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Chapter 596: sneak into

It was too late for Chu Xiang and Song Jun to say something. Followed by the team and got into the car. The Yamaki base is well equipped and the same off-road vehicle, but if it is better to have an armored vehicle, the gadget is stronger than the off-road vehicle, and the vehicle is also equipped with a complete set of weapons, unlike these off-road vehicles. Just mount a machine gun by welding a shelf on the roof.

A total of six off-road vehicles roared out of the villa and headed east along the mountain road where the corpses had not been cleaned up. The leader of the team, Lieutenant Chu Xiang, didn't know it, but it turned out that he was an evolutionary, but his strength was too poor. It is estimated that Not even the b-level. Chu Xiang didn't think much of him for seeing evolutionaries like Song Jun and above s-level.

There were 30 people in the entire team, and five people were assigned to each vehicle. Chu Xiang and Song Jun were both machine gunners, because the two had good marksmanship. This was the commander of the company's company who specifically told the lieutenant that he was doing his best. There were no acquaintances known to Chu Xiang and Song Jun in the team, and the others in their class were not involved in the operation. Looking at the faces of other soldiers, we know that no one is willing to perform this task, but they can't resist the order, and can only go on the road with the heart of death.

The sky is gloomy, although it ’s not snowy, it ’s cold enough. Some people ca n’t stand it after walking less than 50 kilometers, because the off-road vehicle has knocked the top for the convenience of shooting. In addition, the car is driven faster and the wind blows. They could n’t open, and Chu Xiang happened to be riding in the same car with the Lieutenant. He frowned and said to the Lieutenant, "Sir, I think everyone is cold enough, it ’s better to take a break, or else there will be zombies attacking them all now. It may not be able to fire a gun and the fingers are stiff. "

Although the lieutenant was hiding behind the front windshield, it was freezing enough, but fortunately, he was an evolutionary, and before he could not bear it, he looked at the people in the front and rear of the car, and nodded, "Okay, just Stop and rest at the ground, prepare lunch, continue to hurry after eating, and you must arrive at that military base before dark, otherwise there will be danger in hurrying at night. "

The lieutenant's understanding of the team members alone deserves Chu Xiang's respect and directs the car to emit a whistle. Soon all six off-road vehicles stopped at the side of the road. Everyone got out of the car and jogged around the car. Their feet were numb and unconscious. The two members in charge of logistics were busy setting fire to burn the snow. Every time People drink a bowl of hot water biscuits to settle lunch.

The lieutenant stood on the side of the road and looked at the mud on both sides. I do n’t know when Chu Xiang was standing behind him. The lieutenant looked a little dignified. He just said what Chu Xiang said suddenly: "It's a mutant horse. I used to see After their hoof prints, they are exactly the same. From the analysis of hoof prints, the number should be more than a thousand. "

It turned out that the lieutenant was observing the imprints on the mud ground. It was very messy and stretched forward, and some even carried heavy loads, because the frozen soil was stepped into the ground. The lieutenant said, "What is a mutant horse? I heard the company commander say You are from Base Portland. Have you ever encountered them? "

Chu Xiang nodded solemnly: "Yes, this is an intelligent mutant creature that is taller and more powerful than a normal horse. If a secondary mutation occurs, you can even walk upright like a human. The combat power is very strong and not less than t3 And wisdom is by no means comparable to t3 and t4. I have seen mutant horses use and manufacture weapons and vehicles, and even they have created strange bombs that absorb the energy of evolutionaries. Seeing their footprints are not going to Yamaki, but Follow us. "

The Lieutenant said with some anxiety: "It seems that our future is very challenging. I don't care. Since I took the task of the owner, I didn't think about the future, but these follow-up brothers were afraid that someone would not be able to go back alive. Most of them There are women in the family. Once they die, those women will no longer be raised. Apart from going to the casino as a waitress, it is estimated that they will starve to death. The situation in the base is actually not good. I'm afraid I don't know how many people are starving. "

Chu Xiang patted the lieutenant's shoulder. It didn't seem that this guy was kind. "Sir, don't think about it, unless you lead us to hide outside for two days and then go back and tell them that there is no gain, otherwise we will continue. Go, no matter what comes before, the owner should only want results. "

The lieutenant smiled bitterly: "I want to hide for two days and then go back, but you don't know that Kabson is an evolutionary who can control brain surgery. Don't try to hide anything from him. If I do, then Lead your brothers to death. "

Song Jun stood not far away and heard the lieutenant said that Carbson was also a brain-evolving evolver, and he could not help but sweat coldly. Fortunately, I didn't approach him according to my own conception, otherwise there would be a big problem. Alas, is it becoming more and more useless after losing super power? The former calmness and indifference seemed to be gone, Song Jun thought with annoyance.

The lunch and rest time passed quickly, and everyone drank a bowl of warm biscuit porridge. Everyone warmed a lot, got on the off-road vehicle and accelerated to the military base. There were more and more footprints in the mud along the way. The team members did not observe this, but because they have never seen the zombie complacent, they thought that this task would be completed easily. In fact, there is always a huge danger hidden behind the temporary security. This is the only thing that has actually lived in the zombie world. Talent understands.

… The clock was snowing at the clock. Due to the obstruction of sight until 7 pm, it was almost dark to see the five fingers before reaching the periphery of the intended target. There is a small village here. There are about 30 families. It looks like all the family members of the military bases used to live here. There is still 5 kilometers away from the military base. There is a wide asphalt road leading directly into the mountains, but after half a afternoon of snow, the road is almost white. Not coming out.

"Zombies!" Someone yelled. They were all recruits. To say that the real battle can only be counted as yesterday, but many people did n’t even miss a shot, and suddenly saw the ugly and disgusting rotting zombies hanging out from the village, and many people involuntarily shrank backwards, especially seeing some The zombie dragged a half of the intestines, and even chewed the bones of other corpses, before lying on the car and vomiting for a while.

The lieutenant slaps a soldier at his side who is preparing to slap his legs, and then yells out, "Machine guns are prepared, aiming at the zombies and firing! Other people get off the vehicle and occupy the village. We set up a temporary camp here and wait for dawn to go to the military base!"

The slap-sucked soldier had resentment in his eyes. However, he did not dare to deal with the lieutenant, because the lieutenant was an evolutionary. This was by no means an ordinary human being able to deal with, so he could only suppress the fear of his heart and raise his gun to start shooting the zombies. When the first rushing zombies was defeated At that time, many people were relieved, and the zombies were just like this. In addition to their horrible appearance, they couldn't bear the blow at all, so the gunfire was even more joyful, and dozens of zombies were thus destroyed.

The off-road vehicle drove directly into the village and stopped when no other zombies were found. The tent contents did not have to be taken down because there were more cold-resistant houses here, and soon a fire broke out in several houses. People were patrolling outside for alert, the others shrank to the side of the fire to bake a fire and wait for dinner. The lieutenant quietly patted Chu Xiang's shoulders. The two left the house one after the other. The wind was blowing outside, blowing snow particles. The man's neck was filled with blood.

"Chu Xiang, I know that you are a soldier with rich survival experience. Now the situation of the team must be clearer than me," said the Lieutenant with anxiety. To be honest, Chu Xiang had a good impression on him. This person is not the kind The arrogant and arrogant, and the lieutenant was outside the base for the first time to perform tasks. He was strange to this world. At this time, Chu Xiang, who had extensive experience, became his most powerful assistant. As for the other soldiers, the lieutenant did not hold any hope.

"Most of the team members have the mentality of believing the enemy or fear, and they have almost no combat experience. If there is a strong enemy, I think we can't stop it for a minute," Chu Xiang said the lieutenant's concerns, but both knew This is a helpless thing and the team members cannot be replaced. It is even more impossible to train them in a few hours.

"So I decided to leave most of the people here to camp. You pick a few people to go to the military base with me to explore the road first. Even if we extend the return period, we can't act rashly!" The lieutenant said his plan, since others are not expecting It's better to get rid of the burden than to let them help.

Chu Xiang said: "Yeah, it ’s been snowing for so long, I do n’t know how the road conditions are, and no one has been there for a long time. Now the situation is even more unknown. It ’s safest to explore the road first. Hey, after all, life is the most important, isn't it? The owner can ignore us, but he cannot give up on himself. "

There was a smile on the lieutenant's face: "You guy, it really deserves to work out in the zombie world, and it makes sense for you to escape from the fall of the Portland base. Be cautious and careful, and you must not take it lightly at all times."

Chu Xiang only picked one person, that is Song Jun. The others were not familiar at all. Moreover, Chu Xiang also knew that those guys were mediocre, and even the marksmanship was not worth mentioning. However, the lieutenant picked seven people and shared two cars. The off-road vehicle drank the biscuit porridge and went out to the military base. The remaining twenty people stayed behind. They found the ammunition and then returned to tell them to load the truck.

The snow reflection made the driver almost unable to open his eyes, and the road was not very wide. In some places, due to years of disrepair, he even collapsed in the ditch. A car almost turned over before walking one kilometer. After switching to Chu Xiang, This situation is safer, the car behind just needs to follow the rut behind Chu Xiang's car, which minimizes the danger.

Because of the snow, the mutant horse's hoof prints could not be found as early as the afternoon, but Chu Xiang had a hunch that those mutant horses should not go elsewhere. They probably went to military bases. This is Chu Xiang ’s support for the lieutenant ’s school. The reason for the advance troops is that it is more convenient to escape when there are fewer people. Another reason is that Chu Xiang also has ideas for those ammunitions. If there are more people, it is difficult for him to do small moves. Although there is not much space in the bone ring, it can still be crowded. Thousands of rounds of bullets, that stuff occupies a small area. If it doesn't work, throw a part of the metamorphic biscuits. Most of the bone rings are these things.

After a difficult two-hour trek, the off-road vehicle finally stopped outside the military base, and then walked 500 meters forward to enter the gate, but it was no longer possible to move forward, and the seven soldiers accompanying it had shown cowardice, and one even To start a U-turn, if it wasn't for the lieutenant who pulled out the pistol with a cold hum, I'm afraid he would run away, because there were bright lights and loud noises in that small military base!

From a normal point of view, even if there are humans in military bases, being in this world will not allow them to make noise in it, and the lights are so large, do n’t they know to save energy, those fuels for generators Use a little less, they will never be so wasteful! Based on this, consider that there may not be people in the military base!

"Sir, let's go back. This is a fatal task. Let's say nothing." Several soldiers started talking about the lieutenant. They would not believe that there were humans in the military base who had brewed hot tea and waited for them. Go in.

Chu Xiang made a few gestures behind him. Although the lieutenant didn't understand it clearly, he still let the driver back. At this moment, the lieutenant wanted someone to give him an idea. After all, he was completely covered in the zombie world. I did n’t have any experience when I ran. The two cars pulled out one kilometer before they stopped. Chu Xiang said, "Sir, let me explore the reality first."

The lieutenant nodded: "I'm with you." Chu Xiang didn't refuse, let Song Jun look at the two cars, so as not to let the seven timid guys steal the car, and they covered their body with a white canvas to snow A drill in the ground would make it hard to detect if you didn't take a closer look, and then sneaked along the snow ditch on the side of the road, and soon came outside the military base door. Because this is a military base, the gate is extremely strong. There is a high watchtower on the side, but although the base is noisy, there is no movement at the door. Chu Xiang and Lieutenant can easily climb in through the open door.

In the middle of the courtyard are several two-story houses. According to information, the warehouse storing ammunition is behind these two-story houses. There is a mountain wall. The mountain has been cut out of a large cave and stores several military forces nearby. Weapons and ammunition required during wartime. A circle of bungalows was built along the two sides of the second-floor house. It may have been used as an ordinary warehouse or a soldier's activity room, but now it has been broken and broken, and blood stains are still visible in many places. It can be seen that the t virus has come here earlier The lights and noise came from the cave behind the second-floor house. Chu Xiang and the Lieutenant looked at each other. Chu Xiang stayed on the side of the courtyard to keep the wind, and the Lieutenant continued to climb back.

The lieutenant retracted quickly around the corner of the second-floor house, and quickly shrank to the corner of Chu Xiang's hiding place. His pale face shivered. Chu Xiang already knew it because he had seen the second-floor house to see the back. In the cave, at least one thousand mutant horses are distributing weapons and ammunition, and some have been wiping guns. After all, they have not been used for so long. The mutant horses also know how to maintain them, and a team of mutant horses have been armed. They walked out of the cave with guns and grenades and walked into the courtyard. The lieutenant turned around and saw them just at the corner, so he hurried back. This highly intelligent creature like a human frightened him.

Chu Xiang blindfolded the two with white canvas. The group of mutant horses passed by and did not notice the abnormality in the snow. Although there was an untreated trace extending from the courtyard to the corner, there were still sporadic ones in the courtyard. Mutated horseshoe marks, coupled with the dark snow and dark night, if you do not observe carefully, no horse will believe that someone has sneaked in.

This team of armed mutant horses stood on both sides of the gate and stood up in the wind and snow. It seemed that they had just arrived a short time ago, but the snow was a little bit big and drowned the traces they had passed before. These mutant horses did not move, and Chu Xiang and the Lieutenant did not dare to move, because they were almost under their noses. After ten minutes of boil, the Lieutenant could not help but get in Chu Xiang's ear and said, "What should I do? Stay here again It froze to death. "

Chu Xiang's body remained motionless. "Wait a minute, the canvas will freeze immediately. We will drill a hole down the snow layer in a while." The lieutenant looked up at the canvas covering the bodies of the two, because the snow continued to accumulate. Almost frozen, and the corner of their hiding room was facing the wind vent. There was a snow and one and a half meters thick. If you carefully drill a hole in the snow, you can escape. The lieutenant is glad that the experienced person and him This evolutionary that has never been combated is different.

After half an hour, the canvas would not fall without people's support. Chu Xiang quietly drilled forward along the snow, and the lieutenant followed. The two quickly followed the corner to the cave entrance, where the snow was thicker and deeper. A side-drilled hole would not be found outside, and the lieutenant went to Chu Xiang's ear and said, "Since it is occupied by mutant horses, should we withdraw them? The number of them is by no means what we can deal with, more Moreover, these things also know how to use weapons, and one can support several ordinary soldiers. "

Chu Xiang said: "I'll go ahead and see. You stay here. Since you have to come in, you have to find out the situation, otherwise how to explain to the owner, and spent so much fuel to run here empty-handed, you think Zhuang Will the Lord let us go? "

Chu Xiang's words were the crux of the lieutenant. He was worried about this, so he had to agree with Chu Xiang's adventure: "Okay, everything is up to you, but I'm afraid they will act. By then, the two we are waiting outside The team will meet them head-on, so go back as soon as possible to inform them of concealment. "

Chu Xiang nodded to show that he knew it, and then the figure got out of the snowdrift. While he didn't notice the horse, he went into the cave. Although the light inside was bright, it could not be seen from every corner. Chu Xiang was extremely fast. Through the cover of piles of materials, he touched the cave.

This cave is two hundred meters wide, like a long hall, large enough to discharge dozens of tanks in parallel! Said to be a small base ~ ~ In fact, the weapons and equipment are not weak! Self-propelled artillery and various surface-to-air missiles are neatly arranged, and piles of weapons and ammunition are dazzled by people. Various boxes of different lengths are everywhere, trucks, armored transport vehicles, at least twenty. Many mutant horses are already fueling the vehicle. It seems that they intend to make full use of the vehicle, but they do not know where the attack target will be set.

Two mutant horses came over, Chu Xiang stepped back and reached the wall. In a hurry, he quickly deformed the bones and drilled into the corner of the cover canvas. The two mutant horses didn't notice it and grabbed Chu Xiang. The boxes around were lifted up and left. When the boxes were thrown up by the truck, the other mutant horses began to load, and it seemed that they were about to leave.

Chu Xiang was anxious, he must stop them! If they are to be armed to fight humans, I do n’t know how many innocent humans will die. It may not be possible for Yamaki base to perish. It may not be safe to hide in the corner of the town, and Yamaki base will draw the attention of the zombies. , The town will never be found by other zombies, as long as the mutant police dog is destroyed, it will be safe.

Chu Xiang took advantage of the mutant horses to transport the box to the truck quietly and slipped out of the cover of the canvas. He changed his position to hide again, and kept glanced over the piles of weapons. If they could detonate, the group of mutant horses would I want to stay at the bottom of the mountain to accompany the land master to celebrate the Chinese New Year, but there is no timing device. How can I detonate here without hurting myself?

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