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Chapter 591: Mutant Police Dog

Bang, a flagpole on the roof was shot. Song Jun retracted Xiaogong and said: "I tried the best distance no more than 100 meters, only suitable for short-range sniper. If we can find a sniper step, as long as we ambush in advance, t3 can kill."

Chu Xiang believes that Song Jun ’s previous skill is t4 and he can use that big steel bow to kill him. However, now that he has lost his energy, Song Jun cannot pull that big bow. Although Chu Xiang can pull it, he is not good at archery. It might as well be easier for him to use his skills, but anyway, the arrow used by this bow can be made by himself, eliminating the trouble of ammunition.

Chu Xiang said: "Let's go to the police station and take a look. Maybe you will find the sniper step you want, but we don't know where the police station is. We don't dare to cover our heads. This is really troublesome. "

Song Jundao: "I think the police station should be located next to the main road for the convenience of the police. There are three main routes in this town. We slowly find it. Anyway, we can't find it today and we have time to search slowly. One day we will find . "

Song Jun did not want to find the police station solely for weapons, because the police station has an independent communication system, and maybe it can find tools to connect with satellites. At that time, I will be able to report the situation here to the country, and at the same time, I can send someone to respond. I just hope that this time, unlike Fang Yuxuan's last time, the people who came will even have super powers.

Everyone carefully packed up what they found in the repair shop, mostly repair tools, but hid the hidden corners with inconvenience, and hid them first. Chu Xiang had already told you about the truck, and waited for the time to turn the fuel on. Go for more, then rush out of town with these repair tools.

Bang, just as everyone was preparing to slip out of the maintenance plant, a crisp gunshot came, and then there were successive gunfires. Listening to the location deeper in the town, Chu Xiang said to Long Er and Long San: "You are here Stay behind here, Song Jun and I went to see, don't act lightly, if there are zombies, you will exit the town the same way! "

Dragon II and Dragon III were timid, and they did not dare to move when they heard the gunshots. Chu Xiang's arrangement was in line with their wishes, but Song Jun was not assured, but he told Li Haipeng to watch them carefully, in case these two guys suddenly It would n’t be good to drive the zombies back to the valley, and then Chu Xiang and Song Jun ran to the sound of gunfire.

Numerous zombies were already moving towards the center of the town, which allowed Chu Xiang and Song Jun to sneak into the incident easily and saw the sign on the building in the middle of the crossroads. Chu Xiang ’s Song exhaled, really breaking through Iron shoes can be found without any effort, this is the police station. It ’s just that things are different from the plan, because the police station is about to be occupied by other survivors. This group of people is no stranger to Chu Xiang. They are the ones who transported the food processing factory biscuits before. Of course, they are not the army of the mule, but they will Bone knife hidden weapon group.

Their weapons are very powerful. Several machine gun racks fired at the zombies in the middle of the road. Although these t2 heroically advanced, they could not really surround this unit for a while, and there were still some people under the cover of powerful firepower. The entrance of the police station was smashed. I do n’t know if it was the last fortress in the town when the virus broke out. The entire entrance and windows of the police station were blocked by cement or wooden boards, especially the gate was blocked by cars and stone pier. It ’s strict, and in the end, a thick shooting wall was cemented, leaving only rows of small holes, and I wanted to get rid of the wall.

"Let's go!" The bone-knife yelled, and those people in his rush rushed to make room for him, only to see him dragging an explosive pack from the car, shoving it under the gate of the police station, and there was a loud noise, full of sky Mud Stones Fall Down. The glass of some nearby windows slammed, the door of the police station collapsed halfway under the power of explosives, and an entrance appeared in front of him.

Song Jun and Chu Xiang lie on the roof of a three-story house on the street. From there, they can see the whole situation of the battle. It seems that the number of t2 is quite large, but the other's machine gun fire is completely suppressed, and they successfully open the door of the police station. It is estimated that the next step is to remove the weapons and ammunition inside. Song Jun was a little reconciled and said, "Come a bit late, these guys are so brazen, aren't they afraid of attracting high-level zombies? They don't seem to understand that the place is already ambushed on all sides. Then. "

Song Jun said that a few days ago, everyone was forced by the mutant creatures in several directions to lose their way, and finally settled in the town first. These people can't spend a few days idle and bored in the zombie world. Therefore, they didn't know about the mutant creatures at all, and they carried out a lot of fanfare in one or two consecutive operations. Maybe Song Jun's prediction would come true. At that time, Chu Xiang and others might be affected by being so close to the town.

Chu Xiang suddenly said something strangely: "Don't wait for them to understand, these guys let out an evil god!"

Song Jun's eyesight is not as good as Chu Xiang, not to mention the explosion of smoke and dust has not completely dissipated, he worked hard to widen his eyes only to dimly see something digging out the entrance of the blasted door, the guy is not like a dog, But it is at least twice as large as an ordinary dog. It has long hair outside, but the whole body is stained with blood. Most places have stained blood. It looks like it is wearing a blood armor. Both eyes are bluish blue. Seeing people chill in their hearts.

The survivors below were loud and saw a dog drilled from the blasted entrance. Someone said, "Is it a police dog at the police station? Please be careful. Maybe it has been mutated. Quickly adjust a machine gun to take it!"

Someone also said, "Rest assured, if the mutation is definitely not so individual, look at it, but it is just a bit bigger than an ordinary dog. Let me kill it and eat dog meat. You will have your belly ready. I can also put a dog hide shop Sleeping, hey, it must be warm. "The man said, pulling out a dagger from his waist, and then darted at the police dog that didn't look too unusual.

Alas, the flowers fell in front of everyone, and then the man who killed the dog disappeared, but his body continued to rush forward with a flutter of inertia, until he plunged into the blasting hole and threw it. It fell to the ground and just blocked the hole. At this time, the police dog with blue eyes was gone, and everyone was looking around. Suddenly, someone screamed, and Jier's voice stopped abruptly. On the ground, leaving only the body below the neck for a while did not fall to the ground. Standing there squirting blood upwards, several survivors around were splashed, their eyes could not be opened, and all the blood stains were touched with their hands. When they touched the eyes with their hands, they found that their heads were gone. There were several headless corpses on the ground.

Chu Xiang and Song Jun were lying on the roof to see the frightening battle, just now those people were killed by small mutant police dogs! I can't see that the normal-looking police dog was so fast, but it was just the effort of opening eyes to bite the heads of five people! And those people barely see it! This speed is enough to destroy them! Song Jun and Chu Xiang were secretly lucky, if not for these people. Then they face this guy after entering the police station!

The bone knife collar yelled, "Everything spreads out! That dog has a problem!" He should be able to see based on his evolutionary level, but he could capture the dog's figure. Otherwise, if a row of bone knives were shot, the problem would be solved. I knew it would be like this. As soon as the dog showed up, he should die. Who knows that an ordinary mutant dog can be so powerful. Damn it. These team members are all experienced. The death of one of them made him distressed. This is not the end of the matter.

The team members who were sniping on the street t2 heard what happened here. They immediately turned their machine guns back. When the light in their eyes saw a shadow flashing, they fired, and the bullet passed through the air, but obviously human eyes Can't keep up with the speed of the mutant police dog. There is no bullet. However, the machine gun threatens the safety of the police dog. So it set aside the people at the entrance of the police station and blew towards the street, listening only to the sound of the machine gun shooting. Then it stopped a little, leaving only a few headless corpses still standing behind the machine gun. The powerful police dog finally stopped, standing in the center of the street, arrogant to all human beings, with a bunch of skulls around him, The eyes on each skull were wide open, and they would not stare.

The police dog's body shape immediately gave the bone knife a chance. He was ready to go, but he couldn't catch the chance. At this moment, dozens of bone knives were secreted from the body and shot at the police dog. The police dog Obviously, it was not expected that there would be such a master among these people. Its fast speed does not mean that it is invincible. In the face of such a blow, I chose to escape. Although it happened suddenly, with its super fast speed, the figure disappeared suddenly. Then, the next moment it appeared behind the bone knife collar, and the four hoofs pounced on the bone knife collar. In fact, the mutant police dog escaped fast but was injured. Two bone knives were inserted into the buttocks, but that position did not hurt lives and had little effect on its movement.

As a * -level evolutionary bone knife collar, this reaction still has, his arm changed into a long bone knife, and went away to the mutant police dog. The police dog seemed to understand that once the stab knife stabbed it It will be very dangerous, so it makes a wise choice to leap to the side, the knife of the bone knife is lost, and then the police dog turns back to counterattack, the bone knife does not move, leaving the back to bite the police dog. The police dog counterattacked the back of the bone knife collar with excitement, trying to destroy his skin first, and then took his life by biting the spine behind him.

However, this police dog obviously underestimated the strength of the bone knife collar. It has not yet torn the skin of the bone knife collar. Suddenly the spine became a handful of vertebrae. The low-variation police dog was actually seduced by the trap set by the bone knife. At least a dozen large holes were punctured in the whole body, and black blood came out, but he did not hesitate to die under his mouth and clicked the bone knife. Tear off half of the collar! Lose both!

There was a wave of * blood coming out of the bone knife collar, and the mutant police dog was faltering. When the other team members saw the tiger fell into Pingyang, the machine gun immediately erected again and began to burst into the mutant police dog. The police dog seemed to know that its ability was insufficient. It jumped up in a hurry, flew over everyone's head, slammed the glass of a building opposite it, and disappeared into the room. Several team members picked up machine guns and rushed in to search. They knew they would not completely The mutant police dog will leave the bane when it is killed, but the bone knife collar waved his hand hard and said, "Go, you can't move into a weapon today, leave first."

There is obviously no other evolutionary person besides the bone knife collar. After all, the evolutionaries of this year are not like two years ago, many evolutionaries have not survived the second evolution due to the g virus interference, which only made the evolutionaries worse. They are precious, and their role in the team is extremely important. After the bone knife collar is injured, this team loses its main combat power. If the police station drills out only mutant creatures, then this unit may be wiped out! This is why the bone knife collar doesn't want to take risks.

There was a whistling in the team, and the members in charge of the vigilance started to surround them. They brought the bone knife collar into the car, and then withdrew with the machine gun. These people calmly withdrew. T2 was some cannon fodder in their eyes. It was not worth it. Attention, as long as there are enough bullets, they are not dangerous.

Soon there were only Chu Xiang and Song Jun on the roof. Both nodded and looked at each other. At this time, it was time to enter the police station. No matter what monsters were inside, they had to go and see. When people come back again, they can't find anything. Besides, there must be powerful mutant creatures. They should have come out just now. Don't take risks to get tigers.

Because the police station was built into an iron barrel-like building, Chu Xiang and Song Jun had to go through the entrance that had just exploded if they wanted to enter. Fortunately, the bone knife had explosives, otherwise the obstacle was enough for Chu Xiang to cut with the spear of trial. After a while, as long as the headless body blocking the entrance was kicked out, it was dark inside and no fingers were reached. Song Jun touched a wooden stick by the door, and tore a few pieces of cloth from the headless body. It lit up, and finally there was light in the darkness.

This is a hall, but if you do n’t take a closer look, you ca n’t really recognize it, because the hall is full of various obstacles. At that time, maybe it was not used as an obstacle, but a bunker intended to stop the zombies. Mostly it was a desk, File cabinets and sofas, etc. There are guns and ammunition scattered in the bunker, many of which are rusty and useless. There are also some weapons behind the blasted entrance wall. Chu Xiang checked it, and most of them were scrapped, and then found bullets. But just a few boxes, not enough.

Song Jun stood with a torch in the corner of the hall. There was an old moldy map, which probably indicated the floor plan of the entire police station. Chu Xiang stepped forward and took a few glances. The ground part was for office use. There is no other description outside the parking lot, most of the area is blank.

Song Jundao: "The place for storing weapons should be underground, and the upper floors are not safe."

Chu Xiang said: "It seems that we have to find the entrance of the first basement. The parking lot is open to the outside. There must be no door to the gun store there."

Song Jun shook the left front corridor with a torch. From the plan view, it should be a staircase. Even if the ground floor is an arsenal, there should always be an entrance. When they walked over, they saw that there was a corridor leading to the underground. The iron chain was locked, but how difficult it was to defeat Chu Xiang. The spear of trial combined with a machete to scrap the iron chain, and opened the iron door with a click, and there was a rotten smell in the darkness, and the two had to Hold your breath. After the short corridor is finished, there will be a fire door. Gently push it open, there is a long corridor, and there are rooms on both sides, but compared with those on the ground are stainless steel doors, it seems that inside Something must be important.

Alas, Chu Xiang first cut the first door. Song Jun shook the torch inward. Seeing nothing unusual, Chu Xiang went in with a machete, not a pile of weapons in his imagination, but a row of cabinets. Open one, the file bag, and another one is still the file bag. It looks like the wrong place. This is the file room.

The two walked out in frustration, and then cut the room to the opposite door, but it was still a cabinet. Chu Xiang lazily went to see it. Song Jun opened a box of videotapes, probably the stubs of the surveillance video. This was nothing for the two. Use, so exit the room again, hack forward all the way, and found three archives, looking at the signs to know that the security level is different, but Chu Xiang and Song Jun are not interested in exploring the secret archives of this American town three years ago, even if The secrets about aliens are not worth discovering anymore. Human beings have suffered terminator and have lost their curiosity.

There was only one room in the room that cut them all the way to make them happy. A dozen boxes of military dry food, compressed biscuits, and various canned vegetables were probably the spare food for the police station in case of special circumstances. At that time, they did not hold on for long. It was useless. From the expiration date, there was no limit. The two took a big bag and brought them all with them.

There are several large safes in the last room ~ ~ Chu Xiang is chopped open. Inside is a box of dollars and dozens of kilograms of drugs. In addition, there are many crime tools in the room. It looked like an exhibition room. Chu Xiang and Song Jun were completely disappointed. If they didn't find more than a dozen boxes of military dry food, they would squat on the ground with one butt.

"Let's go," Chu Xiang lost his way. "This police station may not have a gun store at all, or it may not be at the basement level. Let's go to the upper floor and search."

Although Song Jun was unwilling to accept the facts, let alone the communication tools, he could not find the walkie-talkie. The two held out the torch to be extinguished, and the figure flashed in the mouth of the stairs. Then the torch in Song Jun's hand suddenly burst A flame slammed and fell to the ground, the flame shook and extinguished, leaving only a wooden stick with a faint charcoal glow.

"There are zombies!" Chu Xiang exclaimed, Song Junshun pulled up the newly-made bow, but his vision was blocked. He didn't even know where the target was. Chu Xiang rushed with a machete, and those zombies blocked the ground. The staircases, where they were hidden before, can be ignored, but Chu Xiang understands that he made a mistake, that is, the police station was set up as an iron bucket, where did the people who resisted, unless all were mutated police dogs When food is eaten and excreted, otherwise there should be a lot of it, and now it seems unlikely that it will be eaten.

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