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Chapter 557: Deep into the tiger's hole

The people who got into the body by mosquitoes yelled in pain, their hands were scratching their bodies constantly, because the force was too strong, and some skin was torn off by the whole piece, but this did not seem to solve the discomfort of the body. The evolving one hit the tree with a painful head. The tree was not very strong and was knocked down. Some evolvers used the spear of judgment to insert into their nostrils. Perhaps the pain can make them relieve their itchiness. .

"Open the armor!" Chu Xiang shouted. These evolutionists courageously exposed their hands, feet, and head to the outside. This is just for the mosquito to enter, but even if the organs such as the eyes and nostrils of the armor are opened, they must be left outside. These mosquitoes still have the opportunity, and their attack is really overbearing.

Huh, Fang Yuxuan and Chen Kai launched a fire attack. Large mosquitoes were burned and their wings fell to the ground. Chu Xiang also used the fire skills. Large mosquitoes were shot down. Unfortunately, the flame's fuel was swallowed by the monster. Otherwise, There are a few more fire attack points, and now the protection of the three people is a little weak.

Alas, Chu Xiang sprinkled a bunch of plant seeds, and then infused a lot of energy. The plants grew instantly. The long branches were not to attack the mosquitoes, but to surround human beings, and then like a tent. Those The mosquitoes were trapped outside, and the situation finally stabilized. The mosquitoes who slipped into the plant tent were also disappeared, but the injured evolutionary was in pain. If no one stopped them, they could scratch their flesh. .

Chu Xiang lifted up the small indigenous people, "Say, what should I do? It's time for you to play a role, or else you will be thrown into the crocodile pile as waste!" There are more than a dozen evolutionaries who were penetrated by mosquitoes. If they all sacrifice, the loss will be great, and this mosquito-dwarf indigenous guide cannot fail to understand, maybe he can deal with it.

Chu Xiang was terrified by his fierce tone. Little indigenous man, he really said: "Don't be angry, these mosquitoes are not a big deal. You go out looking for a plant that smells like flowers. It is about two meters tall and likes to grow under a shaded tree. Flowers smell rotten. We used it to drive away mosquitoes. Burning flowers into water can also relieve the strange itching poison in the body. "

Chu Xiang said nothing and separated a gap. After the tree tent, the mosquito bite at his body immediately. Chu Xiang ignored it at all. When the mosquito bite more, his body burst into a layer of fire. The mosquitoes fluttered immediately. Falling to the ground, and twisting my nose, I even threw out the mosquito corpses, and two of them could be pulled out with my ears, which shows how abominable these guys are.

Chu Xiang flew low in the woods. He quickly searched the jungle, especially looking under the tree, but he still couldn't find the flower with the smell of carrion. Did the indigenous people lie to themselves? There is a piece of water in front of it. It seems that the water level is not shallow. Chu Xiang rushed in and was immediately attacked by a group of flying piranhas. Chu Xiang waved the bone knife from side to side to drive them back. Watch the water carefully, and a crocodile showed his head from time to time. It seems that this piece of water is really dangerous, but Chu Xiang is flying at a low altitude. The danger in the water does not affect him much. After entering the woods, Chu Xiang finally smells the description of the indigenous people. Although it is unpleasant, but for Chu Xiang But it is extremely happy, because it means that the injured evolutionary has been rescued, and it can also disperse the mosquitoes, otherwise their number will increase or decrease, and it will be too troublesome to deal with it.

This carrion-like flower grows in the water, or it may be two. The genius was submerged in the water, and Chu Xiang was too lazy to explore. He reached out and folded dozens of flowers and flew back quickly. He heard those before he entered the tree tent. The moan from the tickling evolutionist grabbed the marching pot and immediately raised a flame below it. The pot was filled with water with water control skills, and the flowers were all thrown into the pot. The water boiled in a moment. A stinking, nasty smell spread around.

The mosquito smelled this smell not like a fly stinging to stinky meat, but like a spray. They were sprayed with a fly killer, they fled, and they slowly smoked from the air due to the smell, showing how poisonous the smell is Even the evolutionists ca n’t stand it. Some cover their noses, and some simply put on a wet cloth to make simple gas masks. Others do n’t lose their equipment and put on gas masks directly. This is a biochemical attack. The dense rotten bodies in the big cities gave off a strong smell.

"This ... how can this be drinkable?" Someone asked doubtfully that the mosquitoes were being smoked away, but then it was difficult to treat the injured evolutionary. The smell was already terrible and unacceptable. Who would drink it in the stomach? Know what will happen.

Chu Xiang said: "You can't tie people together and force them!"

The evolvers who got into the body by the mosquitoes can't stand itching at this moment. Everyone is wronged in order to save people. Each person's nostrils are covered with a piece of cloth to block the smell, and then the injured evolver is forced to inject medicine. After filling a bowl, they will vomit and vomit, and the intestines will almost vomit, but the effect really happened. It did n’t take long before the itching disappeared. After an hour of tossing, the injured evolver finally rescued all. Relieved.

Chu Xiang raised the cage of the indigenous people and asked him, "What dangers will come before you? Tell me quickly. If this emergency happens again, then your life is over. I won't give you a second chance. . "

Aboriginal Road: "Mosquitoes do not appear frequently, and we are not sure when we can meet in the rainforest. If we encounter them, we will either drill the ground or the water. When we get into the body, we can only use this smelly flower to burn water. Drink, I do n’t really know the rest. The mystery of the rainforest, I believe you know more than me. Many things ca n’t be prevented in advance. ”

Chu Xiang snorted coldly: "Really? As you said, even if there is danger ahead and you are without you, your value has been lost, and I still support you for nothing, it is better to chop and feed the tree frogs so that they They can take us on their way "

Song Jun took the Guan Aboriginal cage without saying a word, and threw it aside and prepared to throw it into the water pond. There is usually a place where crocodile gathers. Even if there is no crocodile aboriginal, it is not that the fish will breathe underwater. dead.

"Don't! Don't! I said, I told you all the dangers of the rainforest!" The indigenous people were terrified. The original surrender to humanity was for life. If it was thrown into the water pond at this time, wouldn't it be worth it?

With the awakening of the indigenous people, the next march was much smoother. After a few days, most of the journey has been completed, and one and a half days will be able to reach the Terminator base. Chu Xiang can see the base clearly in the air. There are even a large number of Terminator activities in the facility, but by this time the indigenous experience had no effect, because the rainforest near the base was transformed by Terminator beyond recognition, and there were aggression plants everywhere.

After camping in the evening, everyone gathered together to study the plan. It was no longer possible to cook a meal here. Even if the Terminator had known this unit, it must not be too obvious to expose the target. "The road ahead can no longer be continued." This is Stephen's worrying truth, and today two sacrifices were sacrificed, both of them killed in the hands of plants.

Song Jundao: "From the conventional calculation of nuclear bombs has entered the effective range, but we are not sure how strong the terminator's building is, so we cannot consider it based on common sense. It is better to drop the nuclear bombs at the center of the base, or even the energy reactor."

Chu Xiang said: "However, the cost of moving forward is too high. It is better to set up a headquarters and then find a way to deliver the nuclear bomb to the destination. Besides, we need time to retreat after the nuclear bomb is activated. Too much forward is not conducive to retreat. . "

John said: "In fact, everyone knows that this time is a dead or alive task. As long as the base can be destroyed, it will be completed even if it is known to die. Captain Chu does not have to think too much, everything is to complete the task."

Stephen said: "John, don't be too stubborn. If you can complete the task alive, why should you die? As long as the base is blown up, you don't have to die."

Chu Xiang said: "Well, can you die or not? After all, there is still a lot of work waiting for you to return to your country to do. Anyway, ordinary evolutionists will also drag us down. It ’s better to send a small force to deliver a nuclear bomb. Success is desperate. "

There is no longer any objection to Chu Xiang's proposal. Stephen and John have also joined the team. They will consider repeatedly leaving Zhang Jingyao's daughters. They will be responsible for the security of the camp. They will retreat after receiving the signal. In the plan, it is best to destroy the terminator's transmission shield first, so that everyone can safely withdraw. If not, how far can the half-hour retreat time be?

Taking advantage of the night cover of Chu Xiang and others on the road, everyone was carrying a piece of equipment, a total of three nuclear bombs, as long as one can successfully detonate, as long as the drop location is correct, this base can be blown up, responsible for the assembly and startup of nuclear bombs They are two American engineers. They are not evolutionaries. They finally survived under the protection of everyone. Now it is time for them to play their role. Song Jun and He Yaohui are carrying one together.

Without the drag of the ordinary evolutionaries, the squadron ran through the jungle quickly, and encountered several waves of attacks from the plants in the middle, but they were repelled by Chu Xiang, and they encountered several rivers that were blocked by Chu Xiang's on-site bridge construction. The team quickly went straight to the Terminator base, and finally came to the base of the base in bright sky, and then walked forward to a bare area of ​​water. This is not like a river that was encountered before, a large area of ​​water is like an endless lake, and the Terminator's base Right in the middle of the lake, there is a piece of land above the water, and the dangerous terminator in the water makes the last barrier.

"How can this be?" Stephen whispered on the grass.

John frowned, too. "Here we can't hide from the wide-open sight here, as long as we show our heads."

Hum, the sound of a motor came from the water, and a round gourd-like boat drove out from the back of the Terminator base. It slowly drove along the water surface. Chu Xiangan settled down to observe for half an hour, and then it again Once over, it seems this is a patrol ship. "This ship can be used," Chu Xiang said quietly, and John said, "let me test it."

Chu Xiang stopped John and said, "No, let me come. You ca n’t do it. If I was found by the Terminator, you can detonate the nuclear bomb on the spot! You can blow up as much as you want! You must not go back empty-handed, and tell the command to withdraw Come on, you can't wait. "

Song Jundao: "Then we should assemble a nuclear bomb now, otherwise, we will have too little time."

Chu Xiang nodded: "Either way, assembly is easier to transport, you step back and find a place that is concealed."

Slouching, Chu Xiang slipped into the water quietly. At this time, the patrol boat turned into the back of the base. It took half an hour to return. This time was exactly the time to assemble a nuclear bomb. Chu Xiang found out that the water is very special, and the buoyancy is abnormally large. If he did not control the water to force the body to sink into the water, it is estimated that it would be ejected by strong buoyancy. The visibility under the water is very low, but the depth is Extremely high, Chu Xiang tried to sink for dozens of meters without going to the end.

Slowly swimming forward, soon Chu Xiang came to the middle of the shore and the Terminator Base, where the water temperature was extremely low, Chu Xiang even had teeth fighting under the armor and super strong body resistance. If it was an evolution like Stephen It is estimated that the person will be frozen. It is really strange that the water should freeze early at this temperature. Isn't this water at all? Terminators like high temperatures, and they even create a strangely cold water. What's the reason?

Chu Xiang did not find the reason after exploring it, but this is not important. If you move forward, you will find foreign objects in the water. You need to take a closer look to know that they are electronic fishes. They are probably alarms for the terminator in the water. Once Chu Xiang When they found it, they were in trouble. Chu Xiang hurried back, then lurked in the water waiting for the next round of patrol boat.

Time flies, Chu Xiang freezes a little and can't hold it. Finally, the gourd-like patrol boat returns. Chu Xiang secretly prays that the material of this ship is not unique to the Terminator. Otherwise, he does n’t know how to enter the ship. When When the ship sailed from overhead, Chu Xiang followed the ship quietly and followed it. After a touch, he was relieved that it was steel and could be controlled by Chu Xiang.

Launching the metal control skill opened a secret door. Chu Xiang entered the ship. The cabin was not large. There were two Terminators and two robots in it. They were responsible for observing the movements on the monitoring screen and receiving signals from the electronic fish. It looked like everything. Both were normal, the two Terminators closed their eyes and gazed, while the two robots stared at the screen motionless.

Chu Xiang took out the m500 runner king and banged two shots at the Terminator. At the same time, he launched the ability to control the metal. The two robots instantly squeezed into two patties, because the power inside the patrol ship was quickly eliminated, Chu Xiang became familiar with the boat's driving, and then sailed to the shore.

Song Jun got out of the grass and made a few gestures in the direction of the ship. Chu Xiang opened the cabin, and the group slipped in with a nuclear bomb that had not been completely assembled. "So fast?" Stephen said excitedly: "Neither of us Knowing when you entered the cabin, it looks like we have great hopes for success. "

Chu Xiang said: "I don't know if we can fool other patrol ships, everyone must be prepared for battle."

The patrol ship just approached the base along the normal route, and suddenly a sharp alarm sounded. A large number of flying robots took off from the base. Their direction was exactly where Zhang Jingyao and others retreated! Chu Xiang's face changed, and Song Jun said, "No! We've done it! Probably the Terminators have been paying attention to our whereabouts. They found that the troops were going to retreat, so they acted."

He Yaohui said: "I go back to help! Never let Jing Yao hurt them!"

Chu Xiang said: "It's too late, if we go back to send nuclear bombs! Besides, their strength is not so bad."

John also said, "Yes, when we came, we were determined to die. Now is the time. The Terminator did not notice that we hijacked the patrol ship. This is the best time to sneak into their base. The left-behind troops just happened to be scattered. The power of Terminator's attention is God's providence. "

In fact, Chu Xiang is more anxious than anyone's heart, but at this time can not be emotional, let alone Zhang Jingyao, even if they are not capable of annihilating the enemy, it should not be a problem to protect themselves. John is right, this is the most distracting Terminator's attention The best way to cause this situation unintentionally is really God.

Due to the Terminator's power to chase the escaped human troops, the situation of the base was chaotic. The patrol ship unexpectedly parked in the berth. Everyone turned on the armor. From the outside, it was not much different from the normal Terminator. The three successfully assembled nuclear bombs were a bit annoying. Although they were covered by a layer of canvas, other Terminators continued to look at it, but Chu Xiang couldn't control so much. The two carried one towards the base building.

A large number of Terminators ran out of the base. There were rows of flying robots parked in the square in front of the door. It seemed that the Terminator was determined to intercept the escaped human troops. For the few who entered the base calmly, The "Terminator" they paid no attention to it. After entering the gate, Chu Xiang made a gesture, and the three nuclear bombs moved in separate directions.

Chu Xiang and Stephen, Song Jun and John, He Yaohui and several other evolvers, Chu Xiang went to the nuclear reactor, Song Jun and John went to the command room, and He Yaohui's team went to the weapon Ku, through dealings with the Terminator in the past two years, Chu Xiang and others have learned a little bit about the layout of the Terminator base. In addition, there are hints on the wall. Although not fully understood, some graphics are still easy to recognize.

The place where Chu Xiang and Stephen are going is the farthest and deepest ~ ~ So when Song Jun and He Yaohui sent him a signal for the two, they were still walking through the dark staircase, Chu Xiang picked up Nuclear ballistics: "You go ahead, I will do it myself."

Stephen didn't bother to argue, he walked forward as soon as the cat waist, and encountered a few hurrying Terminators on the road, they murmured a few words, and Chu Xiang couldn't understand, uh huh huh Just go ahead, and the Terminators can't see the flaws and ignore them. This is also due to the sudden withdrawal of the external troops to the Terminator's surprise. Otherwise, the base's alert will be loose.

For the Terminator's reactor Chu Xiang, this was not the first contact, so the two quickly rushed to the site to place a nuclear bomb, and contacted Song Jun and He Yaohui, and the three parties opened the detonation device together.

"Go!" Chu Xiang waved his hand, and Stephen's excited footsteps were a little hesitant. It was too simple, and it was almost effortless.

Chu Xiang walked in the end. The two just got out of the reactor, and suddenly made a strange noise behind them, then a sharp knife light chopped off Chu Xiang's head! Stephen, who was walking in front, did not escape, and a bullet rain hit him. This is not to be counted. The reactor sounded an alarm. Chu Xiang watched with his spare light when he was busy. Off!

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