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Chapter 549: Switch to waterway

The giant tortoise crawls slowly because of its large size, but it exaggerates the ground every time it crawls. The crocodiles follow behind the giant tortoise, and they use the giant torch as a cover to approach humans. Bullets, sound waves, and even flames and various skill strikes, and even the evolutionary who was not afraid of death rushed to the giant tortoise and slashed with the spear of judgment. There was nothing to gain except a splash of sparks.

"We can't hurt it at all!" Stephen resentfully said. "It seems that we must retreat or we will be killed by it!"

John's face has not been flustered and changed a little. He said: "Now there is water everywhere, and we have too much equipment. The road to retreat has been sealed. In addition to the python, there may be piranhas. Retreat. "

Chu Xiang calmly said: "Gather your most powerful evolutionaries, and let them use the spear of judgment to cut the head of the giant crocodile. I will deal with the giant tortoise. For the time being, we cannot retreat into the rainforest, and fight back first."

Song Jun just cut off the head of the crocodile with the spear of judgment. This is a feasible method, but the evolutionary who lacks strength cannot do it, so Chu Xiang emphasized that he must have great strength, otherwise the ordinary evolutionary might attack the crocodile and may be injured. Stephen and John knew each other very well. Soon, they formed five powerful evolvers to cooperate with Song Jun and He Yaohui. This time they also came with Li Niu. His brute force is that Chu Xiang must admire and carry one. With a large sword, whirling and dancing, the giant crocodile rushed up was chopped up, and in cooperation with others, the crocodile's offensive was greatly eased.

Chu Xiang blocked the way forward of the giant tortoise. Xiang, the giant tortoise pulled out a large basin-like head and stared at Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang immediately launched a wave of quick-frozen blows, and a giant layer of frost appeared on the giant tortoise's head. His eyes were still blinking, and he was motionless after being hit by the freezing wave, but the giant tortoise's body did not stop. He stepped out of the dining table's forefoot and pressed to Xiang Xiang. Chu Xiang sent an ultrasonic wave. This is not a sound wave. Compared with guns, giant turtles are rolled backwards by ultrasonic waves, and crocodiles are injured and injured dozens of times. Giant turtles fall into the water, and they are easily corrected by the buoyancy of the water. The head melted without freezing, and the giant tortoise crawled to the shore again, this time its target went straight to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang was already flying when the giant tortoise rolled into the water. He was holding a long knife in both hands, and the giant tortoise protruded from the water. Chu Xiang's big knife was chopped down at its neck! I did not expect that the giant turtle's response was very fast, at least the neck was shrinking at an unbeatable speed. Chu Xiang's knife was cut, and the gas carried on the blade's edge hit a near-pit deep under the turtle's neck. Chu Xiangyi The shot down flew up into the air again, at this time the giant tortoise continued to climb to the shore, Chu Xiang cut at the front paw and chopped it down, with a buzz, Chu Xiang's numbness in his mouth almost didn't hold it!

It is hard to imagine how strong Chu Xiang is now, but he did not cut off the giant tortoise's claw! Is this giant turtle's shell harder than Terminator's armor? With Chu Xiang's current strength, even the Terminator can't stand his sword! It is also possible that the giant tortoise took the knife by virtue of its huge body shape. The power cut off by Chu Xiang was scattered throughout the body, and the impact force spread on the claws was much weaker. This may not be comparable to the Terminator.

How to do? If you can't destroy this giant turtle and let it cross the village. Sweep it again, then nothing will be left, and it is impossible to rush in a hurry. After all, there are too many dangers in the water. This unprepared retreat is very It could cause more casualties in the army. Chu Xiang was at a loss for a while, but Chu Xiang quickly recalled the experience of the Poshui Bridge during the First World War. Perhaps this giant biological shell could not be broken but could be disintegrated from the inside.

Chu Xiang made up his mind and rushed towards the giant tortoise. The giant tortoise just pulled his head out of the shell of the turtle. Chu Xiang had already reached its eyes. The giant tortoise opened his large basin-like mouth, and he uttered the whole thing with a spit. Swallowed up! The several evolutionaries who watched the game were taken aback, and Stephen was pale and frightened, "No! Captain Chu was swallowed!"

Victornov had come out of the shelter from the rain. He had never participated in the war because there were not many remaining evolutionaries. He wanted to save his strength. Soon Victornov discovered a strange phenomenon. The crocodile obviously bit John ’s teammate, but it did not hurt John ’s team member except the teeth of the giant crocodile. Victornov asked his evolver to throw a scrapped machine gun into the crocodile group, a crocodile I opened my mouth and swallowed the machine gun, and it turned out that the machine gun was chewed up. The two results compare the hardness of John's team members. But Victornov knew that John's players would never outperform him! what 's wrong? Are there any adventures for John's team?

Victornov was thinking about breaking his head and thinking about it. Someone suddenly exclaimed. Victornov looked up. He was so pleased that the invincible evolutionary guy was swallowed by the giant turtle. Here! Although he saved himself, wouldn't he have been able to act alone if he had commanded him? In the final analysis, he will be killed by his own soldiers. Now he can be regarded as revenge. Victorov almost laughed, but then he thought about how the giant turtle would respond.

Fang Yuxuan was assisting the Chinese evolutionary in fighting back the giant crocodile. I heard that Chu Xiang was swallowed by the giant tortoise. When her face changed, she jumped to rescue Chu Xiang. She didn't even think she could hit the giant tortoise. Zhang Jingyao Hold her by one hand: "Don't be impulsive, if you can't beat Chu Xiang with the strength of Chu Xiang, will it still be swallowed up by him? He must want to break this giant turtle's abnormal defense from the inside out, and let everyone leave the giant turtle. Stay far away from being affected. "

Song Jun and He Yaohui had the most confidence in Chu Xiang, so they did n’t care about Chu Xiang ’s whereabouts. Both of them were calm and calm when other Chinese evolutionists were there. Stephen was really nervous, although he may not really care about Chu. Xiang's safety, but he knew that if Chu Xiang could not deal with this giant tortoise, he and John were hopeless. Seeing two powerful assistants of Chu Xiang were not nervous at all, he said: "Is Captain Chu in danger? Why don't you want to save him. "

Song Jun listened, and said, “Let ’s get out of it!” As Song Jun cut off the heads of the two crocodiles, the others receded subconsciously when they heard Song Jun ’s instructions. Victornov took the opportunity to speak to Stephen. And John said: "Two, the captain of China has died, and we should recommend a new commander to lead everyone to destroy the Terminator base in the rainforest."

John stared at Victornov coldly, "Do you still have these thoughts at this time?"

Stephen said: "Viktorov, Captain Chu has just saved you, you are down!"

Victornov said: "I'm thinking about the big picture. Don't you want to complete the task as soon as possible?"

Stephen said: "For the sake of the bigger picture? At this time, you said this for the sake of the big picture? Are you thinking for yourself, do you want us to choose you as the commander? Do you have this ability? You give it to others The captain's shoes are not worth it! "

Victornov rightly said, "Who has the ability to command, since the surname Chu is dead, would it be possible for us to fall apart? Are you kidding everyone's lives!"

At this time, someone shouted, "It seems uncomfortable to see the giant tortoise!" Victornov looked up and saw that the giant turtle stretched his neck and tried to spit out the person who swallowed it, Victorov said in his heart. Don't spit it out, otherwise I have to be oppressed by him.

Grunting, grunting, a sound came from the stomach of the giant tortoise, and then it began to bump around painfully. The huge impact was that the Great Wall of Steel could not be stopped. Song Jun kept reminding the surrounding evolutionaries to leave immediately. The sound turned into a roar and the sound became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a loud noise. Everyone felt that the ears were going to be deaf. Then the shock wave of the explosion threw nearby humans like throwing rice grains. Several people crashed not far behind them. On the wooden house, the entire wooden house was knocked down, and even someone was injured internally by the explosion and a blood spurted out.

It turned out that at the same time that Victornov was trying to change the sky, Chu Xiang entered the giant tortoise's belly, which was really not a place to stay. There was a strong acid in the giant tortoise's stomach. Opening his eyes, he combined the spears of judgment into two pointed javelins. He pierced the east and pierced the west. The internal organs of the giant tortoise were pierced in many places, and the liquid in it kept pouring out to make a grunting sound. Chu Xiang was attacked by these The liquid surrounding was even more uncomfortable, so he launched the quick freezing skill.

Losing the shell is a barrier. The giant tortoise can no longer stop the quick freezing. Although there is nothing unusual in its appearance, its internal organs are losing vitality quickly, so it can only smash painfully everywhere. As Chu Xiang's quick freezing energy ignites, As it got bigger, the entire turtle's belly became a Tuo ice cube, but the turtle's neck was a certain distance from the internal organs, so although the giant turtle's belly was frozen, its consciousness was still there, and the big eyeballs stared out desperately. , Shocked Victornov, thinking that Chu Xiang was dead in the turtle's belly, and then Chu Xiang strove hard in the turtle's belly, and the viscera frosted into an iced tuna burst, unable to break from the outside. So the shell of the shell exploded, and Chu Xiang's strenuous force was the culprit of the explosion, but Chu Xiang did not expect to accidentally hurt his own people. Fortunately, there was no dead person, otherwise Chu Xiang would be guilty.

"Shot!" Stephen cursed with his eyes wide open. "Does that work? This guy is really abnormal."

Chu Xiang successfully killed the giant tortoise. He quickly combined the two pointed javelins into a long knife. The knife flashed and rushed to the giant crocodile. Everyone only felt that the knife was shining in the storm. Then all the crocodile heads fell with the rain. The ground soon calmed down. The crocodile was slaughtered by Chu Xiang under the cover of the giant tortoise. The same kind of water in the water smelled blood instead of being more angry but retreated, but it took only a few minutes to calm down. Water splashes when raindrops fall.

Victornov couldn't react. He couldn't figure out how to survive after being swallowed by such an indestructible giant tortoise, and also successfully blasted the giant tortoise to escape. There was a giant tortoise's neck at his feet, because Chu Xiang's quick-freezing was inside the giant tortoise's stomach, so the neck was not frozen, and there was still a sticky liquid on it. A Russian evolutionary stepped forward and kicked, and the turtle's neck wrecked a stream of liquid. The evolver didn't care. A part of the liquid fell on his leg. A fumes of smoke suddenly rose in the heavy rain. The evolver who kicked the turtle's neck with a foot suddenly exclaimed.

Victornov was startled by the shouting evolutionary, and when he looked back at the situation on the evolutionary, he shouted in shock, only to see where the evolutionary body was splashed with turtle fluid It has begun to rot quickly. The wreckage of the giant tortoise that seems to be harmless to humans and animals just now has become a terrible thing. If this liquid is overbearing to such a degree, how can the people who have just been swallowed by the giant torch bear it? How could those evolutionaries affected by the explosion be okay?

Victornov had a lot of questions in his mind, but he still didn't dare to hesitate. He pulled out a saber from his waist and cut off the thigh of the injured evolutionary. The thigh with white pungent smoke soon rotted and was rained. The rush disappeared in front of him, and the evolved man who had cut off his thigh fainted, and blood flowed along the water on the ground to the lower part.

At this time, Chu Xiang knew how powerful the liquid was in the giant tortoise. His body resisted, but others could not. The reason why the internal fluid of the giant tortoise splashed during the explosion did not hurt the evolver, except for coincidence, Chu Xiangfa also It helped the armor of Stephen and John's team members. None of the highly corrosive liquids fell on the unprotected bodies of these team members. Although the clothes were corroded, these fluids failed when they encountered the armor. .

Chu Xiang controlled a large amount of water to flush the battlefield to prevent the remaining debris from hurting others. The heavy rain also accelerated the cleanup of the battlefield. The work was completed without much effort. Chu Xiang entered a In a well-built house, Stephen and John also came in after finishing the alert. Everyone still has to discuss how to evacuate the place. The heavy rain has advantages and disadvantages. It depends on how it is used, but there is not much time for everyone to consider. Who knows what the giants are? Time will come back, and if new mutant creatures are added in the next attack, it will be troublesome.

Victornov walked in, wincing, seeing that no one was speaking out to stop him from becoming more confident, and gradually raised his head. His confidence as a leader of the country was slowly being recovered. Stephen glanced at him. Without speaking, John said, "Captain Chu, what do you do next? This rain will definitely be blocked if you don't stop the trip, and the danger outside will be more and more."

Chu Xiangdao: "You, we have delayed a lot of time, and there are many dangers on the way forward. I think the water in the river is enough for boating, we can go by water."

Victornov said: "Waterway? Aren't you kidding me, even if there is enough water, what about those giant crocodiles?"

Chu Xiang said: "As long as the boat is large enough and strong, and the defense is more powerful, it will not be a problem to drive on water."

Victornov again said: "Don't say a boat that is big enough and strong, that is, a boat that isn't strong. We don't have one. We only have rafts, not crocodiles at all! What do you want? Let's send them to death? Let us give Are you cannon fodder? "

"Enough!" Chu Xiang still didn't answer. Stephen suddenly yelled, "Victorov, we didn't invite you to come in. You are now the defeated soldier and have no say at all. Your troops are finished! You want to follow us. We are welcome to complete the task together, but please leave if you crook again! We do not welcome you here! "

Victornov's face turned red, but he didn't say a word. Stephen's words stabbed him at the top. Before that, Victornov still had a lot of people to talk about the conditions, but now he only has ten. People, and it is so difficult that someone needs help to save him. It is to give him face to let him come in to discuss things together. I didn't expect to make a fallacy here. If Stephen had left with Victornov, I am afraid it would be broken. He looks like this, so Stephen wants to defend Chu Xiang as much as possible, because he thinks that Chu Xiang always has a surprising idea of ​​winning.

Chu Xiang didn't want to argue and didn't want to compete with Victornov. He turned out of the house and the rain continued unabated. Many evolving tents were destroyed in the fighting just now. Dodging in the rainy room, Chu Xiang has drawn a drawing of a submarine-type ship in his mind. He cut open his skin and released five-color liquid. The five-color liquid obtained manufacturing drawings from Chu Xiang's brain. It turned itself into one. A huge mouth opened, and milky liquid began to spit from the mouth. A large ship gradually appeared in front of everyone. The deck of the ship was fully sealed, and only a few observation ports were opened in front, back, left, and right.

In addition to these observation ports, there are rows of openings on the left and right sides of the ship's side, but the openings are not large, and only thick-armed paddles are probed outside. Because there is no engine, the boat can only travel by human paddles. It took twenty minutes for the ship to be built successfully. The color of the five-color liquid was dim, and Chu Xiang took it back to rest inside his body.

Stephen and John have seen the five-colored liquids on the banks of the marsh river, but they did not know that the five-colored liquids would still build ships, and they were such large ships that it would be easy for them to fit their hundredth person, Victor Nove was the first time to see the five-color liquid. He couldn't close his mouth in shock. To be honest, Victornov no longer doubted the strength of Chu Xiang, but he was proud but refused to be convinced. He always felt The Chinese are weak and bully. They slapped the Chinese, and even if the Chinese had the ability to return a fist, they wouldn't really be rough, so Victornov wanted to step up again.

"Get on the ship!" Stephen responded with his arm shaking first ~ ~ The two valves were opened together. The evolutionists started to carry the equipment with their equipment on board. The cabin was very simple, there were only rows of seats and no belts. To fix the body, you need to fasten yourself with a simple seat belt. John schedules sixty-six people to row a boat, and changes every two hours. There are ten people in each class, and five people each. The ship pushed into the river and jumped into the ship to close the valve.

There are many oars in the sound of whirling, raining, because the five-color liquid is not very heavy for the building materials, so the boat's waterline is not deep, and some rivers are already one and a half meters deep. , So it doesn't work hard.

Stephen and John carefully touched the hardness of the shipbuilding material, which was the same as the material used by Chu Xiang to pave the ground. It should not be able to deal with the giant crocodiles. The two breathed a sigh of relief at each other, and then sat in their seats to snore Come, after fighting half a night, everyone is tired, knowing that there are mutant creatures underwater can not help but stare for a while.

Here ... Here ... From time to time, there are harsh, sharp swiping sounds under the hull. Everyone understands that it must be a crocodile biting the hull. Everyone couldn't help holding the handle on their own, and the sleeping evolutionary was awake.

Bang, the hull suddenly swayed, and then quickly and automatically slid forward, the evolutionary on duty looked out of the observation hole, "It's a python! It's entangled in our boat!"

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