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Chapter 553: Attacked late at night

"Oh my God, what shall we do? All food and weapons are lost!" Stephen squatted and shouted on the shore.

John pulled up Stephen and said, "Don't do that, at least we took the nuclear bomb out."

Stephen said: "It would be better for the monster that killed that day to swallow the nuclear bomb and detonate it."

John said, "Well, don't be whimsical. The detonator is not installed at all, even if it is swallowed."

Since entering the rain forest, Chu Xiang has felt strenuous, and each step is dangerous. Although his skills have evolved quite powerfully, he can't do a spike in the face of these behemoths, as long as he gives them time to cause damage, although he can Another ship was built, but the equipment and food could not be obtained repeatedly. Even Chu Xiang's own teleportation was temporarily disabled. Unless he left the rain forest, he could only walk on two legs like an ordinary evolutionary. You can still fly, but it does n’t make much sense to fly without taking too many people.

"Big guys cheer up!" Chu Xiang said loudly. "Don't be discouraged. If you think about the surviving humans behind us, as long as we blow up the Terminator Base, they can live a happy life. This There may be your wife and children in it. Even if we are not thinking about others, we should work hard for the happiness of our family! "

Someone took the lead to get up from the ground, the deeper. The more mutants in the rainforest, the more mutants are not as bad as the zombie, so the food is not a crisis, and even the ammunition lost is just ordinary ammunition and some acetic acid bombs. Weapons such as the Spear of Judgment are all carried, so the loss is not great.

John asked Chu Xiang: "Captain Chu, do we want to rebuild a ship?"

Chu Xiang nodded, Stephen said, "It's rebuildable. The boat is not going to launch yet, isn't it going to be attacked by monsters? I suggest walking away from the Great Lakes area first, and then entering the narrow river channel before rebuilding the ship. The monster's huge body cannot hurt us in a narrow river. "

Chu Xiang also worried that there would be more strange and strange mutant creatures in the deep water, so he agreed: "Yes, this is a good idea, so let's organize your belongings and get ready to go. There is still a long way to go in the future. , Continue to work in small groups, not too close or too far apart, and send an alert as soon as possible. "

This is not the first day in the rain forest, so everyone had a good agreement. They quickly separated into small groups and headed for the road. Fortunately, most of the river water entered the lake, and the water in the rain forest didn't just cross the knee. There are also some weird and bright plants, but they are not densely distributed, everyone just hides away, if you ca n’t afford it, do n’t mess with it.

Probably because of the existence of this big lake, this rain forest is not drastic. There is not much loss in the season, so the growth of trees and grass is amazing. From time to time, you can see the towering trees left by the former world, and the grass in some places is gone. Human heads need to be chopped with the spear of judgment, and they occasionally startle some unknown animals, but they do not seem to be malicious to humans, and even some evolutionaries have hunted some and plan to roast and eat when they rest. Chu Xianghe Song Jun walked ahead to explore the road. He originally thought that there would be a danger of piranhas underwater, but he did not expect to see even a small catfish.

Song Jun stopped chopping the trial spear. "The plants are getting denser, so use sound waves to clear the obstructions. Cutting down this way will affect the schedule too much. We need to build up our strength in case of need."

Chu Xiang said: "Look at my memory, even forgot our sonic gun, isn't it a waste of effort?" He said that Chu Xiang took out the sonic gun without too much power, and pulled down the plant in front of the trigger. Shattered by sonic waves, a 100-meter-long passage appeared, and fired at the end of the road, so that the speed of advancement increased. At noon, he went out more than 30 kilometers, but Chu Xiangfei took to the air to observe that. At the location of the lake, I found that I didn't get around even half the distance. It seemed that this road would take at least three days to complete. I don't know if I could get to the Terminator base in time.

I did n’t encounter half danger when I walked down in the morning. This boosted morale and thought that the monster was scared. As long as there is no more life threatening in the future, even if you are a bit tired, everyone is willing. If you can live to complete the task This couldn't be better.

The smoke of cooking smoke rises, and the scent of roasted meat wafts in the air. There is still some grain in the ring of Chuxiang Space. Take it out to make a pot of porridge, and then eat the roasted meat slices. The living standard is even better than before the food was lost.

After eating rice, the sky suddenly became dark, and large clouds gathered overhead. Chu Xiang was worried and said: "We have to catch a road before it rains, otherwise we will have to take this road in the lake area for ten days. . "

John is also not worried: "If the rain continues, I am afraid that the water on the ground will be deeper. This terminator has set up a base in the rainforest. There is really a natural barrier, and most people ca n’t get in."

Stephen took the lead to pack the bag and said, "Let's go. It's useless to say more. Find the night camping place early for a rest."

Chu Xiang secretly launched the weather control skills to try to disperse the clouds as much as possible, but the power of nature is not something that humans can control. Finally, the rain pours down at half-time. The rain traveled for two kilometers and came to a slightly higher ground. Although the mud was muddy, there was no water at all, so the team settled down and set up a few simple tents with only a little tent cloth. Later, they cut trees and set up a few small wooden sheds. Finally, everyone was set up.

Because of the rain, the wood could not be burned, and the solid fuel had been swallowed into the monster's stomach, so dinner became a big problem. Fang Yuxuan and Chen Kai helped boil a few pots of porridge and hot soup for each team member. Sky It was extremely gloomy. Everyone drank porridge and closed their eyes and rested, and suddenly someone broke the silence and shouted, "Shoot, Henderson?"

Stephen stepped out of his wooden shed to the shouting man: "What's going on? Don't shout."

The human said: "Henderson is gone. After eating, he said to **** out. I said let him go further, or it would smell to us, but it ’s been so long. I woke up and woke up without seeing him. He, where did he go? "

Stephen glanced at the sheds where his teammates lived, and there was no Henderson inside. At this time, Chu Xiang and John also came over. Stephen told Chu Xiang: "Henderson is really not here. The evolutionist is not weak. If it is a poop, it won't take so long. Will something happen? "

Chu Xiang said: "Let everyone don't panic. I, Song Jun, He Yaohui, and John went outside in four directions to find out. Whoever found a shot and sent a signal, Stephen, you stay in the guard camp."

Stephen also wanted to rush out to find someone. Chu Xiang didn't give him time to start the search in four directions. According to Henderson's teammates, Chu Xiang found the place where Henderson's stool was, and a manure was left in the original place. The ground has deformed the rain bubble. It seems that Henderson had an accident after pooping. Because of the rain, the ground's footprints were long gone. I do n’t know if Henderson was in distress or lost his way. The camp was centered and searched out.

After an hour, people from all four directions returned. At everyone's speed, Henderson should not get out of the search even if he lost his way. Now the result is that there is no Henderson's shadow at all, even if he has stayed. No trace was found for Chu's trace, Chu Xiang's face was dignified, and Stephen kept walking around the wooden shed.

Chu Xiang said: "Tonight's precautions are strengthened. A few of us are on duty to shift duty. In addition, we are reminding you not to go out and solve the problem on the spot. The dirty spots are better than the dead ones."

I spent the first half of the night in peace, Song Jun was on duty in the middle of the night, and there were six ordinary staff on duty. They patrolled around the camp in the rain, and Chu Xiang did not close his eyes overnight. The danger in the rainforest was not what he could imagine. In a few days, the troop has been damaged, and the entire Russian army has almost collapsed. Although China, the United States and the European Union are still reluctantly supporting it, if they cannot reach the Terminator Base as soon as possible, everyone will face the fate of failure.

"This is a very difficult task," Chu Xiang sighed. Chu Xiang could be fine in front of others, but he is also a normal man, and he will also show his inner wandering when facing Song Jun. .

Song Jundao: "Yeah, we have done countless big things in the past two years, but none of them has made us feel so helpless now. The power of the rainforest is so huge that we cannot change at all, and who knows how much danger is ahead What about? "

Chu Xiang took out the smoke, and the two of them took a sip, and the wooden shed hit by the raindrops slammed. The smoke was absorbed by the damp wood when it reached the top of the shed, and there was silence around it. Occasionally a sleeping evolutionary would emit a nightmare. .

"Yeah ..." Suddenly a scream broke the tranquility, but the scream rang only half a moment, and then the rainforest fell into the endless darkness. Chu Xiang had already slammed out of the wooden shed when the scream rang. The scream was From the patrolling evolutionist, Song Jun also quickly pulled out the steel bow from his back. He stood on a half-down tree pole, and the rain fell to the left and right about one meter above the head and separated to the left and right. It can be seen that Song Jun gathered around his body. With a lot of energy, he can shoot steel arrows as soon as the target appears.

Chu Xiang's speed has reached a level that cannot be observed with the naked eye. The patrolling evolutionist did not stay away from the camp, but the patrolling range screaming was on the edge of a dense forest, and Chu Xiang chased and reached the edge of the forest. At that time, I only saw a row of dark shadows jumping into the forest, and there was a pool of blood on the ground. As for the screaming evolutionist, the shadows have disappeared. Of course, Chu Xiang is chasing the row of dark shadows without hesitation. And go.

All this happened between the electric light and the flint. As Chu Xiang leaped into the forest, another scream sounded, but this time the position was exactly opposite to the first, and there were two more sounds after this scream. It seems that four The patrolmen in the direction were attacked. Although Song Jun and He Yaohui were alert early, they did not find the target. The two could only hurriedly scream and chase them out, but the speed of the two was not comparable to Chu Xiang, so they I did not see the trace of the attackers, but only traced with intuition and traces. Soon their direction and Chu Xiang were brought together. However, the speed of the two was slow to move away from Chu Xiang. Twenty kilometers, a valley appeared before him.

Chu Xiang was wondering, at his current speed, he dare not say to walk sideways in the rain forest, but it may not be easy to find a rival, but now he not only met his opponent, but dozens more, the other dragged a patrol The players were not weaker than him, and there wasn't one master of such speed. When they all entered the valley, Chu Xiang followed Taniguchi.

Alas, the sudden blasting sound of the air came on, Chu Xiang's eyes shone, even the night and heavy rain could not conceal the murderous power of the other side, Chu Xiang sank down and the whole person instantly got into the ground. A big tree was interrupted by a hidden weapon! Affected by this, when Chu Xiang got out of the ground, the other party had disappeared into the valley.

Chu Xiang took out a few hidden weapons from the fallen tree pole. It turned out to be a wooden sign, but the thickness is not the little finger. When they hit the tree pole, they emit a terrifying spreading force. This is why the tree pole broke, but it is so light. How much force do wooden sign need to launch, are they the Terminator? I am afraid that the Terminator cannot launch such a powerful force. What are they? If the mutant creatures are so powerful, they don't have to avoid people, they can attack directly face to face, but they hide their heads and tail, and Chu Xiang chased for more than 20 kilometers and didn't see it.

After a while, Song Jun and He Yaohui also caught up. The attackers had joined as early as halfway, so everyone's pursuit direction was the same. Song Jun panted and said, "How? We are tired and can't move. This What is it, how can there be such a fast speed, it only took a few seconds to run for dozens of kilometers. "

He Yaohui also gasped, "Yeah, it's abnormal. I haven't woke up yet, so much energy burst out in an instant. Now the heartbeat is going to explode, no more, no more, I will take a rest."

Chu Xiang said: "They have entered the valley, and I have not seen the identity of the other party, but it is certain that their strength is not weak. Let's go in and take a look, but be careful."

When encountering such a master, it is not necessary for Chu Xiang to talk about Song Jun and He Yaohui and dare not take it lightly. The three turned around on the periphery of the valley. This valley is not too deep, because the mountains on both sides are not mountains. The two long mountain packs, but the terrain covered by tall trees is very complicated, and there are mud traps at the foot from time to time, and they are not sure whether there are mutant creatures nearby, so the three did not dare to care, leaving He Yaohui to respond outside, Chu Xiang and Song Jun walked towards the valley.

In the middle of the valley is a river that is about five meters wide. The river water is gathered from the hillsides on both sides, but the water is not in a hurry. Chu Xiang and Song Jun walk on one side, and they leap from the tree from time to time without touching the water surface. Don't worry too much if you have a piranha.

I saw that the valley had gone halfway, but there was no abnormality except the sound of raindrops, and there were no traces of biological activity. Did the eyes just see the flowers? Chu Xiang began to doubt himself, so a bunch of people should not disappear from the eyelids, even if they could not catch up with them, they would not even see them running away.

Wow, the woods across the road suddenly made a noise. Chu Xiang looked up and was taken aback, and saw that Song Jun's figure disappeared! Just now I saw him clearly, the two of them also looked at each other with nothing to do, this is just a few seconds of effort, Song Jun will not secretly leave without even saying hello.

Suddenly Chu Xiang's feet were tight, and his already stretched body slipped down, then buckled like a big net, and Chu Xiang was wrapped in a black body in front of him. Although the attack speed was fast, Chu Xiang I also saw that the tree under my feet moved, and there were countless tree strips, and the net was also a tree strip net.

If it is an ordinary evolutionary, I am afraid that he will be stabbed to death by this tree that can attack people, but Chu Xiang is not an ordinary evolutionary. When his eyes are dark, he will provoke a bone knife, and the majority of the tree stripes entangled in his body After being cut off, Chu Xiang's bone wings also stretched out. It was like two huge chainsaws. None of the plants within ten meters of Chu Xiang's body were spared. All of them became broken pieces less than one centimeter long.

Chu Xiang's wings flew into the air, he knew where Song Jun had gone, because he had seen a group of objects tightly wrapped by tree strips on the other side of the river, and Chu Xiang dived down, the bone knife at the end of the bone wing With rapid rotation, the plant clusters composed of numerous tree strips were quickly separated from the tree rods. Bang, Song Jun broke through the tree strips and rushed out.

At this time, the trees along both sides of the river moved. Although their roots were still in the soil, the tree strips could be extended. They waved the tree strips like countless injustices from hell. Once caught by them If you live, you will be dragged into eighteen floors of hell. Chu Xiang grabs Song Jun, and the two quickly climb out of the attack range of the trees.

"Is that a plant or an animal?" Song Jun wiped the cold sweat on his head. He was attacked by a sudden attack to make the strange tree succeed. Who would have thought that the tree would attack people?

Chu Xiang said: "It is a kind of plant that is different from plants. They are added with animal attributes. Maybe this is also the case with shooting trees and grass knives that we have been using before, but there are more such mutant plants here."

Song Jun thinks about it, the magic of shooting trees is obvious to everyone, but it is a mutant plant that can be used by humans, but these in the Amazon rainforest have probably been transformed by the terminator ~ ~ they become hunting and killing humans Assistant.

Chu Xiang also has a headache. He tries to control the plants below, but they are incompatible with his own energy and are not under his control at all. This is probably the same as Xiao Silk's original inability to control the g virus infected organisms. Before the form of energy, Chu Xiang could not control them at all.

Since flying into the air, you can better observe the situation in this valley, but Chu Xiang and Song Jun flew back and forth, and their eyes were almost glaring into a copper bell. They could not find the group of creatures that came in previously. If the ground was rugged The cliffs are easy to explain, but the terrain is not very high except for the trees. At a glance, there is a biological activity plenary meeting in the eyes. In this case, it is impossible to hide.

"Where did they go? Did they stun the ground?" Song Jun asked.

Chu Xiang said: "Even if there are traces on the ground, there is no trace of rain. The ground conditions are clear at a glance. Do n’t they need to dig soil?"

The two turned around in depression again. Suddenly Chu Xiang saw an unusual smoke, which was very annoying in the heavy rain. In fact, it was not smoke, but a kind of surface temperature that exceeded the water temperature. The fog is just too fast under the rain, so this layer of smoke is not obvious.

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