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Chapter 572: Treasure hunting unit

How big is the Portland base? Chu Xiang has been assisted by Rashid for two hours and has n’t been turned around. Moreover, some military control areas are not allowed to move around casually. It is estimated that there are five sizes of Salem base. This is equivalent to a small city, but the population density is not high, which is why Chu Xiang feels desolation from time to time. However, the large base area provides ample planting space, so Portland is the main food for several surrounding bases. For the supply place, there are more employment opportunities for the survivors here. Those who have no skills can review the open land for cultivation, and then go to the agricultural station to collect seeds for free, and hand in a certain percentage of crops at harvest.

Chu Xiang lives in a barren field. Someone has probably opened a wasteland here, but the soil is too hard, so he gave up after half the work. Rashid thought about going to China after hearing Su Yulian's promise. Therefore, I was a little puzzled about Chu Xiang carefully packing up the shacks and inspecting the wasteland. "Chu Xiang, we will go to China for a few days to enjoy the blessing. Regardless of these things, as long as I can't be hungry for two days, I will find a chance to steal the department after the injury. Satellite phones solved everything. "

Chu Xiang shook his head. He climbed to a high mound on the ground. From here, the Portland base looks like a long worm lying on the ground. There are two sides affected by the mountain to form a natural barrier, which saves defensive work. Human and material resources, Chu Xiang calmly said: "You go, I will stay in the United States, there are still things that I need to solve."

Rashid said surprisingly: "Things? There is something more important than life. What if you stay here in case of mutant horses to launch bombs that absorb evolutionary energy, even if Portland loses the evolutionist, you ca n’t keep it. You still What is the solution, going to China is our only option, not to mention you are a Chinese, such an opportunity is rare! "

Of course, Chu Xiang will not tell his own ideas. He has been attracted by the strange things of Xunzi. Even if he lives in the United States, he must be traced. More importantly, he appeared when he killed five American soldiers last time. If you do n’t understand this thing, you may not know how to die in the future.

"I can't tell you anything, no. After Rashid, you can go with them to China with peace of mind, as long as the matter here is resolved, I will also pass," Chu Xiang did not want to lie to Rashid, but he did not want him to stay Take your own adventure.

Rashid said: "Since the outbreak of the virus, I have no relatives and friends, so I have no chance to meet you as a true friend. I will not let you stay in the United States. When will you solve the problem and when will we do it again? go to China."

Chu Xiang didn't say anything, he patted Rashid ’s shoulder: "Wait until you find the communication tool. The current problem is to solve the problem of eating, otherwise how to do things when you are hungry. As for the wasteland, it is next year. It's winter. "

There was only one shack, and there was very little space for ventilation. Chu Xiang was sure. He would not stay overnight in such an environment, so he asked Rashid to find a piece of scrap iron as a knife, and then directed the three to cut a few bundles into the wasteland. Hay, Rashid found some wire rods and asbestos tiles from an abandoned factory. After one afternoon of repair, the shack changed greatly, and a simple round herringbone formed a covered round house. The hay has been reinforced all around, and people can't feel the cold wind outside when sitting inside. Although it is still rude and terrible, it feels like a home.

The stomachs of the four people murmured. There was no free meals in Portland. But after searching the whole body, they didn't find anything valuable to change food. Two men and two women sat in the newly built thatched cottage and looked at each other. They had already suffered outside. I was hungry for a few days. If I had n’t digged the grass from the snow, I might have starved to death on the road, but Chu Xiang and Rashid lived quite well at the moment because they had two meals in the isolation room, but Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan insisted Stayed, the two simply lay on the dry haystack and closed their eyes to save energy. The straw house was burning with snow water in a broken pot that was picked in the middle of the cottage, and it still had some sour and spicy taste that people would not like to taste. Some food may be swallowed.

"I'm going out to see, it's not a way to sit like this." Chu Xiang helped. Shuangguai, who had just made up, stood up and said, Rashid followed, and he was afraid that Chu Xiang's legs would be crippled. 'It would be dangerous to go out, and the two women would only say one sentence and stop saying more, because that would waste energy and feed the woman as a man.

The two walked out along the road. The asphalt road was on the way. There were various buildings on both sides of the road. It was dinner time now. Many houses exude an attractive taste. These survivors have settled for a long time. Residents, they already have a certain amount of savings. Do n’t worry about hunger this winter. Chu Xiang ’s plan is to knock on the door and ask for food, but Rashidla ca n’t look down. They can only walk along the street. It's almost night.

"Hey, I have hired, I have hired, I am interested to hurry up to sign up, take care of it and pay dividends to ensure that you get rich overnight," someone suddenly sipped on the street, this voice is a bit similar to the past in the world selling Daliwan But the words 'tube eat' attracted Chu Xiang and Rashid. The two couldn't help but go around. An oil lamp hung on the flagpole at the entrance with black smoke. The flagpole had a broken flag on it. With the English letters written, Chu Xiang spelled it several times and did not understand the meaning, or Rashid explained to him: "This is the courageous treasure hunt team, as for what you want to go in and listen to."

At this time, the more people gathered, the person who originally drank brought everyone into the house. This was originally a carport of a maintenance factory. The space inside was very large. A red-haired man in his thirties was standing in the high cement. On the stage, he said loudly: "Gentlemen, our courageous treasure hunt team is expanding again, as long as those who sign up can receive a bowl of fruit!"

Rashid is already familiar with the people around him. He effortlessly heard the details of the courageous treasure hunt team. It turned out that Portland encouraged private teams to look for relics from the former world. It was just that the downtown area of ​​Portland was a little far from the base. There are a lot of mutant creatures along the way, but this can't stop people from getting rich. So a group of people fell down and then re-recruited a lot. This is also a good condition but there are very few applicants. Even Rashid hit After retreating, I have just fled in from the outside world, and now I have to go out and look for things that ca n’t be eaten. This is not a problem with my mind.

"I'm participating." Chu Xiang's voice was not high, but a person who was carrying a double crutch said this still attracted the attention of a large number of people, and some even couldn't help laughing, "Xunzi, are you eating milk?" It ’s dangerous to follow your team and go outside. It ’s not about letting you travel. It ’s still a problem if you can get out of the base like this. ”

Chu Xiang said unhurriedly: "I'm injured now, but it won't take long to recover. Can't people just look at appearances? Otherwise, how can we say that the golden bauble is inside out? "

The humane who said just now: "Do you want to perform other tricks? Okay, let's stare here. You can do something to get the captain to agree with you to join the courage squad."

Chu Xiang knew that there were problems with his legs, so he wisely chose to shoot as a demonstration. With his current eyesight, it would not be a problem to achieve 100%. One gun, six bullets, Chu Xiang hit a moving target. Red heart, the leader of the Courage Team, Red Hair happily said: "This gentleman, you have been accepted. The so-called person must not look like sea water. Even if you can join our team without legs, I will give you the best shot. Your task is to snipe and suppress enemy firepower. "

Chu Xiang was not humiliated and said, "Captain, we are going to starve to death now. Can we advance some food in advance, and after a few days my leg is injured, I can travel with the army. I will definitely not drag the army's hind legs. "

Knowing that Chu Xiang ’s legs are not inherently disabled, the red hair is even happier. "No problem, you have to be wounded in the past two days. After a few days, the team of courage recruits us before we go out. This time we must give a big vote Let's see. "

Rashid went home with a small bag of fruit and followed Chu Xiang. He also joined the Courage Squad, but received far less attention than Chu Xiang. A sharpshooter is hard to find, unless he is an evolutionary, but an evolutionary It was because of disdain to participate in their private treasure hunting team that red hair felt like picking up a treasure.

The temperature in the broken house rose quickly, but the snow water in Yu Yan's pot gradually stopped rolling. Rashid lowered the bag and went out to look for firewood. Chu Xiang cut the peel of life with a broken blade and threw one into the pot. After a while, the unique flavor of life fruit filled the air, and Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan woke up with a whisper.

"Are you back? Do you have something to eat?" Fang Yuxuan crawled over and grabbed Chu Xiang's arm. Somehow she became more and more kind to Chu Xiang. She couldn't imagine that Chu Xiang was not Chu Chuxiang herself. Lost mood.

Rashid came back to pick the firewood and saw Fang Yuxuan holding Chu Xiang and said, "It seems I'm going to build a house outside, otherwise it will disturb your affection, uh, the smell is good, it's almost ripe, pick one Give me a taste. "

Not only Rashid couldn't hold it, even Su Yulian was anxious to start, Chu Xiang said: "How to eat without a bowl and chopsticks, go out and find it, otherwise you will reach out and grab it in the pot, I will see if I can The paws are hot. "

Rashid mumbled out. It took a while before he came back with two broken pots. One of them was still leaking. As for the chopsticks, it was easy to find. Use a branch to replace them. Take out the cooked life fruit. , Crushed with a stick, then mixed with Xueshuitang and drank into the stomach. After three consecutive bowls, I felt full and then went to sleep.

Rashid consciously went to the corner, and soon snored. Chu Xiang was going to the other side, but Fang Yuxuan pulled him, Chu Xiang said, "Do n’t misunderstand me as someone else, otherwise it wo n’t work. At the end, I don't want to be killed by you to cover up the 'adulthood', besides that I am a normal man, and you will seduce me if I seduce myself. "

Fang Yuxuan's eyes were filled with tears, "Chu Xiang, why do I feel more and more true to you, that night you must have restored the original Chu Xiang's intellect, do you mean it? It's not our hallucinations, will you be the same? This became true after Chu Xiang was injured. Maybe as long as we insist, you will recover someday. "

In fact, Su Yulian was also very moved. Chu Xiang gave her life more than once to save them. Although the two had suffered so much to bring him and Rashid to Portland, after all, they failed to take their lives. Now Chu Xiang ’s leg injury has not recovered yet. Running for their survival, this makes her unmoved. To be honest, if she was n’t afraid that Chu Xiang was not the original Chu Xiang, she would have cherished her hugs. Who would n’t want a beloved man to take care of her, but Su Yulian For example, Fang Yuxuan should be stable. In case of a joke, it would not work if she wanted to commit suicide to Chu Xiang without suicide, but these days Su Yulian kept reviewing what happened before. Fang Yuxuan guessed that she thought it made sense. That night Chu Xiang had spoken a lot with them, and now they are still vivid, not like hallucinations. There must be some unknown secrets in it. Maybe you can find the real Chu Xiang by revealing the secrets.

"Go to sleep," Chu Xiang pushed Fang Yuxuan lightly. He didn't want to take advantage of people at this time. Besides, he got along for a long time. His immunity to these two women naturally strengthened. Now everyone gets along like friends. It really embarrassed Chu Xiang and what happened to them.

With a small bag of life fruit, these days are much better. After a few days, life fruit has been consumed, Chu Xiang's leg injury has recovered almost, and the recruitment of courage team has also been completed, with a total of 20 members. Participating in the treasure hunt, they took two broken trucks and entered the zombie world after detailed inspection by soldiers at the gate.

In fact, in the past few days, Zhu Xiang was not idle. He and Rashid investigated the Portland base. They also tried to sneak into the Portland military camp because it was the command center and the only communication The equipment was inside, but the patrolled soldiers drove them out without even reaching the gate of the barracks, and they were almost caught by bad guys such as spies.

Although Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan were in a hurry but could not contact China, they had to wait, but it was impossible to not eat during the waiting period, so Chu Xiang had to participate in the treasure hunt, otherwise tomorrow's meal would not be settled. , But fortunately hungry.

The Portland base was once a satellite town in Portland city. It was connected by a highway, which made marching a lot easier and faster. This road is the only way to enter and exit the Portland base. A large number of zombies are blocked on the road. A single march can still be avoided, but dozens of people and vehicles have earlier alarmed the zombies. They have rushed onto the highway and waited for food to be delivered to the door.

Squeaked, the vehicle suddenly stopped as it was about to enter the zombies world, and then there was a long wait. Chu Xiang stood still on the top of the truck holding his gun, Rashid couldn't stand it first, he asked someone to ask "What's going on? Waiting to die here? If the zombies rush over, it will be troublesome, and the more they gather, the harder it will be to get through after a long delay."

An old team member answered: "Rest assured, these zombies are here even inside the base defense line, so they can't rush over to die, let alone break through, don't care about the number of zombies, rest assured. "

Rashid couldn't ask anything but to wait. Two hours later, the gates of the base opened again. This time, the smoke was billowing, and ten cars came out in a hurry. Two armored vehicles started, and the self-propelled artillery turned out This kind of scale made Chu Xiang and Rashid almost drool, and then compared the two light trucks already in the square, which was really out of reach.

The huge convoy is huge, and when passing by two trucks, there are still people who are comparing the **** to the people on the truck, but the people on the truck are not taken care of, it seems that they are despised not once or twice. It was started after the truck. The vehicles in front had entered the zombies attack range. Only the sound of machine guns was heard. The zombies on the highway were swept into meat sauce. Chu Xiang and Rashid understood it. The team of courage clearly They wanted to get the light of this team, they had already figured out the departure date of the other side, but not only the courage team, but two teams rushed out within half an hour after the team left the base gate. The large convoy headed for the city of Portland.

On the road, Chu Xiang rarely shot, because the large convoy in front had solved the zombies along the way. He had also encountered the second variant zombies, but the large convoy had more than a dozen evolutionaries. They shot together with the spear of trial. The second zombie zombies were quickly eliminated. Ordinary zombies and a small number of mutated creatures couldn't hold off a few heavy machine guns.

Forty minutes later, the convoy came to downtown Portland, and the three teams that have been following the large force smashed. At this time, although there were more zombies in downtown Portland, it would be even more expensive to follow the large force. I ca n’t drink it, so the dangers below must be solved by myself, otherwise no treasure will be found.

The red-haired captain directed on the vehicle in front, Chu Xiang kept firing with the machine gun, and the zombies attempting to approach the vehicle were headshot, and the happy red-haired captain shot accurately. He did not block the zombies and quickly entered the urban area. In the bustling commercial district, there are many babies in it, high-end clothing, bedding, and kitchen supplies. If you are lucky, you can also find edible food. If you are tired of the fruit of life, if you can eat the legacy food of the former world That is extremely precious ~ ~ After all, it is a small team lacking training and discipline. As soon as the car stops, someone jumps eagerly, and suddenly a zombie with only the upper body comes out from under the car. He grabbed a player's thigh and took a sip. The player screamed. Chu Xiang bowed his head and zombies headshot. It was probably that the zombie on the road was snatched by the machine gun and grabbed the bottom of the car. He even trailed to the destination.

The red-haired captain jumped out of the truck and took out a pistol. He was shot in the head of the player who had injured his thigh. "Bad luck, you must be bitten into such a non-destructible zombie. It was resolved in advance. you're good too."

Kill the infected player. The red-haired captain raised his wrist and looked at the time and said, "Twenty minutes, each person must turn in two-thirds of the total treasures received. In addition, three-thirds of the remaining thirds must be left. One, start now! "

This distribution plan is not fair and unfair. The players participating in the operation are all white wolves with empty gloves. They have no cost other than strength and life, but the courage team has to pay for vehicles, fuel, weapons, ammunition, and provide food for the living team members. It ’s not too much to get two-thirds of the return, but it ’s a bit reluctant for the left-behind players to get out of them. Rashid is a member of the action. Chu Xiang has become a left-behind because of the accurate marksmanship. It is still safe to participate in a treasure hunt.

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