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Chapter 582: 799 trucks

In fact, the zombies did not come in. This is just an early bombing harassment. However, the Portland base has no experience in this area. They have experienced serious chaos under the early harassment. It is foreseeable that the base will not attack itself. In fact, just pay attention to Some of the bombs above were still safe, and that's how Chu Xiang found the bar.

I do n’t know if it ’s Boao ’s boss down. It ’s not an important location here, but there are a few aerial mutants following him back to the bar. They dropped all the bombs they carried, so the bar was blown up. The remaining half has not collapsed yet, the boss of Haohao was frustrated and directed the remaining men to move his baby. Among them, Chu Xiang exchanged the wine with the boss of Haohao. Law sacrifice things outside of him.

Chu Xiang stepped out of his hiding place, and Bohao Hao saw him at a glance: "Hey, come here, I know that you have friendship with Chinese evolutionists, and now I am willing to give you these treasures, please help me build a bridge to China!" 跛Mr. Hao had seen the two people led by Chu Xiang communicate with the Chinese evolutionary, so he made this request to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang hehe smiled: "Boss, the evolutionaries from China are very powerful, but let me ask you first, are your evolutionaries still safe and sound? For example, the beautiful women around you."

The boss of Hao Hao was stunned first, because he didn't quite understand the meaning of Chu Xiang's words, but he quickly responded, and said to Chu Xiang: "You mean that the evolutionists from China have lost their super power? Shot! I It should be thought of, because this is also the case with my people, what is going on? When did the zombies become so powerful, did the Terminator command them behind it? Did n’t the Terminator have completely lost? "

Booming, a wall suddenly fell down, and a commander next to him was smashed into it. He was just alive, but now he has become a pile of plasma. Become ordinary people, they have not escaped the weird bomb just now, the mutant creatures are now extremely savvy, and they will have a 99% chance of success by destroying the evolutionary first.

"Come on!" Chu Xiang pulled up Su Hao. At this time, the bomber above his head swooped down again. Su Hao took advantage of Chu Xiang to hide in the roadside building group, and the bodyguards who had stayed away kept up with the two. One man and one woman, Chu Xiang has not played against them, and they are not very clear about their details, but at this time, they have only tried desperately. If they lose their evolutionary energy and are so powerful, then they can only be regarded as Chu Xiang's bad luck.

Wu Hao sighed as Chu Xiang ran. It seems that he is not a powerful opponent. He may not even have the power to survive in a small town alone. Chu Xiang is a little doubtful that it would be useful for him to absorb his body. ? But it always has to be tried, what if he misses his influence on his plan?

"Where do we hide?" Bohao Hao asked Chu Xiang loudly, and now the whole base is in chaos, and there are countless zombies outside the base, and there is bombing in the air. This is really an enemy in and out of heaven.

Chu Xiang said: "We have to find a way to find the teleportation device of the troops. This is the only way to break us!"

Boss Hao Hao and the army have always made a good relationship. There is a teleport at the Portland base. The device is known, so Chu Xiang immediately reminded him, "Yes, we use the teleport device to leave here! Ah Jian, protect us to the military camp! "

The male bodyguard nodded. Opening the road in front, the female bodyguard was in the back, and the remaining bodyguards were still digging in the ruins of the collapsed Haohao bar. They did not dare to leave for the time being without the order of the Hao boss. How strict Bo Hao's bosses usually manage them. If this spirit can be used to manage the Portland base, perhaps the confusion will not happen.

Hum, a bird flew over with a weird bomb. The mule could not run fast and was stumbled by the corpse on the ground. He threw himself to the ground, and just climbed the bomb and hit him! At this time, the male bodyguard turned around and pushed away the mule: "The boss flickered!" The mule shouted and fell back to the side of the road, while the male bodyguard was penetrated by the bomb, and the entire brain was smashed into pieces! It seems that his strength is not very strong. In Chu Xiang's view, he is fully capable of dealing with it, but Chu Xiang is thinking about **** the bodyguards around his sister-in-law. How could he possibly rescue someone? Is n’t there a saying that people do n’t want to die?

The female bodyguard pulled up the mule on the ground. Fortunately, the weird bomb did not explode, otherwise it would have been killed even if it had not been killed by the bomb. The mule saw the terrible male bodyguard almost did not vomit, when the bomb burst suddenly It opened, including Chu Xiang. They were startled. In the imagination, the bomb should be exploded, but what effect does cracking have, unless it is a biochemical weapon. The three of them thought about covering their noses involuntarily, but when they saw what was coming out of the bomb, they even forgot to move.

A group of black insect-like creatures emerged from the inside. They were crawling fast, but it took more than ten seconds to fill the body of the male bodyguard who broke the brain, and then quickly ate fresh flesh. Then their bodies happened. After an amazing change, it grew rapidly like a balloon, and finally became a fist-sized beetle. The corpse on the ground also became dry bones. Those worms shook their hard wing shells at Chu Xiang and the mule and the female bodyguard.

"Run!" The female bodyguard screamed in horror, and the sister-in-law knew that being bitten by these bugs would have to peel off the skin, because he watched them for a moment to absorb the body of a tall male bodyguard, and now these The worms are mutated and their body shape is enlarged by dozens of times. It is estimated that even a living person will not need ten seconds to eat up.

Chu Xiang dragged his mule with one hand and pushed it with a light pole on the side of the road. His body suddenly darted outward like an arrow, while the mule was dragged down by Chu Xiang like a dead pig. After the female bodyguard broke, she called out and let the boss run. She took out a pistol from her arms and fired at the beetle that flew up. Although her marksmanship was superb, unfortunately, the hero was hard to beat the pack of wolves. There were four or five hundred beetles. The bullets in the magazine quickly ran out. It was too late when the female bodyguard turned and ran away. The beetle flew to her face. I didn't know how to tear the female bodyguard's face and then fist-sized The beetle miraculously burrowed into the meat, and saw the female bodyguard quickly swell up the whole body from the face.

"Ah ...!" The female bodyguard screamed sternly. She frantically tried to pull out the worms, but only the phalanges were left when the nails were pulled out of the meat. The speed at which the worms eat quickly makes it impossible to cope! Some civilians passing by by this scene were stunned by the scene. The remaining beetles had no place to drill. Their hard wing shells flew by. They did not wait for the civilians to react. They also started to bulge. The process of bulging was very short and bulging. The meat bag in a woman's room disappears quickly, and the human body quickly dries up. In the end, a mummy with a weird big bag is formed, but as the beetle comes out of the thin paper-like human skin, The bale disappeared, leaving only one mummy.

When Chu Xiang dragged his mule into a relatively sturdy building, countless beetles had flew outside. There were more than one such biochemical bomb brought by the bird. Although the mule was blurred by the ground's back and chest, Seeing the beetle devouring humans, he couldn't care less about the pain, and even thanked Chu Xiang for saving him, but was Chu Xiang's only purpose? Soon the **** knew that he had just entered the wolf's den and entered the tiger's mouth again.

"You ..." Xunzi felt a pain in his heart, looking down at a saber inserted in his chest, and the hand holding the knife was Chu Xiang's. He wondered why Chu Xiang had rescued him and killed him. There was no reason at all. ,"……why?"

Chu Xiang is helpless, just thinking that killing him is saving him, because he is part of his own body. Instead of letting him alone to harm those outside, it is better to let him make a contribution for himself, but it is more absorbed Whether the insidious and evil-looking sister-in-law would affect his own thoughts, Chu Xiang couldn't care less about it.

Chu Xiang was the first sober to observe the absorption process up close. It seems that the mule seemed to be atomized before dying, and then his body developed suction. Under the wind, those mists would not be scattered, and It was completely in his own body, and then Chu Xiang's brain shook. He felt something in his consciousness. This feeling was exciting and nostalgic. It was like taking peony and probably addicted. Chu Xiang was eager to find it. A bitch.

The beetle is flying all over the sky, and Chu Xiang has no intention to check what special abilities the **** brings to himself, but he knows that his special abilities and evolutionary energy should be different, so if there is an evolutionary in the Portland base, that one Can count myself! However, this kind of energy is not observable by the evolver, so there is no one who knows that Chu Xiang is an evolver! Even Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian did not sense Chu Xiang's energy at first, but those abilities of Chu Xiang should be exactly called evolution!

Chu Xiang was afraid of Rashid, Fang Yuxuan and others, so he plunged into the world of beetles and ran away. Those beetles bumped on Chu Xiang and were quickly ejected. There was no time to drill his skin. Chu Xiang was in the crowd Zhong Fei quickly shuttled, and Kung Fu didn't return to the hiding place of Fang Yuxuan and others. Rashid has found it. Seeing the beetle flying around everywhere, all of them were pale, and even Song Jun was at a loss. After all, he is just an ordinary person now.

Rashid opened his mouth. He wanted to ask Chu Xiang if he could not find the boss of Hao Hao, but looked at Song Jun and others next to him. After all, it was a sensible man Rashid swallowed the words back. Don't tell outsiders that Chu Xiang has his own secret. He is willing to tell himself that it is extremely trustworthy to go to his boss, but it can't be bad for him.

"We're leaving here." Chu Xiang's anxiety, if it was just bombing, there was a way to dodge. Those flying creatures are not traceless after all, but now there are more flesh-eating beetles on the ground, although they don't fly high It is about two meters, but it still affects the defense of the base. Portland will be much earlier than the expected time to break the city. If it is not evacuated in advance, there is no possibility of waiting for the zombies to come in.

The anxiety on Song Jun's face was not lighter than that of Chu Xiang. "How to leave?" It was said that Song Jun untied the big bow from his back, but he realized that the current strength was not enough to shake the giant bow, and the hidden weapon I ca n’t get out, it can be said that there is nothing to rely on to escape. If you ca n’t enter the ground, you ca n’t think of other ways.

Chu Xiang glanced at everyone and said, "We need a protective shell, and it must be strong and not swallowed by outside zombies." Chu Xiang said here that Song Jun and Fang Yuxuan both remembered one thing, "Armor! But ... We didn't seem to wear them when we came out. If we knew this would happen, we must bring two more sets. "

The armor developed by China according to the Terminator research has high protective performance, but there are countless zombies outside. It is estimated that a normal human-sized armor will not be able to stand up and will be drowned in the sea of ​​corpses. Chu Xiang is not referring to it. Rashid and When Chu Xiang got along for a long time, he immediately responded: "Caterpillar 797! Let's find that Big Mac truck!"

Chu Xiang didn't hesitate, "Go, see if you can." The car was great in Rashid's mouth, but after all, Chu Xiang had never seen the real thing, so he had to read it before deciding, so Rashid was in Leading the way, Chu Xiang collected the guns and ammunition on the bodies of the surrounding soldiers. Everyone went forward while hiding, and came to the repair shop mentioned by Rashid under the protection of Chu Xiang's precise marksmanship. When he saw the towering wall of the hospital, Chu Xiang was stunned for a while, even Song Jun and others who had seen the base car took a breath of breath, which was incredible.

23 feet high, 47.5 feet long, 30 feet wide, stopping there is a mountain. Rashid looked at the expressions of the people with satisfaction. He said: "I used to have a friend who mines in Russia. He owns two of these cars. I once tried to drive a little once, and it felt great. It was more windy than Rolls Royce. The car weighed more than 280 tons and the ore can exceed 600 tons. This kind of physique will not be afraid of zombies. Who? Come and kill anyone with wheels, and the covered body is overhead, not afraid of aerial bombs. "

Chu Xiang put down his curiosity and swept away a group of aerial bombarding birds that followed, and then instructed everyone to climb the car. Yes, there must be at least 15 steps. There is a glass window cabin under the sunk dump. The space wasn't too spacious. Chu Xiang didn't go in. He threw the guns he brought on the platform where the cab was located, and said to Rashid, "Come on, I'm responsible for destroying the zombies that came up."

Rashid had been eager to try, and when he saw the door of the cab closed, he raised his gun and shot it directly. The cab space should have been not small, but there were too many devices installed in it, and a total of 8 computers were monitoring the oil at any time. Pressure, torque, machine performance, tire temperature, etc., although Rashid is unskilled but has had driving experience, it is much better than Chu Xiang and Song Jun. He turned on the instrument in a hurry and started after a period of anxious waiting The engine, a 24-cylinder engine, roared and wasted fuel at 65 gallons per hour.

"Shoot, we don't have enough fuel!" Rashid yelled after observing the fuel monitoring, and asked Chu Xiang from the cab probe.

Chu Xiang has begun to shoot the crawler beetles. Although their flying height is not enough to fall directly on the bridge, they climb up the car body, and the number is too large. It ca n’t be completed with a gun. "Don't worry! Rush to "Where is it?" Shouted Chu Xiang, even if there was fuel here, it was too late, not to mention that Chu Xiang did not see any refueling equipment nearby. Maybe this thing was stopped at the maintenance plant because of insufficient fuel. It can still be launched, otherwise Chu Xiang and others will run away for nothing.

Bang, the 797 truck smashed the maintenance platform behind it and crashed into the fence of the maintenance plant. A pile of masonry was pressed against Chu Xiang. Fortunately, the truck driver ’s position was relatively high and there were not too many masonry stones. Otherwise, Chu Xiang was buried in, and he got up from the iron platform and cursed, "Damn! Aren't you going through the door?"

Rashid poked his head and said embarrassedly, "Sorry, the technology is a bit rusty, but it's much faster than going through the door. Everyone hurry up and we are on the road."

Song Jun and Li Haipeng didn't enter the cab either, Song Jun's marksmanship naturally didn't have to say, Li Haipeng bombarded the two of them in the back, and when they met the oncoming bombing bird or the beetle, they fired quickly. Compared with the chaos of civilian trucks, the attraction of beetles is not high, and most of the bombs dropped by bombing birds fall outside the car. The impact of the explosion on the steel giant is not big, but the ears of people who are shaking are buzzing. ring.

"We're lost!" Rashid poked his head out of the cab again. "Where is the gate of the base!" There were civilians running around on the street. Some people saw the giant objects coming and even forgot to escape and were scared. After biting it, he became a mummy. Rashid tried to avoid the pedestrians and watched the surrounding traffic. After driving for a few minutes, he realized that he didn't know which way to get out of the gate.

Chu Xiang followed his finger and said, "Go forward! Don't stop ~ ~ Always go out along the road!"

Chu Xiang's suggestion was correct. The roads in the base were built along the valley. Even if they did not exit from this gate, they also went out through the gate on the other side, so there was no need to identify the road at all. Rashid was too nervous.

"Let's get in the car, let's get in the car!" Suddenly a group of people came to their senses, and this behemoth could obviously take them out of danger, so they stopped in the middle of the road and shouted to the people in the car.

"Stop! Stop!" Fang Yuxuan shouted to Rashid. Rashid saw from the surveillance screen that he was followed by a group of beetles, and he resolutely said: "Can't stop, this car can't actually carry many people, let them crowd The bridge will make Chu Xiang and your friends indifferent! "

Su Yulian said: "Then let them get on the car bucket, the area is very large, and it is enough to hold a hundred people."

Rashid said: "You're crazy! Parking is dangerous. Besides, the body of the car is pop-up and it will make the bomb explode!"

Fang Yuxuan said, "But we can't see death! I'll go to Chu Xiang."

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