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Chapter 546: Disadvantaged

The huge unit of two hundred people was so unified in the first operation, which made Chu Xiang feel a little happy. He was still reluctant about the last coalition operation ’s pyramid bombing operation, although Chu Xiang's ability was not afraid to overcome these foreign evolutions. However, deepening the rain forest requires coordinated operations in order to exert the maximum strength. If you have not reached your destination, everyone will start the fight. This sneak attack is bound to fail, and the elite troops from all countries will cause a great loss. .

The temperature in the Amazon Basin is relatively high, but it is a thing of the former world. The global climate has changed drastically in the past two years. Most of the plants have died. The plants on the Amazon Plain are no exception, but a large number of new plants have grown at an alarming rate. This rainforest still looks so green, but the dead plants and the river form a large swamp. The danger in the rainforest is ten times more dangerous than in the previous world! This does not count the large number of mutant organisms that may exist.

Chu Xiang and several evolutionary masters in the United States walked in the forefront. The river here was too weak to use a raft. They could only cut a path in the clump of plants. The original light was not very bright. The plants are even darker, and everyone is carrying hundreds of pounds of equipment. Even the evolvers are very physically struggling, but fortunately, this place is still outside the rainforest, so the impact of the swamp is not great, otherwise Traveling is even more difficult.

"Shot!" Stephen scolded: "This ghost road, how the plants grow so dense, if you cut it all the way to the center of the rain forest, how long will it take, White, you come to the road and give us some real skills to China and Friends from the EU! "

With Stephen's words falling, an American evolutionist threw away his backpack and hey, he pulled the spear of judgment from his back. This weapon now wears two pieces per person, which is more useful than a saber. White combined the spear of judgment into one. The sword that was two feet long rushed forward when he saw his figure flashing, and a sword flower lit up in front of White. Everywhere he passed, the plants fell to the ground, and the spacious forest path was quickly secluded. White may have chopped forward for two kilometers in order to show his pendulum. Although he was tired and his face was pale after coming back, his pride made him feel good about himself.

Russian leader Victorov praised in a timely manner: "Mr. White is really good at working at this speed and staying power. We are really talented in the United States, and we must achieve this speed and endurance. Li, I'm afraid it's only my Captain Chu. Captain Chu, how about performing for us? "

Chu Xiang smiled: "Everyone should hurry up first. Save your energy to deal with mutant creatures, don't you think it's strange that you haven't run into a creature for so long? I think something will happen later."

Victornov himself was tall and big, listening to Chu Xiang's "terrifying" 'scare' everyone, he laughed and said, "Captain Chu is too careful, this is the outermost part of the rainforest, and there are no mutants. Normally, it will take us ten days to approach the core base according to our footsteps, so it should be safe a few days ago. "

Stephen also said, "Yes, the Terminator must have placed the mutant creatures near the base, so the possibility of danger here is very low. We should be vigilant, but we should not be alone. Captain Chu, what do you say? ? "

This Stephen even knew Chinese idioms. Chu Xiang smiled and ignored him. Stephen thought that his point of view was recognized, so he led the road ahead quickly along the channel opened by White. After hearing the conversations of the previous leaders, the American and Russian evolutionists also laughed, and the originally tense nerves relaxed.

However, the Chinese evolutionists did not take Chu Xiang's words to their ears. They cut the branches that had not been cleared with a dagger of the spear combination of judgment and watched the surroundings with vigilance while holding a rifle. The American and Russian evolvers saw disdainful expressions in their eyes, thinking that the Chinese were too cautious, but the leader of the European Union John and the leaders of the United States and Russia had opposite attitudes. He loudly reminded the players behind to cheer up.

Someone drove in front. The speed of the passage doubled. If you continue to do so in about seven days, you can reach the core base of the rainforest. However, when the team reached the end of the passage opened by White, the speed slowed down again. Men, last time it was my people who opened the road. This time you should show your skills. Do n’t hide it. Even if it ’s more than my team member White, we wo n’t make a joke. John, let your people come? Captain Chu? first come."

Victornov said: "Robsky, come and show everyone your skills, don't shame us Russia."

A guy with thick hair on his face came up from behind him. It seems that he is Robersky as Victorov said. Everyone guesses what the guy has skills, but seeing that he does not come out of the trial spear. I didn't plan to leave. Is it plant control skills? This skill is relatively rare, mainly because it consumes a lot of energy. Some people even give up after evolving this skill. Otherwise, they can only control a few plants for short-term attack damage.

Robeski stood with his feet in a word, and suddenly he opened his mouth and made a growl. Then everyone was as if he was a sonic evolutionist, and saw an invisible sound wave shoot forward, as if a sharp blade Fast cutting plants on the road, this speed is dozens of times faster than White! The first wave of sound waves cleared a one-kilometer-long channel, and based on the lethality of the sound wave evolver, Robesky could at least launch dozens of waves. In this way, the evolutionaries of the United States and Russia can see at a glance. There was something left on Stephen's face.

Victornov was very proud. He gestured to Stephen: "Please, how about leaving the road work in the morning to me? You will be responsible for it in the afternoon, and the Chinese team and the EU team will rotate tomorrow. Let me be fair. "

Stephen glared at White and walked in front of him. White was very depressed. He was a speed-evolving evolver. It was already an extraordinary performance to clear the two-kilometer channel at the cutting speed he just cut. How can a type evolutionist compare with a sonic evolutionist, which has its own strengths.

Chu Xiang was a little bit angry. The Americans and Russians have never dealt with it. They engaged in the Cold War decades ago, and now they are fighting in secret. This is really not conducive to unity, but both of them are peaceful and ca n’t find criticism. Their reason, although they are the commander of this operation, does not mean that they can control the mouths of the evolvers of these two countries, but the quieter and quieter they are, the more embarrassed they are, they have to remind everyone to be careful again.

Knowing that there is no possibility of a terminator here, who have seen the evolutionary creatures that may appear, so they took Chu Xiang's reminders as earwinds, and even when Chu Xiang felt an unusually low voice to stop the team Dissatisfaction was revealed on Stephen and Victorov's faces. The passage they had just opened was about to end. Victornov told Robeski: "Keep going, don't hide your strength and let everyone look down."

Song Jun stopped coldly: "Did you hear Captain Chu keep everyone quiet? How to follow the command!"

Song foreigners do n’t know much about them. They can be afraid of Chu Xiang, but Song Jun does n’t care. American evolutionist White hummed and said, "Thinking that you are Chinese is great? If you have the ability, come up and let us Look! "

Song Jun said coldly: "This is not the time for the test. We must unite as one to reach the core base of the rainforest safely!"

White said: "Are you afraid? I think the Chinese Evolution Forces are only heroes of Captain Chu, are you the others? All of them are soft eggs without real skills! Even if there are really mutant creatures, we have all seen big The evolutionaries in the world, if you ca n’t even cope with this little scene, I do n’t need to go into the core base of the rainforest. They will return to China to find a place to hide. ”

Song Jun was furious. It can be said that in China he was not convinced by anyone except Chu Xiang. Even He Yaohui had to admit that Song Jun was a little bit higher than him. Looking at the earth, he could not find a few who were higher than Song Jun. A small speed-evolver now dares to speak out, if not for Song Jun's self-control, he would be afraid to chop his head with one stroke.

It can be said that the development of the situation has made Chu Xiang very angry. The Americans and Russians are arrogant. They always have a serious mentality. When entering the rainforest that is in crisis, they must unite and cooperate in concert. However, it seems that it is far from reaching this level. It's very true that the American arrogance must be changed!

Chu Xiang was going to stop White and talk again. Suddenly his heart flashed uneasily. Chu Xiang changed his mind and shouted, "Everyone be careful!" Alas, alas, as Chuxiang's words did not fall into the rain forest plants, a whistling sounded, Then someone in the team screamed, "Oh! Something is wrong!" With the sound of gunfire, some players started firing wildly.

"Concealed! Concealed!" Stephen shouted and shouted, a shiny hidden weapon stabbed at him, and the speed was almost hidden by Stephen's strength, but an American behind Stephen was not so lucky. Then, the hidden weapon hit his back, hey, the roots were immersed. The American first felt a pain, then his face began to turn white, and then the wound on his back began to swell, bang, first the protective clothing was cracked, then The skin was stretched into a thin layer and then a splatter of blood water split open, and a large mosquito with wings and a long straw like a wild cat flew out of it.

White had consumed too much energy in the process of opening the road just now. He could not launch a speed attack at this time. The remaining energy was only enough to avoid a few hidden devices. However, because the open channel was not spacious, it was almost crowded. White ’s hidden weapon was nailed into other people ’s body, and the injured evolver also turned pale instantly. Then, the hidden weapon began to bulge, and finally a big mosquito burst out with a bang.

"Shoot!" White was too close to the injured evolver, so the big mosquitoes came out almost immediately. They saw White as his first offensive target, and a long and sharp straw mouthpiece. He put his head up against White and pierced. White blocked it with the spear of judgment. His wrist trembled with a straw stabbing on it. The hand fell and fell on the ground with a shake of the spear of judgment. Wait for White to pick up the spear of judgment. Another mosquito came up, and White's head escaped the attack, but the big mosquito was too flexible to turn around in the air and stared at White's brain. At this time, the surrounding situation was not good. There were already two evolutionaries. Stuck by large mosquitoes flying from other evolvers, White watched as the two evolvers' heads withered in less than two seconds, like two dry corpses.

The big mosquito finally took aim at the target while White was scared by the mummy. Long mouthpiece stabbed with a whistling sound. White closed her eyes. It was hard to imagine how she would become as a mummy. White was gray and whistling. The sound stopped suddenly, and White felt something was falling in his arms. He opened his eyes and saw a small knife stuck in the head of the three large mosquitoes who attacked him. They had been killed.

White watched from side to side to find his own benefactor. At this moment, he saw Song Jun's two hands flying outwards, cold rays of light shot from his hands, and the lights flying from the surrounding trees were knocked down, and he looked down at that. What kind of hidden weapon is the mosquito larva of the size of the thumb that comes out of the bush? To say that the hidden weapon is also launched by Song Jun. A steel knife the size of a little finger can instantly launch hundreds of mosquito larvae that fly around. Can't break his defense.

White's face was sweating. The mosquito adults were just killed by this small steel knife. Song Jun saved himself, but he even laughed at him. Judging from the speed of launching a hidden weapon, it was difficult for him to shoot a horse. Chase, if Song Jun is a soft egg, he will not even count an eggshell. Fortunately, people do n’t care about themselves, otherwise they do n’t know how to die!

Many evolutionaries will not be afraid or helpless when facing the Terminator, but these little mosquito larvae let them hide and attack, they will die once they get into the body. Two hundred people's troops immediately rioted, and many people issued their skills in a random manner. As a result, they did not hit the mosquito larva but hurt their own people. Some people fled directly into the bushes. The equipment was thrown everywhere, even tripping people. It was directly stabbed into the brain by a large mosquito and sucked the blood, and then it entered the rain forest for a few hours and was chaotic. Few people were able to calm down.

Chu Xiang was furious. In such a chaotic scene, he could not launch his skills at all. In that way, there would be more humans by accident than mutant mosquitoes. Therefore, he could only rely on speed and his own weapons to deal with it. The adult annihilation team has collapsed, surrounded by a mess of corpses and branches, and there is a fire burning in other places, which is the result of the fire evolving skill of the flame evolver. Instead of burning a few mosquitoes, several evolvers were affected by the flame. .

Stephen and Victornov silently sorted out their troops. Chu Xiang had reminded him several times before, but the two were not at all serious. Now, the estimated losses in the United States and Russia are the heaviest, followed by the European Union. When it comes to Chinese troops, Only one person was sucked and dried by the mosquito adult worms. This loss is negligible for the US and Russian forces. Not counting the wounded, the US and Russia have only half of their team members and only walked less than 20 kilometers. This attack was no less than devastating. Sexual hit.

The team members who fled the road slowly returned, and it took a full noon to bandage the wounded and bury the corpses. It was the afternoon when everything was restored ... Zhong, Chu Xiang had a simple meeting with Stephen, Victorov, John, Stephen said: "I do a review. This attack is our intention. Captain Chu has not reminded me of several reminders. I have an inescapable responsibility. I will explain to the president and ask the president to re-appoint a qualified new captain. Lead US forces. "

Compared to Stephen's sincere confession, Svikonov was at the other extreme. He said: "Stephen, you don't have to blame yourself. This time the responsibility lies entirely with Captain Chu, because his leadership and command are not proper, and we have nothing to do with us. I will suggest to the Prime Minister that the coalition forces must change commanders, otherwise let alone enter the core base, whether we can live and move forward is a question. "

Stephen advised Victornov: "Victor, you've been a little bit off. Captain Chu has reminded us twice before to be careful, but we have all been on the sidelines, so the responsibility for this incident lies with us. It is not the man who shirk responsibility. Do it. "

How could Victornov buckle the **** into his own head, he said loudly: "Stephen, are you afraid of him? The thing is that Captain Chu is wrong. As a commander, he should be responsible for accidents in the army. What did he do just now when the mutant mosquito appeared? He didn't give any command to the army at all, so it was him and not us who failed! "

He Yaohui couldn't listen anymore, he said: "Victorov, don't blame me if you spit again and again. How could you let Captain Chu command if the scene was so chaotic just now! You can show us if you have the ability."

John, who has never spoken, also said, "Yeah, don't blame each other. Whoever came here just couldn't successfully command. The narrow space is chaotic. This is why the mutant mosquito successfully attacked."

Victornov would like to argue again, Chu Xiang said: "It is indeed my fault, because I did not consider the formation will affect the battle, and I did not specify a unified plan for the battle in advance, so let ’s move forward. Find an open space to camp, and tonight we have worked out several emergency plans. "

Stephen didn't object. In fact, he was afraid. Those mutant mosquito larvae could not fly, but they were as flexible as fleas. They could fly out dozens of meters in a single ejection. After drilling into the body and sucking human flesh, they mutated immediately. With hard and sharp mouthparts, their lethality is doubled again. This is just a mutant creature on the periphery of the rainforest. Who knows what monsters are inside, so it is better to formulate a few unified battle plans.

John is not against it either, because just now he observed Chu Xiang ’s battle. Judging from Chu Xiang ’s treatment of mutant mosquito larvae and adults, John sighed, so he always said a few words for Chu Xiang Okay.

Two of the four troops nodded. Victorov had no choice but to acquiesce. Everyone pulled out of the camp and rushed for another five kilometers. A small mountain bag appeared in front of the eyes. The original trees on the mountain bag were dead. Everyone After clearing it up, it was regarded as a camp, and troops from various countries began to camp.

Chu Xiang personally went to the outside for reconnaissance. At present, no enemies have been found. However, Chu Xiang knows that there is a huge danger behind quietness. This has been proven by facts. However, it is impossible to take the initiative to deal with this danger. Defense, it seems that in addition to formulating a few emergency plans, these players should be strengthened to protect.

In fact, the Chinese troops could escape the mutant mosquito attack just now at the cost of one person's casualties. The protective armor played a decisive role, but the evolutionaries of other countries did not know this. They thought that the Chinese team members were a few times better than them. Well, this has changed their original disdain for Chinese players.

In addition, Chu Xiang also secretly returned to the previous battlefield to observe that those mutant mosquito larvae were parasitic in the decayed dead branches and leaves, and this decayed dead branches and leaves were everywhere in the Amazon basin. Since such weird mosquitoes were parasitic, So who knows what else is going on, so it's important to put armor on other players.

Chu Xiang first discussed with Song Jun and He Yaohui. The two also thought that Tibetan privacy was no longer necessary at this time. The key was to send the nuclear warhead to the rain forest base. As long as the base camp armor of Terminator was destroyed, it had little effect on the earth. Moreover, it is not very likely that foreign players will be able to imitate this armor. Even if it can be imitated, it will take a long time, and it should have little impact on China's re-emergence.

After getting everyone's pass, Chu Xiang immediately rushed back to the morning teleportation point, and returned to base zero through his teleport skills. After mobilizing hundreds of sets of body armor, Chu Xiang rushed back again, and then Chu Xiang informed Stephen and Victor Nov and John came to the meeting, but did not expect Stephen and John to come by invitation, but Victornov explicitly told Chu Xiang that he did not want to obey the commander's mercy, so the Russian army was no longer led by Chu Xiang ~ www. ~ Stephen said: "This Victor is too much. If the communication signal is not affected, I would like to talk to their Prime Minister. Doesn't he just want to be the conductor himself? With his only two remaining Do a dozen people qualify? "

Chu Xiang told Stephen: "Forget it, he didn't come down and pull down. The armor I brought was not enough, so there are still a few sets left. You must doubt why our Chinese team members suffered minor injuries in the previous battle. . "

Stephen said: "Isn't it because of your great Chinese evolutionists?"

Chu Xiang took out a piece of armor from the tent and said, "It's what it does. This is the armor we made using the Terminator's bionic principle. It can resist most attacks, so even if there are mutant mosquitoes coming in, everyone just needs to protect them. It ’s enough to hold the bare parts of the head, hands and feet, or even open the full protection to expose only two eyes. However, in this mode, our human evolutionary actions will be greatly affected, so usually we only turn on the protection of the main parts. Does not affect our physical actions. "

"There is such a good thing?" Stephen and John stared with wide eyes. The two didn't believe it and put on one. Then they tried to attack each other. The two were stunned.

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