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Chapter 562: Escape

Chu Xiang was not familiar with the Salem base. When he came, he took an empty road, so he was led by another sister-in-law. He entered the Salem base earlier and knew where the city gate was. Due to the large range of Salem bases, not all fences have guards. The five found a rope to slide down the fence and disappeared into the night.

The sky was bright, and a sharp alarm sounded above the base. Evelina was awakened. The Captain Scorpion sleeping outside knocked on the door and asked, "Miss Evelina, how are you?"

Evelina immediately got dressed and opened the door for the Captain Scorpion to come in. "What happened?"

Captain Scorpion said: "I just asked, saying that the five mules caught yesterday fled."

When Evelina learned that it wasn't the zombies who came to attack, she responded casually: "Oh, that **** called Chu Xiang?"

The captain of the Scorpion said: "Yes, it is said that the other four. The four mules are very similar to him. They are carved out of a mold. This is not surprising. A video was shot in the prison, and the five mules were crossing Passed through the steel door, but these five people have been inspected. They do not have the energy induction unique to the evolver. I do n’t know if other mules are inspected, but yesterday I sensed that mule called Chu Xiang. He is indeed not an evolutionary. "

Evelina said: "That's weird, since it's not. How did the evolver control the metal door to separate?"

Scorpion said: "Maybe he is an evolutionary, just. His hiding ability is very high, just like Captain Chu of that year, no one knows how strong he is, but these five **** obviously cannot compare with Captain Chu, so I just doubt it. "

Evelina said: "Are there any actions by Salem?"

Scorpion said: "Yes, they sent someone to chase, because the five are so long. They are so similar that they can't be distinguished at all, so the base scientists suspect they are either clones or mutants, so they must catch them. come back."

Evelina said, "Okay, I understand. This matter will be reported to Commander Song. You can go out."

All four doors of Salem Base were opened, four fully armed convoys rushed out, and two gunships took off. They assisted the ground forces in reconnaissance in both east and west directions. It seems that General Smith was fierce. If you do n’t find anyone, do n’t give up, otherwise the waste of fuel will be a big loss.

Chu Xiang and four sisters-in-law were hiding in a basement in Salem's old town at the moment. The four had made careful calculations after escaping the base. They considered two factors. One was that the base did not take them seriously. Children, just look for it. If so, they will be lucky, and they will be able to leave smoothly. The second is that the base treats them as dishes, and they will never let them go if they are not found. In that case, the trouble is too big. Feet must not be able to walk cars and airplanes, so finding a place to hide first becomes the top priority.

The five considered the worst place first, so they decided to hide in the most dangerous place, that is, the downtown area with frequent zombies, but the five did not dare to go too far. After all, they were also afraid of zombies, especially t3. Now the place where it was hiding was originally a supermarket. There were two floors below the ground, all of which were garages and warehouses. Some places had collapsed, several doors were blocked, and five people pried open a vent to drill in. .

The first day of searching ended in fruitlessness. Smith lost his temper. He took a slap from the warden in the office and ordered the troops to camp in place. They will continue to search tomorrow and send two more helicopters at the same time. Be sure Finding five identical bitches, Smith is sure that there must be a secret behind the five. Perhaps finding this secret will be of great benefit to him, but now people flee Smith and get nothing.

Soon the search results were sent back the next day, and the range had been expanded to around 100 kilometers. However, nothing was found except for the zombies. Smith had no problem regenerating gas. Continued expansion of the search range was not possible at Salem. Because in the world where zombies are everywhere, there is an unknown danger every time. In the past two days, five soldiers died. The ammunition consumed was also astronomical, and the farther away from the base, the greater the danger, and the supply will be difficult. Therefore, the search operation can only be stopped, and the list of items for trading Blue Life has been sorted out. Smith has to continue negotiations with Evelina, and the matter of finding a sister-in-law has to stop temporarily.

In light of the two days of chicken jumping at Salem Base (not only an external search, Smith was afraid that five mules were hiding their eyes in the base, so the base has been turned over five times in the past two days. ), Captain Scorpion applied for two more evolutionaries in China, one is the Captain Beetle and the other is the King of Almighty. With the strength of the King of Almighty, he can take Evelina away smoothly even if there is a civil war at Salem base.

In the conference room of the Blue Building, Smith was sitting opposite the long conference room. He smoked a cigar and waited for Evelina to read the long list. Everything was there, even the computer, printer, and digital camera. There are also many famous American fashion watches, but these Evelina are not interested. In the end, she only marked three items.

"General Smith, I can only accept two sets of lathes and one wafer production line in the list provided by you, but this is not equal to the value of a hundred blue lives, so I cannot tell my Chinese friends."

Smith frowned, "Miss Evelina, can't you be an American as an American? Apart from these, the Salem base only has weapons. If you want, I can provide two more new tanks and self-propelled artillery. "

"No, no," Evelina hurriedly waved. "China doesn't need weapons. Besides, this will weaken your defensive power, so we need to reconsider."

Of course, Smith knew that exchanging weapons would weaken his defensive strength, so he didn't list it at all, "I really can't think of anything else to exchange, or Miss Evelina would negotiate with the president , The United States still has valuable things to take out, it is not possible to exchange for Chinese ship carriers. "

Evelina said: "This is a good idea, but the American aircraft carrier seems to be moving and has been changed. General Smith has fallen behind, forget it, I will help you to do China's work, who Let's all be Americans. "

Smith gave Evelina a vicious glance secretly. If it weren't for the powerful evolutionaries around her, plus that she represents China, then she would have to look down! The three production lines are still not satisfied, really a woman who desires dissatisfaction! I do n’t know if she is the same in bed, but unfortunately she represents China, otherwise she must go to her!

The transaction was finally settled in this way. After taking advantage of the Chinese side and selling Evelina's favor, the two sides signed a formal contract. The next step is for the Chinese side to take over the production line. Lina is in charge. She will immediately rush to another base to discuss business. Before leaving, Smith sent Evelina on board. Evelina asked casually: "General Smith, did the fugitives get caught?"

Smith gritted his teeth and said, "No! But I will find them at three feet!"

Smith talked, and he sent Evelina and his party to redesign the search plan. From the analysis of the staff, the five mules couldn't escape far, and the last search made sure they didn't leave Celler. City, if they are not hiding in the base, then there is only one place to hide, urban area! They can't go any further.

In the face of Smith's crazy search plan, some people began to oppose, "General, it is important to find the five identical mules, but it is dangerous to venture into the city, or they will attract a large number of zombies if they besiege the base. But it's troublesome. "

Smith started pacing in the conference room. He was thinking about gains and losses. The scientists have analyzed him in the past two days. If the five mules are clones, then they may be able to develop rapid clone technology. The strength of the Mu base has an inestimable effect; even if the five mules have nothing to do with cloning, one of them also has a thing that puzzles scientists, that is, he escaped the energy induction of the evolutionary to the evolutionary. The use of this technology is also a big advantage. At that time, no one can identify which one of them is an evolutionary person, and can better hide their strength. Think of Smith here to make a decision.

"Now I announce that the search troops are starting!" Smith was tough, he did n’t need to vote at all, and the people below were also very wise. Seeing Smith's firm attitude, no one dared to speak out, and they did n’t need to go out on their own, even if they were dead. Died the soldiers, really attracted the zombies to siege the base, then fled by helicopter.

The edible food and water in the underground warehouse of the supermarket have been consumed, and five of them are dizzy and hungry. One of them said: "Guys, we have been hiding long enough. I think Salem should stop telling us Search, we can go out and see. "

Chu Xiang couldn't carry the threat of food and water even if he wanted to oppose it, so everyone first let the sensitive mule go to the vent to listen to the news. Unexpectedly, he brought back a bad thing. Salem base sent a large number of troops to enter. Downtown.

"How is this possible, is Smith crazy? There are at least hundreds of thousands of zombies in the urban area. Once they are led out of the base, it is dangerous!" A mule exclaimed, thinking that he would face a hunt after hiding for a few days, which made everyone very Disappointed

Another sister-in-law said: "Maybe he thinks our value is more than the base, but you guys, do you tell us that we have other secrets besides legs than ordinary people? Maybe Smith likes sister-in-law? But he won't come to us like this Ugly men play with broken backs, which is counterintuitive. "

Chu Xiang said: "Don't say that, I'm afraid that the search troops will have magnetic field sensors, so they will be transferred sooner or later, or they will be found here sooner or later. The deeper they are now, the better, the deeper the human body magnetic field sensors will be. The greater the geomagnetic interference. "

"Underground?" A mule frowned. "Are there deeper basements in Salem?"

Everyone is embarrassed. The city is different from the research room. The research room will be dug underground for safety considerations, but the city in which the human lives does not need to be built too deep underground, which is not conducive to living, not to mention the cost is too high, which leads to five This mule has no place to hide at all, unless he hides in a deeper urban area, praying that those American soldiers dare not go too far.

After five people reached an agreement and continued to go deeper into the city, they would rather be eaten by zombies than captured by American soldiers. Smith is crazy. He came to five people regardless of cost, so the consequences of his finding are unthinkable, so he would rather die. Anyway, the five did not know their origins, and there was nothing to worry about when they died.

The sound of the car motors of the search troops has been clearly heard. The five did not dare to climb out of the mall and proceed carefully to the urban area. There were more and more zombies along the way. Fortunately, the five were quite agile and all of them were walking. Shortcuts, so the farther away you are from the search force, the last five people enter an 18-story office building in the city center, and open the garage door to the underground garage.

Five people found some food along the way, so there was no need to worry about starvation in a short time. As for how to look at things in the dark garage, one of the mules solved the problem. It turned out that he had different eyes, no matter whether there was light or not. What, he can see through the darkness and most of the objects, just like the hearing-sensitive mule, this ability is not very useful for fighting, and even can't defend himself, so this mule doesn't take special eyes into mind.

With the night vision perspective, the five people easily found a most comfortable hiding place in the dark, the garage duty room, simply ate some food and drank water. The five fell to the ground and fell asleep. They are scared here, their nerves can't be stretched out early, because the fanfare search troops can't escape the attack of zombies, it will take at least a few days for them to arrive here, and whether they can break through the defense of zombies is still a problem. This is Five people rest assured that they dare to sleep.

I do n’t know when to sleep. Anyway, there is always darkness around. Chu Xiang is awakened by a sound of crickets. He pushes and pushes the sensitive **** beside him. When the **** wakes up, he covers his mouth. Chu Xiang said: "Listen to Listen, what sound? "

Hearing sensitive mule listened with his side ears and said, "It seems to be the sound of mice chewing. Fuck, we forgot more underground mice. I don't know if there are mutant mice. We don't have any weapons. What can we do?"

The conversation between the two awakened the other mules. Someone touched the rubber rod in the garage duty room. "Not afraid, ordinary mutant mice are nothing, as long as they don't get bitten by it, we just can't see them without lights. Location, let's make a fire, anyway, the fire here can't be seen outside. "

Chu Xiang found a lighter from the back of his pocket and slammed it. There was finally light in the dark garage. The mule who could see through the night vision was not affected by darkness at all. He had already looked for some garbage dumps on duty. At the door of the room, Chu Xiang ignited a piece of work clothes in the duty room and threw it on the rubbish.

The creaking sound is getting louder and closer, and the wall that was separated at first was too thick and too thick. The perspective eye could not find the sound source, but as the distance approached, the perspective eye cricket finally saw clearly, "Mom, It's the zombie eating thighs! It's coming in, everyone is ready! "

The sight was clear because of the fire. When the thigh-eating zombies came down from the layers of the corridor, everyone was ready to fight. It was struck by two rubber sticks left and right as soon as it was probed. Alas, zombies. His head was blasted, the black brain was splashing everywhere, and a large piece of the two mules also fell.

What surprises everyone is that the zombies without their heads did not fall to the ground, because the stairs were a little far from the fire here, so everyone tried to open their eyes wide to see that the zombies had grown round under their heads. The head, but this head is a bit small and ugly. It looks like a big eyeball. It turns out that this is a t4 that has just evolved!

Fuck! Five people yelled at the same time, afraid of what came from here. American soldiers could not find it here, but zombies and mutants were common. I thought that there would only be t2. Who would know that t4 was encountered? Hope, but just met t4, isn't this life-threatening?

The t4 that burst his head throws away the thigh in his hand, and the thigh is taken away more than half. The fresh human flavour attracts t4, so the rotting thigh has lost its temptation, but the eating head has been beaten and newly grown. T4 hasn't fully evolved to eat, which makes t4 anxious and can't help it, and it starts angrily and quickly attacks.

The response to Chu Xiang encountering t3 was to escape, but now it is only t4. Chu Xiang has no power to fight, but it is not so easy to escape here. Hidden places often mean that the probability of escape is low, let alone Chu Xiang also Unwilling to leave the other four sister-in-laws, everyone sympathized with each other, and these days have been like brothers.

Bang, Chu Xiang was caught by t4 as soon as he stabbed a knife, and then fell on a Mercedes-Benz car. The sturdy roof was actually smashed and bent. Chu Xiangyu spit out blood. The shock was just too severe. His The internal organs were injured, but the mule with sensitive ears was in worse condition than Chu Xiang. He was dropped by t4 and fell on a row of collapsed guardrails. The guardrail happened to have an iron rod standing on it, and the iron rod penetrated the ear. The sensitive bitch's body.

Chu Xiang knew that the probability of survival today was very low. He gritted his teeth and jumped off the half-collapsed Mercedes-Benz car. At this time, T4 lifted the special mule with his eyes and fell out again. He was wearing the iron rod. Another mule, the iron rod was two meters long, and more than a metre was exposed after putting on one mule. This time another one was put on. Both were inserted into the heart, and they were about to die.

Chu Xiang fluttered and hugged t4's legs tightly with both hands, shouting loudly to the other two mules: "Run, run away! Escape one and count one!"

The other two mules glanced at the mule who was wearing a sugar gourd, and glanced at Chu Xiang, who was being kicked by t4 and desperately spitting blood, and they suddenly made up their minds not to escape but instead rushed to t4, "Go to him, everyone Just die together! "

The potential of man's outbreak at the time of dying is endless. This t4 is firmly hugged by Chu Xiang's thigh. Even if it can jump higher and run faster, it becomes a bird in prison at this moment. The other two The sister-in-law rushed up, grabbing one arm, and smashing whatever she could feel. T4 had just evolved, and the eyeball was still fragile. The two sister-in-law were only there, and one of the sisters also felt A rubber rod, knocked dozens of times and even smashed the eyeballs, this t4, which is not low in strength, was killed by three bitches!

The three did not expect to kill a t4. Although they suffered a lot of injuries and did not know when they would be infected, but now they couldn't help it. The three struggled to get up and rescue the person who was wearing a sugar gourd first. The other two bitches.

"Don't ... don't ... don't move us ..." The top **** said weakly, "We can't do it, let us die like this. Although we haven't known each other for a long time, we're very happy, brothers, goodbye It's ... "

Chu Xiang was badly hurt. Alas, he spit out blood again with excitement. "No! If you persist, you will live, you will! You can't lose your faith, cheer up! Cheer up!"

The other two sister-in-law patted Chu Xiang's shoulder and said, "Brothers, they can't do it anymore. Let's change the grief. No matter what, we won't forget each other. If we know each other, we will always be brothers."

Chu Xiang pushed away the two of them. At this moment, his mood was more sorrow than anyone else. Previously, Chu Xiang had been living alone, without friends and relatives, and finally encountered four people who were exactly like him, and everyone got along. Also, there is no need for intrigue. Suddenly you will lose two. This mood is not comparable to the other two **** living in ordinary people!

噗 ~ ~ Chu Xiang pulled the first mule from the iron rod, the blood was almost drained, the mule's weak voice couldn't even be heard, and then Chu Xiang put the bottom one again. The mule was pulled from the iron rod, and his condition was even worse, basically only the air was exhausted without air intake.

Chu Xiang held the two **** in his arms and cried like a sissy, except for Rashid, the four people in front of him gave him a good impression, but he suddenly lost two, could he not be sad?

Alas, it is difficult for Chu Xiang to calm down and cause the injury to worsen, and he will vomit blood again. In this case, most of the time, he will not be able to survive, it is just that the time is later than the two seriously wounded sisters-in-law. The other two sister-in-law were not in good condition. They sat together and started unconscious. They were both injured when they hit the t4 just now, most likely they were infected! A t4 destroys five mules, creating evil.

Chu Xiang's two eyes can no longer be supported. The upper eyelid and the lower eyelid are in contact with each other. He is holding two **** who have passed through the chest and fell to the ground. Chu Xiang has no clue dreams. There are many things in the dream. , But he couldn't hold it at all, this dull feeling was extremely uncomfortable.

Huh, Chu Xiang opened his eyes with a sigh of relief, remembered a moment before he remembered what happened before he fell asleep, but left and right, the two seriously wounded mules were gone!

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