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Chapter 593: Yamaki base

Long Yi was originally the driver of a large truck. Although the armored vehicle was slightly different, it quickly started. The armored vehicle drove out of the town along the river, and then headed east along the highway. That was the direction in which the bone knife collar and other people retreated. From them they appeared twice in a short time. From the perspective of the town, it should not be more than one hundred kilometers away from this place. Because Li Haipeng's reconnaissance relied on two feet to walk, the reconnaissance radius was limited to twenty kilometers. Naturally, they could not find them.

Long Er held a broken monocular military telescope and looked out of the armored car to look forward. Chu Xiang and Song Jun rolled out a map to study the distance ahead. The closer the inland land, the more rugged it was, but fortunately the armored vehicle The ability to climb mountains and ridges is powerful, and under good road conditions, it can reach speeds of more than 50 kilometers per hour.

"The nearest city to this town is called Yamaki. I guess people who come to the town looking for weapons should come from there." Song Jun pointed to the map. The United States is not as prosperous as the coast, and it is often not found in a large area. The city, especially the area where Chu Xiang and others are now, has many mountains and rivers, and the peaks of thousands of meters can be seen from time to time.

Chu Xiang nodded and agreed with Song Jun's speculation. Long Yi drove his car and said, "Brother Xiang, Army Brother. We don't need to remove the ammunition from the town first. What if the group goes and returns?" After Chu Xiang and Song Jun escaped from danger last night, they have told everyone about the situation inside the police station, so Long Yi said so.

Chu Xiang said: "Stop entering the town for a while, and wait for those zombies to settle down for a few days."

Long Yi said: "But that mutant police dog lives next to us. How can it be reassured, what if it sneaks into the base? Its speed is so fast, and there are mostly women in the house. Is it dangerous? "

Chu Xiang said: "Danger is definitely there, but as long as they are hiding in the hole, they will not be able to do it even if the mutant police dog takes the shot himself. When we find a new base, we will move away or we will have the opportunity to kill the mutant police dog. "

With Chu Xiang's own strength, I have five points to kill the mutant police dog. If there is a No. 1 Chu Xiang's power to help, then I have a great certainty to kill it. Only the No. 1 Chu Xiang's power cannot be used. The key moment is Life-saving straw. Do not use the energy of Chu Xiang No. 1 and use half the chance to kill the mutant police dog. This danger Chu Xiang does not want to take it for the time being. There is still a faint scar on the neck. It is estimated that it will completely disappear at night. .

"I saw the city ahead!" Long Er returned from the roof of the armored vehicle, and he reported to Chu Xiang happily.

Chu Xiang ordered the dragon: "Stop!" Then Chu Xiang took the monoscope in the second-hand dragon, drilled out the armored car, and looked forward. There were faint buildings at the limit where the telescope sight could reach, but Because the terrain is rugged, most of the high-rise buildings can be seen at present, and then the telescope is lowered to observe the road surface. There are new car marks on the asphalt damage, and it can be inferred that the base of the bone knife collar is at this point. In front of the city.

Chu Xiang lowered his telescope to the three-way street: "To find a hidden car hiding place in front, we need to walk into the base of Yamaki. Otherwise, this car should be snatched by them and bring enough food, it may take It will take some time to come back. "

The armored vehicle traveled for two kilometers and encountered a mountain valley. Chu Xiang and Song Jun cut some branches and hid the armored vehicle in the mountain valley. They arranged Long Yi to stay there, and then Chu Xiang, Song Jun, and Long Er walked towards Asia. Maki walked, and as the saying goes, Wangshan ran to death, and it looked a short distance in the telescope. The three men walked for a long time.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the three arrived at the outskirts of Yamaki. They stood on a high point and looked down at the city. There were zombies. The traces left by the bone knife collar disappeared as the road conditions resumed. The three of Chu Xiang had to estimate. Moving forward, fortunately I saw traces of human activity. On the hillside five kilometers north of the city of Yamaki, there is a manor-like building with an area of ​​more than two stadiums and two six-story high-rises. There is also a bungalow. Through the telescope, you can see the machine gun on the roof. The mansion was smoking simmering smoke, presumably for dinner, and a winding asphalt road led to it.

Chu Xiang told Long Er: "When you go back to Huitong Longyi, rush back to our base and tell Li Haipeng and Rashid to protect the base. During this time, don't go out and hide in the cave and wait for us to return. If it is suitable here We will pick you up when we live and stand still. If it doesn't suit us, it's better to stay in the valley. "

Long Er said: "Yes, but Brother Chu, you have to be careful. We wait for you to return safely. We will give you weapons and biscuits." Chu Xiang waved his hand: "Let ’s get less weapons, your defense base needs it more, and more food. For us, I think this is the key to unlocking their base. If they want to borrow their communication tools, they must not use it. "

In the end, Chu Xiang and Song Jun only brought a pistol and a shotgun, a box of bullets, forty packets of spoiled biscuits, and four pounds of wild pork. The remaining things brought Long Er back to the armored vehicle. Hurry back to the position of the Tibetan armored vehicle, at least in the early hours of the morning to return to the base in the valley, so dinner must be reserved for the two of them.

It took an hour for Chu Xiang and Song Jun to reach the corner of the mountain. There were already high sentry towers on both sides of the highway, but they saw the walking posture of the two people and the large bales on their backs. This is a survivor, so no one shot and allowed the two to climb up the hillside, but they could n’t help but Chu Xiang and Song Jun walked freely outside the manor. A team of at least ten people intercepted the two and stopped. .Don't go any further, where are you from? "

Chu Xiang said: "We are the survivors of the Portland base. They were captured by the zombies. Please keep us."

Talking about Chu Xiang taking a few packets of biscuits from the bag and stuffing them into the opponent's hands, the team that was still just smiling and smiling immediately opened. Some people saw that Chu Xiang had a lot of biscuits in the bag, so he stepped forward and tried to grab the bag. Xiang Bao guarded Bao and said, "Brother, leave us a way to live. You have to eat and drink Lazar and sleep when you enter the base?"

The captain of the team stared at the bag grabbers and said, "You robbed everything to make the people inside hungry? If the owner asks you to take responsibility!" Those players then eliminated the idea of ​​packet grabbing, which is good. We ca n’t let them score all points in the first pass, otherwise the people inside will have opinions. At that time, the two sides will have an argument. It is estimated that the people outside will have to make a difference.

The captain said to Chu Xiang and Song Jun: "Come and come, take off your clothes and check. Our base in Yamaki is a treasure. Zombies never come to attack. If you can come here, you will go to heaven."

It is temporarily unknown whether this is paradise, but Chu Xiang and Song Jun noticed that they did not see zombies all the way to the manor. If zombies often come to attack, they will definitely be left along the way. Is there something here that makes the zombies afraid? ? Taking off his clothes while thinking, he quickly passed the inspection of the patrol. The injuries on Chu Xiang's neck and shoulders could already rule out the possibility of infection. Besides, he didn't know that he had been injured there, but the bullet was only half-sweeped.

Put on your clothes and carry the first door of the manor. The outer barrier pulled up with barbed wire, then the real door of the manor. There are fixed sentries on duty. They naturally have to search for it and wait for it. Inside the manor house, Chu Xiang and Song Jun had only ten packets of biscuits. The bullets had been snatched, leaving two empty guns almost as scrap.

Chu Xiang smiled bitterly at Song Jun: "It seems a little bit unexpected. I don't know if these ten packets of cookies can be changed to communication tools." Song Jun said: "Take a step and count one step first, ask someone to inquire about the internal situation of this base. "

The area of ​​the Yamaki base can be considered. From the view of people coming and going in the manor, the population here is almost a thousand, and people's clothing is also considered clean and bright. It is rare that the face is yellow and hungry. It seems that Life is not low here, most people speak English, which makes Chu Xiang and Song Jun have less language barriers. They went to a shop that looked very lively and walked in. It ’s natural to ask for news. This kind of place is most suitable.

"You listen to me, the police dog in Rand is really incredible, don't look at the small size, but I almost caught the captain of the Bone Knife, and now he is still hanging half his shoulders. It is estimated that the captain will not be in the future. Properly, who would serve him without one arm? "Someone was arguing in the hall, Chu Xiang and Song Jun glanced to understand that this place is a restaurant, but not many people eat, most of them sit inside Listen to it.

Seeing a guest coming in, an American child greeted him, "Two of you, just come to our base, it looks very familiar."

Chu Xiang said in English: "We came over from the Portland base and planned to find a place to stay. We also wanted to have dinner. I don't know what rules you have here."

American Kids said: "Our shop does not provide accommodation, but there are houses outside. You can find a place to live by yourself, and you can solve it in our shop. Is there a thing to exchange for you? Recently, there are biscuit porridge, sweet and sweet Fragrant, then drink some wild fruit wine, this is the greatest enjoyment in the last days, not expensive, ten bullets for a bowl of porridge, wild fruit wine will be a hundred bullets a glass. If you have tasted, you know the price value. "

The biscuit porridge may be the one pulled back by the bone knife collar, but eating here is to trade with bullets. Chu Xiang and Song Jun touched empty magazines, and the soldiers at the gate also knew what was valuable, although Ten packs of biscuits, but it seems that the biscuits in the base are not worth the two days and can be eaten in the restaurant. Naturally, it is not a luxury product. Use them to exchange communication tools.

Seeing these two Chinese people look embarrassed, the American kid guessed that they must have no traded goods, so he sank his face and ignored them, and continued to listen to the people there arguing. It ’s still awful to count the captain and the captain of the bone knife, but unfortunately these two were missing and the other was seriously injured. In the future, no one can go to the outside world to find food. It's holding the price up. I think I should buy more before I go up. "

"Yeah!" Some people objected. "The captain of the sister-in-law and the captain of the bone knife are terrible, but they are just running errands and have never received the attention of the owner. Therefore, they have to go out to discuss their lives. If they are terrible, I think they are the owner The number one bodyguard is the best, and they have even killed the Terminator. You guys who saw the Captain Bitch and the Skeleton Captain have beaten the Terminator. "

Another person said: "Everyone can't see the owner's bodyguard, so no one knows how powerful he is, but don't forget that we have more than one mule in our base, and one in jail. You think I thought that so many evolutionaries almost didn't catch people at that time, and they used dozens of methods to kill him. Shooting, slashing, flooding, electric torture, shelling, and so on. No torture could be cured. They wanted me. Say this talent is the top player in the base of Yamaki! "

Suddenly Chu Xiang heard the word "'子" startled. Song Jun next to him noticed the abnormality of Chu Xiang. He whispered: "Do you know him?" Chu Xiang shook his head and said: "Let's go, find Somewhere to stay. "

From the conversations of those people just now, Chu Xiang and Song Jun learned a lot of things. Captain Bone Knife and Captain Xunzi knew each other. I do n’t know if it was the two talents who had fought each other for the sake of profit distribution. In the end, the captain of the Xunzi was inferior. As a result, Chu Xiang picked up the cheap, but this is not the end. There are several other characters in the Yamaki base who can be considered masters. One is the owner's bodyguard, and the other is the jailer in jail. This mule seems to be Related to the **** Chu Xiang was looking for.

With the excitement of a worthwhile trip, Chu Xiang found a broken house that no one wanted, half of which had collapsed. In the manor, it might have been a place to store flower garden tools. There were flower pots, watering cans, and lawn mowers. Even though Chu Xiang and Song Jun settled here, they did not live there for a long time anyway. At night, there is a place where the wind can't blow the rain. If you really want to move to this base and find a house again, as long as there are enough bullets, you can go. It is probably not a problem in those two buildings.

Song Jun pulled out several steel bars from the collapsed roof. This thing is a good material for grinding steel arrows. While grinding the arrows on the cement board, he asked Chu Xiang: "What to do next? Are you going to the two buildings? Look around, maybe there will be satellite communication tools, this manor does not look like ordinary people can live, which may be a rich summer resort in the former world. "

Chu Xiang stepped on the half-collapsed roof and observed the two buildings in the twilight. From time to time someone entered and exited. The security of the building seemed to be not strictly controlled, and many rooms were lit with light. I can still hear a slight roar, but I don't know where the prison people were talking about just now, I should go to the sister-in-law to make sure.

"It's too late today, and we don't know if there is a curfew in this base. We will talk about it tomorrow." Although Chu Xiang was anxious, he decided to stay still. He has plenty of time, and it's best not to do risky things.

The weather was cold, and the cold wind was blowing into the half-collapsed house. It was very cold. In the end, the two had to move from the side to block the half-collapsed side, so they finally fell asleep, and the next day was a big one. The two started to wander around the base in Yamaki to see if they could find an opportunity to observe the two buildings.

There were hardly any people on the street, and many of the houses facing the street did not open the door, nor did they see the dough sticks of the former world. The two came to the two six-story buildings in an unhurried manner, and there was no guard at the door. The door was half-open and half-closed, and Chu Xiang looked inward with a probe, and suddenly someone yelled, "What is it!"

Chu Xiang found out that there was a transmission room on the side of the corridor. There were two soldiers with guns burning the fire. Yesterday, it was thought that no one was guarding the building door. It turned out to be inside the house. Seeing someone probe his brain and one of them came out of the transmission room and yelled, Chu Xiang said unhurriedly, "Find a job, or we will starve to death."

The gatekeeper yelled: "Look for work and come to the owner's house, get out! Don't think that the owner is good enough to allow you to mess around, and then come here blindly and take care of your fate."

Chu Xiang was not angry. He turned around and left the building with a smile. It turned out that the landlord lived here. Since he was not allowed to go in to another building, Song Jun followed him in a hurry. People casually walked into another building next to them. As soon as they entered, they saw several black hole muzzles. Chu Xiang and Song Junzhuang looked very scared. They raised their hands and shouted, "Do n’t shoot, we I'm here to find a job! "

Someone rushed out of the room on the side of the corridor, and the pistol was almost on Chu Xiang's head: "Looking for a job? What a joke, this is a prison! Don't you want to live? Don't you want to go one step further and shoot you to death! "

Chu Xiang said: "We are really looking for a job. I just arrived at our base yesterday. I'm not hungry. I want to find a place to stutter. Brother, be accommodating. I think you must need someone like us, definitely not Will drag you down. "

The person who came out snorted: "It won't drag us down? You're really out of breath, let me show you some real skills first, otherwise I'll send you to God on the charge of sneaking into prison!"

Chu Xiang was also worried that they wouldn't give this opportunity. Just a fly that didn't freeze to death buzzed over. In the winter, its sound made people sound very harsh. Chu Xiang suddenly moved, and he quickly reached out and took out Come out the dagger around the person's waist, and then draw a knife towards the fly, and the fly immediately falls to the ground.

The person who was taken out of the dagger first choked for a few seconds ~ ~ Then looked down on the ground, and then picked up a fly with two fingers, some could n’t believe it: "You put its wings Cut it off? "

Chu Xiang nodded. Although the man did not believe it, it was not easy to see a fly in winter. There would never be a second fly before this ground. It seems that this person is not targeted for work. This is fast and fast. I am afraid that only the evolutionist can do it.

The man no longer doubted it and said to Chu Xiang: "I introduce you to our company commander, as long as he is willing to promise you, you can stay, just because there is a lack of skilled guards in the prison, then those guys are very disturbed. It ’s really impossible to have a master. ”

Chu Xiang gratefully said: "Thank you, thank you, and I will invite you to drink when I get my salary."

The man grinned and said, "Okay, you can call me Smith, go and follow me."

Smith is a name that is so ordinary that it can no longer be ordinary. Chu Xiang didn't care if the name was true or false. Anyway, in the last days, no one cares about calling A Mao A Dog. Many people even intentionally give up the original real name, especially those who once lived in high society Celebrities are probably afraid of being seen by insiders now.

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