Restart Home

Chapter 590: Enter town again

"It's definitely not possible to not make a fire. The blasts were fired so badly last night that I didn't draw the zombies. I think it should be okay to make a fire," Li Haipeng concluded with caution based on the observations of these two days.

Song Jundao: "It's okay if you don't make a fire a day. If you don't eat cooked food for a long time, you just can't stand it, so this fire must be made, but we must definitely take into account the target of exposure, we can't be lucky."

Chu Xiang said: "Well, in fact, we only need to solve the problem of smoking. If the mutant organism can scan the heat, then the heat emitted by our body cannot be hidden, so as long as the smoke from the fire is handled, it will become Now. "

The people are powerful. After some careful research, everyone decided to use caves and water to remove smoke and dust. The water here is convenient. There is a mountain spring behind the house, and there is a cave on the wall for agricultural tools. For the rice cooker, pass the exhaust chimney into the cave, and then rebuild a water tank, put some cotton wet clothes in it, and the smoke from the fire is concentrated in the cave first. There is only a small exit at the cave. The outlet is a water tank. After so much consideration, although some smoke and dust emerged, the impact was not significant. From a distance, I thought it was fog.

Considering that it will rain or snow or windy days in the future, the pot stove is dug deeper. Almost, a kitchen was reopened on the mountain wall. The cookware taken from the villa kitchen were moved in, and I also found it. Several large wooden boards blocked the opening of the hole. After the fire in the pan was set on fire, the temperature of the kitchen rose rapidly. Everyone was reluctant to live in the basement. A few stone rooms were dug beside the kitchen, so the fire was discharged. The smoke first passed through the stone urn of Shishi, and then entered the cave where the farm implements were placed. After a little precipitation, it came out of the consideration box. Fortunately, there was the strength of the spear of judgment and Chu Xiang, otherwise this project could not be completed in a few days. The boiled pork is cooked when it is finished, and the cut stones are made into stone tables and benches.

Rashid, the richest man in the former world, has not eaten any mountain and sea food, but now he is drooling down for a mutant wild pork, holding the pig head in the pan while burning the fire, and cooking it in addition to the big pig head There is a piece of chopped hind leg meat, and some pigs are put into the water. The rest of the pork is air-dried and can be carried with you even after moving away. After all, such food is not easy to find in the last days. This meal is considered to be full of teeth, and can not be eaten without restrictions in the future.

Cooing, cooing, there were little oil bubbles in the pot, and Longyi wiped his wet chin and said, "Xiang, should you be cooked? It's all in the afternoon ... there are two points after cooking, that is The stones should also rot. "

Chu Xiang also couldn't stand it. He was nervous during the day and didn't even have to drool. He demolished the house and built walls, planted trees, digged pots, and digged holes to build a house. Chu Xiang waved his hand: "Open to eat, but the ugly words first said that this wild boar has always been mutated. If anyone has responded, the brothers may not have to fight hard, so everyone can choose not to eat. "

Chu Chuxiang first simmered a bowl of soup with a spoon and meat, and drank it carefully, taking a hot sip, fragrant! Warm stomach. It's just not salty. The salt at the Portland base didn't have time to bring out, otherwise the pork would be delicious. After Chu Xiang drank the soup, he took a piece of pork out of the bowl, let's eat it, the oil in the corner of the mouth was flowing down the chin, the spoon was stirred in the bowl, and another piece of pig's large intestine was found. Alas, a soup spewed out, just splashing on Rashid's face, Rashid licked his lips fiercely, reached out and grabbed a pot from the stone stove, and then scooped a pot of meat with soup, put The eyes closed and snorted and ate, and would rather look at the eyes as a zombie when full.

The incense eaten by Chu Xiang and Rashid, Dragon One, Dragon Two, and Dragon Three also gritted their teeth and smashed a bowl. Let's die. The three of them squatted to the ground and eat more than Rashid did not know. How the hot lard reaches their stomachs safely through their mouths. To say that the most peaceful people are Song Jun, Fang Yuxuan and others, because they have eaten these things more than once, and even if their superpowers are gone, they are sure they will not mutate because of this. It is probably when they hold artificially and finish the three bowls. They just ate a bowl. The large stainless steel steamer was full of pork with a big pig's head. After an hour of hard work, there was only a pile of bones left.

Touched the stone bed, the heat was still very high, and some quilts collected from the villa were spread on it, leaving the two on duty to stay on duty, and the rest were all drilled into the quilt to sleep, and they could eat and drink in the last days to sleep well Last sleep. That ’s great enjoyment, not to mention that everyone was scared and hungry during this time, and finally found a comfortable nest, and they were extremely relaxed. Even Song Jun and others did n’t rush to find communication tools, and stabilized first. Come on down.

I slept until the early morning of the next day. After washing our faces and drinking pork soup, biscuit and porridge, everyone gathered together a hundred times. There is always something to do. It is impossible to sit here and wait for death. Hundred catty, but this way of eating will not be used for half a month and it will be consumed. The first person to speak is Rashid: "Everyone, first of all, we have to celebrate that no one has mutated wild meat. Otherwise, today ’s The meeting could not be held. Secondly, I would like to ask Chu Xiang, when will we kill one more, and we will have more pork for our winter food. "

Rashid naturally agrees with Chu Xiang, and does not intend to go to China, but the people on Song Jun are different. Li Haipeng said: "I think that while we have nothing to worry about, we should expand the scope of the investigation. At night, the two groups of people who went to the town to find food bases to find out, and then find out their details. "

Song Jun said: "We can't relax our vigilance. The zombies we encountered on the road the other day may be nearby."

The three women, Fang Yuxuan, did not comment. Just looking at Chu Xiang, that means to listen to Chu Xiang, even if this Chu Xiang is not their previous Chu Xiang, but Chu Xiang ’s performance has convinced them during this time, if you want to live, you must listen to him, otherwise Nothing can be done in the zombie world.

Everyone who has spoken has said, and those who do not want to speak are waiting for Chu Xiang to speak. At this moment, everyone's eyes are on Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang coughed and said, "Everyone, since we have a chance to come together, we should unite as one. As for what purpose everyone has, we can not talk about it, but one thing is the same: let us all live! "

Fang Yuxuan applauded with excitement: "Yes, Brother Chu is right. Let us unite and live first. As for other things, we have to step by step. Now we have no shortage of food, Brother Chu. Then we should do what?"

Chu Xiang held the Colt submachine gun placed behind him against the wall and said, "Weapons, we need weapons and transportation. No matter where they go, these two are essential. This is the most effective way to deal with t2."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and calculated that it was not convenient to find communication tools without weapons and transportation. For example, Li Haipeng, these two days he went out to investigate because he was restricted by walking, and was restricted by ammunition. You have to stay far away, otherwise you will conflict with them, and you cannot suppress them without powerful firepower.

Everyone does not speak, but just stares at Chu Xiang, which means let Chu Xiang give an order. Chu Xiang then said: "The small town in front of us is quite large. I want to go in and explore again, maybe I can find the police station. The weapons and ammunition left, but it does not rule out that they have been taken away by the two groups the night before, but always try to try and also find if there are available vehicles, in case we leave here it is better to have a substitute tool."

The crowd certainly had no objection, so the matter was settled. Song Jun, Li Haipeng, Long Er, and Long San went with Chu Xiang to the town together. Rashid and Long Yi left the guard base. As for the three ladies, Chu Xiang did not When they make an order, they just tidy up and sew up the dishes and chopsticks. There is no way. If the women in the last days are not evolutionaries, there is really not much work to do.

A team of five released a rope and slid down the newly built fence. Chu Xiang blocked the original gates. Now I can only go in and out by relying on ropes and walk back a few hundred meters to observe. If I do n’t take a closer look, I really ca n’t find the secret in the valley. I would only think that there are dense trees there. That's it, everyone is satisfied with it.

After turning on the road into the town, the zombies increased. Chu Xiang took four people and turned into the waste grass by the road. They lurked all the way out of the town carefully and looked through the grass to observe. That road, but there is no fence in the town, you can go anywhere on foot. Chu Xiang chooses this location closer to the food processing factory. One is to see if there are any biscuits left. The other is Helping people to fight hard, Chu Xiang wanted to see if there were any cheap options, such as discarded weapons and the like.

Chu Xiang waved behind him, everyone followed in turn. This was once a kindergarten. There were not many zombies in it. It seems that when the virus broke out, the park will not be opened. Otherwise, there will be a lot of small zombies. The zombie turned into a row of flower houses in front of it, a laundry room next to the flower house, and then a road. In the middle of the road, there are several zombies walking around blindly. They face in different directions. They must be noticed if they cross the road.

"One, two, three ... a total of seven, military brother, how do you pack three?" Chu Xiang held the spear of trial and began to assign combat tasks, Song Jun took the dagger in his hand and said, "Almost, you can handle it all by yourself." Can four only do? "

Chu Xiang nodded and said: "No problem, I deal with the left, you deal with the right, you will send a flying knife when I show up."

Seven zombies circled in a semicircle. They shook their bodies in the street ignorantly. Suddenly, a flash of cold light rushed out of the road, and the eyes of the two zombies were facing that position. Unfortunately, their response was too slow. , The big swords chopped around their necks before making a biting gesture, grunting, two heads fell to the ground, and then the cold light swept towards the two zombies at the same time, at the same time three screams whistled in the air, three daggers came forward Afterwards, three zombies facing away from this side were in the middle of the forehead, the skull made a crisp cracking sound, dagger through the brain, black blood spattered, and three zombies pounced to the ground.

Chu Xiang ’s long sword returned to his hand and cut off the heads of two zombies. He compared the direction of Song Jun ’s hideout with his thumb. Song Jun is Song Jun, even if he has lost his super power, but he uses a hidden weapon and The speed is still convincing. Of course, these are three t2. If t3 is probably not Song Jun can deal with, but anyway, he shot and killed three zombies, Song Jun's original self-confidence was lost, and even if no longer It's not an evolutionary person!

Everyone crossed the road in turn. The zombies in the distance didn't pay attention to the movement here, so everything went smoothly. After crossing the road, Li Haipeng slaps Chu Chuxiang's shirt, Chu Xiang looks back at him, Li Haipeng points to the left, Chu Xiang looks at the original It ’s a repair shop. The door has been blocked by several collision cars. There is a large yard inside. A bunch of rotten fast-falling cars are placed in the center. Li Haipeng said quietly: “Let ’s go to the repair shop and see if we can find it useful. s things."

Chu Xiang nodded, and he first looked into the maintenance plant. There were several zombies turned into by the staff, but they were all t2. They were given to Song Jun with complete confidence, so he made a gesture to let Song Jun He took three people to the repair shop, and he went to the food processing plant to make a lap first. Time was too tight to go to the repair shop to pick up the mess.

Song Jun heard Chu Xiang remind the location of several zombies and took someone to touch them in. Chu Xiang went on his own. Two more rows of houses were the yard of the food processing factory. There were at least one hundred houses in these two rows. The zombies guarded it, probably because of the fighting the night before. They gathered here. It took a lot of effort for Chu Xiang to climb into the courtyard and entered the food processing factory. It turned out to be deserted, probably the survivors evacuated. The reason for attracting zombies.

Chu Xiang didn't dare to walk through the door. Although it was smashed by a truck there, he climbed in through the window. The workshop was empty. There were only a few broken boxes stacked in the corner. It seems that these guys have moved very thoroughly. It ’s not easy to find something to eat. Even spoiled biscuits are precious. Chu Xiang jumped down the window disappointed, but one thing made Chu Xiang excited. A truck stopped in the factory building and did n’t drive away, although it was only a single seat. Small tonnage truck, but its tires and other vulnerable parts are intact, but I do n’t know why it was n’t driven away.

Chu Xiang stepped forward to observe and soon understood that the two groups fought after the sister-in-law escaped, and a stray bullet interrupted the truck's fuel supply line. Fortunately, there was no explosion other than leaking the oil! I do n’t know if the fuel has been discharged for a long time, or the bullet is not as powerful as before. In short, this is an intact truck. Chu Xiangmeiziz wrapped the broken tubing with plastic cloth, but Lack of fuel could not drive away for the time being.

Chu Xiang temporarily lowered the truck and began to search this food processing factory. This factory building is basically the role of a warehouse, and the production workshop has to go further. This large house has a lot of area. It is more than 200 meters to produce it. It can be seen from the equipment that there were two kinds of food produced here, one was biscuits and the other was instant noodles, but now both production lines are covered with dust, and many belts and the like are rotten.

Chu Xiang carefully looked around every corner of the workshop, seeing the instant noodle production line, he was full of desire. Most people in the former world did not like to eat instant noodles, but now if they can eat instant noodles, it is simply a big treat, but let Chu Xiang Disappointed, this food processing factory has made people don't know how many times it has been turned over, and now no instant noodle residue is left. The cookies are probably dragged away today because of the large amount or the deterioration.

Bang, Chu Xiang opened a room at the end of the workshop. There were two desks. The desk was relatively complete. One of them had a beautiful picture, but Yiren had no idea where to go. This room There is nothing to eat except office supplies. Chu Xiang can only scratch a pile of paper and pen and ink. Anyway, there is space in the bone ring, and then exit this room and open next to it. There are some brooms inside. Chu Xiang drew a pile of sanitary appliances such as a mop bucket into the bone ring. Maybe it could be used someday.

There is one last room left in the food processing factory. Chu Xiang has searched all the places to look for. If this room is not harvested, he will leave immediately because there is still no police station. As for the truck, we will wait for fuel Drive away, or you must push people back to the valley to attract the zombies, and it is unknown whether you can launch the town.

When the door was kicked open, a dust rushed towards him. Chu Xiang had to take two steps and wait for the dust to fall. Then he entered. This is a room with more than forty square meters. There are small boxes stacked on it. Without the letters, it may be an empty transfer box or something. Chu Xiang stepped forward in tears, and tore up, a bunch of things fell out. It was a small plastic bag. Chu Xiang bent over and threw it. Picking up a bag, he was ecstatic, not instant noodles or cookies, it was an instant noodle seasoning bag! Its main ingredient is salt! I opened another box or seasoning bag, and found another pile of sauce bags. This is even more delicious than the seasoning bag. There are still some dehydrated vegetable bags and dehydrated meat bags, because they are all dehydrated vacuum packaging, so It has not deteriorated until now.

Although these ca n’t be used as meals, they have solved the current salt problem. Chu Xiang excitedly moved to the bone ring. Fortunately, the space of the bone ring is large enough, otherwise, the wine and cookies collected will not hold anything else. Even though, in the end, there were still dozens of boxes that could not be put in. After thinking about it, Chu Xiang unpacked dozens of boxes of wine and biscuits before stuffing them in. In short, there was no place for the bone ring to be filled. Something out.

Chu Xiang went out of the food factory in high spirits ~ ~ The next step should be to meet with Song Jun to go to the police station. Whether they can find enough weapons and ammunition is here. Withdrawing from the light roads along the original road, coupled with Chu Xiang's see-through eyes and super hearing, it is even more impossible for him to be ambushed by the zombies. Soon he returned to the repair shop to find Song Jun and others.

"Hi, Chu Xiang, guess what we found?" Long Er and Long San were very excited, with the mentality of saying goodbye and authenticity.

Chu Xiang said: "A car that can be driven?" This is possible in the repair shop, but Long Er said: "No, it's gasoline. It's not more pleasant than a car. There are cars all over the place, but we can't. Just make one. "

Chu Xiang said: "Is there really gasoline? This is good news. How much?"

Long San pulled Chu Xiang to the maintenance area: "A lot, there are two big drums, enough for us to use for some time."

The unopened oil in these two barrels was probably used in the test of the maintenance plant. I did not expect that Chu Xiang and others are now cheaper. There is one other thing. Song Jun used the materials of the maintenance plant to make a new bow for himself. This bow Giving up the strength of the previous bow and switching to a small and delicate line is very suitable for Song Jun who has lost his super powers.

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