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Chapter 583: Break through

Today's Chu Xiang is absolutely different from the previous Chu Xiang. He said categorically: "No! You can't stop! I can't sacrifice everyone for those people!" Although Chu Xiang was not a saint before, he was also willing to save others for pleasure. Do less, but at that time the strength was, but now he can only be regarded as an ordinary evolutionary, plus Chu Xiang absorbs two sinister **** in succession, maybe they are greatly influenced by their ideas, in order to give up nothing people.

Fang Yuxuan shed tears in tears: "Chu Xiang, I really look at you wrong. You are so ruthless. Just stop for a minute and those people can climb up. Do you forget that population is an important cornerstone of our development? You were not like this before of!"

Chu Xiang shouted loudly: "I'm not the previous Chu Xiang!" As Chu Xiang shot wildly at a wave of bombing birds and beetles, Su Yulian also came out: "Chu Xiang, please stop, those people are too pathetic Now. "

At this time, Song Jun and Li Haipeng also looked at Chu Xiang hesitantly. Although they did not believe that this man was really Chu Xiang, it was obvious that only Chu Xiang and Rashid could command the car. It would be best to save people It's rescue, but it's not the way Song Jun and others do it to see death. Chu Xiang was embarrassed by these people. He threw away the empty machine gun and said, "OK, save!"

Rashid stepped on the brake with an independent computer system dedicated to controlling the cooling of the brake. The pump passed oil through the radiator on the disc at a rate of 1160 gallons per minute, taking away the huge heat generated by the brake. Stopping in the middle of the road, the civilians swarmed up. Chu Xiang drove them away from the bridge with an assault rifle. This is a combat position. Let these people come up, let alone shoot. It is difficult to remove the buttocks. Not occupying the bridge This is the bottom line.

So those people took the initiative to climb into the Juwu Babao shed, and Rashid leaned out of the cab and said, "Can't stop, look behind! There are too many beetles, they are eating tires. ! "

Rashid wasn't alarmist. I saw the sky behind him. The sky was dark. It turned out to be a new wave of bombing birds. They carried enough bombs. Even if they weren't bombs, they were certainly biochemical bombs. So they had to leave Portland. It was destined to be finished. The outside zombies have not launched an attack yet. Once they launch an attack, I am afraid that they will not even break out. And looking down at the feet, there were a lot of beetles on the tyres that were so tall. They were biting bitingly. Fortunately, the engineering tyres were thick, otherwise they would be flat.

Chu Xiang red-eyed toward the people who continued to climb the car. The people fired, and the sparks from the bullets scared those people back. Two of them were killed by Chu Xiang in one shot. Rashid took the opportunity to start 797. Those people Knowing that climbing again is hopeless, unless they are really dead, so they can only find other ways to escape, because time does not wait for people, they also see the dark clouds above their heads, and no one wants to stay on the street and be bombed.

The truck roared past all obstacles on the road, and finally came to the big gate. The guarded troops had lost more than half of the previous wave of bombing, and now the second wave of bombing came again, boom, boom, boom The explosion continued, and the gate and the surrounding wall collapsed before the truck arrived. The garrison on the wall was buried in the rubble. From time to time, bombs fell around the truck, and some even fell under the truck. Chu Xiang and others' ears were almost Deaf, he could only shout at Rashid with his throat: "Rush! Rush out! Step on the throttle for me!"

Rashid has felt the pressure from the top of his head. This car is strong and strong. It ca n’t be fried in turns, let alone the tires ca n’t stand it, and there are some precise control systems. Once it is damaged, it will cause control. Failure, he drove the truck to its maximum horsepower and headed towards the collapsed fence. The people on the truck seemed to fly up and fell down again. The huge wheels of the truck jumped over the ruins of the fence under strong thrust. Then rushed into the zombies, the oncoming zombies were pressed under the wheels and even the plasma could not splash, the car was too high.

Fang Yuxuan and Li Haipeng are very excited. After all, they have made a successful step. Now they have rushed out of the base, and looking at the current momentum, these zombies seem to be unable to stop the car. As long as t3 and t4 do not appear, the probability of escape is 90% the above! I do n’t know if it ’s God ’s care for these people. Rashid blasted 797 trucks and rolled out more than ten kilometers. Fortunately, there were only ordinary zombies. During the period, they also encountered secondary variants, but the number was not large. After getting run over by the tires, they got up and stopped after a few steps, as if their target was not these people.

Ga—the truck suddenly stopped. The engine stopped roaring. At this moment, the density of zombies only decreased sharply, but it does not mean that everyone has escaped the danger. The best way is to continue to drive forward and wait until you get out of the scope of the zombies. Li Haipeng asked the cab loudly, "What's going on? Keep driving, you can't stop here."

Rashid came out of the driver's cab after beating and beating. Fortunately, Li Haipeng didn't understand English, but Chu Xiang and Song Jun understood that there was no oil. This fuel-consuming ancestor ran away. The remaining oil in the fuel tank is completely drained, let alone let it run now, it is impossible to push it.

Chu Xiang didn't hesitate. He grabbed a few guns with bullets: "Let ’s get out of the car and break out. The zombies are not very strong here. There must be a way to escape. Song Jun and I opened the road to the left and right, paying attention to the bullet consumption. We must get out of the zombies as quickly as possible. "

Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian kindly climbed into the car bucket. The second daughter was going to call the people who had taken refuge above and ran away together, but the second daughter climbed up but held her back. For a long time, Chu Xiang and Song Jun were afraid that they would be delayed. Depending on the situation, I saw no one intact except the pile of meat sauce in the car bucket, but there were nearly a hundred people climbing up just now.

Song Jun's face was very dim: "A bomb landed in the car bucket, but they were blown to death without exploding the car bucket. We were wrong, we should not let them get in the car, maybe stay at the base and they are still alive now. Come on, don't watch. "

Fang Yuxuan cryed wow, lost her super power and lost her self-confidence. She did not expect to save others with good intentions but hurt others. At this moment, she did not blame Chu Xiang's heart, even Su Yulian was apologetic. It seems that good intentions may not be able to do good things, but in the future, take care of yourself first.

Bang, bang, bang, everyone jumped off the 797 truck. At this moment, there is no need to choose the next base for escape. It is most important to walk out of the zombies, so there is no hesitation at all. Everyone goes towards the place where the density of zombies is the rarest. Fortunately, these zombies did not pay attention to this team. Occasionally, they were killed by Chu Xiang and Song Jun. The marching speed became faster and faster, and almost no zombies appeared in front of them. Only relieved.

There were explosions and fires from Portland. Although I do n’t know if the zombies have launched an attack, the situation will not be good. Moreover, the flesh-eating beetles are enough to destroy the base. Now that they are out of danger, they should choose a place to go. Song Jun and Fang Yuxuan are not Americans who are unfamiliar with the terrain here. Chu Xiang and Rashid have been living in the lower levels and have little access to information. Everyone can only decide to walk forward for a few minutes. Which base.

From time to time, you can still see scattered zombies moving to the Portland base. Song Jun said: "It seems that these zombies have been planned for a long time. This time Portland's fall was entirely due to the use of bombs that absorbed the energy of the evolutionaries. It's surprising that the airborne mutants are transformed into bombers. If they attack our Chinese base in this way, the danger will be great. "

Fang Yuxuan said: "So we must find a way to return to China. At the very least, we must inform China of what happened here so that everyone can be prepared. Maybe Sister Bai can come up with a solution. After all, we have defeated the Terminator. Will they be defeated by their shrimp soldiers? The war in the United States is our best lesson. "

Song Jun nodded. He looked at Li Haipeng. Li Haipeng said frustratedly, "Military brother, my energy hasn't recovered for a minute. It seems that these strange bombs are not just as simple as absorbing energy. I think Bacheng is out of the picture. I will say later Maybe it's just an ordinary person? "

Although Song Jun was sinking in heart, he comforted Li Haipeng and said, "Don't be discouraged, we haven't encountered such a thing before, and we will be fine if we can't reach the barrier. Since this road doesn't work, we will think of other ways. "

Suddenly Chu Xiang's voice shuddered and said, "Boy, can you talk about other methods alive!"

Song Jun just wanted to ask what Chu Xiang's words mean. At this time, a tall figure appeared on a hillside opposite to it. When it stood upright, there were three adults tall. "Crawler!" Other than Rashid and Chu Xiang People are battle-hardened. This kind of creeper has seen countless times. If placed before the disappearance of superpowers, this t4 crawler is nothing, but now Song Jun and others are no different from ordinary people. Now Suddenly, a powerful enemy suddenly appeared, and the danger coefficient rose to the highest instant. Whether or not he could survive became an unknown number immediately. It turned out that he still did not escape the encirclement!

Rashid asked Song Jun: "Is the stuff on the other side very powerful?"

Song Jun frowned and said, "I want to destroy us without any effort! That's a t4 creeper!"

Rashid proudly said, "Don't be afraid, there is Chu Xiang!"

Song Jun also suddenly remembered at this time, yeah, since this person dare to call Chu Xiang, the performance of the breakout just now is also remarkable. If it wasn't for him, he might still be in Portland now, not at all May be rushed out so soon, then maybe this creeper can handle it!

Chu Xiang was the earliest to hear the footsteps of this creeper, but he could not warn in advance. This creeper stood high, there was no shelter here, no place to hide, and he looked at the people around him. On your own, the existing weapon in your hand is definitely not the answer, so simply throw it away.

Fang Yuxuan asked Chu Xiang with concern: "Can you do it, are you sure? This t4 has been evolving for a long time. Look at the skin of its skin, as if ordinary weapons would not hurt it. In addition, it is necessary to guard its tongue and tail , That's their weapon of surprise. "

Chu Xiang nodded and glanced at the weapon in hand. The guns could not be used, but the hope of winning with empty hands was too slim. Song Jun saw through Chu Xiang's thoughts. He would always carry the steel bow and steel arrow that he never left behind. Pass it over, "Your marksmanship is accurate. Try this, it must be more powerful than a machine gun bullet."

Chu Xiang took the steel bow, and the weight was very handy. He picked up a steel arrow. He tried to pull the bowstring, and the squeaking sound pierced his ears. Under the eyes of Song Jun and others, Chu Xiang turned it on. The special steel bow is full, and its strength is not unusual. Song Jun's heart rises with joy. This person must be an evolutionary! strange? Why didn't his energy disappear? Could it be said that like Chu Xiang's situation, its evolutionary energy can be hidden at any time.

Chu Xiang found a hand-weapon, but the creeper on the opposite hillside also came to help, two t3, under the command of that t4, these two t3 rushed up to take the lead, probably this t4 also Considering that it is not bad to be able to break through the encirclement, the first troops were sent to test the depths.

Alas, Chu Xiang fired the first steel arrow. Fortunately, the distance between the two parties was far enough. Otherwise, time was too late, and the steel arrow also lacked a certain acceleration distance. Now it stabs at t3 with a whistling, although it is the first. The arrow was shot twice, but Chu Xiang seemed to have a deep understanding of it. In addition to the high accuracy of the eyes, this arrow was shooting at t3's head. That was its weakness. Without the assistance of powerful evolutionary skills, humans were the only ones Can attack.

The alertness of t3 is not comparable to that of t2. Its head is tilted to the side. Alas, the steel arrow rubs its body and passes directly into the hillside behind him. Chu Xiang's failure is not discouraged. If t3 and t4 are so good to deal with Humans had already packed up the zombies, so he was ready to fight a hard battle. The steel bow quickly pulled up again, alas, alas, this time it was a renju arrow. Chu Xiang ’s confidence increased a lot after the first arrow was fired. So the second arrow dared to put both arrows together.

The target is still shot at the t3 just now, because it rushes fastest, it has been less than 300 meters away from the crowd in just a few seconds, Song Jun is holding a gun and looking for opportunities, this t3's head is still there, just hit Its eyes may still hurt it, but its movement speed is too fast. After losing the super ability, Song Jun could not reach the previous shooting speed and accuracy, so the gun was not dared to fire.

Alas, the first steel arrow was dodged by t3 again, but Chu Xiang used a trick on the second steel arrow. The two arrows did not come after him. The body of t3 was hit by the second arrow. His mouth was inserted, and a slamming noise took the whole head away from the body! The eyeball on the neck has not yet formed, but it can already control the body, but it can't see everything outside, like a headless fly starts to scramble around.

Chu Xiang didn't bother to care about this t3, and another t3 had already swooped up. As soon as Chu Xiang opened the bow, he was rolled by his tongue. Chu Xiang's arm was very strong. The roll of t3 didn't pull the steel bow, but the crosshead Missed, the arrow fell through, t3 was close to Chu Xiang, the steel arrow lost its effect, and the close combat began.

boom! Song Jun's gun began to fire. The t3, who lost his target everywhere, was blown off by immature eyeballs, and thumped to the ground, but the t4 started running towards this side after seeing the defeat of two men. It had to An attack was launched, but Chu Xiang was entangled by t3, and he could not pull away at this time, and others were undoubtedly dead to the t4!

Quick decision! This is Chu Xiang's idea. He hugged the t3 and scrambled together, but his fists were hard and limited. Chu Xiang picked up the steel bow on the ground and gripped the t3's neck. I did not expect that this t3 also evolved. Deep, the neck twisted and threw the whole head to Chu Xiang. The eyeball below quickly expanded and successfully evolved into t4.

Huh, when the new t4 came up, Chu Xiang fell to the ground, and then tore Chu Xiang's body frantically. If it wasn't for the eyeball head that it just evolved could not bite, I'm afraid he would swallow Chu Xiangsheng, at this time another Only t4 has rushed forward, Song Jun and Li Haipeng desperately shot to stop it, but the bullet hit the thick outer armor and sparked without causing any harm. Rashid looked anxiously and couldn't help, he The other side, Yu Xuan, said: "Come and think of a way! It's useless to wait like this."

Fang Yuxuan pale: "I have any way to think?"

Rashid picked up the big bow that was dropped on the ground by t4, and slammed into t4 holding Chu Xiang, "Help find a weapon to fight! What's the use of standing alone, waiting for death? Women all It's waste! "

arms? arms! Fang Yuxuan suddenly realized that she took a short stick of less than 20 cm from her arms, and she did not know where she pressed the short stick into a spear. She held the spear and stabbed him from the back to control Chu. Xiang t4!

Alas, the tip of the spear slipped on the back of t4, not that the spear of judgment is not sharp, but that Fang Yuxuan's stab is too weak. She is no longer an evolver. How much can an ordinary woman have, T4 was very upset by Rashid and Fang Yuxuan. It let go of Chu Xiang on the ground and walked towards Rashid. Rashid threw the big bow and turned and ran.

Chu Xiang had already taken the opportunity to get up from the ground. His torn body was covered with wounds, but those wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye after t4 stopped attacking, which greatly increased Chu Xiang's confidence and changed. The more beneficial to himself, Fang Yuxuan chased Rashid while t4 threw the spear of judgment at Chu Xiang: "Catch! Use it to deal with them!"

Chu Xiang knows a little about the spear of trial, because Salem and the evolvers of the Portland base have this thing ~ ~ But he does n’t know how to use it, but Fang Yuxuan has already turned into a spear. He just needs to pierce this spear into t4's chest.

Hi! Chu Xiang shouted loudly. The t4 who just turned and chased Rashid was wearing a gourd from the back. It turned his eyes back and stared at Chu Xiang inconceivably. Perhaps in its wisdom, Portland has not evolved. People, but it is by no means human to be able to pierce its body with a spear.

Fang Yuxuan jumped forward and pushed Chu Xiang away, then pressed a key on the handle of the spear of judgment, and the entire spear body miraculously got into t4's body, bang! T4 is decomposed from the inside and the body bursts into numerous fragments. This method of killing the second mutant zombies also applies to t4.

Bang, bang, two people were thrown up and made a dull sound when they fell to the ground. It turned out that the t4 on the hillside had already been attacked. Although Song Jun and Li Haipeng's bullets did not hurt it, it also made it extremely annoying. After kicking them up, Song Jun and Li Haipeng are not as good as before, and they couldn't get up when they fell.

As soon as t4 succeeded, he wanted to bully himself and attack again. In his opinion, the two guys were finished as long as they stepped on two feet, and then they ate meat or bones, but it was how Chu Xiang could make his plan successful. He mentioned Holding a large sword made by Su Yulian's another spear of judgment blocked t4.

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