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Chapter 592: Police escape

Alas, alas, alas, Chu Xiang cut off the heads of three zombies. Although they are crowded one by one, blocking the stairs, they are all ordinary t2, which makes Chu Xiang a little more relieved, otherwise it is too unfavorable to fight in such a narrow place, and even a machete is also used. Not so easy, and because Song Jun couldn't see things in the dark, he couldn't help for the time being, Chu Xiang was chopping vegetables and melons in front of him.

After being killed for more than ten minutes, Chu Xiang's corpse's head had left him nowhere to be found, but the blocked and rigid corridor did not show any slackness. Although Chu Xiang did not feel tired, he suffered psychologically. Can't help, because these zombies have not been exposed to much wind and rain, they look alive. In this moment, people are constantly chopped. In addition to being splashed with blood, their psychological depression can also be imagined. The opponents are okay, but they are stupid, almost stretching their necks to die. This is somewhat similar to the unarmed ordinary people.

Chu Xiang retracted the machete and took a few steps back. The zombies were slow to move, and there were too many corpses on the ground. They didn't follow for a while. Chu Xiang said to Song Army: "We have a plan. I do n’t know how many zombies are on it They want to trap us both underneath. "

Song Jundao: "Return to the innermost room first, don't waste energy with them." Song Jun's suggestion is very relevant. Once there was a mutant police dog, then there may be zombies such as t3 and t4, and now these T2 is sent forward desperately, most likely just to consume the physical strength of the two.

The two returned to the last room after dark, moved all the safes and counters where the crime tools were placed behind the door, and added that the door was a security door made of stainless steel. Song Jun took another moment to make another torch, and the room finally had light, and the two began to check whether they could re-open a door to escape.

Chu Xiang knocked on the wall, and the sound was very solid. Song Jundao: "From the floor plan of the first floor just now, the next door should be an underground parking garage, but now it seems that the wall should be thick."

Chu Xiang clenched the machete in his hand, and then aimed at the location of the knife and cut it down, bang, a piece of concrete was cut off, but the concrete was still behind the wall, and at this time there was a flapping sound from the door. It seems that the zombies have found the position of the two. Although they can't open the blocked door for a while, but when their numbers gather, the door will be broken sooner or later, and Chu Xiang will dig into the wall with his teeth.

After all, the wall was just a wall. After being dug for a distance of two meters, Chu Xiang extended the opening to the surrounding area, and then threw the torch in first to observe the movement. The next door was not a parking garage. The fire was full of light. Rows of wooden boxes and empty shelves, Song Jun took the lead to drill through, Chu Xiang followed closely, the first thing the two people did after entering this new room was to open the rows of boxes, bullets! Both exclaimed at the same time.

At this time, looking at this room again, Chu Xiang suddenly realized that it was the gun store, but all the guns inside were emptied, leaving only a dozen boxes of ammunition, mainly shotguns. This was also the police ’s. Main equipment, it is estimated that the original ammunition volume here is even larger. It ’s just that most of them have been used up outside, but the rest are also a big surprise to Chu Xiang and Song Jun, but how to take them away has become a big problem. Chu Xiang does n’t want to expose the secret of the bone ring, let alone the inside. There is space, and there is a lot of compressed dry food on the back.

Chu Xiang said decisively: "The bullets stay here first, escape is important, if you have the opportunity to come back to fetch."

Song Jun nodded, he had to pass Chu Xiang ’s shotgun, then grabbed a few boxes and loaded them in his pockets. Maybe there was also a conflict with the zombies. The bow had little effect in the dark, and the shotgun could be used. After getting in, Chu Xiang also loaded a few boxes of bullets, and then went to open the door on the other side of the wall. I don't know where the door was opened, but they were not found. If it wasn't for the zombie, he was forced to dig the wall and escape. Can't find it yet.

The door of the arsenal may be rusted or there are some organs outside. Chu Xiang tinkered for a while and did not open. At this time, a loud noise was heard next door. Chu Xiang knew that the security door had been squeezed open by the zombies. Sure enough, a zombie leaned his head over the concrete wall, Song Jun slammed a shot, and the zombie was exploded.

"Shoot!" Chu Xiang burst out the American swear words, and he slammed the large knife combined with the spear of judgment, slammed it on the gate of the gun store, and a long mouth appeared in front of him, only to see the crack. Zhong rushed into several fingers immediately, and Chu Xiang exclaimed, "There are zombies outside!"

Song Jun fired two more shots. Kill the two zombies who want to squeeze into the arsenal, and point to the wall behind them: "Let's continue digging, we can always dig into the garage."

Chu Xiang gave up cutting the main entrance of the arsenal, and slammed a piece of cement on the wall with a stab. I did not expect that this wall was not as thick as before, and saw the light with a stab. There was a faint light from the outside. Chu Xiangsan The next five divisions will expand the opening of the cave. Song Jun has already killed dozens of zombies in succession at this time. Their corpses blocked the opening in the wall for a while. This provided convenience for the two to retreat. Get out, you can see clearly without torches at this moment. This is the underground garage. There are all kinds of vehicles parked there. There are private cars for police officers to ride, various police cars, and even riot armored cars.

Song Jun stole the shotgun and jumped on the armored car. Chu Xiang knew Song Jun was trying to see if the car could drive away, so he warned Song Jun on the side. After all, this garage was unfamiliar, and there was a broken road leading to it. Outside, it's easy for zombies to come in from outside. A few seconds later, Song Jun poked his head out of the armored car and said, "The fuel is enough, but the battery is dead. You can push me to try and see if it can be started."

Chu Xiang inserted the spear of trial into his waist, and put his palms on the buttocks of the armored vehicle. He moaned and pushed the armored vehicle to the parking space, sliding forward quickly along the aisle. At this time, Song Jun put on the gear and saw a roar. Chu Xiang's palms immediately increased the resistance and he pushed again to push the armored vehicle faster. A booming engine started to work, and the armored car rushed up the **** and bumped the half-open garage door into a slump. Chu Xiang's palms immediately lost the target, and the force sent pushed the empty foot under a cricket.

Huh, a cool wind blows from the back of his head, and then his neck hurts. At this moment, Chu Xiang just snored, and his feet were unstable. He screamed badly, and there was something while his defense was empty! Chu Xiang rolled on the spot, and the thing that attacked him on the back was thrown out, but he touched his neck, and he was torn off a piece of flesh! If Chu Xiang's body is not stiff enough, I'm afraid that this bite will tear his neck, and it will be unknown at that time.

Quickly withdrew the spear of judgment, and the thing that was thrown out stood back and flung back. At this time, Chu Xiang could see clearly that it was the police dog injured by the bone knife collar! However, most of its injuries have been recovered. It can be seen that its powerful self-healing ability, but its strength has always been discounted, the speed is much slower than before, if not so Chu Xiang's situation is even more dangerous.

Bang, a gunshot, the police dog was hit in the back, another blood cave appeared, it could not deal with Chu Xiang, and turned back at the man who shot it. It was Song Jun. He drove the armored vehicle out of the garage and then accepted Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang knew that Song Jun could not escape the mutation police dog. He waved the spear of judgment to attack from behind. The mutation police dog was also very clever. It analyzed the pros and cons instantly, and finally decided to give up attacking Song Jun to escape Chu Xiang. With a blow, Chu Xiang took the opportunity to stand aside with Song Jun, and the two slowly exited the garage. After getting on the armored car, the police dog didn't even catch up. Maybe it knew that its strength was damaged. At this time, fighting with Chu Xiang might not be able to take advantage, not to mention Song Jun would wait for the opportunity to fire at one side.

With the protection of armored vehicles, the two will no longer be afraid of zombies on the street unless they are large enough to turn over the car mats. However, at present, it is impossible for these t2 to gather huge troops in a few minutes, so only the armored vehicles leave, then The mutant police dog did not know when to climb to the top of a building. It roared loudly toward the direction of the armored vehicle. Some t2 who were following the armored vehicle chased after the roar stopped their actions. They invariably surrounded the mutant police dog. .

Armored vehicles roared into the maintenance factory. Dragon II, Dragon III and others were very happy. Everyone quickly brought the repair tools and two barrels of gasoline into the car, and then rushed out of the town. They took a large circle outside to make sure that no zombies followed this. After returning to the small valley at the end of the river, the armored vehicle could not drive into the villa courtyard. Chu Xiang cut off some branches to hide outside, so that when things retreat, it will be faster. Of course, all the collected things must be shipped to In the villa, the tools and food of the armored vehicle would be stolen if anyone was found.

The safe return of Chu Xiang and others made Fang Yuxuan's three daughters mixed. They were happy to find the vehicle and fuel, and there were a lot of military dry food. These things are much more delicious than eating spoiled biscuits. Although wild pork tastes good, but Eating meat every day also needs to be adjusted, and there is something pleasing to have salt substitutes, instant noodle seasoning; but the worry is that a small-level mutant police dog appears in the town. Although it was injured, it did not Eliminating it is a root cause. In addition, no communication tools have been found in the police station, and even not many weapons and ammunition have been brought back, which is not good for future development.

Twilight is coming, and another night is coming. The kitchen door is covered by thick curtains. This way, you won't be afraid of the bright light being seen from the outside. At the same time, you can retain the heat as much as possible. The whole house is warm and the pork is stewed in the pot. The rice is almost cooked. These rice are found from the military dry food. In fact, it is already cooked rice. You can eat it with hot water, but it is better to stew it again with pork. Expansion, a bowl of rice can be more than half a bowl, this is also considered a savings, after all, those military dry grains also have a day to eat out.

Everyone sat around the stove, took a rice bowl and waited for the rice to come out of the pot. Rashid said that the dragons and three had been swallowing. Chu Xiang silently threw a piece of wood into the stove. At this time, he could not rush the fire, or he would cook the rice. Song Jun said, "Chu Xiang, do we dare to live here? It is too close to the town. There is nothing other than a mutant police dog, but that dog is not safe. Its speed is too fast. It is estimated that none of these people can escape its pursuit. If it carefully searches around the town, here Will definitely be found. "

Chu Xiang said: "Although we already have the ability to travel, it is better to keep the soldiers calm before we can figure out what the mutant creatures we are going to do. If we meet them head-on, it is better than facing one. Mutant police dogs are troublesome. "

Su Yulian and Evelina both nodded in agreement. Now that the car and fuel and food are available, Chu Xiang said that he has the ability to travel, but mutant creatures in all directions are guarding it. If you go to the net, it will be troublesome. The mutant police dog attacks very fast, but after all, it only fights alone. The probability of human beings winning is very high. In the event of encountering the t4 group, it will almost be a demise. Like Chu Xiang's last time, he may be able to escape, but in the future, he can only save one, and the remaining people still have to die. In comparison, staying here may be the only way.

Song Jundao: "Since we are going to strengthen our defense, in case that police dog is found, it can resist for a while. The outer fence can only block t2. It is definitely useless to that police dog, but we can make good use of this cave and It has been trimmed more firmly. Our Zero Base in China is a successful example. I think you can refer to it. "

So during the period before eating, Song Jun told Chu Xiang some experience of Base Zero. Chu Xiang heard a lot of emotions. Although he could not learn about Base Zero, there were always some lessons to learn from Place, at this time the rice was steamed, Chu Xiang opened the pot: "Let's eat first, and then we will rebuild here when we have time tonight."

Baihuahua's rice is mixed with pork slices. The rice is fragrant with meat. The soup used for cooking rice is also a thick soup made from pork heads. It is even more delicious when added with salt. Each person is full. The bowl, let's eat it, it seems that the louder the sound, the more fragrant, even the three daughters Fang Yuxuan released their restraint, and everyone ate three bowls before stopping.

After dinner, Chu Xiang took a piece of stone to draw his idea on the ground, and then dig a hole deeper from the kitchen to the mountain wall. He used the power of the rock to block the possible attack by the mutant police dog. Set the bedroom at the deepest place, every other When the meter reaches two meters, the stone cave is set on a curve to prevent the police dog from using its speed advantage to attack. It also digs a small Tibetan hole at the curve. A person hiding in it can almost guard the entire cave with a spear of judgment. Whoever passed through this narrow hole stabbed a spear, but the opponent wanted to attack the spearman but was blocked by the rock, just like the authentic battle of the year. In addition, a hidden passageway was re-digged in the bedroom as the back door, and the exit was set in a place not visible in the kitchen. Even if the enemy was blocked in the cave, there could be multiple escape routes.

With the spear of judgment, this seemingly impossible task was terminated in two hours. The previously dug-out bedroom is now used as a warehouse and dining room. Everyone lives in the inner cave, and each one spreads out a In the room, because the outside fence can't stop the mutant police dog, the sentry is simply set up in the kitchen so that you don't have to work too hard when standing.

The first post was Li Haipeng. At the early hours of Chu Xianglun, the attention of the people was the least concentrated at three or four o'clock, and it was often when the zombies launched a surprise attack. Chu Xiang himself could also rest assured that he could watch this watch. It was already past eleven o'clock, but Chu Xiang had no drowsiness. Surviving in the zombie world is getting harder and harder. Chu Xiang has to consider the future.

Tapping, someone held a candle and tapped his finger gently on the stone wall. Chu Xiang opened his eyes from the cotton coat covering his body. It turned out that Evelina was standing outside her room, "I disturbed you Can I come in? "There is no door in the room, only a curtain covering it. At this time, no one pays much attention to it, even if it is mixed sex.

"Oh, come in, is there something wrong? I don't sleep, don't bother," Chu Xiang got up and sat on the edge of the stone bed. Alcohol is all rescued from the demolished villa. In fact, these things have little effect on people in the last days.

"I saw your neck hurt, come, let me see," Evelina said, tearing off the collar of Chu Xiang, the flesh torn off by the mutant police dog on the neck has not completely recovered, even if the speed of self-healing No matter how fast it is a big piece of meat, it takes time to grow again, so it looks a little **** at the moment.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. It will be fine tomorrow morning." Chu Xiang pulled the collar down again. It was not a good thing to play and undress in the middle of the night. Who knew Evelina? Really, she took Chu Xiang's hands away, and unbuttoned his clothes completely, then began to help Chu Xiang undress. "No, you see what kind of injuries you have, what to do in case of infection, and There was blood from the zombie, come on, let me clean the wound for you. "

Suppose Evelina pressed Chu Xiang's head down, so that the neck was wound halfway, and the injuries on her shoulders were exposed. Evelina carefully wiped Chu Xiang with iodine with cotton wool, but it took so long. Those iodine wines are good to say, but Chu Xiang is still very moved. Although Rashid is his good friend, he does n’t know that he cares for Chu Xiang in this way. Indescribable feeling, that is moving and happiness.

Chu Xiang sniffed his nose. It smelled good. The smell was not rice and pork, but a woman's fragrance! Chu Xiang opened his eyes and saw that a deep cleavage appeared in front of the eyes under the candlelight. With the shaking of the arm, the cleavage changed shape from time to time, but no matter how it changed, the two plump things were always so bulging and so swollen. High blood pressure!

The American woman's 'equipment' is really beyond ordinary people. Chu Xiang thought that Fang Yuxuan's level may not be her domineering. The more critical issue is that Evelina knows Lu and Dare, but Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian will not wear such exposure. In clothes, Chu Xiang's fingers trembled a little. He had an impulse in his brain. He wanted to pinch the two plump tender meats. He unknowingly raised his head and muttered. Chu Xiang swallowed exaggeratedly. Drool.

Evelina, who was busy wiping the wound with iodine, suddenly became aware. She looked down at the eyes staring at her cleavage, and her face was proud. Chu Xiang was unable to communicate with Evie for many reasons. What happened to Lina, but now it's different, Evelina can express her affection to the man named Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang was dizzy. The hands on his back that wiped his wounds were like charcoal fire, which made him warm. He is a normal man. He also needs a woman to comfort him when necessary. Now he has meat to his mouth. What to eat. Chu Xiang hesitated in his heart. Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps outside the door, and then Fang Yuxuan's voice: "What are you doing?"

At this time, I have to talk about the posture of Chu Xiang and Evelina, because to lower her head to facilitate Evelina to wipe the wound, Chu Xiang's head was almost resting on Evelina's chest, otherwise he could not see I can't smell the woman's fragrance. When people see it from the outside, Chu Xiang looks down and **** Evelina's chest, but Evelina hears Fang Yuxuan's voice a little flustered, and she hurries to stand up from the edge of Shi Yun. In the end, this standup just brought his chest to Chu Xiang's mouth, and the two bodies came into close contact, and the tender breast just hit Chu Xiang's mouth.

Fang Yuxuan opened the curtain with one hand, and she just saw the scene under the candlelight. Her angry face turned red, and Evelina naturally fainted when there were ghosts in her heart, especially when she was smashed in the middle of the night and her mouth opened. What to say, hurriedly picked up the cotton wool and iodine on the edge of the pimple, and then hurried out of Chu Xiang's room.

Chu Xiang took the advantage, and the nose was full of the smell of the woman. During the day, the three women must have taken a bath by the spring water, otherwise, if they wandered in the zombie world for so long, the fragrant woman would also become a smelly woman. But now it is not the case. The thick body fragrance makes Chu Xiang very nostalgic, but now that they are gone, Chu Xiang's irritable counterpart Yu Xuan said, "Why are you noisy at midnight?"

Fang Yuxuan almost burst into tears: "What am I arguing about? What did you guys just do?"

Chu Xiang said: "Nothing, she said to wipe my wounds. I was going to do something, but you suddenly made such a noise, now nothing can be done. It's okay to go back to bed early, I will return in the middle of the night To stand guard. "

Fang Yuxuan stammered a little: "You, you, you are so intimate with her, are you worthy of us?"

Chu Xiang reminded Fang Yuxuan: "It seems that I have this right ~ ~ Fang Yuxuan was a little dizzy just now, and now I remember, after all, this Chu Xiang is not the original Big Brother Chu, no matter how much he makes himself feel like However, his appearance, behavior, and ability still showed a difference. He just regarded him as the elder brother of Chu. They are not married or married now, so how about their affection with Evelina.

Fang Yuxuan wanted to understand this principle and never knew what to say again, but he snorted and left, leaving Chu Xiang to meditate on the stone maggot, and absorbed the mule that evolved from the number one Chu Xiang cell, in his brain There is more and more information about the original Chu Xiang, but Chu Xiang is still unwilling to accept that he is the No. 1 Chu Xiang. He still wants to be an independent self, which is why he is unwilling to admit his relationship with Fang Yuxuan, let alone him His appearance has changed a lot. At this time, who believes that he is the No. 1 Chu Xiang?

It ’s important that children have long-lasting love in the last days, because everyone is busy living. If they devote their energy to dating and love, Chu Xiang is not far away. Chu Xiang naturally understands this principle, so after dawn, he took Last night's events were left behind, although Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian saw his eyes a little differently, but he didn't care. After drinking the biscuit porridge of pig soup, he and Song Jun, Long Yi and others drove on the road with armored vehicles. They I plan to turn around here, one is to see if I can find the two groups of human bases I encountered before, the other is to detect the movement of nearby zombies, and the third is to take the opportunity to find a communication tool.

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