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Chapter 584: Battle T IV

Huh, Chu Xiang strikes the head of t4 with a big sword. That t4 didn't see Chu Xiang in his eyes, so he didn't even dodge. He used his brain to greet Chu Xiang's sword. Bang, the two collided. Sparks came out, Chu Xiang's arm strength was huge, but the t4 brain was not cut off with this knife, just a string of sparks came out, and his mouth was numb with shock.

Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian stepped forward from Song Xiang and Li Haipeng while Chu Xiang blocked t4. Chu Xiang was too late to turn around and chopped T4's neck again, shouting: "Go! Leave here right away! Rashid you take They go! "

Song Jun gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go and stay and only divide his heart."

Fang Yuxuan was worried: "But this t4 is too powerful, I'm afraid Chu Xiang can't handle it at all."

Song Jundao: "If he can't cope, we're useless to stay, go!"

Rashid carried Song Jun on his back. Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan took care of Li Haipeng. The two of them fell so heavily that their bodies were struck by the ground for a while. They were afraid they could not recover within a day or two, and they did not dare to look back at Chu Xiang and bite Crying across the hillside with tears, there is a wood in front of it, and you can hide where you are in the wood.

Chu Xiang knew that he couldn't deal with this guy with his own skill, unless he was No. 1 Chu Xiang, but the last time he helped exhaust his energy, who knows whether this time will save the scene, Although t4 and t3 are only one level behind, it is clear that this level is not what Chu Xiang can handle, and t4 began to fight back after knowing that the person in front of him was worse than him, and Chu Xiang was slammed to the ground. That long and sharp tail was indeed a good weapon. Chu Xiang's blood appeared immediately on his body. Fortunately, he had the ability to heal himself.

Chu Xiang will not use the spear of judgment. Otherwise, he would rather have a real spear in his hand, because the sword and the tall t4 are a bit frustrating. In fact, the key is that Chu Xiang is not as powerful as t4, otherwise In this case, the sword is the weapon to deal with t4. As long as it cuts his head and ensures his identity, Chu Xiang can only poke t4's eyes with the blade of the knife. T4 also knows that his eyes are weak, so he is very careful. Dodge, and Chu Xiang's attack speed is very fast, which makes both of them a tie, but Chu Xiang still has the danger of losing, and sometimes suffers a loss.

This t4 was more impatient with the Vietnam War, probably it didn't take them into account. Chu Xiang and others were taken into account, but now they have lost two late-evolving t3s and delayed the attack on the Portland base plan. T4 became violent and saw it Standing on the heels in front of Chu Xiang, his tall body resembles a stone wall, and rows of tentacles emerge from behind the wall. These tentacles are sticky and tough. Chu Xiang's judgment spear did not slash in the past, then After being entangled, Chu Xiang scrambled a few times. However, due to lack of strength, T4 snatched the weapon, and lost the weapon. Chu Xiang's situation was even more unfavorable. T4 screamed at it. Chu Xiang's flesh alone was definitely difficult to resist He stabilized his mood, and then launched a sonic attack.

Hum, a wave of sound hit t4, t4 did not anticipate Chu. Xiang had a backhand and was hit in the middle. The main reason was that the sound attack was invisible and disappeared. When it was found, it was often late, but how was t4? This low-grade sonic attack can be hurt. It was just rolled back a few steps by the sonic shock, then got up and charged again, and Chu Xiang launched the sonic wave again. T4 already knew how to avoid Chu Xiang ’s attack. Although the sonic attack let Chu Xiang fought for a little time, but did not reverse the situation, but because of the continuous emission of sound waves, Chu Xiang's physical strength was greatly depleted.

Chu Xiang kept thinking in his heart: "Come out, I won't do it if you don't come out again. It's okay when I'm done."

Of course, Chu Xiang said No. 1 Chu Xiang, at least he still ca n’t. Take No. 1 Chu Xiang as his true self. In this case, he needs the power of No. 1 Chu Xiang to fight, otherwise he will be t4 killed, as two minds share a body, then everyone has a responsibility to protect him!

t4 has touched the law of Chu Xiang ’s emission of sound waves. It can be jumped. To dodge, and soon flutter to Chu Xiang ’s head. Chu Xiang continuously emits sound waves, the energy is almost exhausted, and t4 is pressed to the ground. , T4 bit his mouth with his sharp teeth open! Chu Xiang's neck hurt, and then she found that the blood in her body was losing. The t4 even ate Chu Xiang's blood from the mouth! Chu Xiang pushed desperately, but t4 weighed a lot, how could he push in this case!

No. 1 Chu Xiang has been. Seeing nothing, Chu Xiang thought he was running out of energy. This time it's over, but unfortunately he has smoked so many mules. I don't know who will find this secret and continue. Once you have a chance, then you must do everything possible to find more sisters to strengthen their strength! Yes, definitely! Regardless of what it will become if it **** too much, it will definitely become stronger in the short term, and there is only a way out in this end-time!

Chu Xiang thought with regret. Suddenly he had a pain in his head, and then the blood flow accelerated. The t4 who was sucking the blood vessels in his neck was sprayed. I died a few seconds early, but what happened next was not what Chu Xiang expected. He had a pain between his two bones, a six-blade knife came out, and his hands were lying uncontrollably against him. The creeper in front of his neck waved!

How sharp is the lance of the Trial Spears? Chu Xiang thinks it is the sharpest weapon I have ever seen! But I can't use it to cut off the head of this t4. Now I have a bone knife growing in the crevice of my phalanx. Can I say that I can cut off the head of t4? However, this seems to have happened in the last distress, it may be effective! Thinking of a joy in Chu Xiang's heart here, he tried to take control of his body at this time, and even wanted to contact another Chu Xiang, but this time he could not get any contact except receiving some information. Know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

It was quick to say that late, Chu Xiang moved countless thoughts for a while, and the six-blade knife cut left to right to t4's neck, suddenly it was like cutting a cotton with a fast knife, and the sharp bone knife cut all together. A huge head grunted and rolled to the ground, two bull's eyes with big eyes were dead, how could this t4 never imagine that Chu Xiang would do this at this time? How does it appear that this evolutionary is vulnerable and has been attacked by it? After smoking the blood, it will soon become a dry corpse, but the sudden change of situation changed immediately.

Chu Xiang exhaled for a long time. He lowered his head and glanced down at the neck. The blood flow speed of the bite wound had weakened. Soon the wound healed together. Chu Xiang nodded slightly and raised the t4 head on the ground to catch up. The people who retreated in advance, his footsteps became more stable, and no one knew what he was thinking at this moment.

Song Jun and others entered the woods, and Rashid turned around as soon as he put the person down: "You don't make a noise when you hide here, I'll go to Chu Xiang, remember not to run around in case the zombie smells or sees No one will come to your rescue. "

Song Jundao: "No, you can't go. It's too dangerous. The t4 has a high combat effectiveness."

Rashid said: "If it's not dangerous, I won't go back yet. I have to go back if Chu Xiang stays there. Every time he doesn't leave me, so this time I can't leave him either. There will be a period later!"

Rashid said he walked out of his hiding place. Song Jun stood up with excitement. Li Haipeng also felt that Rashid was very affectionate, so he stood up, "Let's go back and save him!"

Fang Yuxuan stopped everyone and said, "What are you going to do? It ’s so easy to escape but you have to go back. Is this adding trouble to Chu Xiang? Army brother, didn't you have the most confidence in Chu Xiang before, why do n’t you believe he can be safe now? Come back. "

Song Jun sighed: "Xiaoyu, I know that you have been with him for a long time. I miss you too much in your heart and imagine him as an incarnation, but although his name is Chu Xiang, it is by no means our previous Chu Xiang, so this cannot be compared. ! "

Fang Yuxuan was speechless, everything she said was based on assumptions, and this assumption seemed so ridiculous to others, so it was not unreasonable for Song Jun to criticize her, but Rashid was not mindful. He stayed and argued. He had already walked out of the woods and picked up a wooden stick from the side of the road. At this time Li Haipeng caught up and he handed over a spear of judgment. "Hold it, it will do more with less. I will teach you how to use it first. . "

Rashid took the spear of judgment that only evolutionaries can have in the legend. He put it down a few times and said, "Thank you, I will use it to bring Chu Xiang out!"

Song Jun also caught up at this time, he and Li Haipeng walked side by side, walking very staggered, "We are with you."

Rashid turned around and held them together: "No, you have suffered internal injuries. It is important to take a break now. If I go back to cope with Chu Xiang, I'm afraid that I can't even reach the battlefield just now." Rashid did not exaggerate, Song Jun And Li Haipeng can only stand upright now. After so many steps, the chest has already been swollen with blood. The fall just now is not light! If you notice when you get up, you can see the next piece of the sunken ground!

But how can Song Jun and Li Haipeng watch Rashid go back to die alone? The three began to argue. Suddenly there was a muffled boom, and the sound was still some distance away. There was a murmur of the engine. Rashid's face changed and he pointed to the hiding place just now. I can't wait to discuss who to respond to Chu Xiang, and hurriedly returned to the bushes. Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian were also very anxious at this moment, but after they lost their super powers, they were powerless to do anything. Now they can only worry and see The three men came back with a little peace of mind.

Song Jun made a gesture of silence. Fang Yuxuan swallowed back if he wanted to exit, but a fleet of ten armored vehicles entered the forest. They rushed forward along the tree and came to Song within a short while. The army and other people were hiding near the place, which was far away from the zombies. The leader's car stopped and the rest of the armored vehicles went out.

"Set camp here to rest. It's getting late. We will continue to hurry tomorrow. Zombies can no longer be seen here. We can rest assured that we have succeeded in breaking through." A sturdy middle-aged man got off the first armored car, and then another group The group came out of the armored vehicle. They had men, women, old and young, all carrying large bags and small bags, and they knew that they were fleeing. At the look of the man, they should have made a breakthrough from the Portland base. Survivors.

At this time, Song Jun and Rashid both made a wrong decision. They took the initiative to expose their whereabouts from their invisibility. In their opinion, these people are trustworthy since they broke out from the Portland base. Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian also naturally Followed up, the second daughter even planned to ask these people with weapons and armored vehicles to go back to rescue Chu Xiang. After all, Chu Xiang faced t4. If it was just an ordinary zombie second daughter, she would definitely rest assured.

More and more people got off the bus. The two sides quickly met each other. The leading middle-aged man looked at Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan. Although the two women still had dirty makeup and cloth strips under their clothes, But the cloth strips ran out all the way, the plump **** were looming, and the gray powder on the face also drifted away with sweat, which made the original appearance of the second daughter much, and the middle-aged man looked a little intently.

Song Jun and Rashid are both clever. They knew that they had done a reckless thing in an instant. The two originally planned to join this breakout team. Now they ca n’t wait to get rid of them, but just ask God to send God easily. The middle-aged man actually came up to say hello, "How many of you, are you from the Portland base?"

At this point, Rashid has only scratched his head. "Yeah, it looks like you broke out from Portland. What happened there? We were lucky enough to escape from the treasure hunt, and it seemed that the zombies had started. Siege. "

The middle-aged man's eyes kept fluttering two girls, but his mouth said: "Most of the Portland base has been lost. Don't expect to go back, just follow me. I Wapson absolutely guarantee your Safety."

Song Jun said in unskilled English: "We have to meet a friend who is fighting with t4."

The middle-aged man looked at Song Jun with an eyebrow and raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, there are still people who dare to fight t4? Is he an evolutionary? The evolutionaries in Portland have all been successful. They somehow lost their super powers and could not imagine you I was lucky enough to avoid this. I'm going to take a good look at this person, but it depends on whether he has luck to come back alive. "

Rashid said: "Sorry, he is our friend. If you are willing to help us, we are grateful. If you don't want to help us, we won't force it. We say goodbye."

Speaking of Rashidela leaving Fang Yuxuan's second daughter, Watson suddenly yelled, "Leave them!"

When Rashid, Song Jun, and Li Haipeng heard this, they immediately turned to protect the two women in the middle, and the armed men on the armored vehicle heard the words of Watson and surrounded the five with guns. They did not let down the two women. They will never let go. It seems that they have been skilled in looting and robbing civilians.

The situation is very tense. Song Jun and others have no weapons other than the spear of judgment, and the spear of judgment is just a spear in the hands of ordinary people. It does not play its due role, even far less than a pistol. When the middle-aged man gave an order, the three men of Song Jun would be sieved by bullets, and Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian would be slaughtered by others. It seems that in the last days, they cannot believe anyone! Even if these people are bringing the old with the young, those people should not care about what these animals are doing! Maybe they are numb, even they have done it before!

Song Jun whispered: "We are an evolutionary from China. I hope you think about it. Even if you mess with us, you will be hunted down even at Tianjiao Cape! Don't give yourself trouble."

Watson sneered: "I'm not afraid of trouble yet. I have been a mafia boss for more than ten years. I did it in the old world and I did it in the last days. Do you think I'm scared? Now there is a bomb to eliminate the ability of the evolver. Do n’t think that you can continue to be strong in China. I tell you, maybe the Chinese base is also under attack now. As evolutionary backers, you might as well die now. ”

"Fart!" Fang Yuxuan heard this guy who claimed to be a mafia boss curse the Chinese evolutionist, thinking that it might be that the mafia boss's men almost insulted himself and Su Yulian. How could Fang Yuxuan suppress the anger, she scolded immediately Su Yulian immediately grabbed Fang Yuxuan's hand and refused to let her continue, because everyone could see the scene, and the mafia was the only one.

Watson was not angry, just hesitantly staring at Fang Yuxuan and then said to his subordinates, "Take off her clothes and let her fart show me. Remember, it must be loud. If it doesn't, Then put me in the gun! "

The Mafia people are a group of guys who dare to say what they dare to do. Besides, they can organize such a large team from the Portland base to prove that they are not weak, and a strong team must have a qualified The commander, Watson, is this person. The command he gave was unwilling to follow. Two people came out immediately to control Fang Yuxuan, and the other began to tear her clothes. The three men were severely crushed on the ground by the group. Su Yulian was almost powerless, and everyone could only watch Fang Yuxuan want to be humiliated by Watson.

Suddenly, a huge monster's head was thrown into the circle surrounded by the group, and then Watson was lifted up by him. The bodyguard behind him did not have time to respond. The rifle in his hand was immediately released, and then Watson Screaming, "My ass! Shoot, kill him!"

Song Jun and Rashid were surprised to see Watson jump up like a cat with a trampled tail, and a rifle was stuck in his butt, and the rifle barrel almost disappeared into the drain hole. Watson's face Exaggerated expression to the extreme, it is definitely not comfortable, in addition to pain, there is a huge shame!

Some militants around were frightened ~ ~ because no one had seen anyone crossing the cordon, but now they not only attacked their boss, they also easily lost their heads, and they did not know who was so unlucky I hung up after the battle, but when these armed men saw the head on the ground, they took a breath and no one had seen t4 inside, but such a strange head is obviously not what ordinary zombies can have! Coming strength is not weak!

Although Watson shouted eagerly, those armed men continued to retreat. Finally, one or two dared to carry the gun forward, but they didn't wait for them to point their muzzles at the people. Suddenly there was a chill in front of them, and the gun in their hands was actually short. Mostly, the iron thing was cut neatly! Fortunately, those armed men on the outskirts were still calm. They came up and snatched Watson, and then shot at the people crazy!

Watson exhausted himself, this is a strange humiliation. It is more uncomfortable than letting the zombies kill. He who wants to slap others hurts himself, so even if someone comes to the worst, he will kill the other party! Under his command, the heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle turned the muzzle and fired with the fire of the armed personnel. Large-caliber bullets were scraped like rain, even if the opponent was a hard-hitting body!

"Stop!" The gun in Watson has been pulled out. Although his lower body was bloody, he still insisted on directing. He stormed past with storms and leaves. Many thick trees were even shot down, presumably. Those people must die, no doubt, it is time to collect their corpses. As long as they are not shot, they must be whip corpses to dispel hatred!

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