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Chapter 576: Disadvantaged

Chu Xiang and Rashid went home early to reassure Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian. At night, the two women no longer covered up, and washed their faces with melted snow water. Although the acidic snow water had some damage to the skin, it was used to be Evolvers, they haven't noticed this kind of damage, and Chu Xiang's beautiful face is exposed, and Chu Xiang is a little tempted.

"Sleep." Chu Xiang got into the haystack in the corner, and there were some tattered clothes brought back on it.

Rashid went to the other corner of the hut. In fact, he wanted to go outside, but the temperature outside was too low and there was no fire, but Rashid wondered if he would build another hut, not only because he was afraid of hindering Chu Xiang. As a normal man, Rashid wanted a woman to accompany him, but he couldn't do anything in a four-bed cottage.

Chu Xiang slept very fast, because he knew that there would be a fierce battle tomorrow, so he had to replenish his strength in advance. Do n’t watch the machine gunners do n’t have to fight close-up. In fact, the strain on the eyes is not light. Leaning force is also a big influence, not to mention Chu Xiang was just injured by the arm of the boss Hao's woman, just Chu Xiang sneaked, and even scarring has recovered! This gave Chu Xiang a lot of stability, and it seemed that many unknown changes had taken place in his body.

"Hey, hey," someone shoved Chu Xiang's arm, and Chu Xiang opened his eyes stupidly. Fang Yuxuan did not know when he was lying next to him. A scent of fragrance entered Chu Xiang's nostrils. The woman was really fragrant. What about it.

"What's the matter? I don't sleep at midnight and learn to chop. Pei," although Chu Xiang doesn't know who he is, it doesn't hinder the Chinese knowledge in his brain, not to mention the last time he killed American soldiers, he got some extra The thought of it.

Fang Yuxuan sniffed with a small nose and said, "Who said, you are Zhou Paipi, Chu Xiang, what if one day you find out that you are our original Chu Xiang?"

Chu Xiang was asked a little bit by this question, and finally said: "If you let me abandon my current thoughts and become another person, I think I will die."

Fang Yuxuan's voice swallowed: "What? How can you be so irresponsible. Do you know that your Chu Xiang message may be hidden in your body, or how to explain what happened before?"

Chu Xiang looked at the gap in the cottage and said, "I don't know, anyway. I'm mine, I don't want to be anyone."

Fang Yuxuan continued to ask, "But if you become another person, will you have rights and beauties?"

"I don't want to." Chu Xiang said. Turning away and no longer paying attention to Fang Yuxuan, which makes Fang Yuxuan very depressed. She is a beautiful and **** girl. It can be said that she has never suffered such apathy. An unusual aspect made her feel that it might be her original Chu Xiang, so she would not be so sticky.

There was no more words at night. Before the day dawned, Chu Xiang dragged Rashid to the gate to wait for the red-haired captain. It took an hour before the red-haired captain arrived with his team and saw Chu Xiang red-haired. Some displeased came forward: "You guy, how did you escape yesterday, causing me to pack the star in vain, huh, there is no way to enjoy it myself."

Chu Xiang laughed and did not explain, he got on the car to find machine guns and pistol ammunition and began to equip himself. He also brought a few extra daggers. In case of a close-up battle, he was prepared to pull Chu Xiang to the corner quietly. And again, "Chu Xiang, today is a big operation. Be smart, make sure our team of courage gets the most benefit."

Chu Xiang didn't understand, and the redhead continued to inspire him: "I know your marksmanship is correct, but don't use it randomly. Our bullets are not falling from the sky, aren't we? We can keep our team safe."

Chu Xiang nodded suddenly, at this time other teams came out, among them were red-haired friends, pig head and others, more of whom Chu Xiang did not know, everyone began to organize equipment to refuel vehicles and replenish weapons with ammunition. It is estimated that these people I have the same idea in my heart, it is best to leave only the other team when I return, so that I can enjoy the benefits exclusively.

About another hour later, the door of the Portland base squeaked open, and dozens of squadrons rushed out. It turned out to be a non-brand army. Chu Xiang observed that the best vehicle was the Hummer off-road, which was modified. A machine gun was mounted on the rear, and the last time were light trucks. Vehicles such as cars were eliminated early and were not suitable for eschatological use.

Rashid was the deputy to Chu Xiang, and he looked around with a telescope. "Chu Xiang, what is the chance of success this time?"

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "I don't know, I'm not a fairy, but I think there are more zombies than before. Generally, it is not recommended to travel for two consecutive days. The large number of zombies attracted by yesterday's actions have not yet dispersed. It was a dangerous time, and the equipment of the large troops was too bad. I think whether I can enter downtown Portland is a problem. "

Rashid said, "I haven't seen a lot of zombies, not many on the road."

Chu Xiang smiled and did not answer, because he had eyes that Rashid did not have, and had seen through the obstacles that blocked his vision. Chu Xiang had clearly observed the road ahead, not to mention that Chu Xiang could still listen, and t2 was generally silent, but Zombies such as t3 and t4 will roar, even though they can hear Chu Xiang a dozen kilometers away.

Although Rashid did not see a large number of zombies through the telescope, he trusted Chu Xiang very much, so he said: "In this case, we advise the red-haired captain to return and let us go when the zombies are scattered."

Chu Xiang said: "Don't be naive, even if the red hair is willing to return to the base, will others be willing? If you let others take wine and salt away from the red hair, don't regret it? So they ca n’t return, you should be smart, do n’t be Cannon fodder. "

Chu Xiang's observation was quickly confirmed. This miscellaneous army with more than a hundred vehicles was blocked by the first wave of zombies an hour after leaving the base. More than 2,000 zombies occupied the road densely and opened the road at the front. The Hummer was almost not overturned by the corpse on the road, and finally he could only retreat backward a certain distance, and then kept firing with the machine gun.

"We are running out of bullets, and the team behind comes up for a while!" Hummer, who played forward, suddenly reversed madly, and then a fat man jumped out of the car and scolded him. Who would have thought that the corpse was so serious, I thought the machine gun The road passed quickly, who knew that the zombies were layer by layer, as if they could not be beaten.

The surrounding teams look at me, I see you, no one is willing to take the bullets to open the way, you know that they are not the official team, the bullets are all exchanged for money or luxury goods, if you ca n’t get the wine this time, then The loss is too big, and it is likely that even the capital of the treasure hunt with the official team will be lost next time. The fat man scolded even more: "Shot, since you are not on, let the zombies rush up! Then everyone will die together. ! "

Say that the fat man commanded all other resistance vehicles to return. Without these vehicles blocking the zombies in front, a large number of zombies were getting closer and closer, and finally two teams started. They drove armed vehicles to take over the original work of Hummer. Four machine guns fired quickly to the left and right. Those zombies gathered around fell to the ground like wheat. However, the consumption of bullets was too great. Within a few minutes, these two teams could not stand. They retreated and never again. Ken stepped forward, the zombies that had just been retired started to surround them again, and even formed a encirclement trend along the two sides of the road. If they stayed here for a long time, it would be quite dangerous. The disadvantages of the small teams are now obvious, not heavy. Drive on the road or you rush out early.

The people who had been stunned by the goods in the hotel warehouse finally calmed down. They only realized that it was impossible to clear the road without the official team. There were already teams turning around to prepare for the return journey, including the red-haired courage team and red-haired. I don't want to grab one, but I want to get the rest of the salt back, but the situation ahead is not something he can deal with. Even with the addition of several coalition forces, there is not so much ammunition to maintain a long-term cleaning of the zombies. The deserted zombies on the pavement at the time of the initial departure have now turned into an endless force, can it be said that the zombies know how to play an ambush?

"Withdraw, we withdraw to the base and wait for the next official team action." The red-haired voice was a little trembling, and more and more zombies were on both sides of the road. Once they got on and off the road, they would be in trouble, without red hair. The rest of the team did not know where the salt was hiding, so they only followed the red hair.

Chu Xiang threw down the flushed gun barrel, and most of the bullets had been consumed. The current situation really does not allow entering the urban area, but Chu Xiang observed information that other people did not see, and the zombies sent an elite army to block it. After returning to the road, at this time, who will go back is the dead end. Imagine how many evolutionaries there can be for these non-branded troops? Even if there are several evolutionaries, how can they deal with the forces of the combination of the second variant zombie and t3 and t4.

"No, we can't retreat and continue to rush, only by rushing there can be a way of life!" Chu Xiang said firmly to the red hair.

"You're crazy!" The red-haired shouted loudly, "Still rushing forward? There are countless zombies in front of us. Our bullets will soon be lighted up. It is correct to return to the base at this time. Before I underestimated the zombies. Might, in the future, no-name army will no longer be organized to break into the zombie world, and no matter how great the benefits are, there must be a life to take it. "

It was unexpected that the redhead was so awakened so quickly, but he didn't know that the retreat was a way to die than the dead end. Chu Xiang could only persuade the redhead when he saw no persuasion: "Captain, retreat is OK, but we do n’t Take the lead and let other troops withdraw first "

Although the redhead eagerly waited to insert his wings and flew back to the base, he knew that his two trucks belonged to the last rank among these miscellaneous troops. Even if he didn't want to let others take the lead, he might not run past others. Chu Xiang's suggestion was actually It was the fact that the redhead had to accept, so the two trucks turned around and started to retreat along the road. Other vehicles passed by the truck from time to time, and the speed was far more fierce than when they set off. It seems that escape is greater than any temptation of benefits.

Huh, an off-road vehicle in the front suddenly flew up into the air, and then a loud bang crashed, hitting a heavy truck in the back of the line. The truck caught fire and exploded on the spot, and the human inside got out of the fire. The explosion affected two other cars, and the whole road turned over.

"What's the matter!" Someone shouted loudly in front of him, and the zombies were chasing after him urgently. If he could not clear the road in time to withdraw to the base, then the possibility of death on the highway is 100%! It is not the purpose of the army to send death. They have to reach the hotel pointed out by the survivor, and then take back the wine stored in the warehouse to return safely. However, the zombies participating in the interception have seriously exceeded the imagination, and more zombies are joining in. In the war group, what is more worrying is that the retreat seems to be blocked!

"Behind ... there are zombies at the back, and they are high-level zombies. They blocked the retreat, and we can't withdraw to the base!" There was a cry in the front. When we set off, everyone was ambitious and ambitious. This change happened. They followed the official team and did not take zombies seriously. Even if the whole team often fell in downtown Portland, it did n’t matter. But now there may be hundreds of people. The team is almost complete!

"Turn back!" Chu Xiang probed into the cab loudly and authentically. The panic in the front left the red hair for a while. He heard Chu Xiang's roar. The driver couldn't help steering the steering wheel, because the two trucks had been at the end, now After the platoon, only the zombies faced by the platoon are in front of Chu Xiang, but the previous zombies are only t2, but there are t4 among the zombies that can block the retreat. By comparison, it is easier to see at a glance.

Tapping, the machine gun on the truck rang again, and the zombie on the highway was broken by the tortured limb, but the rotten meat sauce still made it difficult for the truck to drive. Chu Xiang suddenly jumped out of the truck holding the machine gun. He shouted: "I want to Get off the bus and walk! "

get off? There are zombies everywhere, is it still alive to leave the cover of the car? Rashid first objected, Chu Xiang shouted loudly: "Zombie corpses are blocking the road, do you want to die in the car?"

Rashid couldn't be afraid of jumping off the truck and immediately following Chu Xiang. The redhead and the other team members were stunned. If they knew they would walk back, they might not have turned, but Chu Xiang was right, the corpse was covered. On the road, at this time, the truck is almost impossible to walk. Get out of the car and walk.

After hesitating for a while, the redhead got out of the car, and at the same time, they turned around and rushed back. There were several teams such as pig heads. They took advantage of the vehicle to rush forward a few hundred meters, but the thicker body blocked the road. The wheels were choked with flesh and bones, and eventually they got out of the car. Everyone concentrated their firepower and ripped a hole forward to break through.

"Come on, the zombies had concentrated so many troops in one night," Captain Pighead scolded as he shot, and the other captains were also resentful. At this moment, everyone was in a state of distress. Even if they rushed out of the zombies, they were isolated. Outside, if these zombies do not retreat for a long time, it will be more difficult to return to the base.

"Who has a bullet! I don't have a bullet here." Suddenly someone shouted in horror. This shout seemed to have a chain reaction. More people shouted that there was no bullet. The weaker the fire strength, the more torn the mouth, there was a tendency to close. Being squeezed in the middle, the situation became more and more critical. Redhead said to Chu Xiang: "What to do next? We can't move."

Chu Xiang was sweating too much. His machine gun was thrown away early, and there was no bullet left. Rashid said, "Why didn't the base hear the gunfire and save us? They came to the rescue and responded to us and we were rescued. . "

A captain said: "Don't count on it, the base must consider the overall safety, they will never open the door during a large-scale operation of the zombies! Even if you are now outside the base door! This time we are in a rush to escape, shoot special, Lions Is the last member of the zombies undercover? He deliberately sent news to lead us to the hook. "

Whether it is a hit or not, escape is the most important thing now. Chu Xiang blew the bullet in the pistol and then took out the dagger. He knew that he had the ability to hide the ultrasonic wave, but how to turn it on now is unknown, probably still To wait for the most critical moment to be able to excite, Chu Xiang waved his dagger to the first rush to the zombies, he will start a hand-to-hand combat! At this time, if you don't fight, you die!

The rest were stunned by the madness of Chu Xiang. The hand-to-hand combat was almost the same, because no one could guarantee that they would not be scratched by the zombies, and only a small wound would be infected with the t virus. It was impossible for people like them Enjoy the treatment of anti-virus virus, so no one except the evolutionary dare to fight close to the zombies.

Alas, Chu Xiang stabbed a zombie with a stab, and the blade penetrated the zombie's chest. Chu Xiang opened it up with a click, and the zombie was opened, and then Chu Xiang kicked it out. He plunged into the eyes of another zombie again, and the black eyeball was stabbed suddenly. Chu Xiang made a strong push and a head flew into the sky.

Rashid's eyes were red: "Kill! Kill! Anyway, they are all dead, fight with them!" He said he took the lead and rushed into the zombies. Others also knew that there was no possibility of death at this time. Kill more Earn one by one, and keep up with your eyes closed. To say that the last regret is red hair, he should not be greedy. If it is not his yin *, the other teams may not follow the instructions of the surviving members of the Lions. adventure.

Click, Chu Xiang broke his dagger in his hand after killing four zombies ~ ~ Constantly piercing the bones. What kind of daggers are there fortunately, there are still two in Chu Xiang's waist, but The biggest advantage of the zombies has been manifested. The more they are surrounded, the tighter they cannot be. Chu Xiang cannot dig again. More than a dozen zombies hold Chu Xiang firmly. They tear their teeth to Chu Xiang!

Chu Xiang's head froze. Is it really hanging this time? But the mystery of life has not been solved, not to mention there are two big beauties in the Portland base waiting for themselves to return. Although it is said that his wife is Chu Xiang, he now lives on his own, no, no death! Chu Xiang shouted in his heart, whether it is okay or not, this is a critical moment, if you can't rely on skills to save yourself, then die!

Chu Xiang's throat trembled and gave a roar, and an ultrasonic wave was emitted immediately. The four zombies in front of him were just hit. Alas, how does ordinary t2 live the ultrasonic shock, even if the power is not great, it is not the ordinary zombies. They died immediately.

Chu Xiang rushed forward and immediately escaped from the torn mouth. Others immediately followed. Chu Xiang's ultrasonic waves were sent out one after another. Only zombies were blasted, and dozens of people took the opportunity to escape from the encirclement. He came out, and Chu Xiang used his power too much. After walking out of the zombie circle, his legs fell to the ground softly within a few steps. Fortunately, he was still awake and let Rashid help him to continue running. People also came to help. Everyone kept fleeing to downtown Portland. Yes, the escaped troops entered downtown Portland. Now the place with fewer zombies is the original urban area.

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