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Chapter 543: Repel a strong enemy

The entire ground and sky are all locust-like creatures, but it ’s definitely not comparable to locusts. The huge size is shocking. The shells that are constantly firing in the sky are about half the size. Chu Xiang does n’t know much about creatures. It was just that he had supplemented some knowledge before coming to Antarctica. These round round artillery should be a variant of the Antarctic fly, but the original wingless Antarctic fly has now become a master of flying, and the speed can reach during the continuous dive acceleration Sonic! No wonder the cannonball attack effect!

The clouds over Antarctica are unstable. Chu Xiang tried to summon thunder and lightning in previous battles, but he failed. The thunder and lightning gathered was not enough to cause large-scale damage to mutant creatures, and if the plants could not take root in the soil alone It will be a huge loss to rely on Chu Xiang ’s energy to grow. After Chu Xiang urged a plant, he gave up the waste of energy. Now all he can use is quick freezing, and the flame skills are at this low temperature of minus dozens of degrees. China has also become a bottomless pit that consumes energy, but there is another skill Chu Xiang can be used to control the wind, although the lethality is not strong, but if used with quick freezing, the effect is still good.

During this time, the Antarctic is a good weather. The wind has been maintained below the fifth level. For Antarctica with constant storms, such a day is simply paradise. It may be because of the better weather that the terminator was dispatched to condemn the future Antarctic Chance, otherwise many of these mutants may be frozen at low temperatures.

Chu Xiang blew a strong wind, and the mutant penguins surrounding the cave were rolled up. They flew up to the sky to face the Antarctic flies they shot. The two collided in the sky and splashed a **** flower. From a distance, it seems to be setting off fireworks. As the wind goes, it is low-temperature quick-freezing. The wind freezes wherever it goes, and there is a quack of freezing sound. As the wind strengthens, some icing mutant penguins are shaved again. It fell to the ground and broke into hundreds and thousands of pieces.

But this time the number of mutant creatures attacked is too huge. It is so huge that Chu Xiang can't estimate it, because the range of sight is all in the sky and the ground. If there are rivers here, it is estimated that it is also below. The super power is really amazing, but he has only one, even if he can kill one hundred or one thousand mutant creatures in one minute, but the subsequent ones even reach tens of thousands, which makes him more frightened when he kills. Does the terminator want to Are you desperate, where did they assemble so many mutated creatures, and there may not be so many in Antarctica? Is it because they have been working hard for a long time?

He Yaohui knew that Chu Xiang was killing outside. It was extremely difficult to kill. Soon, he arranged to stop the coal yard defense and joined Chu Xiang outside with Chu Xiang. However, He Yaohui did not belong to the large-scale lethal evolutionist. His fast attack persisted It won't be long before the mutant creatures can be stabbed with two hands, and the loss is negligible for the mutant creatures.

Chu Xiang used the strong wind to form a large circle, mining. The coal yard was just below the circle. When the flying Antarctic fly hit the wind wall, it was thrown out, and then it was quickly frozen into Datu ice and other Antarctica shot down. The flies collided, and the mutant penguins on the ground found that they were stopped by the wind wall. They began to drill holes below the ground and tried to cross the wind wall through the ice and frozen soil layers. Although Chu Xiang could persist, the subsequent mutation The creatures are endless, so he will be exhausted sooner or later.

He Yaohui rushed out for a while. Back in the wind circle, he told Chu Xiang: "This is not the way to go. There are too many mutant creatures. They are simply consuming our energy. Why Song Jun, they haven't Come to reinforce? "

Chu Xiang looked at the time of the communicator on his wrist and said, "Quick, Song Jun. We need to mobilize troops, otherwise only a small amount of reinforcements will have no effect on the battle situation, wait a second. What is the situation inside?"

He Yaohui said: "It is still stable for the time being, but I think Wilson was frightened. He was afraid that he would flinch."

Chu Xiang sneered: "Don't worry about him. If he wants to run away and let him go, he just saves dealing with him. He wants to go back to the United States on foot. I think it will take at least a few months, and he may be on the road. Even if he was killed by the mutant creature and the Terminator, even if he returned to the United States safely, the Antarctic base was already in our hands at that time, and the Americans were not afraid to say anything. "

Om, on the battlefield ahead. A piece of space is distorted, and the mutant penguins gathered around are squeezed into a meatloaf by the twisted space, and then the light flashes, and a bunch of people appear on the battlefield. Seeing the endless mutant creatures around, they Immediately each skill was applied to strike, and then the space around them was distorted again. A clear space was cleared out of the distorted space. Wow, twenty tanks appeared instantly. They were already ready. Once they joined the battlefield, they launched sonic cannons. Minutes of shooting cleared a vacuum zone thousands of kilometers ahead.

Chu Xiang expanded the wind circle to protect Song Jun and others who came along with the tanks, and then 20 more tanks arrived. Ten minutes later, the reinforcements reached 500 evolvers and 100 tanks. This size was eliminated. A medium Terminator base has been said to be sure. Under their full blow, the ice layer around dozens of kilometers is dark, and the corpse sauce of mutant penguins and Antarctic flies has covered nearly two meters in thickness!

The battle continued for another hour, and at least 20,000 mutant penguins were eliminated. Antarctic flies were still accelerating from high altitude, but they burst under the attack of sonic weapons. The flesh rain continued to land. Everyone on the battlefield I can't see it anymore, there is a thick stinky meat sauce under my feet, and it hasn't reached the waist. This is still the result of continuous cleaning. Otherwise, people may be overwhelmed, and many evolvers vomit while attacking.

Song Jun almost swam beside Chu Xiang: "I have never seen such a stubborn attack, and I haven't found their place yet. What should I do? The energy of the sonic cannon and the lightning cannon is less than one fifth, the evolutionist The troops are also very tired, and we will definitely lose if we fight on. We must find a way. "

He Yaohui said: "Set up the transfer device and transfer it, there is no need to consume it anymore. That's exactly the conspiracy of the Terminator. Even if all their cannon fodder is exhausted, they will not care. We are too bad for one that no longer exists. Antarctic base is not worth our risk. "

In fact, Chu Xiang had already considered the transfer, but how can more than 10,000 people be transferred in a short while? Besides, the Terminator has always been hidden. Who knows if they are waiting for human transfer, it may be that they launched an attack In the best time, it is also dangerous to walk, and it is more dangerous not to walk. It would be nice if the Terminator appeared to defeat them.

"Open the transmission device and replace the sonic tanks and lightning tanks in batches. How long can you persist? He Yaohui, you go to the coal mine to organize the retreat of civilians, you must maintain good order, two hundred people in each batch, the rest Do n’t disturb the people staying in the coal yard, and transfer a batch every ten minutes. Do n’t be anxious and flustered. "

With Chu Xiang's order, everyone split their actions. The Resistance Army had tanks at all bases. The tanks of the Antarctic energy fast-lighting tanks were swapped with the tanks of the Resistance Army's defense base. This is the only way to solve the energy problem, but because Antarctic flies attack in the sky every time, it is extremely difficult to return, the transmission device is submerged in the thick meat sauce. Fortunately, it is waterproof design, otherwise it will be short-circuited and burned.

Heartbreaking in the coal yard, Wilson pulled back five evolvers from the troops at the defensive hole. This is his last strength. He did not dare to sacrifice these five. This is his only hope for life. Consider Wilson to find again and again. Pete, although the two have been opposing each other, but some interests are the same at a crisis.

"General, the situation outside is probably not optimistic. I don't know what you intend to do?"

Pete said: "Can you have any other plans? I hope Captain Chu can help us fight back the mutant creatures. Doesn't it mean that China's reinforcements have arrived? After a while, there are no mutant creatures attacking the position above our heads."

Wilson said, "No, no, no, general, you are too optimistic. If the reinforcements are effective, you have already won, but you see that the situation has not only eased them, they are still organizing a retreat, which shows that we are very dangerous."

Pete naturally saw He Yaohui leaving with two hundred people. Although He Yaohui did not say where to take them, many people saw that this should be a retreat. A large number of people followed, but the Marines maintained order. Smashing them back.

"Mr. Wilson means we're leaving right away? I think Captain Chu should have arranged for us."

"Huh," Wilson sneered, "Have the General still not understood? I'll tell you the truth. Your Captain Chu is not a simple man. He has concealed his identity. In fact, he is the most outstanding evolution in China. He has always been the spokesperson of the government. He suddenly came to the Antarctic base. Do you really think that it is a savior? It is not to take the Antarctic base into the hands of the Chinese! And you wo n’t know what they are doing! Stupid! "

Pete didn't expect Wilson to say these words. He didn't know much about China's situation. He could even say that he knew nothing about China after the virus. However, Chu Xiang was able to contact the Chinese Resistance Army and at the critical moment China has borrowed reinforcements, which has shown that this person is not simple, and it would not be worse than Wilson said.

"I think Captain Chu is still very loyal to the Antarctic base," Pete said suddenly.

Wilson had a headache. "General, why are you stubborn? I'm not going to argue with you. I just ask if you want to run away. Time is running out. Make a decision."

Pete said, "You just talk about your plan, and I'll make a decision after hearing it."

Wilson said, "Of course, I will use your transmission device to return to the United States with your confidant, so even if it is overturned here, it has nothing to do with us. When I get to Alaska, I must say good things to the president, and say that the Chinese violated the cooperation agreement. Interfering in our affairs at the Antarctic base, so that all the crimes are put on China, we can be fine. "

Although Pete didn't want to give up this extremely emotional base, but now Wilson's suggestion is pertinent and practical, and he no longer hesitated: "Okay, I'll listen to you this time, no one of us will care about the grievances and join forces. Returning to the United States to start again will depend on Mr. Wilson's good words before the President. "

Wilson said: "Good to say, we have experienced so many tribulations, and we will be true friends in the future." Wilson knew that he would definitely be punished after returning to the United States. He did not bring back tens of thousands of Antarctic population, but also lost the elite he brought. Troops, but Pete proved to himself that he could push his crimes to China at that time, and he helped Pete to say a few good words, and the two of them were evened. This is mutual use.

In the chaos of the coal mining hall, Wilson took his five evolvers, Pete with four bodyguards who had always been with him, and the two separated the crowd and walked out, while Pete told Wilson the shortcomings of the teleporter. Wilson learned that the transmission device must be in an uncovered space before using the headache.

"Why is it so troublesome, wouldn't we have to go outside, that would be discovered by the Chinese, and they would definitely stop us from returning to the United States, because everything we do at the Antarctic base will be exposed once we return home."

Pete said embarrassingly: "Yeah, the Chinese are very cunning. I didn't know this shortcoming until I switched back to the conveyor."

The Wilson probe looked out from the few remaining tunnels. The evolutionists from China were busy at the door. They would definitely be stopped if they went out. If they said that they would go out to help fight the war, most of them would be fine. The place passed back to the United States, I was afraid that I would be stopped for the first time. After thinking about it, Wilson would return, "We have to find another way."

Pete said: "There is no other way out except for an exit here, unless it is our shrinking bones and vents."

With a smile on Wilson's face, "Here, I have an evolutionary bone knife that cuts iron like mud. It is still possible to cut a path for people to walk through the vents. Go, we are saved."

The situation on the battlefield is getting more and more dangerous. Although the scene is still live, it is too worthwhile to waste a lot of energy to deal with cannon fodder. The first group of Antarctic civilians was teleported away. As the second group arrived, Chu Xiang suddenly noticed a mutation. The creature's attack slowed down, but a rumbling sound came from the sky. Antarctic flies made way out of the passage. Hundreds of flying robots appeared in sight from a distance. They landed far away, and then several terminators emerged from each robot. It seems that the real battle has just begun. The Terminator thinks that the cannon fodder is almost exhausted, so it is their turn to play.

There are almost eight hundred Terminators, they fanned over to the defensive team. These Terminators held the spear of trials, followed by huge robots. There were many weapons on the robots, and various muzzles were facing the Resistance. They were not fast. , It may be because of low temperature, or it may not reach the attack range.

Song Jun and He Yaohui both stood beside Chu Xiang nervously. The retreat of teleporting civilians in Antarctica was also terminated. In this situation, there can be no chaos. Liang Tian led a dozen evolutionaries to the coal mining hall to suppress the commotion civilians. Chu Xiang has given a death order, who dares to create confusion and kill it directly!

"Are the Terminators going to play the last battle with us?" He Yaohui held the two swords in his hands tightly and tightly.

Song Jundao: "I have informed base zero, and they will immediately mobilize their forces again, but ordinary soldiers will not be able to use them. They cannot resist the low temperature of Antarctica. I think this is also what the Terminator thinks is in their favor."

If judging from the previous data, Terminators don't like low temperature, but their technology is so advanced. Some of the body's defects have probably been improved during this time. Although not 100% corrected, they have been able to perform at low temperatures. Fighting, although it may affect part of the combat effectiveness, humans cannot mobilize a large number of troops to shoot acetate bombs in this case. They can only rely on the evolver to fight the terminator. Once the strength of the two sides offsets, humans still suffer. After all, only acetate bombs In order to deal with the Terminator, the more shooters, the more humans take advantage.

Chu Xiang controlled the water to clear the meat sauce on the battlefield to the periphery. According to the original defense line, the meat sauce was quickly frozen into a thick wall. Everyone climbed up the wall to set up a machine gun. When Song Jun came to the rescue, he had considered the Terminator attack. Therefore, the acetic acid bomb did not take less, but the Terminator had not yet entered the shooting range, and a large number of mutant penguins blocked in front of them to serve as cannon fodder. This battle was not easy to fight.

The teleportation device in the middle of the defensive circle began to work. Zhang Jingyao and Lin Bo | Bo, who stayed at base zero, arrived. They said nothing and took the weapon to the fence. Due to the large number of attacking forces, their movement caused ice. Guy trembled. Fortunately, the ice layer had been exposed in the defensive circle. Otherwise, everyone might be standing still.

There was a sudden vibration in the ground. From the frequency analysis, it was not the vibration caused by the marching of the Terminator. Chu Xiang's face changed: "Not good, there are mutant creatures in the ground!" As Chu Xiang's voice did not fall, the entrance of the coal yard Rush out of a group of Marines, "Not good, countless black monsters drilled in the coal mining area, like mice, they are humans in the attack hall!"

The Terminator led countless penguins forward, and as soon as he was about to enter the shooting range, Chu Xiang threw down the machine gun in his hand and said, "I'm going to deal with the following mutant creatures. Song Jun, you command, be careful not to use acetate bombs. Hitting mutant penguins is a waste of ammunition. "

When Chu Xiang rushed into the hall of the coal yard, the inside had been turned into a pot of porridge. The mutant mice emerging from various districts were about the size of a domestic dog. They penetrated through the coal seam and the body was all black and gray. It should not be underestimated, but within a few minutes, hundreds of people were trampled to death, and hundreds of people were bitten into pieces by black mice.

Humans and rats do not want to separate them. Chu Xiang decides to block the exit of the rats first, and protects the coal mining hall. Otherwise, the front battle cannot be carried out. The thought of Chu Xiang inducing a bone knife here. The skin of the arm was cut open, and the five-color liquid swelled out. Although the low temperature made it a bit uncomfortable, it communicated with Chu Xiang's heart. Knowing that it was an emergency at this moment, he immediately spit the milky white liquid along the pillars supporting the hall before Spreading around again, the entire hall was soon wrapped up, leaving only one entrance and a few hundred vents that the mice could not drill through. It was impossible for mutant mice to penetrate this shell in a short time.

Under the arrest of the Guards and thousands of Marine Corps soldiers, the mutant mice that rushed in were destroyed, and about 500 people died. Some of them were killed by rats, some were trampled to death, and Nearly a thousand people were injured. Because they could not distinguish whether they were stepped on or bitten, Chu Xiang let the Marine Corps soldiers march with martial law, and shot as soon as someone mutated.

After finally stabilizing the situation in the hall, Chu Xiang found that there were a few people missing. He pulled a Marine fighter and asked, "What about General Pete and Mr. Wilson?"

The soldier shook his head, but the soldier next to him said, "I saw them enter the vent before, and I asked him, but the general didn't give me a good look, and then I didn't see them coming out."

The entire hall has been fixed by the hard shell secreted by the f virus. At this time, Chu Xiang himself could not open the gap to look in the vent. The killing sound outside rang out. Chu Xiang didn't care about Pete and Wilson, so he could only let them. Self-destruction and self-destruction, the elimination of the Terminator outside is the first priority.

The battle started, and the Terminator hid behind the mutant penguin. They stepped forward on the body of the penguin killed by various attacks, and the tall robot began a fierce shooting at the human force. The bullets and artillery shells kept on the defense. In the circle, there have been dozens of evolutionary casualties, and Chu Xiang is distressed.

Huh, the first Terminator jumped from behind the penguin, followed by the second and third ... They all jumped up. They have reached the offensive distance. When the Terminator appeared, the human troops fired with machine guns, although most of them The Terminator who jumped towards humans was killed in the head, but some also entered the human defensive circle. They waved the spear of judgment to attack humans. At this time, close-range battles could no longer use machine guns, and even some evolutionaries were too late to even pistols. Digging, and the surrounding penguins and robots also accelerated the attack speed, and the melee began.

The sky of this battle was dark, Chu Xiang's energy could not stand the fight for more than ten hours, and he also had to take care of several women participating in the battle at all times. The intense fatigue caused him a little confused eyes, and the transmission device was also It was smashed. Although Li Haipeng continued to assist in transferring personnel and weapons and ammunition, it had little impact on the overall battle.

Not only Chu Xiang couldn't hold it, other fighters were also reluctantly fighting, but it was a bit exciting for everyone. After all, the Terminator was not impeccable. Although their armor was resistant to bullets, they were still vulnerable in the presence of acetate. Only less than one hundred Terminators have been killed, and only five robots remain under Chu Xiang's ability to control the metal. This ignition power is not harmful. Generally speaking, humans are about to win, but everyone ’s Physical strength can't be maintained, which is a big problem.

Zhang Jingyao found Chu Xiang in the battle group. She has been protected by several women and has not used too much energy. Seeing Chu Xiang showing tiredness, Zhang Jingyao knows this is the time when Chu Xiang needs her, Lin Bo | Bo Fei kicked away With several mutant penguins, Zhang Jingyao successfully held Chu Xiang's hand, and a powerful energy was slowly injected into Chu Xiang's body.

"Thank you, it's raining in time. I am confident to kill all the remaining Terminators!" Chu Xiang opened his eyes sharply, and the full energy flowed throughout his body, and the fatigue just swept away.

Zhang Jingyao's face was a bit pale. Lin Bo | Bo guarded her and withdrew to the entrance. The energy transmission just made her almost exhausted, but as long as Chu Xiang has enough energy, she has the hope of winning, so Zhang Jingyao has no reservations. .

Chu Xiang didn't disappoint Zhang Jingyao. He rushed into the battle group, and the m500 runner kept firing. Each shot would kill a terminator, but the terminator wanted to stop Chu Xiang with the spear of judgment. Easy, Chu Xiang's speed and power must exceed them. If it is not the Terminator's armor, only acetic acid can be broken, Chu Xiang can destroy them faster.

Everything finally calmed down, the terminator of the offense was wiped out, and the robots were left. The Antarctic fly cannonball-like attacks have stopped. After all, they are like mutant penguins. Once they lose control, they will not attack crazy, but Three, two, two dispersed, and the sky gradually became clear. Although only black meat sauce can be seen for more than ten square kilometers of ground, but the vomiting people have disappeared, and everyone has adapted to this environment, as long as they can fight back the attack and let They were willing to smell for another two days and two nights.

A group of civilians were drilled out of the exit of the coal mining hole. They were first stunned by the battle scene in front of them, and then cheered for victory. No matter how many people died, they were still alive. This is worthy of celebration.

"Chu Xiang, Pete and Wilson escaped." Song Jun cleaned the battlefield and reported to Chu Xiang. This made Song Jun very depressed, but the mutant mice were drilled into the coal yard. The scene was too chaotic at that time, even if someone watched Pitt And Wilson are useless.

Chu Xiang had already learned that the two had entered the vents and said, "The vents they took?"

Song Jundao: "Yes ~ ~ Some evolutionists cut the vents and there is a transmission device outside the vents. It seems that they have returned to the United States. We must be prepared. Americans will know us soon. With the Antarctic base under control, we need to do a good job of turning our face with the Americans. "

Zhang Hongbing, who came to pick up the robot from base zero, suddenly interjected, "Rest assured, these two guys are probably wandering around in a desert in Africa now."

Song Jun and Chu Xiang both looked at each other: "How to say? Pete knew exactly what the transmission device was. He gave him a manual at that time, and he would still use it wrong?"

Zhang Hongbing laughed: "If he used the wrong estimate, he could really return to the United States, but here is the South Pole, the place where the magnetic field is most likely to be disturbed. I also visited the place where they started the transmission device. Not to mention the compass is not easy to use. The transmission device and the locator have deviated. The US coordinates they set are correct, but their own coordinates are not correct. The difference is estimated to go to Africa. "

After listening, Chu Xiang laughed and laughed. Zhang Hongbing must have tested it, otherwise they would not jump to conclusions. Even if they did not go to Africa, as long as they were not the United States, they wanted to walk back to Alaska. It is estimated that it will take some time. At that time, the Antarctic base had been renovated. Even if the Americans could not intervene anymore, after controlling Antarctica, would you worry about various energy shortages? China will have an absolute advantage in restarting its homeland.

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