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Chapter 581: Portland attack

If you are most happy now, Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian, you will soon be able to meet Chinese friends. You will no longer have to hide and live like a turtle, and the second daughter even imagines that you will meet Song Jun or wait until you leave the barracks. He Yaohui, because there must be one of these two people to pick them up.

The Portland base is a large base. There is a set of transmission equipment from China. Of course, the communication signal they use is also one of the two satellites launched by China. Wang Bin wants to locate Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian by signal. The location is very simple, so as Fang Yuxuan imagined, they heard a sharp alarm sound as soon as they left the communication room, because someone entered the base through transmission, which would naturally be considered an intrusion.

A team of hundreds of American soldiers was ordered to kill the invaders. In their eyes, they were just two invaders. One hundred should be more than enough to deal with. Moreover, there were five evolutionaries in the hundred. They are seriously dereliction of duty and are not worthy of guarding, because they are all elites.

Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian had no time to stop, not to mention they did not intend to stop. In their opinion, this hundred people were not even considered to be rooted, because Song Jun and Li Haipeng came. Li Haipeng was not lethal, but Song Jun He Yaohui is the best evolutionary in China outside Chu Xiang.

More than thirty soldiers and five evolutionaries flocked on. They didn't need to be so troublesome to fight alone, and it was the right way to solve the problem all at once, but they were not greeted by a drizzle, but a dense hidden weapon! At the moment, an evolutionist shrank to the ground, "No! The opponent has a master, withdraw!" One attack is to attack all opponents. The wind on the hidden weapon is so strong that this evolutionist must not mess with it!

Hum, the sound of breaking the air is extremely short, and then there is a snoring sound. The thirty-five elites who rushed to the ground all fell to the ground, and each had a small knife in their legs. Time stabbed them, how terrible the attack speed and power of the other party! Except for the evolutionary who stunned the land, the other four did not escape.

"Red alert! Red alert!" The leader's officer immediately issued an alert escalation. This is no longer something that these people can deal with, so the sharp alarm sound above his head has become even more urgent, and almost the entire Portland base is in action. Such a move would only happen if they were attacked by the zombies. Suddenly Song Jun yelled, "We are evolutionaries from China. There is no malicious intention! If you don't stop, we will fight back! You will be responsible for the loss!"

The leader of the team did not recklessly listen to Song Jun. He waved and drank the siege soldiers. In fact, he also knew that these soldiers were useless to others. "You are evolutionists from China? Why did you invade our Portland base?"

Song Jun smiled a little, but it didn't make his face look good. How much, it was mainly ugly and horrible, that was the scar left by the fire. "We are not invading, we are just here to pick up two friends, please You give it access. "

At this time, Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian squeezed through the crowd and came to Song Jun. Song Jun saw the second daughter exhaling a long breath: "But I can see that you are safe. What's going on? Why have you been after Salem broke the city? Don't contact me? "

Fang Yuxuan said grievously: "There is no communicator, let alone our two. The evolutionary power has disappeared, and now it is difficult to protect itself, so I can't tell you that it's so difficult to make a phone call now."

Song Jun's face sank: ". What? The power of evolution has disappeared? How did this happen? What have you encountered?" In fact, the disappearance of evolutionary energy is not the first encounter, but it has not completely disappeared before, but only for a short time. Internally affected by the g virus, but later adapted to the g virus evolutionary power can still slowly recover, but this time it is different.

Su Yulian said impatiently: "This is a long story, go back and explain it to you, first introduce personal knowledge, he is Chu Xiang, thanks to the protection of the two of us during this time, otherwise I don't know how many died I'm back."

Su Yulian pulled Chu Xiang over, Song Jun was startled when he heard the name of "Chu Xiang": "Chu Xiang? Did Chu Xiang find it? Are you really Chu Xiang? God, but it doesn't look like it at all, you What a joke with me! "

Fang Yuxuan grinned and said, "This matter is also very complicated. I'll talk about it slowly, but his name is really Chu Xiang, brother, you can just treat him as Chu Xiang before, maybe there will be a surprise. . "

Song Jun was confused, and it is reasonable to say that someone who took the name of Chu Xiang, the cheap Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian, should be angry, but seeing their expressions not only did not worry about losing their superpowers, they were even very happy. This stranger named Chu Xiang has a history? Let me see him as the former Chu Xiang? What does it mean?

At this time, more evolvers were dispatched from the Portland base. At least one army of 20 people surrounded Song Jun and Li Haipeng, but the misunderstanding was quickly resolved, because the leader's evolver recognized Song Jun. The army had fought alongside him while assisting the United States, and the two were even friends.

"Mr. Song? Is it really you? Rare, how come you came to our Portland base, and everyone disarmed! Notify the base to cancel the alert, this is a friend from China, he is the second super evolution Mr. Song Jun! "The officer enthusiastically embraced Song Jun first, and then introduced him to everyone.

The boss of Hao Hao has been silent, but his eyes are moving around Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian. He can see that these two are women and should be good women. Otherwise, it would not be worthy of a response from a super-evolutionary from China. Why did you just go away? Even if you can't make friends, you should look at their true colors!

The alarm was lifted, and the defenders at the Portland base were generals. He heard that a famous Song Army evolver came from China, and rushed out to meet him. He watched a group of people around the army and asked for warmth, please. Chu Xiang I was bitterly smiling for a while, I ca n’t think that the subordinates of No. 1 Chu Xiang are so famous, then the real Chu Xiang must be even more powerful. It ’s really beyond their control to occupy the name of others, but now their relationship with No. 1 Chu Xiang Is it a name?

Alas, alas, alas, the sound of emission from the sky in the distance, the whistling sound is clear and audible, the general's face sank and asked the deputy around him: "What's going on? Who is firing missiles at random, we are welcome to China My friend, what are they doing? It's not going to attack me. You can look it up. We ca n’t just waste ammunition. ”

The lieutenant looked at the sky in horror and said, "General, don't check them. They may really want to attack us!"

It turned out that with the roar of a large number of missiles appearing from the mountains on both sides of the base, they have reached the sky over the Portland base. Several evolvers were caught by surprise, and the general was then pressed down on the body, and Song Jun did not expect to have such a hand after the alarm was lifted, but watching the performance of the senior officials at the Portland base certainly had nothing to do with them. Fortunately, Li Haipeng could take the two women away at any time.

Song Jun looked at the missiles in the sky in a hurry. They were still a long way from the ground of Portland base. I do n’t know if they were launched wrongly. These missiles exploded in the sky in this way, a heavy explosion. The cloud shrouded the sky, and the sky turned dark for a while. Fang Yuxuan suddenly yelled, "Not good! This is the kind of bomb that absorbs the power of the evolutionary! Army brothers, peng brothers flee! It ’s too late!"

At first Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian really thought that it was the base defender who had fired a missile by mistake, but it was recognized after the explosion. This is a human missile, but a strange bomb launched by a mutant horse that absorbs evolutionary energy! They were too late to explain to Song Jun why the energy disappeared, which caused Song Jun to be ignorant and delay the retreat.

Li Haipeng, who was silent and vigilant behind him, said in a panic, "Mr. Jun, it's not good, we're in trouble!"

When Song Jun heard Fang Yuxuan's warning, he immediately refreshed his alertness, but he found that his energy was draining quickly. "Hai Peng, we will withdraw immediately!" Song Jun shouted, and then pulled Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian in one hand, but two A girl was anxious to find Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang began to slip quietly as the whistling of the missile launch sounded. At this moment, he had already drilled into an underground bunker. The best policy was his survival rule. Not so clever. I don't know how many times I have died early.

"Hurry up, Hai Peng!" Song Jun shouted. He clutched Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian tightly to prevent them from leaving.

Li Haipeng's face turned blue, his voice trembling: "Jun, my teleporting ability has disappeared ..."

"What?" Song Jun couldn't shut his mouth in surprise, but then he checked his body, and there was no energy in the huge energy bank, just like he was empty before he was infected, even if he felt his body was soft, if It's not that Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian's bodies are supporting themselves, I'm afraid they will fall to the ground. What's this? Has one been abolished since then?

Wow ... wow ... the harsh alarm sounded again, and a human shout from the Portland base line: "Zombies are here, zombies are here! Be alert! Look at the sky, God, when are they? With so many troops organized, we're done, done! "The shouts of smoke shrouded a group of flying creatures, and they threw down a bomb, like a miniature bomber, at the Portland base Creating amazing slaughter.

At this time, when you look at the periphery of the Portland base from a height, you must first talk about the terrain of the Portland base. This is a valley that is open at both ends, with two towering mountains on both sides, which become the two natural barriers of the base. The front and back passages of the valley are built by humans to defend against a tall wall. The entire base is in the gap between the two mountains. At this moment, the peaks of the two mountains have been occupied by mutant horses. Strange bombs of evolutionary energy, boundless zombies appear on both sides of the valley, and their level is unknown for the time being. Bombers in the sky are constantly flying and are all kinds of flying mutant creatures, but now they are more than just creatures. They may be Under the command of highly intelligent mutant creatures, it may be that intelligence has mutated, and various explosive weapons are being thrown at humans at this moment.

The Portland base was caught in a sea of ​​fire almost instantaneously. All of them were caught off guard. When the main force of the base defense was evolved, all of them had become ordinary humans. They could only use weapons like soldiers to fight the invaders. But this weapon strike is too small for the mutant creatures coming from the sky.

After Li Haipeng informed Song Jun that he could not teleport, the cold sweat on Song Jun's face poured down. The danger he experienced has never been more helpless than he is now. In the past, Chu Xiang could blindly trust and follow Chu Xiang. After Chu Xiang disappeared from the nuclear explosion, he still had super powers, which allowed him to deal with all dangers with confidence, but now that both of them have disappeared, Song Jun feels a sense of loss.

"Go and find Chu Xiang, he must have a way!" Fang Yuxuan shouted. She didn't know why she was so sure. Perhaps it was the familiarity in her heart. At this moment, Fang Yuxuan seemed to have the backbone.

Song Jun encountered such a big scene as soon as he arrived at the Portland base. If his superpowers are still able to handle the current crisis, but now he feels it is right to follow Fang Yuxuan's suggestion, so under the leadership of Fang Yuxuan and Li Haipeng on both sides of the road Searching in the building, in fact, Chu Xiang's whereabouts have not been concealed. Fang Yuxuan has been paying attention to her movements, so she found Chu Xiang without much effort, and at this time the bombs overhead were thrown more densely. If it weren't for the place where Chu Xiang was hiding, I'm afraid it would have been blown up!

Song Jun greeted Chu Xiang with a bitter smile. He would n’t consider this Chu Xiang as his oldest friend like Fang Yuxuan. At least Chu Xiang had to prove his ability before he could consider this issue. The army and Li Haipeng have become the savage tigers, and it is always right to be kind to others.

Fang Yuxuan said to Chu Xiang with a smile: "Do you really find a place? Those mutant creatures don't have much power to throw heavy bombs or ground bombs. It's safe here. Right, why did we just leave us alone?"

Chu Xiang said: "Because you have already found your companion, my mission can be considered complete. Let's go our separate ways in the future. The Portland base is under organized and targeted attack. You better leave here, otherwise you will in danger."

Fang Yuxuan said: "Why don't you go? If you don't go, I won't go." In fact, Fang Yuxuan didn't say a word, and he couldn't go if he wanted to go. , Not even ordinary soldiers.

Chu Xiang eagerly said, "You're crazy! It's dangerous here! I don't leave because I still have things."

Song Jun said at this time: "This brother, we can't walk if we want to go, and his teleportation ability is lost."

Chu Xiang glanced at Li Haipeng pointed by Song Jun. At this time he came to his senses, and their superpowers had disappeared. The clouds just now are the weird bombs that Salem encountered, but why his ability is still Is it normal? Is it because of the reason that his predecessor was Chu Xiang? But this is a good thing, taking advantage of this opportunity to absorb the body of Bo Hao boss!

Li Haipeng said: "We need to inform the Chinese troops to guard against this bomb that absorbs evolutionary energy. In addition, we must inform our family to meet us, otherwise we will be killed by the zombies when the city breaks."

Song Jun finally calmed down. He recalled that he and Chu Xiang had gone through numerous difficulties with the strength of human beings. Could he be intimidated by the current difficulties? "No, you can't let the family come to answer, otherwise whoever comes will become an ordinary person. I know Portland has a conveyor, and we should use the conveyor to leave immediately."

Chu Xiang said: "Even if there is a transmission device here, it should be deep in the military barracks. There is a key bombing target for zombies. Isn't it going to be killed now? Maybe that equipment has been blown up."

Song Jun lay down at the entrance of the cave and looked out. Sure enough, the barracks were the main target. Mutant creatures continuously dived in spite of the powerful power of the firearms. The entire barracks was almost turned over, not to mention the teleportation device. It was near there. Will not be safe.

Song Jun took the satellite phone out of his arms. "I almost forgot. We still have a satellite phone. Let the family be on guard first. Zombies have new weapons. Our evolvers will be in danger afterwards ... no signal ..."

Chu Xiang had anticipated this. He had already experienced it once in Salem, and he smiled bitterly: "Since those mutant horses can make bombs that absorb the energy of the evolutionary, how difficult is it to interfere with the signal? Four, you stay safely Here, I'm going out to find my friends, and I'll meet you again later. "

"Wait, we are together!" Fang Yuxuan wanted to go to pull Chu Xiang, but Chu Xiang flew out of the basement in a flash. Song Jun grabbed Fang Yuxuan. At this time it was very dangerous to go out. He couldn't let Fang Yuxuan take this risk. Besides, Song Jun also wanted to test what he could do as a person who could be called "Chu Xiang".

Chu Xiang is looking for Rashid in the chaotic crowd ~ ~ At the same time, he also has to find the uncle's sister-in-law. There is an agreement with Rashid, so Chu Xiang finds him without much effort, that guy also Hiding under a bunker to dodge the bomb, it was nice to see Chu Xiang come to him, but the two did not have the time to say anything else. Chu Xiang asked, "Did you see the mule?"

Rashid said: "I saw him rushing out of the barracks and then heading towards the bar."

Chu Xiang said, "Go to my original hiding place and meet Fang Yuxuan, and I'll look for that bitch."

Rashid said, "Don't go. It's dangerous outside. Let's talk about it after the bombing. There is an iron barrel around the outside. I can't get him to run."

Chu Xiang glanced at the zombies scattered all over the base, saying: "I'm afraid that it will be too late. After the bombing, there must be a large-scale zombie attack. The base's entire defense system is already chaotic. It may not be able to stop at that time, so I must go to him now. "

After saying that Chu Xiang left in a hurry, Rashid knew that he could not persuade him to go to Fang Yuxuan first according to the instructions of Chu Xiang. The reason why Chu Xiang was so determined was that the zombies were getting stronger and stronger. If he did not enhance his own ability, Afraid not to live long, Salem has fallen, and now it is Portland's turn, there is no absolute security wherever it is, so only becoming stronger is the only way!

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