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Chapter 547: Parting ways

"Admire it," Stephen said sincerely. "We Americans have always taken the lead in science and technology, but now we know that you Chinese are not bad. We ca n’t develop such bionic armor. What is this? It ’s a principle. It looks like the armor is just a piece of underwear. How can it turn into a square box body when it is opened? "

John cut it a few times with the knife of the trial spear combination, because he didn't use much power, so he didn't damage the armor. "Yes, it's a good thing. Victornov suffered a great loss this time. Oh, huh. "

Unsmiling John is really rare to laugh, and Stephen also laughed: "That guy has a pinpointed heart, leave him alone. We quickly sent the armor down for everyone to put on. This time the task is very heavy and crucial. All personnel must also be settled. Captain Chu, as our commander, must bear the responsibility of comprehensive control. You can rest assured that our two personnel absolutely cooperate with your work, because everyone's purpose is the same. "

Taking advantage of speaking for others, Stephen is also a savvy person, but he is indeed not a treacherous person. Chu Xiang nodded: "Thank you both for understanding. Let us study how to go in the future."

A quiet night passed, and the troops had breakfast on the road when the sky was shining. If it hadn't been brought without a transport device, Victorov would have returned to Russia, but now he can't do it. , Only to follow the large troops to continue, otherwise he is a Russian sinner deserter, but Victorov was not idle last night, he already has his own plan and decided not to follow Chu Xiang's team along the dry land Go ahead.

Stephen advised Victornov: "You. It is easy to go wrong alone. No one will support you at that time. Let ’s go together. We will reach the core base safely and we will complete the task of detonating the nuclear bomb by that time. . "

Victornov said: "Well, you slowly walk through the rainforest. Let's wait for you in front of you, and follow your journey, and the road conditions will become worse and worse. When you arrive at the rainforest center, the daylily may be cold. Well, even if the dishes are not cold, you are too tired to fight again. Bye, if you are lucky, we may meet again. "

Victornov ’s evolutionary boarded a tall dead tree. It turned out that they used a simple glider. No wonder the package was so large. It seemed that the Russians were quite prepared. They used a giant evolution. The person shoots the glider up high and finally disappears in the rain forest in front. If they follow this speed, they can reach the core base in about a day. On the surface, this is indeed a very fast way.

Stephen watched the Russians disappear into the sky, and said, "These old hairies are really stubborn, but their method is good. Would we also think about it, at least it can save us time to return to the transmission point." The nuclear bomb was activated. Afterwards, everyone did n’t have much time to return to the transmission point. They could only rely on their own evolution to counter the explosion of the nuclear bomb. Of course, the speed-type evolutionist would definitely escape farther than the ordinary evolutionary.

Chu Xiang said: "Do you think the Terminator will be stupid enough to let us pass through the air. Let's walk and see."

Although Stephen was very interested in Victorov's glider, but Chu Xiang and John disagreed, there was no way he could only urge the team members to hurry, this time everyone learned, the team was divided into groups of ten, each The group is separated by a distance of 200 to 300 meters. Once there is something, the members of each group protect each other's back, and the reserved distance is enough to fight, so as not to accidentally hurt their own people. Each group has a designated group. Long, Chu Xiang pointed out the big direction, and the detailed and meticulous warfare was commanded by these team leaders, and repeatedly emphasized to the team members that high-power skills cannot be used in close combat, otherwise it would hurt people.

The march in the morning was very smooth. It was not dangerous except for occasionally encountering a few rainforest mutants. Although these rainforest mutants were fierce, they were only three or two ineffective combatants. They were destroyed as soon as they appeared. It came in handy, but Chu Xiang didn't dare to care. He knew that there were no such small numbers of creatures. They must be hiding in the dark waiting for the opportunity, and these were probably just sent to test.

In the afternoon, the road conditions became difficult, and the tough ground was gone. The roads that could be found were all soft mud. At least half of the people had been trapped. Fortunately, everyone was an evolutionary. After the problem, some people were reinforcements in the past, so there were no casualties, but everyone was almost made into mud monkeys. Many equipments were even trapped in the mud and they were not snatched out. At the same time, they spent a lot of physical strength, one afternoon in the morning. Did not go halfway.

Stephen sat on a fallen tree with his hips down. "Shot, this ghost road can't go. If there is water, we can go on a raft. If it's all the way ahead, I Look, let's not expect to reach our destination in ten days, a month may not be enough. "

John was also frowning, and Chu Xiang was silent. If it was just a regional rainfall, he could do it completely, and then the river would be full of water, and the boat could be sailed. However, the Amazon Basin is so large that he cannot make rainfall in such a large area. Moreover, the more forward the road signs, the more difficult it is to determine. The satellite communication signal has been interrupted by interference and cannot be accurately positioned. Once on board, who knows who will be taken where by the current.

Seeing that the two of them did not speak, Stephen revisited the old thing and said, "I said, shall we consider Victornov's method? Look at me, it's all stinky mud, and I want to find a foothold It's difficult. "

Chu Xiang calmly said: "Let's go, let's find a place to camp first. Tonight I will explore the road first to see if it is possible to find another way."

Stephen stood up and said, "I said, Captain Chu, is this still useful? Victornov's method is good. You can't doubt his method because of his stubborn prejudice. You don't have an old Chinese saying Can the truth stand the test? Maybe Victornov is almost out of the core base, and we are still struggling in this mud. "

Stephen said that he was interrupted here, the scouts in front of the reconnaissance exclaimed through a short distance intercom, "Captain, come and see, there is something here!"

Chu Xiang and John stunned and went out. The two quickly passed over a few swamps, and the trees in front of them were sparse. This was originally a wide river, but due to insufficient rainfall, the river has now become a large swamp. I saw two scouts standing on a dead tree outside the swamp and looking forward.

Chu Xiang and John slammed into the tree, and the two scouts pointed at the front: "Look, the glider, only the tail is left." Sure enough, a section of the glider's tail was exposed in the old river channel in front, and Chu Xiang's bones and wings spread Fly over, he reached out and grabbed the tail wing bones. He drove the glider sinking out of the quagmire, and the shore was a piece of tough land. The glider was placed on it, but John and the two scouts did not observe Glider, the three were calmed down by the fact that Chu Xiang could fly.

Chu Xiang retracted the bone wings and said, "Look at what I do, what's so great about flying, isn't it still stuck in the mud?"

Chu Xiang's last sentence was addressed to the glider, because this glider was the one that Victorov took in the morning, but there was no body in the glider. It may be that the crew escaped when it crashed into the swamp, or it may It was disappeared after being trapped in the mud. It seems that Victornov's plan to rush to the core base in advance has been blocked.

Not long after Stephen came with the team and saw Victornov's glider crash, Stephen couldn't help laughing: "Isn't this guy incapable? How did you get the plane into the mud, man? Victornov is not Already dead? "

Chu Xiang said: "No need to worry about him, let's think about how to live in the mud."

Stephen remembered looking at the old river in front of him. This look scared him. The river was a thousand meters wide, and in some places there was a lot of water to form deep ponds, but most of the places were washed down by rotten branches. The fallen leaves pile up into a swamp, and the original mud at the bottom of the river, who knows how deep, and in many places there is a one-man tall grass, and I do n’t know which step will send the small life into the palace of the king of the king.

As it was not too early, the team camped on the bank of the Mud River, and found that the gliders of Victorov made the psychology of the evolutionaries who had originally complained that they did not learn Victorov's approach, although they did not know that Victor The life and death of Nov and others, but the glider crashed when it flew out and walked for only one day. This is enough to prove that they did not go well. If you think about the worst place, those people may be there. Lying in the mud under the river.

"This method of camping is not feasible. It is too dense and unsafe," Chu Xiang said after making a circle around the camp.

Stephen said: "Why not? The camps are concentrated together to make it easier to defend. Who knows whether Victornov's glider crashed or encountered an enemy, of course, we must prepare."

Chu Xiang said: "It is precisely because there may be dangers around here that you have to separate the camp. Do n’t you know the reason why the eggs cannot be put in the same basket? In addition, if you are too close to each other, it will be easy to get confused."

John also said to Stephen: "I also agree with Captain Chu's opinion. Stephen told your people to camp separately. We have all said that we must listen to Captain Chu's command line. You should not forget your words as soon as you turn around. "

Stephen shrugged helplessly: "Okay, okay, who makes you great, but I still feel more secure when I focus on sleeping together, and we can take care of each other if there is anything."

After dinner, Chu Xiang scouted forward alone. I do n’t know if Victornov took another glider to continue or whether they had been wiped out by the army. Chu Xiang looked for more than 100 kilometers and did n’t see anyone. However, this more than 100 kilometers surprised Chu Xiang's heart, because there are dead trees all over the place, and there are deep ponds and swamps anytime and anywhere. It really depends on the two-legged ghost to know which day can reach the base of the rainforest center. A large number of rafts, but Chu Xiang looked all the way, the amount of water is not enough to support the raft, at least this 100 kilometers can not travel.

After returning, Chu Xiang was unhappy. Zhang Jingyao persuaded Chu Xiang: "Don't worry, there must be a road in front of the mountain."

Chu Xiang smiled bitterly: "How will I cross that marsh river tomorrow? This is all the way to the mountain. If it is 100 meters wide, they can also leap by their own evolution. It can be thousands of meters, even Song Jun and I You ca n’t jump that far, but they do n’t have a flying evolutionary. It ’s hard to let me fly back and forth one by one in such a situation. ”

Zhang Jingyao said: "It takes too much time and energy. If you can make something like a sleigh, we will speed up along the river that turns into mud."

Chu Xiang's eyes brightened: "Yeah, your proposal is good. As long as you keep moving, even if your weight is greater than the capacity of the mud, it will not sink into it. Although new plants have grown in the old river, the roads are blocked. There are no trees, and the grass will fall as soon as it is crushed, without hindering taxiing. "

Zhang Jingyao grinned and said, "So what are we waiting for? Why don't we try out some pairs overnight?"

Chu Xiang laughed: "Since I think of a solution, I won't be in a hurry. I will use a five-color liquid to spray out one hundred pairs. It is strong and durable, not to mention the weight is much lighter than using wood. Just cut a few branches. Just ski poles. "

On this night, Chu Xiang slept soundly. The Amazon River is not short of old river channels. Although the muddy marshes are dangerous, the soft swamps also provide taxiing paths, so that the speed is increased, and along the open The river course is relatively safe, and at least it has advantages in sight.

Hey, hey, a slight popping sound, Chu Xiang opened his eyes fiercely, although he slept heavily, but there were abnormal sounds around him, he would be more alert than anyone else, Chu Xiang got out of the tent, a dark shadow shot in front of him, Chu Xiang stretched out his hand to grab the thick strip-shaped creature with slippery arms. Chu Xiang grabbed the first half of the back and shook his head, and shot a bright light at Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang's armor was automatically turned on to block the light. A humming sound, It's not a light at all, but a tongue. It's just astonishingly hard, and what Chu Xiang has grasped in his hands can be seen clearly. It's a python!

At this time, the exclamation sounded from one to another from the camps and was attacked by surprise. The rotating evolutionary did not find it. Chu Xiang glanced to understand that these pythons had come out of the ground and they passed the on-duty evolutionary. Although there is no known number of sneaky pythons, it is estimated that there are no less than a hundred of them.

Chu Xiang threw it at will, and the python was frozen while flying. After landing, he slammed into pieces. Alas, Chu Xiang provoked the bone knife to rush into the attacked camp group, because these players all evolved. Elites, so after the attack they quickly launched a counterattack. Fortunately, the tents were far away. Otherwise, the situation of the last mutant mosquito sneak attack would occur again. Even so, some tents were affected by the evolutionary ’s skill attack, but fortunately, Did not injure themselves by accident.

Pop, a light projected into the sky, and the surrounding area was white. At this time, everyone in the camp was taken aback. More pythons came out of the ground. Their number has reached more than 2,000. Among them, they are as strong as human bodies. Ten meters in length! As soon as its tail was shaken, several evolutionaries were taken away. Fortunately, a giant evolutionary smashed the python's head with a hammer. Its body twitched and hung up.

Although two thousand pythons are fierce, they have traces after all. They are better than the extremely fast mutant mosquito larvae. They are half killed by everyone if they do n’t have much time. As long as everyone works hard, they will be eliminated quickly. At that time, someone outside the clan shouted, "No, more snakes are drilled in the swamp!"

Chu Xiang chopped down a giant python, looked up, but no, there were bubbles in the swamp river across the river. I saw a bunch of pythons swiftly burrowing out of them. They wriggled madly, just a few minutes later Surrounded the people on the bank of the river, the python spit out a long letter, and someone raised his hand and fired a shuttle bullet at it, whine, the bullet seemed to hit a layer of wet quilt. It did not harm the python in half, but Arouse their wildness, rushing to humans.

There were sneak attacks inside and outside. Human forces fell into the downwind for a while. Chu Xiang drank a flame and burned along the human camp. The pythons were burned by the flames, but it turned into a moment. Coke, the remaining pythons receded, and human forces had time to deal with the sneaky pythons inside.

At this time, the pythons that were driven back by the flames began to drill holes. They planned to cross the ring of fire from the ground. The temperature of this ring of fire was too high. The snake's skin that was impenetrable by the bullets was melted for a while. After hundreds of life attempts, the pythons no longer make insignificant sacrifices ~ ~ Almost all the pythons started to go underground.

Chu Xiang cut open the skin with a bone knife, and the five-color liquid flew out. When he came, Chu Xiang made sufficient preparations. Of course, he needed to feed the five-color liquid. Along the camp, Chu Xiang laid a layer of milky white floor in the ring of fire. The pythons that are coming from the ground have reached their feet. They are desperately digging the milky floor. Everyone can feel the tremors under their feet. But these guys tried their best until the day dawn and did not drill through. As the pythons returned a lot to The flames in the swamp were also extinguished. Fortunately, the flame circle was not large. Later, the python did not dare to touch the flames. Chu Xiang also lowered the temperature. In addition, the help of Chen Kai and Fang Yuxuan did not consume a lot of energy.

Checking the troops again, it seems that Stephen and John Le are not close together, and it seems that it is a big deal. Stephen went to Chu Xiang and said, "Captain Chu, it's great. None of us died. The battle was too beautiful. Now. "

John said: "The role of armor is very significant, except for a few people injured, we can be called a great victory."

Chu Xiangdao: "Do n’t be too happy, we can lose the equipment we lost, but I originally planned to make a sled-like equipment to slide along the river, but there is such a mutant python in the old river swamp. It seems my plan is not working, we have to find a way to cross this python river. "

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