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Chapter 558: Failed task

Om, the two spears of trials collided to give off a dazzling flash, Chu Xiang's stabbing arm almost lost control, and the other side was uncomfortable. He was shocked by Chu Xiang's trial spear! The body knocked down several support columns one after another, and finally stopped on the reactor shell, and the thick shell was hit by a deep dent.

After all, Stephen still had some skills. He closed his eyes and shook his head into his arms, and the bullet hit his body with a crisp sound. After the wave of bullets struck, Stephen stepped back and then responded with a bang. The door of the room was closed, the robot outside was blocked, and Stephen blasted the control part of the door with a few more shots. Unless the door was broken in, the outside robot would not be able to enter, but it was not happy because there were other Evolutionary.

Chu Xiangzhen flew one, but his injury was not serious. He quickly got up from the ground, and the terminator who cut off the detonation device also rushed up. The two joined forces to surround Chu Xiang. They were guards guarding the reactor, but they were usually Only hiding in the dark, Chu Xiang and Stephen were too hurried to realize it.

Alas, Chu Xiang's trial spear cut at the Terminator, and the two Terminators did not dodge. Both attacked Chu Xiang from the left and right simultaneously. Chu Xiang struggled to be injured by them. He did not flinch. One blade cut off the head of one Terminator, while the other blade of the Terminator cut on his back, Chu Xiang's internal organs shook, and a spit of blood spurted out.

Stephen was entangled by another Terminator, heard Chu Xiang spit blood, he yelled: "Captain Chu! Be careful! I lead away these two Terminators, you repair the detonation device, fight with them ! "

Stephen's strength against both. It is very difficult to deal with the two Terminators. He must be cut into eighteen paragraphs, so Chu Xiang did not dare to let his attack on himself leave. He fought to kill one. It's easier to deal with the remaining one now, but unfortunately it's too late to pull out a gun, otherwise these Terminators will not be opponents at all.

When the two spears of judgment collided in the air, although Chu Xiang was injured internally, he recovered at a fast speed, so the confrontation ended with the terminator Zhenfei, and then Chu Xiang rushed forward and cut it off with a knife. In the head, while no enemy was chasing Chu Xiang, he took out the revolver and banged two shots to kill the Terminator who attacked Stephen. At this time, Stephen had suffered many injuries. Chu Xiang was afraid of Stephen a few seconds later. Just hung up.

However, Stephen did not appreciate Chu Xiang. His eyes are red, and it is not important for people to see life at this time. Although Americans like Stephen take their own lives as the most important thing, getting along from day to night makes him from Chu Xiang and others I learned the overall situation and collective interests, "Asshole! Don't worry about me, go and fix the detonation device!"

Bang, a loud noise, and the heavy door was opened by the robot outside. Stefan rushed to the robot with the spear of judgment. Chu Xiang knew that there must be no delay. If the detonation device was not repaired in time, the mission would fail completely. The sacrifice of the previous evolutionary was also sacrificed in vain. Chu Xiang threw the spear of judgment in his hands, and two robots were pierced by the spear of judgment. The short-circuited sparks burst out and Chu Xiang turned. Look at the detonation device of the nuclear bomb.

The two engineers did not follow up. They were responsible for assembly and detonation. At the end of this step, the time can be counted with the click of a button. Before that, they had set up this procedure. In order to distinguish the strength of Chu Xiang and others, So they stayed on the patrol boat. Chu Xiang grabbed the detonation device, and looking at the roots inside, his head was going to be big. This was not something he could understand at all, even if there were drawings, it was too late to read.

Alas, the communicator on Chu Xiang's wrist rang quickly, Chu Xiang pressed to answer, and there was a messy fighting voice, "Chu team, we were in an ambush! Now we can't go, what's going on your side? Can you come and meet us! "

Chu Xiang has n’t returned yet. Fu He Yaohui ’s request and Song Jun ’s communication request also came in. “Chu Xiang, Terminator ’s defense is not as weak as he thought. John and I were trapped, and they immediately Want to come in, what's the situation with you? "Song Jun's voice trembled a little, which is a very unusual thing.

Chu Xiang said: "I also encountered difficulties here, the detonation device was damaged, who knows you?"

The messenger first appeared in the communicator, then there was a silence, and finally He Yaohui said: "The nuclear bombs on my side have also stopped timing. It seems that we are still overly optimistic about the strength of the Terminator. Evacuation eased internal surveillance. Maybe someone stared at us and waited. "

Stephen also heard the conversation in Chu Xiangtong ’s communication. He yelled, “Do n’t talk so much nonsense, anyway, let ’s fight!” Then Stephen picked up a robot and rolled it on the spot. Under his head, the robot slammed a short circuit and exploded. Stephen was hit by several pieces of iron, and a sudden blood stain appeared on his face.

Chu Xiang said to the communicator: "Do your best!" Then he growled and uttered an ultrasonic wave. The dozen or so robots that had just rushed in were immediately shattered into fragments. The explosion blasted the sturdy door for a while, and the path was more spacious. More robots rushed in, but the Terminator was not seen. They were waiting for the energy of these evolutionaries to be exhausted. At that time, they would succeed in one shot. Zombies and robots are nothing but cannon fodder. How many can be made? How many.

Chu Xiang opened his way in the front, he waved the spear of judgment, and all the robots approached were broken into several sections. Stephen followed, and if there were no dead robots, he would strike again, and the two quickly rushed up a few floors. Lou, after the two attracted a large number of troops, the siege of He Yaohui was lifted out. He came out of the other channel. After the two forces gathered, he quickly found Song Jun. Under the cover of other evolutionaries, Chu Xiang had a few simple discussions. A bit of planning.

"At present, we can no longer use the detonation device we brought. All three have been destroyed, and the nuclear bomb has been revised. So without the detonation device, we cannot start it at all. The mission will fail, even if our lives are sacrificed. It's no use, "John was wounded, half of his body was already red with blood, and his pale face was despairing.

Stephen yelled, "Fart! John, where is your confidence that you must die before! We go back to find the detonator, no, it is too late to go back to get the detonator. We found the two engineers and let them solve this problem. Before, they took special care of us everywhere, and now it's their time to give. "

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, I think so too. Now we all know nothing about nuclear bombs, so we still need to understand people and see if they can do anything." John said: "Since what are you waiting for, then go."

The robots were beaten by Chu Xiang, and their strength was not weak, but they were a long way from Chu Xiang, and soon returned to the patrol ship. Fortunately, the rebel ship was not detected, so the two engineers were safe and sound. Hiding inside, Chu Xiang covered the others before getting on the ship, and he blocked all the robot attacks.

Not much time, Song Jun came out of the cabin, "Chu Xiang, engineers can't help it!"

Stephen was also angry, and he cursed, "Shot! Two wastes."

Chu Xiang kicked the patrol boat, then jumped onto the boat, the patrol boat flew out, Chu Xiang drilled into the cabin, and the two engineers were held by He Yaohui, "said, you two say quickly, you must give me a thought Find a way! "

Under the intimidation of He Yaohui, the trousers scared by the two engineers were pissed. "There is only a manual detonation without a detonation device. There is no countdown setting for manual detonation. It will be explosive at the touch of a touch. In that case, everyone is finished!"

Stephen scolded again: "Shot, you two wastes, can't you use three bad repairs to repair one?"

Chu Xiang said, "Stephen, don't scold them. Even if we can repair it, we don't have a chance now. There are too many robots. Besides, there are no Terminators. We also have to rescue the retreating troops. I have an idea. You guys Leaving on this patrol boat, I left to detonate the nuclear bomb, remembering to leave here as soon as possible. "

Stephen said: "How can this work, even a superman can't resist when it is touched! This is a nuclear bomb, not a bomb!"

Song Jun and He Yaohui also raised objections: "Chu Xiang, let us do this work, you will immediately rescue the retreating army, the Resistance Army needs you, and we are willing to make sacrifices to complete the task!"

Chu Xiang said: "No, you do n’t have to worry about it. You may still fail. Although I have not tried against nuclear bombs, it is always higher than your ability. The chance of escape is naturally greater. Fuck me, don't you know what one and two should choose? "

He Yaohui said loudly: "But one is more than two! You are more important than us!"

Chu Xiang waved his hand: "Don't say any more, just do what I say." After saying that Chu Xiang grabbed an engineer, the engineer said in horror: "You, what are you doing? Let me go."

Chu Xiang said: "Of course I asked you to help, otherwise how do I know how to detonate."

The engineer cried, "You're crazy, let me go with you? I won't even find the meat foam!"

Chu Xiang said: "For the liberation of mankind, you sacrifice once."

The engineer quickly shook his head and said, "I can't die. I have older and younger children. Please let me go. It's actually very simple. Just open the nuclear warhead, there is a white wire and a black wire. The short circuit can be started. It is a reserved backup device used to prevent nuclear bombs from failing, but because the design cannot solve several problems, this method of detonation is immediately triggered and there is no room for turning back. "

Chu Xiang found out how to throw the engineer down. Time is running out. The robots outside have already attacked the patrol boat. Chu Xiang jumped off the boat to control the metal and issued the water control skills. He carried his whole body strength to his arm. Then lifted the adorable patrol boat out of the water and threw it out, and the patrol boat flew up to the sky. The robots looked at the water boat into a spaceship, then disappeared from sight.

Chu Xiang sent Song Jun and others to return to the base with peace of mind. At this time, the Terminator began to dispatch. On the road, Chu Xiang encountered several Terminator troops. The number of acetate bombs on his body was not large, and time was tight. Xiang Tong skipped everything, but the Terminator refused to let him go, and followed closely behind him.

Chu Xiang first went to the nuclear bomb installed by He Yaohui. Fortunately, the outside was messed up. The Terminator did not have time to deal with the nuclear bomb after destroying the detonation device. Chu Xiang successfully found it, and the detonation part was all second. Failure, the wires inside were messy, Chu Xiang pulled it open, and quickly opened the warhead of the nuclear bomb, and there really was a black and white wire in the middle. Chu Xiang peeled off the insulation of the two wires with a bone, as long as a short circuit occurred. It would explode, at which time he hesitated.

How powerful is the nuclear bomb? Chu Xiang has no experience and has n’t tried it with his body, especially how much damage this zero-range explosion will cause. No one can tell from his own experience, although Chu Xiang ’s body has evolved. To be very powerful, but compared with the destruction of earth-class weapons, Chu Xiang was not sure.

Huh, the Terminator finally rushed over. They did n’t know what Chu Xiang wanted to do, but Chu Xiang tinkered with a nuclear bomb. If the gadget exploded, it would definitely be a disaster for their base, so the Terminator launched a crazy attack. They slammed Xiang Chuxiang desperately.

As long as Chu Xiang ’s **** were touched together, the whole world would be quiet, but would Chu Xiang be willing to be killed together like this? Even if it did n’t die, Chu Xiang would n’t want to create a disability, although Chu Xiang knew that he could not hesitate at this time. He should dedicate himself heroically to the liberation of mankind, but the instinct of human survival told Chu Xiang that he didn't need to do that. He wanted to find a safe way to detonate the nuclear bomb and protect himself.

This nuclear bomb is a US cargo. Although it is a miniature warhead, the equivalent should not be low. If you analyze it from the equivalent and convert it to the value of energy attack, Chu Xiang feels that he still has the confidence to take it, but there is too much in the middle of the nuclear bomb explosion. There are many factors of instability, so Chu Xiang must be careful. He decided to use five-color liquids and deformation and water control skills to create a time delay trigger device, but before that he must eliminate these terminator.

The matter of Chu Xiang dropping the nuclear bomb joined the Terminator. At the beginning, he still had the upper hand. The Terminator was seriously injured. However, as more Terminators joined the battle group, Chu Xiang suddenly regretted that he had not detonated the nuclear bomb, and now He has been dragged by the Terminator and has no time to take care of the nuclear bomb. He even has to watch two Terminators carry the nuclear bomb away. How to deal with the nuclear bomb is probably a troublesome thing for the Terminator, so they only I plan to move out of the scene first.

Seeing that the detonation of this nuclear bomb was hopeless, Chu Xiang didn't dare to delay and rush to the lower part of the base immediately. He also placed obstacles along the way to the Terminator. Chu Xiang decided to detonate the nuclear bomb dropped by the Song Army. The mistake of the previous nuclear bomb gave him a Lesson, this time he will not hesitate.

Soon Chu Xiang came to Song Jun's place for the nuclear bomb. He blocked the passage with f virus. Now the Terminator was constantly opening those roadblocks. Chu Xiang quickly peeled off the two wires and then used f virus to do it. With two long artificial hands, one hand held a thread, and the artificial hand extended deeper into the ground.

Chu Xiang wanted the earth's crust to block most of the explosive power for him, but Chu Xiang still ignored the strength of the Terminator. When he hid in the ground and squeezed the two threads, he did not wait to explode. It was like a punch. The empty space made Chu Xiang's heart depressed. He drilled out of the hole to understand. It turned out that there had been micro-robots breaking through the gap. They cut off the two wires in time and destroyed the whole line of the nuclear warhead. Now, Chu Xiang has only one chance left. He must find the nuclear bomb he planted, and he must detonate successfully, otherwise everything will be lost.

There are more and more Terminators coming along Chu Xiang's trail. I don't know if they have succeeded in hunting down Zhang Jingyao and others. The Terminator has transferred the main battlefield to the base. They are following Chu Xiang closely. In the footsteps of Chu Xiang, he went to the power room after drilling through several layers of facilities, and there were a bunch of terminators outside, and they could rush in soon.

Chu Xiang peeled off the insulation and the two yellow copper wires were exposed. At this time, a bang sounded and the terminator opened the door. They swarmed in and surrounded Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang smiled bitterly and hoped carefully. Do n’t get hurt. I did n’t expect to use this simple method of detonation in the end, let alone hesitate, it would be delayed for half a second, otherwise the last nuclear bomb could not detonate, and the entire mission failed.

Chu Xiang closed her eyes, and her whole body strength was called up. Two fingers touched together, humming. First, there was a tremor in the ear, and then the dazzling light pierced the eyes, and then the huge force squeezed over the body. Clothes and skin were lost layer by layer, and the hair on the body disappeared instantly. The whole person seemed to be training in hell. The pain during this period was short, but it was as long as a century for the sensitive sensitive evolution of Chu Xiang.

The energy on his body disappeared a little when confronted with the explosion ~ ~ Although Chu Xiang was suffering in pain, but it was still good, he knew that he had carried it, and the short few seconds was undoubtedly a life and death test. The Terminator around him was easily torn off like a piece of paper, and everything was disappearing quickly. The next few seconds were a chain reaction. The Terminator's reactor exploded, and half of the base rose up with the explosion.

Suddenly another white light flashed at this time, and Chu Xiang once again felt a strong impact, exactly the same as the nuclear bomb that had just exploded. Chu Xiang immediately understood that another nuclear bomb had exploded, but this nuclear bomb was not his detonation, but The explosion detonated it automatically. The damage to the nuclear bomb just now caused Chu Xiang to suffer serious energy loss, and Chu Xiang was not sure about blocking the attack again.

At the speed of the super-evolver, the explosion process can be decomposed into slow motion, so Chu Xiang clearly saw his flesh leaving, how painful and astounding the process can be imagined, but Chu Xiang is just I have time to think about it, because another flash followed, and another nuclear bomb also exploded. Either it did not explode, or three exploded together. This is okay. Chu Xiang clearly understood that he could not carry it. The next three blows, in fact, he had lost consciousness during the second nuclear explosion, but only a short time later, his remaining consciousness sensed the third wave of explosion, and also felt the pain of peeling off the whole body and bones. Losing consciousness completely under the tremendous squeezing force, maybe that is death?

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