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Chapter 563: 4 dead 1 life

Chu Xiang was startled, looked up, and t4, who had broken his eyes, lay motionless on the ground. There were still two unconscious sons lying on the ground, but the two seriously injured sons could not be found.

Chu Xiang touched his chest. The internal injury was not as painful as before falling asleep, and he didn't even feel that he had been injured. Did the injury recover in his sleep? How is this possible? Chu Xiang got up from the ground and looked around, but he didn't find the two mules who passed through the chest with iron rods, but Chu Xiang found two very strange things.

The first was that the fire went out because no one was looking after the lack of fuel, but Chu Xiang didn't know until this moment that his vision had suddenly strengthened. Without any light source, he could see the surroundings clearly! He can even see through the various structures of vehicles parked in the garage! Why is this, isn't this the ability to see the night vision eyes bitch?

The second weird thing, Chu Xiang found two sets of clothes in the position where he was lying. Obviously, the two seriously wounded mules passed through. What happened to them? Even if dead, there should be a corpse. If they are not dead, they will not leave quietly without their bodies. If there are zombies or mutant creatures in the process of Chu Xiang's drowsiness, then Chu Xiang and the other two are unconscious. The awake sister-in-law should have been hit, but why were the three of them safe and sound?

Chu Xiang couldn't understand these two things. Suddenly there was a slight sound. Chu Xiang looked back. It turned out that the two infected mules had awakened. The two got up from the ground and talked. This made Chu Xiang cancel. With the thought that they had become corpses, he would have to endure the two brothers with pain.

"What's going on? Why do we suddenly. Sleep asleep." The two sisters could not see the surrounding situation, and had to greet each other first, Chu Xiang lit the fire again, dragged a desk from the duty room When it came out and burned on the fire, the blazing fire illuminated the area around the duty room as day.

"Where are the two of them?" The two **** who woke up also noticed the abnormality, and two were missing!

Chu Xiang said: "I just woke up, and then I didn't see them. Only these two sets of clothes, and even the underwear were left. You said if something unusual happened when we were unconscious."

The remaining two sisters-in-law did not doubt Chu Xiang's words, the roots between the three people. There was no idea of ​​intrigue, which is why the friendship was cherished by the five people. In the last days, it is often for the benefit of people. The composition is like Bart raised five women. In fact, he had the idea of ​​eating their meat early in his heart, but it was not necessary to realize the rescue later.

"Did they say they were alive again? But how could it be that they were so seriously injured. They would not be able to leave quietly even if they had survived. Instead, they should wait for us to wake up or leave a message. Is it necessary to take off my clothes and leave? "A sister-in-law asked a question, and he asked himself to deny his thoughts.

The other sister-in-law was surprised: "Fuck, are we dead? We are all gone. What happened?

Chu Xiang smiled bitterly: "I, myself, wondering, and I still have the ability of the brother just now, now my eyes can see things in the dark, I was not hurt less than you, but now you look at me Still like the wounded? "

I heard that Chu Xiang had the special ability of disappearing companions. The two sister-in-laws were thoughtful. Then the three of them thought that they were not infected, and even the wounds recovered after the sight. Five people are not unreasonable, but it is estimated that it is impossible to find out the secret based on the research conditions of the three people.

A mule suddenly decided to say, "Don't care about these things, even if the two brothers are still alive and don't want to watch us go down, we should live a better life. Since there is t4 coming in here, it will not be safe. Find a place to stay. "

But when the three of them got on the ground, they knew that the road was no longer accessible. I saw zombies everywhere on the street, dense streets and alleys, and Chu Xiang said, "What's going on? Is there a big action on the zombies?" "

Another **** said: "I think so, humans have invaded their territory. Maybe they want to fight back. Well, I smell the smell of the search troops. The smell of heavy gasoline."

Chu Xiang joked: "Oh, your dog's nose, why didn't we smell it?"

Xunzi said: "Chu Xiang, it's hard not to notice that the five of us have different abilities. Although they are not big things, they are more special than ordinary people. If they are all concentrated on one person, that would be great."

Another sister-in-law said: "Yeah, maybe this is the secret in our body. Although everyone knew each other soon, they were very close to each other. I think it must be related to the secret of our life. Unfortunately, we may not find it. In addition, you all have It's a special place, but why didn't I find myself different? "

Chu Xiang patted the sister-in-law's shoulder and said, "You'll find it, don't worry."

Another mule said: "Since the road on the ground is not workable, let's drill the sewer. As far as I know, the sewer construction in Europe and the United States is quite luxurious. It can drive. The dog-like drills like in China may be blocked. inside."

The three smiled and went to find the entrance to the sewer. There was a drainage pipe in the garage. The three quickly entered the main sewage pipe of Salem through there, and it was very spacious. Although some places collapsed, The pipeline was not blocked because it was spacious, but it was more troublesome when passing.

The three were unlucky. They met a mouse about three hundred meters away. They were as big as a cat, and they did n’t know whether they had been mutated. They were stuck in the way and stared at the three. Chu Xiang said: Do n’t we look back? Anyway, we do n’t have any goals, it does n’t matter which direction we go. ”The other two agreed:“ Yes, there is no need to live with it. ”

The three did not feel that it was shameful to be scared off by the rats. They turned to prepare to retreat, but a sudden rattling in the sewage, and then a few big rats got out of the sewage, just blocking the way the three backed. They The body shuddered and the sewage was splashing and splashing. The three were caught in the middle. They couldn't move forward and backward, and they didn't want to go through with the mice.

A mule smiled bitterly: "It seems my proposal is wrong and the sewer is not safe. I don't know if it's too late to go to the ground now. Or we can discuss with them. We can't cut this lame leg and feed them. . "

Another **** said: "Stop joking, get ready to fight!"

Chu Xiang's dagger had already been drawn out, and the other two mules also had iron rods. The three of them formed a circle to protect their backs. At this time, the mice couldn't wait. They were probably hungry, and they jumped. When he got up and pounced on the three of them, one of Chu Xiang's slaps, and he cut to his neck with a dagger. The other two also stared at each other. The iron rod in his hand smashed and slammed. Killing, this greatly increased the confidence of the three, and the weapons in their hands waved faster.

It was just that the three ignored the number of rats, and their reproduction speed was amazing, so it was impossible to have only this number in the watercourses. Sure enough, after the defeat in the war, the rats squeaked, and hundreds of big rats immediately emerged from the sewage. Then, they all climbed ashore and attacked the three of Xiang Xiang. Then the three of them immediately showed their defeat. They could take care of this side but not the other side. Soon they were full of mice. They were desperately biting and their clothes were torn. The skin is also broken.

"Ah ...!" So far I haven't figured out what's different about me. The sister-in-law suddenly screamed. The mice in front of him died like instantaneous needles that had been hit with blood and throat! The rest of the rats didn't know what was going on. They whistled into the water and never showed up again. It seemed that the strange death of their companions scared them.

"What's going on?" Chu Xiang and another sister-in-law approached, and the screaming sister-in-law was also inexplicable. He yelled because a mouse wanted to break through his mouth. The rat was entangled, so as not to let the rat with a mouth open, he yelled and tried to scare it, but unexpectedly killed a mouse.

Chu Xiang got up on the premise. The big rat's body was so soft that he even broke his bones. No wonder he died so fast. Presumably the internal organs were also broken instantly. How could he survive the heavy blow, but what a blow? Can kill the mouse from the inside without damaging the skin.

The mule who killed the mouse stepped forward and looked at the dead mouse. He asked, "What am I? Is it useful?"

Another sister-in-law said: "Of course it is useful, it is so useful. You have a killing power. Come try again."

The mule who killed the rat coughed twice. "No, my throat is dumb, as long as the tone is high."

Chu Xiang waved his hand and said, "Don't try it, let's go quickly. If the mouse returns, it's troublesome."

The three continued to move in the original direction. This time, no one dare to take it lightly, lest any monsters will be drilled in the water. The terrain will soon get higher and higher. Later, the sewage in the sewer disappears. People are secretly pleased that if they can find a place where they can move back and forth, they can escape by avoiding the search of ground forces.

"There should be a repair room in front," Chu Xiang caressed the dust on the signs on the sewer wall. Although he doesn't know who he is, he understands English and some basic common sense, otherwise he won't be able to survive in this world.

The three men accelerated their pace, and the sewer gradually became spacious. At the end, a large shaft appeared. There was a small door on the side of the shaft. The sign above said maintenance room. This is probably the sewer maintenance department. There are six sets of pipelines, which are in all directions, and the upward path is also open, but the exit is covered by the plants that have grown in the past two years.

Chu Xiang said: "Where do we settle down here? There are six roads when retreating, or directly on the ground."

The other two sister-in-law said: "Okay, we are also optimistic about this place. Let's go to the repair room to see if we can find food and beds. As long as we are hungry, we will not be afraid to live here for a few more days."

The three went to the maintenance room in a hurry, and no one thought that this turned out to be the way to go. They only heard the squeak and opened the door of the maintenance room. The three were less than ten meters away from the maintenance room at this time. Before it was too late, Chu Xiangxi pulled out his dagger, and the other two mules immediately raised the iron rods. When they saw what was coming out of the repair room, the three's faces changed, and the hands holding the arms shivered. Terminator ?! "

From the maintenance room was a large black cricket, whose body was covered with black squares. Although Chu Xiang and the other two cripples had never seen a real Terminator, they did not hear this description less often. The image of the person should be unfamiliar, but the words shouted from the mouths of the other two mules and he immediately understood.

Who would have thought that there was a terminator hidden underneath the center of Salem. Even this terminator might not have expected that someone would come to the city center full of zombies, and it would still be a dirty and dangerous sewer. Both sides stunned after they met each other. Today's Terminator cannot be compared with the old one. They have become a dog of a bereavement, so this Terminator showed a look of fear when he saw humans, but it did not escape, but pulled Get ready to end up with humans, because the Terminator understands that today it is either dead or the other, it is best to kill people, otherwise humans know that there is a Terminator hidden here and they will come to kill it.

The three of Chu Xiang were really afraid at the moment, because they knew their own strength, and they did not want to fight the Terminator without acetate bombs. What's more, they didn't scare the terminator at all except the broken copper and iron. The terminator was afraid because he didn't understand the truth for the time being, but the fear of the three of them was real.

The Terminator carefully looked up and down the three of Chu Xiang. Soon it found out that the three did not carry weapons that threatened it, so it made a strange noise and rushed up. Chu Xiang and the other two sister-in-laws shared their hearts. The three knew this time and again. Can't escape, so he shouted to meet up. Terminator is different from t4. After all, t4 still has weaknesses, but this terminator cannot be eliminated except for the acetic acid bomb! Its armor is the ultimate protection, even if the three of them did not break the teeth, they would not hurt it.

When the dagger was tied to the terminator, the terminator did not hurt or itch, but kicked Chu Xiang with one foot, and the iron rod hit the back of the terminator, but it turned around and slapped a mule with one hand, and the other A mule hugged the Terminator's thigh, the Terminator cut it with one palm, slammed, half of the mule's shoulder was abolished, and then both arms were kicked off. The Terminator seemed to think that he had been deceived by the three, so he was not deflated. One stepped on the lame's chest, and he spit out blood, and this time he suffered a serious internal injury, I'm afraid he couldn't live.

The mule who was just blown up by the palm of his hand climbed up and rushed to the Terminator. Unfortunately, the Terminator had mastered the strength of the three, knowing that they could not cause any harm to themselves at all, so it carried out the slaughter without scruples and rushed up. The mule was tightly hugged by the Terminator, and it was snapped off from the waist with a click. The Terminator was cruel and desperate. He would never allow his hiding place to leak out, otherwise there would be no Ningji in the future.

Chu Xiang was so distressed that it was difficult to find four similar species, but within an hour all four similar species were sacrificed. Although the two lying on the ground were still breathing, Chu Xiang understood that they had no possibility of survival at all. "Ah!" Chu Xiang yelled angrily towards the Terminator, and the Terminator's counterattack still kicked him out. Chu Xiang flew down and hit the top wall of the sewer. The impact and crushed stone fainted, and the Terminator picked up a mule and threw it onto the crushed stone block buried by Chu Xiang, and then the spear of the trial stabbed down the top wall of the drain, more broken. The stone fell and completely buried Chu Xiang and the other two mules.

"Go! Go! Go!" There was a sudden advance of American soldiers in the sewer, and then someone shouted a warning: "Everyone be careful, there is a Terminator here!" An officer's voice immediately said, "Change the acetic acid bomb and prepare to raise the gun. ! "

The Terminator's eyes hidden in the sewer began to turn red. It didn't expect that he would carry it like this. One day after another, he was noticed by two waves of people. Obviously, the three people hadn't had time to send a signal. How could they attract others? It seems that more people must be eliminated to hide their whereabouts.

The angry Terminator took the initiative to pounce on the American soldiers who appeared in the pipeline, but it underestimated the strength of these American soldiers. Simply analyzing the level of the zombies and Terminators, of course, is that zombies are not as powerful as Terminators, but for American soldiers, They would rather encounter the Terminator than fight the zombies, because the Terminator can be solved by only aiming at one shot, but the zombies are endless. Unless they hit their heads, don't try to destroy them.

Bang, a crisp gunshot, the terminator's regretful intestines are all green, it wrongly thought that the three of them had no acetic acid bomb, so this group of people should not have, but I do n’t know that these two groups are not of a nature at all, but the Earth people There was no regret medicine, nor did the Terminator. Its armor was instantly broken by the acetic acid bomb, and the warhead hit the internal organs. Although it did not die on the spot, the chaos shots that followed made it a horse honeycomb. .

"Shoot!" The US official drilled out from a set of sewer pipes, and he sweared fiercely. This task was really not done by humans, and the whole body was almost attacked by the terminator. ~ Www.wuxiaspot .com ~ If it wasn't for the ghosts to think of the need to bring acetic acid bombs, then everyone must confess here today!

"Search carefully nearby!" The officer shouted loudly, in case it is not good to have a terminator, so be sure to cut off the roots. This time, fortunately killing a terminator is also a success, maybe promotion is not a dream.

"Captain, come and see!" Someone shouted aloud, the officer hurried over, and saw a pile of rubble and gravel being moved away, and a head was revealed inside. The officer said: "Dig him out and see if it's a zombie!"

A team of American soldiers began to dig, and another team was armed with a gun. In case of an accident during the excavation, they were responsible for fire suppression. Soon the rubble was removed, and a pile of ragged clothes pressed on a man covered in plaster. The man was quickly pulled out of the gravel pile, and the American soldier glanced down at the rubble, convinced that no one was dead.

The US official stepped forward and looked at it, but did not know who the person was. Although he looked a little familiar, it was really different from the photo he posted. Someone was not as ugly as he did. Some people also measured the legs of the person, and the results were not abnormal. It seems that he is not the **** that the army is looking for.

(Dear friends, I wish you all an early age, good New Year!)

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