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Chapter 573: Treasure hunt

Portland is a big city, so the number of zombies is also huge, but before the operation, these captains exhausted their methods to find satellite scans and determined their respective locations to avoid being surrounded by huge zombies. Xiang is also facing a lot of pressure. Nearly three hundred zombies have been following him. Although they are slow in action, they have persevered forward and Chu Xiang can take care of them.

"Big guy, you add another machine gun!" The captain of the Courage Squad red-haired yelled, a broad-skinned foreigner got out of the truck, and he carried an m2 Browning machine gun, which showed him Going up even more sturdy, he climbed to the top of the truck with a big head, back to back with Chu Xiang, and the two kept firing at the zombies that surrounded him.

Chu Xiang dropped the machine gun and moved his sour arm. He snorted at him with a big head: "Stupid pig, this strength still dares to act as a machine gunner. I ca n’t look at going home to breastfeed. Drilling your mother's crotch. Be safe. "

Faced with the insult of the big man, Chu Xiang was not angry, he just smiled and jumped off the top of the truck. The next wave of zombies may have to wait for some time to gather up. It is better to take advantage of this time to go around and quarrel with this big man. If you find a few warm clothes, you do n’t have to hand in the income of the left-behind players, and you earn a little.

In front of the truck was a clothing store. The store's brand had been smashed a long time ago, and there was a mess of miscellaneous things. It should be some junk that no one wanted. Chu Xiang walked in and turned it over to find a few damaged ones. I also found a delicate teapot on my shirt. It was a rare thing to find a teapot in an American shop. Chu Xiang wrapped the teapot in a broken garment and brought it out.

The redhead also took a big man and another. A close-knit teammate wandered around the truck, and they did n’t dare to go any further. In the event of a zombie attacking and destroying the truck, everyone would die here, because they could n’t return by relying on two feet. Potter's, Chu Xiang knew this better. He came out of the clothing store carrying his ragged clothes, and just met red hair. Red hair admired Chu Xiang's marksmanship, so he nodded solemnly, Things, but can't go far, you should come back to the car as soon as possible to alert. "

Chu Xiang also nodded to understand, only. The big man snorted to vent his personal dissatisfaction with Chu Xiang, probably because his colleagues are enemies. Everyone is a machine gunner, and Chu Xiang ’s marksmanship is obviously higher. If he is too big, the big man will only shoot at him, let him shoot a shot with a low hit rate. Seeing that Chu Xiang won't take long for his pet in front of the red hair, he would be surprised if he didn't hurry and reject Chu Xiang.

There is a crafts shop around, Chu Xiang. Not interested, and there are already members searching for it, and a watch shop, Chu Xiang looks in through the glass, only a few broken watches broken into parts are scattered on the ground. There are still several corpses in the middle of the room. The dark blood clots have already dried up. When you walk forward to a Chinese restaurant, Chu Xiang looks inward with a probe. The store extends inward, and the black ca n’t see the end. The interior Large area.

At this time, the three redheads also came, and everyone was very interested in the restaurant. Although it is said that the time has not passed, there may be any food left in the restaurant. The redhead is to the third left-behind team member. Road: "You are on guard at the door and fire as soon as possible. Let's go in and see if you get something."

The team member agreed very happily. The redhead waved to the big man and Chu Xiang. He waved his hand and the three walked into the restaurant. The restaurant was revolving the glass door. It was quite heavy to push. It ’s a little hard, but it ’s still hard to push by one person. It may be due to no maintenance for three years. The large glass on the side of the kitchen window has n’t broken. Chu Xiang knocked on the glass. It felt quite thick. Explosion-proof type, he picked up an iron chair from the restaurant, and slammed the window glass with a bang. The glass cracked numerous traces but did not break. The fiber was sandwiched to prevent injury when it broke. Chu Xiang After smashing a dozen more times, the kitchen window glass was broken.

The big man has walked in for a dozen steps, and he snorted: "Fool, aren't strength good?"

Chu Xiang smashed the kitchen window. The glass has followed, and the surrounding area is dark, but this is not a hindrance to Chu Xiang, because he has a see-through eye and hears the big mocking. Chu Xiang still doesn't care, this is him Another rule of survival is to give yourself a backtrack no matter what time you are. Laughing at him if he can feed himself for safety will make him do it, but laughing at him has no effect. Going down is the most practical thing.

The long dining corridor has been going forward. It must have been brightly lit in the past, but now it almost needs to explore. Go, the red-haired captain tore off a few tablecloths and smashed a table leg and wrapped one. The torch and fire light up towards the kitchen in the back. That's where the three people are going to search. Maybe they will find it.

Chu Xiang carefully looked in the garbage on the ground while walking, a lady's bag appeared under her feet, Chu Xiang bent over and lifted it, opened it, and had the car keys, change, makeup mirror, facial tissue, and what was even more surprising was And a few packets of chocolate! Although it is clear that chocolate is definitely out of date, even spoiled food may not lose its edible value. Besides, makeup mirrors have no effect on Chu Xiang and Rashid, but they are definitely useful for Yu Xuan and Su Yu Lian.

Chu Xiang hung the lady's bag around her waist, but turned around and sent a few broken bowls and dishes under the table. She picked four pieces that were still usable and put them in the lady's bag. A broken pot is much better. This is the way to live at home. You have to consider the oil, salt, sauce, and vinegar. When it comes to Chu Xiang, you do n’t dare to delay. Hurry to keep up with the red hair and big chunks. Now, that's a good thing. In addition to eating salt, you can also exchange for food.

The kitchen door was rusty. The redhead pushed it a few times without pushing it open. The big head hurried forward and kicked it. The whole door fell down with a bang. It seems that the strength of the big man is definitely not blowing, otherwise I can't lift the m2 Browning machine gun. The kitchen is very dry. A large amount of dust rushed from the ground and rushed to the three. The red hair in the front covered his nose and backed away. The big guy wanted to grab the power. When the eyes were closed, he rushed in. Suddenly, when the two guns rang, the redhead turned to look at him. He was already kneeling on the ground, and a zombie was lying on his shoulder!

The redhead looked for the source of the gunshot again, and saw Chu Xiang inserting a pistol into his waist. "You ... did you ... kill a big man?" The redhead's voice trembled. If it hadn't been dusted out by the dust, I would have been afraid of him. Will be the first to meet the zombies.

The redhead's voice had not yet fallen into a big voice, and said, "Fuck, dare to shoot me!" He shook the zombies and shook off his zombies and stood up. His left leg was injured and he is now a bitch. However, the sister-in-law was better than the dead body, and the zombie had been headshot. The big man stood on the wall and pulled out a pistol to face Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang sneered, "It turns out that you want to be killed by a zombie, or you want the captain to make a shot after you are bitten."

The red-haired captain killed an infected player with his own hands. Just now, the big man was rushing into the kitchen in the dust, and the only person facing him was the zombies. If it was not Chu Xiang who shot the big man first, he would not be bitten. She was scratched, and once infected with red hair, she will definitely not show mercy.

Chu Xiang grasped the whole situation with his perspective. He first hit the left leg of the big man and let him fall to the ground to avoid the head-on blow of the zombies, and then shot the zombies in a headshot, which actually saved the big ones.

The big man glared angrily, and the redhead said, "Okay, it's just a small injury. It's better than death. Hurry in and see if there are other zombies. Don't expect to get anything else if you delay."

The big guy didn't dare to listen to the captain of the red-haired, he tore a few pieces of cloth from his trouser legs to tie the wound, and then leaned behind the red-haired and entered the kitchen. The dust had weakened, and the torch shone on the next fifty-odd flat The kitchen appeared in front of me, with two rows of stoves standing in the center of the kitchen, with work benches on both sides, rows of cabinets on the front and back, and piles of condiments in it, even if they were injured, they would not be left behind. The first one rushed up and smashed a row of cabinets full of cooking wine, then opened a row full of bags of seasonings, and then opened a row of bottles of shrimp sauce, soy sauce, vinegar and other bottles Although I do n’t know how many ca n’t be eaten, even if a few bottles are intact, these things can definitely be sold at a great price in Portland! What's more, there is no salt cabinet, which is a treasure.

The redhead kicked open the bottom row of cabinets, which contained some rotten and unrecognizable things, but he found two large bags from it, dumped the moldy and unshaped things, and threw the bags to the big ones: "Throw things It ’s time to install it, it ’s too late! ”Treasure search time is only 20 minutes. Just now Chu Xiang and the big man had to fight back the zombie attack. It took five or six minutes. In addition to the time before entering the kitchen, the three had to Be wary of the siege again, so it is really nervous.

The big man slammed into the bag frantically. Chu Xiang and the redhead were not idle. The two went to look at the cabinet on the opposite wall, but it was disappointing to open a row of dishes inside, and hit another row, these bowls. The dishes were intact, hundreds of times better than what Chu Xiang found outside just now, but Chu Xiang still had time to replace them, and the two of them ran through the row of cabinets frantically. There was no salt and no other edible things. , The food on the stove and the workbench is long gone. It seems that the harvest is just the same.

Bang, suddenly a door in the corner was knocked open, a flexible zombie rushed out, red hair hit him, Chu Xiang kicked the red hair fiercely, the red hair threw and fell and fell, so the zombies straight The flutter fell through. It hit a row of stoves and returned. The redhead had pulled out a pistol and thumped three consecutive shots to hit the zombie. However, this zombie was too flexible. Although he shot at a short distance, he still could not hit. In the head, the bullet penetrated the corpse's rotten body, and it did little harm to the zombies. It still gave up red hair and red-haired scolding. Why did the zombies know they were the boss?

This is a t3. Although it has not exposed a long and powerful tongue, the obvious third eye under the neck has proved that Chu Xiang knows that the pistol has almost no effect on it, although it can penetrate its body at close range. , But do n’t want to kill it unless it hits its head, but the flexibility of t3 is far more than that of ordinary zombies. It can hide from ordinary shooting, and Chu Xiang has not fired after firing four shots. It, it used its own back to fasten four bullets. Seeing that red hair was about to be hit by it again, Chu Xiang grabbed a workbench and threw it. Wow, t3 crashed on it and shattered the table. Redhead Take the opportunity to get up and run outward.

There was no other weapon in Chu Xiang's hands. He could only grab a scoop to catch up, and suddenly there was a rapid shooting sound. The flying t3 thumped and fell to the ground. It fell from his chest down. It was broken, and a big head stood on the left leg from under the condiment cabinet. He sneered and compared Chu Xiang with an assault rifle in his hand. Chu Xiang did not see it. His own weapon was not as good as the big one, except for red hair. There was only a pistol dissatisfied with the magazine outside the machine gun given.

The red-haired escaped from the dead. He patted the shoulder of the big man and said, "Good, this time you make a fortune will definitely let you enjoy the night of the movie star, pack up things and leave, no matter how late the official team will leave , We wo n’t be able to return to Portland by then. "

Of course, you still have to rely on the official team to clear the road, otherwise you do n’t have to limit the time so quickly, because the official team has only twenty minutes for treasure hunting. In fact, everyone is afraid that a long time will attract a lot of zombies. In that case, there is really no way to escape, such things have happened more than once.

The redhead walked in front, the big man walked in the middle, and Chu Xiang walked in the end. The t3 who had swept his lower body suddenly jumped up! The long and strong tongue rolled out and wrapped around the neck of the big head. The big head was suddenly attacked and fell back to the ground. Only the upper body t3 climbed to the big head by the force of the tongue rolling. Then the sharp teeth bit the big head and the big head. The scared liver and gallbladder are split, and even if they don't die, they will be infected. This time, they are really trying to escape.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the zombie's head flew out, and the long tongue that rolled up the large piece also loosened. The large piece escaped, and opened his eyes to see that it turned out that Chu Xiang was standing behind holding a scoop, He saw that the zombies had died and resurrected in time to save the big man. When the big man just fell, the submachine gun fell to the ground. Chu Xiang stooped and threw the submachine gun. The big face changed because Chu Xiang's muzzle was facing him, but then the gun The mouth moved away, but instead aimed at the upper body of the zombies on the ground next to it, Chu Xiang swept out a shuttle, and the t3's head was beaten thin.

Chu Xiang threw away his assault rifle and said to the big man: "If you don't die, you will be bitten back. Remember it later."

The big head nodded indifferently. He did not expect to be stepped on by others. At this time, the redhead had no psychological contest between the two. He said loudly: "Go, hurry, some players have returned."

The big man's eyes were straight, and Chu Xiang followed his gaze and was a little surprised. The two turned back involuntarily, and the red hair looked back and no one followed in a hurry: "Shot! You look for death, don't leave It's too late. "

The big man said, "Captain, look, what's in the room?"

The redhead saw that the two had different expressions, and he could not help but return two steps, only to see that the door of the room where t3 had just been drilled was open, the light of the torch was very weak, but he could still see the bags of hardcover salt inside. There are many bags, it is estimated that it is either flour or potatoes. Of course, it will not be edible until it is stored, but salt will not deteriorate during these times, and salt is a scarce material in the base, which is equivalent to finding treasure. Already.

There was a roar in the throat of the redhead, and he rushed into the room with the big man. Chu Xiang didn't fall behind. Whoever was not excited when seeing the salt piled up in the hill, everyone desperately put in their pockets, but they already carried a lot of them. How many things can be reloaded, and the outside whistle suddenly sounded at this time, Chu Xiang drew two packs of salt and suddenly woke up. This is for the money and not his life, he pulled a red Fat and the big man said, "It's time to go!"

Red-haired eyes flushed: "No, you must take all this salt away, otherwise I will not stare!"

The big head also had the same expression, even more exaggerated. He almost stuffed a bag into his mouth. Chu Xiang saw that the two were in a demon. He rushed up and ran away. He would not be accompanied by the death. The more urgent, if not the official team is about to start, or the zombies have launched a siege.

Chu Xiang rushed out of the kitchen and ran across the long restaurant. I didn't know how many tables were hit along the way. Seeing that the bright restaurant entrance was ahead, three zombies were suddenly drilled out of the oblique stab. They were definitely not here because When they came in, the three of them watched carefully. There were no zombies in the restaurant's promenade. So the team members outside the door were dead or evacuated?

Chu Xiang also carried a scoop in his hands, and took the opportunity to draw the first zombie rushing up, with a humming sound. The zombie fell to the ground while spinning, while the other two continued to attack without hesitation. Zhang Xiang's coquettish mouth was about to bite Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang had no choice but to move backwards. Who knew that suddenly his back was exerted with force, someone pushed him, and Chu Xiang ran into two zombies. The frontal contact with the zombies had to let them bite off a piece of meat. Chu Xiang was shocked. He tilted his head back and avoided the zombies' bites first, then bent his arms with his legs bent, and drilled through the zombies. The zombies were brought to stand unsteadily, and they fell and fell.

Chu Xiang didn't care who pushed him, climbed up and ran towards the door. At this time, a miserable scream came behind him. It was big hair. Did he just push himself? After the scream, the redhead quickly followed Chu Xiang. The two guys didn't have the magic barrier to catch their lives, and finally gave up the temptation and ran out.

Chu Xiang and Red Hair almost ran side by side. The red hair suddenly squeezed Chu Xiang to the door, and then entered the revolving door alone. Chu Xiang didn't actually plan to walk through the revolving door. He smashed it. The big glass that opened is much faster than the door ~ ~ So by the force of red hair, it jumped out of the broken glass kitchen window, and the sun was hanging high outside, big Some of the team members have already returned. They are throwing things into the truck in a hurry, and zombies are coming around in the distance. Someone scolded them while loading things in the car. "Shoot! What about the leftovers? But negligence! "

Chu Xiang was really in a hurry. He spread his legs and got ready to shoot the zombies. A red-haired scream came suddenly behind him: "Save me! Save me! The door is stuck."

Chu Xiang ran two steps and looked back, only to find out that there was a corpse under the revolving door. As a result, the redhead went in and turned around but couldn't move anymore. The rotation was also stuck, and he was trapped immortally. In the middle, panicing the glass revolving door was useless. Chu Xiang swept around, and there was an assault rifle on the ground. Remember that the gun should be on the player and how did it fall to the ground? Chu Xiang didn't care much and wanted to grab and shoot at the revolving door. Wow, the glass broke. Fortunately, these pieces of glass are not explosion-proof glass on the kitchen cabinet. After breaking, the red hair rushed out. Chu Xiang this It was clear at that time that the player who had stuck the revolving door turned out to be the body of the player who had locked the door, and did not know what had happened to him.

"Go, go, go," the red-haired yelled, and the screams of screams from behind were heard from time to time. It seemed that he had been eaten by the two remaining zombies, but unfortunately he had a few bags on his body. It contains valuable condiments and plenty of salt.

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