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Chapter 589: Practice with pigs

The ability to control plants. What an enticing skill! Chu Xiang was drooling while chasing. He wasn't the little **** who was afraid of the wolf and the tiger before. He might have been greedy in his character. But without this greed, Chu Xiang would have the motivation to bring other bitches. Are they all absorbed?

Snoring, snoring, the mule in front is running slower and slower, blood comes out of his mouth from time to time, and he can run so far after serious internal injuries, which is only possible for high-powered evolutionaries, although he also heals himself Ability, but obviously the ability to heal does not mean never die, the injury is serious, especially life-threatening injuries cannot be cured.

From time to time, the sister-in-law looked back, and he successfully escaped from the town, but none of his group kept up. Maybe he had been killed by the leader at this time, or he might have disarmed into their gang. No one talks about loyalty, and whoever is strong will mingle with anyone. As long as there is a stuttering person, it is no problem to let everyone go with a pig.

boom. From time to time, the sister-in-law looked back without regard to the front, hitting a hot pile on the head, and a severe shock made the sister-in-law's chest hurt, gurgling, a large mouthful of blood came out, and then his eyes fluttered and seemed to fly, Then she lost her consciousness. Before the death, the sister-in-law had a sense of relief and belonging, and a smeared smile appeared on her blood-stained face, which made Chu Xiang feel like he had done something good.

After simply digesting the energy of this mule, Chu Xiang seems to have restored some memories. In fact, Chu Xiang himself knew that these memories belonged to Chu Xiang No. 1. The more mules he smoked, these memories would be restored. The more he did, he finally became another Chu Xiang until the end, but this result is the last thing Chu Xiang wants to see. He wants to be himself, not Chu Xiang, but no one knows where it will go in the end.

Feeling the increase of energy in the body, it seems that his evolution has also been strengthened. Chu Xiang's face shows a smile, and he touches the bone ring. After opening the space, he takes out two boxes of cookies first. Chu Xiang no longer cares about the gunfire in the direction of the town and carries it. The cookie box went to the villa in Xiaogu, and Chu Xiang, the secret of the bone ring, would not tell others. Otherwise, the relationship between him and Chu Xiang No. 1 will be completely exposed. At that time, he does not want to be Chu Xiang No. 1.

Wow, Chu Xiang hurriedly heard the sound in the bush: "It's me, Chu Xiang, I found food."

Two people, Rashid and Ryuichi, were found in the bushes. They hid their guns and hid in the dark to guard the entrance of the villa. Naturally, their vision could not be compared with Chu Xiang, so they would do it when they heard the footsteps of Chu Xiang just now. After the warning action, the two of them greeted each other with joy after they stopped drinking, and found the food. This is good news. Everyone is already hungry with their backs stuck to their front stomachs, their stomachs are burning, their sour water is bitter. After digestion, if you do n’t eat anything, you're afraid you will digest your stomach.

Song Jun didn't rest. He was patrolling in the valley over and over again. After all, this place has just arrived, and no one knows whether other mutant creatures will pop up suddenly. He hears Chu Xiang's voice and greets him, "how? I heard intense gunfire in the direction of the town. What the **** is going on? "

Chu Xiang said: "It was a conflict between two groups of survivors to grab food. I stole two boxes of biscuits while the fire was robbery. Although the food was deteriorated, everyone will stop starving, but do n’t eat too much. I am afraid of food poisoning. "

Rashid and Long Yi didn't care about food poisoning at all. The two grabbed a few packets of cookies and drilled back to their hiding place. They ate while standing, while Chu Xiang and Song Jun moved each box of cookies into the villa, a little light. It ’s lit in the living room, but it ’s a flashlight, but there is a layer of cloth on the lamp head so that the light wo n’t be seen outside through the window. With this light, Chu Xiang ca n’t recognize the living room. Now that the tables and chairs are bright, even the chandeliers are clean, and many items have been refurbished, as if this is a new house just moved in.

Song Jun saw Chu Xiang's surprise. He lowered the box and said, "Hehe, it was the three clean girls who cleaned up. They were hungry and tired and went upstairs to sleep. Yes, will we be here? Two people found out? "

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "No, this place is not on their way back. As long as we don't take the initiative to expose it, there will be no danger for the time being. However, it is unexpected that there are survivors nearby. We will search again carefully tomorrow. Maybe I can find communication tools, but I think those people are not very friendly. We have to be cautious. "

Song Jun nodded. After this period of time, he seemed to obey Chu Xiang's leadership status, and he obeyed Chu Xiang's opinions in everything. Someone came downstairs from the Kung Fu talk. "Brother Chu, you are back. Just now you heard gunfire outside. Did you encounter zombies? You don't care."

Chu Xiang looked up to see Fang Yuxuan. He grabbed a packet of cookies and threw it over. "It's okay, everything is going well. Other people are fighting the zombies. Don't bother them. Eat something and sleep. These days I have n’t eaten enough, I must be hungry, and wake up Su Yulian and Evelina, and fill my stomach first before I say anything else. "

Although the biscuits deteriorated, hungry people didn't care. They ate two packets of cold water from the mountain springs and went back to their rooms to sleep. Of course, they didn't dare to relax their vigilance. Because the gunfire in the small town sounded until the middle of the night, but as Chu Xiang said, their direction of retreat was not on the valley side, so they stayed all right for a night, except that such a big movement last night will not make Chu Xiang The mutant creatures they encountered were hard to say when they attracted them.

When the sky was bright, Chu Xiang got up and walked in the valley. He had just absorbed the body of a mule. At this moment, the energy was very abundant. Even if Chu Xiang appeared on the 1st, he could support for more than ten minutes. Dare to despise the world! Speaking of this place of residence, Chu Xiang and Song Jun and others have different minds. Song Jun and Fang Yuxuan are looking forward to returning to China early. The United States is just a halfway stop in their lives, but Chu Xiang will stay here for a long time. Therefore, this small valley is included in his consideration of living and working, if it can be strengthened The defense here is a home.

"Wang, Wang, Wang," Chu Xiang suddenly heard the dog barking at the door of the villa. Chu Xiang was shocked. Of course, there was no dog here. That was the warning sound issued by Long Er and Long San. Chu Xiang couldn't plan this anymore. Safety issues in the villa area, he rushed over to run, after Long Er and Long San were lying in a cluster of frozen green, they saw Chu Xiang deeply relieved.

"Chu Xiang, there is a mutant creature there, we don't know if we should stop it, you see, fast forward to our yard." Chu Xiang saw a wild boar, Long Er and Dragon along Long Er's fingers. San reason did not recognize it as a wild boar, because this pig is quite strong and comparable to a calf. People who have not seen this mutant pig before will generally not believe it and can only treat it as a mutant creature. Because they all land on four hoofs, they are collectively known as creepers, but the level is lower.

Chu Xiang took the spear of judgment from his arms. He had to treat this wild pig with caution. No one is sure what level it is. If it is just a common mutation, then it is easy to say that it may even have the capital of the teething festival. This wild boar has become refined, for example, it has reached the level of t4.

Humming Humming, the boar apparently didn't find the three hiding people, and it arched under the fence. It may be that the plants in the courtyard attracted it. After all, there are not many places with green plants in this season. Wild boars start to hit the fence wall. The thing is to prevent gentlemen from guarding against villains. The strong wild boar arched with its nose and fell a few times. After a while, Chu Xiang, Long Er, Long San, and others were at heart, and yesterday said that they could carry a hundred or ten zombies. Now it seems that several zombies can be overthrown.

The wild boar came into the courtyard on the fence wall that fell to the ground, and those green plants such as frozen green were ravaged. The wild boar did not know how long it was hungry. Even the thick branches of the little thumb chewed into the mouth together. Chu Xiang He made a gesture to Long Er and Long San to let the two retreat first, so as not to hit the wild boar and hurt them.

The boar ate two bites and may hear the footsteps of Long Er and Long San when they retreat. It looked up alertly and looked around. At this time, Chu Xiang had combined the spear of judgment into a machete, and he jumped from the frozen green bush. When he came out, he even darted a wild boar with a knife. It was not easy for the wild boar to survive in the last days. When he heard the whistling sound, the long fangs came out immediately, and thick pigskins with root hairs. It seems like a small steel arrow hit Chu Xiang against it. At this time, it is not like a wild boar, but more like a huge iron hedgehog.

Chu Xiang just got new energy. At this time, he just took the wild boar to try it. From his previous performance, Chu Xiang has been able to determine that the pig is not t4. Otherwise, Chu Xiang will have to change his mentality to fight. The machete is on the back of the wild boar. The last slide, Chu Xiang was not cut, and then his body collided with the wild boar, and the steel needle stuck to Chu Xiang's skin.

Hum, hum, hum, is the sound of broken steel needles. The boar and Chu Xiang are immediately divided. Whoever wins or loses knows immediately. Chu Xiang ’s clothes are like sieves, and the eyes are all on the top, but the skin under the clothes is intact. It was intact, but the wild boar was moldy, the steel needle was broken and the root was pierced into his body with blood on his body, but this even stimulated the feralness of the wild boar, and its hind foot desperately stepped on the ground and added enough. Horsepower rushed to Chu Xiang again.

This time, Chu Xiang didn't hit the wild boar. He just launched a weak sound wave, and the wild boar flew back, just falling into the frozen green bush. The chaotic branches of the tree branches were like wearing sugar gourds. The wild boar was stubborn enough, and one eye was poked blindly when it emerged from the frozen green bush, which made it more angry, howling and rushed to Chu Xiang again. From this point, it can be seen that the wild boar was really not. How big a change, otherwise the intelligent creeper already knows that it is not the opponent who should retreat, but the big wild boar has determined the truth, and you must fight with Chu Xiang to die.

Chu Xiang started to use the skills he had just absorbed last night. He did n’t know if he could do it. This is why he tried wild boars. Long Er and Long San were already hiding in the villa because they were afraid. At this time, no one could see Chu Xiang. What have they done. Because there were no plant seeds on the back, Chu Xiang urged the frozen green on the ground. I saw that the hard green frozen branches suddenly were softened, and they were extended softly by Chu Xiang. The energy is getting stronger and stronger, and the faster they extend, the wild boar ran right in front of them, and the frozen blue strips tangled up head-on, thumping, and the wild boar was caught on the four hoofs and fell slamming to the ground without freezing the blue strips. Stop and continue to wrap the wild boar. Although the big wild boars have much strength, the frozen green strips are made of soft steel. In the end, the wild boars can't even move.

Chu Xiang tried to extend his arm again. He took a machete and chopped it down on the pig's head. Hoe, the pig's blood splashed. Fortunately, Chu Xiang used an extended arm, four meters in length. Far away but Chu Xiang's body is farther. This skill is what Chu Xiang thought after receiving his neck. The bones and muscles are deformed. Otherwise, Chu Xiang ’s broken neck would not be restored in a moment, but after he figured it out, Chu Xiang did not repair his lame leg. He thought about it, this way may be more suitable for hiding his ability, and it can also paralyze the enemy from the outside.

Chu Xiang is very satisfied with this practice, which gives him a more detailed understanding of the energy evolved in his body. However, Chu Xiang is worried that this evolved energy will be absorbed by energy bombs, but energy bombs usually only appear in Over the large base, Chu Xiang thought that as long as he stayed away from those places, there should be no problem.

The frozen blue strips that had been spawned were recovered, and their arms were restored. At this time, Rashid and Song Jun and others ran over with guns. Chu Xiang wiped the blood on the machete on the ragged clothes, and then broke it down again. Received a waist for a short stick, "Several people, we don't have to worry about food anymore, but this guy reminded us that the outside wall is useless at all."

The head of the big wild boar was cut off by Chu Xiang. At this moment, the eyes were still staring. The ground was a pool of red blood. Rashid stabbed the wild boar with a gun and said, "This thing can eat. Will it be poisoned by corpses, in case you eat it and become a zombie?

Song Jundao: "Don't worry, the color of pig blood is not black or dark red, which is common on zombies, so it is just a common mutation and does not affect consumption. Of course, if you have not been baptized by t virus, do not eat it."

Everyone present has experienced the early stage of t virus infection, so it is considered to be immune, and it is completely okay to consume this wild boar. Of course, if you are afraid, you can skip it, but you do n’t know who will boil the wild boiled flavor. Everyone It ’s been a long time since I ate enough, let alone eat meat. But there is another question before cooking wild pork. Is it safe to make a fire here? Chu Xiang doesn't want to be exposed like the people last night. After all, everyone has seen many high-level zombies around here. In case they are attracted, I don't know how to die.

Of course, this issue can be ignored for the time being. Chu Xiang, Song Jun, and Li Haipeng first carried the wild boar to the mountain spring behind the villa. Li Haipeng greeted Chu Xiang and took a handful of Remington to go outside. The main thing is to see if you can find the group that Chu Xiang met last night. If they have communication tools, it is even better.

Chu Xiang threw down his pig's shaving knife and said, "I'm going with you. It's not safe outside. The military brother stayed to clean up the pigs."

Li Haipeng said: "Brother Xiang, let me go alone. I don't want to be a waste. Besides, I don't plan to desperate with zombies or survivors. This is just reconnaissance information. It will be fine. I want to come back and eat. Where is this wild pork. "

Song Jun told Chu Xiang: "It's okay, let him go. We Chinese evolvers are warriors even if they don't have super powers! If you let him stay in the sky and be protected by the team, he will suffocate him."

Chu Xiang nodded helplessly. These people could not have evolved without going through the wind and rain. They were qualified soldiers before. They might think they were too weak. This would also hurt their self-esteem. Besides, if there is danger, listen to them yourself. The sound will rush in time, after all, the ability has been improved, and the test just now has confirmed this.

Li Haipeng left alone, Rashid and Long snatched Chu Xiang's pig hair, and those pig hairs as hard as steel needles disappeared after the death of wild boars, not to mention that there are still a lot of Chu Xiang's bodies It's a bit broken, it's relatively easy to clean up, Chu Xiang washed his hands and Song Jun went to the villa to discuss how to strengthen the fence wall.

The two stood and measured carefully outside the valley. Except for the roof of the villa, if you do n’t look at it, you do n’t know that there is a mystery at the end of the river. The situation was so veiled, Chu Xiang looked at it halfway and said, "We don't have the materials to join hands, but I think this villa is very annoying. How about removing the walls?"

Song Jun laughed: "Still, your idea is bold enough. In addition, I can't think of other ways. If I go to a small town to collect things like cars and build a wall, I'm afraid I won't be able to transport a few cars a day. Moreover, most of those car tires are flat, so it is definitely not easy to move on the road. "

Chu Xiang said: "Then do n’t have to think about it. Pack up the useful things in the house, and demolish the house to live in the basement. It is safe and warm." Chu Xiang is a person who does it, not to mention this matter Exposing the problem.

Fang Yuxuan, Su Yulian, and Evelina were unhappy when they heard that they wanted to demolish the house, but Chu Xiang had the final say. The three women could only go back to the room to pull a bunch of their belongings. Of course, there were no fewer to eat and sleep. Take, and then watched how Chu Xiang demolished the house. Although they did not have mechanical tools, they all knew that Chu Xiang was an evolutionary, but they did not know what skills Chu Xiang planned to use to demolish the house and complete the migration of cement blocks.

This villa has a lot of construction area. If the wall is removed, a thick wall of at least two and a half meters can be built, but such a large construction area also provides problems for Chu Xiang. How to safely overturn it? After thinking about it, Chu Xiang thought that it was still necessary to use the spear of trial ~ ~ that thing cut iron like mud, first cut a circle along the foundation of the villa, and then pushed things.

Chu Xiang thought and did it like this. After he shakes hard, this villa that I didn't know how many million dollars it cost to fall to the ground, a huge dust rushes up, and then slowly falls again. The standing three-storey villa building has now become only a pile of pieces, but there are also large, ten-square-meter blocks of cement slabs. Chu Xiang took the energy to fight with t4 and dragged them all to the Taniguchi fence. At the wall.

After placing these cement plates regularly, it becomes a fence. I am afraid that Chu Xiang will dig some trees from other places and plant them outside the fence. One can cover the fence. The other is that these trees can play a role. The role of blocking zombies is that it is obviously unreasonable to move trees in the winter, but Chu Xiang secretly applied these trees with energy to control plants. Of course, it is not a problem to survive. This is not the key. Chu Xiang has secretly let these new transplants. The trees have strong roots in the ground, otherwise they will fall down when they are hit by zombies.

This project looks daunting. In fact, it is easier to do it in the hands of the evolver. When everything is done, it is noon. The wild boar is packed. Li Haipeng also reconnaissance. However, he did n’t get anything. He walked away. Nothing was found, then the next question is to discuss how to make lunch. Should the fire be raw or not, you should never eat pork raw.

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