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Chapter 561: Roaring dog

Rashid was lifted by the collar, his face was flushed and he couldn't breathe. At this time, the American beauty drank, "Captain Scorpion, don't hurt him, let go!"

The scorpion looked agitated, and he let down Sid: "Come on, who are you calling?"

Rashid pointed at the lame leg and said, "It's my friend. Why, do you want to fight?"

The look of the scorpion really made him think he was looking for a cricket. Chu Xiang's hand had already held the waist dagger. As long as the scorpion moved again, he shot. Although the scorpion killed t3 just once, but if he really wanted to find the Oath will fight a fish dead net broken!

"Hello, my name is Evelina. Is your name Chu Xiang?" The American beauty approached Chu Xiang kindly.

Rashid has been let go by the scorpion. He coughed and his face gradually returned to normal. Seeing Evelina's sincere attitude, he didn't care about the rudeness of the scorpion. After all, the guy was too powerful and could not conflict with him. Otherwise, it is himself who suffers, and it is terrible to pierce him with a shot.

Chu Xiang glanced at Evelina. He did not recognize her, "Yes, my name is Chu Xiang."

Evelina also looked at Chu Xiang carefully. Then she said, "But you are not Chu Xiang at all."

Rashid could n’t wait to say a few words to the beauty, he interjected: "Why. Do you have an opinion? I gave him this name. Do n’t you Americans talk about human rights patents again? This is a Chinese name. You can manage it. Are you here? "

The scorpion's complexion changed and he reached out to grab Rashid, but Evelina shook his head at him, and the scorpion exclaimed: "Boy, I warn you that this name is not allowed for you! It's just that you are not qualified!"

Chu Xiang snorted and turned his head to ignore. At this time, the American who accompanied Evi Lina off the plane stepped forward and laughed: "Miss Evelina, let's go, don't care about these pariahs, let's go to the headquarters , General is waiting for you to have lunch. "

Finally, Evelina glanced at Chu Xiang. At this time, a beauty official said, "Is Miss Evelina interested in the sister-in-law? It's really weird. This is the fifth we brought back from the outside. My sister-in-law, isn't there a trend for lame makeup? "

The officer's assistant echoed: "Yeah, the strangest thing is that these mules look almost the same, but they can be found in different locations. Are they mutants?"

The officer's face changed, and he said, "It's really a serious matter for you to make such an analysis. Immediately notify people to grab the other four mules and isolate them with this!"

Since Chu Xiang is not Chu Chuxiang, Evelina and Captain Scorpion are no longer paying attention, and the officials sent by the Salem City to greet them have invited them. Because Evelina holds the blue life anti-t virus liquid quota in her hands, this year Evelina has become a link between the United States and China, especially the sales right of blue life is in her hands. These officials Can't you stutter? The Terminator has almost disappeared from the earth. Now human enemies are zombies and mutated creatures. In case of injury, only blue life can be injected to avoid infection.

Bart and others are treated as ordinary survivors because they are American citizens. They will be sent to civilian areas, but Chu Xiang is imprisoned for lameness. Rashid protested loudly but it was invalid. Watching Chu Xiang be taken away, under the surveillance of many soldiers, Chu Xiang did not dare to resist, otherwise it would only be the result of being killed by random guns.

咣 啷 The prison door was locked. Chu Xiang knew that now was not the best time to escape, so he wisely lay down on the wooden plank bed in the corner to rest. Within half an hour, the prison door was opened again. Go in! "Another mule was pushed in by a reprimand of an American soldier, Chu Xiang lying on a wooden bed and squinted a glance, which immediately made him sit up with his eyes wide open. Before the Americans said Salem Base A total of five sister-in-law Chu Xiang didn't care. At this time, he saw one of them was surprised, because he was so much like himself! It's a replica! Same ugly and ugly!

The sister-in-law glanced at Chu Xiang and was surprised. The two still had to say hello. The prison door opened again, and another sister-in-law was pushed forward. Chu Xiang went to see the new friend with the person who had just entered. The three stayed together because the third sister-in-law came in the same way. If you unified the clothes and hairstyle, no one believed that they were not triplets!

This is not enough. Immediately after the fourth and fifth sister-in-law were arrested, five people glared at me and I glared at you, everyone did n’t know what to say, but the five guards were dumbfounded at this time. I haven't compared these five people before, and they haven't felt how. Now the five mules are together, and it is impossible for them to distinguish who is who!

The news quickly spread to the military. Immediately, a chief of staff rushed to the prison to check the situation. He personally took a photo, and personally talked with each mule, and recorded it for the mayor of Salem to watch. Finally, we will send scientists to do anatomical research. If these five mules are some kind of virus mutation, they must be destroyed humanely!

The sensation caused by five identical mules finally calmed down a few hours later, the prison was restored to tranquility, the five of them squatted for a corner each, and finally said, "Guys, you know how this is What's going on? I never saw you before, but we look so much like this, are we brothers? "

Another said: "I haven't had it before. When I wake up, I don't know who I am, but if we are not brothers, how can we explain that we are also **** and look so similar?"

The others nodded and Chu Xiang was still sitting on the bed. He said, "It seems there is a mystery behind us, but we may not have time to solve it, because the Americans are going to dissect us, they are afraid we are Some kind of mutant creature, so what we are currently doing is how to escape. "

The four sister-in-law said in unison: "Yes, but we are not evolutionaries. How easy is it to escape the heavily guarded prison? It is the gate of this prison that we cannot open, let alone the electronic gate with monitoring."

Chu Xiang said: "It can't be opened because we didn't do our best. As long as we try to escape, there will be no place to trap us!"

In the building known as the Blue Capital in Salem, General Smith, who is responsible for the security of the base, held up his glass. "Miss Evelina, you are the pride of our Americans. You can sell the blue life to Chinese people. We, this is an amazing thing, and for our future cooperation, I propose to do it! "

Evelina's face was rosy, and she seemed to have drank a lot of wine. She raised her glass slightly and signaled, "General, my alcohol is not enough. Tonight, let's stop here. I think it's time to talk about business. "

Smith was not reluctant, he put down his glass and said, "Since Miss Evelina said so, I'll leave it with the guests. I don't know how many blue lives Miss Evelina brought to us this time. How. "

Evelina said: "Your quota this year is one hundred sticks. I think it will be enough as long as there is no big human corpse war, and you Salem will need to pay 100,000 cans."

"What?" The Americans here almost fell under the table. One hundred thousand cans is definitely an astronomical figure. Although Salem is still rich at present, if one hundred thousand cans are removed, then Salem will be overnight. Will be poor.

General Smith exclaimed with excitement: "Miss Evelina, I don't want you to be joking on this occasion. One hundred thousand cans will kill the city of Salem. As an American, you will not watch our fellow citizens suffer. Suffer. "

Evelina was unmoved, she said: "General, blue life is difficult to refine, and this is the fourth generation product, the immunity rate is 96, so its absolute value is one thousand cans, but considering the plug In the case of the city of Lem, other products can be used in place of canned food, but you must first list the items that can be provided and wait for the Chinese side to select them before trading. "

The immunization rate of 96 deeply attracts Americans living here. The immunization rate of the previous 60 is more secure than life. Therefore, they decided to recognize the 100,000 cans. Besides, the Chinese side does not have to do so. A set of sophisticated machine tools can exchange back this hundred blue lives.

The agreement was set in this way, of course, it was only an agreement of intent. The specific transaction would not be determined until China got the list. Evelina no longer perfunctory with these men when she achieved her goal, and hurriedly resigned to the downfall and ordered Captain Scorpion opened the door Evelina outside and opened the satellite communicator. Song Jun's image appeared on the screen.

"Evelina, how is your situation over there?" Song Jun asked coldly. Fortunately, everyone was accustomed to his expression, so he didn't think so. Evelina said: "Commander Song, I At the base in Salem, one hundred blue lives have been exchanged for 100,000 canned items, but the specific items selected for trading have to wait for the United States to make a list. According to my observations, they are extremely It is possible to use precision machine tools or advanced weapons at hand as chips. "

Song Jun nodded: "Okay, you're doing a good job. The United States wants you to worry more. Sonic weapons and lightning weapons are already at the forefront of the world, but our mechanical productivity is very backward, so we can consider more about machine tools."

Evelina said: "I understand, I think Americans are more willing to exchange machine tools, because that will not affect the combat effectiveness of their troops," paused Evelina hesitated, "Commander Song, Captain Chu also No news? "

Song Jun's face darkened: "Don't mention the matter of Chu Xiang, especially in front of Zhang Jingyao."

Evelina said: "I understand that I just met a survivor named Chu Xiang today, but he is not really Chu Xiang. He is just a bitch. He associates it with Captain Chu, so he raises it rashly. I think with the strength of Captain Chu, he should be able to avoid the big bang, maybe he is hiding somewhere to repair his body, and he will come back, I believe! "

Song Jundao: "I also firmly believe that this matter is too misty, so don't start before Zhang Jingyao and others."

Evelina nodded. She knew that Song Jun didn't want to give Zhang Jingyao and other women false hopes, so their sadness would be restored again, and the three nuclear explosions were enough to destroy everything, so no trace of Chu Xiang could be found at the scene. It ’s normal, but Evelina does n’t think Chu Xiang will die easily. Song Jun thinks so too, but there is no trace of Chu Xiang in the whole world. Zhang Jingyao ’s daughters have given up hope this year. , Be regarded as accepting the fact that Chu Xiang left.

When the communication was over, Song Jun shut down the computer lightly. Since the rain forest returned, he has taken over the Resistance. With the participation of human power around the world, the remaining Terminators have been completely destroyed. Today, only a few Terminators are hidden in the earth. In some corners, the rest were wiped out, and the focus of human battles shifted from the Terminator to the zombies.

With a creak, the door of the communication room opened, and a thin face appeared in front of Song Jun's eyes. "Military brother, is there any news from your brother?" The girl asked softly when she saw Song Jun shutting down the computer.

Song Jun shook his head: "Xiao Si, do you have to live well even if your brother is not around?"

Xiao Si nodded: "I know, I have nothing left."

Song Jun sighed. This is why he didn't want others to premise Chu Xiang in front of these girls. They love Chu Xiang so much. In the first period of receiving bad news, Song Jun and He Yaohui had to monitor them 24 times. Otherwise, they will commit suicide if they don't know which one. With the passage of time, their emotions will finally stabilize. If someone exposes the wound in front of them, they will be afraid that they can't bear the love.

"Chu Xiang, what's the matter with you? Did you really disappear completely on the earth? I don't believe you will come back!" Song Jun's eyes became deeper, he shook his fist and got up to leave the communicator, too Many things are waiting for him to deal with.

"Chu Xiang," someone pushed Chu Xiang in prison. Actually, Chu Xiang has been on the alert, but he didn't want to let other mules know. To be honest, Chu Xiang didn't have half aversion to the other four mules. People are very similar, but even if they are not prevented, the four Chu Xiangs must prevent other accidents from happening.

"What?" Chu Xiang answered, then opened his eyes and shoved his sister-in-law: "I just heard the guard on duty said to go to sleep for a while, I think it's time, let's find a way to escape, otherwise At dawn, I'm afraid it's too late. "

At this time, the other three sister-in-laws also opened their eyes and the three said, "The guards went to sleep? How do you know that we didn't hear anything? Don't you hear it in a dream, it will kill everyone."

Wake everybody's sister-in-law and say: "No, it's not dreaming, my ears are very spirited, the voice outside the prison can be heard, I don't believe I'll show it to you again ... 'Oh oh ... Force ... you two mouths up and down really so amazing!'"

The four mules looked at each other, and they turned their ears into audible mules, blushing, and said, "His grandmother, it's embarrassing to hear someone, but I didn't lie to you, and I waited for five minutes and didn't hear it again. The sound of the guards walking just wakes you up, while they are asleep, let's quickly find a way to go, why, don't you believe me? "

The four sister-in-law looked at each other, Chu Xiang said: "We believe you, everyone will let go. I will unlock this lock. I studied it in the afternoon. It is a very common Chinese product. It can be solved by just pulling out the lock spring. Talking about Chu Xiang pulling out the dagger hidden in his arms, he grabbed the lock and slammed it for a few moments, and made a few quiet noises, and a few small aluminum cores, copper pillars, and several small springs fell to the ground. Then shake it from side to side for a few times and pull hard, and click the big lock on the door to open it.

The outside corridor was quiet. The sensitive hearing **** listened first, then he waved his hand, and the mermaid rushed out. He turned around the corridor and saw the duty room. Sure enough, there wasn't anyone. The probe looked at the duty room. Four American soldiers screamed Zhengxiang, five of them came to the next door with confidence, this door is not the old lock, but the electronic lock with monitoring, but the person in the duty room fell asleep, Therefore, monitoring can be ignored. As long as the electronic lock is not alarmed, the door can be successfully escaped from this temporary prison.

"How does this door open? Do we know anything about this?" Someone asked, but no one responded, so everyone turned their attention to Chu Xiang, because he said that he could not escape if he could not escape, it is now Chu Xiang It's time to try again, but in the face of electronic gadgets, Chu Xiang has also learned ten tricks and nine tricks, but Chu Xiang does not plan to engage in that complicated set, he has to break the door directly.

"I said brother, what do you touch?" A sister-in-law could not help asking Chu Xiang when he saw it sticking to the steel door. Chu Xiang's current appearance made people think he was drugged, and two sisters quietly stepped back for two. Step, probably afraid that Chu Xiang would go up and hug them.

Chu Xiang said: "I'm talking to the door and let it open a gap for us."

Xunzi almost rolled her eyes, "I said you take it seriously, can we? We do n’t mean that our head is also unconscious!"

The remaining three mules immediately agreed that people with disabilities are very strong, and they hope to surpass ordinary people elsewhere, but if they are thought to be brain-wrapped, they will be completely dead. Without a brain, they are not human.

But it happened that the four mule's eyes almost fell out. Chu Xiang disappeared from the steel door. He disappeared through the thick door! Suddenly one hand came back, and the four mules were startled again. One even turned to run and was caught by the other mule. "Don't run, get in!"

The first **** grabbed the hand that protruded from the steel door, and he passed through the steel door as if he had missed the wall penetrating spell! When I opened my eyes again, I was already on the street outside the door, and the wind was cold and full of stars ~ ~ There is no darkness around the street lights. After all, this is not a prison in the former world. The defense is not very smart.

Chu Xiangren was outside the steel door, but his arms crossed the steel door as if he was reaching into a piece of water. He pulled out the remaining mules one after another. At this time, he was sweating so much that he almost fell to the ground. Four Seeing this, the sister-in-law immediately lifted up Chu Xiang, and the five took a **** into the darker corner of the cat.

"Hi brother, what's going on? Are you an evolutionary?" A sister-in-law asked Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang struggled to get up and said, "No, if the evolver was already sensed by the evolver of the Salem base, I just have a special ability to control the density of steel, but it is still different from the evolved energy. It seems that I was born with it. I do n’t understand the difference myself. It ’s different anyway, but you can think of me as the first-level evolutionary, so it ’s easier to explain. ”

Another sister-in-law said: "It's nothing, just like me. The ears are naturally sensitive, but there is a fart. It is completely different from the evolutionary. When they encounter a zombie, they are fleeing like a dog."

Hehe, everyone laughed, Chu Xiang looked at the night sky and said, "We should go. If we can find a way to slip out of the base, they will be searched out after dawn."

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