionaries under Wilson's hands, so he just fought him. He didn't agree to send someone to the battle, and now Chu Xiang said the pain was dumb for a while. Pete said at this time: "Captain Chu, I ca n’t see Wilson on board How about the teleporter to return to the United States to rescue the soldiers? "Pete was scared. Although he didn't want the Americans to be involved, the tall and advanced robots were like a nightmare. He chose the latter among American managers, and finally agreed to lend Wilson the teleporter in exchange for 2,000 people.

Chu Xiang said: "General, even if you are not afraid that Mr. Wilson will not return after returning home. Come, but if they wait for them to cross the ocean and return to Antarctica, I am afraid that it will be cold at that time."

Chu Xiang said that the shame on Pete's face was not because of the unpleasant words of Chu Xiang, but that Pete remembered the limitation of the transmission device, which must be used together, otherwise the transmission to the destination could not be returned, which made Pete's wishful thinking abacus all failed before, and he gave away 2,000 people in China. He didn't consider the return trip just now, but now he remembers that the United States has no transmission device at all. If Wilson were sent away, wouldn't it just undermine Wilson's intentions?

Wilson said: "We. The United States will soon reach an agreement with China, and the transmission device will soon be equipped with the army. Just send me back to explain to the President that he must have a way to save the Antarctic base."

Pete was a little emotional. In his opinion, this is a good way. After all, he still believes that there is more in the United States, and he has always looked down on China. Although his concept has changed after the virus, once things reach a critical juncture He still likes to use habitual thinking.

Chu Xiang saw that Pete's face was loose. How could he let Pete send Wilson away? In that case, everything he did at the Antarctic base would be exposed. At that time, the Americans had to turn their faces. Although Antarctica is a pure land, everyone can Come to fight for it, but half of the Antarctic population still belongs to the United States, and this gesture will leave Americans with an excuse.

"General, if I guess correctly, the Terminator will send troops again within 48 hours, so even sending Mr. Wilson to no avail, it would be better for everyone to stay and defend the Antarctic base together. Besides, I have channels to contact the Chinese side. Additional troops will be sent. How about everyone co-existing with Antarctic base? "

Pete thought about it, even if he would send Wilson back to China immediately, it would not be possible to send reinforcements within a day or two. Rather than letting Wilson go back to the United States to say bad things about him, it is better to leave him to rely on the evolutionary in his hands to deal with the offense. Enemy, everybody will die together, otherwise it will not be a fool to give away Wilson himself.

Wilson begged Pete anxiously: "General, don't hesitate, the Chinese will not save us, I believe they will destroy the Antarctic base! Let me return home immediately, and I assure you that the government will send troops for a maximum of one week."

One week? Pete's heart was alive again, Chu Xiang saw the expression on his face was loose, he could not help but cursed, thinking that it would be better to imprison Pete, and he would immediately control the Antarctic base, otherwise, the enemy would be a prisoner. It's a taboo, but Chu Xiang hasn't spoken yet. Someone hurried into the base. "It's not good! It's not good! The big thing is not good!"

Pete was too late to answer Wilson's request, and said, "Pause what! Something to say slowly."

Come humane: "There are countless mutant creatures out there! They ... they are covered with ice, we ... we are done"

Pop, he slapped his hands and gave the people a slap in the face, and cursed the humans. Such soldiers should be killed, but Chu Xiang was a joy, not because he was the Terminator, but Wilson could n’t go. He said to Peter: " General, let's go out and see. "

Pete said, "Okay, don't let them find out, and send more people to protect them."

When the crowd looked out from the cracks in the glacier, the white ice sheet had lost its original color, and the black mass was like an ant moving. The closer ones can already be seen with the naked eye. They are penguins. They grow. One person is long and obese, but it is not their huge body that is frightening, but that they are no longer standing. It turns out that the fins are thickened and extended to form a dog-like forelimb. Teamwork moves forward like a galloping horse

"Will they find us here?" Both Pete and Wilson were frightened. Even if these penguins were as docile as the world knew them before, such a huge team could not help but be shocked.

Chu Xiang said: "Maybe they haven't been found yet, but don't forget that they are not a single species moving for no purpose. They must be directed by the Terminator. If the Terminator wants to find us, then they can be found, so we cannot With luck, let's close the glacier entrance first. Let's go back and organize our troops to prepare for battle. "

Pete told Wilson: "Mr. Wilson, can you send more reinforcements a week earlier? How about today?"

Wilson's scalp was numb. In fact, he said that he had been lying to Pete for a week. Even if there was a transmission device for Americans to draw out a large number of manpower and material resources within six or seven days, not to mention that the enemy is now. He lost confidence in the number and size of the troops, and the US government can send reinforcements in a week is not enough!

Seeing that Wilson didn't answer his words, Pete understood that it was no good to rely on Americans for reinforcements, so he put his hopes on Chu Xiang again. "Captain Chu, I will give you the burden. I know you compare with China. Familiar, now I have the full authority to grant you the position of commander in chief, responsible for leading Antarctic military and civilians to resist foreign enemies! "

Chu Xiang will not quit. This is his chance to fully grasp the military power of the Antarctic base. At the same time, he must have a say to deal with the Terminator. Otherwise, how can he achieve his heart and mind, "General Xie trusts, we Go back to the base. The mutants have not found our existence for the time being. We are preparing to retreat while preparing for battle. "

Boom, the cracks in the glacier collapsed together under the control of Chu Xiang, so even if the mutant penguin finds it here, it will take some time to clear the tunnel. By then, the preparations for the battle should have been done.

Base 0 has received news from the Antarctic base. The reinforcements and weapons are being concentrated. At least two hours will be required before they can arrive at the Antarctic base. During this time, the Antarctic base's own strength must be used to counter the possible danger. Chu Xiang decided to divide the power into three parts. The first was Wilson's evolutionary army. Although the number was not large, Chu Xiang added 300 soldiers to the Marine Corps. They were equipped with ten sonic cannons. This is Chu Xiang secretly All powerful weapons hidden in the Antarctic base.

The second part is the remaining 700 Marine Corps soldiers. Their ultra-conventional weapons are a hundred sonic and laser guns. The rest are ordinary submachine guns and machine guns, not even grenades. They are not the main force in battle. It is only used to serve as a reserve team and maintain order, otherwise the battlefield is also a component of cannon fodder.

The third part of the force is the Guards led by Chu Xiang, which also includes the evolutionary brought by Chu Xiang. It should be the strongest part and will have a positive impact on the enemies. Although the weapon is very simple, but this Some forces are evolutionaries, and strength is by no means comparable to the first two forces.

Chu Xiang had previously created an ultra-long periscope, which could observe the situation on the ground from the inside of the base. The mutant penguins had already reached the base, but they did not pause, and the large troops were still moving forward, only when their leading troops crossed. After the glacier, it stopped and wandered in place.

Chu Xiang told everyone: "The mutant penguins can't find the traces left by the robot. Soon they will find our base. The seawater here is connected to the outside ocean. I think the base will be unsafe. Immediately organize personnel to collect The coal yard retreats at a faster speed. When the mutant penguin sends the news of the robot disappearing, the location of the base will soon be exposed. "

"Retreat?" Pete and Wilson whispered: "Are you kidding me, did you finally give up the base you set up, and how will you live after that?"

Chu Xiang said: "Now you have no life to talk about, after that, it is your business to withdraw. I believe that the mutant marine organisms have begun to swim inland with the river under the ice. Landing, as long as thousands of marine mutants collide, they will collapse. You are willing to be a water ghost here.

Misley knows the structure of the base best, and there can be no large currents or storms under the ice. This design was indeed clever at the beginning, but at that time because they had not encountered marine mutants, even if they appeared later At the periphery of the base are only three or two, at most a hundred groups of marine mutants, and they are scattered and have not been intentionally organized. They have never attacked the base. Just now Misley saw the mutant penguins regularly. March, if the underwater mutants are also organized, then the base is absolutely irresistible!

Misley first agreed, and then left without turning back. Some of the remaining officials saw that Misley knew the base best and left and did not persist, and went back to organize their own people to retreat. This was quite By default, Chu Xiang's order to retreat was short, and the tunnel leading to the coal mine was full of people. Fortunately, at this time, the base was operating normally, so everyone went forward in an orderly manner, and the base population originally dropped sharply. It has been seven or eight days since retreating in two hours.

There was a loud noise from the top of the head, and then the whole base shook, and Pete and Wilson, who were still reluctant to retreat, changed their faces at this moment. There was external monitoring in the command room, and I saw black in the yellow water. In a ball, I slammed the camera into a smash, and after the first sound, the base was successively impacted around the base, and the mutant sea creatures came so fast.

Chu Xiang opened the periscope to observe the situation on the ground again. The penguins started to move. They used strong strong forelimbs as tools and dug up on the ice. The hard ice was thrown all over the ground, but it was only a few minutes. The ice layer let them dig into the depth of several meters. It seems that the mutants under the sea have already transmitted the position of the base, and the troops on the ground cannot be attacked. Otherwise, the entire base will overturn immediately, and some civilians will not Withdrawal.

Seven hundred Marine Corps soldiers organized a civilian retreat. They deployed along the coal line tunnel in accordance with Chu Xiang's order. To prevent seawater from flowing back into the tunnel, Chu Xiang added several valves as early as possible when necessary. The entire tunnel can also be collapsed to block the entrance. Relatively speaking, the coal yard is a reserved escape area. After all, it is tens of degrees below zero outside. If we evacuate the population to the surface, we are afraid that most of them will freeze to death.

Wilson's people went to the glacier exit early to wait for an order, and Chu Xiang took his own man along the near-to-the-ground passage to the surface. The Antarctic base at his feet couldn't hold it anymore. The overall tilt was 20 degrees. The Antarctic Building A large pillar broke, and finally the top leaked. At the beginning, it was still a crack, but it immediately expanded into a large mouth a few meters square. The sea surged in. Fortunately, the personnel had evacuated to the exit, and the seawater was poured back without causing casualties.

Hum, the motor pulled the exit valve of the base to close, Pete reluctantly took a final look, he was carrying a black box in his hand, hesitated several times, he didn't make up his mind, and in the mind of Peter, this black box was under his control. Magic weapon, he wants to start the explosion process of the base with the mutant creatures, but the explosion will cause the ground ice to collapse, so the guards who have climbed to the surface will be in danger, and Pete eventually gives up.

As everyone knows, Pete wanted to start the destruction process, because the box was fake. Although he pressed the control of the detonator on the wrist, in fact, the key did not play any role. Chu Xiang had already released the detonation before long. Instructions, otherwise how many people are dead now. The reason why Pete did not activate the self-destruct device was that the base was not too severely damaged when he wanted to come, and repairs should be available in the future, so he could not easily give up.

The battle on the surface has begun. Countless mutant penguins attacked the Guards with obese bodies and sharp mouths, and these evolutionaries hunted them frantically. This is a test for the Guards and acceptance of their eligibility Battle, if they can survive this battle, they will join the evolutionary army of Chu Xiang.

In fact, the fighting time is not long, as long as the penguins are prevented from meeting the mutant creatures under the ocean in the shortest time, otherwise the civilians who have not retreated will be trapped in the base, but it will be sent after more than ten minutes News that the entrance to the Antarctic base has been closed after the retreat,

Chu Xiang issued a whistling command to retreat the guards to the glacier. The black squattered army of penguins followed. They were exploded by various forces and left a body along the direction to the glacier. The team entered the firing range of the Wilson unit, the sonic cannon fired, and the Penguin Army splashed around like a meat sauce. Each shot would have a blank within the force range of nearly ten meters, and even some ice layers broke. The penguins fell, but the number of ten sonic cannons was too weak. There were still tens of thousands of penguins attacking them. They were not afraid of bullets. Even if some bullets could penetrate their fat layer, but Their damage is also minimal.

Chu Xiang and He Yaohui struggled to kill the enemy. Wilson was frightened. He had previously suspected that Chu Xiang was the legendary Chu Xiang who killed the American Corpse King. Now this speculation has been confirmed. Think about doing something to him before, Wilson It is very scared, but China ’s most famous evolutionary appeared at the Antarctic base, and the Chinese people ’s ambitions for Antarctica are obvious. They must pass this information back to the United States, but how can they return to China?

The sky was getting darker and darker. He Yaohui thought that Chu Xiang was calling for thunder and lightning, but soon he knew he was wrong, because it was not a thunder and lightning, but a flying mutant creature. Chu Xiang also changed his face. , And now the Terminator has not appeared, only the cannon fodder that wastes human ammunition is used.

Wilson was shaking, he was not an evolutionary, but he was unwilling to sweep the face of the US government, so he insisted on leading his subordinates to snip mutant penguins, saw a mutant creature flying in the sky, and flew to Antarctica by air. Wilson finally couldn't stand it. "Let's withdraw. The people in the base have entered the coal mine safely."

Chu Xiang has returned from the battlefield, and his body is smelly black blood. "Okay, use ice and tunnels to stop them."

Along the newly opened tunnel of Chu Xiang, everyone entered the passage leading to the coal yard and merged with the Marine Corps where it was deployed. At this time, the mutant creatures in the three places of the Marine Army successfully attacked the tunnel, and the Navy immediately launched an attack. The Marine Corps has blasted the entrance to the tunnel from under the sea, but those mutated marine creatures dug unconsciously, even at the expense of their own bodies. The collapsed rubble quickly disappeared, and the hole gradually appeared.

The mutant penguins on the ice layer are even more crazy. Just now they have dug into the ice surface nearly ten meters, and tens of thousands of penguins swarmed up. They even planed to remove the huge glacier within half an hour! The entrance covered by the glacier was exposed in front of them. Although the Marine Corps blew up the entrance again, the penguin's digging ability was amazing. It took only ten minutes to clear the hole, and then blasted it back. The entrance was retracted nearly 500 meters towards the coal yard.

Wow, the tunnel valve under the sea was breached, and the seawater rushed forward along the tunnel. When the next valve encountered the mutant sea creatures came forward and attacked again, the valve was broken almost a hundred times, so they rushed all the way until mining. The passage of the coal yard stopped before the sea level and seawater, and at this time it was less than 500 meters from the coal yard hall.

The troops were evacuated, and there was already a crowd of people behind them. Although a large number of people were arranged to disperse the pressure in the coal mining halls, but because the temperature in the coal mines was relatively low, those people still returned to the hall to warm themselves from time to time. There are shouts everywhere, echoing people have earaches, Pete frowns together, he is also an experienced soldier, just facing those crazy mutant creatures, his fighting methods and weapons are not used at all.

Chu Xiang chose a straight tunnel. UU Reading set up a sonic cannon at the end. As long as the mutant creatures came in from the cave entrance, they started firing. Often, one shot can penetrate hundreds of mutant creatures, and ten sonic cannons took turns. Using it, mutant penguins can't attack for a while, but those guys in the air can't bear it. They shoot down from the high sky, just like an armor-piercing bomb. The ice layer is full of holes, and soon The frozen ground is exposed.

On the other side, the mutant penguins sent troops to attack the tunnel entrance. On the other side, they sent a large number of troops to help the shells flying down the sky to clear the ground. The large ice sheet nearly 30 meters thick made them clear up after half an hour. Those suicide aerial mutants Continue to shoot at the ground, the frozen soil layer is rapidly rupturing, and some shells even penetrated the frozen earth layer and the sand in the coal yard hall continued to drop.

He Yaohui said to Chu Xiang: "I can't keep it. This hall will collapse if we toss it down. At that time, we thought there was a thick ice sheet as a cover, so we only left it a dozen meters thick, if it was not supported by a frame. I'm afraid it has collapsed. "

Chu Xiang quickly drew the five-color liquid. In response to a possible accident, he had already fed the five-color liquid before. Under the control of Chu Xiang's idea, the five-color liquid in the air became a huge human mouth and spit out one. A large white pillar with a diameter of two meters extends to the top of the head until it touches the top of the coal mining hall to form a large umbrella to fix the crumbling hall, and then Chu Xiang collects the five-color liquid and rushes out of the tunnel. He wants to stop the aerial mutants from continuing to face the ground. shooting.

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