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Chapter 577: Treasure house of wine

As night fell, listening to the roaring corpses from the outside, everyone was extremely heavy. This treasure hunt operation turned out to be such a result that it could no longer be defeated. If more than half of the losses can be withdrawn to the base to return Fortunately, almost all vehicles and weapons have now been lost. People in their fifties can only nest in a dilapidated basement. 79 free

"I admit that the responsibility lies with me." The redhead sincerely raised self-criticism towards herself, and was willing to take the main responsibility for the incident, but just to be at ease, killing the redhead now is useless.

Dutou said: "Who does not need to be held accountable, if everyone is not greedy, they will not join the action?"

Another captain said: "Yes, everyone has a responsibility. The key is that it is useless to blame you now. You ca n’t recover the loss and save ourselves by killing yourself. Or try to go back to the base. The longer you stay outside, the longer you hope The slimmer. "

The captain is right, the longer the lack of food and ammunition, the more dangerous it becomes. Chu Xiang's physical strength recovered very quickly, and he was able to move around now, which proves that the special ability has changed from the mule to him, unlike the mule that was used only once and cannot be used again in a short time Ultrasound.

"Since it's out, and Portland City is empty, I think it's the best time to get wine and salt." Chu Xiang said his thoughts lightly. He didn't care about saying this afterwards. How surprised others were to see him.

Captain Pig dumbly hummed: "Chu Xiang, your marksmanship is good, but you don't forget that we have no bullets! At this time, we still go deep into the city. Isn't that a sheep-headed tiger? I know the red-haired captain takes you seriously. , But that does n’t mean you can command us! Unless your ultrasound skills are still available, do n’t let us die with you! ”

Chu Xiang was not angry. He said, "Whether you want to go or not. It ’s impossible for you to return to the base anyway at this moment. Without your companionship, Rashid, let ’s go and stay here. It ’s better to go out and run. Luck. "

Although Rashid was afraid, he still stood up behind Chu Xiang. Two people lowered their heads and drilled out of the basement. The outside was already dark, and the roar of the corpse could be heard from time to time. This made people extremely worried. This group can be wiped out in minutes, and it is not a good idea to go out and find the hotel warehouse.

The redhead stood up and sat down again. After sitting down, he twisted for a while and then stood up again. ". I see the left and right are dead, try your luck." Said that the redhead bowed his head and got out of the basement, then most of the members of the courage team To keep up, the pig head and several other captains looked at each other, everyone else shook his head, the pig head snorted again and would not leave with red hair.

The redhead took a few steps to catch up with Chu Xiang and Rashid, and he did not dare to talk loudly, for fear that a zombie would launch an attack when he heard the movement, "Chu Xiang, are you sure you can find that hotel? This It's a little too risky. Besides, we lost our car, how can we take the wine away from the warehouse even if we find it? "

Chu Xiang said, "Captain, if you follow up, you should n’t have so many worries. There is no transport to find. Even if we ca n’t touch the hotel, we can go elsewhere. For example, the Chinese restaurant we went to yesterday. Otherwise, even if you escape this time, you will lose the capital of the future team. Who will give us bullets and cars without money? "

The redhead patted his head and said, "Yes, I patronized my life, and tossed all my capital this time. I won't be able to rise again in the future, but if I find a baby to go back, then the previous loss is nothing!"

The thoughts of more than a dozen people are unified, and Chu Xiang has shown some advantages before, so everyone is willing to listen to his command. Red Discovery has instead become the deputy. Chu Xiang asked everyone to remove the already rusted highway fence. With some iron rods, each person holds a right as a weapon, it will definitely not work against t3 and creeping creatures, but it is not a big problem to stop t2.

A team member also carried a map. After walking for more than 500 meters, someone finally recognized the current position, so he pulled out the map to determine the location. There were three streets from the hotel that the surviving team members of the Lions said, and the distance was about a straight line. At three kilometers, there may be more than 5,000 meters when walking. The distance is not close. The key is not knowing whether there will be zombies along the way.

Looking at the Chinese restaurant I visited last time, there are at least five streets with a straight line distance of more than five kilometers, which is even more unsuitable. Everyone studied the decision of setting the hotel for three minutes in the corner. Chu Xiang dare to take this risk because He has observed through perspective that the urban area of ​​Portland is almost vacant. This phenomenon is quite strange. According to the reason, zombies will not easily leave the urban area. Do they have other actions? At this time, I'm sorry to take this opportunity to make a real sorry for this adventure, but Chu Xiang will not say what he will see through the eyes, pig heads and others will not be able to make a fortune, there is no way, they are unlucky.

The redhead walked into the darkness for less than two hundred meters and his legs trembled. He whispered to Chu Xiang, "Brother Chu, can we go dark and walk to the hotel like this? We just came yesterday, how much here?" Zombies believe that you know better than me, even if we have fallen, but we are not going to die in order to recoup our capital. "

Chu Xiang hehe smiled and said, "You follow me. When I meet the zombies, I will feed you with the figure first and give you time to escape."

"Ah," Red shouted, "How can this work, we are a collective, and I look forward to coming back together with everyone, there is no need to send it to death, or you can just find something from these buildings and go back You can change some money, and slowly accumulate later will always restore the previous level. "

Chu Xiang is no longer tied with red hair, he walked first to the dark, Rashid followed closely, and several other team members were afraid that they would be found by the zombies when they stayed in place, and immediately pulled up their heels. No, otherwise Chu Xiang is lost. He has no backbone, so he can only sigh and follow quickly.

"Shh!" Chu Xiang suddenly made a banned motion. Even if the team members farther away did not see his gestures, they heard the voice. Everyone lay on the ground and waited for Chu Xiang's next command. "Hide in the front corner!" After saying that Chu Xiang took the lead and rushed in. Others knew that there was danger. All of them were unwilling to fall behind. They soon drilled all the way to the corner of the trash can. The stinking smell of people wanted to sneeze, but it came from the front. The sound, the person who wanted to sneeze immediately covered his mouth, and he would not open his mouth any more, and choking to death was better than letting the zombies eat.

A group of thirty or so zombies swayed from a burning building. It took them almost ten minutes to cross the road in front of everyone. The temperature was very low at night, but almost everyone was sweating. Until Chu Xiang's voice lifted the alert, they were relieved. Fortunately, the wind was headwind, and they could only smell the smell of zombies, but they could not smell the smell of humans. Looking at the zombies that were far away, there was some embarrassment, because the direction the zombies went was out of the urban area, which should be the entrance to the highway. Chu Xiang and others hid in the urban area along this road before dark, on the battlefield during the day. The gunfire stopped for a long time, so why are these zombies rushing?

"Fortunately, you found it early," Hong published a message from Chu Xiang. "Otherwise, we might not be able to destroy them. Let's go. I don't dare stay here for a minute."

On the way, Chu Xiang escaped more than a dozen waves of zombies with his strong eyes, hearing, and sense of smell. He encountered only a dozen waves of zombies within a distance of five kilometers, and was not a large group of zombies. This was considered extremely lucky, fortunate enough to have courage. The squad members were lucky, pig heads and others would regret death if they knew the result.

Two hours later, the hotel's building appeared in sight. Chu Xiang found a hidden underground parking lot. There was a fire here and all the vehicles were burned. Otherwise, you can find a car that can be started. This will be temporarily used as the base camp, and the wine brought back here will be moved here, and then we will try to transport it back to the base.

"It is not advisable to go there. There was a squad once occupied here, and I was afraid there would be danger in it," Chu Xiang said.

The redhead touched his chin and considered half a ring, and then said like determination: "I participated, and this was initiated by me, and besides that I was the captain, I would go even if it was dangerous."

The look of the red hair really makes people think that the overall situation is taken into account, but this kind of greedy person who is afraid of death may not want to play Xiao Jiu Ji in his heart. Chu Xiang has actually seen this hotel building. There are indeed zombies inside. Various signs to analyze them should be a very low-level t2, the reason why Chu Xiang did not say first is not to let other players compete for this opportunity.

Rashid said: "Chu Xiang and I will go too. If there is no help, I will carry the bar."

After Rashid, five other members took the initiative to participate in the action, and Chu Xiang along the way magically led everyone to bypass the zombies, which made most people hope for him. Everyone thought that this time they would be lucky to ship the wine out. Of course, the remaining people are not doing nothing. They have to look around for things that can be used as means of transportation. Otherwise, if they carry people on their backs, how much wine they bring back will not be worth the loss.

A group of eight people carefully proceeded to the hotel under the leadership of Chu Xiang. Even the red hair consciously obeyed the arrangement of Chu Xiang. He didn't feel that Chu Xiang had grabbed his limelight. Now his life is important. If he is in the base, he may I think so, but now who can help him get wine, who can lead everyone out of the shadow of death is the boss.

There was a fire in the hotel lobby, but the fire should not go out soon. It is probably at the beginning of the virus outbreak. The tap water and automatic fire protection system have not been damaged, but the door and window glass have been broken at high temperatures. This allows the zombies to enter and exit freely. Of course, Chu Xiang and others can easily enter the hotel.

There is an armed personnel carrier in front of the hotel, but it looks like it has not been operated for a long time. It may have been abandoned here a few years ago. Chu Xiang deliberately observed through perspective. The main drive system of the armored personnel carrier was intact, but it was in the fuel tank. It's empty. As to whether the engine can be started after being stopped for so long, it's unknown. You can try it anyway, especially if the left-behind people can't find suitable transportation.

Chu Xiang assigned one person to return to the base camp, and informed the left-behind people to collect fuel along the way when looking for transportation, and then sent it to the armored personnel carrier. Under the circumstances, he would try to launch the personnel carrier. Now the advanced hotel has found the warehouse. Let's talk about the wine.

There are more than ten floors in the hotel building. Of course, Chu Xiang will not search for more than ten floors. The redhead has already heard enough information. The hotel's warehouse is on the thirteenth floor. To Westerners, thirteen is a Very unlucky numbers, and I do n’t know why this hotel designed the 13th floor, but it was not used as a public place. It was just a structure such as a warehouse and a laundry room. Those wines were discovered a few years ago.

"How did the Lions go up to the 13th floor at that time?" Chu Xiang asked, standing in the lobby on the first floor. The stairs in the front hall could not be found, leaving only a little brick stubble after the explosion, even the elevator. It was burned, and Chu Xiang had a question in his mind. Assuming that the Lions team was on the thirteenth floor before the blasting stairs, how did they do all this in just 20 minutes, using their feet? Climbing thirteen floors and then coming down is not an easy task.

Huh, a zombie suddenly jumped out of the darkness, and the redhead was holding a simple torch to look around the problem of Chu Xiang. The cold and unprepared made the zombie flutter, and the redhead screamed and fell on On the ground, the iron rod in Chu Xiang's hand suddenly moved, with a buzzing sound, he drew to the zombie holding the red hair. Alas, a head flew out, and then Chu Xiang kicked at the zombie, and when the body rolled to the side The redhead crawled up and down from the ground with his teeth snoring.

Chu Xiang had already observed the location of the zombies in the hall. He constantly walked around the hall to find the thirteenth floor on the road. He cleaned up the hidden zombies with ease and accuracy. He was not affected by the darkness, and he did not need a torch. The members of the Courage Team were calmed down with one hand, and they were shocked by Chu Xiang's accurate marksmanship.

"Since we can't get up, let's go," the red-haired drew back again, just let the zombie fall to the ground and almost scared him out of pee. Chu Xiang didn't answer the red-haired, the red-haired wanted to leave, but Afraid to enter the darkness outside alone, even if other team members are willing to withdraw with him, but without Chu Xiang beside him, he feels unsafe at all.

"Rope!" Chu Xiang whispered to Rashid, and Rashid untied the rope brought from his back. This was collected on the road just now. It was probably that there was a helicopter here to carry out the mission in the early days of the virus. With a strong rope, Chu Xiang threw one end to the handrail of the stairs on the second floor, and then climbed the rope to climb up. The rest of the team members went up one by one. Everyone smoothly came to the second floor, and things went much smoother. Not only I did n’t encounter zombies, and even the corridor was intact. I quickly rushed to the thirteenth floor for more than three minutes, but the looming rooms were all closed, making it hard to understand which one was the wine warehouse. In the eyes of Rashid and redhead, it is quite troublesome to start from the beginning.

When I came here, Chu Xiang's doubts became even more serious. It took more than three minutes to go upstairs with a very fast speed, and three minutes to go downstairs. Then it took time to find the wine in the warehouse and the time to go back and forth. Twenty minutes is definitely not enough! This was the treasure hunt time limited by the official team at that time. All three teams followed this principle, but how did the survivor complete such a short time, come upstairs, look for wine, go downstairs, and return?

"Bed sheets, mattresses, quilts, my God, a room full, we issued, we don't have to freeze this winter!" A member of the team pushed open the door of the room next to him, there were piles of bedding inside, although it was covered with dust However, the cloth is extremely elegant, and it is not that most people can sleep. In the long winter after the virus, these warm appliances are extremely precious. It should not be a problem to bring back a set of life fruit in a sack.

Another player knocked the man's head: "Shut up! A bunch of tattered bedding, what a fuss."

The man came to his senses, as long as he had the wine back to the base and wanted to change it, why bother to risk his life and take a set of his own. The key is that the gadget is too large, and the transportation is not determined. No one wants to be tired of it.

The red-haired captain asked the team members to search from room to room, but Chu Xiang walked directly to the door of a room and kicked it open. Rashid kept following Chu Xiang, and he exclaimed: " God Allah! Hennessy, Remy Martin, Mingyue Champagne, how long have I not seen them! This ... this is simply a treasure trove of wine! "

Rashid's cheer immediately attracted the redheads and other team members. The crowd rushed in, and saw more than a hundred flat rooms filled with all kinds of wine, and a strong scent of wine came out. The spirit refreshed, which was thousands of times better than the nasty smell of Carrion.

"Big fortune!" The captain of the redhead yelled ~ ~ With these wines we can live a lifetime of worry-free life at the Portland base! Move, move quickly, move all away! Don't leave a bottle. "

In fact, do n’t wait for the redhead to tell everyone to start doing it. Each person puts one or two bottles in their pockets as much as possible, and then opens the box to take out the fillings, increase the volume and then fill other wines until they are filled. I ca n’t stop until I start to go out. According to the plan, I should return to the lobby on the first floor along the original road, then transport the wine out of the hotel, and then return to move other things. Because there is no elevator, it is very expensive to remove all the wine here. Time matters.

Chu Xiang had seen the wine in the house through the eyes, but he was still calm. He was not fascinated by the immediate harvest. He was on guard when everyone filled the box with wine, and suddenly a low tremor caused Chu Xiang Note that he waved his hand to stop the players who were going downstairs. The redhead was puzzled, and was waiting to open his mouth to ask. A sudden loud noise slammed the outer wall of the wine storage, and the gravel and dust flew freely. A tall shadow from Come in through the hole.

"What!" The iron rod in the hand of the nearest player stood and slammed it with a buzzing sound. The iron rod in the hand of the player immediately took off his hand, the tiger's mouth broke, and blood dripped down his finger on the ground. The beaten guy was also angry, and suddenly he roared back at the attacking team member, slamming, the team member was successfully thrown to the wall with a single blow, and he smashed into the internal organs, spurting blood, and his life was lost.

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