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Chapter 550: Danger in the water

Chu Xiang groaned slightly: "I went out to kill it."

The correct name of this kind of python should be Mori, originally a huge and powerful species. It was crazy after being affected by the virus, especially when humans entered their territory. They were shocked when the boat moved. After the giant crocodile attacked without success, Mori was dispatched. A giant python, more than 30 meters long, entangled the boat, and then quickly left the river's fork. Who knows what the danger will be in the front, anyway, it cannot be dragged again. Go away.

"Let me go!" Stephen stood up. He felt that the shipbuilding was not his own. Last time John rescued Chu Xiang, he would be looked down upon by Americans, so it was time for them to show their strength and be confident. It's American, and Stephen can't make people look down.

There was no dispute between Chu Xiang. Everyone was equal to help each other. Stephen had the responsibility and obligation to contribute to the safety of the team. With two high-level assistants, Stephen opened the valve. I saw the python's tail entangled in the bow, but its body was Swimming fast in the water ahead, heavy rain still kept on, which affected human vision.

Huh, Stephen jumped onto the snake's head first, and the python noticed someone attacking it, and his body descended into the river. Stephen's head immediately fell into the water, but Stephen was ready to enter the water, and he held his breath in the judgment spear fiercely. Stab! Alas, one of the eyes of the python was pierced. At this time, the other two evolutionaries also jumped over. Unfortunately, one of them fell to the opposite position, slipped under the foot and fell into the water. The crocodile pounced on, the evolver had to fight with the giant crocodile, and the remaining evolver attacked the other eye of the python.

Only the eyes are the weakness of the python. Its skin is thick and oily. Even Stephen is not sure if he can pierce it, so he chooses the eyes as the target. The tail of the python's biggest combat tool is dragged by the ship, so it can only rely on He shook his head desperately to shake off the enemy, but Stephen inserted the spear of judgment into the eyes of the snake, and then firmly held the spear of judgment. Later, the evolutionist was pulled by Stephen by one hand and soon was on the snake's head. Fixing the shape, no matter how the python sways, it will finally let the spear of judgment pierce into the other eye of the python. The blind python immediately lost its target and hit a bang on the river bank with a few tall trees. Smashed rainforest trees!

As the python 'reefed' its tail dragged. The big ship immediately hit, and the weight of the ship plus the weight of the crew and equipment was all pressed on the body of the python, which was no less than a master hitting it. There is a limit to even the thickest flesh, alas, the entire lower body of the python is crushed and crushed! Most of the snakes rushed out of the water and flew ashore.

Stephen and his assistant did not expect such a smooth solution. The python was solved, but the evolutionary in the river seemed very dangerous. He was surrounded by giant crocodiles. Although the spear of judgment is extremely sharp, the manpower to use it is not enough, so It was impossible to cut off the head of the crocodile. Those crocodile concentrated and crushed him. They were fortunate to have good skills and can still support them. Stephen still rushed into the river to rescue him. That evolutionary.

At this time, the evolver who blinded the other eye of the python had landed, and as the snake rolled two circles and got up from the ground, he yelled with the spear of judgment in his hand and killed the python to increase his confidence. , The thrill of victory hit his brain. He wanted to let other evolutionaries know his joy, but there is a saying that it is too early to be happy. Unless these mutants directly destroy their central nervous system, they are half-cut. The body is still lethal, and the snake head rolled on the ground twice before facing the shouting evolutionary, alas, a snake-like snake like a steel thorn pierced the evolutionist's chest!

From the observation port on the ship, I saw this scene in the eyes. Victor Nou was also nervous. After all, humans are still in the same trench, and he did not want humans to be killed or injured, but the subsequent development made Victorno The husband was taken aback. The evolutionist's chest was broken in the steel thorn-like snake letter stab, and the attacked evolutionary had nothing but fright and fell backward! Then the attacked evolutionary got up from the ground. He touched his chest to make sure that he was not injured, and shouted in the direction of the ship: "Long live! This armor is awesome. It has saved me two lives today!"

Victornov asked behind him: "What's going on? What helmet. A? Are you American's new invention?"

An American evolutionist behind said: "No, it is the greatness of the Chinese. Invented, Captain Chu provided each of us with a set. If it was not for the armor, I would have killed the crocodile, and the giant tortoise exploded before. Stop me from corrosive liquids. "

Victornov had some surprises: "The invention of the Chinese? Hasn't the Chinese always liked to buy our Russian weapons? They can invent this kind of thing? Besides why don't we, what does he mean?"

The American said disdainfully: "What do you mean? You are so embarrassed to say? It is already very special to be disobedient to take you now, do n’t look for yourself, if you let me say I should drive you off the boat and let yourself be Let ’s walk in the rain forest, ca n’t you fly, go fly, arrogant! None of us Americans are overdoing you! ”

Victornov's face was red and white. If he wasn't afraid he couldn't beat him, he really wanted to beat the kid. Turning Victornov to Chu Xiang. At this time, the ship had been stabilized, Stephen used The spear of judgment combined a long pole to rescue the evolving evolutionary man. The evolver on the shore also jumped to the ship. The three returned victoriously. Although the crocodile was still biting the hull of the ship, it had no effect at all. The hand quickly adjusted the direction and returned to the original course.

"Captain Chu, it turned out that you equipped each of them with a piece of armor," Victornov was aggressive, and the American evolutionist who happened to be back took off his shirt to see if he was injured, and all the armor was exposed, except for his neck and head. Outside the joints such as the inconvenient wrist and other parts, all the other parts are covered with a layer of black squares. The steel thorn-like snake letter was just broken by it, and the armor composed of this black square can be reduced to a smaller size through control. Several pieces of armor block important parts, which makes it easier to move, unlike some bulky armor, which makes it difficult to walk.

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, why is there any problem?"

Victornov said: "What's the problem? Why not equip us with a set? Your commander is not qualified! If it weren't for my man without armor, the former team member would not have lost his thigh!"

Chu Xiang said coldly: "Victorov, I only warn you once, you are no longer our team member. I don't need to send you a set. From the moment you act alone, you should have the burden. Since the realization of the consequences now, don't sway in front of my eyes, otherwise your father and mother won't know!

Victorov was furious: "I'm also a major general, how dare you treat me so?"

It turned out that Victornov did not evolve from the grassroots like Chu Xiang and Tiffin. No wonder he was so arrogant. It turned out to be a Russian high-ranking person. Such people naturally cannot be grouped, and they look down on hard labor. Laborer.

Chu Xiang just waved his finger, and He Yaohui immediately rushed up. Although Victornov was also a well-known evolutionary, he could not compare with He Yaohui at all. He had even been kicked by He Yaohui before he could respond. Wang Shaohui and others also gathered around and launched a mass attack on Victornov under the suppression of He Yaohui. Victornov's men were taken aback. Several people rushed to prepare to rescue Victorov, but John took the man to block the road. Two Russian evolutionists wanted to take action and were immediately knocked down by John with two punches. Immediately, some people went up to fight.

Stephen had just awakened from the terror of killing the python, and he said to the group that beat Victornov: "Let's go!"

Everyone froze, thinking that Stephen should be despised to stop. Who knows that Stephen separated the crowd and rushed forward, not raising Victornov on the ground, but using his hands and feet to start beating, "What do you think you are? Now, General Lao Tzu is not rare! I have tolerated you for two days. You have to tell your parents not to say anything this time! Brothers, if you come up and fight together, you will be cheap. "

Stephen was fighting in the water just now, and he was relieved with a punch and kick, but he really gave up. If there was no one to persuade Victornov, he would be beaten, even if it was swollen. Like a pig's head, although the others are weak and want to fight back, they suffer from no strength, so they can only bear it with hate, and shrink to one side and stop talking.

Stephen ’s performance has multiplied the Chinese people ’s affection for him. In fact, everyone is a person of ordinary class. If others respect me, I will pay you back. But if you bully me, then I want you to look good! As for who you are, go ahead and talk about it. Today, the world ’s fist is the biggest and it is qualified? You must have this qualification!

Booming, the hull suddenly stunned, and someone exclaimed: "Not good, it's entangled with pythons, they really don't give up!"

Everyone looked out through the observation port, and it turned out that another python appeared. It still wrapped the ship in the old way, and then kept swinging towards the water. The boat deflected the channel again with the python, and the speed was faster than the last time. The python The strength of the boat was deep. The draught of the hull deepened. After a while, the hole of the paddling hole did not enter the water. The river murmured inward along the hole, and then the observation hole sank. The snake is smart.

When Chu Xiang pulled the valve, he was about to go out. John stopped him and said, "Let me come!"

Song Jundao: "Let's go, it's too dangerous. This python is obviously stronger than the one just now!"

John said, "Let me try. I don't want to be a useless person. I am careless and crooked everywhere."

John ’s words are naked Luo map Victorov, the Russian devil really did not like people, Song Jun did not expect these two foreign leaders are very moral, not the kind of person who retreats in danger, he little The head said: "Let's take care of us together."

Chu Xiang saw that Song Jun was willing to accompany John and he was relieved, so he opened the valve and let them drill out and then quickly closed. At this time, the boat's waterline was lower, and most of them were not in the water. Having no calf, Song Jun and John stood unstable outside the boat, and they jumped into the water.

At this time, you can see the size of the python, which is even bigger than the previous one. I do n’t know if it is the snake king. John turned his arm into a two-bladed blade, and then stabbed into the seven inches of the python. Hitting the rundown cotton wool, John's bone edge slipped to the side. His evolution was not high after all. The python blocked John's attack with thick skin and fat. Song Jun saw a trial spear from the water. Comes up and says: "You deal with crocodile, I deal with python!"

"Okay!" John knew that he wasn't the opponent, so he took the wind for Song Jun. He waved his bones fast, and as the python slowed down, the crocodile that followed him rushed to John. The two sides couldn't compete, John still had the power to kill the crocodile Yes, it ’s just that there are too many crocodiles.

Song Jun swims quickly in the water. He has been waiting on the side of Boa to give it a fatal blow. Boa wants to abandon the ship to deal with Song Jun, but it is not willing to let the ship escape from danger, so the two are deadlocked, as long as Anyone who reveals flaws will take the opportunity to attack. The python dragged it, but Song Jun couldn't hold it, because the ship was getting farther and farther from the channel, and even surpassed the previous position. Eyes, the python's tail finally gave up from the ship, and stabbed at Song Jun. Its tail was the best weapon, soft and hard, and its ejection speed was fast.

The oarsman in the boat felt that the hull was loose, and someone immediately said happily: "Release! Fast rowing, the water is getting more and more rapid, we have been off the channel for too long, there may be a waterfall in front!"

The river is getting narrower, but the water flow is getting more and more urgent. Although no booming sound has been heard in the front, experienced veterans can make a judgment. There must be a fault layer in the river ahead. Towing away from the channel, maybe just want to use the waterfall to drown everyone.

A sailor was added next to each oar. Although everyone is not of the same nationality, at this moment, they are working together and shouting at the horn to row the boat backwards, but the current of this river is beyond imagination, even if everyone is so hard I couldn't stop the boat from continuing down the water, and the rumbling sound of a rumbling sounded like a waterfall. The sailors yelled, "Hold hard!"

But everyone has done their best. The larger the volume of the boat, the greater the force driven by the current. Now instead of retreating, it has moved forward by dozens of meters. Everyone's complexion has changed. Listening to the sound of the waterfall in front, it can be inferred. The height of the cliff is not low. At this time, Chu Xiang launched the water control skills. The water potential around the boat immediately stagnated. At this time, the sailors fired the oars and the boat shot backwards. I understand what Chu Xiang has done, but I know that Chu Xiang has played a role. Otherwise, it has already rushed to the edge of the cliff. Who knows how deep the bottom is, even if it can't fall, it will be suffocating. The dangers are also great.

Because the river narrows and the ground on both banks rises above the water, Song Jun and John have already climbed out of the water. In the water, they are not the opponents of mutant creatures. Because the water has too much buoyancy and resistance, they are often cut by three points. The strength of one was carried by the water. As the two men went ashore, the crocodile and the python also climbed ashore. There were more than one python. Their constant creeping on the ground looked terrifying. John's bones were killing a dozen crocodile. Later became heavy and powerless, so he could only take the bone blade and use the spear of judgment to deal with the crocodile, but mostly when he lacked energy to dodge.

Song Jun climbed on a small stone. He took out the steel bow from his waist, and then found a thick steel arrow, pulled the bow and arrow to face the python. The python seemed to sense the momentum sent by Song Jun. He didn't dare to attack easily, so he spit the snake snake and directed the snake snake and grandchildren to come forward to test. At this moment, the ship had escaped the danger, and the farther and farther away, the python blamed all the sins on Song Jun. Judging by the number of children and grandchildren, they are fighting for their lives.

The python is less than five meters from the stone. Many pythons begin to bow. As long as they are struggling, they can shoot at Song Jun like a bullet. At this time, Song Jun moves, and the surrounding raindrops cannot be dropped by the force of his burst. It's like holding an umbrella over his head, the beams of light hitting the python under the stone, the bursting sound of crickets is constantly, taking a moment to take a look at John hiding in the crocodile, scared him almost did not let the crocodile put his pants Ripped off, saw half-human thick python was nailed to the head by the inch dart, lying on the center of the stone and no longer moved.

John went to see Song Jun again. He still kept the bow and arrow posture. The arrow was facing the python, and the python was still. The rain was getting bigger. John's eyes hit by raindrops could not be opened. The sound of rustling leaves, the closer it is to Song Jun and the python, the weaker the sound of falling leaves and the rain becomes different, as if the raindrops in the sky are avoiding this position, probably this is the legend Murderous, but in fact the energy ready to cover the surrounding, like an invisible barrier.

A snap, a crisp whip, in fact, it was a crackling sound made by the python's tail twitching quickly. Song Jun also moved at this moment. Alas, a steel arrow pierced the rain and mist and shot at the python ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Om, the python's tail hurts, and then there is a slamming sound. Raindrops fall down with a trace of blood. Look again at the python's tail!

It turns out that Song Jun's arrow shoots the tail of a python, and the python's weapon for attacking humans is its tail. The so-called capture thief first captures the king and fights the snake seven inches. The seven inches of this snake may not be its dead spot. However, its tail is its most advantageous offensive magic weapon. It is not a star or a bit worse than the snake letter. Song Jun's steel arrow hit the snake's tail and then nailed it to a stone behind. The python's tail was flicking at high speed. Affected by this resistance, it broke suddenly from the middle, in which the grasp of time must be accurate, and even Song Jun did not dare to be 100% sure.

John cursed, "How much strength and accuracy is needed to shoot this arrow. Is the Chinese so perverted?"

The ship has just escaped the danger of falling into the waterfall, but it is now under the attack of airborne creatures, and this group of airborne creatures are tiny in shape. They can fly in from the observation port and the paddle port. The pointed mouth seems to be a drill. The evolutionists reacted and hugged their heads, squatting, fearing that someone's eyes had been pecked.

"Hummingbirds! They are hummingbirds! They are extremely fast, sharp-edged, and the metal shell of the glider can't stop them!" Victornov, who hid behind others and resisted by other people's armor, had eaten this group of hummingbirds. Deficit, so familiar with them.

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