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Chapter 567: Jump into the Yellow River

China's evolutionaries are synonymous with victory, which is common throughout the world. Their strength is so high that they are almost invincible, so the herald will say that Chu Xiang is out of luck. In the future wars, there is almost no need to worry about failure. What's more, Chu Xiang shines when she sees someone, who doesn't like beauty, even if she can't touch her eyes.

The beauty in front of them is big and small, the small is Fang Yuxuan and the big is Su Yulian. In fact, what attracts men most is not their looks, but their **** bodies. Whether they are large or small, their **** are super full. Chu Xiang even thinks that they are because they have been mutated, but this idea Chu Xiang just speculates in the heart. Beautiful women, especially big breasted women Chu Xiang also like it, but Chu Xiang did not fight their ideas because Chu Xiang has a self-knowledge. He knows that this is impossible, and it's enough to be full of eyesight. If you think about it, you may get hurt.

But the more Chu Xiang wanted to hide from them, the more he found him. The two women launched an 'attack' on Chu Xiang after the herald told them to leave. The reason was because of Chu Xiang ’s name, as if the name had offended them. The taboo of the little girl, the attitude of the young girl is very kind, "Hey! You must change the name!" Although the big girl did not speak, Chu Xiang saw that her opinion of herself was more serious than that of the little girl, but she had a big personality It was relatively calm and did not reveal his opinions.

Chu Xiang turned around and left, Rashid replied for him: "I said the super girls from China, I know you treat the name" Chu Xiang "like a god, but you do n’t have to be overbearing to let others use this name Right. "

Fang Yuxuan exclaimed, "He can't use it! Look at him, be handsome or not, or be talented. What's his name? Chu Xiang, I won't forbid him to use this if he has one-tenth of Brother Chu." first name!"

Rashid said with a little surprise: "Well, you know the Chinese Chu Xiang? So you have the real skills? Great, we are also worried that we can't keep this wall, then the next work will be It's up to you two. "

Su Yulian frowned and said, "We are just here to help you understand. The main force in fighting is you."

Rashid said: "I do n’t understand. Since you are capable of defeating this war, why should we let us die? Are you Chinese so unfriendly? Of course, except for our company commanders, because He cares about the lives of our brothers, and he won't stand idly by as you do. "

Fang Yuxuan shouted to Rashid and said, "Who said to stand by?". Do n’t let your blood spurt people! Annoyed me and burn you into a piece of coke! I hate you foreigners the most, if you are not your brother Chu Something! "

Seeing Fang Yuxuan's expression excited, Su Yulian whispered: "Small rain! Calm down. If you go with me, we will naturally shoot when necessary. They don't care what they say! We don't have to fight for our lives."

Rashid watched as the two women twisted their butts and went down the wall. He went to Chu Xiang and said, "Chu Xiang, why are you hiding? There is no need to be afraid of them. If you don't pack them, you will be beaten for a while. What if they do n’t listen to the command? ”

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "Please rest assured, the woman with the last name Su will not be unreasonable, but they have a lot of opinions about my name. One thing is worse than one thing. You also stay away from them. People come from afar. After all, it is the guests. It is better not to offend them at this moment, otherwise who will help us to fight back the zombies. "

Rashid said helplessly: "Well, who made you the boss, but I must admit that these two women are really good. I did not expect that Chu Xiang had such a beautiful blessing. The last two Chinese women met It has made me very envious. He turned out to have two stunning worshippers again, but unfortunately he was not blessed. "

The zombies and creepers were eager to move, but they were reluctant to act. They just started to besiege three layers outside and three layers outside. When a clear picture was taken from the high lookout tower, everyone was frowning. The type of creeper is very simple. It is a creature with the size of a small calf. Chu Xiang does not know much about the animals of the Americas. He also asked his soldiers that they could not tell what it was. There was no tail, but There are sharp teeth, they are mixed with zombies, staring at Salem base from time to time, but they do not launch attacks.

Late at night, the corpse under the big searchlight rioted, the watchtower immediately issued an alarm, Chu Xiang boarded the fence, and under the flare, only a distant army came, and it was clearly recognized by the night vision telescope. It was a group Herd of mutant horses, each of them holding a weapon, the simplest of which is also an iron rod or the like.

Americans do n’t know much about mutant horses, so it ’s scary to see such a monster twice as many as normal people, and even many mutant horses walk upright with their hind heels, which makes American soldiers even more afraid. There is a way to stop this mood in the company. He puts down his night vision glumly. The zombie may have waited for the last force and may launch an attack immediately, but morale is now extremely low. This battle seems to be undoubtedly undoubted. Unless it is the miracles of these Chinese evolutionists, but it is clear that when the Chinese evolutionaries are also humans, their energy will be used up, so in the face of tens of thousands of enemies, their personal abilities No matter how strong it is, it is not everything.

When the Mutant Horse circled the Salem base several times, several helicopters flew away. Obviously, it should be the high-level retreat of the base. They did not dare to stay here, but the remaining tens of thousands of civilians could not withdraw. Go, they can only pray for the troops to win the battle, but in fact the American soldiers were surrounded by zombies without attacking them, driving them crazy, as if they knew psychological warfare. At this time, the American soldiers' fighting ability was minimized, and Chu Xiang was powerless. Even after several nights of encouragement, it didn't work. Fortunately, I finally passed it safely that night, and when I saw the belly of the fish, Bai Chuxiang tiredly walked down the fence and there were several tents along the fence. This was to facilitate the soldiers who kept the fence. Rest, Chinese tents for Yu Xuan and Su Yulian are also located here.

Chu Xiang walked hurriedly because of something in his heart. He suddenly heard the sound of rushing water. He couldn't help but stunned. The Salem base had strict control on domestic water. Generally, it was only enough to distribute the drinking water for one day. The other water is only acid water, but these contaminated water cannot be drunk or washed, because the corrosiveness is too high, so most people do not wash their faces and bathe all year round. Listening to the sound of water is that someone is taking a bath. Chu Xiang is angry. tent.

"Ah ..." Suddenly screamed, Chu Xiang was shocked, thinking about how to boost morale in his heart, he forgot that there were two women in the army guarding the wall! And now Chu Xiang is setting off the two evolution tents from China! Originally, I planned to teach the soldier who wasted water. Who knew that he had stumbled into the woman's bath, and Chu Xiang took about two seconds, then quickly lowered the tent curtain, but exhaled a burst of flames, Chu Xiang When I rolled around on the spot, I avoided it, but my eyebrows and hair were scratched. A smoldering smell spread into my nose. I touched it with my hand and a pile of dregs fell down. Chu Xiang had no time to think. Another group of flames burned out the curtain of the tent and came out. Chu Xiang knew the flames were so powerful that he could only roll again on the spot. The flames fell, and Chu Xiang got up and ran.

A girl chased her out wearing a bath towel, her face was full of anger, and flames kept coming out of her mouth, all the facilities along the way caught fire, and some soldiers who were not asleep or awakened surrounded them to see It was lively, especially the upper body of this girl was very seductive. The trembling flesh ran up and was so dynamic that the bath towel could not cover all parts. The two smooth thighs were incredibly fragrant in the hazy morning light.

"Light rain!" Just no one dared to stop the girl from chasing Chu Xiang after a few hundred meters with a flame to stop her.

"He ... he ..." Fang Yuxuan flew into Su Yulian's arms with her arms in her arms, and she wept bitterly, "Sister Lian helped me kill this stinky hooligan! I want to poke out his eyes and break him into pieces." ! "

Su Yulian stared at the American soldiers who were watching on the side. Although those soldiers wanted to continue watching the fragrant scenes, Su Yulian's eyes seemed to have a layer of ice, which caused them to fight the Cold War involuntarily, and then returned to their posts.

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter? Put out the fire first!" Su Yulian said quietly. At this time, she couldn't mess. In case the zombies attack at this moment, this section of wall must be broken first.

Fang Yuxuan pointed at the back of Chu Xiang who had fled: "I'm taking a bath in a tent. This stinky hooligan breaks in. I have to dig out his eyes and kill him to wash the shame."

Su Yulian said: "I didn't expect this person to be so indecent, Xiaoyu don't cry, my sister will get justice for you, otherwise I will freeze the Salem base! Let them not escape one!"

Chu Xiang is now regretful that he is dying. He hides and still provokes the two women. The most unfortunate thing is that he peeked at people to take a bath. Even though Chu Xiang ’s motive was not voyeurism at all, he just suspected that someone was coming The world wasted precious drinking water, so I wanted to find out what to punish, but the facts have already happened. No matter who it is, no one will believe him now. This is exactly why he jumped into the Yellow River.

However, Chu Xiang's mouth was still full of praise from the other girl Yu Xuan. She was a great figure. The pair on her chest was a stunner. The white flowered Chu Xiang had nothing but this pair of giants. Without seeing it, the stunner alone is enough to drive a normal man crazy.

Su Yulian first accompanied Fang Yuxuan to change clothes, and the fire caused by the road was eliminated. Then the two went out to look for Chu Xiang. This loss must not be eaten like this. Even if you went through the Salem base, you would find this hooligan. Who dares to stop it? Who can kill, but there is no reinforcement, as long as a satellite phone can be mobilized from the base zero master.

Chu Xiang was hiding in the corner anxiously thinking about how to solve the immediate crisis, and it was absolutely impossible to talk to them. Besides, he was taking advantage of it. Even if the explanation was clear, it would be purely annoying to say to others that they would be responsible for it. Depending on people's stature and flame skills, it's not good to find a man. You have to be responsible, silly.

Rashid had heard the letter, and he quickly found Chu Xiang. The two of them gave thumbs up before meeting. Chu Xiang said: "Don't hit me, this time the accident is so big, please help me find a way Solve, none of those two Chinese women are good at dealing with, they must be comforted first, otherwise something will happen. "

Rashid said: "Chu Xiang, you are so bullied, even a loli chased across the street, and now it ’s going crazy outside. Did n’t you worry about how to boost morale just now, I ’m sure as long as you let that Chinese woman The children streak around, even if they let these American soldiers die.

Chu Xiang scolded: "You go to death first, when are you kidding me?"

Rashid said: "You're really embarrassed. Since you want to peep why you didn't call me, my regretful intestines are all green now. I knew I should always follow you after the meeting, so that I can share a cup of soup."

Chu Xiangteng stood up, he firmly said, "It's the best policy to go, I'm leaving."

Rashid saw that Chu Xiang was not joking, and said, "Leave? Where to go? How to leave?"

Chu Xiang climbed up the wall and looked at the zombies and mutated creatures on the outside and the third floor. "Leaving the Salem base, I will never see them again. Sorry Rashid, I wanted to do something big with you. , Now it seems that God does not allow me to do this, I must rush out and try, goodbye. "

Rashid knew that it would be a dead end for Chu Xiang to run outside alone. At this time, he did n’t even think about joking and joking. “I ’ll go with you! Blessed are the same as you, and Salem base may be against you and me. Maybe another place is our world. This is called no staying grandfather here, owning a grandfather office. "

Chu Xiang patted Rashid on the shoulder and said, "Rashid, I know you take me as a brother, but it is still a problem if you can break out of the zombies surrounded by your life. Do n’t be impulsive. I did it, even if the base is high You will listen to my explanation, and the two women will never forgive me. You will stay alive and go by myself. "

Who knows that Rashid was so strong that Chu Xiang followed wherever he went. Chu Xiang was also moved when he was angry. He found a rope and dropped the fence to slide along the rope outside the base. Even if a Chinese woman It is estimated that he did not run away from the base to chase after finding that he escaped. However, Chu Xiang had no idea how to spend the tens of millions of zombies.

Chu Xiang climbed to half, and Rashid climbed one-third. Suddenly, two heads came out of the fence. "Here! Where the stinky hooligan wants to escape!" Fang Yuxuan yelled, and then she was about to launch The flames broke the rope and the hooligan peeping into her body fell into the mouth of the zombies. A low wave came suddenly, followed by the dull sound of the flash flood. Under the dawn sun, thousands of zombies moved outside. They The tide came in, and Chu Xiang, who had climbed half of the wall, said to Rashid above his head, "Come back!"

Rashid understood that it was necessary to climb down further, so that the tide-like attack could not be blocked by their ordinary people, so he caught a rope between his legs and limped up. Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian standing beside the rope turned out to be unexpected. They didn't catch him either. The zombies 'offensive made them afraid. If it wasn't for the zombies' entry into the attack range of the two, I'd be afraid they would fight back.

Chu Xiang knew that he could no longer escape. He only climbed back to the wall quickly. Although Fang Yuxuan ignored him, he stepped forward and explained, "Girl Fang, I know you won't believe it, but I didn't mean it just now. I I just heard the sound of water and thought it was a soldier who wasted water to bathe, believe it or not, just casually. "

Chu Chuxiang grabbed a machine gun that grabbed the soldier next to him, and then aimed at the creeper team and pulled the trigger, and the first shot sounded, followed by a masterpiece like a fried bean, rushed to the front The flesh and blood of the cannon fodder zombies flew, but the number of these cannon fodder zombies was not large, and because of their slow speed, they were quickly surpassed by the creepers behind them. These flexible creepers such as leopards and wolves jumped over the zombies quickly They blasted the wall like a blast, facing the bullet rain composed of machine guns, they ignored them. Dangdang, the bullet hit the creeper as if it hit an iron plate!

Shoot special! The American soldiers scolded, the creepers were really unusual, and the bullets had no effect on them. The evolutionary tried to attack with acetic acid bombs. It was useless. They were creepers and not terminator. At this time, the rockets started to fire. The smoke rose, and each bullet exploded in the creeper team. This time, the effect is obvious. After all, the creeper's level is not high. They can block ordinary bullets, but they ca n’t stop the more powerful rockets. Already.

However, the rockets are also some anti-tank models. The number is not large. They were launched in less than five minutes. This wave of attacks only blocked the creepers, although hundreds of creepers were eliminated. The rushers came, and the corpses were quickly trampled into the mud as if they had never existed. This small amount of loss had no effect on the creeper unit.

In the face of the creeper attacking the evolutionary forces, their eight immortals showed their magical powers across the sea. At the same time, various skills were deployed at the same time. Although the creepers were coming, they were stopped by the evolvers, but their energy was eliminated They are all limited, and the time is only five minutes. Most of the evolutionaries stopped attacking. This continuous consumption of energy is not what they can afford, not to mention who has no selfishness. Most evolutionaries hold their strength. Breakout idea.

Rumble Rumble Rumble, the creeper team gathered again, their number is still sufficient to support more than ten large-scale attacks, almost everyone thinks that Salem base is finished, at this time the evolutionists from China took the shot, they scattered in Each section of the fence has different strengths, but it is more than enough to deal with creepers.

Fang Yuxuan's flame skills all unfolded around a sea of ​​fire ~ ~ Chu Xiang only now knows that Fang Yuxuan didn't try his best to kill him, otherwise he would have been burned to death. With the power of this fire, Chu Xiang let the soldiers The fuel oil and cotton cloth were thrown down, and the fire became more fierce. Those creepers were not afraid of bullets, but they retreated in the face of the fierce flame.

The power of the Chinese evolutionist suddenly appeared, and Salem base cheered: "Long live the Chinese evolutionist!"

At this time, the mutant horses that have been watching in the back have suddenly changed. They pulled a cannon from the team. Yes, from the appearance, this is a cannon. Only after the cannon was fired did you know that it was not a shell. So simple, after the explosion over the Salem base, a cloud of fog formed. The denser the cloud and the denser it is, there is a tendency to block sight. Do they intend to use this as a cover to launch attacks?

Soon this idea was rejected, because the zombie army did not move, but the human army exclaimed. First, some weak evolutionaries, "What's going on? I'm weak!"

Then some powerful evolutionaries, they also found something wrong, "No! My energy is losing!"

In the end, the evolutionaries who came to China also noticed this situation. "There is a problem! These clouds can absorb our energy!"

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