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Chapter 570: Stuck

The icy snow and cold wind roar, and people will be killed at any time. In this case, people will have the idea of ​​breaking the jar. Chu Xiang has already forgotten the two women behind, who knows for a while. When they woke up, they took the initiative to care again, and let them pinch the pair of plump breasts. This was like a fuse. Chu Xiang suppressed the male hormones in his whole life as if they broke out in a moment. Pulling Fang Yuxuan's cold-proof cloth on her chest, and then piercing her hand, Fang Yuxuan, who was originally confused, suddenly screamed, because her chest seemed to touch a big ice scum. She couldn't help but wake up and saw Chu Xiang flushed Fang Yuxuan's eyes touched her chest again. Fang Yuxuan knew that she had been insulted by her indignation and drew a palm on Chu Xiang's face, but now she is weak. This slap is almost the same as touching.

Chu Xiang is actually not a man thinking about his lower body. If not, he would have given two Chinese girls to the US soldiers as a comfort, but the immediate environment inspired his male instincts, but when Fang Yuxuan showed strong anger Meaning, Chu Xiang was suddenly sober. He patted his head. What is this? Do n’t you want a small life, let alone take off your clothes and do such things in this environment, just staying for an extra minute may freeze to death here!

Chu Xiang stood up and shouted, Fang Yuxuan thought that Chu Xiang was an animal, and she looked around, looking for a weapon that could defend herself. Even if he could not beat the man, he could end his life, so as not to be stigmatized by this beast, but It was snow except snow around, and I haven't heard that someone has been killed with snow. Fang Yuxuan was so ashamed and angry that he almost sprayed blood. This result is really uncomfortable for others. It is too cold in the snow, and the two girls can't stand it. In the end, I only found the only heater of Chu Xiang's body. I was embarrassed at first, but the temperature was really attractive. Two girls Slowly leaned forward, and finally took the initiative to hug him in the midst of ambiguity.

Chu Xiang said: "Go! We must get up, otherwise we will freeze to death here!"

After saying that Chu Xiang reached out to pull Fang Yuxuan, Fang Yuxuan didn't expect Chu Xiang to recover his mind so quickly. She first froze, then stretched out her hand, what else could she care about! Besides, it's not her own life at present. Su Yulian's condition seems worse than her. She hasn't woke up from the coma. If she wants to take her away, the man must rely on her.

Chu Xiang picked up Su Yulian, and Fang Yuxuan was tied by a rope. The three men rushed forward in the snow and snow. As for Rashid and other American soldiers, Chu Xiang did n’t have time to bother and could only pray to Rashi Telford is fateful. It is unrealistic to return to them in such bad weather, not to mention whether the mutant bear has left or not.

I do n’t know how long I ’ve been away. It ’s getting dark early, but Chu Xiang did n’t dare to take a rest, and took the two women to continue to move forward. I do n’t know when I looked up and realized that I was on the road. Chu Xiang kept hanging. My heart finally let go, and the three of them died, and they might be rescued when they meet the highway. If they are still walking in the wilderness, they must die tonight!

Sure enough, after walking a few kilometers, a house appeared in the snow. It was a roadside maintenance station and also a refueling function, but it was very small. It can be inferred that this road is not a bustling section, so Fortunately, there should not be many zombies, otherwise it would be troublesome to avoid the zombies carefully.

Fang Yuxuan couldn't hold it anymore, she was dragged out of a few kilometers by a rope. Chu Xiang's excellent physique was fully exerted at this moment. If he is really an ordinary person, I am afraid he would be exhausted. After all, there is still one on his shoulder. Even if not fat, there are nearly a hundred pounds, especially walking in the snow, the effort can be imagined.

"Yes ... I've saved ..." Fang Yuxuan booed, his strength in the footsteps also increased. It was a bit heavy, as if returning to the light, crossed Chu Xiang's first rush into the pit, and pushed openly with a slam. The door of the house, and then fell without strength and fell. Chu Xiang was carrying Su Yulian and followed him. He also collapsed. Fang Yuxuan's body fell across the floor and tripped him. He fell and fell on Fang Yuxuan. Fang Yuxuan knew that Chu Xiang pressed her chest. At this time, she didn't even care about the fatigue and the cold. It also made him see it, and touched it. It was the truth to break the jar, but I was sorry in my heart. Chu Xiang ', as long as he has the opportunity to restore his superpowers alive, he must kill this man for revenge.

Chu Xiang hadn't gotten up yet, and suddenly there was a loud masterpiece. Chu. Xiang instinctively rolled on the spot, but then someone stepped on it, and then a voice said, "The fat sheep came to the door. Fat sheep, brothers, tie up and prepare to boil water. Tonight, we have mutton, let's fight teeth. "

Chu Xiang felt a little stunned. He knew it was broken, and met other surviving humans, and these surviving humans did not have good intentions, and planned to eat human flesh to solve the belly problem. His own rough skin is definitely not the choice, but that The skins of the two beautiful women are delicate, so it's hard to escape tonight!

Fang Yuxuan resisted no more, then he was clasped with two arms, and then **** his mouth with a rag and thrown to the side. Chu Xiang's treatment was even worse. The person who captured him turned out to be an evolutionary, Chu Xiang After resisting for a couple of times, he realized that his power was not the opponent, so he honestly seized it, and after being bound, he was thrown into the snow outside the door.

The fire in the room was a big fire. The fire broke out after the strong flashlight was extinguished. After the door was closed, the temperature in the room rose quickly. Soon, Yulin Su moaned and woke up. It seems that she was just frozen and opened her eyes to see At least six unfamiliar men with hunger and thirst on their faces, Su Yulian's heart sank quickly to the Pacific Ocean, and a boss-style American man came forward and twisted Su Yulian's neck, leaving her to face the fire, saying: "This girl is of good quality. Don't rush to kill the internal organs first. I think she will eat more meat and eat it more deliciously, especially when she is in the tide turn."

Another American said, "What are you doing so much trouble? Anyway, there are two women, one is cooking and the other is cooking. I ca n’t stand it." Another American said, "No, both women are staying slowly." Use it, cook the outside men and eat, and enjoy the tender sheep with the heavy snow when the door is completely closed. Otherwise, the weather will not improve in two days. We eat up what they eat, and we will save from now on. "

Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian were pale and frightened. They knew that this time they had completely entered the wolf's den. They did not expect that the doomsday virus would endure them, but they would be planted in the hands of several little hair thieves. These little hair thieves were just sneezing. It can be solved, but now the weakest of them can easily take their lives. Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian even thought of Chu Xiang at the same time. They exchanged a look, and then their minds settled down. Didn't they think about death for a long time? This may be the arrangement of God in the midst of time. It seems that the time is up. Time to find a man who truly belongs to him.

Besides, at the moment, Chu Xiang in the snow outside the door, let alone the bitter cold, by the flashlight that rose at that time, Chu Xiang saw a face that surprised, surprised, and angered him. It is exactly the same, and one leg of the other is obviously cricket-shaped. Chu Xiang was surprised that another sister-in-law appeared. Does he have a mysterious connection with himself? Amazingly, in addition to the four mules at Salem's base, the appearance of this mule proved that the secret behind the scenes was by no means as simple as previously imagined. I don't know how many of the same mules did not show up, but Chu Xiang was furious Unexpectedly, there will be evil mules, he thought that all mules should be just like him and the other four.

Probably the bandits inside the door reached an agreement. They decided to cook for men first, and kept two beautiful oriental beauties as tools for a few days to play, so Chu Xiang was brought in, and he was thrown into evil like a big bitch. At the feet of the mule, the mule kicked Chu Xiang, and then said to others: "This person feels very pleasing to the eye, but since it is to be enjoyed by beautiful women, then cook it quickly, take the knife and bleed first, but it ’s so cold outside Maybe his blood has frozen, it is best to let him move, otherwise the blood will not be clean and the meat will become sour. "

From the words of this sister-in-law, it seems that he is still a human expert, and I don't know how many survivors passing by have been poisoned by them. An American young man responded to the words of the sister-in-law: "The activity is impossible, just let him run What to do, I look for something to irritate him. When people are angry, blood circulation will speed up. When the time comes, they will seize the opportunity and make sure that no drop of blood is sprayed out.

Xunzi said: "The three of them came in together, and the man was carrying a comatose woman. I don't see it as a couple and a friend. I don't believe this man would not be interested in them, so I might as well put two in front of him. If a woman is full of fun, then he will definitely be angry. By the time we have a good time, he will be full of anger, and just go in with a knife.

The boss pulled Fang Yuxuan over to his Majesty and said, "It's a trick, so let's get started."

Fang Yuxuan struggled to resist, and Su Yulian was desperately struggling, but the two were held down separately, and rags were stuffed in their mouths. At this moment, she couldn't do anything to bite her tongue, and tears of humiliation ran down, but who cares? Because the fire in the house was getting more and more hot, and the temperature was rising quickly, these men began to take off their pants without fear, and they did n’t have to worry about getting their **** frozen. Chu Xiang witnessed all this. When he saw Fang Yuxuan being taken aback After tearing off the jacket, the pair of plump chests slammed out, and Chu Xiang's head suddenly buzzed, and then a variety of information poured into his brain. If Chu Xiang was struck by lightning, a spit of blood spit out, he only I heard someone sneer and said, "It's time, you see that the blood is moving at a high speed so that it needs to be launched from your mouth. Hurry up and bleed!"

The cold wind finally stopped all night, this lonely house was half-covered in snow, and there was a dazzling sunlight shining on it, and suddenly the door was pushed open, but no one came out and stopped. For half a minute, a thump was heard but a corpse fell out. Maybe he had leaned against the door. As a result, he did n’t know why the position was shifted and the door was pushed open. The corpse was already stiff. It seemed dead for a long time. The list is miserable in appearance, and Qiqiao bleeds.

The sun continued to rise, finally shining in through the half-opened room door. The flames of the fire had just extinguished, and the surrounding temperature had not dropped to the same level as the outside world. People were still warm inside, with a few shrinks in a corner. Personally, the person in the middle suddenly moved, and then the people on both sides opened their eyes, "Chu Xiang, you are finally back."

Chu Xiangzhi knew that he felt a dream, but this dream turned out to be completely unimpressed. I just remember that there was a human flesh banquet here last night, but did the specific banquet go on? There was no impression. The object in his arms was soft and very hot. Chu Xiang touched it with a hand. Suddenly, he had a familiar feeling. His complexion changed suddenly, and the people on both sides screamed and fell to the ground.

"Don't you intentionally hurt me?" Chu Xiang's face was solemn and solemn. It was the two women lying in his left and right arms. They were seductive, and Chu Xiang was not Liu Xiahui. He couldn't do it. Chaos, but when he messes up, the two women will die and live, so Chu Xiang said so.

"Chu Xiang, Brother Chu, don't you remember us? I'm Fang Yuxuan," Fang Yuxuan followed up with Chu Xiang. She clamped Chu Xiang's body with both arms. Chu Xiang felt the warmth of the two groups. He It's a little swollen below.

"Of course I remember you are Fang Yuxuan, you are not stupid," Chu Xiang said, while pretending to throw off the two groups inadvertently, but Fang Yuxuan continued to stick, even the stable Su Yulian began to stick, Chu Xiangda is Puzzled.

"Chu Xiang, you are really Chu Xiang. You are the leader of the Chinese evolutionist. Why did you kill those villains last night and talk about some of our old things? Why did you change when you woke up?" Su Yulian said.

Chu Xiang touched his head and said, "What? I killed those people? How is this possible? There are evolvers among them. I know that my strength is not low. I can't deal with them. Why don't I have any impression of these things?"

Su Yulian affirmed: "Yes, Xiaoyu and I could n’t believe it, but after you killed them, you said something that only we know, so we dare to be sure, just why you become like this We know nothing about what happened after the nuclear explosion, but we firmly believe that you haven't died and have finally found you now. "

Chu Xiang is still confused: "Wait, I don't know what you say. My name is Chu Xiang, but it's definitely not the Chu Xiang you know. I didn't know what happened last night. I think you must be thinking too much of the wrong person. If you treat me again, forgive me, I will certainly have something to do with them. "

Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian looked at each other. To be honest, they did not believe that this person was Chu Xiang, because the difference was too great, but last night, they watched Chu Xiang tied to the ground broke the rope and then launched easily. After the ultrasound, they cleaned up all the bandits. They were smashed by the ultrasound and died immediately. Later, the two women witnessed that Chu Xiang had absorbed an ugly mule, and then they spoke to them with the original Chu Xiang tone. Hug together crying, but when you wake up everything changes back, does it mean that what happened last night was an illusion of over-existence?

Chu Xiang opened the door of the room, opened his mouth to take a breath of fresh air in the direction of the rising sun, and then turned back: "I plan to continue on the road, you two are casual, but there is one thing I want to say clearly. Last night I I really do n’t know anything, and at the same time, I also declare that I am not Chu Xiang as you say, but I do n’t mind being one day, but now I am me. ”

After saying that Chu Xiang stepped forward, Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan glanced at each other. Fang Yuxuan said: "Sister Lian, I didn't believe it last night, but what he said can never be fake. What do you think is going on? Son? If he is Brother Chu, then he has no need to care about peeping and touching me, but if he only hits a few words, then I must still kill him for revenge, and let him take advantage of last night together. It's reported, but now I'm confused, you can help me figure it out. "

Su Yulian said: "I am also confused. Last night we were too impulsive after being rescued by him. In fact, even if he said that we should not believe him so much about some of us, I ca n’t seem to keep up with him and take a closer look. Fan, not to mention where we can go, our superpowers have all been lost, and now we are not as good as ordinary people. "

Fang Yuxuan said: "I now think he is mostly a fake. Otherwise, wouldn't it have been Brother Chu's ability to take us back to the country last night? Why suffer here, let alone Brother Chu if he was not injured by a nuclear bomb Without contacting us, we have to wait until last night. If he was killed by a nuclear bomb, then how did this changed "Chu Xiang" come from. In short, there are too many problems here. We were a bit naive last night. "

Su Yulian looked at the door and said, "It's too late, let's go. Now we only have to look at Chu Xiang as a fake, but we still have to pay attention to his actions, maybe we will find our whereabouts."

Chu Xiang is depressed now, because he knows nothing about the whole thing, he only knows what happened before he vomited blood, and then it is a blur, not to mention **** those people and how to let two women cheer Sending a hug, but Chu Xiang had discovered an important thing when he looked at a corpse. The sister-in-law was gone, and there was only one more set of clothes he had worn on the ground. Therefore, he was sure that the evil **** had been absorbed by himself, and he did not know whether he would have a bad influence on him.

Because it was easier to stop the snow and snow road, and because the sky had the sun, it was more accurate to determine the direction. Chu Xiang walked along the highway for two days ~ ~ met Rashi in the afternoon one day De, he is walking with five American soldiers in a hurry. It seems that they have lost food and drinking water. They want to rush to Portland as soon as possible. It is naturally a sigh that everyone meets after the robbery.

However, there was one thing Chu Xiang could not think of. Five American soldiers no longer regarded him as a company commander because they blamed Chu Xiang for the camp in the valley. They thought that Chu Xiang was not qualified to be their leader. Now they have recommended A platoon leader decides the team's itinerary. Rashid is weak and their team can only obey.

"We have decided not to go to Portland. It is better to start our own business than to leave people behind," the platoon leader told Chu Xiang firmly.

Chu Xiang said: "Now our strength is not enough to support the base alone, so I suggest to rely on large base insurance"

The platoon leader shrugged: "Sorry, we ca n’t agree with your idea. You can leave with Rashid, but these two women must be left to us. At that time, our brother also carried her, so we have our share here. . "

After talking about the platoon leader, I was afraid that Chu Xiang would have changed something. The four American soldiers behind him pulled out their guns. The muzzle was naturally facing Chu Xiang and Rashid. They planned to find a suitable place to build their own base. Then these two Women are Madam Yazhai in the future base, of course, public.

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