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Chapter 552: Fast march

The dangers one after another made the team members really dare not stay on the shore. After eating in a hurry, everyone packed up and boarded the boat. Then they took turns and took the road under a few bright flashlights. The sky was clear and could be seen faintly. A little bit of starry sky, listening to the sound of the rushing water, and occasionally there are unknown animals tweeting, this picture of the moonlight night boat is refreshing.

I don't know if the mutants have eaten the human losses, or if they are brewing a larger operation. This night passed safely, and the distance traveled far exceeded the daytime speed. Stephen and John were very happy. The two even started to discuss How to install a nuclear warhead, the country has equipped them with professional demolition personnel before coming here, but each team member has also received simple detonation training. Even if the professional demolitionists brought them to sacrifice them, they can start the nuclear bomb, fearing that the installation is not correct. Can destroy the Terminator base at one time.

The sky is slightly bright. The rain forest after the rain ushered in the first morning. The Amazon River Basin was originally the plant kingdom. There are countless new plants after the virus. This is a grand scene. Any botanist I will be amazed when I come here, I do n’t know if he has the guts to study in the jungle, because many plants look very bright, in fact, they are killing weapons without blinking, and everyone has already experienced this.

Breakfast is very simple. I cooked porridge in the boat with solid fuel. Foreigners are very interested in the fruit of life produced in China. Stephen even plans to bring some seeds back to the United States. He wants to see if he can use the fruit to make bread. For In the West, no bread is as uncomfortable as the Chinese ca n’t eat steamed buns. If others want these seeds of life fruit, Chu Xiang may hesitate a bit, or even bargain, but in the past two days, he and Stephen and John established through fighting. Friendship, so Chu Xiang agreed without hesitation, others will respect me and I will return you.

"Hey, hey," the evolving boater suddenly made a strenuous noise, and someone couldn't help cursing: "Shit, what's going on? Isn't it entangled by the python again?"

Chu Xiang looked out of the observation port and said, "Yes. Water plants." Stephen and John also looked out, and saw the dense water on the surface of the water plants. Most of the paddles were entangled by water plants, and there were many water plants on the boat. However, these aquatic plants have not made more attacks. It seems that they have more characteristics of plants. Perhaps this is simply the aquatic plants of the former world.

"There's so much ahead, what should I do?" Stephen. Asked. If it was just the water in front of him that he could clean up, he could look forward one by one, I'm afraid that it can't be cleaned by manpower.

Chu Xiang said: "Put my people on the boat, use some strength to see if you can get rid of them. If it doesn't work, only the water is cleaned up. Song Jun, throw a few pieces of meat and try the water conditions here." Song Jun According to the words, I found a few pieces of jerky and threw them under the boat. Alas, alas, the layers of waterweeds were drilled. Several large fishes over two feet long jumped out and ate the jerky floating on the water. They show sharp teeth when eating, and it seems absolutely no problem to eat human flesh. Even if they are not piranhas, they are of the same type. Judging from the habits of fish-loving groups, there is no shortage of such creatures underwater.

John's face changed. "There is still danger underwater. If we can't move it, we can't move forward."

Chu Xiang picked a strong person like Li Niu, everyone shouted. Zi began to paddle hard, water grass made a popping sound, and the boat started to move forward again, but the speed was obviously insufficient. Look at the oars outside the boat. Some are already tangled with waterweeds up to nearly a meter thick. If it were not for the oarsman's strength, I am afraid that he can no longer move. So Chu Xiang arranged a special cleaning staff to cut the entanglement with the spear from time to time. Water grass, the paddlers got tired and died in the morning, and they only traveled less than 30 kilometers, and the water grass still did not slow down. It seems that the denser the rain forest is, the deeper it is.

The morale of the team was inevitably low, and Victorov couldn't help it. It was also rumored, "I said, do n’t you know how to use brute force to think of a way? Everyone will be exhausted until they reach the destination. "

Chu Xiang didn't think about it. He used the power of controlling plants to make these water plants far away, but the number and length of water plants are too large. His method can only be used for a while, not hours to send out energy to control the plants. Really going by land? But I walked down in the morning to observe the situation on the rainforest ground, and I almost couldn't see the road. It was all water, and it might be more dangerous than walking on the waterway. .

Stephen gave Victornov a glance, Victornov was scared, and he shut his mouth and shrank to a corner, afraid to speak. Chu Xiang quietly considered that the rainforest environment was far beyond his imagination. And he has no experience with the rainforest roads. If he can complete the task alone, then it is not necessary to complete it so much, but this is a difficult task. Chu Xiang alone wants to send the nuclear bomb into the rainforest center and detonate. The probability of success is very low.

Huh, huh, there was a heavy fanning sound from the outside, someone stopped the paddle in his hand and looked out, only to see the clear sky became dark, and a dark cloud was pressed down from the head, some evolutionists couldn't help exclaiming: " No, there are mutant creatures coming in from the air! Such a large body can be compared with a helicopter. What are they? They are so beautiful. "

Dark clouds are not composed of countless bodies. There are only dozens of individual individuals. They flap wings a few meters long. The sound of whistling sounds like a helicopter propeller, and the colorful bodies of these creatures are really beautiful in the sunlight, but The more beautiful things are the more dangerous, so no evolutionary dares to take it lightly.

The darker the clouds, the lower the pressure, and soon reached the top of the boat. At this time, everyone can easily recognize that these huge flying creatures are actually butterflies! Unexpectedly, they did not attack the ship, but continued to flap their huge wings slowly and slowly, flying forward, the water surface was shaken by the air and sent a wave of ripples. The colorful butterflies seemed to be a piece of Flying flowers make people look more and more like them.

The flying height of the butterfly is about 30 meters. They traveled along the river. Suddenly, a slender fish jumped out of the water, and it caught the butterfly in the air. The butterfly was caught by the fish. The attack was successful, the enlarged belly was penetrated by flying fish, and the internal organs spilled into the river. The water surface suddenly stirred up a wave of waves, and countless fish leaped for food. At this time, the 'helicopter' began to get out of control and hovered in the air a few times When it enters the water, the surrounding water starts to boil like a boiled pot. Thousands of carnivorous fish come out from under the waterweeds. They bite the giant butterfly and drag it into the water. The little butterfly sinks into the waterweed. At last, even a bone did not float up.

"It's a pity," someone said, that butterfly is really beautiful, so beautiful that you can't bear to hurt them. If you can make a specimen, this butterfly is estimated to be worth more than 100 million yuan! Of course it had to be in the former world, and now no one is stupid enough to spend so much value on a specimen, because it is beautiful and cannot be eaten.

With a smile on the corner of Chu Xiang's mouth, he observed that although the butterflies were attacked, their flying height increased by less than two meters, which is probably the limit of their flight. The gravity and the weight of the butterfly added a burden to their flight. Newly evolved species like this are not expected to last long, but they can be used by humans since they already exist.

"Bring the rope!" Chu Xiang said, Song Jun and He Yaohui pulled out a few large bundles of rope from the backpack. The terrain in the rain forest was complicated, and the river washed away a large number of cliff waterfalls. Therefore, ropes were prepared for emergencies.

Chu Xiang came out of the cabin carrying several bundles of ropes. At this time, the butterflies had flew out dozens of meters. Chu Xiang said to the humane in the cabin: "boat, catch up with those butterflies, but do not exceed them, just follow them. . "

Everyone does n’t know what Chu Xiang is going to do, but he still rowed the boat hard, and after a few moments he caught up with the butterflies. Chu Xiang grabbed a bunch of ropes and shouted, and a butterfly was just covered in the mid-belly. These biological properties Very mild, different from the mutant creatures encountered in the past. Although it is trapped by the rope, it does not endanger its life, so the butterfly is still flying. Chu Xiang tied the other end of the rope to the valve. The rope has reached the end. When the boat was pulled by the butterfly, it moved forward automatically, but the boat was too heavy, a butterfly could not pull it forward at all, and the paddler redoubled his strength to drive normally. Otherwise, trap this one. The butterfly was dragged into the water and became food for the fish.

Chu Xiang shouted and threw a bunch of ropes again. The second butterfly was caught. At this moment you already know what Chu Xiang wants to do. This is to catch a few free Malay carts. Wait for the third butterfly in the set. The rear oarsmen no longer need to help rowing, but the speed is still not enough, so Chu Xiang finds three bundles of ropes again, so a carriage of six 'horses' is formed, the speed is already the same as the original flying speed of the butterfly, which is equivalent The speed at which a normal person moves fast.

There was a cheer in the cabin. Everyone was very excited. It was probably the first time in the history of humans to make a butterfly pull a car. Although water plants are still entangled with people, their strength can be ignored by the huge butterfly. Huge The wings flapped like helicopters. If they fly higher, maybe they can fly in the air with a boat, just pray that these butterflies do n’t deviate from the fairway, just keep walking at this speed, as long as four days. To reach the core base, it is best to let the butterfly pull the ship full of nuclear bombs directly into the center of the base, and then everything will detonate.

But the good thing did not last long. The butterflies took the boat and flew for a night. Their directions changed at the intersection of the river. At first, Chu Xiang and others studied it and thought that it would not be impossible to reach the destination, but let the perspective look I looked forward and learned that there is a cliff ahead. If the butterfly flies directly over the cliff, the boat must be overturned, so everyone can only cut the rope and let the butterfly leave. Fortunately, at this time, the river channel is greatly widened, and the water plants are underwater. The number is not as dense as before, and the boating is much easier. The paddlers rested for a long time and one night. At this time, the strength is sufficient. Hehehehe paddled quickly, and the ship flew forward again, no slower than before.

The river is getting more and more spacious, and later the line of sight can't even see the river bank. This should be a large lake. The entangled waterweeds in the water are slowly disappearing. It is replaced by the blue water surface. Not to the end. First, there is too much planktonic sediment in the river. Second, the depth of the river may reach a horrible figure. After a few hours, the shore is getting farther and farther. Everyone has no idea. Fear is in the crowd. From time to time, large water bubbles emerge from the deep water, and sometimes the boat just swayes from the top to the top.

"Do you say that there are mutant creatures like dinosaurs underwater?" Stephen asked Chu Xiang quietly.

Chu Xiang could n’t be sure if the water was so deep. Maybe there are huge mutant creatures. If you swallow the boat, it will be troublesome. Chu Xiang said: "We drive by the shore and don't deviate from the river bank. In case something happens, you can go ashore quickly. "

Everyone thought about it, so they rowed the boat to the shore, and saw that the river bank became clear again, and everyone's mind was put down, but at this moment, the ship's hull suddenly violently vibrated, and then turned over to the side! Seeing that the situation was not good, Chu Xiang immediately launched the water control skills. A water wall rose on the side, which just blocked the boat that was about to roll over. The paddlers desperately paddled, and the boat flew forward for more than 100 meters to escape the danger. At this time from the observation port, I saw two huge water columns rising into the sky!

"There are really monsters!" Many evolutionists pointed outside, and saw a monster with a long neck and an extremely fat short-necked monster appear on the water after the water column disappeared. Their shapes have surpassed the giant turtles they encountered before. It may be because they always live in the water, and their bodies can grow larger under the influence of water buoyancy. A single boat made by Chu Xiang is five times larger. The boat is like a lonely boat in front of these two monsters. .

Judging by the actions of these two monsters, they seem to be fighting because the long neck is wrapped around the short neck, and the short neck claws are very powerful. In addition, the body is fat and the long neck is crushed to death. From their rolling body from time to time Judging from the fact that the two monsters are on par with each other in force, the two scuffled for a minute. At this time, the boat had lined out more than a thousand meters, but the monster suddenly stopped fighting, and then both looked at the fast-moving ship.

Chu Xiang didn't know well. He slammed out of the cabin, and then Song Jun and He Yaohui also drilled out and pounced on the two monsters. However, because it was in the water, other evolvers except Chu Xiang were not used to water warfare, and their combat effectiveness was greatly affected. Coupled with the monster's large size, even if the body is injured, it can't hurt the bones and bones. It is almost impossible to destroy them in a moment.

Chu Xiang fights a long-necked monster alone. It looks like a snake-headed turtle-neck ostrich body, and there are four short claws under the belly. There are webs between the claws. It is probably an organ that evolved in favor of water. Chu Xiang used it. I want to freeze the monster first. I did not expect that this monster was fighting for over 20 seconds because of its huge size. In the end, Chu Xiang had to give up the freezing because he was already entangled in the monster. Sinking quickly towards the river.

At this time, the short-necked monster that stayed on the water showed power. It took Song Jun and He Yaohui to run on the water. Song Jun and He Yaohui couldn't open their eyes because of the splash of water. Knowing when the short-necked monster has overtaken the boat, call it and open its mouth wide, even swallowing the boat half!

The ship was pierced by the short-necked monster from the water. The evolver inside it kept rolling along with the hull. Song Jun pulled an steel arrow from the back angrily, plunged it into the skin of the short-necked monster, and then pulled it out again. One and two alternated up and down, but Song Jun crawled onto the head of the short-necked monster, and Song Jun slammed two steel arrows and shot them together, bursting two times, and the eyes of the short-necked monster were injured at the same time.

Huh, the monster can't wait for the boat in his mouth. When he shakes his body, he throws the boat into the air, suddenly falls on the water and makes a huge impact sound, gurgling, gurgling, the posture of the ship falling into the water is on his head and feet, and the river begins to pour in, although The holes in the paddle and observation ports are not large, but the boat will sink to the bottom if it does not take ten minutes at this speed.

At this time, Chu Xiang killed the long-necked monster. He got out of the water and saw the ship in danger. He immediately controlled the water to stabilize the ship's body. At this moment, it was not more than ten meters away from the shore. Chu Xiang flew away from the water and pushed the ship towards the shore. When they got closer, Stephen, John, and others were extremely embarrassed. The two instructed the evolvers in the ship to retreat to the shore, and the supplies were taken off at the same time. Now the water is dangerous.

Song Jun and He Yaohui already had the advantage. The short-necked monster was stabbed with eyes and lost its target. It could only continue to attack randomly in the water. Some steel arrows were pierced on its head. His body was also cut off by He Yaohui. Deep wound, but because the flesh is too thick, these injuries are not enough to take its life. At this time, Chu Xiang joined the battle and cut off the short-necked monster's tail. The short-necked monster couldn't take the pain and sink into it. Bottom of the water ~ ~ The water surface gurgles continuously and bleeding water, Song Jun and He Yaohui are not water, Chu Xiang will chase down.

I never thought that this short-necked monster was much more flexible than the long-necked underwater, just like a giant frog. It can swim hundreds of meters with a bounce, and brought an extremely violent current, following the pursuit. Those who are weak are unable to correct their bodies. Chu Xiang chased him away for a while, and waited for Chu Xiang to control the water flow to accelerate his body again. This guy suddenly turned around and missed from Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang hurriedly turned back, but the guy attacked the boat as soon as he stopped. It turned out that it heard the sound made in the cabin, with a big mouth and a grunt, even swallowing the whole boat, and its body shape suddenly increased by a third.

Chu Xiang turned back and accelerated as a water arrow shot towards the short-necked monster. The short-necked monster seemed to be aware of the danger in the water. It swallowed the ship without stopping, and dived deep into the river like a big frog. Chu Xiang chased farther and farther. In the end, his vision could no longer be seen, not because of the darkness below, but the more turbid things in the deeper water, Chu Xiang's vision could not penetrate these things.

However, Chu Xiang had no choice but to return to the water. He knew that most of the people on the ship had been evacuated, and only the supplies were lost. Sure enough, he came to the water to conduct a check. Except that Victorov's two had not had time to evacuate and were swallowed, no one was injured. However, except for the two nuclear warheads and the detonation device, food, ammunition and tools were eaten together by the short-necked monster on board.

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