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Chapter 544: Wasteland group

You ca n’t just see victory. In this battle, the Chinese evolutionaries also suffered huge losses. Not everyone is as powerful as Song Jun and Wang Shaohui. One half of the evolutionaries who participated in the battle were killed and injured. The ordinary people only saw victory. The scene, and the pain behind it can only be experienced by those in the high position, such as Chu Xiang. Many of the evolutionary fighters who participated in the battle were trained by them, and now they are fighting the invading young soldiers of the alien creatures of Terminator. Gave a precious life.

However, one thing that Chu Xiang and others are pleased with is that the intelligent system of Lost City is transforming the evolvers in batches every day. The Antarctic base provides a large population. The combination of the two provides a powerful guarantee for supplementing the military. However, if we want to protect human beings from such losses, we can only kill the Terminator as soon as possible at a certain price, and then solve the problem of a large number of zombies on the earth to rebuild human homeland. It may not be possible to restore the previous prosperity at all, but as long as the existing people live and work in peace, everyone will be satisfied. After all, it seems that the huge number of zombies is still a threat to humankind.

With the passage of time, the sky has become clearer and brighter. The sunlight has given nourishment for all things on the earth, and the long severe winter is no longer as cold as before. Especially in the land of China, more than twenty major bases have been established. It feels like spring is coming. It is just that the pressure on these bases of zombies is still heavy, but compared to the situation abroad, China is now a paradise, and there are still many countries living in hell.

As the Terminator ’s plan in Antarctica failed, their strength dropped again, and this situation made the Terminator more cautious and cruel. In order to protect a small number of similar species, they are making robots and robots crazy than ever before. Dangerous news came from all kinds of mutant creatures in America, Europe, and Africa, where the only large bases left by humans were attacked by zombies from time to time and suffered heavy losses.

The launch of the first two satellites successfully gave humans everywhere a tool to communicate with each other. Although this tool was limited in many ways, at least several exchanges could be made within 24 hours. Of course, the United States also knew about the Antarctic base soon. What happened, but the version they learned was that China sent troops to rescue the Antarctic base attacked by the Terminator. Then the Chinese took over the population of the Antarctic base logically. Although the Americans doubted this, they apparently acknowledged it. China's management of the Antarctic base is because their domestic pressure is too great to take care of other battlefields, but the Americans did not suffer much, because Chu Xiang provided a lot of help to the United States in the later period, just for the Alaska solution. Two rounds will be enough to offset the compensation for the Antarctic base, not to mention that the transmission device is also sold to them cheaply.

Today ’s sky is exceptionally clear, and the temperature has reached over 20 degrees, which seems to be as rare as the New Year in the eyes of the last generation. Several people stood on an abandoned skyscraper in the original Beijing Third Ring Road, and they pointed from time to time. Surrounding the scene, there are ruins and countless zombies at the foot. In the Terminator's biggest sneak attack, the Beijing base has been completely destroyed, but there are still many tall buildings standing on the ruins.

"Do you really want to go back to Beijing to build the largest base in the world?" He Yaohui constantly looked with a telescope. In addition to zombies or zombies within the sight, it can be said that the more prosperous the place, the more unsuitable it is for humans to live.

Chu Xiang nodded and said: "The road and railway network that extends in all directions here has not been completely abandoned. It was also our political and cultural center. Rebuilding the Beijing base can inspire human resistance in faith."

Song Jundao: "But there are many difficulties. You must know that reconstruction on the ruins is far away. It is more troublesome than relocating the site. Besides, there are still a lot of zombies that affect the safety of the base."

Chu Xiang doesn't understand this truth, but he also has his own ideas. "There are a lot of materials that can be reused here. If our construction materials are sufficient, I would be willing to choose a new location, but now it seems that what we lack is materials. Reinforced concrete in particular, our reconstruction work would be almost impossible without this thing. "

How did He Yaohui and Song Jun not know the current difficulties of the Resistance Army? Although it is said that coal and iron mining has been carried out at the Antarctic base, it will take some time for the smelting furnace to resume production. Even if the steelmaking operation is not completed in the near future, Yes, so it becomes necessary to rebuild with ruins.

Song Jun and He Yaohui. They said: "We agree with you and tell us what to do next."

Chu Xiangdao: "Based on the old three-ring defense line in the past, we established an anti-corpse barrier in advance, slowly cleared out the area within the third ring, and resumed all kinds of industrial and agricultural production. After all, base zero has now been tested by various experiments. The room occupies a lot of area, and many production lines need to be moved out. Although we already have many bases on hand, we all hide a lot of sunlight, so it is imperative to rebuild a large base under the sun. "

He Yaohui said: "There is no problem in restoring industrial production, but you really plan to engage in agriculture in the Third Ring Road."

Chu Xiang said: "Why not? You can see how much light there is, and I think it will be a good harvest in the short term if we plant the fruit of life. It is not too late, and we will immediately go back and organize the first batch of wastelanders."

What Chu Xiang has to do has always been decisive and clear. Soon, the first batch of two hundred civilians, two hundred ordinary soldiers, and one hundred evolutionary wastelanders formed. Their task was to clear a base suitable for human defense and living. While planting life fruit, continue to clean up the site. When conditions are suitable, some processing workshops in the No. 0 base are moved out. Chu Xiang even considered setting up a large-scale steel and oil refinery in the Beijing base, but Later, it was suggested that such a factory should be built in the place of origin of raw materials, otherwise the transportation in the middle would be a troublesome task.

One month later, a four-square-kilometer square base was built on the ruins of the original Beijing base. One of the twelve-storey buildings that had not collapsed was usually housed by a wasteland group. Each person had a luxurious single room. The base was broken around. Fences are piled with cement concrete blocks. Although there are a lot of zombies outside the fence, they are not malicious to this newly established base, because they have been controlled by t4 released by Xiaosi. These zombies are actually protecting the base. Unaffected by the zombies that are not controlled by the periphery, it is the most peripheral protection force of the base.

Seeing the middle of the day, Chu Xiang put down his hoe. In order to encourage everyone to come to wasteland, Chu Xiang opened a field of about two cents in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the base. The cement block that was scraped away just served as the raw material for the wall. Now, the fruit of life has grown to a height of one person. This height is very scary. According to the sufficient amount of sunlight at the Beijing base, the batch of fruit can be harvested a few days ago, but Chu Xiang went to Europe to help fight a bad battle. , So it is today.

"Chu Xiang, come and see, this life fruit has grown to more than five pounds of fruit!" Fang Su yelled and his sister rushed out of the ground, each holding a life fruit, The roots are really pleasing.

"I must have found more than you!" Xiao Si also stepped out, and the fruit plant in her hand had more fruit. It seems that this plant is really suitable for the earth today, and the growth perimeter is shortened to Twenty to thirty days, in addition to the high starch content in the root fruit, the stems and leaves are the best feed for the breeding industry. In order not to waste these feeds, Chu Xiang also raised ten wild boars in the ruins of the mall, but because of the busy work Sometimes, it takes only three or five days to feed a meal. As a result, these pigs have not grown a few pounds of meat a month, and they may even lose weight.

Chu Xiang shouted to the three women: "It's late, let's wash our hands and cook. What do you want to eat at noon today?"

There is a milky white house on the ground with all kinds of equipment in it. This place has been transformed into its own holiday villa by Chu Xiang, similar to the nature of a farmhouse, but how much food can be eaten in the last days, so Xiaosi and Fang The three women, Su and Fangya, did n’t ask too much. Everyone cooked a pot of life fruit and dipped it in sugar to serve as lunch. They will continue to harvest the life fruit for a while. Although they are a bit tired, the three women are full of laughter because of It's their holiday that they have so much hoped for. Chu Xiang will stay here tonight with them tonight. Isn't that exciting?

Chu Xiang had eaten early and took a bunch of stems and leaves of life fruit to feed the pigs in the pig's grate in the mall, while the three daughters Fang Su went into the field to harvest again. This parking lot has a lot of space, and only Chu Xiang is alone. It ’s impossible to completely plant it, so there are dozens of such places nearby. The three of Fang Su worked hard, and a row of life fruit stems fell down. It turned out that the neighboring fields were also busy harvesting. It seems that today What a great day.

"Well, Fangsu? Is it you? Oh, my god, I thought I could n’t see you when I came to China from the Antarctic base. I did n’t expect us to be so destined, how did you and you come to the Beijing base? Did you also Was he in exile? "The man who harvested in the nearby area heard the woman's groaning and intentionally cut a road alone to connect with the land of Chu Xiang, but he was stunned when he saw the woman working in the field, Is this the fate of the legend?

Sister Fangya has a cheerful personality and likes her sister's joke most. When she sees the man in the ground who knows her sister, she laughs and says, "Sister, who is this? I won't find a brother-in-law for me again, but how is your taste better? Is it getting lower? "

Fang Su bombarded his sister's head and said, "Let you talk nonsense. This is my university classmate Zhang Zhixin. Last time we had a relationship at the Antarctic base. I didn't expect him to sign up for the wasteland mission, but he was still with us. Ground adjacent. "

Most of the civilians who came to the Beijing base were reluctant. Like Zhang Zhixin, they thought they were exiled by the base. After all, this is a base surrounded by zombies, and they also need to eat with their own hands. Zhang Zhixin actually did not sign up. It was Guanshan. He and Kang Ensi all got the Beijing base. It was regarded as an education to transform him up and down the countryside, but Guan Shan did not expect that Chu Xiang would work hard to farm in Beijing base.

The ray of sunlight shone on Fang Suhong's red face, and there were still beads of sweat on it. How bad the temperament of a stewardess had been, although he was a simple work clothes, but Zhang Zhixin was still stunned, especially Fang Su's body was drooling forward and her lower body was hot. The work clothes had been made fatter, but she still couldn't hide her figure and smelled the fragrance of the woman who was emptied in the air. Looking at the beauties in front of you, most men will be tempted.

Someone froze behind the stupid Zhang Zhixin, "Hey, who are the two women next to you? Are you classmates too? You have a good figure, and there is a loli. Tell me, tonight I'll invite you to dinner. I was talking about Kang Ensi who came with Zhang Zhixin. In the past, Zhang Zhixin mingled with Kang Ensi, but when he came to China, Zhang Zhixin became the host. Now Kang Ensi is almost called Zhang Zhixin's boss. When such a beautiful woman works in the wild, Kang Ens's lower body, which had been stunned for a long time, moved again.

Zhang Zhixin cried out: "Go away, I'll kill you with a finger!"

Connance was just restored by his lower body, Yu Huoding, and Zhang Zhixin swore his face flushed, but he did not show up, but just stared at Zhang Zhixin and retreated to the side. Pingyang was bullied by dogs, and Connance secretly looked at Fang Su and Fang Ya's breasts. These two women are so good in shape. If I can go to bed together, I do n’t know how cool, power, no power, if this is still Antarctic base is a trivial matter to him.

Why did Zhang Zhixin have such an attitude towards his former master Connes? He didn't forget that Conns had his own woman on the Antarctic base! At that time, because the chief's gift could not be affected, he lost a woman and was condemned by Conns overnight. If it was not for the Beijing base, he would be afraid that Zhang Zhixin would work with other Chinese to kill Conns.

Originally, Conns disdain to follow Zhang Zhixin, but he is too strange to China, only Zhang Zhixin knows a little bit, so he can only be dead and lazy behind Zhang Zhixin, just now he has no idea about the woman in the opposite ground. He was scolded by Zhang Zhixin. For future life, Connance could only bear it.

Fang Su frowned when he heard Zhang Zhixin yell at Conns. To be honest, she was willing to take care of her old classmates, but she didn't want to be misunderstood by Chu Xiang, especially a villain like Zhang Zhixin who had offended Chu Xiang. Fang Su was really afraid of him What did she do is annoy Chu Xiang, thinking of Fang Su turning around and leaving, she even wanted to find a sister and sister to help transfer Zhang Zhixin away, otherwise it would be miserable to meet him every time he came to Beijing base for vacation.

When Zhang Zhixin saw Fang Su silent, he was about to leave. He hurriedly took the first two steps and took Fang Su's arm: "Fang Su, don't go, do you have nothing to say when we meet with our old classmates, can you live in the last days? It's not easy to get down. How about calling Shangguanshan and Chuxiang for a party? "

Where does Fang Su care about classmate gatherings? This Zhang Zhixin is really okay, but Fang Ya is afraid not to be chaotic. He said, "Okay, I'm worried that I have nothing to play tonight. Many people just lively."

Xiaosi also said, "I will go too, although I and you are not classmates."

When Chu Xiang came back to feed the pigs, Zhang Zhixin and Kang Ensi returned to work in his own land. The fruit grew very lush. He didn't know who was working in the land next to him, so Chu Xiang didn't know any neighbors came. On the contrary, Fang Su confessed to Chu Xiang first, but did not expect that Chu Xiang was not angry. Instead, he said: "This is a good thing. Since the land reclamation group came to the Beijing base, it has really not done art except building walls and planting land. Activities, this is not conducive to the establishment of the wasteland mission in Beijing, and it is not conducive to future stability and solidarity. I see that such gatherings will be held once a week in the future, and the scope will be expanded to the entire wasteland mission. Tooth sacrifice for everyone. "

Fang Sudao: "It's not a good thing to listen to Chen Xiuying's talk about Zhang Zhixin and Kang Ensi. You are willing to party with him?"

Chu Xiang said: "Am I so stingy, do you think that they are just a civilian under our administration, the proposal of public and private is good, we cannot forget the ideological and political work while developing, At the same time, there are few old classmates who can survive. It may be a good thing to talk together. Even if he has any bad intentions, hum, isn't he the one who suffers in the end? If he has to find himself uninteresting, I don't mind Make him ugly. "

Since Chu Xiang took this matter as a political task to grasp, he simply did not receive any fruit in the afternoon, and found Lu Wei, who was the mayor of the Beijing base. Lu Wei was the person in charge of the next base of Chu Xiangzhi. After the establishment of the Beijing base He was transferred over, not because of how big Ruwe ’s evolutionary skills are. On the contrary, Ruwe is just an ordinary evolutionist who can no longer be ordinary, but he is very good at the management of the base. The Beijing base has never paid much attention to ideological work in the early stage. However, Lu Wei has recently collected a lot of complaints from civilians and soldiers. I do n’t usually eat here, and I have a lot of mental pressure. Long-term really does not help the development of the Beijing base. The palm is in favor, immediately put down the work at hand and kill pigs with Chu Xiang.

Killing pigs was a physical job, and Lu Wei found two more soldiers. The four went to the abandoned mall to catch the pigs. This mall was originally operated by Wal-Mart. The products were cleaned up after the t virus outbreak. As a result, advertising cloth and light boxes were almost torn down. They were either used to make beds or nailed tables. Only at the entrance of the mall, Chu Xiang wrote three words with the calligraphy that he felt most proud of, a pig farm.

The smell of a stinky and faecal feces rushed out, and the two soldiers covered their noses, but Chu Xiang and Lu Wei didn't care, and it was so easy for a dozen wild boars to eat a full meal to do nothing. Seeing Chu Xiang came in and thought he would feed again, but when Chu Xiang showed the bright pig hook in his hands, the wild boars immediately glared at everyone.

Lu Weidao: "These guys are not weak, let's be careful and take it slowly."

There are a few wild boars shaking their pig dung. The two soldiers could not escape being splashed. The two ran out of the pig farm in panic, and the wild boars took the opportunity to escape from the gap left by the two. Back inside the mall, there were a lot of tattered shelves inside, and it was really hard to pull them out for a while.

At this time, someone at the entrance of the mall shouted, "Mayor, I heard that it is true that we are going to kill pigs and hold a bonfire party at night?"

Lu Wei looked at the probe and said to Chu Xiang: "It is a few farmers of the three teams, who are good at farming. They first harvested the first phase of life fruit, and the output is estimated to be the first of the entire production team."

The land reclamation group is divided into ten production teams, each of which has 20 people. Chu Xiang said: "Then they should be rewarded. You must improve the welfare system of the land reclamation group as soon as possible, and you must show the situation and achievements of the land reclamation to the bases. Let people sign up here spontaneously. We will soon develop a second line of defense. This time the population needs to be at least twice that of the original. If we still rely on strong assignments, we will not be able to work with peace of mind if they come. "

Lu Weidao: "I understand, this matter will be put in the top priority, but the logistics will grant us materials, otherwise I will reward them with nothing, pure life fruit everyone is tired of eating."

Chu Xiang said: "This is no problem. I will write a note for you. In addition, I will cooperate with the omnipotent king who manages the army to improve the ideological quality of the soldiers in Beijing base. Otherwise, the more the soldiers will be, the worse they will become. Then, the fighters who are not on duty should also encourage them to plant land. They can grant them a small amount of reserved land, and the base is responsible for recovering their crops. "

Lu Wei said happily: "It's a good idea. After killing the pigs, I'll talk to Almighty King immediately. Our conditions are not allowed at this time. We should learn the methods of the Anti-Japanese War and work while promoting production."

At this time, several farmers at the entrance of the shopping mall had taken the initiative to enter. They were not afraid to help Chu Xiang to catch the pigs in the shopping mall. Finally, everyone caught a wild boar that looked quite fat and took it to the open space outside the shopping mall to find it. The table was stabbed with a knife, and the pig's blood was taken half a pot. The three teams of people helped to boil the water and shave the viscera of the pig's hair. Everything was done in less than two hours, which made Chu Xiang's impression of several people better. It seems that not everyone is disgusted with coming to the Beijing base, and they should cultivate their love for the Beijing base as soon as possible.

In the open lot of the parking lot, several piles of bonfires burned. Except for the one hundred soldiers on duty, the rest of the population arrived. Guan Shan and Xu Shumei also transmitted from base zero. The flames reflected Zhang Zhixin's face was a bit ugly. He originally intended I just talked to Fang Su separately. Who knew that Chu Xiang had made the scene so big, Zhang Zhixin still doesn't know the specific identity of Chu Xiang, only that he is a very powerful evolutionary. He used to be a celebrity in front of Pitt in the Antarctic base. However, Chu Xiang is currently reclaiming land in Beijing base, which makes Zhang Zhixin even more confused about Chu Xiang's identity.

Lu Wei deserves to be from political work. He announced several policies while taking advantage of the flavour of the cauldron standing on the fire ~ ~ The first is to reward those who have contributed to this wasteland production. It is almost a daily necessities in the former world. At present, these humble things are very precious. The second is to announce the establishment of a trade union. Afterwards, the union will organize everyone to organize entertainment activities and focus on the ideological work of farmers. Organizing labor unions among peasants is a bit non-descript, but these peasants do n’t plant land forever. At present, it is only a solution to the rations at the North Base. When the base expands to the third ring defense line, it will shift to industrial production. At that time, industrial products and other bases will be produced. Food exchange.

These two policies are still very popular. Next, Magnum King, who is responsible for the security and development of the base, announced the welfare and reward measures of the army, praised the meritorious personnel in the process of developing and defending the base, and issued the same as the production team. For the patrol members who found the airborne mutant creatures who alerted in the air on the night shift, a special prize was also awarded. Each of them has a newest type of armor. This set of armor can basically help them to save their lives. This is only for senior evolutionaries. Other soldiers' drooling eyes are drooling, presumably they will be widened to find opportunities for meritorious service, but those who are afraid of being dirty and tired may not have a chance in this life, or they will be cleared out of the army .

After the simple award ceremony, the pork in the cauldron was cooked thoroughly. Everyone held a pot in order to simmer pork soup and pork in front of the pot. Of course, a boar that is not fat can not be eaten by 500 people. There is a thick layer of life fruit at the bottom, and each person smashes half a pot of life fruit. Tonight, the killing can begin.

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