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Chapter 554: Eliminate cannibals

"There must be an anomaly below," Chu Xiang confirmed, there were mysteries everywhere in the rainforest and he had to think about the bad.

Song Jun wondered: "But you haven't seen a cave, or is it geothermal like a hot spring? Or is the rotten plant fermented?" Song Jun's conjectures are all reasonable, and Chu Xiang is not unthinkable, but Under the circumstances that Jiu Xun's group of attackers failed, Chu Xiang was more willing to consider this anomaly to the group of attackers.

"Regardless of what it is, let's go and see first," said Chu Xiang dived down to the abnormal place, this is already the end of the valley, a small cliff more than ten meters high stands in front of the eyes, the cliff full of plants is Ninety-degree angle, the location of the smoke is not far above the cliff. Chu Xiang and Song Jun took a closer look. The smoke was seeping from the gap between the soil and the rocks. It seems that the mystery is underground, but how to enter the underground? It seems that there is nothing but ground.

Chu Xiang didn't rush to drill down. He leaned down on the ground and listened as if he was feeling. Then a smile appeared on his face. Song Jun also hesitated to drop his body, but his hearing was not as good as that of Chu Xiang. Not feeling the fault, Chu Xiang revolved around this anomaly for a few times, and finally locked his eyes on that cliff.

A small tree less than two meters high was standing beside a cliff, and the poles were somewhat smooth. Chu Xiang came forward and touched it, then pushed it left and right, and suddenly heard a slight vibration, and then the stone wall in front of him moved. A one-meter-wide crack opened on a cliff full of plants, and a thick white mist rushed out of it. Song Jun's mouth widened, and there was such a mechanism. It seems that the group of attackers It's not mutant creatures, but human beings have the most possibility, otherwise there can't be so many tricks.

Chu Xiang took the lead and Song Jun led the two. After entering the dark cracks, the strong smell of burning wood smoke entered the nose. The two quickly held the urge to sneeze under the pressure of breathing. The stone wall behind them made a slight moving sound. As soon as the light went out and fell into the darkness, listening carefully, you could feel a tremor, but it was not obvious.

Chu Xiang opened the space ring and took out two pairs of night vision. This is a tunnel that extends forward at a 30-degree angle. It does not look like a manual cut from the marks on the wall, but the stone door should not be Naturally formed, walked twenty meters forward and went deep into the ground. At this time, colorful murals appeared on the surrounding cave walls. From the analysis of the painters, these painters were very unprofessional. The lines were rough and shallow, Chu Xiang was somewhat surprised: "Is it the primitive indigenous people in the rainforest?"

Song Jun nodded: "It's very much like ordinary humans don't paint these murals, and the paint used is just some special tree sap. It doesn't smell like paint or ink. It doesn't look like it is done by modern society."

The further you go, the heavier the smoke from burning wood sticks in the air, those smoke. It should be with the terrain of the tunnel floating to the entrance of the cave, someone must have set fire in the depth of the cave, and the tunnel is getting wider and wider. There are more and more weird things appearing on both sides. The first one is a pile of dead bones. Song Jun was startled by a pile of finished glyphs. Chu Xiang observed: "It seems that the indigenous people haven't No, there are ghost symbols on it, presumably to warn humans who come in. "

Song Jun kicked his head apart, "Fuck, it hurt our four on duty. Evolutionists, still want to escape?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, no matter whether it is Hell or Yan Luodian below. We must find them out."

The two continued to move forward. Their eyes widened and they finally came to a stone room larger than the largest movie theater. Chu Xiang and Song Jun had sneaked in carefully. The two figures at the entrance to the stone room were not found. They, Chu Xiang, have observed the two figures. They are much shorter than normal humans, thin and black. The hair on their heads is strangely blocking the whole body, holding a two-meter-long pole in their hands. They are like two big ants. The grasshopper kept walking around the entrance of the cave, but the scope of the cave was too large. The strength of the two of them was not enough to detect the infiltration of Chu Xiang and Song Jun.

Entering into the magnificent large stone room, Chu Xiang and Song Jun took off the night vision device. They were stunned by the scene in front of them, and saw a faint yellow light on the top of the deep stone room, as if covered with a layer of gold and illuminated by light. In this layer of light, the scene in the stone room is clear at a glance. A bunch of bonfires are burning, a long charcoal is roasted on the fire, and a group of skinny indigenous people are walking around the fire. Because their feet are stepping on the same foot, they can sense a slight tremor on the ground, but a large group of people step on the drum without making a sound, this scene makes people look dull.

Chu Xiang and Song Jun will not be invisible, so they can only move forward a little bit under the cover of stones on the ground. Those stones are probably falling from the top of the stone room, and some of them emit a yellow light, like a light. With a small lamp, Song Jun scratched it with a knife and looked at it. It seems to be a layer of unknown minerals, which may be used to make night pearls and luminous cups.

"Huh ..." Suddenly a shout rang. Someone held their hands in front of the fire, and the indigenous people who were turning stopped, and they knelt down and bowed down to the shouting people. Since they were only one meter high, they looked like a group The child was very funny, but the next thing made people laugh, because the shouting man pulled a bone knife from the waist, which is a real knife made of animal bones. Something roasted on the pile, huh, huh, a pile of intestines fell into the fire, and the shape of the fire almost became coke!

Song Jun could not help but grabbed Chu Xiang's hand. Obviously, that was the sneak-evolved evolutionary. These indigenous people burned him in just a few minutes! Perhaps their target was four patrol members at that time, but they were forced to change their plans after being disturbed by Chu Xiang, Song Jun, and He Yaohui. However, they captured the food anyway, and returned to their hiding place to start grilling. I haven't seen this kind of scene before. Many bases have also experienced this kind of situation under the condition of unbearable muscle starvation, and even some perverts have roasted living people to satisfy them under the condition of sufficient food, but this kind of thing has not been for a long time. It happened again, so Song Jun couldn't control himself for a while.

Chu Xiang wrote two words "speed" on the ground with a bone knife, which reminded Song Jun to be patient for the time being, because their speed is not the opponent of these indigenous people, and the two quietly retreated to a more hidden place to dare. Speaking, Song Jun stroked his chest and said, "Too cruel, are they human or beasts?"

Chu Xiang said: "The Amazon cannibal tribe is not unusual, but these indigenous people do not know why the speed of movement has changed so fast. This is where we have a headache. Without destroying them, we will still be behind us and destroy it."

Song Jundao: "They have about a hundred people. Because the speed of action is too fast, we have only one chance. We must successfully kill all of them in one hit, otherwise we will not be able to chase one after another."

Chu Xiang thought for a moment: "From the distance and direction of the tunnel we just walked, where are we now?"

Song Jun closed his eyes and thought for a moment: "Maybe we have already reached the vicinity of that big lake. After all, we were walking straight after all, but when we were chasing, we took a lot of detours, but now it is at least 500 meters deep from the ground, right? . "

This is similar to Chu Xiang's estimation. He nodded and said, "Should be, let's take a look at the surrounding terrain to see if there are other exits." The walls around the big stone room are all frescoes, with simple lines and meanings. These are the scenes of the hunting life of the indigenous people. Along the stone wall, more than half a circle of Chu Xiang and Song Jun were attracted by a mural. It was a group of indigenous people greeting the image of the **** from the sky, but the thick black charcoal. But it showed a few living Terminators.

The next painting made the two understand that the original indigenous people were not originally small, because the lines representing the indigenous people in the two paintings showed that the lines in the second painting were very short, and there was even a picture. The significance of this proves this. The indigenous people were taken to a space without windows, and then remodeled in a bed. The next painting is a very grand hunting scene, which represents the prey lines. The ground is, presumably the transformed indigenous people have greatly enhanced their survivability, so in the last painting they worshiped the Terminator the same day as God.

In addition to discovering the secrets of the indigenous people, a few rivers were found during the inspection. The water leaked from the cracks and then flowed into the center of the stone room with the topography. There is a large black water pool, but the water surface It is very stable, it seems that I will always be dissatisfied. There should be a drainage outlet below. In addition to a few rivers, a few small vents have been found, and cold air is poured into it along the narrow stone gaps. He died of hypoxia.

"It seems that the strength of both of us may not be able to restrain them at the same time," Chu Xiang said.

Song Jundao: "From our inspections, there is only one exit. Can they escape if we close the exit? What will be faster then? Maybe we can blast the rocks at the top to lead the lake Come down. "

Chu Xiang said: "Since this group of people dare to live underground, there is no way to escape, the Terminator will not only give them the same speed skills, and there are too many of them. If they fail, they will likely be hit by them Counterattack. "

Song Jundao: "Also, too risky, otherwise we just secretly evacuated? When we finish the task and come back to deal with them, they can't run anyway."

At this time, the grand banquet began. The indigenous people who presided over the party shouted. The indigenous people who bowed down below frantically surrounded the fire. The fire was burning, and the newly cut off organs were still in full bloom. , But they set aside their hands, tearing human flesh from the fire, picking up the internal organs that fell from the fire and sending it to their mouths. According to this temperature calculation, even the mouth and stomach of the evolutionist can't bear it, but they Nothing happened.

Song Jun said in surprise: "They really are not ordinary!"

Chu Xiang watched the madness of this group of indigenous people and said, "They must be killed, or someone will die. They are no longer human, but mutated creatures. They are nails placed by the Terminator in the rainforest. They may also eat human flesh. The instructions imposed in their consciousness were to keep them in the rainforest and destroy those enemies who entered. "

Chu Xiang looked at Song Jun from his head and said, "Let's go out."

Soon the two returned to the cave along the original road, Chu Xiang said: "You go back immediately and bring Li Niu over. I think only he can help. I need to create an earthquake in a local area. Be careful to avoid those The attacking trees must be concealed. "

Song Jun knew that Chu Xiang had come up with an idea. He immediately withdrew from the river to the valley. He Yaohui and the two rushed back to the camp. It didn't take long for Li Niu to come to the small cliff with the two. Underneath the structure, Li Niu patted his chest and said, "Xiaoxiangzi, rest assured, I promise to complete the task, but it will take a process to let the cave wall fall as fast as possible, but their speed is really great, I'm afraid there is something in the middle What went wrong. "

Chu Xiang said: "Er Niu, rest assured, I will stop them inside and never let them escape."

Li Niu was startled: "What? This won't work. If Xiao He knows I'll leave you in there, I still have to live. By then, the earth's crust will break and the lake must be flooded."

Chu Xiang said: "Are you afraid of hurting me?"

Li Niu thought about it and felt that he was too worried. Chu Chu's strength is not a big deal even if the stratum is broken and the lake is flooded. He will control the water for a while. If he is injured by these two things, it is not an evolutionary. "Okay, but you still have to be careful, in case of an accident I regret it too late."

Li Niu was afraid of being scolded by Chu He. This made Chu Xiang very helpless. Her sister refused to agree with Li Niu's feelings until now, but she felt reluctant to give up her. After all, Li Niu was quite reliable. There are no other shortcomings except for a little bit of emotion in life and life.

Song Jun asked Chu Xiang: "Should I convener another line of defense outside?"

Chu Xiang shook his head: "No, if there are really leftovers, you should not fight hard with them. It is important to save your strength. I try to stop them all."

Song Jun and He Yaohui retired to the periphery. When they went back to take Li Niu, Stephen and John already had a general understanding of the situation, and they were worried that they would have aboriginal indigenous people. It would be better if Chu Xiang could destroy them in large numbers. One or two escapes are difficult to storm.

Chu Xiang and Li Niu first matched the watch. The two had to make sure to start at the same time. Chu Xiang was going to go inside the cave, while Li Niu was staying outside the cave, so it ’s important to be accurate in time. Big.

When Chu Xiang returned to the entrance of the stone room, the two indigenous people on duty even joined the crazy predatory activity. The stone room that was still silent just now is a hustle and bustle, the murmur of the local language sounded from time to time, Chu Xiang secretly controlled a Large group of water, this time is up, a loud crackling sound, and then a cracking sound of clicking, the yellow light above the head immediately dimmed, the sound of the roaring water pouring down from the head!

The group of indigenous people who were eating roast meat responded very quickly. It was too soon for Chu Xiang to see their figures, but Chu Xiang didn't need to see it at the same time. He had already attacked the crust at the same time as Li Niu. Squeeze the water mass under control at the entrance of the cave, and use the quick-freezing ice cell in an instant. Even if the group of indigenous people can drill holes, it is impossible to drill through in a few seconds.

The huge stone chamber roof collapsed, and the lake water became more and more irrigated along the cracked gap. Chu Xiang burst into an immense amount of energy and quickly launched a quick freezing attack into the cave. Those short indigenous people would be killed if they were not killed. Frozen together, they can freeze for a period of time even if they are not frozen, so that Chu Xiang can leave with the team safely, otherwise who knows whether the indigenous people will eat the roaster and catch other evolutionaries.

Boom, boom, boom, huge sounds hit Chu Xiang's ears. If not, Chu Xiang could hardly hear the pause in the middle, it was the indigenous people trapped in the cave that hit the frozen cave entrance. The speed is very fast. Every time an impact occurs, a deep ice hole appears. The ice cubes under Chu Xiangbu are estimated to block for a few seconds.

Wow, the biggest rock collapsed, and it fell with a lot of lake water, and the huge rock that fell just hit the water pool in the middle of the stone room, listening to the sound of grunts, the deep water pool went down to the ground quickly Although a lot of lake water was leaking above, but the water pond became a bottomless pit, and as much water as it came in, it leaked as much as possible, but this scene happened in a moment, as the force supporting the stone chamber collapsed under the huge pressure of the lake, the entire stone chamber Rushing together.

The rapid fracture and collapse affected the entire tunnel. Chu Xiang ran quickly after sending the last wave of quick-freezing, but it was too late. The rock over his head pressed down to him. Chu Xiang could only urge the grounding skills, quickly at his feet. Drilling holes, but the entire stratum is undergoing huge changes. Chu Xiang is drilling and slumping, and even the rocks on both sides are constantly squeezing him. The situation is very critical.

嗖 ~ ~ 嗖, Chu Xiang heard the sound of rapid movement of objects, Chu Xiang turned back in a hurry, this look startled him, it turned out that two small indigenous people were following his **** I also don't know how they escaped from the quick freezing that blocked the entrance of the cave, and the quick freezing power they launched was also hidden by them.

As Chu Xiang quickly drilled the hole, he fired a ball of flame backwards. The two small indigenous people made a wow, but their speed was not diminished. They rushed towards the flame, Chu Xiang turned back and looked at their heads. The long hair and body hair had been burned out, and the image looked ugly and ridiculous.

Chu Xiang condensed two projectiles between his fingers, and then bombarded the two indigenous peoples behind him. Although the two indigenous peoples were fast, they were in parallel. They were close to Chu Xiang and could not be closer. Two The projectile just arrived in an instant. Even if there was a place to hide, the whole tunnel was crowded, how could the two turned away. At this time, a strange scene happened. The bodies of the two indigenous people seemed to be A wave of liquid broke down and clung to the tunnel wall quickly, and two projectiles shot through the space they had left.

Chu Xiang was very annoyed. The two attacks failed to let him know that these indigenous people were really not easy. Moreover, Chu Xiang knew that the two indigenous people did not use the full speed. They did not follow because they could not be like Chu Xiang. The drilling hole, they are using Chu Xiang to escape the ground.

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