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Chapter 568: Survive

The Salem base was in chaos, and the Chinese evolutionists who were considered the cornerstone of the end were panicked. Without energy, they could not stop the attack of the creepers, and ordinary soldiers and civilians could not deal with the creepers. If they were here If you launch an attack from time to time, you may destroy Salem Base in a few minutes!

Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian were also shrouded in clouds. When the two found themselves weak, everything was too late. Fang Yuxuan struggled and said, "Notify Base Zero and let them come to the rescue. We are doing our best!"

Su Yulian took out the satellite phone, but after seeing it, she found that the satellite phone could not be turned on. Fang Yuxuan took it and stunned it in his hands, but no matter how you pressed the screen, nothing was displayed. It could be that the satellite phone battery had lost energy. It may be that the internal circuit has failed, and the hope of total foreign aid has been dashed.

"What can I do?" Fang Yuxuan panicked, and Su Yulian couldn't hold her heart anymore. At this time, Chu Xiang, who knew that she was peeping, was in front of her, but the two had no revenge, and the clouds gradually dissipated, but the energy was a bit There were no signs of reply, and the zombies were tumultuous, and it appeared that the next wave of attacks was about to begin.

Chu Xiang ’s company did n’t have any evolvers at all. Only the two Chinese evolvers who joined later heard the discussions around them and looked at the situation of those two Chinese evolvers. Chu Xiang understood that this war Has been undoubtedly undoubtedly, then the thirty-sixth strategy is the best policy, and now the only way is to try to escape.

Looking forward, there is no road to pass through, and the creeper's attack formation is already in place. I am afraid that the charge will be launched even if less than half a minute later, and there will be panic civilians everywhere. Although there are a lot of civilians in the base, It ’s still a problem to be able to resist the impact of creepers. Some people are already running towards several high-rise buildings. They plan to go upstairs to avoid zombies, but Chu Xiang thinks it ’s not safe. He finds a hole to drill. Maybe better.

Rashid said to Chu Xiang anxiously: "Let's hurry up. Take a good place on the top of the building. The zombies will soon rush in. There is no evolutionary wall to stop them!"

Chu Xiang said: "Upstairs will be trapped by zombies. I can't look for a strong basement to escape."

Rashid said, "Where can I go to find the basement, in case it is found by the zombies? Isn't there no escape route?"

Chu Xiang said: "Is there a retreat on the top of the building?"

Rashid said: "Well, there is no way out anyway, we go to the ground floor of the square. Get off the parking garage."

Rashid had a better understanding of the Salem base, and Chu Xiang let him charge. As a guide, then the survivors of the entire company all descended the fence. When the last person left the post, the charge of the creeper began. The first few waves of attacks were violent. The hoof stepped on the ground and felt a kind of shaking. Soon the first creeper came under the fence. It didn't stop at all. The scene of flesh and blood flying.

But this is just the beginning. At the beginning, more creepers collided with the fence, just like a cannonball hit the fence. Some weak wall tiles began to loosen. Finally, a creeper broke through the fence. , Boom, a big hole appeared in front of the eyes, and some defensive forces were holding on desperately, but at this time everyone knew that there was nothing to do, so the last force burst out, and a large number of creepers came out of the wall hole that crashed. Come in.

The hole in the wall was not large, so more creepers were still attacking. Their brains cracked under the fence, but this did not affect the determination of the follow-up troops until a thick layer of corpses accumulated into one. On the slope, more creepers jumped directly from the **** into the base, and the wall around the entire base was completely lost.

The slaughter of ghosts and wolves began, and the creepers were the first enemies to enter the base. They first paved the way for the follow-up troops, at the same time scattered the armed humans, and then attacked the fortress-like buildings and left behind. A large number of humans roam the streets. After the zombies and mutant horses also enter the base, they will devour these innocent civilians. There is no weapon to stop the creepers, so they no longer have resistance.

After half an hour, there were only a few high-rise buildings in the base. Tens of thousands of humans gathered on the top of the building. They had blown up the stairs leading to the high-rise, so creepers and zombies could only surround the building, and then Dispersed some troops to clear the battlefield. Many people who were only injured and pretended to be dead were smelled by the zombies. When they were bitten by a bite, they completely died.

There are fifteen people in Chu Xiang's company. Everyone is tightly packed in a small space of less than five square meters, and there are some places in the middle of which are broken reinforced concrete. This was originally a good underground garage, but the zombie army When they attacked, a troop attacked them with a bomb. As a result, the underground garage was blown up. Several people in Chu Xiang's army were still under the masonry. Fortunately, there was a gap between the collapsed cement beams and pillars. Choke everyone.

Rashid said: "It's really safe this time, the zombies promise not to come in, but let's not even go out."

A soldier said: "Squad leader, you should first listen to the company commander for any good ideas."

Chu Xiang listened to the movement outside, then said, "It's not yet time to find a way to rush out. Zombies, mutant horses, and creepers are slaughtering humans on the ground. We will undoubtedly die at this time."

Someone also learned Chu Xiang's posture and listened to his ears, but except for the occasional sound of the rubble falling from the ground, there was nothing else, so someone said: "I can't hear anything."

Chu Xiang smiled and didn't answer, he should have inherited the special ability of hearing sensitive bitch, so he can hear all the sounds that ordinary people can't hear, and he also smells a strong **** smell in his nose. Through this smell he It is easy to tell whether there is a human or a zombie or a creeper on the ground, and even the smell of excrement of frightened humans can be smelled.

The crowd spent more than 30 hours in a small space. Many people were drowsy because of lack of food and water. Chu Xiang knew that he couldn't wait any longer. By listening to the sound and smelling, he knew that the number of zombies outside was already sharp. Minus, just be careful maybe you can avoid them.

Chu Xiang launched a warrior with enough strength to move the surrounding concrete blocks. Because there were no evolutionaries, the work was slow. However, among these fifteen people, Chu Xiang's strength was outstanding. He found that the cement blocks that others could not move were He was nothing at all. This discovery greatly accelerated the progress of the project. Three hours later, a narrow passage drilled to the ground was finally dug, and Chu Xiang went out first to inquire about the news.

It looks very deserted outside. It doesn't seem to be much different from Salem's main city. It has become a world of zombies. From time to time, there are two or two zombies walking past, but because they never speak, they let even zombies pass by. People can't feel the noise of half a minute. Creepers and mutant horses have disappeared. Maybe they succeeded and retreated to another base. Maybe they hide somewhere to wait for humans to appear before launching an attack.

Chu Xiang quietly walked along the broken street, his eyes took all the surrounding scenery into his eyes, and even the places blocked by the building were clear at a glance. Every sound was carefully discerned in his ears. Chu Xiang was excited at the moment. As soon as he survived, some of his body's abilities were working, but Chu Xiang suddenly thought of a problem. If the Salem base was lost because the stranger's energy was absorbed by the strange cloud bomb, then he himself What is your energy? Why is it not absorbed? Is he really not an evolutionary? Why wasn't it okay to be alone?

Chu Xiang stepped on a non-tall building flexibly. He looked around and looked down. The Salem base was completely finished. Except for the zombies or zombies, it took a while to find a surviving human being. Then he went to observe a few buildings. At that time, it became a building for humans to hide. Chu Xiang was shocked. The corpses were all over the place, and there were no intact ones. Many corpses were full of holes, as if they were sieved by bullets. The blood underneath had formed a thick hard shell, and it seemed wise to hide underground.

It didn't take long for Rashid and others to come out. Fourteen people could not help crying in the face of the desolate scene. No matter what they had eaten and suffered in humiliation in Salem, this was once a paradise for human beings, but now it is It became hell. Someone cried loudly when they thought that their home was gone, but then they covered their mouths. There were still tens of thousands of zombies wandering here. Once they were attracted, it was troublesome.

Chu Xiang watched from side to side until he was convinced that no survivors could really be found on the ground. Actually, Chu Xiang didn't like much of the Salem base, but here was where he lived for a while, and those humans are similar It's better to face them than to face ruthless zombies. Now these people are gone, saying that there is nothing false in their hearts.

"Where are we going?" Rashid asked questions on behalf of the remaining 13 US soldiers.

Chu Xiang sighed: "Are there any bases around here? Life in the zombie world is not guaranteed, we still have to find a place to live in. Let ’s check the weapons and equipment first. Are there any acetic acid bombs? I'm afraid they will end. By."

"No," someone replied, because the acetate bomb stopped importing from China because of the failure of the Terminator, so the number of ordinary army equipment is very small, or even not equipped at all. In fact, ordinary bullets are not harmful to zombies. The evolutionary is increasingly playing a decisive factor in battle, but the appearance of strange cloud bombs that absorb the energy of the evolutionary will change this war pattern. If the power of the evolutionary disappears, the difficulty for humans to defeat zombies will increase dramatically.

Not only is there no acetate bomb, there is not even a grenade left, and each person only has some bullets in the gun. If it conflicts with the zombies, it can shine through with a snap of the trigger. This is really bad news, and more The bad news is that everyone is hungry and thirsty. The most important thing at the moment is to find food and water. Although the Salem base no longer exists, everyone in the previous cafeteria is still clear, especially the high-rise building where the Salem base lives. There must be a lot of food and water in it. Chu Xiang took fourteen people to touch it with a little thought. To escape, he must prepare sufficient food and water.

"Shhh!" Chu Xiang suddenly turned back to signal everyone to silence, and everyone immediately stopped to stand still, while the gun in his hand stood up and aimed, Chu Xiang said: "There is a voice underground, let me listen again."

Chu Xiang listened to the ear on the ground, and there was a sound of Dora Dora, if it was not breathing with a little breath, Chu Xiang would think it was a mouse, but this is not the place where the sound originated, and Chu Xiang discerned the direction to the side The building looked for the past, probably due to the impact of the creeper forces. Most of the buildings on both sides of the road collapsed. Finally, Chu Xiang stopped in front of an abandoned building. This was once the base canteen. Most American soldiers ate here, but now they are It became rubble.

"The voice is below, it seems to be two survivors, buried deep," Chu Xiang concluded, because the other person's breath was weak, so he did not listen to the details. After all, he had just mastered these special abilities, even if he had The five-point skill can't play three points now, but regardless of whether there are survivors below, Chu Xiang and others plan to dig and dig, because there is food below, how can you live after you ca n’t get food and water? So the hard digging started.

From time to time, zombies passed, so the excavation work was interrupted dozens of times in a day. It didn't disappoint everyone until the next morning when it finally entered the warehouse at that time. There were sacks of life fruit in it. It was introduced from China. Special effect seeds, as long as a little sunlight, it can survive on any soil, and has a short growth period, can grow in climates above zero, and has been popularized around the world in a very short time. It is also planted in the Salem base, but There is not much land in the base, so many times we still have to rely on other bases for relief.

In addition to the bag of life fruit, there are large buckets of pure water. Some buckets have been crushed and stored, but as long as a bucket of water is enough for everyone to live for a long time, everyone is looking for a large kettle to prepare Putting up the water and taking it away, Chu Xiang was not in a hurry to equip himself. He was still discerning the faint breath that he heard yesterday, not far from the restaurant warehouse, but because of the one-day interval between them, the two voices had now Can't hear it.

Wow, Chu Xiang pushed hard to open a section of steel plate, and a bright red fabric was exposed underneath. Chu Xiang bent over and pulled it. The cloth was not completely pulled out. Looking at the structure of the cloth again, Chu Xiang yelled and yelled outside. The busy crowd, "Let's help, find the survivors!"

The American soldiers hurriedly dropped the work at hand and ran over to help. Everyone quickly cleared out the surrounding debris. Finally, they removed a larger concrete board covering the top, and the two survivors below finally appeared at In front of me, what Chu Xiang didn't expect was that the two survivors were actually women. Although their faces were covered with dust, their plump **** could not be hidden. These two people are the evolutionaries Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian who came to China. !!

"It's so unfortunate that I can't make a book. It seems that I have a fate with you, I just hope that this time you were saved, don't care about my last peep," Chu Xiang said, and then said to Rashid: "Get some water. Let me see if they can be rescued. "

At this time, the American soldiers gathered around said, "I never thought it would be a beauty from China. Don't die. Such a woman would keep us playing all night, even if it was eaten by a zombie tomorrow."

There are also people who warn these people who are thinking about going to bed: "Don't let him toad want to eat swan meat, even if the captain doesn't go to you, start dreaming. If it wasn't for the captain who took us to the ground, one of those dead bodies must be yours With. "

Chu Xiang is not angry with these low-minded soldiers. Men in the last days can do whatever they want to do with women. He also doesn't say anything. Besides, Chu Xiang doesn't think he has anything to do with these two women. Outside of that, but she wanted to burn herself, this time she was rescued.

Water came, Chu Xiang held two Chinese female evolvers on a flat cement board, and an American soldier next to him wanted to help, Rashid quietly took a look at the man, and then pointed at Chu Xiang, the soldier understood It means that the two women should not intervene before the company commander has done it. After all, this hug is very intimate. In case the company commander is interesting to these two women, what would he think if other people passed him? ?

Chu Xiang put his hands on the chests of the two women without hesitation. He could feel the heartbeat in the soft touch. He filled them with some water, and after a while the two women moaned and woke up. It's just that the lack of food and water for a long time makes them extremely weak, or they may be so weak because of the evolutionary energy being absorbed. However, after all, they have signs of life, although they ca n’t open their eyes. speak.

Chu Xiang waved, "Prepare for a stretcher. Rashid, you are responsible for bringing enough food and water. We will leave here immediately."

The remaining thirteen soldiers were very obedient to Chu Xiang's orders. Although they brought two extra burdens, considering that the company commander might let everyone drink a cup of soup, everyone was still interested in making a simple stretcher, and then two women Take it on a stretcher and take it away. According to Rashid and several American soldiers, they plan to follow the highway. There is a large city in the north, Portland, where there must be human habitation.

It took half a day just to get out of the former Salem base, and in the evening, I did n’t walk for more than ten kilometers. Chu Xiang knew everyone was tired ~ ~ so he waved to camp here, and then The two Chinese female evolutionaries were completely awake, and Su Yulian begged to bring her two soldiers to Chu Xiang.

Seeing Fang Yuxuan's face was a bit embarrassed, Chu Xiang said, "I don't want to hear any words of gratitude from you, let's equalize our previous grudges."

Fang Yuxuan glanced at Su Yulian. The two had already tried it secretly just now. At this time, the weak people were not even ordinary people, let alone flames and quick freezing skills. It was impossible to walk down the ground, so revenge could not be mentioned, so Fang Yuxuan nodded. Su Yulian said to Chu Xiang: "Although I don't know how you escaped, I know you can survive in this situation and save the two of us as heroes. We don't care about your name anymore. "

Chu Xiang didn't care about his name at all, so he just smiled and stopped speaking, so as not to offend the two again. Although it was said that the two of them could not stand his finger, Chu Xiang Still disdain to do it.

"Where are you going? Can you help us contact China." Su Yulian said her request.

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "We initially plan to go to Portland along the highway. As for contacting China, we do not have a communication tool."

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