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Chapter 560: Scorpion

Weaver held Bart's buttstock, "Hey, do you still have humanity? We are not hungry, maybe we can find food in front of you, don't injure innocent people!"

Bart stared at his brother and said, "Brother, you saw it for yourself, Weaver is not with us, so we must drive him away! We don't need such hypocrites to do bad things!"

The American woman who was about to be killed saw someone willing to jump over behind Weaver immediately, and Bart sneered at Weaver and said, "No, I changed my mind. No one wants to leave today. Someone must live for our lives. And dying, Weaver gives you a chance to choose, either you or others, this is the price you pay for nosy, I only give you a minute to choose! "

Saying that an American stepped forward and unloaded Weaver's weapons quickly. Weaver didn't have much fighting power. After being restrained, he could not resist. The captain's U.S. captain didn't say anything. This was equivalent to acquiescing to Bart. Weaver knew that it was useless to ask for forgiveness, and that Barth's viciousness must be killed today, unless someone begged the captain to stop the development of the matter, but looking at the captain's attitude, it seemed that he had voted in favour of Bart's approach.

Weaver turned and looked at the scared American woman. It seemed that she was the one who should be killed here. There was no combat power, but Weaver was not a hypocrite, but a real gentleman, so he chose this weak person to be the dead. Unsatisfied, Weaver's eyes began to look at other people. Among them, Chu Xiang first came into Weaver's sight. The ugly appearance and the legs that fell off seemed to be useless people.

Weaver looked at Chu Xiang, and Rashid suddenly blocked Chu Xiang. He said, "Hey, Weaver, you just used the Chinese as an idol. You wo n’t choose him, right? He is my friend, you ca n’t this way."

Weaver shook his head, in fact he did not fight at all. In order to choose Chu Xiang, he just subconsciously checked the candidate from the beginning, but Bart seemed to be hungry. He stopped waiting and grabbed it. The collar of Chu Xiang, "Well, since you ca n’t make a choice, let me help you. Eat this **** first. He just abandoned us and fled, so this is a punishment for a traitor! Who will dare to mess around in the future? This is how the escape team ended! "

The captain and several other Americans were not opposed. Yes, in fact they were a bit angry, after all, Chu Xiang escaped in time, they were not hurt at all, but the team suffered heavy losses. The resentment in the stomach rose when the two were compared. Bart just caught everyone's anger, ate this **** Chinese first, and kept the woman at critical time.

Rashid approached Bart's hand: "Let him go, you're crazy, Chu Xiang is very good. Survival experience, you can't kill him!"

Bart kicked Rashid away: "Go! Don't think you can escape, the next thing you eat!

Chu Xiang's hand was on his waist. He had already grasped the handle of the dagger. No. Two Americans next to him looked at him with jealousy. Chu Xiang didn't dare to shoot at Bart for a while. He had never seen a human since he woke up. I don't know much about human's various psychology. It was also a lonely psychological reason to run away alone. Now, Barth's approach makes Chu Xiang no longer have a good impression on human beings. He feels that it is better to live alone than to fight with them.

Chu Xiang made up his mind. He wanted to fight for a dead net. Bart took a very arrogant look at Weaver at this time, which means that the Chinese you admired this time are finished! Then Bart had to fight against Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang ’s dagger was ready to go. A battle between life and death broke out on both sides. Suddenly a whistling disrupted everyone ’s plan, and a zombie jumped from a hidden place on the roadside. Come out, judging from its speed, this is at least a t3, everyone's face has changed. Last night's battle just suffered a group of t2 and suffered heavy casualties. Now it is almost doomed to be stared at by t3!

Flip-flops, the machine guns in the hands of the Americans started firing, but the machine guns were dumb after just a dozen rounds of ammunition. Their ammunition almost ran out in the battle last night, and now they ca n’t hold on for two minutes, let alone machine guns. The bullet was a little weak against t3. Although it hurt the t3, it couldn't be killed at all. Instead, it caused t3 to be fierce. It rushed forward and grabbed an American with a long tongue in his mouth. He stretched out a moment, alas, the American heart was hooked alive, and then t3 rolled into his mouth and mumbled and chewed.

"Shot!" The captain immediately screamed and launched a sonic attack. It turned out that he was an evolutionary. This is probably why he can be the leader of this army. The other members are ordinary people, and the strength is far worse than the captain.

Hum, the sound wave hit t3 just backed it up a few steps. It seems that the captain's evolution level is not high. At most, it is a tie with t3, but this is enough. Others take the opportunity to escape forward. At this time, who I don't care about killing people and eating meat. Even the American woman who fainted and woke up ran. It seems that the human potential is really endless.

Chu Xiang also runs, not running is a fool, he is not an evolver, but he has a higher physique, and Bart has killed him. This team cannot stay, and Chu Xiang ’s best survival rules can be used. on.

The crowd ran about two kilometers in one breath. At this time, due to the influence of the terrain, the captain's position against t3 was no longer visible. There was a fork in front of the crowd and the crowd stopped involuntarily. However, Chu Xiang chose to choose a road. Moving forward, the speed with which he ran all the way surprised Americans. Although one leg was stubborn, he didn't stop half a step, even easier than those of Bart. At least Bart and others are now panting and Chu Xiang is just Some blushes.

Rashid was immediately behind Chu Xiang. He didn't even hesitate for half a minute. He escaped with Chu Xiang last night and let him taste the sweetness. This time, he will not stay, let alone Bart's people are going crazy. They ate a ban and banned them. They will not stop in the future, and they will die sooner or later.

The rushing Chu Xiang suddenly stopped, and Rashid could not stop and slammed into Chu Xiang. "Why don't you run, where do you go, where do I go with you, get rid of Bart, the beast, He's crazy! "

Chu Xiang pulled out the dagger from his waist without saying a word, and Rashid looked forward scared. He almost urinated his pants, and saw that there were forty or fifty zombies standing on the road. May not have eaten the flesh and blood of living people for a long time. They are hungry on the front belly and the back spine, so it is difficult to find fresh food.

Rashid turned and ran backwards, but he stopped again just a few steps, because Bart, Weaver, and others had already retreated, and they were driven back by zombies. They didn't know except the way they came. Unconsciously falling into the encirclement of zombies, even zombies appeared in the ditch on the side of the road. Maybe this was an ambush arranged by t3. It seems that it is inevitable to escape.

The closer the two sides approached, Rashid was nervous and didn't know which way to escape. Suddenly Chu Xiang moved. He even rushed to the zombies blocking the road. Two zombies besieged him left and right. Xiang Dagger waved, stunned, a black blood splattered out, and the Dagger turned a half circle around the zombie's neck, and the head of the zombie was so dirty that Chu Xiang punched out and the other zombie was shot With his chin in his head, he twisted his head twice in the direction of the fist, and slammed on the ground.

Rashid looked a little dumbfounded. He couldn't think that the sister-in-law's skill was so pitiful. Bart's attempt to kill him was really beyond his control. If it wasn't for t3's accident, he might not be able to tell who it is.

Chu Xiang killed two zombies in one fell swoop. At this time, Bart, Weaver and others also started fighting. They only had pistols, but it was also a good tool to deal with the t2 pistol. In such a short distance, the shot can burst. The head of a zombie was dropped, but the most common intensive attack was used by the zombie. Bart and Weaver and other humans were inadvertent, and the pistol bullets were also exhausted. Their situation was very critical. Weaver inadvertently saw Chu Xiang appear here. A gap, he rejoiced: "Crush to the other side! Keep up with the Chinese."

Chu Xiang rushed quickly. Rashid could still follow closely, but the density of zombies was too high. Rashid was separated by zombies after a while. He never fought with the zombies with his bare hands. The two zombies stopped in front of him. It ’s completely irrelevant. At this time, the pistol bullets of Bart and Weaver who came with them were also lit. Everyone looked at each other. Except for the evolutionaries, ordinary people ’s unarmed combat was really uncommon. The main reason was that once they were wounded by zombies, they would evil Dead.

Rashid was backed by two zombies, and at this time Chu Xiang rushed farther. He could not catch up anymore. It seems that he is going to die here today. Rashid's heart was in shock for a while, and his life was so fragile. I just jumped alive, and soon it will become the food in the mouth of the zombie. I already knew what to pretend, and just find a woman to be happy first.

"We can't rush out," Bart said, looking down at the increasingly dense zombies, and Weaver looked at Chu Xiang, who was rushing further and further away: "The Chinese are really of unusual quality, just a **** is so powerful, no wonder Superman. "

Bart scolded: "Get off, when are you talking about this anymore, don't forget your identity, you are an American!"

Weaver said: "It has nothing to do with which country. We heard from the radio that China and the United States have very close cooperation in the big bases. Since we are going to live in the big bases, we must accept the Chinese, otherwise we will be punished. Driven out!"

Bart said: "Shot, let's escape first, let's talk about it. How can we fight the zombies without defense? If my brother can get back in time, it will be good, I'm afraid he won't be entangled in t3, maybe it's dangerous at this moment. "

As the zombies approached, the crowd became more and more dangerous. Suddenly Chu Xiang rushed out of the encirclement and turned around. He glanced at the zombies behind him and then stabbed left and right to quickly open a blood path into the encirclement. Weaver said in surprise: "Look, how great the Chinese are! He came back to save us."

Chu Xiang didn't even see Bart and others. He ripped a hole from the zombies and rushed back. He grabbed Rashid's arm and rushed out. Rashid ran ten steps to get back the taste. , Said: "Chu Xiang, are you back to save me?"

Chu Xiang said: "Don't you think I'm stupid? You said that we are friends, so I can't see death or not?"

Rashid felt for a moment that Bart was going to eat someone. He said that Chu Xiang was his friend. He did not expect that Chu Xiang was so serious. He had rushed out but risked his life to save him for a 'friend'. People are a bit silly but silly, and Rashid's eyes are a little hazy.

Alas, a zombie's neck was broken by Chu Xiang, and black blood splashed Rashid's body. Rashid almost scared no urine pants, but Chu Xiang said: "It doesn't matter, as long as you keep your mouth closed, there will be no wounds on the body. infection."

Rashid immediately closed his mouth and died. This time, he did not dare to carelessly, and followed Chu Xiang behind him. Weaver and Bart also followed closely. No one would give up the chance of escape. Ah, everyone saw Chu Xiang killing the zombies one by one. In fact, in addition to being more powerful than ordinary people, t2 has a slower speed of action and less ability to respond. However, many people are often scared by the appearance of zombies. If they accidentally have the possibility of infection, they will be feared like tigers, but as long as they are careful and bold to hunt them, it is very easy, which is why Chu Xiang can be assaulted without a man.

Rashid flickered behind Chu Xiang and rushed behind him. Suddenly he stumbled and fell. He looked down at the root of a tree stick. Rashid thought he grabbed the stick with a flash of light. The zombie opened his black and stinky mouth to bite Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang flew up and kicked his head, while another zombie next took the opportunity to open his hands to embrace Chu Xiang. As long as it was held by him, Chu Xiang had no body. Retreat possible!

As soon as Rashid gritted his teeth, the stick in his hand smashed at the zombie holding Chu Xiang, and the head of the zombie exploded like a ripe watermelon. Then his body fell down, and the black pulp splashed Bart and Weaver, scared. Their faces changed, and they took off their clothes and wiped desperately. Chu Xiang looked back and saw his zombies being attacked. He smiled at Rashid: "Thank you."

Rashid returned to his thoughts, and he firmly stabbed the stick in his hand and said, "No thanks, let's rush out side by side!"

Chu Xiang is even more comfortable with people who should be killed behind him. The t2 speed is originally unsatisfactory. Although they are large in number, they do not form a crowded attack state, so everyone kills quickly after eliminating fear. Out of the siege, but the road is not accessible, because most of the zombies are concentrated on the road, everyone can only drill into the wasteland. As for the captain, he ca n’t be sure how to find the troops after t3 retreats. Maybe he ca n’t beat t3 at all. At this time, it can only be said that life and death depend on one's life. In the last days, human life is so cheap. It may have been alive just now, and it may become a corpse in the next second.

Bart lost his brother's support and coupled with the courage that just came out of Chu Xiang's courage. He couldn't stop at Chu Xiang anyhow, but these Americans still gather together as a team. If one day, Chu Xiang may not turn They can beat them, so Chu Xiang parted ways with them after consideration. Only Rashid chose to go with Chu Xiang. The rest, including Weaver and several women, followed the big team. The more secure they are, The higher the sex, the longer it will not be considered as to whether it will be eaten. After all, Bart has already settled a lot, and he cannot do too much without the elder brother's support.

"Chu Xiang, you should take the opportunity to take the leadership of this team!" Rashid said indignantly, this time he considered it, as long as he had the opportunity to enjoy, including arbitrary play with women, otherwise the next time the zombies bite so A small sip was taken for nothing, but the woman followed Bart away, which made Rashid very depressed. Isn't that group of people afraid of being eaten?

But Chu Xiang said faintly: "Rashid, what do you think those people will do for us? They will only drag us down." Chu Xiang used the word 'us' here. Rashid was very happy to hear, woman No more but a real friend, and this friend is very fierce, if it was not his crazy hunting of zombies, this group of people would have died in it just now.

Rashid's face turned cloudy, "Yes, you still have a vision, don't bother with the waste, we slowly pull up our team, so that security will be more secure, but unfortunately you and I are not evolutionaries, otherwise Do you have to worry about those zombies? God is unfair, how can I not evolve if I have worked so hard? "

Chu Xiang said, "What about the evolutionist? Isn't the captain an evolutionary, but he can't solve the t3? So he must be the top one, otherwise it would be useless."

Rashid said: "The top one? You mean like your name 'Chu Xiang'? We all know from the radio that he is the top evolutionary in the world, but unfortunately the top evolutionary also blocks Ca n’t stop the three nuclear bombs from exploding, otherwise he can live to this day, and that ’s the existence of God. ”

"Let's go," Chu Xiang's eyes were indescribably sorrowful, and he didn't know what happened to him. Why is it so easy to be emotional at this moment, there seems to be an inexplicable throbbing in his memory, but he wants to catch But he couldn't hold it.

Hum—the sound of vibrations in the sky is getting louder and louder. It didn't take long for a helicopter to come into sight. With the appearance of this helicopter, helicopters appeared in sight one after another. They flew closer and closer, and the roaring people shook. The tympanum hurt, and Rashid shouted and waved to the sky excitedly. These days they can only know from the radio that human survivors have established bases in big cities, but due to transportation restrictions, they have been unable to leave for big cities. Later, I finally found the car, but encountered zombies, but I did not expect to finally wait for the rescue troops after going through the calamity.

People on the helicopter have long seen underground humans. One of them slowly landed. The strong wind from the propellers prevented Chu Xiang and Rashid from opening their eyes. Suddenly someone pulled Rashid. Rashid Machinery He followed, opened his eyes and reached the hatch. He took off without waiting for Rashid to climb into the hatch. If it wasn't for Chu Xiang who pulled him, he would fall out. This group of guys are right Is the ground so scared? Did not stay for half a minute.

"Hey, we're meeting again," there were already a lot of people in the helicopter cabin, and it was Bart who had just broken up! It turned out that they were discovered earlier than Chu Xiang and Rashid.

Chu Xiang and Rashid didn't speak, they found a corner to squat, and looked at the helicopter. The pilot and the guard were Americans. They did not show any expressions for the survivors. It seems that they are used to it. Anything can be calm in front of everything. This is called quality.

"Look at it, Captain, he's alive!" Someone shouted and pointed at the bottom, Bart screamed and said, "Save my brother, save my brother, he is an evolutionary!"

The U.S. pilot did not land, he is not stupid, because not only there is a survivor, there is also a t3! He contacted another helicopter through the communicator, "Black Hawk 1, Black Hawk 1, Here is Black Hawk 4, we found a survivor who is fighting with t3."

"The Blackhawk has been received. Our friends from China are willing to help. You continue to return to the Salem base. Don't stay too long. Finish."

Pilot said: "Received, the Blackhawk continues to return to the voyage, finished."

Rashid tried to probe downwards, and a Chinese man jumped out of the Blackhawk. He did not use a parachute or a rope ladder. He just jumped from a height of more than 100 meters. The survivors and t3 on the ground were unstable. At this time, the captain was exhausted. When he saw someone's reinforcements slump along with the ground shaking, t3 knew that there was a strong enemy who ignored the captain on the ground. His long and powerful tongue pierced the Chinese. The Chinese was not panic. Chaos, when t3's tongue reaches his eyes, his head screams out, one by one, similar to the poisonous tail of a scorpion. T3's tongue is stuck on this thorn, and a big stab is stabbed. hole.

T3's tongue can roll down a living person's head. It can be known how strong it is, but it is not worth mentioning in front of this prickly Chinese. T3 just lost a lot of energy in the first battle with the captain. Now when it is defeated, it retreats. It turns away. Who knows that the Chinese scorpion stab suddenly extended to quickly catch up with t3 and then stabbed in from the top. However, the t3 was so stupefied that he fell to the ground before he could resist.

Rashid looked scared: "I'm so terrible! Chu Xiang, he is you Chinese!"

Chu Xiang quietly retracted his gaze. The man's stab just now was indeed prestigious. A t3 who scared away a team of more than 20 people and paralyzed a sonic evolutionist was unable to pass even two moves under his hands. Go to ~ What a power! Chu Xiang also only dared to kill t2. When he met t3, he definitely turned around and ran, because that was not something he could handle.

At this time, an American soldier said proudly: "It's dumbfounded. This is the bodyguard of our distinguished guest in Salem. His nickname is Scorpion. It is said that even the third-rate Chinese evolutionist is not considered. He escorted Egypt. Velina transported Blue Life to Salem. Thanks to his help, otherwise we would not be able to deal with that t3. "

"Scorpion?" Chu Xiang muttered several times in his head. The helicopter flew over Salem unknowingly. There was a bustling base at the corner of the ruins. The helicopter landed on top of a building, and everyone was taken away from the helicopter. It happened that the Blackhawk also landed. Inside it came out the scorpion who had just fought. He was standing behind an American woman. This American woman was quite attractive. The **** figure brightened the eyes of the men present. Take a look Those women are simply not a grade.

The helicopter stopped working, and the trembling voice finally disappeared. Rashidela gave Chu Xiang a hand and said, "Let's go, Chu Xiang, although this woman is beautiful, but it's not what we can think of, it's already alive to come to Salem base. It ’s the Grand Canal. "

The scorpion standing motionless behind the American beauty appeared suddenly beside Rashid, and he grabbed Rashid: "What? Who are you calling, Chu Xiang!"

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