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Chapter 545: Base in the rainforest

"Brother, this wild pork is so fragrant," Xiaosi chewed, her limp fingers were full of lard, greasy and exaggerated, Fang Ya stared at her with big eyes on the side, in fact Fang Ya also wanted to let go of Huai Da eat this way. This pork is indeed better than the No. 0 base. It may be the reason for frequent feeding of green plants, but Fang Ya dare not really learn the little silk. She is here because she is greedy. It's not good to be noticed by others. Besides, she is worried that if she eats so much body, she will become fat.

Chu Xiang said with a pig's tail, "If it's delicious, we'll kill another one, and take the rest to the family to try it. By the way, Guanshan, isn't it that Zhang Zhixin is going to get together with us? Where did you go? "

Guan Shan was drinking pig soup, and his pork had been eaten up. Even Xu Shumei's share was eaten by him. The 500th person had only one pig. I can imagine how much meat each person can share, not Chu Xiang. He reluctantly killed two more. The wild boar he brought with him was mostly the mother, and he could not patronize the broken root in front of him.

Guan Shanbian fished the life of the pelvic floor with a broken spoon and said, "Just now I saw Zhang Zhixin and Fang Su went to the front cropland ... Oh my god, that kid won't do anything bad, I really **** it. Think there! "

While talking about Guan Shan jumping up, he lifted a wooden stick next to him and hurried into the crop field. Chu Xiang held Guan Shan Road from behind him: "What are you anxious, Fang Su is now an evolutionist, and besides, there is armor to protect him, Zhang Zhixin is just a normal He, how dare he treat Fang Su? Besides, there are so many people here, Zhang Zhixin will not be stupid enough to start the other side. "

Guan Shan thought about it, if he was in a hurry. Hurrying up would make that guy look down, but Chu Xiang and Guan Shan still went to the **** to find Fang Su and Zhang Zhixin, Xu Shumei and Fang Ya also followed, Fang Ya secretly muttered, clearly During the day, I asked my sister that it had nothing to do with Zhang Zhixin, but how did she go to the cropland with him? This sister was too irrational to deal with it, she was just joking and joking, she could n’t come true.

In fact, Fang Su died unfairly. Where did she want to talk to Zhang Zhixin, but Zhang Zhixin took a knife sharpened by herself and said that Fang Su committed suicide without going out with him. Women are too kind. It was Chu Xiang. If he wanted to die, let him die, but Fang Su wanted his classmates to drive people to death too much, so he quietly followed Zhang Zhixin to the bank.

"Zhang Zhixin, we were fine when we were in college. It ’s not familiar, you have to be rational, don't joke about your own life, it is a luck to survive in the last days, if you have something to say, I have to go back and share with you Have fun together. "

Zhang Zhixin retracted the knife with a pitiful look and said: "Fang Su, its. I really liked you when I was in college, but you were too dazzling at that time, so you didn't notice me. Now in this troubled world, girls are very difficult to survive. Difficult, but rest assured, I will protect you, and I will prove to you with my own actions, in fact, I am a man who loves you. "

Fang Su almost laughed, Zhang Zhixin's head was short-circuited, did he say he was looking for himself to confess? However, he has no ability to protect himself. I'm afraid he can't even protect himself. However, Fang Su doesn't want to hit Zhang Zhixin too much. Otherwise, he will have to die for his life. In fact, Zhang Zhixin's output alone has aversion to it. pole.

"Zhang Zhixin, human beings are facing a critical moment of life and death. Let ’s put aside children and children. Would you like to talk about it? You see, tonight you proposed to have a reunion. Now everyone is gathered. Let ’s go to Guanshan and Xu Shumei to play. ...... Let's play cards and win the fruit of life? I know you have a good harvest this season. Everyone has saved their rations. "

Zhang Zhixin sees Fang Su. He really has to leave. Under Fang Guangying, Su looks so charming. The delicate voice and mature taste on his body seduce Zhang Zhixin's nerves. He anxiously grabbed Fang Su: "Fang Su, don't go You are the only hope for me now. I am helpless here. Will you accompany me through the future? "

boom! A stick was suddenly thrown out of the shadow and hit Zhang Zhixin's head. Hey, Zhang Zhixin fell to the ground with a sigh of pain, and there was a big bag on the back of his head. There was sticky blood. Who is so cruel, Zhang Zhixin Shouting: "Who did his sneak attack! Get out of Lao Tzu!"

After returning to China, Zhang Zhixin was full of confidence. He returned all the oppression and grievances suffered at the Antarctic base to Kang Ensi. Because he usually used Cuns, he is now unable to change his mouth. Besides, the attack on Zhang Zhixin seems to have fallen. Multiply, so he didn't check the words. This swearing doesn't matter. A fat man knocked out and pressed Zhang Zhixin to the ground. He banged and punched. Zhang Zhixin didn't even have the chance to pull out his own knife. , Bleeding from the nose and mouth.

"Guanshan? What did you do to me? You are sick." Zhang Zhixin finally saw the attacker.

Guan Shan stabbed Zhang Zhixin again and said, "Your partner kicked his hands and kicked me. I hit you. I'm sick. I think it's not bad, but today I don't kill you. You don't know how many eyes Ma Wang has. "

Speaking of Guanshan and fighting again, how is Zhang Zhixin an opponent of Guanshan after the transformation, even if he has not played back from beginning to end, he can only keep wailing, Fang Su can't stand and wants to ask Zhang Zhixin for a favor, but she sees Chu Xiang I didn't dare to say a word, and now Fang Su was embarrassed. Just now Zhang Zhixin was deceived into the cropland. Even if nothing happened between the two, I am sorry Chu Xiang. Besides, Chu Xiang has not published him yet. It may be that he blame himself for coming out with other men casually, or a dark cropland.

Finally, Chu Xiang opened his mouth to stop Guan Shan: "Okay, it's enough to teach him, let's go."

Chu Xiang was ahead, and Fang Su naturally followed immediately. Now she was thinking that Chu Xiang was angry, so she had to find a way to explain the reason, otherwise she would n’t want to sleep peacefully and Guan Shan was tired. Finally, Zhang Zhixin kicked and left, and Fangya and Xu Shumei walked in the end. To be familiar with these people, Xu Shumei and Zhang Zhixin had some communication in the university, but Xu Shumei remembered that when he asked Zhang Zhixin to work at the Antarctic base, he always It was a picture of ignorance on the air, so Xu Shumei did not ask for help from beginning to end.

Fang Ya walked in the end, seeing the people in front didn't pay attention to her, so she took two steps and turned back. At this time, Zhang Zhixin just got up from the ground, Fang Ya rushed forward and knocked Zhang Zhixin to the ground again, then kicked Kicked on Zhang Zhixin's lower abdomen, "Pig head, didn't you hurt my sister, kill you!"

Fang Ya also did the transformation, and now he has a lot of strength. This fist kicked Zhang Zhixin back to the ground. He never expected that these people would dare to attack the Chinese base with very strict rules and regulations. If we knew these people, The sturdy Zhang Zhixin said nothing to provoke them, but now that he has suffered, Zhang Zhixin can't swallow this breath.

Everyone is singing and joking around the campfire. The depressive atmosphere in the wasteland group has disappeared these days. Although there is no wine, the atmosphere is still very warm. Chu Xiang secretly said that Zhang Zhixin had a good idea for himself. As long as everyone's spirit is cheerful, Will be bitter for pleasure then the construction of Beijing base will be faster and faster, it will not be long before Beijing base will become the center of the world!

"Chu Xiang, are you angry?" Fang Su hid behind Chu Xiang like a kitten, she gently shook Chu Xiang's arm, and looked at him pitifully, "I know that I am wrong and should not follow Zhang Zhixin went out, but I really had nothing to do with him. Even in college, we only had a few contacts in the community. At that time, you were so close to me, presumably these things could not be hidden from you. Later, I was admitted to the flight attendant and He never met again. "

Chu Xiang chuckled and laughed: "Take me as a jar of vinegar, rest assured, I'm assured of each of you, because you can't find a stronger man except me, hehe ..."

Fang Su also smiled and punched Chu Xiang on the back with a smile: "Look at your color, as if our sister can't live without you," Fang Su said, but she leaned her head to the side. On the back of Chu Xiang, the happiness on his face holding Chu Xiang ’s arm was completely the way he could n’t live without him. This scene was just seen by Zhang Zhixin who came back from the cropland, and it was so strong that he vomited. Hovering around Zhang Zhixin's chest, he felt that his life was boring. It would be nice if the woman at the Antarctic base came back with him, but the Land Reclamation Group was all the same old masters except Fang Su, a few women who did not come here often. Blindfolded Zhang Zhixin at this time to see who are both two and black lower body.

"Chu Xiang," it was time for Fang Sujue to explain, "In fact, it was Zhang Zhixin who pushed me over with a knife ..."

Chu Xiang was furious: "Presumptuous! Guan Shan went to slaughter ..." Chu Xiang is not afraid of other men's rhetoric, because he believes that Fang Su and other women's feelings for themselves, but if you use strong women, it is tired, this It is a challenge to one's authority! Want to compare forces? Then taste the taste of death!

Guan Shan was in a flirting relationship with Xu Shumei, and immediately jumped to hear Chu Xiang's words: "Kill who?"

Fang Su said anxiously: "Oh, after listening to my words, Zhang Zhixin committed suicide with a knife to force me to talk to him."

Guan Shan and Chu Xiang scolded, "Are they still men?"

Chu Xiang and Guan Shan were too lazy to discuss with Zhang Zhixin again. The two sat down and roasted and drank broth and talked about the fun of high school. Xu Shumei and Fang Su talked about the scenes in college, and they lamented that they could never recover. At that time, the atmosphere was really harmonious, but otherwise, everyone was talking enthusiastically. The water in the pot was added over and over again, as if the pork bone soup had turned into spirits. Everyone's face Red.

"The surname is Chu!" Someone suddenly shouted, Chu Xiang looked up, Fang Su whispered: "Stupid, don't want to live anymore." It was Zhang Zhixin, and I saw him wearing a pig's head with his usual face A few good people came over, including Connes, but this guy was forced to come, otherwise Zhang Zhixin will want him to look good in the future.

"Chu surname, do you dare to fight me without evolutionary energy! I am not convinced by Zhang Zhixin. I have to fight with you fairly. Whoever wins Fang Su will belong to me. Is there any kind of fight against me?"

Chu Xiang cursed: "Neuropathy!" At this time, Magnum King hurriedly came over with a piece of paper. "Chu team, there is an urgent matter. If it comes from base zero, you need to participate in a video conference immediately."

Chu Xiang took the file and glanced at the mighty Zhang Zhixin, saying to the almighty king: "Hit me until he can no longer talk or move! I don't want to see him again!"

Chu Xiang has never given such an order to King Almighty. King Almighty knows that Chu Xiang hates Zhang Zhixin. He smiled and greeted Zhang Zhixin. Zhang Zhixin came to the Beijing base for some time. He was led by Lu Wei, but he also knew King Almighty, this is the supreme leader of the security forces in the Beijing base. It can be said that it is an absolute faction. He walked sideways at the base in Beijing. He originally invited two friends of the evolutionist and wanted to use him to scare him. Scaring Chu Xiang, you can see that the two friends of Magnum King backed down and talked casually with others, as if they never knew Zhang Zhixin.

There was a painful cry behind him, but Chu Xiang no longer paid attention, picked up the documents and rushed back to the communication room. Fang Su and Xiao Si and others knew that something had happened and stopped the party to leave with Chu Xiang. Zhang Zhixin was beaten and couldn't stand it. Out of the ordinary, he cried and urged Lu Wei to intercede. Lu Wei gave a whisper but ignored it. Zhang Zhixin knew that he had planted it on the woman completely, and it was all the trouble of the lower body. No wonder he didn't look at him when he left. Even ants are not even compared to others! This Chuxiang-loaded pig, why did it rise up in the mixed waters of Antarctica and return to China and still have such a beef fork, but why not do it yourself?

There are the most advanced satellite equipment in the communication room. Several brains in the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom are already waiting. Chu Xiang put down the file in his hand. It was a satellite scan. "Sorry, I am late. I will be here for a meeting. Right. "

Everyone said: "Mr. Chu has everything in hand, no later, no later, we have just turned on the signal, do not know if Mr. Chu has seen that map?" Chu Xiang said: "See, is it the Brazilian Amazon rainforest?"

"Mr. Chu is really knowledgeable, you can recognize the map without the name." The brains of various countries praised one another, can they not say good things with the help of Chu Xiang, "This is a bird's-eye view just scanned by the satellite, I don't know Chu What is your opinion on this? At present, our countries have basically maintained the balance of war. It is still fine to draw a group of elites. "

Although Chu Xiang didn't have much knowledge, he still understood the bird's-eye view clearly. It was a huge terminator base, so large that it was astounding, a bit like a human mid-sized city, so it towered around the river. In the rain forest, from the analysis of the words of the brains of several countries just now, they have already moved their hearts and want to sneak attack on the Terminator this place is most likely to be the core base of the world. In fact, Chu Xiang in his heart was also moved.

"You, I wonder if you have considered the purpose of the Terminator to establish the base in the rainforest?" Chu Xiang asked.

You look at me, I look at you, and the President of the United States finally said, "I think it's nothing more than escorting them with many creatures in the rain, and there are few people here. When we lose satellites, we won't know the rain forest at all. The changes that are happening will benefit their early development. "

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, first of all, look at the size of this base, which exceeds all terminator bases we have seen before, not even a few times. They can build such a place in just over two years. With huge bases, their combat power will never be weak, and from the speed of the recent Terminator's crazy transformation of earth creatures, they have the ability to turn all creatures in the Amazon basin into their own killers. "

The President of the United States was not surprised. All this was also in his conjecture. He said: "We have also considered what Mr. Chu said, but with Mr. Chu's strength and the transmission device, we can avoid the rainforest and reach the secret directly. base."

Chu Xiang said: "Maybe, but I don't think it's that simple. You also know the technology level of the Terminator. They have already suffered from the speed of our transmission device to mobilize troops. I don't think there will be no defense measures at this base. "

The Russian Prime Minister said: "How can we know if we don't try?"

Chu Xiang also wanted to confirm this. He said, "Okay, let's do an experiment. You countries now have transmission devices. I don't need to transmit people. Send a signal locator. If the signal locator can reach There, maybe we humans can. "

Every country had a good idea, so they went to the preparations. Chu Xiang called the Almighty King. The guy just finished playing Zhang Zhixin. At this moment, he was in high spirits. He heard Chu Xiang said that he was ready to send a signal. This experiment is half uncomplicated. In less than five minutes before everyone sits back to the video, everyone's face looks cloudy, and the results look the same.

"Cough," the U.S. President broke his silence with a cough. "China's signal locator appears at the outermost edge of the rainforest basin. After three transmissions, it has been confirmed that no business trip has taken place."

The Russian Prime Minister nodded, and Chu Xiang said, "Then you do n’t have to say one by one. The results are the same. The entire rainforest is in the protection of the Terminator. If you want to sneak in their base, you must walk through the rainforest, and they are located in The mutated creatures in the rainforest have become natural guardians. Since the signal locator can be misaligned, I think it may not be effective to attack with missiles, or they will be shot back by them to kill us.

The president of the United States nodded his head, this time he did not want to artificially resist nuclear bombs to bomb the pyramids as before. Although the situation in North America has eased in recent wars, it has also caused him heavy losses and lost hundreds of evolutions. He must be distressed.

The brains of other countries have the same mindset. Everyone shook their heads involuntarily, which means that they gave up sneak attacks on the core base just discovered. At this time, Chu Xiang said: "We have seen the largest Terminator base here. This is where the tightest protection is. This shows that the rainforest base may be the terminator's last command on Earth. If we destroy their base, the power of the terminator on other continents will be quickly disintegrated. Counterattack of aggression will lead to a total victory! "

The aspirations of the nations' faces are aspirational. The President of the United States said: "But mutated creatures such as locusts in the rainforest, even with the help of Mr. Chu, we don't know how much it will cost to reach the core base. At that time, our evolvers were able to Attacks on the base are all problems, and this kind of knowing that they will die will not be done. "

The Russian Prime Minister said, "Yes, we were all anxious before. You are saying well in Chinese, you ca n’t eat hot tofu. It ’s a long process to deal with the Terminator. Let ’s take it slowly.”

Chu Xiang said: "Do you still want to continue fighting with them? There must be surplus manpower and material resources to deal with the zombies. If the war is dragged on for a few more years, I do n’t know if your food and weapons will be able to sustain it. ! "

Several countries have bitter faces on their brains. Of course, they know the situation in their own country, let alone a few years. It will cost them their lives for another year. They just wanted to persuade Chu Xiang to join forces to attack the terminator. The core base is now being persuaded by Chu Xiang.

"Mr. Chu said what to do about this?" Several countries' brains made up their minds.

Chu Xiang said: "Don't ask me what to do, we just do what you thought about just now. The so-called trouble-free thing in the world is only for those who care about it. Since you already have a good plan, you don't need to give up."

The President of the United States said, "Okay, well, in fact, we had already discussed before Mr. Chu went online. Each country sent an elite unit to the core base of the Terminator according to its own strength. We brought a few nuclear minis. Nuclear warheads, when professional detonators carry out blasting, in order to completely destroy this base and defeat the final power of the Terminator! "

The Russian Prime Minister said: "Now the plan has to be adjusted. Our transmission destination can only be outside the rain forest. Crossing the rain forest to the core base depends on this mixed elite force. The sacrifice must be inevitable, and the number will be Many, but as long as humanity wins, even the greatest sacrifice is worth it. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "So what are we waiting for? People are more expensive and less expensive. Take ten hours of preparation time and then specify a unified coordinate set. As for the command of this team, I don't think you mind me. Come on. "

These countries have received the favor of Chu Xiang, not to mention that the brains are also very clear about Chu Xiang's power. Although they said they wanted to hold the command of the final blow in their hands in order to grasp the biggest results after the victory, Chu Xiang took the initiative These people also have to give face.

Chu Xiang didn't have time to meet again, and immediately returned to base zero with the three girls of Fang Su. After careful consideration, Chu Xiang adjusted the elite strength and was the most evolved group of members in the Resistance Army. Most of these people were the backbone of the eschatology team. Together with Song Jun, He Yaohui, Wang Shaohui, Zhang Jingyao, and others, together with the strength of Shang Liang Tian and the Lost City, a total of fifty people formed a commando team. Dong Lao, Wang Bin, Sun Gaoqiang, and Zhang Hongbing joined forces. Created a miniature nuclear bomb, broken into several parts and installed in the space ring of Chu Xiang. Of course, the United States and Russia will also have their own bombs. All countries are prepared to prepare for this.

Ten hours later, a lively space on the outskirts of the Amazon rainforest became lively. A ten-man army with a micro-nuclear bomb. Britain, France and other EU countries have formed a total of fifty troops. They also have a micro-nuclear bomb. If these weapons are thrown in, I am afraid that they can put the Terminator's The base flipped back and forth a few times.

The leader of the United States is Stephen, the leader of Russia is Victornov, and the leader of the European Union is John of the British, a very common name, but this person is not easy to look at, he is a very thoughtful guy.

A temporary desk was erected in the open space, and Chu Xiang took out a precise military map and placed it on the table. "Dear everyone, because of the abnormal weather in recent years, the water level in the rainforest has dropped. As a result, we face a lot of swamps. And the drop in the water level has led to many places where we have to walk on foot. This is a marching route that I have planned. Please see if there are any problems. "

This route of Chu Xiang is a choice made by Wang Bin with reference to the terrain of the Amazon basin in the former world. It should be said that it is the best route. It is safe and fast. Of course, this safety is only relatively speaking.

"We have no opinion," the three said after seeing the map, Chu Xiang said, "Since so we set off!"

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