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Chapter 585: Save people

The shattered leaves of smoke caused by the shooting gradually fell, and a few bold guys came forward to look at them, and suddenly they exclaimed back, and soon saw an amazing scene from the hazy smoke. The people in the middle were intact. Appeared in front of everyone, it seemed that the bullet had never been to them! They didn't even mess up their hair.

"What's going on? Where did you guys shoot just now!" Watson yelled, then a submachine gun that snatched the bodyguards around him, and darted to shoot at the Chinese who had inserted his chrysanthemum in person! The bullet flew at a speed invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people, but suddenly more amazing things happened when they hit the people in front of them. The warhead stopped instantly, just like time no longer passed forward and everything was frozen! Watson couldn't believe his eyes, rubbed his eyes fiercely, almost didn't rub his eyes out, but everything really happened, and the solidified bullet suddenly moved, and the bullet turned back and called. Shot backwards at Watson, Watson's legs trembled, and he threw himself on the ground. He didn't want to fall down, and his entire leg was smashed by bullets!

"Come on!" Someone shouted at Watson's men, and they turned to the forest secrets. It was obvious that the other party was an evolutionary. These people also originally had an evolutionary, but at the Portland base, their evolutionary energy was full. Lost, now not even an ordinary person, how dare to compete with the powerful evolutionary in front of you? Moreover, they have no more powerful weapons besides guns. Fools are still waiting to die when the bullet shooting is ineffective.

Only a group of young and old, and Watson and a few loyal subordinates did not escape. They looked at the majestic Evolver uneasily. It is true that the man is Majestic Eurasian. It looks so cool that Fang Yuxuan stayed, Brother Chu, this is how Brother Chu feels, Brother, do you believe? Metal control ability! He returned after killing t4, and I said he was our Chu Xiang! You see, he saved us ... "Fang Yuxuan Weeping with joy.

Although Song Jun still does not quite believe that the person in front of him is Chu Xiang he knows, at this moment, the person's momentum is extremely familiar, not to mention that he also has a strong metal control ability, which is often used by Chu Xiang A skill, but can this prove that he is the original Chu Xiang alone? Song Jun is not as simple as Fang Yuxuan.

"Leave the car, you go!" Chu Xiang said coldly to Watson. It turned out that this man was the boss of the mafia. I did not expect that some of his subordinates who killed him at the base encountered it again, but now My self is different from my own a few minutes ago, probably the last **** who sucked had enough energy to fill the body, so at least half of Chu Xiang's energy at the moment was supported by another Chu Xiang's energy. Haven't the rabbits arrived?

Watson was lifted up, and he was almost in pain. He fainted, but his eyes still looked at his ten armored vehicles. How could he survive in the zombie world without them? To move to other bases without a means of travel is also a dead end. The faithful bodyguards turned to Chu Xiang and pleaded: "Hero, give us a way to live, let's drive the armored vehicle, otherwise we will be dead."

Chu Xiang snorted coldly: "You ought to die, get out! Otherwise, you will not die soon, but immediately!"

Su Yulian suddenly interjected: "We can't use so many cars. They have old and young. Let them drive away."

Chu Xiang glanced at Su Yulian. Suddenly many fragrant scenes popped up in his brain. It was all about him and Su Yulian. If his guess is good, this is the message that Chu Xiang No. 1 conveyed to him. After smoking a few bitches, he The degree of integration with No. 1 Chu Xiang has actually strengthened, and now he can hardly sense the existence of another person, and his memory seems to be deep in his consciousness, and it will come out when he thinks about it. This is a wonderful thing. a feeling of.

Chu Xiang touched Su Yulian's hair with some compassion. It was unexpected that Su Yulian did not resist. Perhaps this action made her too familiar. She even took the initiative to jump into Chu Xiang's arms because of this safety. Feeling makes her think that the real Chu Xiang is around! Instantly tears flowed across the cheeks.

"Let ’s go and leave. Half of the armored vehicle." Chu Xiang waved to the person of Watson. He respected and petted this mature and temperamental woman. Although he is not the real Chu Xiang now, he is still deep in his consciousness. Will take care of her.

The people at Watson are very grateful. An old man came forward and said to Su Yulian: "Thank you for your kind Chinese girl. Just now you and your friend are in trouble. We will not die if you don't save it. We will do it to us. My friend said it was an evolutionary from China. I know you have an American friend in China. Her name is Evelina, right? When we broke out before, she was trapped in a military camp. I think you should rescue her. . "

It is said that the old man got on the armored car. There are very many drivers in this group. They are very good at driving only five cars and taking away the remaining old and young. There is no evolutionary among them, so even if they only face a d None of the senior evolutionaries dared to mess with him. Watson was half-dead. Now, even if Chu Xiang let him go, he didn't know if he could survive. Even those who can survive the Mafia may not listen to him anymore. In short, his two world mafia boss career is over.

Fang Yuxuan was very jealous and took one arm of Chu Xiang. "Brother Chu, do you remember us?"

Chu Xiang watched Fang Yuxuan's intimacy, his head was hot, and a strong consciousness rose up. A group of pictures more than Su Yulian appeared in the brain. This Fang Yuxuan dared to do it, and No. 1 Chu Xiang was The bed was full of tricks, those flowing memories made Chu Xiang's legs soft, and his body shook almost without holding his urine in his pants!

"No, no, don't look like this," Chu Xiang, No. 2 still had the upper hand. He pushed Fang Yuxuan outward. Although he was a little bit reluctant, he couldn't do anything in front of so many people. Too intimate and get angry

Fang Yuxuan, regardless of this set, said: "You have recovered the superpower now and killed the t4. If you are not Chu Xiang, you can't do it at all, you said, you are our original Chu Xiang, right?"

Chu Xiang shook his head, can he become a true Chu Xiang? He also said two things, at this time, he can't talk big, and he doesn't want to be someone else inside, "I'm me. Since Chu Xiang in your heart can do it , Then I can do it too, all I want to say is this, don't ask anything else. "

Su Yulian didn't plan to jealous with Fang Yuxuan, she said to Chu Xiang: "Chu Xiang, you heard it just now, Evelina stayed at the Portland base, you should go and rescue her."

Chu Xiang was a little hesitant. Evelina had a relationship with him, but there was no communication between the two. At this moment, returning to the Portland base will be subject to a life and death test! But another voice inside Chu Xiang shouted, "Save her! You must save her! That is your friend, your agent in the United States! How much she does for you, you can't give up on her!"

Rashid said at this time: "You're crazy!" He was referring to Su Yulian. "Don't think that Chu Xiang will retreat from Watson's mafia. It's almighty. His physical strength won't last long. You will let him return to Portland. Better to let him die! "

Su Yulian's face changed, and she thought about Chu Xiang's previous performances a little bit. She's superman's performance can only be short-lived. He just spent a lot of energy against thousands of bullets. If he returns to Portland base, , Then if you ca n’t save someone, you ’ll be safe if you can get away safely!

Song Jun hesitated not knowing whether to speak or not. Evelina is indeed China's agent in the United States. She has contributed a lot to China, and even said that China can accumulate huge wealth in a short time, both in terms of material and technology. Thank you, Evelina! I do n’t know if Evelina is in Portland ’s, but now I know how to calm Song Jun ’s heart if I ca n’t save her, but she lost all her super powers, and now you ca n’t save him, he ca n’t return. Portland Base!

Silence, followed by a long silence, even the sound of the engine of the armored vehicle in the distance disappeared for a long time. Chu Xiang walked anxiously among the trees. It was beyond his expectation. If you leave the Portland base at this time, everyone It's safe, but can you go? What about Evelina? ... To save her, you must save her.

Chu Xiang finally said, "I'm back to the Portland base, you continue to stay here and wait."

Rashid first objected: "I'll accompany you back. I can't help you very much. I can help you detect the wind."

Chu Xiang patted Rashid's shoulder and said, "Thank you brother, you will divide my heart instead. Everyone will stay. At the latest tomorrow morning, if I can't come back, you will find a way to continue to live and find the next one. The base notified the Chinese side to come forward, and of course we must guard against those bombs that continue to absorb the energy of the evolutionary. Goodbye. "

Song Jun and Li Haipeng don't know what to say, Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian are also very contradictory. They don't want Chu Xiang to take risks, but also hope that Evelina can be safe. After all, they are their friends, so everyone will not say more. Chu Xiang took the spear of trial and stepped onto an armored car, and the front of the car blasted out.

It's been a secret conversation, Chu Xiang stepped on the throttle all the way, and it took half an hour to return to the Portland battlefield. The crazy scene made Chu Xiang surging blood, more than 100,000 zombies have entered the Portland base. They Humans were madly devoured in the buildings on the streets, the bombing birds were withdrawn early, and part of the beetles shuttled among the zombies. The Portland base of tens of thousands of people can now see most of the broken limbs.

Chu Xiang hung the gear to the lowest position and then the throttle rolled all the way to the zombie. At last, his armored car was overturned under the blocking of T3. Chu Xiang opened the door and drilled out. T3 screamed and the two immediately fought. Together, Chu Xiang at this moment has a qualitative difference from before. This is also the reason why he just dared to make another trip to the Portland base to save people, because another Chu Xiang's power did not disappear for a long time. There is hope in using this power to save people.

Chu Xiang also understands that in case he ca n’t stop this force, he must seize the time. The long knife of the combination of trial spears is cut out three times in a row. After all, the t3 cannot compare with him. However, the second and third knives were all cut, and suddenly they were in different places. Although the head was not damaged, the upper body was separated from the lower body, and only two arms were used to support the head, not even t2. Foot burst.

After setting the orientation, Chu Xiang immediately rushed towards the barracks, and he continued to emit ultrasonic waves along the way. Now his ultrasonic attack is completely different from the duel t4. Those t2 blocking the road will explode if they stick to the side, even if only t3 can't stop it. So it took Chu Xiang to rush out of the barracks in just ten minutes, but the scene in the barracks surprised Chu Xiang. After a few waves of bombing, the barracks were completely complete, and there was no good building, and they were everywhere. They are black beetles. They have nothing to eat from the human body. Suddenly they smell the flavour of Chu Xiang's meat. Hula la all around, Chu Xiang's eyes glared, and a flame came out from his body, like a stone thrown at him. In the lake water, several heavy flame waves radiated outward. The black beetles were instantly scorched by the high temperature. The distant beetles smelled the scorched smell of similar corpses, and they didn't hesitate. They fluttered, even t2. Hiding far away, it seems to know that this person is not easy to mess with. Maybe they may still wonder. Why didn't the energy bomb just killed him? At this moment the gunners had all withdrawn, t2 couldn't stop anyone at all.

Chu Xiang reluctantly rushed into the barracks and wandered around. The Portland base said that it collapsed. Maybe Evelina did not have time to withdraw at all. If it was not crushed to death under the collapsed building, it would be a beetle. Or t2 swallowed it, Chu Xiang's heart was cut like a knife. Although he knew he didn't have much friendship with that Evelina, but the pain in his heart was so clear, it seems that another Chu Xiang's thought is affecting him.

Bang, bang, a few crisp gunshots suddenly came, Chu Xiang's spirits refreshed, there are survivors! Even if it's not Evelina, you can ask about it. After all, what happened to Portland after you retreat knows nothing. Chu Xiang slashed out with a long knife, and there were several floors around a solid concrete building. Zombies, including two t3 standing on the top of the cement building, they bite the reinforced concrete frantically, and the rubble was thrown down. Seeing that roof was not safe, and the survivors inside would be eaten by the zombies. Chu Xiang whistled and jumped up to the top of the building.

The building is not high, about five meters or so, there are no large windows, and there are only a few small air holes for ventilation. Now it is used as a shooting hole. Some people use guns to eliminate outside zombies from the small holes from time to time. We can see that there are not many bullets, plus the sound of t3 digging and biting on the top of the building will surely pass into the building, and the people inside will probably be desperate.

The two t3s stopped working and raised their heads when they heard the sound of the wind. They smelled the murderous spirit of Chu Xiang, so they cautiously faced Chu Xiang back to back. As soon as Chu Xiang changed, they would attack side by side. Chu Xiang also Without the two t3s, the long knife cut directly, the two t3 didn't dare to make a hard connection, and they avoided the long knife's straight cut, then the two long tongues shouted and rolled towards Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang did not Dodge and let your two long tongues wrap around your neck.

The two t3s squeaked happily after seeing a successful hit. The next step is to pull the head off with his tongue and then divide his body to eat it. However, the two t3 seem to be a bit early, and the tongue shocked. He actually left, and it turned out that Chu Xiang excited the bone knife to cut off two long tongues with a wave of his hand, and then chopped the long knife. One of the t3 tongues broke off and stabbed. When the long knife came over, he could not avoid it. His head was split at the moment, and his body was split into two!

Seeing that the other t3 was not good, he turned around and jumped out of the concrete building, and ran loudly while running. Chu Xiang knew that it was sending a distress signal. The Portland siege will never have only one t4 participating in the battle. Therefore, you must leave here immediately, otherwise you may be entangled. If this energy in the body disappears, then even the old one will have to pay for it.

Chu Xiang stabbed the roof with a long knife, then slumped into the vent hole and shouted, "Is anyone inside? T3 outside has run away, you can come out, we must break out, and wait until there is T4 will come."

First it was silent, then someone shouted, "You wait, let's go out."

Chu Xiang lay on the roof and observed the enemies around him. After waiting for a minute, the sewer was moved, and then the iron cover was thrown aside. One person drilled out first, then drilled out one after another, a total of ten Two, the exit of this building turned out to be so concealed, and I did n’t know what it was doing, probably a warehouse or the like. The exit was definitely not a sewer, but these people took shortcuts.

When Chu Xiang saw the twelve people who had been drilled out, he was overjoyed because he didn't need to find anyone. Six of the twelve were soldiers. These soldiers surrounded an American woman. Although Chu Xiang had only one side with her Fate, but this woman is easy to remember, she is Evelina! Otherwise, it ’s no coincidence that these soldiers know the importance of Evelina, so they took her to the only solid defense in this Portland base. In fact, if Chu Xiang did n’t arrive in time, do n’t need to. It was also captured here for a minute. Before that, they had been hiding quietly inside without disturbing the zombies outside. If not, they would be finished without Chu Xiang. This building has some hope for blocking t2 and bombing birds, but for t3 and t4 That is absolutely not possible.

Evelina didn't know the person in front of her. Originally, Chu Xiang was just a bitch. In addition, the appearance of other **** was constantly changing, and the current scene was too chaotic. T2 was running on the street, so Evelina saw him only as an evolutionary aid.

"I must take you away!" Chu Xiang took Evelina's hand, he knew that time was tight and could not explain more.

Evelina doesn't have so many men and women who teach unprofessional thoughts ~ ~ she said: "No, you must take them with you if you want to leave. I would have died if not everyone had protected me."

Chu Xiang frowned: "No, I can't take so many people away."

Evelina said firmly, "Then I won't go."

Chu Xiang got angry for a while, and it took a while to say, "Your Chinese friend asked me to save you. If you are at this time, the whole monster moth will kill us all!"

The soldiers protecting Evelina also understood that it was unrealistic to drag so many people out of the Portland base, and they all told Evelina: "Go! Follow him! We leave cover! Don't let down ours Expect to escape! "

Evelina said with tears in her beautiful big eyes: "No, let's go with us! Where is the rush?"

The judgment spear in Chu Xiang's hand was tight, and his voice was coldly: "It seems that we can no longer walk."

The crowd stopped arguing and looked up and couldn't help taking a sigh of relief. They saw four t4 standing not far away, and there was a row of creepers behind them, which was about the size of the zombie elite.

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