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Chapter 569: Attack lost

Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian thought too simple, and thought that they could escape the calamity by contacting China. But these American soldiers did not even have the simplest communication tools, let alone use satellites to get in touch with China, and got a positive answer. Later, Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian did not speak for tens of minutes. It seemed that they had to go to Portland with the team first, and then try to find a way to get in touch with the Chinese side. Perhaps the Chinese side had already sent someone to search, but Salem was Within a few hours after the break, both of them were crushed underground, and most of the searchers ignored them.

At this time, night came. Chu Xiang decided to camp after finding an open area. The campfire was born, and a broken pot was picked up with sour rainwater. Everyone had pure water on them, but considering the distant future, everyone It was decided not to use this water first, although the fruit of life boiled with acid rain water is difficult to swallow, but it is not too hungry, only Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian took a bite and never used chopsticks.

Arranging the striker Chu Xiang to sleep in a hurry, he must replenish his strength, because he will have to hurry tomorrow, while the other American soldiers will keep talking around the two women, and they will not hesitate until Rashid drinks a few words. Leaving to sleep, if not for Chu Xiang and Rashid, or they would kick the two women.

It is said to go to Portland along the highway, but the real highway is afraid to go because the highway is more prosperous, so there are particularly many zombies. The team just goes along the highway, sometimes sometimes it ’s not at all Without a road, the speed of travel is not very fast, but fortunately, it did not meet the zombies for a few days. On the third day, Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan were able to walk down the ground, and the speed of the journey was accelerated.

Put down the telescope with only one tube left, Chu Xiang waved his hand backward, Rashid directed fifteen people to turn out from the mountain corner, there is nothing in front, everyone can move with confidence, Fang Yuxuan said to Su Yulian: "Sister Lian, you found no ? "

"What?" Su Yulian's expression was very indifferent. After undergoing the evolution and transformation of the Lost City, she is now a not-so-low-speed frozen evolutionary, but unfortunately her skills have disappeared before it comes in handy.

Fang Yuxuan pointed at Chu Xiang, who had been exploring the road in front of him. "It's him, don't you notice that he is sometimes similar to our Chu Xiang? Especially the movement of waving the telescope just now makes me think Chu Xiang is back. Come to us. "

Su Yulian shook her head and said, "I didn't feel that he was too different from our Chu Xiang. Xiaoyu, don't be too naive. Now we can't think of anything else, and pray for God's blessing to find the communication tool earlier, otherwise it would be miserable. Now. "

Fang Yuxuan no longer understands, because she is not a child, she has her own mature thoughts. In fact, Su Yulian and Chu Xiang did not have much contact in the later period, so Fang Yuxuan knew some small details, but Su Yulian could not observe it, but Fang Yuxuan was not stupid enough to think that Chu Xiang in front of her was her eldest brother Chu, she just felt that the two were similar in some respects.

The sky began to gloom. It didn't take long for the snow to fall and it was winter. It is not uncommon for the snow to fall for a long time. However, if the temperature suddenly drops, the march will be difficult, especially for heating at night. Sometimes the camp is away from the zombies. Not far from the concentration, bonfires can easily attract zombies, but if you don't make a fire at low temperatures, I don't know if everyone can stand it.

The snowflakes floated for less than an hour, and the wind started to blow. Chu Xiang originally hit the camp. However, now that the wind is so strong, I don't know if I can set up a tent. Later, I found a small valley surrounded by slopes. Chu Xiang Then they led the team to camp inside. Under the protection of the three sides of the hill, there was not much wind in the valley, and the three sides of the hill could block the fire. Apart from obstructing the sight and retreating in a critical situation, it was really a good camp.

"Tonight, you must strengthen your duty, and patrol the valley entrance," Chu Xiang just settled the camp and began to assign tasks. Such a heavy snowstorm, but also patrolling to Taniguchi, where the cold wind blew the snow, all American soldiers Began to oppose: "There will be no zombies attacking in such a cold weather. Let's go to Tanigu to be on duty. Isn't it human life? It won't die if they are eaten by zombies. Just patrol around the camp."

Chu Xiang frowned and said, "This small valley is a calabash mouth. Once the zombies are surrounded from the outside, we can't escape. In case of an emergency *, we must move out of Taniguchi before the zombies arrive, otherwise it will be a big trouble. Therefore, it is very important to find the zombies in advance, otherwise we do n’t have enough time to move. If we do n’t arrange the duty like this, I would rather camp in the windy outside, that would be more secure. "

The exhausted American soldiers reluctantly said, "Okay, okay, you are the company commander, we only have to execute it, but this **** of the weather, can we make people live until tomorrow? It's unknown, poor Laozi is a virgin ..."

Chu Xiang frowned. During the two days of marching, he gradually discovered problems. The quality of the American soldiers was not so high. In fact, everyone had a selfish side. The two women in the team could not enjoy it. This made the United States People are very upset. They thought that Chu Xiang wanted to treat the two women as existing, but in fact Chu Xiang never thought about it. And because the march was difficult, there were a lot of complaints in the team, but unfortunately, Chu Xiang didn't have great courage, otherwise he could adapt to Sanwan.

Burning snow and boiling water boiled the fruit of life. Those who were not on duty went to bed. Those on duty tied all the clothes they could add to their bodies. Then the trio went outside Taniguchi, and the cold wind easily blew through. The clothes outside made people involuntarily fight a cold war, "," an American soldier scolded, "this ghost weather, and that **** company commander!"

Another American soldier said: "Yeah, we have been working so hard, who knows if there is tomorrow, he would not let us play women, leaving those two Chinese women as a burden? I want to grab one now Those four are big! "

The third American soldier said: "Forget it, don't worry about it, let's run quickly, otherwise it will be frozen and frozen, and we will have to wait two hours after the shift. If this snow continues, I'm afraid we will even be in the future. The road is missing. "

Chu Xiang listened to the howling cold wind outside. From time to time, salt noodles and snow rushed into the tents. These tents were all pieced out of ragged canvas. The cold-proof ability was very weak. From time to time, some people were awakened by freezing, especially two Chinese girls. Retracted in the far corner of the tent, the two hugged and hugged. All the cold-proof clothes were covered, but they were still not warm.

Chu Xiang lifted his wrist and looked at the time. Only two o'clock in the morning, the temperature was already as low as minus ten degrees. This is rarely seen in the early winter. However, it is believed that the sky will be clearer after a heavy snowstorm. It will rain in the future. The water quality will also be better, and the speed of nature's self-recovery is still amazing, but now it must survive in the snow and wind, otherwise the earth will not be useful even if it restores the prehistoric excellent environment, because people cannot enjoy it when they die. Already.

He creaked, creaked, and Chu Xiang heard the unusual snow-sounding sound in the sound of snow and snow. He got up with a spirit, and listened carefully, yes, there was something that sounded like snow. It should not be the American soldier on duty, because The snow-pressing sound they made was different from this. Chu Xiang opened his eyes and tried to look in the direction of the sound. There were snowdrifts blown by the wind in the vast snowy night. Fortunately, Chu Xiang's vision inherited the skill of a certain mule. So, he quickly saw the sound source. It was a group of tall things. The number was more than a dozen. They had already reached Taniguchi. Why did n’t the patrol soldiers sound an alarm? Chu Xiang searched again and realized that the original three American soldiers drilled in a snowy nest to warm up, and they did not have the hearing ability of Chu Xiang. Now they do n’t know Zhengxiang, who is already in trouble and still asleep, just when Chu Xiang observes The American soldier on duty was caught by a tall monster, and he was squashed before he was awake! Chu Xiang cursed, the soldier on duty negligently lost his life, but hateful that these people have also been miserable, they did not call the police in advance and now the exit has been blocked.

Chu Xiang shouted out of the tent and drew his gun and fired a shot into the sky. A slamming sound awakened the others, and Rashid drilled out headlessly: "Who? What's the matter? Shoot the gun in the middle of the night and die Now. "

Chu Xiang said loudly: "We are surrounded, and we each try to escape!"

Rashid has not responded yet. At this time, Takaguchi's tall monster rushed in, like a mutant bear walking upright. No wonder he crushed three American soldiers. At least five mutant bears broke into the camp. The American soldier was trampled to death as soon as he opened his eyes. Chu Xiang picked up the submachine gun from the ground and pulled the trigger to know that the bolt was frozen. He had to pull out a pistol from his arms to shoot, but the mutant bear was not very powerful. Chu Xiang's pistol bullets are not at all serious. Chu Xiang hit the photo bullets and flew the empty gun. At this time, who can take care of others and has the ability to save people.

The camp was in a panic, and several soldiers rushed to Taniguchi, but a mutant bear completely cut off the retreat. It stepped on an American soldier, grabbed one in his hand, and clicked into his mouth. The bite broke, and the remaining two soldiers had to turn around and run back to the valley, but the situation in the valley was even worse. Three or four mutant bears were scrambling everywhere, the fire was smashed, the tent was broken, and the weapon in their hands was broken. They didn't work at all. At this time, the soldiers saw that Chu Xiang was climbing the snow **** madly, so everyone followed closely, but the climbing skills of these people were too poor. They always fell behind Chu Xiang and did not wait to climb. The tops of the upper valleys were pulled down by the bears and became food in their mouths.

When Chu Xiang climbed to the top of the valley, half of the soldiers were already in trouble. He could escape the siege of the mutant bear just by taking the next jump, but Chu Xiang suddenly turned back because he realized that Rashid did not escape. You may not care about Chu Xiang, but he ca n’t abandon his friends and run away when he is in danger. Although the rule of survival is the best way to remind Chu Xiang, he still resolutely turns back and waits to return to the camp. The bear has killed six or seven. A soldier was squatting on the ground and eating and chewing. Rashid rushed to Taniguchi with two American soldiers at this time. One American soldier rushed out, unfortunately, he was caught by the mutant bear who took the door. Rashid and the other An American soldier escaped while taking advantage of it. Chu Xiang had already run away when he saw the two, which made Chu Xiang a little annoyed. He did not expect that it would be redundant to take risks to save people.

Chu Xiang was unwilling to try the dangerous road of Taniguchi. He picked up a bundle of ropes to climb the snow **** again. He had caught up with two mutant bears behind him. Fortunately, Chu Xiang was fast and the two mutant bears were always bad. A moment, two screams came suddenly, "Help! Save us! Go away, you go away, or I will burn you."

Chu Xiang looked back, and it turned out that two Chinese girls were blocked by a mutant bear. Fang Yuxuan threatened the mutant bear. How could a bear beast be frightened by a few words, let alone Fang Yuxuan's flame skills were lost, even if She really did n’t have the ability to burn it, so the mutant bear did not care to incite a slap, Fang Yuxuan shouted and flew, and threw himself on the snow. Su Yulian fled to the side when she was in a bad situation, and Chu Xiang took the opportunity to put his shoulder on his shoulder. The rope was untied and threw it over the bear. The mutant bear had a lot of strength. It was naturally unwilling to survive when it was covered with a rope. Chu Xiang was dragged out by a dozen meters and saw another mutant bear. After catching up, Chu Xiang threw another piece of rope around it, and you two bears, and I also tightened the rope tightly, and then the two bears ran to chase Chu Xiang again. I tied them together in a circle, then ran to the two Chinese girls and ran away.

Since she didn't dare to go to Taniguchi, Chu Xiang certainly had to climb a snow slope. Because the **** was steep, the two Chinese girls were powerless. Chu Xiang grabbed Fang Yuxuan's back with one hand, supported her **** with one hand, and then went up. As soon as she got off, Fang Yuxuan took advantage of a gentle snow platform. She got down and pulled Su Yulian, Chu Xiang put Su Yulian's **** on her back, and Su Yulian climbed up.

The three help each other and finally rushed to the top of the snow **** before the mutant bear chased the buttocks. Several mutant bears also wanted to chase after climbing, but their huge bodies were not suitable for climbing the snow slope, and they often slipped down only a few meters. Chu Xiang, Fang Yuxuan, and Su Yulian didn't bother to look at it. They jumped down and slid down the snow slope, then the three ran towards the cold wind.

I do n’t know when it ’s dawn, the snowstorm is too big, the three of them do n’t know how far they have traveled, and they do n’t know where they are. Even if Chu Xiang is using perspective, he ca n’t see too far in this kind of snowstorm. Moreover, He was completely unfamiliar with the surrounding environment, and even if he saw it clearly, he might not be able to determine his position.

Although Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian were awakened from their sleep, they would definitely not take off their clothes when sleeping on such a cold night. Instead, they wore a lot. Otherwise, the two should be frozen to death at this time, and they have gone so far. The three were exhausted, and after walking for another half morning, it was determined that the mutant bear could not catch up, so they took a shelter from the wind and sat down.

"Thank you," Su Yulian said pantingly, Fang Yuxuan was also grateful: "I didn't expect you to come back and save us, Chu Xiang, you deserve to use this name, we blame you before."

Chu Xiang smiled and ignored, he went back to save Rashid, not to save the two women from the original intention. After a short break, Chu Xiang went to check the surroundings to check the terrain, but he was lost even at the moment. Chu Xiang didn't recognize it for a while. If there was a sun in the sky, it would be okay to say that the gloomy sky kept snowing. No idea where the sun is hiding.

Returning to the shelter, I saw the two girls closed their eyes, and their bodies began to tremble. Chu Xiang felt a shock. At this time, he shouldn't stop. He rushed to sweat for a long time. Wise, Chu Xiang shouted, "Get up, we have to hurry."

Su Yulian struggled to stand up, while Fang Yuxuan said without even raising her eyes: "No, let me rest for a while."

Chu Xiang lifted Fang Yuxuan and said, "No, so you have to freeze to death. Hurry up."

Without the threat of enemies behind him, he lost his strong desire to survive, so the rest of the road was not easy to take. The three did not bring food, and their exhausted physical strength could not be supplemented with nutrition. In addition, it was half a foot thick under the snow. At three in the afternoon, the speed of the three people has become a snail. In the end, Fang Yuxuan squatted on the ground with a buttock. "No, I will not kill you," said Fang Yuxuan closed her eyes and ignored her. It is true that she does not have half physical strength, and she has never suffered such pains since the evolution.

Actually, it's not just Fang Yuxuan ~ ~ Chu Xiang and Su Yulian have reached their physical limits. Chu Xiang sighed. It seems that it should be so. The vast world doesn't even know where the zombies are hiding, even if they continue to leave. What can I do if I don't have a goal, it is better to live for a while while I have the remaining energy.

I randomly chose a snow shelter that was more sheltered from the wind. Chu Xiang lay down and closed his eyes. Before that, he thought about what happened with these two beauties, but at this point Chu Xiang had no thoughts. Is this the so-called everything?

I do n’t know when it ’s getting dark and the cold wind blows more violently. Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan were awakened by the frost. The two looked around and found that Chu Xiang was in the best position, so they both entered without hesitation. The cold, hunger, and tiredness surged back together, and the two fell asleep for less than three minutes.

When Chu Xiang woke up, he noticed that there were two more things in his arms. The softness was very comfortable. He couldn't help pinching it with his hands, it was very flexible, and there was a kind of softness beyond words. This look scared Chu Xiang. He was a virgin in his consciousness, as if he hadn't had an intimate relationship with a woman. Suddenly, two more women were in his arms, and his hands were pinching their plump breasts. Although separated by several layers of thick clothes, the feel is still so strong! This is how many American soldiers have intended to be beautiful breasts, and now they are pinched left and right by themselves

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