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Chapter 595: Bodyguard No. 1

The sirens left many people at a loss. Even well-trained soldiers are flustered and abnormal. They have never encountered this situation before, and they do n’t know what to do. Noisy you come and go, but no one comes out to command, but it ’s good because it ’s daytime. The sight is not affected. Everyone can clearly see the hordes of zombies under the mountain corner are climbing towards the villa, and the alarm is sent to the guardhouses on both sides of the road. Some people have started shooting.

Chu Xiang and Song Jun were lying on the tall wall of the mountain village to see the situation outside. Chu Xiang was disappointed for a while. If only the ordinary zombies outside could not force the landlord to release the mule, it was necessary to fight against the symptoms. Medicine, at least tens of thousands of zombies, but these zombies do not listen to his control, which is really a troublesome thing.

Suddenly, the people below were more noisy. Everyone looked up at the sky in horror. Chu Xiang and Song Jun couldn't help but follow the line of sight of the crowd. This look made them both frightened and saw a group of flying in the corner of the sky. Mutant creatures with wings spread five meters wide. From the ugly appearance alone to analyze things like mutant bats, but the most frightening thing is that the mutant bats are humped with zombies.

Huh, the mutant bats came very quickly, and the kung fu had not reached the top of the crowd. One dive swept down, and the other was the shooting of the soldiers, but it was not easy to hit the moving target, let alone the soldiers' marksmanship. It sucks, at most one of the ten flying bats was shot down, and the remaining ones shook the zombies on their backs to the ground after swooping to the end, and then pulled up into the air and flew away.

If the mutant bat only brings ordinary t2, then things are easier to handle. Those who are slow in t2 should be able to escape as long as they don't scare the paralyzed. But it is not t2 that comes, but t3. They are jumping and flexible. The tongue sticks out from time to time to roll around people's necks. Pulling it hard will cause a head to fall to the ground. Then t3 will hold the corpse that lost the head and eat and drink against the blood-sprayed neck, even if there are occasional bullets into their bodies. Less than their lives.

Chu Xiang and Song Jun were not in a hurry to join the battle group. The two observed that most of their troops were concentrated in two buildings. They ignored the ordinary civilians that were raged outside, and t3 seemed to know the two buildings. The focus was on attacking the targets. After eating and drinking, they concentrated together to charge the two buildings together. At this time, they were finally blocked by the first wave, and at least dozens of t3 were blown into their heads. The firepower of guarding the two buildings is very fierce, and the marksmanship is much stronger than those of the fighters outside, but after t3 unfolded his sensitive skills, these gunmen could not capture their figures, and they were soon invaded by t3. Shouting sounded in the building, and some humans started running from inside the building in fright.

"Should you shoot?" Song Jun asked Chu Xiang with a bow and arrow. In fact, he still knows his strength very well, and sniping is still possible. If the main force to fight t3 still depends on Chu Xiang, the person ordered below should be Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang is observing every move in the building, this is the best opportunity to understand the strength of the owner, he said: "Don't worry, the other party also has a master, these t3 are not enough to clean up, you will see in a while."

Sure enough, Chu Xiang didn't expect that the situation changed in less than a minute. One t3 was twisted off the neck and thrown out. Song Jun couldn't see it, but Chu Xiang could see clearly through the wall, a tall one. Like an eagle catching a chick, the man was killing t3 who had attacked the building. His strength and speed are not comparable to those of Chu Xiang. After t3 was killed by him quickly, he concentrated his superior forces to surround him. At this time, the man pulled out a short stick from his waist and it became A long knife, the t3 head that besieged him under the light of the sword fell to the ground, presumably this person should be the owner's number one bodyguard, the weapon he used was the Terminator's special weapon of trial spear!

Chu Xiang lay on the fence again and looked out. Although the zombies concentrated under the mountain corner were a bit horrible, they were all t2. They were shot by machine guns when they passed the heavily fortified guardhouse. At this time, almost the entire army was wiped out. Although their appearance caused the soldiers to panic, the flesh and blood still couldn't stop the rain of steel bullets. The soldiers' retaliated counterattacks after the panic were by no means able to withstand this group of t2 unless they increased a few hundred times more. .

"Hmm ..." The top of the owner's building suddenly made a long beep. The tall man who hunted t3 did not know when he got up on the top of the building. He grabbed a t3 with one hand, and then went together, banged, two heads. It was blasted, but one t3 has evolved a new eyeball head. The original fracture of the head only accelerated its evolution, and the two arms suddenly became stiff and abnormal. He shouted and held the tall man. Large, if it is an ordinary person, I ’m afraid that the waist will be broken immediately, but the owner ’s number one bodyguard is more than just strength and speed. His body suddenly burst into flames, the t3 body that has just evolved to t4. Twisted. Then it turns into coke with another t3, high temperature flame!

Song Jun exclaimed in a low voice: "His strength is afraid that he will not be under Fang Yuxuan's heyday!"

Chu Xiang said: "So we don't need to help. It seems that the owner's building is still far away, so as not to be hurt by him. I'm afraid that the arrest of the sister-in-law is indispensable to him. Let's wait for the opportunity. "

Song Jun nodded unwillingly. He originally planned to take this opportunity to mix into the owner ’s building, because Smith once revealed that there is a set of communication equipment there. Although I do n’t know whether it is easy to use or not, he always has to get it. You know, but the owner ’s bodyguards are so powerful, this gives them no chance to approach.

The alarm sounds disappeared, and the base quieted down not long afterwards. When Chu Xiang was on the night shift, people seemed to forget about the noon attack. Smith patted Chu Xiang's shoulder and said, "Drink at noon. The alarm sounded like it was happening in the world of the dream. Unfortunately, you gave my uncle another bottle of wine, or else we will drink it after the shift tonight. Is n’t there a saying in China for you? Drunk, whether tomorrow is right or wrong. "

Chu Xiang smiled. People in the last days actually wanted to open. Today, if you are alive, you must enjoy today's time. Tomorrow will not be lost, just how much material in the zombie world can be enjoyed by the surviving people.

There is no night life in the base of Yamaki. When the sun sets, the entire base is silent. If there are lights and vocals, these two buildings are probably the two buildings. It is already ten o'clock in the evening, and there are less than two hours. After work, Smith patted Chu Xiang on the shoulder and pulled Chu Xiang and Song Jun out of the duty room. "Go, I'll take you to the casino to see."

Chu Xiang froze slightly. "Casino? Where is it?" Smith was the head of the crew. He will leave for a while and no one will care about it, and even the guard at this point will be off work, so he is not afraid that someone will check the post.

Smith said: "It's on the sixth floor. Today I made fifty bullets while I was in trouble. Let's try my luck up."

In addition to food, bullets are also an important item in the last days. They often replaced the role of currency. Chu Xiang agreed to Smith's proposal after thinking about it. The three quietly slipped out of the duty room and quickly climbed down the stairs to the sixth floor. You can hear the noise before you get out of the stairwell. After opening the door of the meeting room, a large conference hall appears in front of you. However, this meeting room has been changed beyond recognition. Now it is more like a casino plus Yin Nest, one by one, exposed women walking around, many soldiers and civilian men sitting at tables, guarding a pile of bullets, whenever a woman passed by, they touched it, Laughing from time to time.

Smith handed each of Chu Xiang and Song Jun ten bullets: "Go, go in and play, remember, there are a lot of bullets in your guns, you have to check them from time to time, don't lose your job because of that, otherwise I ca n’t get enough food. ”

Speaking of a woman passing by, Smith pulled a bullet into her cleavage. The woman hugged Smith's waist with a smile, then twisted to the corner of the conference hall where there was a sofa and Simple beds. Most of the men and women have been lying on the beds. They are working in the open air so that Chu Xiang and Song Jun cannot accept it for a while.

Looking at those bright women and men, Chu Xiang's **** suddenly appeared in Chu Xiang's head, as well as Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian, a yu fire formed in Chu Xiang's lower abdomen, slowly impacting his body. Chu Xiang was a little uneasy. Suddenly Song Jun slapped Chu Xiang's waist at this time, and Chu Xiang looked at a gambling table along Song Jun's eyes. His expression shook, the burning yu fire went out suddenly, the owner's No. 1 bodyguard!

Wow, a bunch of bullets were pushed to the center of the table. Chu Xiang couldn't understand the American gambling, but as the dealer shook the dice, the bunch of bullets was replaced by two copies and pushed back. The stunned person was crying, and another big-breasted woman sat next to the winning No. 1 bodyguard. The man squeezed it and grabbed a bullet into the woman's underwear. She patted her **** and the woman shook with interest. The big **** left.

I won two more bodyguards in a row and asked the woman next to him to go to another table with a large bowl of bullets. There was a turntable. Wow, the bullets fell on a randomly selected cell and buzzed. The pointer started to turn, and suddenly the pointer stopped on the grid selected by the woman, and everyone was in a panic, but the bodyguard No. 1 was still unhappy, leaving the woman around with double bullets to leave, but this time Instead of betting on other things, I came to a luxurious big bed in the corner. The women around me saw the bodyguard No. 1 all around, and the woman behind the bodyguard No. 1 threw all the bullets in the basin on the bed. Those women were happy. They rushed up like they saw their father and mother. Of course, they also had to pay. The screams rang in the entire conference hall for a short time. Many gamblers put down their cards and surrounded the big bed to see the scene. The women coming out of the bodyguard No. 1 seemed to collapse, and even some of them were still dripping blood, and they looked like they were miserable, but they also got very high pay, at least one hundred bullets, which is possible to work High salary not available in a week .

Watching this scene quietly, Chu Xiang exhaled, "The bodyguard number one has at least three skills. This is a multi-skilled evolutionary. It seems that we don't know enough about him. He just saw the dice. Size, and control the movement of the turntable pointer, and even deformed a part of the body, hey, this guy is still an exhibitionist and likes to be watched by people to do that kind of thing. "

Song Jundao: "Can you find a breakthrough from him, if you can get to know him, you can mix in the owner's building."

Chu Xiang said: "Aren't you afraid he can detect brain thoughts? That would really send us into the tiger's mouth."

Song Jun patted his head and said, "Yeah, I'm not sure if he will have this skill, let's stay away from him."

Chu Xiang and Song Jun no longer approached the No. 1 bodyguard. The two walked slowly in front of a few gambling tables. Chu Xiang would bet from time to time, but they did n’t win much, so no one paid attention, but they could n’t hold up. Cheng Duo, one hour later, Chu Xiang already had more than 200 bullets in his pocket. This is also a lot of gains, and there is a more important point. Chu Xiang can clearly hear the movement of No. 1 bodyguard. After many hours of hard work, he has already finished his work. At this moment, he is smoking a cigarette surrounded by a few women. Several men next to him please lick him. From time to time, he can also smoke some second-hand cigarettes to relieve his discomfort.

"Kabson, would it be a foretaste that we were attacked by zombies today. Is there any countermeasure for the owner?" The main concern of everyone is this matter. As the most trusted person of the owner, there must be news in this regard.

The No. 1 bodyguard, called Carbson, was lying face-up on the bed, with two women next to him holding his thighs gently, and he exhaled smoke: "Don't worry, zombies are becoming more active in the outside world. It is normal for them to make offensive actions. Such attacks may be common in the future. As long as we are alert, nothing will happen. The owner is planning to strengthen military training and pull the troops outside to experience it if necessary. It will not be at a loss when facing today ’s attack. Of course, this plan will inevitably require a large amount of weapons and ammunition to support it, so there will be an operation in these two days. There is a small military base east of Yamaki, where there is ample supply of weapons and ammunition. We will send a squad. "

Another person said: "I heard that the landlord intends to evacuate here, is it true, where is he going, will he take us when he leaves, Carbson, we are old friends, once there is news in this regard Don't hide it. "

Carbson opened his eyes wide and said, "Withdraw? Who is spreading rumors! If there is a lot of money here, there will be a lot of weapons and ammunition in the near future, and the development of the base is booming. How can it be withdrawn at this time? Besides, where is the withdraw? There is no safe place, and of course we stay here to stick to our business. "

As soon as Kabson got angry, no one spoke, and besides, his analysis made everyone feel at ease, so no one dared to bother him again. Kabson let people stand for a while, and there was a row of rooms on the side of the conference hall. Inside is a control room such as lights and sounds, but now it has been converted into an office, which is the exclusive room for the casino owner.

Although Chu Xiang was playing cards, from time to time, his eyes could see Carbson's actions through the wall, his ears blocked the surrounding noise, and he listened to the conversation between Carbson and the casino owner. Can open a casino in the base, and a lot of bullets flow every day, this person is definitely not a mediocre, or the base was closed soon.

"Carbson, what does the owner mean? Today's zombies attack is no accident. You can't hesitate any more. Finding Lovis mine sooner than anything else!" The casino owner's voice was a little excited.

Carbson said lightly: "The Lovis mine is just a legendary U.S. military base. No one can prove whether it is true or not, let alone whether there has been a virus infection there, so this matter cannot be rushed. "

The casino owner's voice is a little high: "No, Carbson, you have to believe me. The Lovis mine was abandoned and transformed into an emergency shelter for the military. Although that was a few decades ago, I can guarantee that this The news is absolutely correct, and it is near us. As long as you send a large army to search in the mountains, you will definitely find that mine. "

Kabson said: "Big force? Can you organize a big force? The total population of our base is not more than a thousand, and the number of soldiers who can fight is very poor. Unless you can get a map to the Lovis mine, otherwise The owner will never agree on this matter, and I warn you that there will be rumors about this outside, be careful the owner will punish you. "

The casino owner said with excitement: "Okay, but if I get a map of Lovis mine, then I most likely will not come back again, you tell the owner, this is our only retreat, Lovis mine is absolutely It is a good base for both offense and defense, and there is enough fuel and food there, enough for us to enjoy for more than ten years, how to let him take care of himself. "

Chu Xiang threw down the card in his hand, Song Jun picked up the dozens of bullets he just won and followed him. Chu Xiang whispered: "Do you know a place called Lovis Mine?"

Song Jun shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of ~ ~ why, is there anything special there?"

Chu Xiang said: "It is unknown for the time being, but the casino owner seems to admire it there. It may be a US military refuge in the old mine renovation, but because it has been abandoned for a long time, so few people know, let's go. We have a lot of news tonight. "

What Chu Xiang didn't expect was that someone went to the 'door' of his house early the next morning, and climbed up to see that they were the same class of soldiers. They finally found the place where Chu Xiang and Song Jun lived. The two dragged back and ran back to the prison building. They were sent to the small conference room on the first floor without any explanation. There were already a dozen people seated there. The company commander saw Chu Xiang and Song Jun nodded and said. : "Okay, here's a meeting. The owner of the ammunition to find weapons and ammunition this time attaches great importance. You should be glad to join the team."

Song Jun was a little dumbfounded, and the two didn't plan to leave the base at all, but Chu Xiang immediately thought that last night when he heard Kabson said to go to a military base east of the base to find ammunition, he did not expect that he became the candidate, presumably the company commander bullied New face, give this mission of death to someone you don't trust, or why did Smith and others not meet?

Unconsciously, the company commander has finished the simple mobilization, "Well, you follow this lieutenant, I look forward to your triumph!"

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