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Chapter 548: Crisis in a heavy rain

Speaking of Marsh Stephen and John were dumbfounded. In fact, the previous battle was not a great achievement. It can even be said that the human force suffered a loss. It was just because of the armor protection that it did not cause death. The python's killing did not hurt its bones at all, especially in the end it was Chu Xiang's flame and five-color liquid that created an impenetrable bottom plate to block the attack of the mutant python. Otherwise, human forces would suffer even greater losses.

"Will you consider that we also use gliders to cross the river?" Stephen was grieved at the use of gliders. At this moment, he raised again. Although they did not bring the gliders themselves, there was one on the river bank, which only needed to be repaired.

Chu Xiang said: "It's not impossible. Just throwing these people to the other side will exhaust the giant evolutionary lay down. Besides, will we use gliders next time we encounter such a marsh river? How much strength is enough? This approach is not practical. "

Stephen said: "Let ’s just go over this river and say, we must not be stuck on the river bank and no longer move forward, we must leave this river, otherwise more pythons will attack us."

Chu Xiang sighed: "Well, maybe you are right, although this is not the best way, but this is no way. We go to repair the glider, but it can only carry a few people at a time, and when it landed I do n’t know what the conditions are. I ’m going to look at the experiment first and squeak when I need it. ”

Stephen and John are not. Experts, but they know more than Chu Xiang in this respect. After the glider is repaired and its performance is explored, the troops on the river bank will be sent to the opposite bank. The time has arrived in the afternoon. Too much stop, immediately set foot on the journey, but then the muddyness of the ground deepened again, and more people continued to sink into the mud. Fortunately, Chu Xiang had already prepared, and tied a long rope to pull forward. The team members before and after entering could pull people out just by tightening the rope, so they walked back and forth all afternoon, and reached a deserted small village in the evening.

The village was silent, as if no one had ever been there. Everything had been in order, and there were even a bunch of unprocessed fish and animal remains on both sides of the village road. The door of the house was mostly hidden, just like the villagers. There is no distance, the tableware inside the house is complete, and there is no sign of being messy, but it is covered with dust. It seems that no one has come here for a long time. I haven't found any villagers who turned into zombies. It seems that the villagers are It disappeared in a moment.

Chu Xiang gave orders to Stephen and John. Order: "John's people are responsible for tonight's alert, Stephen, your people organize equipment to line the defense line along the village, my people search around to ensure that there are no mutants nearby."

Stephen and John are not disgusted with the order of Chu Xiang. The three parties are doing their jobs. The fire is born when the night is coming. The convenience food on the march is cooked. The evolutionaries of different countries eat in different languages. While chatting, Chu Xiang simply drank a bowl of porridge made of fruit, and spreading out the map with the light of fire, judging from the map, the march in the past two days took only a very small step. The itinerary has been seriously lower than expected. Speed, if you continue for ten days, you will not be able to reach the center of the rainforest.

"It seems that we still need to find a way to solve the transportation problem," Chu Xiang frowned. Browsing, the longer the delay in the rain forest, the more dangerous it is, the more time is left for the terminator to guard against, and when the nuclear bomb can blow up the base Still the problem.

Zhang Jingyao said: "But under the river silt are all mutant pythons. Our plan of taxiing along the river will not work at all."

Chu Xiang looked at the dark road in the distance. "Let me think again, we are very new to the rainforest environment. Maybe if we are familiar with it in the last day or two, there will be a way. If it does not work, I will bring it on the last day. The nuclear bomb rushed over, anyway, we must succeed this time, otherwise there will never be a second chance for a surprise attack. "

There was a thunderous thunder in the sky. The crowd eating in the camp yelled, and when there was not much time in the sky, there were heavy raindrops. Since the temperature suddenly changed, there were many days of snow. Everyone was surprised when it rained. The rainwater doesn't taste very good. It has a strong acidity, and everyone eats and drinks from the base.

He Yaohui stretched out his hand and said, "This is a good thing. We can go boating, and we don't need to make mud-like monkeys in the swamp anymore! I forgot that there are mutant pythons in the river!" He Yaohui woke up and said angrily.

"No," Chu Xiang looked up at the sky and said, "As long as the river's water flow is large enough, I think we can sail the boat, but the boat's robustness needs to be improved. This is indeed an opportunity. I need to help God and let it Increase the rainfall range and rainfall to the maximum! Otherwise, there is not enough water in the river to sail. "

In fact, there is no need for Chu Xiang to help at all. The cumulonimbus clouds in the sky are quite thick. Although the climate changes have caused the rain forest to change greatly, but as the dust in the sky gradually decreases, the warmer and rainier weather in the rain forest is slowly recovering. Maybe this The heavy rain was a forerunner, and it ran down for half a night. The camp was fortunately **** at a high place. I saw that the low place was already filled with water, and the sound of turbulent water could be heard in the river. Expect the results to advance.

The lights in most tents are on, and some evolutionists even barely drenched in rain outside. They often fall into the mud during the day. It is appropriate to take a refreshing bath at this time. Zhang Jingyao, Zhou Muqing, Lin Bo | Bo, Fang Yuxuan And Xiaosi came along. Chu Xiang considered that their skills would play a big role in the emergency, so there was no objection. At this moment, the women also took the rain and hid in the tent to wipe themselves. Chu Xiang was like a block of wood. Stand outside and whistle them.

Ping! Suddenly a dull gunshot came through the rain curtain. Chu Xiang was surprised and immediately raised his ears to open the fighting posture. The evolutionary on duty also sounded a warning whistle. Stephen and John jumped out of their tent, and the heavy rain still Stopping, they touched the sour rain on their faces and walked to Chu Xiang: "Is it a gunshot? What's going on?"

Chu Xiang shook his head. "I don't know. It is estimated that the distance is about one kilometer right in front of us.

John said: "I'll take a look!" Chu Xiang said: "Let's take a look together, Stephen. You are responsible for the security of the camp. Any unknown life nearby can only shoot! The rain such as a large flame and ordinary weapons cannot Yes, Song Jun, you give them our sonic gun, I'm afraid ordinary bullets can't deal with rainforest mutants. "

Stephen is no stranger to sonic weapons, because the sonic eliminators sold by China to the United States are based on this principle, but they are not as powerful as the sonic weapons used by Chu Xiang and others, and they are also a big problem in size, unlike these updates. Replaced products, compact to a pistol style, the power can be higher than the first and second generation products.

The evolutionaries in the camp were busy in the rain. After two days of marching, everyone was running almost. Although they were nervously searching for the fighting position, no one made a sound. Only raindrops hit the plants quickly. Everyone was hiding under the cover, and the entire camp was in a silence, but the silence was full of danger. As soon as abnormal creatures appeared, they would be shot at once, almost a sonic gun in human hands. I am afraid that the ordinary t4 is also affected. Can't live.

John is a multi-skilled evolutionary. Such talents are usually leaders. He can reach two-fifths of Chu Xiang's speed. This is not easy. The two went in the direction of the gunshot. After about one kilometer, at this time, the ground was no longer visible under the feet, all of which were rainwater floating with a lot of plants. The two jumped along the trees, so they were not afraid of the road under their feet. Chu Xiang made a gesture. Continue to look around.

boom! Suddenly another gunshot gave clear instructions to the two, and then the click of the machine gun continued, Chu Xiang's bones fluttered into the air with a splash of rain, and saw a dead giant 500 meters in front of the left. The tree has a crown area of ​​more than 500 square meters. There are more than a dozen people standing on the thick branches. There is a damaged glider hanging on the tree head. There is standing water under the tree. The big fish, the color of the fish is black, and the people on the tree branch can only use the machine gun to deflect the leaping fish, but the warhead hits the fish but does not cause half a degree of damage!

The power of these fishes to jump was very fast, one of them hit a person avoiding the machine gun bomb net, and the person flew backwards, stunned, hit a tree rod behind him, and clicked half-waist thick The tree pole broke, and the man couldn't stand still and plunged into the water. He didn't wait for him to pop out of the water, and saw that the water surface was like a boiling water boiled in a pan, and the water surface that disappeared quickly disappeared. Then a pair of white bones rose up and sank to the bottom.

The others on the tree pole were shocked to see this scene, but the impact of a fish was so strong, and these fish were man-eating demons besides their strength. They gathered under the tree and waited for it. People fall, they can have a full meal by then. The Amazon rain forest has been dry for a long time. No one counts, but it is definitely not a month or two. These piranhas do n’t know where to hide to escape the drought. Now they can finally let go. My belly is eating.

"It's Victornov!" John whispered, the surface of the water was less than one and a half meters below the feet of the two. Whoever dared to say that there were no piranhas in the water, they might be attracted by loud voices, so be careful.

Chu Xiang said: "It seems that they haven't gone far, and sent a signal to remind them that we will be on the giant tree in a moment."

John pulled out the flare gun from his waist, slammed, and a bright flare flew into the air. Victorov immediately cheered, and Chu Xiang and John dared to jump up the giant tree, or let the evolutionary group It's not a problem to hit a bullet on the head. John's jump distance was not enough to support the giant tree. Chu Xiang raised him beside him, and the two landed safely.

Victornov touched the rainwater on his face: "Great, you have finally arrived, and we wanted to send a signal for help, but our signal gun was lost, and the water under the rain was too large to flood the ground. At that time, these strange fishes began to attack us, and later forced us to this big tree. We wanted to run away by the tree, but no one could reach such a long jumping distance. "Around the giant tree was an open space, not like Song It's difficult to leap so far for the military and He Yaohui.

Chu Xiang ignored Victornov's explanation. This guy has separated from the big army. Chu Xiang's willingness to come and rescue him is enough to save his face. "We try to get out of here. Can the glider be used?"

Victornov knew that he had done something wrong before, so he was not surprised by Chu Xiang's indifference. He shook his head and said, "It can't be used. We were first attacked by a mutant butterfly and lost half of the glider. Later, they were attacked by mutant hummingbirds. They instantly penetrated the shell of the glider. Don't look at the tree that has not disintegrated. In fact, it has so many holes and it can't glide even if it bounces into the air. "

Chu Xiang frowned, counting Victorov's Russian troops, and ten others survived. He said, "I help you jump to the dead tree next to me and walk a thousand in the direction of me and John." Around 500 meters, there is a small village there. "

Victornov nodded, and Chu Xiang grabbed him and tossed him out. Victornov was also a good evolutionary after all. He stabilized in the air and landed safely on a dead tree five hundred meters away. Soon, other players were also thrown over by Chu Xiang. The piranha saw the people on the tree move away. They jumped for a while and disappeared under the water. These people moved quickly in the direction when Chu Xiang came, ten minutes later. Outside the village, John first whistled, and the village flashed three strong flashlights. Then everyone walked into the village with confidence.

Stephen had a lotus-like plant on his head as an umbrella. He greeted Victornov and said, "Hah, I guess it was you who shot, Victornov, have you seen your great leader? What a wolf howling, I remember that when you left, there were more than just these men and women, where did they all go. "

Victornov went outside for a while and returned, and Stephen's sarcasm made him unable to hang on his face, but when he saw that his family was strong, Victornov could only endure it. He said: "We are subject to Mutant creatures attack, you have to be careful. This rain forest is far more dangerous than we imagined. Hey, whoever cares is just like us!

Stephen patted his chest and said, "You can rest assured that we have been prepared. To tell you the truth, last night we encountered mutant python attacks. But do you know how much we beat them back? No one died! Hey, by the way I took your plane up in the river, but unfortunately I did n’t take it with me, otherwise you can watch it. "

Victornov did not care about Stephen except his blush. He thought that Stephen was bragging. Of course, there might be only two or three mutated pythons, so no one died. People who saw here didn't express themselves too friendly. Victoria Kedov took his men to find a house to protect themselves from the rain. The house had not been maintained for a long time. It leaked everywhere, but all of Vedov's equipment was lost, not even the most important nuclear bombs. There are tents to hide from the rain.

There was a slight rustle in the sound of sand, sand, sand, and whirling rain. The evolving guards on the periphery were listening well, and they shouted with a bright flashlight: "Who! Shoot without a sound!"

Hum, the sonic gun was fired. This shooter was the first time to use a sonic gun. Without a precaution, a puppet pushed by the reaction force fell into the mud, and there was a hundred meters in the direction directly hit by the sonic wave. All the plants in the vacuum zone were swept away, and even the thick dead trees and the new shrubs could not bear the severe shock.

"Crocodile! It's a crocodile! Everyone be careful!" As the plants in front were cleared, someone saw the rustling sound of a group of crocodiles, who were climbing from the standing water to the high ground where the village is located, all around Yes, it is impossible to estimate the quantity at one time.

Chu Xiang, Stephen and John immediately came to the first line of defense. Stephen used the night vision telescope, "Shot! A big crocodile, which is two to three times the size we have seen before! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! The water is What? Why the spray is so big ... Oh my god, giant tortoise, you see, this turtle is too big and will flatten our entire village! "

John also uses night vision telescopes. His face is pale, and the giant crocodile is okay to say, but the giant tortoise appearing in sight is too scary. Its shape is probably the size of two helicopters. In addition, the turtle shell is originally a hard thing. This thing It is more terrifying than a tank. I am afraid that there is no weapon to hunt. If it sweeps over, the entire village will really be gone!

Of course, Chu Xiang also saw that he did n’t even need to use the night vision telescope. The appearance of the giant tortoise did not surprise Chu Xiang too much. To be honest, Chu Xiang had seen mutant turtles larger than this in the early period of the water bridge, but In the past few years, there have been few such huge creatures. It may be that they have adapted to the t virus and have evolved into more survival-friendly species. After all, the huge body has brought them a lot of inconvenience, so few monsters have evolved into such looks. .

The troops made a panic noise, and many people have already retreated. After all, such a powerful mutant creature is invincible to them. Boom, Stephen ’s stray thunder outside the village was detonated, and several giant crocodiles were exploding. In the middle of the sky, bang, two giant crocodile fell into the defensive line, a few evolutionists immediately surrounded them, issued a crackling skill to siege the giant crocodile, but to everyone's surprise, these two giant crocodile Except for the weak eye parts that have been smashed by them, their bodies are even stiffer than steel plates. In many skills, such as fire, sound waves, and electric shock, they are intact! They also opened their mouths and bite the crowd crazyly, and the frightened evolutionaries had to dodge, but fortunately their eyes were blind and their targets were inaccurate.

Song Jun growled, the combination of the spear of judgment in his hand was a long knife, bang, bang, a few knives cut off the heads of two giant crocodiles, dark blood splattered, and the ugly heads of both brains rolled in the rain Two rolls, then the big mouth closed.

"It's amazing!" People praised Song Jun with a thumbs up ~ ~ No one tried it just now, but their strength was weaker, and the knife chopped on the giant crocodile did not hurt.

"Shoot!" It was the American who was responsible for the first cordon. The crocodile on the periphery attacked while the two were busy dealing with the two that were blown into the interior. Fortunately, their crawling speed was slow, so the situation was not there. Tensed to the point where it was so fierce, but the giant tortoise that had later emerged from the river also moved forward.

The machine gun and sonic gun were launched together, and the surrounding bushes and grasses were harvested wildly by the harvester. A large area disappeared. When the sonic waves hit the river, they caused a lot of explosions. The rain seemed to be even greater for a time, hundreds. The giant crocodile was shaken by the power of sonic waves, but for their bodies, this damage was nothing. They fell into the water and climbed up to the shore again, and then continued to attack the village.

The giant tortoise finally reached the shore. Five sonic guns gathered and fired at it. The strong sonic wave hit the turtle's shell and bounced back. The affected evolutionaries flew, and one person was even vomiting blood, but look again. The giant tortoise in front of him was unscathed. An evolutionary ran over with a rocket launcher and blasted off. A miniature missile was launched. It was an anti-tank missile. Its drilling ability was particularly strong and it could hit the shell of the giant tortoise. The missile turned out to have only one trace!

Everyone was taken aback: "What can we do? We can't hurt it at all!"

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