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Chapter 599: Impulsive action

Return to the base of Yamaki by snow cover. Lying in the half-collapsed and broken house, Chu Xiang was still reminiscing about his passion. He couldn't say any reason, probably a side effect after high risk, or it might be a stimulus of male hormones. Under that situation, Chu Xiang fell. Although he had warned himself in the heart that he could not provoke the women, Chu Xiang still did not control himself at the critical moment. The woman in her arms seemed to have a fatal temptation to herself, and her affection was completely natural.

Song Jun didn't speak, but he was extremely happy inside. Firstly, he recognized and recognized that Chu Xiang in front of him was the missing Chu Xiang in the nuclear explosion through the two things of space ring and bone wing. Secondly, Chu Xiang and Fang Yuxuan Accepting each other each other also laid a solid foundation for Chu Xiang's return, because Chu Xiang had previously strongly stated that he would not go to China, but now that he has a concerned woman, will he insist so?

See if it ’s getting late, and Chu Xiang has eaten the broth and rested. He got up from the broken bed and said, "Let ’s go to the prison to see if we can change the night shift. I think the general guards will go in such a heavy snowstorm. Finding a place to sleep is exactly what we do. Oh, do n’t worry about finding a communication tool. It will be very easy when I get the communication tool for Xunzi. ”Chu Xiang was afraid that Song Jun had any ideas, so comfort him.

Song Jundao: "I listen to you, you can do whatever you want."

Came to the prison building braving the snow and snow, of course, it was Smith who was on duty. This week was the morning and the middle of the night shift. I was very happy to see Chu Xiang and Song Jun Smith, ignoring the heavy snow outside. Xiang, Song Jun, you two are back. It's too unexpected. I'm afraid I won't see you again. "

Although Smith ’s words seemed to make people easily associate bad things, but they were also true feelings, worried about Chu Xiang and Song Jun. After all, it ’s not for everyone to dare to perform tasks in the world full of zombies, of course, they really have to spread over Smith ’s head. I also want to go, because I ’m afraid I will die directly if I do n’t go, and I may come back alive when I go.

Chu Xiang said: "Although I encountered several dangers, but fortunately I can still come back alive, but unfortunately did not bring back any weapons and ammunition. The military base was occupied by the mutant horse. Finally, we had to detonate the base to destroy the mutant horse. . "

Smith was a little fascinated: "The battle must have been fierce at the time, but I was timid as a mouse, otherwise I would fight with you. By the way, how can you run out of the snowstorm without resting at home? You have been transferred outside and do not need to be on duty."

Chu Xiang said: "It's been a long day of rest. Come back and let the other brothers rest first. Song Jun and I will take a while. In this windy and snowy weather, everyone will go into the oven."

Although Smith was a little embarrassed, Chu Xiang and the other soldiers entered the duty room with Chu Xiang's insistence. Chu Xiang winked at Song Jun. Song Jun stood at the door to let out the wind, and Chu Xiang quietly touched the building. He The first step is to find the key of the warden. Although Smith was back to Chu Xiang when he lost the password last time, and he typed it quickly and hurriedly, Chu Xiang's eyesight and perspective still showed the secret code clearly. As long as you find the key, you can enter the prison smoothly.

With a see-through eye, it is extremely easy to sneak into the action. Although Chu Xiang can't see the whole building so abnormally, but several walls can't stop him, he quickly finds the prison director's duty room. Smith's uncle has his own dormitory, but he often stays in the office. Nothing else, because he arranged the secretary to spend the night in the office, so that one in the family and one outside would be nourished after a small life. The secretary in the office doesn't need to pick food from his mouth. If it wasn't for the sake of food, he would have brought the little secretary home, and he would have to run away on both ends.

Chu Xiang controlled the metal door lock to open quietly, and then took the key from the trouser belt under the bed. As for the two who were hoodwinked in the quilt, they were not alarmed. See Chu Xiang come in. Although Chu Xiang has the ability to control the metal, considering that the password lock may have an alarm system, it would be troublesome to alarm the owner and the bodyguard, so it ’s better to be careful. Everything is normal, but there is a level that cannot be quiet. To solve, there are staff on duty at the basement level. They don't just recognize the keys and passwords. Chu Xiang is a face and no one is sure to pass, but they are not evolutionaries.

When Chu Xiang arrived at the checkpoint, the two watchkeepers were shrinking behind the table to bake a brazier. The two mumbled unclearly in their mouths. It was estimated that they were scolding the bad weather. When the two felt abnormal behind them, Before he looked up and suddenly his head collapsed to the ground, in fact, it was not difficult to deal with ordinary people's speed and skill at Chu Xiang. Then he put a black cloth on his face, and even if someone looked back, he could not see who was doing it.

Soon Chu Xiang opened the last door. The mule in the large glass cover was still lying alone, looking old and helpless, as if he felt Chu Xiang. When I opened the door, I turned to Chu Xiang, and my lips moved. Although Chu Xiang could hear it through the glass, it might not be the ears but the heart! "You came."

Chu Xiang nodded, and Xunzi said, "Maybe you are confusing who you are?"

Chu Xiang shook his head. If he had this idea before absorbing other sister-in-laws, Chu Xiang already knew who he should be, but he did not want to admit it. At this time, he did not want to lie to him. The imprisoned sister-in-law, because he feels trust to himself, in fact, he is himself!

Xunzi was slightly surprised. "It seems you are evolving faster than I imagined. This is also good, and I'm relieved."

Before Chu Xiang came, he was still trying to absorb the bitch's mind, but when he really faced him, he didn't have that kind of thought. As if it was his best friend and relatives, Chu Xiang said: "I save you out Besides. "

Xunzi said: "There is a problem to test you now. This bulletproof glass cover is not only monitored, but also will report to the owner as soon as it is attacked. Although I do n’t know your strength, you will never It ’s Carbson's opponent, and the guy will sting. He wants to come in in less than ten seconds! Think about it first, save it or not. "

Chu Xiang said without hesitation: "Save! In fact, you and I know that we don't know each other at all!"

In Xunzi's eyes, there was a flash of light: "It seems that you have not evolved weakly, many things have been known, yes, we do not distinguish each other at all, so it does not matter whether you absorb me or I absorb you! But no matter what Say you can break this glass bulletproof cover to continue to the next step. Are you sure? "

Chu Xiang is very authentic: "I'm not sure, but I have to try it. Otherwise, who knows if there is still a chance to come in next time, and the situation is out, I am afraid that the zombie will soon attack Yamaki, and I will save you when the time comes. It's even harder. "

Xunzi said: "Then you must do a good job of meeting Carbson. His strength is far above me. He is a multi-skilled evolutionary. Without defeating him first, you can't get me out of the glass cover, so we Nor can it be absorbed. "

Chu Xiang took the spear of judgment from the bone ring, and the sister-in-law saw that Chu Xiang even had bone ring. Another one could not help but seemed to underestimate his evolution, maybe there was hope this time.

Now that Chu Xiang has decided to do it, he wo n’t hesitate anymore, but considering that the appearance of Carbson will affect Song Jun and Smith, Chu Xiang puts a blindfold on his face, and then slaps the judgment spear in his hand. The combination is a long knife, which can lift up to 10% of the strength and slash down to the glass cover!

boom! The thick bulletproof glass cover made a crisp sound, and several striking cracks extended from the middle of the long knife to the surrounding area. However, the overall structure of the glass cover was still strong. Chu Xiang estimated that at least two blades were needed to solve the problem. When the knife was cut down, a sharp alarm sound was heard, and Chu Xiang couldn't hesitate. He couldn't hesitate to smash the tremor on his arm again. Wow, the first big gap appeared, but the fibers in the bulletproof glass played well. The blocking effect was only broken at the place where the knife fell, and the other places were still intact. Chu Xiang lifted the knife and leaped again.

In fact, Chu Xiang didn't plan to save people now, but when he saw Xunzi, he disrupted all his plans. Now he ca n’t help himself, and do n’t know if he is a rescuer or eager to absorb new energy. In short, Chu Xiang is impulsive. It was decided to start immediately, not to mention that the external environment was getting worse and worse. The zombies would launch an attack on Yamaki in the near future. Can't hesitate any more, until the zombies really surrounded Yamaki. At that time, it might be harder to save people, or it might be that the landlord would execute these banned evolutionaries before the danger came! Of course, it is also possible to release them to participate in the war.

Wow, finally the third knife widened the crack, and it was no problem to let one person in and out, but at this time, the ground suddenly made a loud noise, a huge concrete block was ejected, and the top of the cement block crashed into Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang didn't have time to rescue the sister-in-law, the long sword moved forward, and the block of cement hit the spear of judgment. Chu Xiang stepped back and forth a dozen steps, and finally closed his foot against the wall. The piece of water slammed on the ground.

Hum, an ultrasonic wave was sent when I didn't know. When the cement block landed, it directly hit Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang was caught off guard by the spear in his hand. The clothes on his body turned into a powder like the newly unearthed millennium costume, and then a figure He attacked Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang was dizzy with ultrasonic waves. His opponent succeeded in a blow. Chu Xiang was blown off like a kite with a broken wire. He slammed into the air and slammed into the concrete ceiling with a bang. A large hole was hit, and the person living above didn't know what happened, shouted and shouted, Chu Xiang held the mud tablet with both hands, pulled his head out of the hole, and then covered the black cloth again.

Yes, it seems that Chu Xiang's power can't deal with Carbson, but Chu Xiang still has a killer, that is, the power of Chu Xiang No. 1 has not been willing to use it recently. Is it time to reach a critical moment?

The mule imprisoned inside the glass cover slowly crawled out, and he was finally excited to escape the cage, but he was also very worried that Chu Xiang could block Kabson's attack. This multi-skilled evolver was too powerful. If it weren't for this, how could the **** be imprisoned?

Chu Xiang has already had several experiences of combining with the strength of No. 1 Chu Xiang, so this time he did not have to make much effort to complete the communication. Of course, Carbson would not give Chu Xiang a chance to breathe, and he succeeded in a hit immediately Followed up, the spear of judgment in his hand turned into a long knife and chopped at Chu Xiang's neck, and even his Five Elements Mountain had to split his mouth with his strength.

Chu Xiang ’s weapon was shocked, so he chose to dodge in the face of Carbson ’s fierce attack. The speed of the two was incomparable. Chu Xiang ’s dodge was somewhat risky. The long knife passed closely to Chu Xiang ’s scalp. , Almost cut off a layer of meat, but Chu Xiang was not afraid of it, taking advantage of Carbson's sword to walk away from the old bone knife, suddenly rushed out, cut to Carbson with the sound of wind, Carbson was a bit surprised at the moment The attack just now convinced him that the evolver was not his opponent, but suddenly he seemed to have become a person, faster than himself, and the power of this attack must not be underestimated!

Carbson wisely chose to dodge. Of course, he couldn't continue to attack Chu Xiang, so the two passed by. The first round was even tied, but Carbson has a lot of skills, so he He started when the two were wrong, a strong flame separated from Carbson, and burned from behind Chu Xiang by the reaction force of Carbson's forward leap, although Chu Xiang did not turn back, but also Sensing the danger, his bones and wings flew back like a big fan in an instant, and the flames returned to Carbson.

Although Carbson was a flame maker, he could not survive in the high-temperature flames. At this time, he had turned around and waved a wave of water to the flames. When the two met, a white mist rose immediately. This white mist Carbson attacked again, ultrasonic waves, and condensed into a line, if it was compacted, at least penetrate the body through a hole.

Although Chu Xiang has not yet taken the initiative, he is able to cope with Carbson's moves. He also launched an ultrasound with a tooth for a tooth. The two collided in the air, the space was immediately distorted, and a violent explosion at the same time. The ten crevices of the glass cover collapsed due to the shock. Fortunately, the mule had crawled out by itself, otherwise it would have fallen into it.

You and I fought very fiercely. Chu Xiang now completely believed what the sister-in-law said. Carbson is really not able to deal with it, even if he uses the power of No. 1 Chu Xiang, after all, this power is very imperfect. It turned out that Chu Xiang was less than one-tenth, and the timeliness was poor. Less than five minutes of fighting took up most of the time, and Chu Xiang could not support it in less than two minutes, but Kabson was one The trick is like a trick. If it is not for Chu Xiang's help with a bone wing and a bone knife, I am afraid it will be very dangerous at this moment.

"I don't care who you are, you aren't my opponent at all, but I admire your strength. As long as you fight, let me see your true colors, and then work for me, then I will Save your life. "

Chu Xiang didn't talk at all. To be honest, he has now lost his defeat. If he opens his mind and distracts, he will not be Carbson's opponent. At this moment, Chu Xiang is regretful and should be more secure. As a result of the alarm system, Xunzi fluttered his mind. This kind of aggressiveness might cause a small death.

Chu Xiang knew that his time could not be delayed. He used the ability of No. 1 Chu Xiang to do battle, so he desperately speeded up the attack and wanted to defeat Carbson in one fell swoop. But when he was in a hurry, he caught the loophole. , Bang punched Chu Xiang ’s chest, Chu Xiang ’s body flew out again, and he slammed into it severely after encountering a wall barrier. Actually, the impact of Chu Xiang did not affect Chu Xiang, but Carbson managed to seize the opportunity. How could he not make use of it? After flying Xiang Chuxiang, he jumped up with all his strength, and the long knife split down against Chu Xiang's forehead. Chu Xiang just lifted his head from the ground. At this moment, his body was numb, and it was impossible to erupt in an instant. The long sword will have to be cut down, and at least Carbson's strength will also make a big opening in Chu Xiang's forehead. At that time, the probability of affecting life is very high, and once Kablin succeeds, Chu Xiang will absolutely No counterattack.

If all the energy of Chu Xiang No. 1 is exhibited, Chu Xiang may be able to hold on to Carbson's knife, but now the energy of Chu Xiang No. 1 is at the end of the bow, even the power of dodge is difficult to achieve, let alone use it. To block the sword, Chu Xiang quickly converted the energy that he evolved, but how could he make a move in an instant, he could only sigh, it was too emotional, he knew it would be a few days before he could save people.

Bang, suddenly a crisp sound, and then a stream of liquid splashed on the body, but Chu Xiang didn't feel half aches. He couldn't believe it. The eyes that had been closed helplessly hurriedly opened. The blood splashed on the body just now, but His body was intact. At this time, his front chest bumped and a human body fluttered on him. Half of his forehead was flowing out of his brain, and his condition was terrible! Just now Kabson hit the **** with a stab, and he jumped out at a critical moment to block Chu Xiang's knife!

The corner of Xunzi's mouth wriggled twice. Chu Xiang knew what he wanted to say, because the thoughts of the two were synchronized at this moment. Xunzi used his body to block himself. Although his life was dying, there was a way to save it ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ In fact, it is not salvation, it can only be said to be the continuation of life, that is, absorption!

Can Chu Xiang hesitate? In fact, the two are originally one, and there is no one who takes advantage of the others, who suffers. Besides, the sister-in-law sacrifice Chu Xiang must not cherish, even if you want to cherish, because the body of the sister-in-law is Xianghuai quickly turned into a cloud of mist, and then penetrated into Chuxiang's body. That should be an evolutionary energy. Suddenly Chuxiang exploded! At this time, Carbson's deadly second knife came over. A mule blocked the knife just now, and now the mule disappeared. This knife depends on how he escaped! Even if he was curious, he would have to deal with the enemy and explore.

Chu Xiang boxed out with respect and gratitude to Xunzi. Xunzi just won the counter-attack time for him at the same time. At the same time, Xunzi's energy has evolved several layers for him! Yes, it's several floors, because this sister-in-law is not simple. He is different from the sister-in-law who met before Xiang Xiang. Those sister-in-laws were ignorant individuals before. They didn't know who they were, but the sister-in-law had evolved. For several layers, he also absorbed at least four or five of the same kind, and his level was only higher than Chu Xiang. If it was not for the reason that Cabbson subdued him, then he should have absorbed Chu Xiang.

The accidental coincidence gave Chu Xiang a qualitative leap in energy recovery. In addition, this was a punch with hate. Kabson's trial spear was chopped on his fist. He bounced back and flew backward, en route. He also sprayed a large spit of blood and slammed it against the wall and fell down.

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