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Chapter 559: Chu Xiang

[559] Chu Xiang

It was another cold and rainy day. Calculated from the solar terms, this is already the third day after the beginning of winter. Even if it is snowing, it is not unexpected, but since the sky is clear, the days of heavy snow are not common.

This is one of the numerous ruins. The destruction of the years has made tall buildings lose their color, and even many of them have collapsed and some have been attacked by fire. In short, in addition to desolation or desolation, if you say the atmosphere of activity, I am afraid I can only Refers to those who are alive and dead, that is, zombies, in fact, they can no longer be attributed to the category of people, but they still look like it.

There is no name for the lame leg, maybe there was before, but now he doesn't remember that he has lived on the edge of this ruin called Lyons for half a year. From the moment he has the memory, he doesn't know who he is, it may be a disaster. He forgot many things, but fortunately, the lame leg is still alive, but many people are already dead, so it is not important to remember who he is. The key is to keep himself alive.

Lanes is just a small and ordinary city in the United States. It is located on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean. The lame life here has almost doubled every inch of land that can go. Lanes has no food to maintain his life. He must find a place to live, otherwise he will starve to death.

Originally, most of the mutant creatures were also edible, but that was something that high-powered evolutionaries could do. The lame leg was an ugly eight-legged monster. He saw that the mutant creatures were too late to hide, so why dare to provoke them, so The lame leg was about to be transferred. Although the basement he found was very suitable for hiding and avoiding danger, for the sake of his belly, he had to leave and look for a place with sufficient food or other survivors.

The age of the lame leg is about twenty-seven. His back is humped except for one leg. His appearance is beyond description. It seems that when God created a man, he accidentally produced defective products, but his lame constitution was strange. Good, otherwise t virus infection can't be avoided, and it will not be possible to survive in the difficult period of this half year.

Packing my luggage on the road while it was still snowing, there were only a few tattered clothes in the package, and there was a saber with a dozen mouths around his waist. This was the only weapon for lameness. He used it to kill A few mutant mice have died, and they kept their lame legs for more than ten days, but then they never encountered such a stupid mutant mouse.

Originally there were other weapons for the lame leg, but the hot weapon was not even as good as a kitchen knife after it lost the support of the ammunition. Therefore, the lame leg was wise to choose a saber that does not need to be replenished. Only, don't look at the lameness and inflexibility of one leg, but this does not prevent him from killing the zombies, and can even be said to be more robust than normal people.

Lame on the road to Salem. In fact, I had planned to go to Salem to live a few months ago. However, considering the distant and unknown danger of the road, I was hesitant to lame. This time The food crisis forced him to take action. He had prepared an off-road vehicle with a lame leg and a fuel tank full of gas that had been collected, but unfortunately a t3 broke into the lame living area the night before. It only used one kick to break the fuel tank of the off-road vehicle, and then leaked all the petrol found by the lame leg. The lame leg had to rely on two legs. One of them had "hair" disease. Poorly, his small suitcase, in addition to a few tattered clothes, has a little grass root just dug out of the ground. This is the only food that can be found with lame legs.

From time to time, you can encounter broken down cars. Some cars have been painted and rusted over the years. Every time you lame, you go to the car with hope. In addition to clothes and money, he only finds some early decay. Residual fruits and bread. In the early days of the flight, people carried food that was not easy to keep in the refrigerator. Not to mention it is now more than four years old. Even four years ago, these foods had also deteriorated, but they were discarded after leaving Lions. I found a lot of weapons in the car. After several attempts, I finally found a good shotgun. There are not many bullets, only ten shots. Maybe I can use this gun and bullet to hit a prey. Then

There is dry food for Salem.

At noon, he had walked more than 30 kilometers with his lame leg. He was tired and hungry. He poured a little water from a broken kettle to drink. This was clean water distilled from the lame leg by soil method, and then chewed some grass roots. After ten minutes of resting with his lame leg, he looked around with his gun. He needed to find a suitable place to hunt. Otherwise, the road could not be continued in the afternoon. Then he limped up a dead tree and found a puddle under the dead tree. There are miscellaneous "disorderly" footprints, there must be some animals here to drink water, there are guns and bullets available, and they must be able to hunt a few, so that they can land for a few days in the future.

The lame leg waited until noon until the sun was westward. Although the yellow sun seemed to be bright, but the light was not really warm. This caused the lame leg body to be frozen and numb, but the lame leg did not give up. Finally, he waited for a reindeer, looked at the branch-shaped horns of one and a half meters long on the deer's head, the heart of the lame leg was a little flustered, and the mutant reindeer was a bit irritable. The dead tree of the lame leg is broken, so it must be killed with one hit, otherwise it will be dangerous.

Shotguns have a large attack area, but their lethality is not so high, which makes the lame legs hesitate to shoot. In case the reindeer's brain is extremely hard to penetrate, it can be troublesome. The survival rule that the mutant creature had set for itself with a lame leg should be dodging, but there is a gun in the lame hand, and there must be enough dry food to go to Salem, so the lame leg decided to fight one. Take.

The reindeer approached the puddle leisurely. It lowered its head and began to drink water. Its head was facing away from the lame leg, and its lame fingers began to pull backwards. Because the shotgun was not used for a long time, it was rusty, and I could hear the slightest. With the sound of friction, the reindeer was a little alert, it stopped drinking water and looked around, and the scared lame leg stopped immediately and continued to trigger.

The reindeer did not find any abnormalities and continued to lower his head to drink water. This time the position was right, and the lame leg didn't even need to aim specifically. He quickly pulled the trigger with a gritted tooth. He must try it anyway. The reindeer is a docile creature. Even the mutation should be better than Other animals have a lower "sex" attack. In the case of batches of drinking water, it is bison, just afraid to lame their legs and pray that they don't bother themselves, otherwise the tree will be thicker and the lame legs harder.

Boom, howl, two voices sounded at the same time, a flower splashed on the reindeer's head and fell to the ground, looking at the distance with a lame leg. He shot the loud gun just now, and the shotgun sounded at the same time. There is a sniper step, and the reindeer's brain burst is the credit for the sniper step. The shotgun with the lame leg only added a few indifferent wounds to the reindeer. According to this, the level of variation of this reindeer should be t3, thankfully It has already been shot, otherwise the lame leg is in danger. Thinking of this lame leg wiped the cold sweat on the head.

Hum—the motor of the car rang, and two off-road vehicles drove quickly under the tree with lame legs. An American jumped out of the car and shouted at the tree, "Hey, come down, you just want to break the gun. Hunting? Don't let the prey eat you! "

Several other Americans also got out of the car. They silently carried the reindeer killed and stumped slowly down the tree. It was not that he wanted to waste time, but that he was numb by the lurking all afternoon. . Seeing that the prey that was hard to wait for was taken away, the joy of meeting a living person for the first time was also diluted. Although the prey was killed by others, it also indirectly saved his "life", but his heart was lost. And Yu.

"What's your name?" A soldier in a beautiful suit asked a lame leg and shook his head with a lame leg. The soldier said, "Are you Chinese? The Japanese don't dare to attack mutant creatures. If you meet them, follow them. Let's walk together and call you a **** later, "said the soldier, looking at the leg of the lame leg, and he was very polite to arrange the future of the lame leg.

The lame leg didn't make any rebuttal. He had already seen clearly. The other side was a four-car convoy with a total of twenty people. The leader should be this American soldier. It seemed that this man was very sturdy and was not a lame leg. I can deal with it. In addition, there are some armed civilians and five young women who are "sexual." I ca n’t be lame enough to be right with them. Besides, it ’s not a day or two that I hope to find a similar one. Now I finally have a dependency. Why not do it.

& n

bsp; The prey carried a tanker truck behind, and there was also a large truck. Most people hid in the trunk of the truck for heating. They crept on the truck, and then held the box to the corner and shrank. Without a word, the car started immediately, and at this time it was not dark, it seems that the team intends to continue to hurry.

There are a total of thirteen people in the van. Five women are "sex" and eight men are "sex". Three of them are "sex" in the arms of six men, both of whom are one, one left and one right. In addition to the lame leg, the remaining man also had an Arab. He wept with his face to the wall of the car. He didn't know what spell to whisper. He didn't listen or look at the lame leg. He closed his eyes with a sigh of relief. There is no human being, finally rescued. Although these guys grab their own food, they will always have their own portion after the food is cooked. Why worry?

"Hey, bitch!" A young American pushed the woman in his arms away, kicked and kicked the lame leg with his foot, and then dragged the lame-legged suitcase with a rattle, shaking everything out of the box. Mom d, poor ghost, there are only a few torn clothes, dead mule, follow our team to count your luck, give me the gun, anyway, you do not need this mule. "

Lame frowning, it seems that these Americans are not very friendly. At least this one is very arrogant. The power of the shotgun is so low. Give it to him. When I think of it here, I am throwing the gun with my lame leg. After taking it, he smiled and said, "You're on the right track, all right, pack up the grass and the torn clothes, don't affect our mood of playing women."

Lame leg silently packed things, at this time the American youth began to lie on the woman and "touch" and bite, the American woman's big "milk" child was slippery and "exposed", his lame legs were dizzy for a while, he remembered Can't get up and taste the femininity, but there is also a strong need to be an instinctive lame legged successor, but he knows it is not the time.

Weaver said loudly: "Who said that Chu Xiang was dead, the radio just said he was missing! He later detonated the nuclear bomb. If it wasn't for his present human beings, he would still be victimized by Terminator. General Stephen highly admired and admired him. He too The pride of all mankind! Based on this, we must respect the Chinese people by three points. "

Bart said: "That is your idol but not mine. Even if human beings do not have that Chu Xiang, they will not perish. He just speeded up the end of the war, but could not keep his" life ", even if he is great, there is a fart. Yes, when a person dies, he is nothing. If he has the ability, he can help humans to deal with zombies, but he was bombarded with nuclear bombs and had nothing left to say.

The idol in Weaver's heart was humiliated and jumped up and hugged Bart's carriage. He limped to the side and gave way, sitting on the woman who was kicked away by Bart, who seemed to come to the man. He refused to refuse, and didn't care about an ugly man like a lame leg. He grabbed the lame leg and grabbed the guy. "Handsome guy, you are so strong."

Pushing the woman with a lame palm and pulling away the wind, and then picking up her suitcase and hiding in the corner again, she didn't take a glance at the battle between Bart and Weaver, even if they beat their heads and broke their blood. Hegan, although the smooth and big "tits" foreign girl is also good-looking, she knows that she does not belong to her, so she is sensible to keep her from seeing her.

Squeak, the truck stopped, the American soldier leading the team hurriedly lifted the car door and looked in. He yelled and yelled: "Asshole! When are you still engaged in civil war, Weaver, I order you to go down immediately. Maybe the truck driver heard the sound of a fight behind him, so he informed the US soldiers leading the team and stopped the car.

Weaver was unwilling to say, "Captain, your brother is disrespectful to Chinese Superman. You should punish him!"

The captain said: "Weaver, I'm the leader here. If you don't obey my orders, then I have to kick you out of the team! For a Chinese who hasn't existed, you have fought hard. I think you are the head. something wrong."

Weaver was threatened to get out of the team and immediately stunned, he got up and jumped off the van, cursing the captain's fake public welfare, Bart rushed

He cocked his **** at his back, and the captain said, "Bart, you come to my car. I told you that you can play with a woman, but you have to be honest with me at this time after the camp, otherwise I will send it. I don't know if I die! "

Bart reluctantly followed the captain into the off-road vehicle. As a result, the truck compartment immediately became quiet, and soon people were drowsy and drowsy. Some people even fell asleep when a crisp gunshot sounded. The men who were holding the woman to sleepwalk the world immediately jumped up, grabbed the rifle behind them, and got out of the van.

Immediately when I heard the sound of the gun, I kicked my eyes and opened my eyes. I grabbed the dagger with one hand and picked up the suitcase with the other. I can live until now everyone has a set of escape principles. The rule is to go for the best. At any time, do n’t be incapable. In the afternoon hunting, you gave the lame leg a vivid lesson, greedy that fragrant food, and you almost lost your life. If you did n’t hit it at the same time, Reindeer, probably lame leg playing cards with Marx

The click of the machine gun sounded, followed by a boom, certainly not a grenade. The lame probe looked out of the compartment, and saw that the off-road vehicle that had opened ahead turned over, and a group of zombies was surrounding the overturned off-road vehicle. Shooting and beating, many zombies gathered around the highway, they looked terrible under the twilight.

A lame leg suddenly jumped down while holding the carriage with one hand. The Arab, who had never spoken, pulled him down and said, "Dude, where are you going, look for death, stay in the car and stay safe. Didn't you see all the zombies outside?" "

I didn't expect this Arab to speak English, and the lame leg not only understood, but also said, "Just stay dead if you want, I will not be accompanied, I must rush out while the zombies are not surrounded, otherwise there will be danger to life."

The Arabs wondered: "We have guns, can't we stop those **** zombies?"

Lame leg: "There are too many zombies along the road. Once the team is trapped, they will gather more and more, so only walking is the best policy, otherwise you have enough bullets to squander."

The Arab looked to the distance, and it turned out that there were dense heads everywhere. He jumped out of the car with his lame leg: "I'll go with you." The other people in the car shouted and saw that they could only scold if they didn't look back. The sentence: "Stupid b, go to death."

"Wait for me!" The woman who had been **** by Bart suddenly jumped out of the car and ran behind the lame leg and the Arab. Do n’t look at lameness and one leg is not good, but the Arabs and American women are not as good as him when running. There are zombies in front of and behind the road, and zombies on both sides are coming from the mountains, but they are still a long way from closing. The lame legs escaped from the gap and escaped. At this time, the sound of guns behind was rushing, and many zombies heard the sound coming from a distance.

"We don't have a car. Can we run like this?" The Arab asked his legs in a pant, and he was surprised that someone with a leg was running faster than him. At this time the American woman also said, "Yeah, I have some regrets at the moment, it is better to follow the car with a sense of security, and we have no weapons yet. "

Lame didn't look back and said coldly, "You can go back, no one asks you to follow me." He said that Lame continued to run forward without turning back. The place is too close to the incident, so he must continue to hurry.

Looking back, more and more zombies, the Arabs and American women sighed, they looked at each other and followed the lame leg, because most of the zombies were attracted by the convoy, so there was no danger along the way. The three kept walking until 9 o'clock in the evening, and then they found the hidden mountain fire camp.

"We did n’t bring out any equipment and food. We ’re going to be hungry tonight." The American woman was holding her sour legs, her huge **** were shaking with her throbbing, and she knew there was only Grassroots, so too lazy to seduce him, while the Arabs ran out empty-handed, there was no place for her to seduce.

He chewed on the grass and stomped his legs without saying a word. Instead, the Arabs were not as silent as on the car. He said: "The Chinese

,What is your name? The Arabs thought it was prudent not to mention their names on the van before they were lame, and now the three have become uncomfortable without any names.

She shook her head with a lame leg, and the Arab asked inexplicably: "Is there no name? Impossible, then, where are you from and how did you come to the United States? Foreign students? Or wage earners?"

Lame legs and shook his head again: "I don't know. I was the United States when I was conscious."

The Arabs scolded: "Shoot, you don't understand anything, so you must run away blindly if you follow him!"

The face of the American woman also changed, "It ’s terrible. I knew that I would stay with them. You listen, the gunfire in the distance has stopped. Most of them rushed out of the zombies. No, I Go find them and follow you two without starvation and exhaustion. "

After saying that the American woman stood up, she looked at the dark wilderness, gritted her teeth, and returned to the road. The Arab lifted his **** and then sat down. He stomped at all this and he chewed hard. Holding the grass roots and desperately swallowing into the stomach, how to escape without energy.

The Arabs unceremoniously grabbed a handful of grass roots from the lame trunk, then stuffed them into their mouths and chewed them, "It's really bad, Chinese, let me give you a name, they don't say Chu Xiang is a Is China a Superman? You're called Chu Xiang. My name is Rashid. We will take care of each other in the future. "

"Chu Xiang?" Repeatedly chewing on the tasteless and unpleasant grass roots, a name is also good, so the default, I do not want to become a superman, as long as I can survive.

Rashid was awakened before daybreak, and he opened his eyes vaguely, "Who? What's the matter? Oh, are you on your way," Shoot ", stuck me, hungry. Call, when will this **** day end. "

Rashid "fascinated" and "fascinated" behind the lame 'Chuxiang', cursing in his mouth, the two walked along the garbage-filled road for more than an hour, at this time the sun rose, yesterday's The rain finally cleared, and the warm rays of light shone to heart.

"Hi Chuxiang, what are you going to do, where are we going?" The Arab finally woke up.

Chu Xiang said: "Salem."

Rashid patted his head and said, "Okay, I listen to you, but are you going to walk with your feet? Not to mention when we got there, we could n’t stand the stomach without eating last night. Got the way? "

Chu Xiang just walked forward without talking, Rashid said to himself, "Okay, okay, you are the master."

Because the two were hungry, they could not walk fast. At about ten o'clock, a sound came from behind them. Chu Xiang climbed up the dead tree on the side of the road to observe, then jumped down without a word. Rashid asked: "What's the situation? Didn't zombies catch up? "

Chu Xiang shook his head, Rashid said, "What is that sound you say, it really makes you dying."

Chu Xiang said: "They have caught up."

"They?" Rashid's doubts were quickly relieved. The captain broke through the zombies with the remaining troops and chased after him. Rashid couldn't believe it when he saw their misery. "You, how did you do this? Isn't there a gun? ... What about the others, how about you? "

The original team of 20 or so people now has only a dozen people, including the five women who are "sexual". They are lucky to escape. Bart and Weaver are also alive, but they are very scared.

The captain said sadly: "Our bullets ran out, and we managed to break out of these people later. We knew that we had abandoned the car and left the road to escape. It was a wrong decision."

Rashid is glad that he fled early with the lame Chu Xiang last night

Otherwise, is it difficult for today's team to say, "touch" and "touch" the stomach, he asked, "Did the food come out?"

Captain's younger brother Bart scolded: "Are you blind, we can only escape if we can escape alive, and you still ask us for food at this time? Get out!"

Rashid closed his mouth wisely. In fact, he has already seen them. These people have nothing but the weapons in their hands. Rashid also saw the American women who had escaped and returned to the team ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Just she was tired and tired. Thinking about it, she returned to search for troops without a break last night, but she still had to walk back. Isn't this a fart to take off pants? It's stupid!

The captain didn't say much about Chu Xiang's early escape. Everyone in this world was thinking about his own life, so Chu Xiang did very well. The captain waved his hand: "Let's go, the vehicles and weapons we have to find, otherwise we can't go to Salem. It's a question of survival."

A group of people took a heavy step on the road. Bart and Weaver did not quarrel this time. All of them were tired and hungry. It would take energy to say a word. After less than half an hour, the team suddenly fell through. With a sound, it turned out that the woman who had escaped and returned with Chu Xiang last night fainted. She rushed too much and usually could not eat enough food.

Bart yelled, "She's going to die anyway, kill her and eat meat!"

The captain was a little hesitant about his brother's advice, but the two Americans behind him were a bit hungry. Bart called them up and lifted the fainted American woman. The American woman might feel that things were bad, and suddenly She woke up: "Don't, don't eat me, I'm not dead yet."

Bart slammed his **** over, "Since you're not dead, let you die!"

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