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Chapter 598: Acknowledge

The lieutenant thundered. The collapsed snow buried him with several soldiers, but the lieutenant was an evolutionary after all. After the avalanche stopped, he jumped out of the snow immediately, and then several soldiers escaped from the snow hole he had drilled. This is just a hillside. If it is a valley, I am afraid it will not be so simple.

Chu Xiang knew that the lieutenant was fully capable of saving people, so he never stopped, and climbed to the top of the slope. Standing here, he could see the surrounding situation clearly. However, the snow and snow were a little big, and the line of sight was not wide, but With Chu Xiang's eyesight, there were a large number of mutant horses running towards here in four areas of northeast, southwest, and northwest!

The lieutenant also quickly climbed the top of the hill after saving the person. His vision was worse, and he could only see something moving close to him, so he asked with a trembling voice: "What is it? The number seems to be large, is it a mutant mouse?" But they are very big, and their footsteps are so loud that they can't be heard by mice. What should they be? Creepers! "

Chu Xiang said: "No, it is a mutant horse, and we are surrounded again. It seems that the black mice are just preludes."

A soldier who climbed up later shivered and said, "It must be revenge. The arsenal killed so many of them. This is revenge! We are done. We just escaped the mouse mouth and fell into the horse's nest. We are dead! "

The lieutenant glared at the dejected man and said, "Shut up! It will be all right with Chu Xiang!"

The soldiers remembered Chu Xiang's ultrasound performance, so they were relieved and calmed down, but Chu Xiang said: "I'm afraid it's hard to say this time, they are too much." With Chu Xiang's voice, those mutant horses As we get closer and closer, the eyesight of ordinary people can also see clearly. There are everywhere in the white fields. They are almost next to each other. It is impossible to find a gap to break through! What's even more frightening is that these mutant horses are humped with zombies! If it is just ordinary t2, then there is no need to transport it with mutant horses, then it is certain that these zombies are not ordinary!

Alas, Song Jun fired an arrow after calculating the impact of the wind. The steel arrow penetrated the zombie on the back of a horse in the middle of the snowstorm. Alas, a crisp cry, the steel arrow hit a zombie head, and then Falling to the snow, Song Jun frowned: "It's the second zombie zombie. Only the spear of judgment can deal with them, and it needs the power of the evolver."

The lieutenant pale: "I don't have a spear for judgment. Only the owner's bodyguard number one. What can I do?"

Chu Xiang has made a decision and must flee. Although his ultrasound is powerful, he can't deal with the second variant zombie. Of course, he has the spear of trial, but there are too many zombies, and he needs to protect the people around him.

Mutated horses have come near. They seem to be controlled and stop their four hoofs. Then the zombies on their horses jump off. They hurried up to the hillside. Chu Xiang looked around, but there was no way to escape. Fly away then

Thinking of Fei Chuxiang's heartbeat, he heard Fang Yuxuan said that the original Chu Xiang had a pair of bone wings. During the peak period of Chu Xiang ’s strength, there were no problems with ten eight camels while flying, and the bone wings were still powerful. Although the bone knife has appeared after the re-evolution, the bone wings have not seen any movement. Does it still need to continue to absorb the mules to excite it? Does not seem to be the case.

Chu Xiang was shocked and quickly passed through what happened after waking up. In fact, every time he awakened new energy, it was at the most critical moment. Of course, absorbing new mules will also bring changes to his body, but some skills are not created simply because of absorbing mules, which means that as long as your mind is strong enough, it should be able to affect evolution!

Chu Xiang nodded to himself secretly, it should be like this! After the death, he thought of Chu Xiang jumping up from the hillside, and he said aloud, "Fly!" Then imagined that wings behind him grew straight down to the foot of the mountain, and a soldier beside him was moved by Chu Xiang. Startled, he said loudly, "Chu Xiang is crazy! He doesn't want to fly!"

The lieutenant was also very surprised. This way he hit the heart of the zombies. Once caught by these hard-steel secondary mutant zombies, it would be difficult to die; even Song Jun is somewhat inexplicable. Chu Xiang should not be an impulsive person. , But why do you rush straight like this? Do n’t you know that the second variant zombies are best not to fight in close proximity, once they are stuck to their bodies, they are finished, very few people can escape, they are powerful and their bodies are hard to die. Endlessly

Chu Xiang fell with his eyes closed, and the snow in his ears whistled. It hurts on his face. The hillside is not high, that is, more than 50 meters. Chu Xiang can quickly reach the ground in a leap. Below is a group of people. The zombies reached out to prepare for the response. As long as Chu Xiang fell into their hands, these zombies were sure to tear Chu Xiang into pieces. If it didn't work in a day, it would take them two days. In short, humans do n’t have such great endurance to compete with them. It is also a terrible place for the second variant zombie. They have no agile skills, but their almost immortal body makes them invincible, unless it is the combination of the spear of judgment and the evolver, but the Yamaki base has paid little attention to the evolver, and they have hardly encountered the terminator, so Nor did they have a sufficient number of trial spears, facing their second variant zombie, which was their nightmare.

Song Jun didn't know what Chu Xiang was going to do. Based on his understanding of Chu Xiang these days, he should not have committed such suicide, but watching Chu Xiang be about to fall into the hands of zombies, Song Jun said in surprise After speaking, the bow in his hands fell on the ground, but the lieutenant picked it up. Suddenly, the lieutenant relaxed his heart. He had a blind trust in Chu Xiang. He thought that Chu Xiang would definitely make sense. As long as you follow Chu Xiang, you can escape! The lieutenant's psychology is exactly the same as Song Jun's to the original Chu Xiang, but Song Jun does not treat Chu Xiang in front of him as the original Chu Xiang, so he does not have that kind of complete trust.

It is said that Chu Xiang was not completely confident at the moment, but he did not turn his back on the bow, Chu Xiang was driving himself to a dead end, and his body was in contact with the zombies. I am afraid that the ultrasound of Chu Xiang will not have much effect on the second zombie zombie. If he does not fly again, then he will really fall into the corpse. Chu Xiang's head seemed to explode. Suddenly he yelled, "Fly!" The snow on the hillside collapsed after the shock, and the lieutenant and Song Jun and others involuntarily covered their ears and waited. When they fixed their figures and looked down the hillside, a sudden and amazing scene appeared. This scene made Song Jun no longer doubt about Chu Xiang. From this moment he determined that the person in front of him was Chu Xiang! It is the omnipotent Chu Xiang in his heart!

Huh, Chu Xiang had a tingling in his back, and a pair of strange bone wings split from the scapula. Just as the zombie was about to grab Chu Xiang's chest, the pair of bone wings suddenly fell down, and the arm of the zombie was beaten aside. With this reaction, Chu Xiang's body was raised and raised, and then a roundabout Soaring in the snowstorm.

Chu Xiang opened his eyes, he was sweating cold, and let the cold wind blow all over his body. Just now, the brain was hot and gave birth to this weird idea. If he let him try again now, he might not do it, but no matter what For example, Chu Xiang completely believes that he is different. There are too many secrets to understand about this body, and the way to know is the person who is familiar with Chu Xiang No. 1 in the past. For example, Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian, one day this body will become Even stronger than the original Chu Xiang!

After only circling for a while, after trying to feel control, Chu Xiang dived back to the hillside. The soldiers haven't recovered yet. Only Song Jun showed calmness. In the eyes of Chu Xiang, it was the original Chu Xiang. Later, his heart suddenly calmed down and calmness and wisdom, even the loss of superpowers is not worth taking seriously.

"Go!" Chu Xiang shouted, grabbing Song Jun and the Lieutenant and throwing them on their backs. Because of the huge bones and wings, they lie on top of each other and occupy little space, and then Chu Xiang throws in two more soldiers. Then one hand held up and swooped down the hillside, and several soldiers screamed in fright, but only hit the bones of Xuan Chuxiang and took everyone into the air, glancing at the white field, Chu Xiang decides to return to the base of Yamaki, but these people need to find a place to be stored temporarily, because there are still other people who have not withdrawn from the encirclement.

The mutant horse is surrounded by a large circle. If you are walking on land, you will not be able to rush out for an hour, but the speed in the air is extraordinary, and you can go straight without being restricted by the terrain, not to mention the heavy snow and snow. With a boost, Chu Xiang left the battlefield a few times and found an uninhabited place to gently throw the person on the snow. Then they rushed back into the snow, and the soldiers who were returning to the hillside were swearing. Of course, they were scolding Chu Xiang for not taking them away, because the zombies had come near them, and their lives were not guaranteed.

At this time, Chu Xiang fell from the sky and broke through the snow. The soldiers could not help cursing when they saw this. They jumped wildly towards Chu Xiang's wide bones and wings. Chu Xiang reached out and caught two. Even when they got on their backs, the bone wings rose into the air, and the zombies finally reached the top of the mountain, but Chu Xiang just left, and the time was almost the same. The bodies of the rescued people collapsed on Chu Xiang's bone wings. .

It was a long distance when it came. Because of the curve and the snowy weather in the middle, it was just over an hour under Chu Xiang's flight. Everyone returned to the base of Yamaki. It seems that the base is not abnormal. The battle didn't seem to affect the operation here. Although the snow was falling, everyone in the base had a house to live in, so there was no major loss.

The people were transported back in two. Of course, Chu Xiang didn't dare to fly directly into the base, but he put them down far from the door, and then everyone shouted and opened the door. On what happened to Chu Xiang, the lieutenant After thinking about it, he banned seven soldiers and banned them from publicizing it. After all, the Yamaki base did not pay much attention to the evolutionaries. In the unlikely event that this incident leaked Chu Xiang, it would be too sorry for others. This time, I can come back alive. Chu Xiang's contribution is indispensable! No one knows whether the seven soldiers can keep the secret, but the lieutenant tried his best.

Chu Xiang and Song Jun rejected the invitation of the lieutenant, and the two returned to the half-collapsed house. The lieutenant was going to return to the landlord to return to the landlord. It is unknown how he would be punished if he failed to complete the task, but the lieutenant decided to tell the outside situation The owner knows that the owner may be exempted from punishment by virtue of the credit of the report. After all, the current enemy of the enemy should not harm his own.

Wow, Song Jun blocked the snowy side with a broken wooden board. Chu Xiang took out the lighter and led the fire. Soon after breaking the house, the warmth was revealed. After running for so long, he was able to rest for a while. Withdrawing, he leaned very tiredly against the corner of the wall, staring at the fire light without knowing what he was thinking.

"Chu Xiang," Song Jun yelled, Chu Xiang looked up at him, and was embarrassed by the sincerity of Song Jun's eyes for a while, "What? By the way, we haven't checked the owner's building yet. Where is the communication equipment in the building? "

Song Jundao: "I'm not talking about this. I want to say, how did you and you become like this, isn't it the original look? Or something happened to you that could not help yourself, but anyway we finally waited for you . "

Chu Xiang could hear that Song Jun recognized his 'counterfeit' Chu Xiang. At this moment, Chu Xiang said that it was impossible to dispel Song Jun's thoughts, so he did not justify, but just added a smile to the fire. Firewood, said for a long time: "Let's go back to the valley to take a look, I'm afraid they have something, and then come back to continue to find ways to get communication equipment and rescue the mule."

When Song Jun saw Chu Xiang avoiding his own affairs, he stopped questioning. Since he has determined that it will not change, Song Jun will follow Chu Xiang as before. Without superpowers, he can re-evolve, as long as he has the backbone. I'm not afraid of any difficulties, 'Chu Xiang' is synonymous with omnipotence!

The two extinguished the fire and quietly flew out of the Yamaki base. Judging from the sky, the zombies have not yet made further moves on the Yamaki base, but the last attack was a signal. Yamaki will soon face Disaster. I am afraid that it is difficult to change anything with the strength of Chu Xiang, unless the owner is willing to listen to his advice, but what kind of Chu Xiang is the owner is not clear, not to mention that this person is quite sceptic about the evolutionist.

After a circle around the valley, it landed without anomalies, and then followed a dug out snow cave to prepare to enter the cave. Due to the strong wind, a snow pile of at least two meters high was piled up in front of the mountain wall. Rashid led Long Yi 2. Rong Er dug a hole in the snow to the original hole. When they heard the sound, they came out with a gun to look at it. Everyone was very pleased to see Chu Xiang. "You are back, you are not worried. Why? So, is there any harvest? It's so big under the snow outside. Hurry up and grill the fire. You must not be full these days. Let's cook broth and drink to improve our lives. "

Listening to the warm words, Chu Xiang felt the warmth of a 'home' for the first time, especially the eagerness in the eyes of Fang Yuxuan and Evilina made him even more determined to protect the safety of these people. Chu Xiang Asked: "Don't rush to eat, you talk first, did the mutant police dog come to trouble?"

Rashid said: "No, probably it's frozen and unwilling to move. We are very safe here, and the heavy snow and snow can't come in, and we eat every day, it's just heaven."

Knowing that everything was safe, Chu Xiang was relieved. Rashid and Long started cooking together, Chu Xiang went back to his room to prepare for a change of clothes, and Fang Yuxuan immediately followed. She thought a lot in these two days, although Evelina She is a good friend of hers, but Fang Yuxuan still doesn't want to fall behind in this regard, but her idea was seriously opposed by Su Yulian, on the grounds that this was an infidelity to Chu Xiang. Of course, Chu Xiang here is the number one Chu Xiang .

As soon as Chu Xiang took off his body, he noticed someone coming in. When he looked back at Fang Yuxuan, he smiled, "Why? Want me to go *, I don't mind letting you see," Fang Yuxuan stepped forward and stroked Chu Xiang's On the back, the scar from the last neck injury has disappeared, and the strong muscles really attracted the girls ’eyes." Chu Xiang, do you know that I care about you every moment when you are away, I do n’t know why, I It is getting stronger and stronger that you are the original Chu Xiang. Do you say you are him? "

Chu Xiang hehe he smiled and didn't answer. When he turned around and put Fang Yuxuan into his arms, Fang Yuxuan struggled at first two times, but then he was quiet, leaning his head on Chu Xiang's chest, Chu Xiang stroked Fang Yuxuan's back, and his hand followed suit The corner slipped in, Fang Yuxuan said, she wanted to stop Chu Xiang's movement, but in the end she didn't make any actual action, so she let Chu Xiang's hand start to walk on her, that feeling Fang Yuxuan was very familiar, as long as With his eyes closed, Fang Yuxuan thought that she was 100% Chu Xiang.

Outside the door, Su Yulian's face changed, she could not allow Fang Yuxuan to betray Chu Xiang like this, even if Chu Xiang was no longer his woman, he should keep his duty! So Su Yulian decided to go in to prevent the two from going any further. Suddenly someone patted her on the shoulder. Su Yulian turned back and said, "Jun brother ?!" Song Jun is not necessarily older than Su Yulian. Both were born the same year but Birthday has not been compared, but Su Yulian is still used to calling him 'Mr. Brother'.

"Don't worry about them, let's drink a bowl of hot broth," Song Jun suggested with a smile, which made Su Yulian very strange: "Jun brother, I know that Chu Xiang has many places that let us think he is the original Chu Xiang, but This matter has not been confirmed after all, Xiao Yu is not doing it right now! You should stop her. "

Song Jundao: "Rest assured, I also care about Xiaoyu, and won't let her come, but she did it right. If you need a proof, then I will come, he is Chu Xiang! But he does not admit it, but this It doesn't matter. "

"What?" Su Yulian was taken aback ~ ~ She knew Song Jun very well. Song Jun was not good at words and would not make jokes. What he said was definitely a spit and a nail. Although he had doubted it before, but now Getting the exact answer from Song Jun's mouth, Su Yulian still couldn't restrain her shock.

Song Jundao: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe now. Slowly you will see more of his performance. He is Chu Xiang, but his ability can only be restored a little bit. I believe that one day all his memories will be restored! "

Su Yulian was silent, and she began to change direction. Although Fang Yuxuan's low gasping sound came from the house, she didn't want to go in and bother. As Song Jun returned to the kitchen, there was steaming steam and a pot of hot broth was about to come out.

After half an hour, Chu Xiang changed into a new dress and appeared in the kitchen. He accepted the bowl of broth from Rashid and grunted and snorted. Su Yulian was worried about Fang Yuxuan. She was waiting to ask Chu Xiang, sit Evelina next to her pulled her gently, Su Yulian looked up, Fang Yuxuan came in with a beautiful look, and quietly took the bowl of soup and hid it in the corner without a drink, but her eyes were clear for a moment Do not leave Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang ignored Su Yulian's curious and eager eyes, and couldn't eat a fat one bite. Besides, there are more important things to do. He told Song Jun: "We haven't been out for a short time, and hurriedly returned to Yamaki after eating. Tonight we will find a way to save the sister-in-law. "

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